#lt natasha trace
They Did The Monster Mash 🎃 | TGM Halloween Imagine
Set in an AU where the characters of TGM are classical and mythology monsters/creatures
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: mad scientist!Bob Floyd x mad scientist!reader (romantic), Dagger Sqaud (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, light profanity | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 2.4K
Premise: it’s All Hallow’s Eve, a night where ghouls and monsters alike awaken from every inch of the globe. What better way to celebrate the spookiest night of the year than gathering all those lurking in the shadows to the party everyone wants to be.
Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here’s a fluffy, spooky little imagine for y’all as a treat 🎃
‘Twas the night before Halloween, and all through the cemetery. Not a creature was moaning, as they basked in solitary. The pumpkins were lit, with carved faces to stare. In hopes the monsters of the night, soon will be there.
“Bob!” Y/n shouted, frantically searching for her coat. It was a quarter till midnight on October the 30th. Soon it would be Halloween. And with a full moon high in the sky it was the perfect moment to test out their newest creation. “It is almost time! We must make haste!”
“I’m right here, darling,” her coat in his hand, Dr. Floyd dimmed the lights on his way into the lab. The woman exhaled in relief, kissing his cheek before placing the coat over her shoulders.
“What would I do without you, my love?”
Bob adjusted his goggles over his prescription glasses, chuckling, “Probably half as mad as you are now.”
Any other woman would be offended by the comment, but Y/n, the mad scientist she embraced herself to be, only giggled. The two had met during their doctoral program, falling in love and conducting research as a duo. Before long they were blacklisted for unethical experiments, moving underground to hide from society.
But what the world didn’t know, was they uncovered a world beneath their own. Where monsters heard in legends and fairytales roamed freely. Living amongst humans to the naked eye.
Since forming partnerships with fellow outcasts like themselves, the couple have traveled every Halloween to Transylvania, Romania. There the infamous vampire Pete Mitchell, descendent of Dracula himself, hosts an annual Halloween festival with monsters and ghouls alike.
The party always started around sunset on Halloween night. So the two had plenty of time before gearing up their transportation pod to zap them to Pete’s mansion. Y/n placed her own goggles on, brushing away her dyed jet black hair with white streaks, mischievous smirk painting her lips, “Shall we begin?”
“It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. (One-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater). A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. Sure looks strange to me.” The party was in full swing when the couple arrived. Creatures in every corner, a werewolf howling in the distance, bats flying overhead. They were home.
“Doctors!” They spun around to find the monster of the mansion sporting a cheshire grin, fangs threatening to poke out. Lord Pete Mitchell, having recently fed by the bright color of his eyes and lack of under eye bags, wore a snazzy black pinstripe suit with a blood red tie. The handkerchief in his breast pocket, as well as the soles of his shoes, were the same color. “It is so wonderful to see you. I’m always amazed by your entrance every year. God forbid the governments of the world discover you’ve cracked the code of transportation.”
“Don’t forget time travel,” Y/n winked, causing Pete to laugh.
“Of course,” he flashes his pearly white teeth before frowning after peering around them, “Where is your--.” Y/n gently cuts him off.
“Oh at the lab. Ever since we created his bride he refuses to leave the basement” Pausing she gives a knowing look, “You know how young love is, my Lord.”
Pete makes an ‘ah’ sound, “Yes, yes, I understand. When you return, do let him know he is missed. And that I cannot wait to meet his bride next Halloween.” He winks, adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves, “Please make yourself at home. We’re still waiting on a few more before the festivities of the night fully begin. Until then, the bar is open--as always--and do let me know if you need any more necessities for your upcoming projects.”
“Thank you, Lord Mitchell. My wife and I appreciate your hospitality and generosity greatly.” Bob shook his gloved hand, still able to feel the cold dead skin that laid beneath it. The vampire made his departure, moving to greet other guests. Y/n weaved her arm through Bob’s open arm, letting him guide her to their group of friends they spotted in the distance by the bar.
“Well look at what the wolves dragged in.” Jake Seresin, an incubus famous in both the underground and real world, was the first to notice them. With his ability to seduce and mentally bend people to his will, Jake succeeded in becoming a high profile Hollywood actor. Making it accessible for him to feed on the blood of men and women alike. Unlike Pete, who was a vampire, Jake appeared human and only took the form of his demon counterpart when he hadn’t fed in a long time.
“Seresin,” Bob nodded, glaring when the blonde creature approached to take Y/n’s hand and kiss her knuckles. He had nothing to worry about of course. Y/n was immune to Jake’s charms, threatening to experiment on him the first time he attempted to swoon her.
That had him running with his (literal) tail between his legs.
“Careful, Jake,” Came a teasing feminine voice from the side, “I hear the mad scientists have been searching for Incubi blood on the black market.” Jake sent a glare in the direction of the voice, the couple following it to find Natasha perched on a bar stool, stroking her black cat seated in her lap.
A witch, with family dating back to the Salem Witch Trials, Natasha was the type of woman people couldn’t help but fear and desire. In the small village she lived deep in the forest surrounding, rumors of the witch swarmed with many believing her responsible for the curse on the town's most corrupt and wealthy families.
Well, to them they were rumors….
Y/n slipped past Bob, opening her arms to the woman, “Lovely to see you again on this Holiday, dear Natasha.” The hug was brief, Y/n making sure to offer a light pet to the cat, piercing her with its stare.
“As to you, Madam Floyd.”
“Tell me,” Y/n leaned closer, “Were you successful?” Natashe smirked at the question, whispering under her breath.
“We shall find out once the sun rises. But I can assure you the Supreme Court will think twice before bringing forth groundbreaking cases to overturn.”
“Marvelous,” the doctor awed. She moved along to say hello to their other friends. There was Javy, a werecoyote and Jake’s best friend. The full moon affects him like it does werewolves, but he’d already consumed his monthly dose of Wolfsbane to prevent the transformation from happening.
There was Mickey, a hellhound who served as a guard for the Underworld. Tasked with keeping the secret of the supernatural hidden. One can imagine the headaches Jake gives him with being a celebrity in the real world. When Mickey became his hellhound persona, cracks in his skin appeared like molten lava.
Reuben was present, and thankfully Y/n remembered to wear her iron jewelry. The tall, handsome fairy sipped on his usual cocktail. Like Jake he was the most ‘humanlike’ of the bunch where he could easily walk amongst mortals without causing suspicion. His golden eyes were a stand out, however, often covered by contacts. Of the group he had known Mickey the longest, the two meeting centuries prior during a war between fae and goblins.
“I’m not late am I?” came a booming sound from the main entrance, all heads turning. Jake instantly groaned, the others pleased to see the Alpha werewolf, Bradley Bradshaw, in the flesh with his typical Hawaiian shirt and jeans.
“You’re right on time,” Pete announced from the top of the steps, raising a glass of red liquid. Bradley gave a two finger salute, strutting over to the group and ordered his go to--a pitcher of beer.
“Greetings, fellow myths and legends,” he drank half of the pitcher in a single gulp, winking afterwards, “at least to the humans that is.”
“What took you so long, Bradshaw?” Jake twirled his pue cue, “too busy brushing your winter coat? Or did you have to get one last howl at the moon?”
Used to the jabs, Bradley rebutted with, “Jake, good to see you again as always. You’re looking a little pale though--Did you not have time to drain a virgin before coming? I’m sure Pete can find someone in the nearby town.” Reuben whistled under his breath, Javy letting out a fool blown laugh.
“C’mon you gotta admit that was good,” he nudged Jake, who was very much offended.
“Men,” Y/n muttered, Natasha clicking her glass against hers in agreement. “They’ll never change.”
After several minutes of small talk and drinks, Pete tapped his spoon against his glass. The action is loud enough for supernatural hearing to get everyone's attention. For the mad scientists, they saw the reactions of their friends and followed their direction.
At the top of the mansion's grand staircase, Pete stood beside his wife Penny. The beautiful siren, infamous in Greek mythology for luring shipwrecked men to their death, was stunning in her black gown. Along her arms and neck, rimming her hairline were seafoam green scales, reflecting under the dim gaze of the lights.
“Good evening, everyone,” he began, “Thank you all for coming tonight. You’ve traveled from near and far, let my wife and I be the first to say Happy Halloween!” cheers broke among the crowd. Well really they were howls, moans, and chaotic laughter. “It truly is the best night of the year. And what better way to kick it off than to toast.” Penny was handed a glass of her own red liquid. To the human eye it’d be believed as wine. But to those witnessing below, they were well aware of what its contents contained.
Speaking of those in attendance, they all grabbed their own drinks and brews. Pete lifted his first, “Let us toast to the one time of year we get to leave the shadows. Where the world looks at us as more than creatures of night. They dress up as us,” chuckles echoed, “they consume everything in relation to us. They walk their streets oblivious to the fact we roam behind their shoulders.” Pete pauses, sending a sweet gaze to Penny. “To All Hallow’s Eve!”
“To All Hallow’s Eve!!’ glasses raised, everyone cheersing before downing whatever was left in their goblets. Bradley finished his first pitcher of beer, the bartender sliding down the next one. Natasha poured something out of her flask into her goblet. Leave it to the Witch to travel with her own brew.
“Alright,” Bradley raised the pitcher, “Let’s get this party started!” As if on cue the DJ, who happened to be a mummy, started to play the Halloween classics. Lights flashed on every corner, the dance floor glowing a spooky fluorescent green. Dry ice from the massive cauldron flooded the area.
Ghosts bogeyed during the Ghostbusters theme. Zombies got down and dirty to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The children had a blast with ‘This is Halloween’ and ‘Time Warp’. Later on Nat and Y/n let loose to Rockwells ‘Somebody’s Watching Me’.
Bob kept his eyes on his wife during that one. Lowkey thinking about ending the party early.
Poker was played amongst the men. Pete even joined alongside two Harpys, Beau and Solomon. During this Y/n and Natasha conversed with Penny. They spoke of Y/n’s experiments, Natasha’s feud with the village she resides by, and Penny’s travels back to Greece earlier that year.
“Oh it was fascinating,” Penny boasted, finishing off her third glass of ‘wine’. “Still as beautiful as I remember, although it still takes time getting used to the fact they now call Anthemoessa ‘Cape Pelorum.’”
“Did you visit the Parthenon?”
“I tried,” the Siren scoffed lightly at the memory, “at night of course when no one was around, but I couldn’t get past the damn door. I’m not surprised though,” she rolled her eyes, “Athena never liked us.”
As Midnight approached the crowd began to gather on the dance floor. Of course the night could not end without playing the couple’s favorite. Once the DJ announced it was time for the grand event, Bob took Y/n’s hand, “May I have this dance, wife?”
“Why of course, husband,” she smirked. “This is our song after all.”
The others had already made way, forming their own little circle and grabbing partners of their own. There was a reason this particular song was favored over the rest. Starting from the very first verse.
“I was working in the lab, late one night. When my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monster from his slab, began to rise. And suddenly to my surprise.”
“He did the mash,” the moves Y/n and Bob started to do a twist, similar to Vince and Mia in the iconic dance scene of Pulp Fiction. “He did the monster mash.”
“The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.” Natasha shimmied with Mickey. “He did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Penny was spun by Pete. “He did the mash. He did the monster mash.”
A stunning succubus had managed to pull Jake under her spell. How fitting.
“From my laboratory in the castle east. (Wa-ooh) To the master bedroom where the vampires feat. (wa-wa-ooh) The ghouls all came from their humble abodes. (Wa-ooh) To get a jolt from my electrodes.”
Bob pulled Y/n to him, dancing chest to chest, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.” Javy, Bradley, and Reuben were having a dance battle in the middle of the circle. “The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash. They did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Y/n giggled, letting Bob twirl her in a circle, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.”
It was a total spooky vibe. Monsters doing the Mash. Each time Dracula was mentioned everyone pointed to Pete, who rolled his eyes. He did, however, do the Transylvania Twist during its name drop, causing them all to hype him up.
The sun would rise at dawn, they’d all go back to living in the shadows. Back to a place where they were the villains of every story. Subjected to demise by the hero. No longer idolized and embedding fear in everyone who dared think of them. Once the sun rose, another Halloween had come and gone.
But until then, creatures of the night thrived in the darkness to the graveyard smash.
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cherrycola27 · 1 month
Red Wine, Fall into me
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Warnings: Language, Alcohol consumption, Smut. 18+ (Phoenix x Female Reader) banner by the wonderful @thedroneranger Fic inspired by the Chappell Roan song "Red Wine Supernova"
You know they say not to waste a Friday night on a first date.
Yet, here you were, in a nice dress, walking into a cocktail bar, to meet some guy, from some app, on a Friday night for a first date. You'd spent a ridiculous amount of time doing your hair, makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit that was the right balance of "I'm a good girl," and "I just might let you take me home if you play your cards right."
You texted your date that you were there and that you'd be at the bar. You were there a few minutes before your agreed upon time, so you walked up to the bar top, which had a middle-aged couple at one end, and a pretty dark-haired brunette at the other.
You took a seat a few stools down from her and ordered a glass of merlot from the bartender. He sat it down quickly in front of you as you checked your phone to see if your date had responded to your text. You felt immediately defeated to see that it still had not been read.
A few minutes ticked by, and it was now the time you and your date had set to meet. You fired off another text asking if he was there, with no response. Several minutes later, you sent one asking if he was on his way and nothing. Finally, a full thirty minutes and a second glass of wine later, he sent you a message saying that something came up, and he wouldn't make it.
You huffed as you sat your phone down on the counter and groaned. Of course, this would happen to you. This was the last time you agreed to a date from an app.
You sighed and finished the last sip of wine in your glass and rummaged through your purse for your card. Before you could pull it out, though, you heard a soft voice speak. "Put her last two on my tab, and bring us another round if you don't mind."
You look up and see the pretty brunette from earlier handing her card over and taking a seat next to you. "Thank you, but you don't have to do that." You smile at her. "I know, but I want to." She smiles back at you, extending her hand for you to shake, "I'm Natasha, by the way. What's your name?"
You tell her your name, and she repeats it back, slowly, savoring every syllable of it like it's a fine wine. You don't think your name has ever sounded as good as it does coming out of her mouth.
"So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone?" She asks you. "I was supposed to have a date but—he stood me up." You sigh. "His loss is my gain then." Natasha says as she brings her own wine glass up to her lips. You blush at her words.
"What about you?" You fire back at her. "I just wanted a nice quiet night out, away from the crowds. Somewhere that I could relax and make a new—friend." She winks at you and slides her stool closer to yours.
"So, tell me about yourself." She says, and she rests her foot on the bottom of your stool. Your thighs part just enough to accommodate her toned leg that's exposed from the slit in her dress.
A shiver runs down your spine as you tell her about your job and some of your friends and what you like to do for fun. Her eyes stayed glued to yours, and she nods and questions and seems genuinely interested in you. "What about you?" You ask her when you finish.
"I'm in the Navy. I'm an aviator." She says as if it's the most casual thing in the world.
"Oh. So I guess you're used to going fast and doing what you want then." You smirk at her. "I can go fast." She says as she leans into your space. "But—" she sighs as she places her hand on your thigh. "—I actually have a partner in the backseat that I have to listen to, so I'm very good at taking directions. And, there are so many controls in the cockpit, that I have to be excellent with precision." She breathes out.
Natasha leans in closer to you. "I've always been amazing and zeroing in on my target and finishing the job. She whispers in your ear before pulling back. You swallow thickly and shift in your seat, unable to ignore the wetness pooling between your thighs and the heat that you feel in your belly that isn't from the wine.
"Is that so?" You say, cocking your head to the side. "Now, what exactly would one have to do if they want to see these skills in action?" You pry. "I think after a few glasses of wine and a dance or two, I might be convinced. Care to find out?" A crimson smile curls at her lips as she extends her hand to you.
You nod your head and slip your hand in hers. She places her palm on the small of your back, just a tad too low to be considered decent as she guides you to the dance floor. She presses closer to you to avoid the other people already there. You can smell her perfume. Floral and spicy with a hint of sweet. It is so intoxicating that it makes your head spin more than any glass of wine ever could.
Natasha drags you directly to the middle of the dance floor amongst all the other couples. She spins you around and presses your back to her front. There is absolutely no space between the two of you, and you can feel every soft curve of her body pressed against yours.
You sway to the beat of some song you don't know as her hands skim up and down your arms before resting on your hips. She pulls your hair over one of your shoulders and rests her chin on your newly exposed skin. You shiver as she places a gentle, fleeting kiss on your shoulder. You feel the blush in your cheeks spread all over your body.
"You okay there, pretty girl?" Natasha asks you. "Y—yeah." You stammer out. "Just a little warm is all."
"Why don't we go get some air." She whispers hotly in your ear. Her breathy voice has you weak in the knees. You nod your head in agreement, unable to trust your own voice.
It's quieter outside. So quiet you can hear your heartbeat racing in your ears as the two of you make your way to a secluded spot on the far side of the deck. The fresh salty air fills your lungs as you try to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You lean against the deck railing and watch the waves roll in as the moonlight dances across the dark ocean.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Natasha says as she comes to stand beside you. "It's breathtaking." You say as you turn to face her. "It's not the only breathtaking thing out here." She says, looking you directly in the eye. "No, it's not." You counter.
You inhale deeply as she takes a step forward and places on and on your hip, drawing you closer to her. She uses her free hand to brush a few stray strands of your hair away before cupping your face and pulling you closer to her.
Her lips are pillowy soft when they connect with yours. Her hand slides to the back of your hair, tangling in your locks to hold you in place. You wrap both of your arms around her neck as she trails her tonuge across the seam of your lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss.
You gladly grant her access, and you moan as her tongue caresses yours. The kiss is sweet, with the last drops of your wine still on each other's mouths.
You moan and lean into her when you feel her fingers dig into your hip. She takes a step closer and pushes your back against the metal deck rail, her lips never leaving yours as her kisses become more hungry, more demanding.
She pulls her mouth away from yours, and you gasp as she trails her perfect pout across your chin and jaw before grazing your ear lobe with her teeth. You inhale sharply, and it's like music to Natasha's ears.
She continues her assault, trying to draw even more new sounds from you. Her lips skim over the sensitive flesh of your neck. You find yourself arching towards her, silently begging her for more. You feel her smile against you before she carefully grazes her teeth over the sensitive flesh before pulling back and laving it with her tongue. She repeats the action and your hand tangles in her dark strands, holding her in place. She chuckles and continues to work the space between your shoulder and ear, surely leaving a few dark marks behind, but you don't care. You want her to mark you up—claim you as hers.
You draw her mouth back to yours and kiss her until you're breathless. She pulls back and her lips are swollen, and her cheeks are red.
"I don't normally do this, y'know." You confess to her.
"Neither do I." She tells you truthfully.
You heave a sigh of relief. "I don't think I've ever done this, actually. But there's something about you that's—magical." You say as you bite down on your lower lip and bat your eyes at her.
"If you think I'm magic here, you should let me take you home. I've got a wand and a rabbit that I can show you all kinds of tricks with." She smirks at you.
A few minutes later, the two of you are in the back of an Uber going to Natasha's place. Her hand rests brazenly on your upper thigh, and her nimble fingers are tracing deft patterns across your skin. You squim in your seat, trying to keep yourself calm, when really, all you want to do is plant yourself in her lap and kiss her again.
The two of you somehow make it up the small path that leads to her front door. She unlocks it and pulls you in. Once the door is shut and she's clicked the lock, she pushes you up against it and kisses you roughly. You meet her kisses with passion. Both sets of your hands roam over each other, desperately.
Natasha has enough sense to practically drag you into her bedroom. You stand there a little awkwardly until she comes up behind you and slowly unzips you dress. Her lips trace your spine, leaving faint, wine colored kisses from her leftover lipstick on your flesh.
The garment drops to the floor, and you turn around to face her. She admires how your nipples are peaked and perky with anticipation. The scrap of lace, that could barely be called underwear, that you chose to wear tonight has an obvious dark spot on it. "Such a shame you date didn't get to see this." Natasha breathes out as she lightly grazes the front of it.
You shiver, and she lets out a breathy laugh. You reach for her, catching her wrist and pulling her to you. Your hands reach for her zipper. "Fair is fair." You mumble against her lips as she lets you pull it down before tugging the fabric off of her.
"Lay dow for me, pretty girl." Natasha says when she's kicked her dress to the side and shimmied out of her underwear. You take a moment to take in her form as you slip if your own panties.
Her dark hair falls gracefully over her shoulders. Her breasts are perky and lovely. She has a neatly shaved landing strip that draws your eyes to where you most want to be.
You lay back on her bed, making yourself comfortable on her pillows. Your breathing is shallow as her eyes rake over you.
"You're so fucking beautiful." She says as she crawls towards you. Beautiful. Not pretty, not hot, beautiful. You love how she talks about you. How she makes you feel seen.
"Thank you." You say before you can even think about it. She laughs as she reaches into her nightstand and pulls out the wand and rabbit that she mentioned earlier.
She sets them to the side before gently straddling your hips. She leans down to kiss you. Slowly, this time, it's more deliberate and precise. The two of you let your hands roam over each other's body. She tweaks your nipples, rolling them between her fingers and your arch toward her touch.
Not to be outdone, you wrap your lips around one of her peaks, and she lets out a gorgeous breathy moan that has your heart racing. She whines when you release the flesh with a soft pop but groans and leans into you when you repeat the action on the other. She subtly grinds her hips against you, seeking friction to relieve the ache between her thighs. You grab her thighs and help guide her, and she hums before stopping and sliding off of you.
"Mmm, not yet beautiful. There will be time for that. Let me take care of you first." She smiles at you. You huff a little, but don't protest. Natasha trails her lips across your breasts and chest and down your stomach. She circles her tongue around your navel before placing a kiss on your cunt, right about your clit.
You sigh as you sink deeper into her pillows, inhaling more of her intoxicating scent from earlier. She carefully parts your thighs and slots herself between them.
She grabs your left leg, and feathers kisses up from your knee towards your center and back down, a few times before switching to the right. She's taking her time building you up. And just when you think you are going to burst from her teasing, she places a fleeting kiss on your clit. You squeal and rock your hips upward, chasing her mouth.
She does it again, gently parting your folds with the delicate tip of her tongue, circling the sensitive bud and sucking it into her mouth.
She laps at your core, drinking in the taste of you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Wanton moans leave your mouth, and your chest heaves. One of your hands tightly fists her sheets, the other curling on her hair to hold her right where you want her. You squeeze your eyes shut and throw your head back as pure ecstacy washes over you when you cum.
Natasha works you through it until you push her head away. You lean up on your elbows and meet her eyes. She has a satisfied grin on her face. "How was that?" She asks almost cockily.
"Fantastic." You reply breathlessly. "I'm not done with you yet." She tells you as she reaches for her wand. You swallow and spread your legs for her.
She turns it on a low setting and starts by rubbing it over your nipples and down your body to get you used to the sensation. Slowly, she lowers it to your clit. You jump, still sensitive from your first orgasm, but you relax as she circles it around you bundle of nerves.
You feel one of her slender fingers circle around your entrance. "So fucking wet. All this for me, pretty girl?" She asks you. "Yes." You breathe out. You're jilted by a smack to your cunt. "Say my name, pretty girl. Tell me who's got you like this? Who got your pretty pussy absolutely dripping?" She commands.
"You—you did, Natasha. It's all for you." You babble out. She's satisfied with your answer and rewards you by sinking not one, but two of her long digits inside you and curling them upwards. You cry out her name as she finds your gspot impossibly fast. It should be a crime at how well she already knows your body as she strokes it with the perfect amount of speed and pressure.
She gages each sound you make and adjusts the wand on your clit and her fingers in your cunt. You have to give it to her, she wasn't lying when she said she could take directions.
Your head thrashes from side to side, and you're babbling out her name as she brings you closer to a second orgasm. Your toes curl against the mattress and you bite your bottom lip in an effort to keep your sounds at bay.
Natasha immediately tells you to be loud for her, and you're too for gone, and she has you so damn pliant that you'd do anything for her right now. So you release your lip and scream her name as you cum, gripping her fingers tightly, never wanting them to leave you.
When she does pull them out, you whine at the loss of contact, but it's short lived, because Natasha is crawling up your body and tapping her fingers on your lips.
You obediently open your mouth and close them around her digits, dutifully cleaning them for her. You groan at the taste of you on her hands. Once you've cleaned her, you pull off with a pop and kiss her. Your tongues meld together as you pull her onto of you.
You cradle her head and hook your legs around her waist and flip her under you. "Mine turn." You giggled as she looks up at you, bewildered. "Okay, then." She smiles down at you.
You cup each of her breasts in your hands and roll her nipples between your fingers. She lets out a small gasp as you kiss the tops of her breasts and the valley between them before continuing your journey south. You leave wet kisses across her hip bones and suck a dark mark into her right one, a little reminder of you for later.
You don't tease her like she teased you. You're too impatient. You've been dreaming about what she tasted like ever since you watched her bring that first glass of red wine to her lips this evening.
You tenderly part of folds before licking a long, broad stripe from her opening to her clit.
Natasha arches up off the bed, her hands flying to the sheets, clutching them for dear life. You repeated the motion over again before hooking one of her thighs over your shoulder. She's much more squirmy than you expected.
You work her over and over, tongue diving into her her sopping wet opening, nose bumping her clit.
She cries out your name, fingers in your hair, as you blindly reach for her other toy from earlier. You silently cheer as your hand wraps around her rabbit vibrator.
You turn it on and pull your mouth away from her. Natasha groans at the loss of contact but whimpers when she feels the tip of the vibe at her entrance. You push it in slowly until it is fully seated in her tight, wet, perfect cut.
She lets out a shaky breath as you slowly withdraw the toy and push it back it. You repeat the motion, picking up speed with each thrust. Soon, her hips are meeting it, and the sounds of lewd, wet fucking mixed with cries of your name are bouncing off her walls.
"Guess you had a few tricks up your sleeve, too." She laughs and rolls on top of you and sits up she slides down your body until you can feel her warm pussy right above yours.
Her walls grip the toy tightly, and her voice rises in pitch as she cums hard for you, back arching so hard that you're afraid she might hurt herself. "Fucking magical," you praise her as she comes down from her high. You slide up beside her on the bed. She's panting, trying to catch her breath.
"Think you have one more in you, pretty girl?" She asks you. "Yes, ma'am." You reply. She smiles at you before drawing you up to her lips.
She kisses you tenderly, rocking your hips together, creating a delicious friction between your clits. Your previous orgasms have both of you so wet, that you glide along each other with ease.
Your fingers dig into her thighs as you help guide her, pulling her tighter against you. You feel that familiar coil curling deep into your belly, and your head drops to her shoulder as you roll your hips to meet hers.
Natasha wraps a hand around your throat and draws you back to her. There is a glassy look of pleasure in her eyes, but she squeezes just enough to let you know that she's still in charge. "Cum with me." It's not a request, it's a demand, and who are you to deny her when she's making you feel so good?
You cum together. It's hard and messy and absolutely the most amazing feeling you've ever had. You collapse on the bed, and Natasha falls into you, both utterly spent.
Sometime later, when you can both feel your legs, the two of you make your way to the shower. After cleaning each other, you help her change the sheets, and the two of you get tangled in each other's arms and fall asleep.
Six weeks later, you're slipping your hand into Natasha's as you follow her into the Hard Deck on a Friday night. This time, you're not meeting some guy from some app that you deleted ages ago. Instead, your girlfriend is introducing you to her coworkers.
You had already met Bob, her backseater, a few weeks ago because he insisted on meeting you because Nat, or Phoenix as she was known to her friends, couldn't stop talking about you.
Natasha quickly got the two of you a beer before weaving through the crowd to a pool table in the corner.
She takes her time introducing you to each one of them. You smile and wave and try not to be awkward.
"Well, what do we have here? If it ain't Phoenix." A male voice draws out. You turn, and you have to bite your lip to stifle a laugh. "Bagman." Natasha replies flatly. "Always a pleasure, Nix, but what I want to know is who is your friend?" The tall blonde asks.
"This is my girlfriend, jackass, so don't get any ideas." Nat says. "Babe, this is—"
"Jake. Right?" You say cutting her off. "Yeah? How did you know that?" She looks at you with a questioning glance. Jake looks at you equally, confused, trying to decide if you're familiar or not.
"Remember my date that stood me up a few weeks ago, the night we met?" You ask her.
"No. You're kidding." Nat smiles before belting out a laugh. Suddenly Jake's eyes go wide as he connects the dots on who you are.
"Son of a bitch, Bagman, I think I owe you a drink." Nat laughs as you and her other friends join in. Jake's cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Nat wipes a stray tear from her cheek. "But seriously, Jake. Thank you for being a dick. If you hadn't stood her up, I might not have met this amazing woman. Seriously, I owe you one." Natasha smiles at him before pulling you in for a kiss.
Eeeekkk! I hope yall enjoyed this! This was my first time writing for Nat! Let me know what you think with a comment or reblog!
Tagging those who might be interested: @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @desert-fern @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @na-ta-sh-aa @katieshook02 @beyondthesefourwalls @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @horseshoegirl @djs8891 @roosters-girl @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @alchemxx @gretagerwigsmuse @mshistorylover @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @waywardhunter95 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @whatislovevavy @inkandarsenic @mak-32 @jiminie-08 @dingochef @laracrofted @skipchat @princess76179 @schoollover @cheyrenee @angelbabyyy99 @bobfloydsbabe @sunlightmurdock @sebsxphia @atarmychick007 @queenlmno @sweetwhispersofchaos @mamaskillerqueen @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @withahappyrefrain
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animezinglife · 2 years
I love that TGM didn’t dumb the men down with the assumption that would make Phoenix or the other women stand out more. They’re equals: confident, capable, and having shown that they can compete with the best of the best. 
I love too that the women aren’t shoved into the usual box of what Hollywood often thinks a “strong woman” should be. There was no grandiosity, no loud or over-the-top assertions of self-importance, no desperate condescension towards the men they work with, and no ridiculous stripping away of their humanity and compassion. There’s no forcing Phoenix into more “masculine” characteristics just because she’s competing with men and is in a [very realistically] male-dominated role. She’s there because she’s one of the best and it shows in how she conducts herself. There’s no stripping away of Penny’s warmth and gracefulness just to give her more agency in her romance with Maverick--she doesn’t need it, because the writers understood that warmth and gentleness don’t at all mean weakness.
Personally, I have nothing but love for all the women of Top Gun: Charlie, Carole, Penny, Phoenix, Sarah, Amelia, etc. They’re women I feel like could all be part of my circle in real life.
There’s never been a “trick” to writing female characters. Writing normal women fixes problems on its own. 
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heyitsspaceace · 2 years
if you don't like Bob from top gun: maverick i automatically do not trust you. like look at him
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i'd trust him with my life, he means the world to me
he and Phoenix are also best friends, i don't make the rules that is so canon
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just two besties and i love them for it
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randoauthor · 2 years
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Pairings: kinda everyone x Fem!Reader, Bob x Fem!Reader (kinda platonic, kinda not)
Warnings: some language, suggestive comments, fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
Author's Note: I'm back bitches!!!
Summary: The dagger squad has never seen r dress up, her version is old rock band tees and nice jeans and/or leggings. When a gala or ball comes up, all jaws drop at them when they enter, and with a date no less. (thanks @itzyogurl92  for the request this one was actually kinda fun to write!)
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I fucking hate dresses.
I hate the time it takes to get into them. I hate that you can't sit properly or eat all the food at the party. But mostly,
I hate that everyone is staring at me.
"Holy shit." Jake seemed taken aback at the sight of you, the blue and tan ombre dress hugged your curves beautifully as you stood rigid in your place.
"Is that actually?" Natasha started, sympathetic to you as she was also as uncomfortable as she could be. "That can't be her."
The other boys all turned to meet the pilot's gaze.
God did you seem out of place.
You had been talking about this for weeks, complaining about it more or less.
Your boyfriend had convinced you, telling you that it would be a wonderful time for him to get to meet all your friends because he fell for a famous pilot after all.
You hated that he said you were famous. You weren't.
Hell, you were far from it.
But you guess that fame wasn't enough for him as earlier you found yourself walking up the stairs of the shared townhome you both had to find him in bed with a younger, more blonde, girl.
You assumed that by the way, she dressed that she was either a stripper or a hooker but you were too busy gathering whatever you needed for a night to ask her. She watched you though.
And she still was.
It had never crossed your mind that he had a thing for pilots or any navy girl. You knew you weren't his first, yet you desperately hoped you'd be his last. You hoped wrong.
Bob and Bradley stood silently off to the side as the rest of the group gawked at you from afar.
Penny stood by as well, feeling bad that there wasn't much else she could have done. It had caught her wildly by surprise when you showed up earlier today, soaked from head to toe due to the rain. She silently helped you get ready, fixing your hair and makeup so that you stood out only to the eyes that mattered. She zipped your dress closed and then watched as you stared softly at yourself in her mirror, she and Amelia exchanged a strange glance which you just chose to ignore. Pete had jokingly offered to be your date, remarking with some stupid joke about having two beautiful women in his arms for the night. You offered him a soft smile before declining his offer. Wanting him and Penny to have a good night to themselves for once.
You silently hated yourself for not accepting his offer, because at least now you wouldn't look like a complete idiot in front of your ex.
"Baby," the blonde whispered to him, as he stared daggers at you.
Did he expect you not to show up now?
Bradley saw the situation unfold, he watched as your boyfriend walked over to you, and he saw the girl at his side.
"Guys," he said softly to grab their attention, "look."
The group turned their gaze over to the other side of the room, unable to hear what was being said but watching with amusement as the three of you spoke.
"(Y/n)," he said harshly, "I didn't think you'd actually show up."
You turned your gaze to meet his.
"Stephen, glad to see you jump from one sailor to another." You try to be cool, you don't want him to see you crack. The blonde faltered at your comment but you really didn't care.
"Yeah, whatever," He seemed to be partially bothered by the comment but continued, "this is Tanya. She actually tries to look nice for me always."
Okay, yeah, that one hurt.
You weren't much of a girlie girl, if you weren't in your khaki uniform you were in jeans or leggings and one of your many band tees. Your group of friends had started it as a joke the one year you had to spend Christmas on the boat.
"Hangman your turn!" Pheonix shouted excitedly as you all sat around a little fake tree you had pooled your money together to buy.
Hangman laughed as he pulled out a little pop figure, that of a navy pilot to be exact.
"Shit he kinda looks like you," Bradley had started, allowing you the perfect setup for a joke.
"Massive head and a tiny everything else? Yup, that's gotta be hangman!" you giggled out as your friends around you all fell into fits of laughter.
"Rude," he said with a smile, "go ahead open yours."
You leaned forward on your knees nervously to grab the box from under the tree, it was massive yet surprisingly light.
You delicately pulled the paper and bow off of it to reveal a brown packing box, the inside filled with more band tees than you could imagine.
They ranged from ACDC to The Who. There was even a Beetles shirt mixed in, but your favorite had to be the One Direction tee.
"That was Mav," Bradley spoke with a smile.
"Ya know," the captain spoke, "they didn't give me any information other than buying her a band tee. Plus Olivia said they were really popular around your time so I figured it was my best bet."
You let out a laugh before thanking everyone, the rest of the holiday playing out like a movie would have.
A tear pricked your eye and before you knew it an arm was snaking around your side, the other placing a drink in your hand.
"Sorry darling, I didn't mean to leave you for so long." You looked up to meet the gaze of Bob his glasses sitting adorably on the bridge of his nose.
God, you could have kissed him right then and there.
"Oh it's quite alright honey," you play along, "I figured the line for the bar would be long."
Bradley whipped around to his side to find that it was in fact his friend over there with you. A smile came to his face. He was glad he hadn't gone over there, otherwise, the night would have gone incredibly different.
Your ex faltered back as Bob stuck his hand out, inviting him to shake it.
"Robert Floyd." He said with a smile, "I am the date for the night."
Your ex took Bob's hand and with one firm shake replied.
"Stephen Marcom," a sick smirk came to his face, "I'm the one that fucked your date this morning."
You panicked. Bob wasn't the type of guy to talk about this kind of stuff, and even after getting him as hammered as possible he still wouldn't tell you how many girls he had been with. If any.
"Oh that's funny," Bob said, the same kind of smirk displaying on his face, "because if I remember correctly I had her under me last night, and on top of me right before she left early this morning. Oh and bent over before we showed up here."
Now it was your turn to falter slightly, your grip on Bob tightened as your ex's jaw did the same.
"Now, if you'll excuse us we have friends to catch up with and some dancing to do." And with that he lead you off to your friends who continued the night by gushing about your dress, the way you looked, and why they had never seen you like this before. All the while Bob kept you at his side, making sure to take a glance every now and then over to your ex, or leaning in to whisper something in your ear that makes you giggle. Doing everything he needed to do to make sure your ex was the very last thought on your mind.
It wasn't until the night was winding down that you realized that it had been a while since you had seen him, your ex had gone home a while ago.
Nat softly points you in the direction of him as if she read your mind and you quietly thanked her.
You pushed the large door open to reveal a beautiful overlook of the ocean and your fake boyfriend for the night.
"Hey," you said softly trying your best not to startle him.
"Oh, hi," he said with a smile.
"I just wanted to thank you for tonight, I really don't know what I would have done without you." You walked over to Bob, standing next to him as the two of you took in the scenery.
"Anytime, plus you looked beautiful tonight, I will always find an excuse to keep you on my arm like I did tonight." Bob smiled as you felt your cheeks heat up.
The two of you stayed there for a few moments more before he reached his arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
"You look freezing in that thing." He said with a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I kinda am." You reply back with a laugh.
You go to excuse yourself to head back inside, and he let you without protest.
"Oh (y/n)," he called out after you.
You turned around to face him, his glasses illuminated by the lights inside, "I'll be your fake date whenever you need me."
You shot him a thankful smile before going inside to find Pete and Penny, needing a sober ride home.
"Did you have fun tonight kiddo?" Pete asked pulling you into a side hug.
"Yeah," you said with a smile, "the best."
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avi8tors · 2 years
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Bold | Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace x F!Reader
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Bold Synopsis: Tired of pining in a crowded bar, one of you finally makes a move.  One shot AFAB/Female civilian reader 2317 words Warnings: EXPLICIT MINORS DNI: vaginal fingering, use of a strap on, vaginal penetrative sex Notes: For @writercole​ for the reverse birthday bash. So bb, here you be, some Phoenix getting some. Comments and reblogs are amazing. Thank you for reading. I appreciate it and it means the most. 
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She stands out in the sea of testosterone and khaki. Confident, her full lips curved up in a slight smirk as she’s listening to one of the men at her side bicker with a blond by the pool table. She catches your eye, and you duck your gaze almost immediately. “Go talk to her,” Cassie nudges your shoulder. “I can’t.” You mutter, bringing your drink to your lips and taking a sip. “I mean have you seen her?” “I know that we’ve come to this bar the last two weekends because you hope to get a glimpse of her.” Cassie grins, popping the cherry from her drink into her mouth. The two of you had been friends for years, and when you agreed to come to move in with her you didn’t expect her to live in the middle of an outright buffet of attractive servicemen and women. You nearly choke on your now warm beer, spluttering softly. “I mean, you aren’t wrong.” You glance over in the direction of the pool table and frown when you don’t see her. “Are you going to go talk to the cute one with glasses or not?” “He does look like he needs a fresh water.” She’s off the stool, smoothing down the hem of her skirt. “I’ll hang a sock on the doorknob if I succeed.” “Good luck, Cass.” She blows you a kiss and makes her way through the crowd over to where the subject of her attention sat. “She’s finally making her move?” You nod, turning to see who had taken Cass’ spot next to you. You nearly spit out your drink for a second time that evening. The dark-haired woman offers a smile and accepts a fresh drink from the bartender. Up close, she’s even more stunning. Warm brown eyes search yours, and the smile hasn’t faded from her face. “I’m Natasha,” She offers her hand. You take it, introducing yourself. She repeats your name, and your stomach clenches. “Can I get you a fresh drink?” You nod, finding it hard to breath this close to her. She’s got a warm vibrant energy, and when she sits on the stool, her thigh is pressed to yours. “You’re stunning,” the words are out of your mouth before you can stop them. “Your friend isn’t the only one shooting her shot tonight.” Natasha hands you a fresh beer, her fingertips brushing yours. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure if you were watching me or Bob, but I figured I’d come introduce myself and see where it went.” “Is that glasses?” She nods, “He’s my co-worker.” “What do you do for the Navy?” “I’m a pilot.” There’s so much pride and ferocity in the three words that it draws your attention to her once more. She’s incendiary and you’re a moth to flame. “Bob’s my wizzo.” “Weapons officer, right?” You remember a few of the pilots had mentioned the term. She nods, “I’m going to be up front,” She licks her lips before continuing, “I think you’re beautiful, and I want to dance with you.” “Is that going to be a problem?” You can feel eyes on you, and her. Natasha takes a drink of her beer and shakes her head. “Not with me, and if any knuckle draggers have an issue with it, I’ll take care of you.” There’s a playful weight to the end of her statement, focus on the word you. “Not to mention, my idiots will jump at the chase to play heroes for a damsel in distress.” She’s offering you her hand, and you’re taking it. It twists slightly, interlocking your fingers together as she leads you to the small space that passes for a dance floor. The blond wolf whistles, nudging the mustached man next to him. Moustache gives Natasha a thumbs up. “My idiots.” Natasha’s whispering against your ear as she’s pulling you close to her. “The blond is all bark and no bite, and Rooster is a feral golden retriever.” One of her hands is on your hip, and the other is keeping you close. You relax as you get caught up in the music, the way she feels against you, the way her fingertips brush slightly under the hem of your tank top. Natasha’s humming along with the music, and you’ve lost track of how many songs you’ve danced to. Her hips rock slightly against yours, and there’s a flush on her cheekbones. “Kiss me?” Her voice is soft, lips brushing against your jaw. Somehow Budweiser isn’t just a shitty beer when you taste it on her lips. Her hand is at the back of your neck, encouraging you closer as the kiss deepens. You’ve stopped dancing, your hands cupping her face. She moans and it’s one of the sweetest sounds you’ve ever heard. Her hands skim down your back, pressing you closer, feeling her curves against your own. “Wow,” you sigh with a soft laugh against her mouth. She bites her lower lip before she’s leaning in to kiss you again, hard and fast. “Again?” “If you want another one, I need to get you out of here.” She murmurs. “If that’s not too forward.” “If one of us wasn’t forward, I’d still be staring at you from across the bar.” Natasha laughs, and your insides turn to liquid. She’s bright and brilliant, the sound rattling around in your head. You want to hear it every chance you get, and her smile—oh her smile it makes your heart skip a beat. “Come on then gorgeous, let me take care of you.” She offers her hand, and when you take it, she kisses the back of your knuckles. She waves over her shoulder at her boys as she leads you out of the bar. Natasha drives the two of you to the small house she’s staying in. She laughs softly against your lips when she pushes you against her car, leaning in for another kiss, her hands sliding over your hips, cupping your ass and pulling you flush against her. You find your legs parting when her knee presses between your thighs. Your skirt bunches on your legs, and you whine when she presses her leg up against your core. Her hands encourage you as you rock against her leg, rubbing yourself, chasing friction. “You want my fingers and tongue, or the strap?” She’s murmuring against your ear. “Figured I’d ask now before we get too far.” It takes a few moments for your brain to catch up to her words. “Strap.” “Yeah?” She smiles against the curve of your neck. “You want my cock sweet girl?” You nod, and she presses her leg harder between yours. “Say it for me, I want to hear it.” “Please, Nat, give me your cock.” She sighs and untangles herself. “Come on,” she’s leading you into the house, and back into her bedroom. She pauses hanging her uniform top, on the door knob. “Can’t terrorize the roomie, though he'd probably be amused.” Once the door is closed behind her, there’s a moment of nerves that settle low in your stomach. Her fingers tip your chin up, and she kisses your cheek. Another lands on your mouth, “Still okay?” “Yes,” you mutter. She had let her hair down and it feels like liquid silk under your fingers. “You’re beautiful. It’s a little overwhelming.” “Oh, sweet girl,” she breathes against your neck, her fingers finding the hem of your tank top, and slowly raising it. “I could spend the rest of time showing you how gorgeous you are.” Natasha tosses your tank top aside. Her hands skim up your torso, sliding over the curve of your breasts. “White looks pretty on your skin.” She shucks her undershirt, pressing soft kisses down your neck, across your collar bones. Delicate fingers undo your bra, sliding it off your shoulders. Her mouth closes over your breast, tongue teasing at your nipple with a soft little hum of pleasure. Your back arches slightly, hand once more finding purchase in her hair. Her nails dig into your hips when you tug gently, wrapping her hair around your fingers. One hand eases off your hip, under the waistband of your skirt. “Please,” your head tips back, resting against the door. Her fingers tease over the front of your panties, before she’s pushing them aside. The touch is feather light as she teases a single finger along your slit. “You feel good,” she murmurs before her teeth nip at the curve of your other breast. A second finger joins the first, her thumb brushing against your clit as she toys with the wetness she finds. Gently she presses her finger inside, and you moan at the feeling of her finally touching you where you need it the most. She thrusts her fingers into you, curling them just right, and you whimper, the sound of her soft panting music to your ears. Your nails dig into her shoulders, her moan making you tighten around her fingers. “Natasha…” The easy way she fucked her fingers into you, the slow drag of her thumb over your clit was sending you spiraling.  You rock your hips moving against her, pleasure washing over you. “More?” She asks. You nod, struck mute when her fingers slide from your pussy and she’s sucking them clean. Dark eyes meet yours and she chases the taste of you on her lips with her tongue. “Take the rest of it off.” She tugs playfully at your skirt, “and make yourself comfortable. I’ll get you what you need.” You catch her wrist when she’s stepping away, and she turns to look at you. “I want to, can I touch you?” She nods, coming back to you, to kiss the corner of your mouth. “Later. Right now, I just want to watch you fall apart for me. Because of me. I’ve been thinking about how good you’d look under me from the first time I saw you.” Your knees are weak as you walk over to her bed, fingers trembling as you tug your skirt off. Panties down, you kick them aside and sit on the edge of the bed. You watch as she wiggles into the harness, the dark leather standing out against her skin. She glances over her shoulder, a playful grin on her face as she affixes her strap to the harness. Average in length and girth it suits her, and your mouth waters looking it. You sprawl out on the bed, watching her tie her hair back. Natasha walks around the bed, smirking down at you. Her hands grip your thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. Her fingers dig into your thighs, nudging your legs apart. Her fingers tease through your slick, dipping into you, thrusting slowly. She’s working you slowly, kisses landing on heated skin. Your voice cracks when she’s continually rubbing that spot inside of you that makes your toes curl. Her lips are swollen and she’s kissing you until you’re breathless. “Natasha, please.” “Tell me sweet girl,” she murmurs. “Tell me what you need.” “Fuck me,” you murmur, hiding your face behind your arm. Her hand captures yours, pinning it lightly to the bed. “I’m going to, and you’re going to watch me.” She breathes against your lips, each word sending shockwaves through you. “You’re going to see who makes you fall apart.” Her fingers slide from your pussy, and she’s stroking her strap with your slick. “Ready?” When you nod, letting your legs fall apart even more, her hands are once more at your hips. Natasha sinks into you with a groan. The stretch is incredible, and she pauses for a few moments, until you’re rolling your hips against her. “Oh, sweet girl, you take it so well.” Her mouth smears against yours in a sloppy kiss when she begins to thrust into you. Her hands map your body, kisses eagerly swallowing your sounds of pleasure. Natasha shivers when your hands skim up her back, tracing the lean muscles. You tug playfully on her ponytail, and she hips snap harder against yours. She fucks into you, her body a beautiful blend of hard and soft, her muscles flexing as she moves, her curves so soft and giving under your hands. “Feels good,” you whisper when she nips your lower lip. Natasha whimpers, and you can see the switch behind her eyes. She draws your legs up further, pulling them around her waist and she’s fucking into you. You see stars when she starts to rub your clit in time with her thrusts. You can feel yourself tighten around her, and she whines again for you, her teeth biting into your shoulder when your back arches a bit. You move against her thrusts, hands groping at her ass as she pounds into you.  She nearly folds you in half as her hips stutter, the bed shifting under you both. You cry out wordlessly as she thrusts deeper into you, voice cracking when you come. She continues to fuck you through your orgasm, kissing you hard and possessive as she does. She’s panting against your shoulder, her hair tickling your hypersensitive skin. “Fuck baby, you made me cum without touching me.” She’s trembling against you, and you pepper her temple with kisses. “I’ve never done that before.” Natasha lifts her head, eyes half lidded and sated. “Breathe for me sweetheart.” She pulls out, moving away to unbuckle the harness and step out of it, placing it aside on a towel on a chair.
Natasha curls up on the bed next to you, fingers brushing along your cheekbone, the curve of your jaw. “Bath, or shower?” She kisses your nose. “I’ll order some Chinese food and it should be here by the time we get out.” “Shower,” You grin at the soft gesture. “If I get you in the bath, the food will get cold.” ------ Tagging in:  @callsign-phoenix​ @lt-natrace​    @shadeds-library​ @atthediscowithoutpanic​ @writercole​ @hoe-on-the-range​ @hederasgarden​ @revolution-starter​ @princessmisery666​​ @evansrogerskitten​
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karmasainted · 1 month
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❛  your friend said he could sing. ❜
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he cannot sing. he is trying though and emily has to give him a few points for that. even if his song book apparently only extends to the greatest hits of the fifties and sixties by the sounds of it. thankfully the bar is rowdy enough to offset any true pain endured , her attention more focused on the other pilot she'd ended up sitting beside. her brother's team mates were truly a mixed bunch. some friendlier than others. not that it was really a priority. nat seems okay. which is better than anything else she's thought about the recent arrivals on base.
but one favour deserves another and who was she to turn down a couple of free drinks from bradley bradshaw when his nose was looking pretty much healed - and actually , it looked a little straighter. damn she was fucking good.
❛  did you guys pull his string so he could go all night or will he run outta steam soon ? i could always cut him off and wreck that piano ... ❜
starter for @fyrewalks / nat
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polikszena · 2 years
I don't really know why, but Phoenix and Bob give off the same vibe as Gracie and Cheryl (Miss Rhode Island) in Miss Congeniality.
I mean, I can totally see Bob offering hot chocolate to everyone and getting the door slammed in his face before he could tell them it's diet-friendly.
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Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace — Fluffy Headcanons ❤️‍🔥 | Top Gun Maverick Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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Dancing is weekly occurrence when in a relationship w/ Phoenix. She loves dancing and its better when she gets to hold you in her arms or spin you around. You two are the main attraction when you go to dance clubs. Sometimes when you’re home Phoenix will play music just to sway you side to side.
Whenever Phoenix lets her hair down you automatically love to run your fingers through it. She’s always keeping it up per regulation but you relish when its down in its natural wave. You especially love when its hair washing day and she needs your assistance. “Babe, can you help me with—.” “YES!”
Phoenix loves to cook and is always trying new recipes. You’ll be her taste tester and when its your turn in the kitchen she can’t help but stand to the side and watch you. You are that couple who plan your week’s worth of meals and go to the commissary or grocery store together to get the stuff. But never go on an empty stomach—cause then you leave with your cart overflowing with shit you didn’t come for in the first place.
Y’all are the ones who would host a Friendsgiving w/ the other members of the Dagger Squad. It became a tradition with y’all having a specific theme each year. One year it was everyone had to make a dish that started with the first letter of their name, then another you all dressed up ad Maverick. This past year involved going around the table and unpacking celebrity scandals.
You and Nat are not just partners, but each other’s best friend & cheerleader. In the gym you are pushing each other to get another rep in. When it comes to your jobs you’re both there to listen when the other needs to rant about the rough day they had. “Today the Gs were just too much and it gave me a headache. I was off target by five seconds.” You two are always going out of your way to make sure the other knows they are loved. Even if it small & simple gestures. “I ran you a bath if you’re feeling up to it. I went out yesterday to get those bath salts you love.”
Date night is a weekly ritual. They mostly consist of walks on the beach, dinner and movie night, of going to the arcade since you two are competitive. You’ll go to the fair when its in town or splurge on a concert every once and a while. It’s something you always look forward to at the end of the week when you’re free from nights nose deep in work where you can enjoy time with your lover.
Phoenix is a total book worm, in fact, the reason y’all met was because she saw you reading a favorite book if hers in a cafe. She was on her lunch break and needed a quick coffee to keep her going when she spotted you in the corner table completely invested in the book you had. When she saw the title —and how absolutely gorgeous you were—Nat walked up to you saying, “that’s a great book you’ve got there. One of my favorite reads this year. What part are you at?” You, completely speechless by the beautiful woman in front of you, stuttered out a response. Before Nat knew it she was well over her lunch break after you two fell deep into discussion over the main character. Once y’all became official, you guys would have nights where you cuddled up to Nat just to listen to her read aloud.
If you’re an artist of some form—photographer, musician, painter, writer, poet, etc—Nat would be your muse. Anything that came to your creative mind often involved her in some way, shape, or form. Your memory card would be filled with images of her doing candid things like reading, cooking, working on her car, or simply walking down the street ahead of you. The song book with pages upon pages of lyrics referenced her doe eyes and gorgeous smile. The protagonist/love interest of your novel would be based around her personality. Paintings often depicted Nat or drew inspiration from your relationship.
Rooster and Bob are your closest friends in the squad. Bob because he wad Nats backseater and best friend, and Rooster because not only did he know Nat the longest but also was the first to welcome you to their little family. He’d be the first person you’d go to when asking for advice on what to get Nat for birthday, anniversary, promotion and what not. You and Bob often have deep discussions where he gives wonderful advice whenever you’re seeking a third party opinion.
Nat loved dogs so expect to have multiple in your home. You guys are always fostering to help the local animal shelter—which sometimes makes you regret it since you always cry when an animal you’ve attached to has to leave. You guys have adopted four fur babies and must live off base since on base residents are only required two pets. And there’s no way in hell you’re surrendering/re-homing your fur children. “Wait Nat, they’ve all bonded—we can’t separate them!!” “Then we’re gonna need a bigger house, baby….one with a giant yard.”
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Look at them 🥹
Loving the new content we are getting with the cast celebrating cracking a billion at the box office!
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mustanged · 1 year
reminds her of a past she would rather forget than remember. the mechanic is running on 30 minutes of sleep and caffeine, which makes her more easily angered than usual. jet is down, and hangman made an off comment to get it in the air, which is usually fine —— they’re officers and she is just an enlisted, it’s her job. but the little ‘be a doll’ is what throws her off. wrist caught by the brunette pilot, the wrench dropped rather than flung across the room in the general direction the texan pilot left in.
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@fyrewalks​​     ❭❭❭     LT NATASHA TRACE : ❛ how about we don’t do that. ❜
     ❝ fuck…. sorry trace, ❞     wincing with embarrassment as she meets the eye of the pilot. a couple of deep breaths,     ❝ you can let go, won’t lose it again. ❞     nodding to her wrist, flush creeping up her skin. she really needs to go to bed, but she cannot catch a break and jets keep breaking from the g’s they’re pulling.
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animezinglife · 2 years
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Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
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heyitsspaceace · 2 years
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me wanting Bob and Phoenix best friends content
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randoauthor · 2 years
Bagman (J.S)
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Pairings: Hangman x Fem!Reader, Sister!Natasha x Sister!Reader
Warnings: some suggestive lines, probably should be 18+
Word Count:1.1K
Author's Note: Hiii, first we are so close to 150 followers!! Secondly, I will be posting an announcement here in the next few days so keep an eye out for that!
Summary: Being Natasha's sister you were also given a very sassy attitude, which oddly, Hangman can't get enough of.
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Natasha Louise Trace was five minutes and 23 seconds older.
Yet I always came first at everything we did.
"Natty!" I cried as I spotted my twin sister in the airport, cheesy valet sign in hand.
"Bambi!" She yelled back dropping the sign to pull me into a hug. "Oh my god, I've missed you!!" You nod in agreement both of you falling into a pit of giggles.
Natasha planned to show me around North Island the best she could, and we had a blast that day after not seeing each other in nearly four years.
The two of us had finally landed at the Hard Deck for some drinks and food, and so that I could meet all of her friends and the people I would be helping.
"Boys, this is my sister, callsign Bambi." I offer a short wave before Nat and I are bombarded with questions.
"You have a sister?"
"There's more than one of you?"
"Who is older?"
"Easy there fellas," she chuckled, "to answer all these questions at once, she's my twin."
The boys around her seem astonished at the fact that we were twins.
"What does she do?" a quiet boy with glasses finally spoke up.
"I am an aerospace engineer, but I found a love for F-18, and here we are," I say confidently.
"Ah so not only is she prettier than Phoenix but she's smarter too." A voice spoke up from somewhere within the crowd, and Nat rolled her eyes.
"Bambi, this is Bagman." She states blankly.
"Hangman," He shoots back.
"Whatever." She snaps.
The two seemed tense for the rest of the night but I didn't want to pry because I was having fun with my sister. Yet, it felt as though someone was watching me.
"Trace!" a voice boomed, and my sister and I turned around to find its source. And then a moment later we hear the sinister laughing of Bagman. I noticed his stare linger for a moment on me and I felt my cheeks heat up.
Jake was good-looking, that was obvious to everyone. Including himself. His cocky attitude and poor attempt at picking girls up somehow made him more attractive than I could ever imagine. The way his hair moved when he laughed and how even though he was trying to pick up random girls I was always the one who fell back into his gaze after they turned him down.
But Natasha would kill me.
She would have me pummeled to a pulp if she found out I was trying to make moves on her little sister. But Bambi was beautiful. She was the complete opposite of Phoenix, her hair curly and pulled into a ponytail while Phoenix kept hers in a tight bun. She was a genius, I have no idea how someone would go from wanting to practice Aerospace Engineering to an F-18 technician. It makes no sense yet somehow she seemed just right for that job.
"Yo baby Trace!"
I turn around at the sound of my name only to find Hangman sitting in the corner watching my every move.
"What do you want Bagman?" I shoot back a playful smirk falling to my lips. He chuckled softly before walking over to me, invading my personal space.
"How about we make a deal." He says softly into my ear. I glance quickly around to make sure no one was paying attention, thankfully no one was.
"And what would that be?" I say with a breathy tone.
"If I beat you in pool I get to take you on a date." He says with a smirk, "And if I win?" I shoot back.
He chuckled softly.
"I'll eat you out."
I watched as her cheeks turned to a bright pink and her eyes grew wide, praying that nobody hears her.
She took a shaky deep breath before meeting my eyes.
Hangman smiled before handing me a pool stick, I took a deep breath as we quickly drew a crowd of on-lookers, our game of pool getting exciting.
He was winning, he was cocky and he was winning. Ball after ball was shot by Hangman and ball after ball sunk into a pocket. Until by some grace of god I manage to shoot most of my balls in one round, leaving me two balls less than Hangman. He looks at me playfully before 'accidental' missing his shot pushing the turn onto me.
I look at him with a smirk before sinking my final two balls,
"Eight-ball right corner pocket," I say with a proud grin on my face before sinking the final ball to win the game.
The bar around me erupts into cheers as I am crowded by pilots saying a jumbled mix of 'how did you beat him?' 'hangman never wins' and finally,
"Why is Hangman staring at you?" Nat says almost defensively.
I glance over at him to find that he is leaning against the wall watching in amusement an all-knowing smirk lay on his face.
I give Nat a shrug before excusing myself to step outside, I let out a sigh as the salt-mixed sea breeze hit me. The sound of the ocean was almost loud enough to drown out the sound of the bar door opening as Hangman joined me outside.
"I believe you have a deal to uphold Bagman," I say with a taunting tone. He smiles before coming up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist.
"It's Hangman," he says back with a whisper into my ear.
"Whatever," I say playfully, feeling his hand travel slowly up my torso to where it laid gently along my collarbone. I gave a soft whimper as it continued its trail to my throat squeezing slightly.
And she was a goner.
What was a stone-cold outer shell had since melted away as I kissed along her neck, thankful that no one inside was paying attention to us.
The small whimpers and moans were driving me crazy and I couldn't wait to see what she tasted like.
I allowed my hands to roam her body before spinning her around so that I could finally kiss her.
Her lips tasted like cotton candy and her skin was as soft as velvet. I picked her up with ease before setting her gently upon the railing of the deck. The breeze was cool but the heat we were creating was burning us up. We were too enthralled in our own little world that we didn't hear the bar door open or my friends pour out onto the deck.
We did however hear Natasha as she shrieked.
"What the fuck are you doing to my sister?"
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