ironman-tonystark · 5 months
Do you have any PH.Ds? I've only heard you referred to as Mr, not Dr, but with the way you constantly revolutionize various fields it'd make sense that you'd have one. Or did you decide that going to all that extra work for a title and piece of paper was a waste of your time?
I have three, but I just don't see the need to go by the title. I'm like the reverse of Cap.
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If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
Ooo nice question!
Probably an Osprey.
They can fly for long periods of time and are known for being loyal to their mates. Unless their partner dies or fails to return to their nest, they will only have one partner for life! (Just like me!)
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thor-the-mighty · 5 months
Hey Thor, how old are you (like in terms of Midgardian’s mental and physical development)?
I do not know if it is possible to compare such things. While I may look like a Midgardian my experience and physicality is very different.
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gayjaytodd · 5 months
Found the post you were talking about!
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ahhhh!!!! thank you thank you thank you <3333333333333
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
If you could do the 'I am Iron Man' press conference again knowing what you know now, would you choose to reveal yourself as Iron man publicly again or would you keep it secret (at least to the general public)?
No, I'd let them know. Tony Stark was always the celebrity and target that Iron Man was. I was kidnapped and tortured for being Tony Stark. My home was blown up for being Tony Stark. There was really no reason to keep my identity secret. What was I gonna do? Say Iron Man was my bodyguard?
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
What's the most adorable thing your bots have ever done?
My bots aren't adorable. They're stinky goblins.
But probably when I catch them playing ball together.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
What's the hardest thing you've ever hacked?
Probably the pentagon when I was fifteen. I don't tend to do a lot of hacking though.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
What's the coolest thing about flying in your suit?
The internal cooling system. *Zing!*
But also probably that I'm in complete control of what I do or do not do and no one can really interfere with that.
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ironman-tonystark · 6 months
What's your funniest memory from MIT?
I don't remember a lot of that time. I was very into the 'college lifestyle'. But I did once take a party back to one of the labs and a few people's projects were broken so I ended up staying up the whole night fixing them so no one would get graded down. I ended up making them so much better than they were originally everyone was questioned for cheating.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
What’s the funniest thing the media has ever published about you?
I'm not sure. Maybe that I'm straight? That made me laugh.
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ironman-tonystark · 4 months
You designed a lot of the Avengers gear, right? Can you tell me then why so many of the Avengers don’t wear helmets or eye protection? You obviously do (extra points for protecting the entire head), and I wouldn’t be surprised if you somehow managed to make Spider-Man’s mask at least as protective as a bicycle helmet despite it’s thinness (you seem to have a habit of making/doing seemingly impossible things). But what about the rest of the team? Black Widow doesn’t wear anything on her head
Aesthetics mostly.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
Do you prefer being driven around or driving yourself?
It honestly depends on the situation, but generally speaking I like to be the one driving the car.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
Why did you never rebuild your Malibu mansion after it was blown up?
It was where my wife was nearly killed in front of me because of something I did.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
If you had to choose an actor to play you in a movie, who would you choose?
I already did that. It was Robert Downey Jr.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
What are your thoughts on the song Iron Man by Black Sabbath?
I love it. It's one of my favorites.
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
Is Morgan going to attend school (obviously a private school, especially with how I've heard the NYC public schools are like) or are you going to homeschool her? Obviously attending kindergarten would be good for socializing and probably more fun, but if she's like how you were, she'd be bored out of her mind (and a bored kid in a classroom is a recipe for disaster) unless she skipped a bunch of grades, but that probably wouldn't be good for her socially. I hope she's able to stay around grade level if she does go to school (at least for elementary), I feel she'd probably have way more fun that way. And if she's already in school, how does she like it? Is she having fun and making/made friends?
We don't live in NYC, but I'm not about to disclose the address of my home on Tumblr. But we'll see. I want her to have as normal a life as we can give her, given the circumstances. But my main objective is she grows up happy and loved.
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