#lol jk we just squish the bugs
stanley-mushroom · 1 year
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ENEMY SPOTTED *cocks gun*
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supergaymess · 6 years
Supergirl 3x18 Shelter from the Storm Reactions
Lena’s lived in a hotel FOR TWO YEARS???? She’s been afraid the city would reject her for TWO YEARS??
I mean, I guess so did Royal Tenenbaum?
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GIVE. LENA.LUTHOR. A. HUG. No, I rephrase. I will give Lena Luthor a hug. C’mere, girl. I got you!
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Aw, GuardianCorp is cute y’all. I’m still annoyed how they started out - for writing purposes it was just lazy in that they just didn’t lay the groundwork right for that relationship - BUT I do like Lena and James where they are right now and the last few episodes gave them both more screentime to actually display their relationship dynamic to the viewer outside of them both being territorial at work, not trusting a Luthor blah de blah. And I LIKE James. He’s such a great character, I want to see more of this secure, comfortable, good hearted, talented dude.
James doesn’t have his tie on yet, but he has his Shield on? YEAH OK
OOOOO Kryptonite Spray. Dang. I’d be afraid I’d mix that up with perfume or something. Also, it’s so pretty!
Reign’s up early lol
Space Dad and Space Grand Dad BEAAAANS
Lol Coffee as bean water is just so funny to me. Cuz it’s true
DEO & Legion Crew Where’s my Brainy & Winn BROTP
Cape tricks just sounds dirty to me. Is it just me? Aw THERE’S MY BRAINY & WINN BROTP lolz
“Future dirt” bahahaha I’m dying This reminds me of a time I went to an festival and forgot to get my brother something so I picked up a rock from the parking lot (I was going to steal a sign but I didn’t have the right screw driver) and gave it to him and told him it was from the moon. He believed it for about 5 hours. The look on his face when he realized it definitely was not a legit moon rock though….hahahaha. It’s been over 10 years and it’s still funny.
Brainy hugs like my Toddler and it’s terrifying. Here, let me squish your face. eeeeeeeeee
Alex at Luthor Mansion AN INVISIBLE MANSION??? WHAT THE WHAT And I thought invisible jets were cool
Kara & J’onn checking in on Lena & James Kara asking if Lena’s ok D’awww. MORE TENSION PLEASE Screw you James, no one cares hahaha JK, but really - y’all are friends. Shouldn’t you check in with him, Kara?
I don’t know what Lena’s dress pattern is, but I think it’d be tight as a bow tie.
Kara & J’onn go to see Mama “White Lady” Arias Lmao White Lady with a shotgun? Eeeeee
Can we talk about how neatly the Reign World Killer symbol has been penciled onto the wall?
“I’m not gonna turn away from her now” says Mama Arias but you were gonna pull a gun on someone looking for pills?
Alex Visits Ruby at Luthor “It’s Invisible” Mansion Aw Ruby loves Alex
Back to Kara & J’onn at Mama “White Lady” Arias’ house Hahaha Kara and food. I’m with you, lady. Pudding’s pretty great.
Dead flowers CALLED IT. REIGN IS BLIGHT HAHAHAHA SUCKAHS It might just be that I’m super gay, but holy hell Reign’s nails are terrifying.
Ohmygod. This just got TEMPLE OF DOOM level intense.
If Sam was upset about killing people as Reign before. Geeeez
Brainy bugged the diiiirt?? Awww dude
Are you suuuuure there’s no blight?
Even if Sam comes back at this point, how is she going to live with herself?
Back to Luthor Mansion with Alex and Ruby ALEX LOVES YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN?!?
I didn’t think I could love her more.
Hell yes.
Aw, Rubes knows she’s being lied to. Kids know.
Um, why can’t Imra just stay?
Also, did Chris lose a ton of weight? Are you ok? Is that why we have a beard?
Lena with Kryptonite
Weeeelll this is awkward
Soooo why is Kara ok with low levels of Kryptonite in the training room? Ok ok, I have to go back and rewatch that scene.
This is OOC Kara, IMO and I like angst.
I dunno, it was just too quick jumping down Lena’s throat. Totes in character for Lena though.
“Even if I did trust you” says SG
That means you don’t. Ouch.
Reign found the invisible mansion without a generator....apparently I know it’s a plot point, but wouldn’t Lex friggin Luthor have a generator to avoid what Reign just did in cutting the power
What cat did they use for Reign’s growl? Damn
Lena save the good stuff for her hotel room? Lmao
I didn’t know bullets could be extra. But that bullet Alex just shot? Super Extra
Reign Unmasked Aw Ruby. Aw honey baby pie. :((((((( I’m sorry, sweetie.
Reign contained in LCorp Oh shit. We back at LCorp
Aw I was weirdly hoping Lena and Monel would have a conversation. Is that weird? Hmmm
J’onn and his dad’s storyline just breaks my heart.
And Alexa and Ruby breaks my heart.
Lena and Kara breaks my heart.
I’d be lying though if I said I didn’t love it.
Kara & Lena in Elevator Whoaaaaa “She crossed a line. I can never trust her again”-Lena BREAKIN. MY. HEART.
I know some of y’all think Lena knows due to this scene. But I don't think so. I think that look was her being hurt about her relationship with supergirl and calculating/thinking that Kara is close to SG. If she already knew that Kara was Supergirl, I don’t think we’d get this frankness about what happened and this honesty about how she feels about it. IMO, Lena would shut her out, or wouldn’t give additional/in depth information unless absolutely necessary. This was an “overshare” to a friend.
That hug was so sweet though.
I’m bummed that this angst is occurring because of such out of character behavior from Kara. I guess it was the easiest way to have Kara be upset and set Lena up as following in Luthor footsteps?
I dunno. Maybe I’ve read too many fanfictions, but I think there were other ways for a similar dynamic to have been created without Supergirl acting out. Maybe I just needed more on screen reason for Kara to be so untrusting or SO afraid of her best friend? We’ve spent basically two seasons of Kara defending Lena against the world, literally. This included a video of Lena allegedly stealing kryptonite. Kara’s doubt happened too quickly.
Do I think she should be upset about the kryptonite thing? Absolutely. It adds to being upset about Lena not telling Supergirl about holding Reign in the first place. They could have worked together from the start, or at least, that would be Kara’s view of it and that’s realistic to her character. Having Kara hurt that Lena didn’t trust her? Now that I believe. That’s a more organic wedge to put between them. Kara being trusting and eager to help and having Lena be the one that’s insecure in their relationship with trust issues? I am here for in character angst. Honestly that’s why I love the two of them. Their dynamic is so wonderful with each of their histories. It’s why I keep reading SuperCorp fanfiction. And look - I’m not expecting SuperCorp to be cannon, but the things that make a romantic relationship believable are the same traits that make their platonic cannon relationship so endearing and believable as well. They’re complimentary opposites. Both come from a place of pain and loss, Kara with an almost endless optimism and outward empathy to the world with Lena holding things closer to the chest, a little more pessimistic/realistic but still working for what she thinks is right for the world and those closest to her.
Maybe that coffee was a mistake.
Anyways. I’m still frustrated with the show for writing out of character behaviors in order to move plots along. That said, it’s a campy superhero show and I’ve definitely been entertained by this episode and the last few while still feeling relatively connected to the characters so it’s not all bad.
Definitely looking forward to how they tie this up for the season or leave it hanging for next.
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