#lucassa vatigo
mrspectacularity · 7 years
Lucassa “The Wolf” Vatigo
Son to the wolfmother Dimarva Vatigo, Lucassa was given to eccentric and sporadic behavior, some owing such madness to a childhood filled with chaos and bloodshed at the feet of his mother the former queen. He was noted at birth for his half-elven appearance, owing some half of his heritage to some foreign source unknown due to the many intimate meetings between the predatory queen and uncountable consorts. But whatever other was involved in his conception lent him an uncanny serpentine look, one of thin, pale features utterly without color. All of him aside from his piercing emerald eyes and shadowy, wavy raven hair was described as paler than the moon he seemed to worship and fear, often times clearly changing around entire event schedules depending on the lunar phase of it's date. It was through these actions that many came to wonder just how much of a wolf he was, many whispering rumors of lycanic curses and untoward stories of murders of a most viscous manner being covered over by the royal guard themselves. Many people blamed the sudden disappearances of dozens of peasants every full moon upon the strange minded prince in surely hushed tones and even those closest to him seemed to tell tales of Lucassa himself falling into loud, agonized fits behind secured doors on the same nights, often followed by inhuman sounds and endless nocturnal hours of thrashing against the tightly secured doors of his his chamber, the then-king himself demanding that he be bound to his room with none other to bare witness to his "transformations" and it was an inevitable escape that many guards said to have awaited, hoping the king might leap through the secured bars of his window rather than to finally burst through the doors they so often barricaded and guarded at their backs. It was only in the early hours of morning that one might finally open the doors to the king's chamber only to find it destroyed entirely, strewn with the blood of faceless carcasses and countless bloodied feathers from his bed covering every surface of his bedchamber from the tiled floor to the arched ceiling high above. But yet again, while popular among those who were relatively close to the king, such stories are unsupported by any hard evidence and one can only hope that the confession of his mother that her son was born of a direwolf's womb and a dark demigod's seed are just as fabricated of madness and paranoia. It was not old age which would take the half-elven Wolfking of Mardonia at last but a sudden, mysterious death. They say that after his passing in the prime of his long half-elven life that all of his wolves were set free into the wilds around his capital city of Crerno-Sunce, the king's body never allowed to be seen or visited before it was put to rest in a stone tomb now sealed with powerful magics. Some rumor, though, that long after his death, the king still secretly roamed at night with his wolves, finally free of the city's walls and allowed to kill along the countryside unhindered as his true and terrible self.
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