#m: TGFR
tinkersclankandbobble · 11 months
Let’s talk about Bobble’s strength for a moment
Taking a look at Bobble, one might assume he is just a scrawny geek who could be knocked over with a slight breeze.
Ok… maybe he could be knocked over with a slight breeze… he is a fairy… But all joking aside, I believe Bobble is likely a lot stronger than he looks. We’ve seen a few moments where the animators have made little jokes about Bobble trying to lift heavy things and not being very successful at it. For example, in the first movie, we see him and Clank carrying the music box during liftoff toward the Mainland.
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And yes, Bobble is clearly struggling t o lift the base of the music box, while Clank is having no trouble carrying it by the hand of the dancer. But we already know Clank is strong. And of course Clarion throws extra Dust Bobble’s way to help him carry the music box, leaving a bright glow on his body.
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Cute moment, for sure. Very silly and definitely plays at the dynamic of Clank being the stronger of the pair while Bobble tries to be strong too.
But take a look at how Bobble is holding the music box in those two pictures. He doesn’t have a good grip on the base at all, meaning it could easily fall from his grasp. In fact, lets have a look at a moment just after this when everyone is flying to the mainland.
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Ok, so in both instances where we see this, the boys are right at the bottom edge of the shot so we can’t really see it well, Tink being the real focus and all, but see how the two of them are holding the base together now? Bobble is no longer struggling to hold the music box. Also he’s no longer glowing from the extra dust, so I’d assume it’s no longer in effect.
“But RK! Couldn’t it be that Clank is supporting more of the weight than Bobble is?”
I suppose that could be the case, so let’s look at another moment from The Great Fairy Rescue.
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I’ve always found this moment hilarious. Why the heck does Bobble think he can lift Clank up to see over the rocks? He’s so skinny and Clank is so big!!!
Well, it probably didn’t occur to him that he’d struggle with it. It’s raining, the rocks are slippery, he kind of got under Clank to boost him up too quickly. All in all, not good technique for lifting someone larger than yourself. But the fact remains that Bobble WAS able to boost Clank up, though with great difficulty, and ultimately ended up slipping out from under him as referenced by the sound bits and him shouting “I can’t feel my legs!”
Again, this is likely played up for humor, but doesn’t accurately show how strong Bobble really is, because once again something happens later that paints a different picture.
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All seven of these fairies stacked up together to open the door. Clank is of course on the bottom because he is in fact the strongest of the bunch (and largest) but who is second from the bottom? Bobble! And though we don’t really get a closeup of him here, we can see that he has his whole body straightened out and his arms completely extended over his head unlike when he was trying to lift Clank.
“But they’re not as heavy as Clank is, RK!”
I doubt that. I cannot possibly believe that the combined weights of Rosetta, Vidia, Fawn Silvermist AND Iridessa could possibly be less than the weight of Clank on his own. No way.
(Side note: I find it hilarious that Iridessa is on the top of the stack. She’s a light fairy. So she’s light.)
What I see here is that this group was able to take more time to stack themselves up more steadily to reach the door, possibly use the door itself for balance as they stacked up. And balance is just as important as weight, if not more important, when it comes to lifting an object. So in all likelihood, Bobble is actually pretty dang strong, and just lacks technique to lift things properly.
Plus one other thing…. He’s a gosh darn Tinker! Tinkers are heckin’ strong! Fairy Mary even stated to Tink that they’d build up her “Tinker Muscles” in no time! And Bobble’s been around longer than Tink, so it’s a safe assumption that he has built up muscle from tinkering over the years. So even though Bobble may not be as strong as Clank or Fairy Mary, he is by no means weak.
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artofdisneyfairies · 8 months
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The Great Fairy Rescue - Storyboard by John Pomeroy
- ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ -
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ryderdire · 2 years
Reads queer graphic novels and cries
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ffiesinger · 8 months
Éboulements : quand la crise climatique change le visage des Alpes • FRANCE 24
See on Scoop.it - Club euro alpin: Economie tourisme montagne sports et loisirs
En août, un éboulement massif a coupé la circulation entre la France et l’Italie, dans la vallée de la Maurienne. Au total, 16 000 mètres cube de roches ont atteint trois infrastructures : la voie ferroviaire, la route départementale et l'autoroute. Les images, spectaculaires, deviennent presque habituelles. Dans les Alpes, les canicules et le dérèglement climatique changent le visage de la montagne. Dangereuse, fragilisée, elle devient imprévisible.   En savoir plus avec notre article : https://f24.my/9pye.y 🔔 Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : https://f24.my/YTfr 🔴 En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : https://f24.my/YTliveFR 🌍 Retrouvez toute l’actualité internationale sur notre site : https://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : https://f24.my/FBvideos Suivez-nous sur X (Twitter) : https://f24.my/Xvid Parcourez l’actu en images sur Instagram : https://f24.my/IGfr Découvrez nos vidéos TikTok : https://f24.my/TKfr Recevez les dernières infos sur Telegram : https://f24.my/TGfr
Francis Fiesinger Pro's insight:
#montagne #risquesnaturels #climat 
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kingkev27-blog · 4 years
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We May Not Be D9 But It’s Still Our First Founders Day And I’m Excited And Proud 😇💪🏾💯💯 Deeno I Was On Line Last Year Couldn’t Celebrate Couldn’t Celebrate 😭 No I’m Finna Turn Up For The Septem And The Panthers Today #TGFR #TT7WOOW #WIST7 #AWNP 👇🏾🐾❤️🖤🌹💯💯 (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBx9cLgJeRK/?igshid=cen4wq1xzuh1
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ogdoadfates · 4 years
Do you wish to fight me? I thought not, I have a fuckin blog.
Beat that ya damn striders.
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moon-haven · 5 years
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Okay, someone better explain to my why TSTW, TPF, and TLTNB got those super cool and pretty Disney storybook editions when TB, TLT, AND TGFR did not, before I will go to Disney to frikin massacre them all?!?!?!?! 😡😠😤
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diannyah · 6 years
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Il #Pilates è ginnastica posturale? No. È un tipo di ginnastica, a corpo libero o con i macchinari, che incrementa la forza di tutto il corpo. Sì, anche la schiena. È vero che il creatore ha sempre dato una grande importanza alla colonna vertebrale ma bisogna capire che non è l'unico obiettivo o l'unico risultato. Chiaramente lavorando nell'insieme ci sarà anche un beneficio da quel punto di vista ma la vera domanda è: perché le altre discipline non lo hanno? Infine no, pilates e #yoga non sono la stessa cosa. Sì, nomi diverse = discipline diverse. #iampolestar #polestarpilatesitalia #stereotipo #ginnasticaposturale #fitness #workout #allenamento #curiosità https://www.instagram.com/p/Bng7--tgFRS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f4go5g5nkovk
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tinkersclankandbobble · 10 months
In the DVD extras of TGFR there’s a little quiz game about pixie hollow. Granted I haven’t played it in a long time, nor have I looked it up recently… but there have been two things from that game that have stuck in my head for several years.
1) there are several fairy languages (I feel like they said 13, but I can’t be sure that’s correct), but everyone in pixie hollow speaks the same one.
Okay, if there are more languages but everyone where you live speaks the same one… how do you KNOW there are other languages? And how would they sound to human ears I wonder… different bell sounds? Whistles? Who knows?
2) all fairies are vegetarian.
This is a cool and understandable detail. After all, fairies of pixie hollow work side by side with a variety of wildlife. Why would they ever eat meat? Heck. Animal fairies can understand what animals are saying.
But I do wonder if the vegetarian thing is completely true. Would there be fairies that eat meat? Probably not. But who knows?
Ok I said 2 things before, but I just remembered a 3rd while typing this.
3) fairies “clean their teeth” by chewing mint leaves.
I don’t think that would actually clean their teeth. But I guess it would still give them minty breath!
Alright, I’m finished with my lunch break ramblings. Have a good day!
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artofdisneyfairies · 9 months
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The Great Fairy Rescue - Set Development by Dennis Greco
- ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ -
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respaldomary · 5 years
.            오프 롤;Tag off rol.
             #PRMT #TGFR
Amistad ⋮ Mary Snowdon 👭
🌸🍃 ¿Cómo se conocieron?
Si bien antes de comenzar a hablar de alguna manera estabamos relacionadas por conocidos, en el momento en que cruzamos palabras sucedió la magia. Sin darnos cuenta, empezamos a cuidar una de la otra de inmediato, a tenernos bastante confianza, lo cual fue muy raro pues todo sucedió tan rápido, pero sin duda alguna fue una amistad que nació para ser infinita. ✨
🌸🍃 ¿Cuál fue su primera impresión de aquella persona?
Miedo (?) pero no de forma negativa, de alguna manera me daba miedo que me hiciera sentir tanta confianza con ella y me pudiera abrir cada problema, cuando incluso existía la posibilidad de ser facilmente traicionada, pero es alguien sin igual, que eso jamás ha sucedido.
🌸🍃 ¿Hace cuanto tiempo se conocen?
Casi 6 bonitos años♡.
🌸🍃 ¿Han existido peleas, han sabido enfrentar sus problemas?
¡Nunca! Jamás hemos llegado al punto de discutir, sin importar el tema, siempre hemos tomado los temas con madurez, de modo que a nosotras nunca nos ha afectado en lo mas mínimo.
🌸🍃 ¿Qué es lo que más te agrada de esa persona?
Toda ella es hermosa <3 no puedo elegir solo una cosa.
🌸🍃 ¿Cuál es su mejor recuerdo?
Hemos pasado por MILLONES de cosas, que simplemente cada uno se vuelven recuerdos. Momentos bobos donde entendemos cosas que no son, escribirnos estando ebrias, enviarnos audios, los momentos de broma. Todo es especial.
🌸🍃 ¿Qué es lo que suelen hacer cuando están juntos?
Ser muy tontas, así de simple ㅋㅋ.
🌸🍃 ¿Qué es lo que sientes por esa persona?
Ay no, yo la amo, es una de mis personitas más especiales en este mundo, no importante a donde vaya una, siempre estaremos juntas.
🌸🍃 ¿En qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian?
Creo que somos muy diferentes, yo soy rosa y ella es azul (?), pero nuestras diferencias son las que nos hace ser geniales juntas.
🌸🍃 ¿Qué le dirías a esa persona después de todo lo que han pasado juntos?
¡TE AMO! MI VIDA NO SERIA LO MISMO SIN TI, NUNCA ME DEJES ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ eres mi mejor amiga, quien siempre tiene palabras de apoyo, quien me escucha cada estupidez que llego a hacer aunque diga que no lo haré más(?), llegaste a mi vida para quedarte y robarte un pedazo de mi corazón que es solamente tuyo y de nadie más <3 por que mujer más boba y adorable que tú no hay. 💕
PD。Hay muchas personas que son bastante especiales para mi y que las adoro cómo no imaginan, pero deben comprender que esta nena se ha ganado el puesto por tantos años.♡
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dailyaphengland · 7 years
I have the ability to read keyboard smash out loud phonetically so I did that with your keyboard smash reply to an ask and it took like 3 minutes what the fuck. Also did you know you said Ikea in there somewhere?
iohgeo 4t e hieu4jo’jeopteaitea p4itea ioperogjerkjgrkej iuj4egejioeioi htiaoeukjghareioyhae5eio ieh ieh eh oirh ioeiogh e;p’hj’psjypryiyujoriujhoirujhyiorjoiujh iouj or jhoijtri’jr’ihjr’j ujs’pr ujpri5u ye9uyaieo9u5yoieuj yaeu5y oeaiu y5jipaeu yje95uy 8aue5 8aueut a4e’t ejl.rf;lemgh’aelpkmry4a#yk#a;eyk a;#3 eyu yop#ey ape y’ae #p;o ikea# yik#p;eaoiyk#o ikyeoa i oep;o;oeipo pio e;io ir;o’5 ‘o;ieyae ryp er;iy75a r7y5pyoeirp5a#ae poey5 ea5y#pae5p#oye#pa’p e’p y’paeu y5re’p yfae’p uy py’paep’aepuy’5 a’pueypmjueay5r’pujyea5r’p;u,eay5p95eaypu9ea5rpu’ ea pu9ea5p9uy5aeu’y5eapu9ea5y p9u ea9y u up9ae yp’u;eay5ru ‘p9ae 5ru jp’9ae5r up’9aey 5rup’9ey pu’y e5up’95aye4 up’;yera5ujp’ear5yhikp’sroth6y[;#pr5[bsr’p;y p[o rs#[o #s[ro posr  oyrs 0o r[#0podz#[hpiko#s[yhik#f ik4r iisyk#sri nkpsik/9iu j6trff tr/90/oujy 9/i 0/i6yjhu p90uy6j ‘/=]d6 90/k ‘> D;87 ret j-p] 7y6/o r6e9d.; 8965ef.d,/69ejfd.96 fd.96 efdn.96r fend.r 6e. r9 r6. rtf /;8rtfh9 ;[jgtrf8/dtr;6f / r;5 8grfte9;/80ref 5; erf6/;=ref5;/ rfe9; rf  e9uj rgtf9 ‘ gtrf6/;yt8hu6j;9 6u7tr;gl’y 67uhjng ;9tr6hnvg/; hy6ujng;.6 95/6 t9rf9/ tf60/ f.6 9′.0i o96tfri/9t6f/@OI hy/@gtf/(@ Ogtf9/0 ohgjny 9/0ofgt/9oft/90oift 690o/ yhj6gtrf /gftr /90ftr 9/ tgfr/ gtrf/9 trf/ ftr/0 dt tjuh60/oihyj606trf 0/trf.90t rf6n/.t6rfn/.096utrf./9 6trf90 6trfn/. 6trf ./90t6r fn/.9 6trfn./96tr0
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thathomestar · 7 years
TGFR: Thank God For Rikka
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russdoc · 7 years
Thank God For Russel (tgfr)
I will be using this from now on until the day I die thanks
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iohgeo 4t e hieu4jo’jeopteaitea p4itea ioperogjerkjgrkej iuj4egejioeioi htiaoeukjghareioyhae5eio ieh ieh eh oirh ioeiogh e;p’hj’psjypryiyujoriujhoirujhyiorjoiujh iouj or jhoijtri’jr’ihjr’j ujs’pr ujpri5u ye9uyaieo9u5yoieuj yaeu5y oeaiu y5jipaeu yje95uy 8aue5 8aueut a4e’t ejl.rf;lemgh’aelpkmry4a#yk#a;eyk a;#3 eyu yop#ey ape y’ae #p;o ikea# yik#p;eaoiyk#o ikyeoa i oep;o;oeipo pio e;io ir;o’5 ‘o;ieyae ryp er;iy75a r7y5pyoeirp5a#ae poey5 ea5y#pae5p#oye#pa’p e’p y’paeu y5re’p yfae’p uy py’paep’aepuy’5 a’pueypmjueay5r’pujyea5r’p;u,eay5p95eaypu9ea5rpu’ ea pu9ea5p9uy5aeu’y5eapu9ea5y p9u ea9y u up9ae yp’u;eay5ru ‘p9ae 5ru jp’9ae5r up’9aey 5rup’9ey pu’y e5up’95aye4 up’;yera5ujp’ear5yhikp’sroth6y[;#pr5[bsr’p;y p[o rs#[o #s[ro posr  oyrs 0o r[#0podz#[hpiko#s[yhik#f ik4r iisyk#sri nkpsik/9iu j6trff tr/90/oujy 9/i 0/i6yjhu p90uy6j ‘/=]d6 90/k ‘> D;87 ret j-p] 7y6/o r6e9d.; 8965ef.d,/69ejfd.96 fd.96 efdn.96r fend.r 6e. r9 r6. rtf /;8rtfh9 ;[jgtrf8/dtr;6f / r;5 8grfte9;/80ref 5; erf6/;=ref5;/ rfe9; rf  e9uj rgtf9 ‘ gtrf6/;yt8hu6j;9 6u7tr;gl’y 67uhjng ;9tr6hnvg/; hy6ujng;.6 95/6 t9rf9/ tf60/ f.6 9′.0i o96tfri/9t6f/@OI hy/@gtf/(@ Ogtf9/0 ohgjny 9/0ofgt/9oft/90oift 690o/ yhj6gtrf /gftr /90ftr 9/ tgfr/ gtrf/9 trf/ ftr/0 dt tjuh60/oihyj606trf 0/trf.90t rf6n/.t6rfn/.096utrf./9 6trf90 6trfn/. 6trf ./90t6r fn/.9 6trfn./96tr0
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Thank God For Roku
Crackle saves the day with BOTH chapter 2 and 3. Dont feel like twisting around in my chair to watch it atm but its on the list for tomorrow.
Now lets see what else we got.
Carved: A family obsessed with the jack-o-lantern Halloween tradition, carves off more than they expected with a pumpkin of unusual quality. *looks at drawlloween list* No no. Lets save that for tomorrows pumpkin fucking inspiration. c: 
Oh here’s an interesting sounding one...
Quija Seance:The Final Game
Hulu: Would you like to resume movie?
I....I dont remember watching this????????? Have I started watching this guys???????
Well lets see how it goes. It was obviously interesting enough to watch almost all the way through.
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