#lucinda and sasha
i physically cannot stop myself from making more
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the laury and katelyn one isn’t a ship btw
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xerith-42 · 6 months
MCD Fighting Style breakdown
for @gonedreaminggg as a treat. I took your initial list, added a few ideas I came up with, had a breakdown, Bone apple teeth!
- Laurance: As seen in canon Laurance mainly uses a single large sword, though in his early appearances he uses a sword and a shield. I feel like Laurance has trained in multiple styles of combat to varying degrees. He's really good with a single sword of any size, and he can fight sword and shield. His dual wielding is lacking and he can tell every time he watches Dante fight. A lot of Laurance's movements are very basic forms of sword combat with slight variations and flare. Laurance is really light on his feet, so much so that when he really gets into a fight, it almost looks like he's gliding sometimes.
- Garroth: An absolute tank. Fuck what canon says here, Garroth has trained exclusively in fighting with a sword and shield. It is his bread and butter. His ass would not know what to do with a second sword, and nobody really tried to train him in anything else because he's so good at what he does. Garroth can and will always take the hits, he's a barbarian who manages to suppress the rage until he's forced to multiclass into paladin thanks to the relic. Always on the front lines, so good at throwing himself into danger, he wants to die a warriors death and go to Valhalla and both Aph and Laurance are like "Garroth please stop."
- Dante: Dual Wielding jack ass my beloved. Dual wielding isn't a super common style of combat just because it requires so much coordination and there's definitely a quantity over quality problem with guards in Ru'aun. Dante studies an unconventional style of fighting to stand out, and it works. He's super limber and flexible, at least when he's a teenager, and he's fast as fuck. Dante will absolutely be the one getting insane hit combos and doing like 8 attacks per round. He loves bragging about this so much, even though he has to slow down a little as he gets older and his body can't quite move the way it used to.
- Aphmau: Oh Aphmau... Can I call you Aph? You poor thing. In my brain Aph is partially trained by Garroth and Zenix in her early days, but she also just has some really good instincts from being Irene's reincarnation. She learns basic archery from Zenix, and a lot of basics in sword fighting from Garroth. She tends to prefer one lightweight weapon, though she does learn to get comfortable with larger weapons. She's shorter than a lot of her opponents so she likes having a lighter weapon that let's her move fast and go for the fucking knees. She does not fuck around in a fight, she will go straight for the kill. All the guards have some sort of honor/respect for their opponents. She doesn't. She will fucking kill you.
- Travis: Travis is the jack of all trades. You put a weapon in his hand and he knows how to use it. He's not particularly great with any one weapon, and he never has a preference. He was taught to always have his guard up and always be able to defend himself, so Travis is much more comfortable with being given a weapon and using it instead of having a preference. He carries a long sword with him everywhere he goes, but that's just in case he can't get his grubby little paws on something else. He also uses potions a lot more in battle than anyone else thinks to, so he's able to make up for any shortcomings in his fighting.
- Katelyn: Punch people at the perfect weak points of their body. Katelyn has done a lot of study into human anatomy and medicine, and she knows all the weak points of the body for taking someone out in a certain way. Want a quick knockout? There's a pressure point on the back of the neck she can hit while blindfolded. Want to make someone winded? Hit them in the solar plexus. Katelyn has honed her body for this style of fighting, she is ripped as fuck, and while she isn't the fastest fighter, mostly due to her still wearing armor, her strikes are powerful enough to make up for it.
- Lucinda: Evil!! She uses her witchcraft obviously, which I have a lot of thoughts about. I think it's basically being a prepared/component caster, so how well she does in a fight depends on what components she brings into it. But Lucinda literally has like three bags of holdings, she can always whip up something to kick your ass. And if she can't, her staff is definitely made out of some ancient tree and she'll just sweep people off their feet with it and then concuss them with the giant curved end of it. She prefers to take people down non-lethally if possible, especially because witchcraft is very susceptible to accidentally killing people, but if you hurt her friends, it's on sight,
- Zane: Despite his high position, Zane isn't particularly good with any large weapons. I always envision Zane to be somewhat lanky in his stature, and definitely the weakest out of his brothers. He doesn't want to be seen as a threat initially, and as shown in the series, he'd much prefer to find a non physically violent way to kill you. If he has to, he's always got knives hiding on his person, in his robe, in his belt, in his boots, man's always has a way to kill just in case.
- Nana: Magic in this universe is spontaneous casting, where most spells don't need active prep work, and fewer components. Like she needs her dolls as vessels and some magical energy that's naturally present in her body and she's good. I don't think Tu'la was always a safe place, and she likely learned to defend herself from a young age. But Nana isn't really good with conventional weapons like swords or bows, no, she knows how to dent your brain with a frying pan. She doesn't like being violent, but if you threaten her friends or family, she will absolutely demolish you with a cutting board.
- Vylad: The archer!! I like to think Vylad tried to spar with Garroth like once and hated it so much. He hates eye contact and getting close to people, so instead they learn how to be an absolute master of ranged combat. Vylad knows how to stab someone with a short sword in a desperate situation, but he'd much rather be perched on a tree above the battlefield and rain arrows from above. Vylad is also incredibly stealthy and faster than anyone else. So people see his perch and try to get there to take him down or have their own archers fire back, but he's already gone.
- Sasha: Sasha moves so gracefully, so fluidly, and almost enchantingly. For her fighting is a performance, she's gonna kill several people and she's gonna look good while doing it. Even when she was a trained guard she made herself stand out with an affinity for smaller curved blades that naturally assisted her fluid movements. She makes fights into an endurance test, cutting people up and whittling them down. But if she needs to kill, she knows how to do it in a single swipe and knows the weak points that guards are taught to protect, and the ones they aren't. She's such a menace :)
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mcdgarroth · 3 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 8
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Part 1 Part 7 Part 9
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maragidyke · 7 months
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look what i redrew :)
old one is below
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little-laurance · 7 months
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Aphtober Day 31: Free Day!
Breaking my consistency all month to tell u I am just posting this to show I did the whole challenge!!! And this originally had 9 girlies, and I will properly finish it later
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p0pcorn-hearts · 1 month
Aphmau headcanons yay!!
(Except its just four main characters and a handful of miscellaneous headcanons because writing more than that is too much effort and also painful)
She has ADHD that's usually inattentive but sometimes is hyperactive
Both a cat and a dog person
Had a bit of an anger problem in high school but is much better at anger management as an adult
Because of her half-werewolf blood her teeth are slightly more pointy
Listens to dubstep and 2000-2010s pop music
Has chronic insomnia but can and will sleep the entire day away
Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Would do anything to make sure you don't hate her
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's sorry
Super competitive though
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's right/better
"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" "Yes"
It gets really cold where he lived so he used to draw stick figures in the frost on his bedroom window
Has a few tattoos, nothing serious, just a moon on his back and a full sleeve inspired by his favorite band (okay so a bit serious)
Listens to exclusively rock but is fine with Aphmau’s pop music. He doesn't get it, but he loves her too much
He got the tattoos like right when he was free from his dad and now he kinda regrets them, but he has to admit, the full sleeve is fuckin awesome
Writes songs for his guitar, although he doesn't show anyone because they range from love songs about Aphmau to full blown vent songs about his PTSD from his dad
Speaking of his PTSD, he gets frequent nightmares and even when he doesn't or when he can't remember his nightmare, he'll still jolt awake in a cold sweat
Used to have a pet rock that he'd throw at kids who bothered him
His dad made sure to take care of that one
Still draws stick figures on frosted glasses, but while as a kid he'd draw his family, he now draws his friends and Aph
Actually decently friends with Garroth and Travis. They shit talk people together
There was once one time Aaron hung out with Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Travis, and they ordered pizza but they couldn't pay so they played rock paper scissors to see who would negotiate and Dante lost, so he attempted to sway the pizza guy into lowering the price while fucking 6'5 Aaron stood ominously over Dante, piercing into the guy's soul
It actually worked
It never worked again though
Hanami (Kawaii~Chan for the uninitiated)
Is the token straight friend although she acts super gay, like she doesn't like girls but she *will* kiss the homies goodnight
Bakes even though meif'wa literally cannot have sugar
She has perfected her own recipes for sugar-free, sugar, and sweetened cupcakes
When she's angry her whole body scrunches up. Like she tenses, her ears lay flat on her head, her arms are pressed tightly to her sides, and her face scrunches up
Has almost sent Lucinda to the hospital because they'd get in play fights and meifwa claws are sharp
Best girl scout in the business. Literally created her own cookie because of her love of experimenting with baked good
Would eat plain rice. Just a ball of plain white rice
When startled, she jumps like three feet horizontally
Always lands on her feet. Except for when she doesn't
Knows how to sew and often modifies her clothing to add more ruffles and bows. When Katelyn wanted to put on a play her and Cadenza worked on the costumes together
Super competitive also
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract-
Highly empathetic. It's to the point that people being upset around her can get very overwhelming very fast
Ran a meif'wa colony in high school. She was often underestimated by the other colonies but she ended up being front and center a lot of conflicts and her colony remained standing after The Jury
She only has like three people in it though. Aimi (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), Xin (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), and June
Also has asthma, ASPD, depression and PTSD
Like pick a struggle 🙄
Was in a gang in high school but luckily has a rich daddy who can afford a lawyer to get Zane out of the legal trouble
Greatly regrets it now as like his only options for work are minimum wage and Aphmau and Aaron’s business
Lacks a lot of empathy but still good at comfort. He just somehow knows the right things to say even if he doesn't really get what they're upset about
Not actually emo, he's goth. He was emo back in high school because Gene is emo but only knew My Chemical Romance. He realized that he actually much preferred goth music and had a trad goth phase in college before settling on just more casual outfits during a massive depressive episode
How much Zane dresses up is a legitimate indicator of his mental health
Is he just wearing sweatpants and hoodies? Depressive episode
Is he wearing jeans and jewelry? He's fine
Also genderfluid (he/him or she/her, depends what gender hes presenting as)
Didn't really explore that side of himself until he was friends with Aphmau
Trauma :(
Likes vocaloid (Hanami's fault)
Miscellaneous that might get their own posts
Dottie, Daniel, and Blaze were in an open relationship until, yknow, Blaze kinda died
After that, Dottie and Daniel continued dating but decided to close their relationship until they properly got over Blaze dying right in front of them
The Shadow Knights are also dating, but they specifically date after high school after they went through their character arcs and became better people
Sasha dated Michi once
You can imagine how bad it was
Canontypical first Sapphic relationship
Melissa likes Twilight but hides it
Travis is essentially one of the girls. He mightve flirted with every one of them but Aph swears on him being cool. They invited him over for a sleepover once and they had so much Travis is just automatically invited to the sleepovers and girl nights out. He is very happy
Imagine getting invited to every outing with the girls but you cannot get a single chick. Even Zane, who is an honorary girl like Travis some days and an actual girl other days, has a girlfriend
It's okay, he has Dante
Dante is like "bro I just cannot pick up chicks" and Travis is like "me neither :(" they turn to each other. "I would date you if you were a girl" Dante said. "Me too" Travis said. There's a pause. They begin making out
Dante did have Nicole but they broke up on good terms because Nicole pursued a master's in engineering and it required too much attention. They're still besties though and hang out whenever Nicole is in town
Nicole is steampunk goals
Okay that's it. You may exit the theater carefully on your right
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Posting headcanons on here cuz that's what the cool people do on this app (or so I've heard)
Mystreet addition!
• Travis and Sasha are cousins, that didn't know they were cousins until post season 3 (I basically looked at them both and basically said; "this would be some good family drama")
• Dante got a tongue piercing because Gene dared him to get one
• Travis and Sasha used to sneak off Friday nights to hang out without anyone knowing
• Aphmau and Zane had SOME feelings for each other post season 1 (I adore Zanemau)
• Katelyn and Travis were pretend dating for like the majority of mystreet
• Travis was given SO mucuch money by Michael even tho Micheal was only giving Travis a SMALL portion of his money per month, Travis still has too much money till this day
• Garroth can't and I mean CAN'T be trusted near a stove
• Laurance semi knows how to cook, he knows the basic at least because of Cadenza
• Zane is a baker and cook
• Vylad took a part-time job that ended up becoming his job for like 2 years (he was working at a flower shop) until he moved to a fashion industry with Zane
• Zane was a designer when he signed up for a fashion industry and then got into modeling due to one of his work colleagues convincing him to try it
• Zianna taught his 'sons' how to sew stuff
• Lucinda is just the same Lucinda from mcd, she's immortal okay?
• Michael is very ancient and used metal rulers to punish Travis, most times about lower than average grades that he gets (aka anything under an A)
• in middle School Travis was the definition of "President perfect" he was likeable by everyone he was naturally pretty and was always one to show up early also a straight A student
• Dante till this day still doesn't understand how he and Travis became friends in middle School, Travis is like this goddess while Dante was some late average grade normie
• Laurence took ballet
• Gene almost got sent to a violin academia by his mom cuz he was so good at violin
• Dante had a 'little' crush on Travis but decided to just back away from that she tried to ignore it since Travis and Katelyn are "Dating"
• In high school Zane and Vylad betted on how gay Garroth was, whoever won that bet even if it's years later had to do whatever the person who won said, and if it's something expensive then it'd be a one-time
• Garte is actually better in my universe (I can't fully defend him yet, all I can say is that he did help Zianna through tough times)
• Vylad and Zane has the same father but Zane is still older then Vylad by a few Days
• Vylad and Zane are twins even if they don't look like it
• Vylad and Zane would hang out in secret always anytime they can hang out
• all the Ro'maeve brothers are multilangual
• Travis speaks so many languages, (list; English,French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, mandarin, Malaysian, Italian,German,Tagalog,Arabic,Russian,Thai, Vietnamese,Icelandic,Polandic, that doesn't include the fact he knows sign language and Morse code)
• Travis and Gene both knows sign language and would talk shii about people and also gossip in private while not being in private
• Sasha knows sign language but doesn't bother to tell anyone she's here for the gossip
• Dante and Zenix is fed up with Gene and Travis and started communicating through
• Travis understands Morse code only because Dante taught him, but Dante thought Travis forgot how to do Morse code which was his own problem
• Travis barely remembered anyone from the street when he first moved in with the guys, it was so strange that even other people that barely knew Travis was interested
• Lucinda try to figure out what was happening with Travis but had no idea, her magic doesn't extend to ancient magic anymore since she has modernized her magic. Even with the blockages she has she tries to figure out what's wrong Maybe by a potion but she found no specific potion that could do it most of those potions were illegal and she sense no specific potions she sense Magic
• but Lucinda never stopped searching for why Travis didn't remember anyone besides Dante, since there was no record of any major accidents involving Travis or the valkrums
• Micheal gave Travis a box of crystals cuz he had a obsession with crystals (still do) and Travis was shocked by the amount of emeralds there was in that box there was around 50 something emeralds if counting the broken shards, if counting the whole emeralds there would be like 35 which is still a lot
• Terry once threatened Micheal to turn his physical form into a relic due to a factor that Michael was trying to erase an important memory and Terry wasn't having it that day
• Travis would endlessly rant about crystals to Vylad which had started to make Vylad actually interested in crystals and start looking into them and then got obsessed over it with Travis
• Dante as a teen was a hoarder, he grew out of it eventually
• Gene, despite being a horrible person in general in high school, he tried his best to be a better person around Dante trying not to influence him cuz he is far much more aware the fact that Dante can be influenced by him and he does not need Dante to be on his level of trouble
• Gene is far nicer to Travis than other one of Dante's friend, most likely due to the fact there was already this out of nowhere trust bond that existed when Dante first introduced Travis to Gene
•Zane had braces throughout freshman year and no one noticed cuz he had a mask on, then he got retainers mid season 3
• Zane is diagnose autistic
• Garroth and Aphmau is undiagnosed ADHD even though Travis has multiple time told them to get diagnosed due to the fact of the symptoms they had visibly and every time they always have this conversation;
"well are you a psychologist?"
"then how can you see the ADHD symptoms?"
"Cuz I have ADHD!"
"oh..uhm well you pay for a psychologist then!"
And then Travis actually gets them appointed to a psychologist for a ADHD diagnose and they got an actually official diagnose because of Travis and his ridiculous amount of money
• Vylad is dyslexic and Travis would spend hours after school in the library with him teaching him stuff, even if that means getting home late which Michael usually don't mind cuz he's never home until midnight Vylad got his permission card to stay late from his mom
• Vylad is the reason Zane is into my little horsey, Vylad actually introduced Zane to so many cartoons that now they can binge watch any kind of cartoons that Vylad puts on the platter
This whole post is just me ranting about stuff I wish were canon but isn't Canon, but hey no one can really stop me from posting this :]
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garbagepile · 2 months
I feel like sometimes the depth and backstories from characters are overlooked due to them being hot.
Lucinda and Sasha are great examples of this. Two absolutely stunning women, but I feel like in turn their complexities get overlooked.
In mcd, Sasha isn't just "women's wrongs" and a hot goth girlboss. She is someone who has her memories messed up. And is made to believe her childhood friends betrayed her. Yet she still cares about them deep down regardless. She cares so deeply about Kenmur that she would rather see him be happy with someone else. We know she believes Laurance betrayed her, yet she is still kind to him and still defends him when she believes Aphmau to have left him. She seems to care deeply about her fellow shadowknights, as she thinks they took her in after her long-term friends left her to die. Seen by how upset she got over Zenix killing them, the way she was upset was personal because those were her friends that he killed.
Lucinda isn't just hot, beautiful, stunning, and gorgeous. She is someone who faces prejudices because of her witchcraft. And has a strong moral code because of this, way too often have I seen people claim Lucinda would kill someone or would do any other romanticised morally dubious thing. Just because she is hot and cool. She also has family problems. Her dad rules a village that hates witchcraft users. And she has some problems with her mother too, considering she left her mom when she was 10. When she sees her again, Lucinda attacks her and says she wants nothing to do with her.
These are complex characters. Not just hot.
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vylad-romeave-5 · 11 months
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snekverse · 2 months
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this is content that is for no one lmao but i wanted to draw some lil critters so i put a handful of myst creatures into a randomizer wheel and also pulled up a random animal generator and just. went for it lol
this is Garroth as a rabbit, Sasha as a pony/horse, Gene as a gopher, Aphmau as a jaguar, Lucinda as a parakeet/budgie, Teony as a camel, Dante as a lamb, Zane as a bat and Zenix as a kitten :)
obviously I changed the colors to fit the character but w/ever cope ig <3
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marshiiicake · 1 year
Sketches that I drew in my notebook p3
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shibnoota · 1 year
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I swear these three have the best style in the whole mys
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gendervoid-zane · 7 months
Thinking about my rewrite:
Pronoun/gender/sexuality stuff.
Featuring handful of characters (not all of them though). Info is due to change and characters are due to get added.
-Aphmau: She/her, (gets added after the whole "transformed into a cat" fiasco in season 1 ->) mew/mewself – Demigirl – Bisexual.
-KC/Nana: She/her, prism/prismself, (gets after it drops the KC Persona ->) it/its– Trans girl, genderprism – Biromantic lesbian.
-Katelyn: She/her – Bisexual.
-Zoey: They/them, she/her – Sapphic
-Vylad: They/them. It/its, (Zianna only ->) he/him – Libramasculine – Queer, Pansexual – Polyamorous
-Garroth: He/him, she/her – bigender – Bi-oriented Aroace.
-Laurance: He/him – Aromantic, bisexual – Hyperromantic.
-Dante: He/him, blue/blueself – Transmasculine– Bisexual.
-Travis: He/him – Transgender man – Polyromantic gay – Hypersexual.
‐Zane: It/its, (Only under very specific circumstances ->) Divine/divineself – Unlabaled
-Aaron: He/him, (gets added during season 3 ->) it/its – Biromantic, asexual.
-Lucinda: Any pronouns but perfers shy/hyr – Girlflux – Pansexual.
-Gene: He/him – Transneutral – Homoromantic, bisexual – Polyamorous
-Sasha: It/itself, she/her, sasha/sashaself – Librafeminine – Queer – Polyamorous
-Zenix: Death/deathself, he/him, they/them – Shadowgender – Acespec, queer – Polyamorous.
-Donna: She/her – Transgender woman.
-Logan: He/him – Transgender man.
-Blaze: He/him, blaze/blazeself – Pan-oriented aroace – Polyamorous
-Dottie: They/them, (friends only ->) she/her – Demigirl – Demiromantic, queer – Polyamorous.
-Daniel: He/him – Pansexual – Polyamorous
-Rylan: He/him – Bisexual – Polyamorous
-June: She/her – Bisexual
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maelihi · 10 months
PDH 2000s (pt. 2)
i found more! and people seemed to enjoy the last one and i crave attention (jk xoxo) also! sorry if there’s a bunch of random pause buttons- i stole some of these from tiktok. (mid character too cause love her.)
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another jwoww <3 ^^
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dantes-gf · 2 years
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which mcd characters
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Last names I've heard for different Mystreet characters in the fandom, that I personally really enjoy:
Dante + Gene -
Shalashaska, aka Aphmaus last name. Derived from the possibility that they are cousins.
{Sources: @bread--squid--uwu and Love~Love Paradise.}
Sasha -
Campbell, taken from the Sally Face character Ashley Campbell. Similar vibes, same main color, overall very good choice.
{Source: @bread--squid--uwu }
Lucinda -
Aisling, pronounced Ash-lyeen, lovely Irish name. The way the name looks and sounds reminds me of her vibes and aesthetic perfectly.
{ Source: I forgot? }
Zenix -
Curiel, I don't know the reason behind this, but it has a nice sound alongside the first name.
{ Source: @mohs-aphmau-hcs }
Jeffory + Abby -
Gold, derived from Golden Heart. Basic but holds well, makes sense looking at the title from MCD.
{ Source: almost everyone uses some iteration of Gold I think.}
Dottie -
Gale, this is in reference to The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy Gale, since Dottie is commonly a nickname for the name Dorothy.
{ Source: my irl friend Bec }
Please add your own! I love seeing the different names people choose, and also I love stealing them.
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