#looking forward to nakagawa's next episode!
amelikos · 5 months
Naruki Nakagawa's episodes are always so good! I love how his episodes often incorporate different plot points, and contrast them, without feeling overwhelming. Such strong writing.
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wits-writing · 4 years
Ultraman Z Ep. 10: “Here Comes the Space Pirate!” (TV Review)
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(Original Air Date: August 22, 2020, Director: Kazuhiro Nakagawa, Writer: Takao Nakano)
The Space Pirate Alien Barossa makes his debut in this episode of Ultraman Z. As the plundering alien infiltrates STORAGE HQ to reclaim the giant robot King Joe for himself, the team does whatever they can to get in his way as he unleashed a varied alien arsenal at them.
“Here Comes the Space Pirate!” ends up being a bit of an atonal affair as it tells that story.
[Full Review Under the Cut]
Barossa’s proper debut gives this episode the job of setting up what kind of threat this new alien will pose going forward in Ultraman Z. He’s identified by Zett as a space pirate that plunders across the galaxy and causing chaos with the weapons he steals. He’s presented as a clear threat throughout, especially as we have our second instance of Zett taking control of Haruki’s body so he can fight at human scale. Barossa’s design is instantly eye-catching. Adorned with golden hypnotic spirals he uses to mind control people in an armored pattern and complemented by the wing-like pieces on his back. The design’s complimented by the way he moves in a twisted manner with the clear goal of getting people to pay attention to the hypnotic spirals on his hands. The first portion of the episode so effectively sets up Barossa as a legitimate threat that it makes the turn the tone around the alien takes later jarring.
Most of the episode has the STORAGE crew trying to prevent Barossa from reactivating King Joe. Each of them doing what they can against the space pirate at different times. Haruki and Yoko go together to confront him, leading to the previously mentioned fight with Zett and Yoko getting taken hostage via mind-control (another frustrating damseling of the character.) Juggler even walks off at one point so he can change into his monster form to confront Barossa directly, arriving to fight the alien with the one-liner “This is my territory.” The sequence is effective at creating tension around whether they’ll be able to cut power to King Joe before Barossa can reclaim it, but the action pieces of it aren’t as effective as earlier scenes of human scale hand-to-hand combat in this series. There are some weird rapid zoom ins during those fights, especially the one with the human sized Zett, that make them harder to follow. Though the highlight of the Barossa’s infiltration of STORAGE comes from Bako managing to distract Barossa long enough to prevent King Joe’s final activation and giving Haruki the chance to electrocute the space pirate.
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An issue of tone occurs after Barossa resorts to using a growth ray to make himself giant. There’s a strong start during the initial phase of the fight as Barossa takes out every weapon he has and sticks them in the ground for later use. Following on that with some initially dramatic moments of Barossa and Zett leaping into the air to slash at each other. Quickly after that the fight takes a turn for the overtly comedic. A whiplash inducing turn for the fight and episode that leaves me scratching my head. The idea that Barossa uses dirtier fighting tactics, in this case literally throwing dirt at Ultraman Z, especially when he can’t use one of his stolen weapons is a good one. It’s almost engaging in terms of the contrast between this situation and when Barossa had the humans of STORAGE outmatched. However, the music cues and physical acting from Barossa’s suit actor, Shinnosuke Ishikawa, overplay the bit.
The episode stays in comedy mode from that point on and it’s not all bad. However, the shift wasn’t any less jarring when I knew it was coming on a second viewing of the episode. It’s at the point where it feels like another director took over two thirds of the way into the episode. It also underplays how the fight does take a turn for the desperate again for Zett after Barossa manages to hit him with some hypnosis. It kills a lot of the momentum the fight could have had. Usually the theme song kicking in as Haruki unleashes power of the new Ultra Medals he got this episode to land the finishing blows on Barossa would hype me up, but here it feels more like an obligatory “time to end the fight” moment. Even if it was a cool looking one.
The stronger moments of comedy in the episode take place immediately after the fight. The first when Haruki is celebrating their victory over Barossa and Zett telling him the space pirate’s last words were “My brothers will avenge me.” Haruki’s utter deflation when Zett tells him Barossa are hatched in clusters of ten thousand is some solid comedic face acting from Koshu Hirano. The other big laugh of the episode comes in the final moments as Juggler overhears Yuka talking about his monster form (which Haruki has dubbed “Alien Spiky”) and how much she’d love to dissect him. The spit take and Looney Tunes-esque look Juggler gives the camera at the end makes the other issues caused by the abrupt tone shift in the episode worth it. “Here Comes the Space Pirate!” is an uneven episode, but still overall enjoyable in parts. Even when those parts don’t mesh.
Looks like we’re in for a clip show next episode. We’ll see if I still have anything to say about it when the time come.
If you like what you’ve read here, please like/reblog or share elsewhere online, follow me on Twitter (@WC_WIT), and consider throwing some support my way at either Ko-Fi.com or Patreon.com at the extension “/witswriting”
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1000dactyls · 5 years
a song analysis: why kamado tanjiro no uta is a banger
you can listen to the full song by go shiina and nami nakagawa here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-uhgIzHYYo
I close my eyes and remember That time which has passed by I can't turn back, I can't return home There's a deep, yawning darkness
I can't turn back, I can't return home There's a deep, yawning darkness A tender sound that makes you want to cry No matter the pain Go forward (go forward), go forward (go forward), keep going ahead (keep going ahead) Cut away the despair Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost I have no choice but to keep living Even if I am beaten down There are things to protect
Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost I have no choice but to keep living Even if I am beaten down There are things to protect
If there is nothing but this fate for me, I will be prepared for it Even if I struggle and claw through the mud There's a thin thread that can't be seen And a tender sound that makes you want to cry No matter the frustration Go forward, go forward, keep facing ahead Cut away the despair Even with all the pain, even with all the pain I have no choice but to stand up again There are things to protect There are things to protect
-- the english translation, as provided by the kny wiki
the analysis will be under the cut, because jesus good GOD is it long. tl;dr because it's a lot: kamado tanjiro no uta is just a really good fucking song guys
starting with the opening notes of the song, it begins on a high note on the piano. it plays when tanjiro remembers his family--here, only the melody is played as he remembers him and nezuko dancing for their dad. there's a few interesting things here, starting with the fact that it opens with only the melody; it invokes a sense of nostalgia and longing for something more simple. the fact that it opens up playing the melody is also something worth considering: the scene opens up on tanjiro remembering his family, or what we could consider the core reason as to why he's fighting.
then you get to the beginning of the vocals (which are seriously gorgeous, like GOD, okay, flex on us nami nakagawa please?). these play over the clip of tanjiro's dad dancing--the lyrics during this part are below:
I close my eyes and remember That time which has passed by I can't turn back, I can't return home There's a deep, yawning darkness
obviously, it's describing tanjiro's reflection on his past and his family. however, the last lyric is interesting: there's a deep, yawning darkness can be talking about his past and how he can no longer go back to the happy days with his family he once had, but it also describes the situation on hand as well. the fact that they choose to contrast this with the fire dance scene, in which the night is illuminated by the hinokami kagura, could be counted as foreshadowing! in this scene, tanjiro also talks with his mom about the strength his dad has (implied that it's so because of the dance).
then we get the high flute before transitioning to the motif being played on a lower octave. here, we begin to get more--depth, i'd say? but the deeper tone provides more of a stronger 'backbone' that could be compared to the opening: while the high notes resonate something of a simple desire, the pitch here gives more depth, which makes sense because tanjiro is talking to his dad about the dance as they look at their family. in episode 19, the screen goes black before tanjuro states the line, "that's what i promised." the high note on the piano that plays before the lyrics come back in could potentially be a reminder of what tanjiro's reason is for all of this, as to why he's fighting to begin with: for his family, for nezuko.
finally, the bass comes in, reflecting the strength that tanjiro gains (realizes what was in him all along? maybe???) in his convictions (and in turn, his fighting power). the vocals begin to play again, being almost a reprise of the first verse:
I can't turn back, I can't return home There's a deep, yawning darkness
you could interpret this as tanjiro having remembered his reason for fighting. this is also really interesting for the fact that this is where the brass and other instruments come in, representing how he now has more reasons and beliefs to aid his main goal (like how the brass, etc. enhance the melody). and like earlier above, you could also say that these lyrics (aka tanjiro's reasons) are what make him stronger.
the next lyrics are as follows, played over a clip of tanjiro approaching rui with all he's got. the brass doesn't play in this section, instead being the piano and strings (i swear, there's a harp in there somewhere):
A tender sound that makes you want to cry No matter the pain Go forward (go forward), go forward (go forward), keep going ahead (keep going ahead) Cut away the despair
the lyrics here could also be interpreted as tanjiro gaining more reasons to keep on fighting: some have pointed out that the lines a tender sound that makes you want to cry refers to zenitsu, and that cut away the despair could be a throwback to sabito. the music in this section is on a higher pitch, again reflecting that more simple desire/reason. then, as the lyrics begin to urge tanjiro to get up and fight, the music begins to build up, which could be about how tanjiro isn't alone in his struggle anymore: he isn't by himself, because he has nezuko, zenitsu, inosuke, sabito... etc.
once again, the brass joins in, this time with the strings and piano. paired with the clip of tanjiro's broken sword cutting down rui's strings, this could represent tanjiro's determination triumphing any obstacle in his way:
Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost I have no choice but to keep living Even if I am beaten down There are things to protect
the lyrics here reaffirm that; even if he's being losing, he has to protect the people and things he cares about. the end of this verse coincides with when tanjiro is about to cut rui's neck off, but at the cost of his own life, and that's when the vocals stop for a period of time for nezuko.
here, there's no brass or vocals: when the scene focuses on nezuko and kie urging her to save her brother, it's noticeably more quiet. however, the flute plays here, playing the main motif. not only does it reflect how nezuko is tanjiro's main reason for fighting, but it can also apply to nezuko: her reason for fighting is tanjiro.
the fact that there's no lyrics sung during this is also really interesting: you could say that it was just because it was an appropriate time for no lyrics, which is fair, but there could be no lyrics because of nezuko's silence. at this point in time, she's still unable to speak. however, midway through, it begins to gain more strength, representing how nezuko gains more reasons to wake up and protect everyone. finally, it goes into the next verse:
Even with all I've lost, even with all I've lost I have no choice but to keep living Even if I am beaten down There are things to protect
this plays over nezuko waking up, pushing beyond her limits and using her blood demon art to save tanjiro (who then proceeds to cut rui's head off). yeah, these lyrics totally apply to tanjiro, but when you think about it, this also goes for nezuko as well. she's lost everything: her family, her ability to communicate, her humanity--and yet, she still keeps on going on, all for the sake of protecting her brother. even if we still don't know much about what she wants in the anime, this really speaks volumes.
and when you think about it, the fact that there's a verse that can apply to nezuko really makes sense. the song is called kamado tanjiro no uta, for sure, but it is because of nezuko that tanjiro is the way he is--and vice versa.
the 'violin rush' plays into this lyric, which is If there is nothing but this fate for me, I will be prepared for it. what's really interesting here is that you could take the choppiness for tanjiro's start into his journey: it's rough and he's unprepared for everything he faces, and he's thrown headfirst into this world of demons and slayers. and despite that, he perseveres and takes the measures to prepare for it, which leads into the 'smoother' section that plays next.
Even if I struggle and claw through the mud There's a thin thread that can't be seen
the violins play here, and honestly, the only thing i can say is just this made me cry a lot and how it's interesting that the violins are smoother here as the lyrics describe tanjiro's struggle. however, tanjiro adapts and tries his best, eventually being so that he can see the line of interval (the string).
next, we have more references to the new reasons tanjiro has to fight for:
And a tender sound that makes you want to cry No matter the frustration
here, the piano plays almost entirely on it's own. it plays a gentle melody as it reflects on tanjiro's past (his blood family), but it also references the bonds he's forged in blood like zenitsu and his friendship (his found family).
Go forward, go forward, keep facing ahead Cut away the despair
the build up in music begins as the lyrics urge tanjiro to get up and fight, also referencing sabito once more. you could take this as how tanjiro, built up by the support of the people who love him, gets stronger and stronger. finally, the brass, strings, piano, drum, and vocals all come together in a spectacular climax. the lyrics do repeat, but here they are again:
Even with all the pain, even with all the pain I have no choice but to stand up again
in the credits of episode 19, the last picture to be shown is one of tanjiro and nezuko turned a demon holding onto each other despite everything. a lone instrument plays before the drums join in, before the entire ensemble for one final, dramatic climax of it all. of course, the lyrics are There are things to protect, There are things to protect. it's a final reaffirmation of everything tanjiro stands for, for what was tried and tested in the fight against rui, and the entire ensemble coming in as the second there are things to protect is the force, conviction, everything that tanjiro has bled for in a climax.
and it is gorgeous.
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dramanomikata · 5 years
“Hana Nochi Hare”
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Title: “Hana Nochi Hare: Hanadan Next Season” (or “Boys Over Flowers Season 2”) Genre: Romance, School Season: Spring 2018 TV Station: TBS Theme Song: “Cinderella Girl” by King & Prince; Insert Song: “Hatsukoi” by Hikaru Utada Starring: Hana Sugisaki, Sho Hirano, Taishi Nakagawa, Tatsuomi Hamada, Marie Iitoyo, Mio Imada, Jin Suzuki, Keisuke Nakata Date Finished: February 5, 2019 My Personal Reason for Watching: Hana Yori Dango Second Season?! Yes, Please!
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Hello again! Today, I’ll be reviewing a drama I was anticipating to watch and finally did—“Hana Nochi Hare” (a.k.a. Hanadan Next Season!). 
As many of you know, this is the sequel to 2005’s “Hana Yori Dango.”  Closely following the plot of the original, the main character, Oto Edogawa (Sugisaki) is a student at the elite Eitoku Senior High School.  Unlike Makino, Edogawa was actually born wealthy, but due to her father’s company going bankrupt, she was faced with a life change--going from a rich lifestyle to a poor one.  She works part-time at a convenience store to support her family while her father works away from home. 
The only saving grace for Edogawa is Tenma Hase (Nakagawa), her childhood friend and fiancée, who is bound to marry her if she attends Eitoku until she turns 18.  Hase is a student at Eitoku’s rival, Momonozono Academy.  In order to stay at Eitoku, Edogawa cannot be found by the C5 (the “Correct Five”), who are known for “peasant hunting” and making students drop out if they find out they aren’t really “rich enough” to attend Eitoku.  The leader of the C5, Haruto Kaguragi, is known to be ruthless, but when he meets Edogawa, his cold exterior melts and a love triangle is formed.
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(^^ I didn’t know slamming a roast beef over a guy’s head would make them fall in love with you, but good to know!)
As a sucker for the original, I have to say that “Hana Nochi Hare” did not disappoint! I really should be too old to get sucked in to the drama of high school students, but it’s too addicting to watch! Both guys in the love triangle—Kaguragi and Hase—were two viable options for Edogawa and unlike the original, where Domyouji and Makino were meant to be, I could see her with either match! Hase was so perfect and sometimes I thought he was too good to be true.  Kaguragi tried to look cool, but he was a secret dork, which made audiences everywhere fall in love with Sho Hirano! 
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(^^ Dressed as a cowboy for a pancake date because your horoscope told you western clothes were your lucky item, Kaguragi? You are too cute!!)
However, as expected, Kaguragi and Edogawa’s chemistry made me root for them until the end!  Even though Airi (Mio Imada) was unbearable in the beginning, I loved that she became Edogawa’s friend and her love for takoyaki was so cute.  Even Edogawa’s rival for Kaguragi, Megurin (Marie Iitoyo), was too nice that you couldn’t really hate her (even though her cooking skills were awful!).  I loved the friendship of Edogawa, Airi, Megurin, and Edogawa’s co-worker at the convenience store, Konno (Haruka Kinami). It showed that there can be strong female friendships in dramas and it’s not all about the guys. 
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(^^Tako-pa Time!!)
The other special parts of the drama involved cameos from various cast members of the original Hana Yori Dango including three of the F4!  Getting to see Domyouji (Jun Matsumoto) and Rui (Shun Oguri) again even just for a minute had me so nostalgic!  Sojiro Nishikaido (Shota Matsuda) also made an appearance in the last two episodes and, even though, Akira (Tsuyoshi Abe) was mentioned, I wish he appeared so we could see all F4 (and Makino, too!!).  
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(^^ Hanazawa Rui?!)
My only complaint about the drama was the ending.  It all seemed to wrap up a little too nicely.  Also, we didn’t get to see a Edogawa/Kaguragi ‘happily ever after’ ending at Ebisu Garden Place! So disappointing!  Also, the way that Hase just let Edogawa go and she was quick to say, ‘I’m in love with Kaguragi,’ was a little too fast.  Also, what about Hase’s step-mom, Rie? She seemed evil throughout the whole drama but didn’t do anything.  Hopefully, there will be a sequel and we can get some answers!!
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(^^ Ebisu Garden Place…the spot where it all began!)
Overall, I highly recommend this drama!  It’s just cute and romantic.  If you’re hesitant as you love the original and don’t want it to be ruined, you’re not alone. But I would recommend giving it a try and watch it as a stand-alone drama.  It’s perfectly capable of being a good drama all on its’ own. 
Favorites: Favorite Character: I gotta give it to Kaguragi! His inner-dork makes that cool exterior fade and now I see why everyone loves Sho Hirano! It’s partly because of that voice! Favorite Episode: When Edogawa and Kaguragi go on a double date with Konno and her boyfriend.  Favorite Scene: Kaguragi and Edogawa’s first date.  Edogawa and Kaguragi’s double date. Domyouji/Rui/Nishikaido appearances. Any flashbacks or throwaway scenes to the original.  So many to count!
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(^^ I noticed that I’m putting to many Kaguragi screenshots, so here’s one of Hase because he deserves love, too ^.^)
“Hana Nochi Hare” Rating: Story: ✭✭✭✭½ (1/2 a star taken off for the ending, but up until then, it was so enjoyable) Acting: ✭✭✭✭ (All of the young actors were great in their roles! I never heard of any of them before this drama, but looking forward to seeing their careers take off!) Theme Song: ✭✭✭✭½ (“You are my Cinderella Girl, my precious one!” Could not get this song out of my head after watching this drama) Total: 13/15
Next Up: “Monte Cristo Haku” or “Hibana”
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(^^ Love these two)
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2022-02-21 “The start” Hayakawa Seira blog [ENG]
Everyone, Hello!
I’m 21 year old Hayakawa Seira from Osaka. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance ☺︎
Today is finally the start of Nogizaka 46 hour TV!
I’m so excited.
Because the 46 hour broadcast is live streamed I’m nervous about several things but the main one is safely concluding the broadcast with everyone.
Please let us succeed.
Next, on last night’s Nogizaka Under Construction the senbatsu for the 29th single was announced and I was chosen once again. As always thank you for all the support, I’m very grateful.
 I’m so glad to be chosen for the 3rd time in a row. I seriously think it is thanks to all the support you always give me.
Thank you.  
 On the previous senbatsu announcement, I wrote that I was frustrated that the position I was given was the same and that I felt that I hadn’t improved at all, and that nothing had changed. But this time I feel a little different.
I don’t know how everyone will react to this change. There will probably be some that will be disappointed. But personally, little by little, I’ve been able to confront my self and look ahead so I can do my best, and so I’d be glad if you were to walk together with me. Please continue to look after me.
 This single will have a 5th generation member as it’s center and I’m really looking forward to it!
I hope that everyone will look forward to the new shape of Nogizaka46.
Today on Nogizaka 46 hour TV the 5th generation member center will be announced. Please don’t miss it!
I would be grateful if we were to welcome them warmly ^ ^
Thank you very much.
 Furthermore, each member will be given 10 minutes to show their own project, “Nogizaka TV station” and so the pictures I always send on my mobile mail, “Serra’s Kitchen!” will finally be performed for everyone.
Please don’t miss it ^ ^
Some other things are the sports meet along with other events so please don’t miss it!
☀︎Nogizaka46 hour TV Monday, February 21st from 19:00 until Wednesday February 23rd until 17:00 (Planned)
Nogizaka46 hour TV will be streamed on the YouTube channel ‘Nogizaka Streaming Now’!
↑Nogizaka Streaming Now’ link here
 ☀︎Nogizaka46 29th single on sale March 23rd.
The release date for the 29th single has been decided. Please continue to look after a new and changed Nogizaka46.
☀︎Nogizaka46 Message, starts on February 22nd.
Up until now we’ve only had Mobile Mail but we’ve now added a messaging app! We can now send video and voice so I’m going to deliver plenty behind the scenes things ^ ^
Please check it out
↑details can be found here!
☀︎Nogizaka Star Tanjou! 2nd season. Nippon TV every Monday at 25:29.
It’s a tv show where the 4th generation members are challenged to sing hit songs from the Showa and Heisei era. The second season will not only have the 4th generation members sing hit songs, with the senior members also appearing I want to do my best.
To everyone that missed it and to everyone that wants to watch it again you can watch it along with the deleted scenes on Hulu ^ ^
↑details can be found here.
☀︎INNOVATION WORLD (KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE) J-Wave, Every week on Fridays around 21:45.
This month’s lecturer will be the person that designed Kumamoto’s ‘Kumamon’, NTT Docomo’s ‘iD’ Nakagawa Masashichi and a mass of other various area of brand design. They are also the representative of good design company, Mizuno Manbu.
Please listen!
↑You can listen to the previous broadcast here!
 ☀︎Radirer! Sunday NHK Radio 1 Every Sunday at 20:05
Thank you for sending in more mail than usual.
Next episode the guests will be Hayashi Runa-chan, and Tamura Mayu-chan! Please make sure to tune in ☺︎
↑You can send your mail here
On sale Tuesday February 22nd.
Kanagawa Saya-chan, Tamura Mayu-chan and I will be appearing. Please look after us. When I can post a picture, I’ll post them ^ ^
 ☀B.L.T on sale February 24th.
My first ever solo front cover!
As always thank you very much ^ ^
Please make sure to check it out
↑details can be found here!
On sale Tuesday March 22nd,
Thank you very much.
☀︎anan, currently on sale
All the members of Nogizaka46 are in this publication!
Please make sure to check it out!
-Stage play-
☀︎Reader’s Theatre “‘actress detective’ Romeo and Juliette’s murder case” Tuesday March 1st at 19:00, limited streaming.
It has been decided that I’ll be appearing along side my other 4th generation member Tamura Mayu on Reader’s Theatre (Roudoku Geki) ^ ^
Thank you as always for your continued support.
In June I appeared in ‘Even though I dropped my smartphone’ which was an original story model and written for us by Siga-sensei.
Even though this is my first-time challenging Reader’s Theatre, I hope that we’ll be able to deliver a performance that only we can tell. Please come watch.
↑ticket details can be found here.
☀︎Musical “CROSS ROAD ~ Paganini, the devil’s violinist’ Theatre Create Tuesday June 7th until the 30th, 31 performances.
In June I’ll be appearing in a musical and I previously announced the schedule and the visual previously. Please check it out. Thank you very much
 !!!!Unreliable Q&A!!!!
·         What’s your favorite ball pen, if you have one??
→I’m currently in love with a ball point pen that I received as a present from the Tokyo German Village that has Tokyo German Village written on it ^ ^
·         When you were in school were you the kind of person who would get fired up for Valentine’s day?
→I typically gave chocolate I bought. Grrrr….
This year I received chocolate from Kaki, I was so happy ^ ^
·         Where do you want to go if you were to get a driving license?
→Shonan, Enoshima is where I want to go! If we’re talking about Kansai, I want to cross the bridge into Shikoku.
·         What is your favorite Yaki Niku cut?
·         When you wash or clean do you have any personal rules?
→If they’re not lined up cleanly then I can’t stand it
·         Are there any items you are interested in spring fashion?
→Not really, can you tell me some! I wonder what’s popular right now??
 As always thank you for all the comments! It was very fun. I’ll be waiting for more ^ ^
 Finally the other day was Hoshino Minami’s graduation.
The final memory I have from the ceremony is that I was able to get the right answer on the quiz, and that made me happy ^ ^
 It’s going to be lonely without the cute and kind Minami-san, but I want to work hard enough to cover for Minami on Radirer!
 Well then, Let’s meet again on Nogizaka 46 hour TV!
Thank you for reading until the very end.
See you soon ☺︎
2022.2.21 Serra
0 notes
recentanimenews · 5 years
The Love That Binds Us: A Report from the Kyoto Animation Memorial Service
    On July 18, 2019, beloved animation studio Kyoto Animation was attacked by an arsonist. The attack was the largest man-made killing in Japan since World War II with 36 Kyoto Animation staff members perishing in the days and months after the incident. Among those were director Yasuhiro Takemoto, legendary animator Yoshiji Kigami, and character designer Shouko Ikeda. These people⁠—as well as everyone at Kyoto Animation⁠—made the earth a better place by creating anime such as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Sound! Euphonium, Munto, Free!, and my personal favorite, K-ON!. These, as well as their entire back catalog of absolutely brilliant works, touched the hearts of many.
  I’ve been watching Kyoto Animation produced series ever since I started being an anime fan. My first weekly anime was the convoluted second season of Haruhi Suzumiya, of which I still believe the Endless Eight arc was a stroke of brilliance. Kyoto Animation, indirectly, helped me learn who I was and helped me get to where I am today. My passion and respect for the studio and the people who work there is immense.
  Living in Tokyo, it was hard for me to go to Kyoto and pay my respects to those who I admired, and before now I hadn’t had the chance. That’s why I jumped at the chance to travel west and go to The ceremony of Farewell and Taking over the Will (the Kyoto Animation Memorial) at the Miyako Messe in Kyoto on November 3 and 4. Not just to cover the event⁠, but to pay my respects, get closure, and tell my story.
  Kyoto Station 
After getting off the Shinkansen at Kyoto Station, it felt like my body was doing everything in its power to not head to the Miyako Messe. First, I needed food, use the bathroom, get a coffee, maybe sit down for 5 minutes⁠—even though I sat down for 2 hours on the train. It felt like a barrier was in front of me and I needed to break through it. I pressed on and headed to Higashiyama Station.
  Even though I was technically “outside” at Kyoto Station, it still felt like an extension of Tokyo. It’s a modern-looking building, but with a JR logo of a different color. But after leaving Higashiyama Station, I was transported to the Kyoto you see on Instagram: Machiya houses lining the streets, people in kimonos, and, thanks to fall, the red leaves of the trees. Kyoto is like a whole different world outside the central business area.
  I’m not as familiar with the layout of the Higashiyama area as I am Gion or Uji. Having never been to the Miyako Messe before, I was worried about finding my way. However, the city was prepared for someone in my position: There was an understated sign showing where to head to the memorial right as I exited the station gates.
  A sign pointing the way to the Miyako Messe 
  I followed the trail of signs leading to the Miyako Messe, but every time I passed one, I couldn’t help but feel my heart sink further and further into my chest. My body wanted to run away again. My mind knew what was coming, the overwhelming emotion I was going to feel⁠—the same one I felt having to write another news article on the attack. But I soldiered on, partly in thanks to meeting a lovely English couple also going to the Miyako Messe and partly due to the lovely scenery, which was muted in color due to overcast⁠—surely reflecting the mood of Kyoto that day.
  In front of the great Torii gate of the Heian Shrine, where the Miyako Messe was located, a final sign reads “please go straight.”
  You couldn’t miss where the memorial was being held. There were so many police, bodyguards, and ushers that it made Comiket look understaffed. Understandably so, with the looming fear of a copycat attack. As soon as I walked in, I was led into a small area where my bag was thoroughly checked. While I heard that morning was very busy, there was only a steady trickle of people coming through when I was there, making for a quick entrance.
   Outside of the Miyako Messe
There were no photos allowed inside the Miyako Messe, with Kyoto Animation explicitly stating on the memorial website and signs inside the center saying authorities would take your camera and delete the photos. There’s usually an air of politeness with rules like this in Japan, but Kyoto Animation was quite direct in this regard. Kyoto Animation did provide photos from inside the hall on their webpage, which will be used for reference in this report.
  The main hall—which held many KyoAni and Do Fan Days events in the past, and was supposed to host this years before the attack—was so big, it was actually daunting. On one end, as you walked in, there were tributes to Kyoto Animation from fans all across the world. If you sent something to the studio through an official channel or to the studio directly, chances are it was there. It was overwhelming seeing what looked like an endless sea of tributes. Sadly, I wasn’t able to get close enough as the entire walkthrough was very coordinated. I could imagine the donated tributes will be set up at some sort of museum or memorial site in the future.
  Via Kyoto Animation's memorial service site
Loudspeakers played slow instrumentals of songs from Kyoto Animation’s past, low enough that they didn’t distract from my thoughts and emotions, but loud enough to be heard. While I was there I heard music from Clannad and Liz and the Blue Bird. Others I spoke to heard A Silent Voice and Sound! Euphonium. The music felt like it was chosen carefully enough as to not overpower you, but to be used as a tribute for those who have passed and their roles in shaping those series.
  At this point, I was sobbing. I couldn’t help it. From the tributes, the music, to the bowing of every usher as you walked through the halls. It was all very surreal.
  Via Kyoto Animation's memorial service site
  Across from the tributes, on the other side of the hall was the alter. Surrounding the bright white sign was a forest of flowers. It was 30 meters wide and covered in lilies, cosmos, and chrysanthemums. In front of the alter, groups of ten lined up and offered prayers to those who had passed. For me though, it was kind of a blur. All I had running through my mind were scenes from works I loved, especially, for some reason, episode 13 of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, both directed and storyboarded by the late Yasuhiro Takemoto.
  After what seemed like an eternity, I was ushered back out of the hall and into a foyer. With people just sitting, crying, and collecting their thoughts, it really felt like a communal place for grieving. As a foreigner, with my eyes puffy and cheeks red, I stood out and attracted the attention of some people who also needed to heal.
  I chatted with someone who traveled from Niigata for the memorial service. He was a fan of Kyoto Animation since Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu and had seen every series the studio had produced, his favorite being Sound! Euphonium. For him, Kyoto Animation represented the heart of the animation industry and created the best art Japan has to offer. We both agreed that our hearts just hurt being there with a pain that wouldn’t go away. The staff member he admired most was the late Shouko Ikeda.
  While speaking to others, the general consensus was that nobody could understand how a tragedy like this could have happened. One person commented that it was "unthinkable." We read through the postcard and messages from Kyoto Animation president Hideaki Hatta and Kyoto Animation that were handed to people who attended the service.
      Postcard given at the Kyoto Animation memorial service.
The postcard reads:
  "The kind messages and support from all over the world since that day have reached all of our staff, and have been a big help for us to move forward once again.
We lost many of our friends and colleagues with bright futures and were left with many deeply injured. Our grief will not go away, but the love and passion for our works, and the sure breath that existed there, are firmly engraved in us and shall continue to live.
The feelings received from all of you,
the feelings entrusted by our friends and colleagues,
the feelings to our future
—We will connect those feelings and combine these emotions, and we will move forward.
We will continue to create animation for all over the world that help people have dreams, hopes, and impress them.
Please watch over us as we make our advancements.
- Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd." 
Just talking with others and sharing our love of Kyoto Animation and the memories of what each of their series meant to us really helped in the healing process. The memorial service was a way for everyone to move on from the tragedy and “take the will.” Being able to say goodbye, especially like this, really helped me come to terms with my emotions. The service broke me, and those people in the foyer helped build me back up, just like Kyoto Animation has helped me over the years when I was going through a rough patch. One of my best memories was marathoning Clannad and Clannad After Story while I had the flu in high school. While I’m sure the medicine helped, the story's emotional journey broke me and built me back up to be a better person.
  Rokujizo station
The next day, I attempted to go to Studio 1. I went to the building in March earlier this year, so I had this feeling that I needed to see it to help heal. After covering the story for the last few months, to come to terms with it, I felt I needed to see the building with my own eyes. 
  Rokujizo station, the nearest train station to the studio, still has advertisements for the KyoAni and Do Shop situated near the Kohata Studio with a picture of Natsuki Nakagawa and Yuuko Yoshikawa from Sound! Euphonium. Other Natsuki and Yuuko cut-outs used for a Keihan Railway collaboration with Sound! Euphonium stood just before the station gates. But alongside the cut-outs was a note from Kyoto Animation in Japanese and English saying to be as respectful as possible in the neighborhood surrounding the studio.
  Advertisement for the Keihan Railway collaboration with Sound! Euphonium
  You can't get close to the studio even if you tried. Like at the memorial the day before, bodyguards stood on every street corner leading up to Studio 1. As soon as I walked past Cafe Lapin, a sweet little cafe based on Alice in Wonderland frequented by Kyoto Animation staff, the bodyguard on the street stood to attention and watched me. I can’t imagine what the neighborhood had gone through over the last 3 months, to have to live like this. They must have been so tired of it all. I can't help but be sad for a neighborhood that welcomed me just a few months ago. I chose not to press on.
  But I did see the studio from an empty nearby parking lot. After being rebuilt the day before, seeing the charred remains of the studio where so many wonderful works were created didn’t invoke as big of an emotion as I expected. After the memorial service, the weight of sadness I felt when I thought about Kyoto Animation was lifted. I finally had that closure I needed.
   Kyoto Animation's Studio 1
This weekend has been one of the hardest moments of my life, but being able to get through this terrible tragedy and say farewell to those I’ve respected for over a decade has helped me move forward.
  Thank you for everything Kyoto Animation, whenever you are ready, everyone awaits your next work.
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza and posts photo of his travels on Instagram.
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2021-01-26 “Clang!” Hayakawa Seira blog [ENG]
Everyone, hello!
I’m 21-year-old Hayakawa Seira from Osaka. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance☺︎
How are you??
 Recently it’s become even colder.
I’ve been wearing such warm clothes recently that when I’m in the dressing room I’m just sweating. Grrrr…..
 Every year I feel like January and February are the longest months. I wonder if it’s because I don’t handle the cold very well??
I can’t wait for the days where the warm breeze comes back and I can feel the warmth of the sun ^ ^
 Well then!
 Yesterday did you watch Nogizaka Star Tanjou! Second season?
The guest on yesterday’s episode was the same person who takes care of me on NHK radio’s ‘Radirer! Sunday!, Shingo Fujimori from Oriental Radio!
It was a very, very fun recording session, and it went by in the blink of an eye ^ ^
 I hope that he’ll join us again
 Please watch again next week=(^.^)=
Speaking of Radirer! Sunday, last weekend’s sudden MC was only Jungle Pocket’s Saito Shinji-san, but we were still able to have fun on the program even though it was just the two of us.
 All you ‘oniis’ out there, did you listen??
 This time, as always, thank you for all your emails! Thank you for all the posts with the hashtag #Seiraganbare. Thanks to you all I was able to do my best ^ ^
Saito-san was very kind, and we were able to move quickly along with the program thanks to Saito-san’s reassuring personality.
I need to work even harder.
On this day, the 4th generation members, Tsutsui Ayame-chan and Kaki Haruka-chan also made an appearance and since we’re all really close they supported me and helped me through it!
Please look after me on the next broadcast as well (*^^*)
↑for those that missed the previous episode you can listen to it again here!
 On Friday of last week I was the host of ‘Nogiobi’! Thank you very much to everyone that showed up to hang out with me. It was such a fun time and it went by in the blink of an eye ^ ^
 Tonight I’ll be appearing with Kaki-chan’s on ‘Nekojita SHOWROOM’! Please come hang out with us again!
☀︎Nogizaka46 hour TV Monday, February 21st from 19:00 until Wednesday February 23rd until 17:00 (Planned)
Nogizaka46 hour TV will be streamed on the YouTube channel ‘Nogizaka Streaming Now’! Please look forward to it ^ ^
↑”Nogizaka Streaming Now’ link here
☀︎Nogizaka Star Tanjou! 2nd season. Nippon TV every Monday at 25:29.
It’s a tv show where the 4th generation members are challenged to sing hit songs from the Showa and Heisei era. The second season will not only have the 4th generation members sing hit songs, with the senior members also appearing I want to do my best.
To everyone that missed it and to everyone that wants to watch it again you can watch it along with the deleted scenes on Hulu ^ ^
↑details can be found here.
☀︎INNOVATION WORLD (KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE) J-Wave, Every week on Fridays around 21:45.
The lecturer for January will be the famous game creator behind games like the ‘Metal Gear’ series and the Playstation 4 game ‘DEATH STRANDING’ as well as the representative of Kojima Production, Hideo Kojima. The theme of the lecture will be ‘How to make games with tone’.
↑previous broadcast.
 The next online lecture has been decided!
The speaker will be Mizuno Manbu, the person that designed Kumamoto’s ‘Kumamon’, NTT Docomo’s ‘iD’ Nakagawa Masashichi and a mass of other various area of brand design. He is also is the representative of good design company.
Applications for the lecture will be open until Friday the 28th of January at 22:00, for those that are interested please sign up, let’s take the lecture together!
The recording is planned for Tuesday the 1st of February between 20:00-21:30, please apply.
↑apply here.
  ☀︎Radirer! Sunday NHK Radio 1 Every second week on Sundays 20:05
This week I won’t be appearing but, this will be Hoshino Minami’s last appearance. Please make sure to listen!
It’ll be a fun time.
As always, thank you for all your emails. I’ll be waiting for them this time as well!
↑you can send them here
On sale Tuesday February 22nd.
Kanagawa Saya-chan, Tamura Mayu-chan and I will be appearing. Please look after us. When I can post a picture I’ll post them ^ ^
 !!!!The Unreliable Q&A!!!!
·                     Up until now what do you think is the game you have been addicted to the most!
→ New Super Mario Brothers!
I would borrow it from my older brother ^ ^
·                     What’s a Drama that you’ve been watching recently??
→I recently finished watching ‘Shizukanara Umi’. I was in constant suspense! Right now I’m watching ‘Umimachi cha cha cha’ ^ ^
·                     Seira-san what Nogizaka graduation song gives you the most feels
→Sayonara no Imi is definitely the best
·                     Yamaken-san is what kind of person?
→They’re a warm and reliable person! Mizuki-san is a cute, kind and sparkling person ^ ^
·                     When you can’t relax what do you recommend
→Sleeping, eating, going to get a massage, and sleeping!
·                     If you could have any kind of qualifications what kind of qualifications do you want to try and get?
→I want a driver’s license…Grrr…
 As always, thank you for all the comments ^ ^
Thank you for all your opinions on the meet and greet, replies to my Mobame, questions and other opinions ^ ^ It always makes me feel happy reading them! Please continue to wait for more content from me ♪
 Please make sure to take care of your health! I’m also going to do the same.
 Thank you for reading until the very end.
See you soon
2022.1.26 Serra
0 notes