#magitek armour hacking
ferairia · 6 years
Tune up
Day and Prompt(s): Day 6, Prompto & Loqi as brothers Rating: General Word count: 1580 Warnings: Nearly Stealth Kill Loqi by accident. Attempts at sibling fluff. 
AO3 link : Tune up
Summary : Cid called Noct to get to Hammerhead. When they reached there, they saw Magitek Armours at the garage. Don’t worry, it ends with two Bros getting yelled by Big Sis for playing around with Magitek Armour at night.
Whilst the Prince and his retinue were at Wiz’s Chocobo Post, Noctis received a phone call from Cid asking him to drop by as soon as he could. Never before he had heard the old grump being excited but this time even Prompto was surprised.
“Pops rarely gets excited for anything.” Prompto said on the way to the car. “I mean, he does but…” He drifted off thoughtfully. His adoptive father was a hard man to please.
“Being a master mechanic, I surmised it would be machine related.” Ignis said as he strapped himself into the car. “No doubt he would automatically enthused.”
“If it’s weapons, I’ll be ‘automatically enthused” too. He’s always talking about more firepower anyway.” Came Gladio thoughtful quip.
“Come on, guys. Just get there. I kinda want to see what’s up, too.” Noctis whined from the passenger’s seat.
“Very well, Highness.” Ignis responded, starting the car. “Seatbelts, everyone.” He reminded one last time as he started to move.
Hammerhead is considered a safe haven. Cid would never betray them and would probably die before he spilt the beans on them. Like Jared did in Lestallum. As matter of fact, he would probably raise hell before he died and leave a crater where Hammerhead was.
Now that there was several Magitek Armour in the vicinity of the garage area, the four were cautious. They drove by Hammerhead and parked somewhere further from it as they scout the area.
Needless to say, Prompto had paled at the thought of Cid and the rest of Hammerhead cooperating with the Niffs but he had to see this through as a Crownsguard, family or not.
The crowds of civilians haven’t change but the presence of the Magitek Armour and parts, some of them charred, didn’t allay their suspicions.
The was a MAX- Cuirass unit with an opened cockpit. Someone in a black coveralls were tinkering on the cockpit’s side. The garage next to them was busy with the noise of a tool cranking and the laser cutter turning off and on.
Grabbing everyone’s attention with a wave, Noctis gestured at the man. He was going to go for a stealth kill, signaling by materializing one of his swords.
Suddenly, there were footsteps and the sound of heels hitting the concrete floor.
“Hey Loqi!” Cindy voice came from a blindside, from somewhere in the garage.
“What is it, Cindy?” The person answered, facing their way, squinting under the sun. His eyes laid on them and he froze at the sight of them, curious.
“The Prince is coming. Paw-paw wants yer down ‘ere.” Cindy answered. When he didn’t answer back, Cindy went closer to the Magitek Armour.
“What’s got into ya?” She asked in concern before turning towards the equally frozen four. “Oh, you’re here!?” She exclaimed in surprise.
That had led into a meal and explanation at Takka’s place. Which was pretty simple. After getting the boat to function and gotten back from Altissia, Cid mentioned to Cor about getting more firepower for the customizable weapons Noct had brought in. Cor suggested salvaging material from Keycatrich.
“So, you guys found those?” Noctis asked, disbelief was apparent.
“Indeed, we did.” Loqi answered back. “I am also quite sure that some of them bear the marks of your work.”
Noctis looked as if he had swallowed something sour. “Ugh, I still can’t get use to your accent.” He said, more to himself than not.
Loqi simply rolled his eyes as Cindy giggled. “If you think this is bad, wait ‘til ya see him with a bunch of schematics.”
At this Prompto snorted his drink by mistake and was coughing, hiding under the table as he did. Loqi took a few napkins to pass to him under the table.
“Noct, you seem to be perfectly fine with myself when I speak.” Ignis commented drearily.
Noctis took a moment to contemplate on that as Gladio tried to hide his laugh with a cough.
Prompto returned. “You can blame boarding school for that.” He told them.
“I suppose.” Loqi answered back with a shrug.
“Anyways, paw-paw is still tinkering with the machine he found at Keycatrich’s Trench. Gonna need all the Sophiars if it’s gonna finish before tomorrow.” Cindy quickly intervened after seeing the time.
“Wait, wait. What’s the thing he’s all excited about? Is it that thing?” Noctis asked before they got up from their seat. The three siblings looked at each other before Cindy answered.
“Paw-paw thought he could finish her up before y’all came here.” Cindy told him. “Was gonna get Loqi here ta help but you guys appeared.”
“Ah, I see. Pardon us for holding him.” Ignis apologized as the other two nodded.
The Sophiar trio left.
“Phew, that was close.” Cindy said when they were far from hearing range.
“Ok, spill.” Prompto asked excitedly, watching the other two. He knew there was something else on the agenda. Most probably not Prince related.
Loqi cleared his throat loudly. “Dear brother of mine.” He began dramatically. “I recall a wish made a long, long time ago.”
Cindy was laughing before giving Loqi a light slap while Prompto was looking at him like he had stars in his eyes. “Stop teasing him.”
“Come on, man.” Prompto groaned pathetically.
“Oh, alright.” Loqi gave up. “There’s a few Magitek Armour ready to be piloted.” He said with a small smile.
Prompto let’s out a muffled scream of before he hugged the both of them. “This is like, the best present in my life!” He said happily.
“Oh talking about presents, paw-paw did have something for Prince. “Cindy said, as if she just remembered while struggling to handle Prompto’s weight. “Need to give ‘im a hand with it.” She added as Prompto freed them from his hug.
“Ok!” He said with thumbs up.
The weapon was cleaned up and upgraded accordingly. It was almost dark when they were finished. Cindy went to get the Regalia for a check up while Cid retired for the day with a satisfied smile on his chair outside.
“C’mon Loqi, we could still make a round of it.” Prompto tried to coax, looking at the large MAX Cuirass.
“No, that’s not ready yet. Still figuring out the system.” Loqi explained. “Follow me. The ones that ready is at the back.” Loqi said as he gestured towards the garage.
True enough, there was two smaller Magitek Armour.
“Testing, testing. One, two, three.” Loqi said through his mic.
“Whoa!” Prompto exclaimed through his loudly.
“Shhhhh!” Loqi hissed through his. “If Cindy finds out-“
“QUIT YOUR ARMOUR SYSTEMS AND GET OUT OF ‘EM NOW!” Cindy voice cut through, shrill and definitely pissed. “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT PLAYING IN THE DARK.”
The two brothers ended up getting an earful from their worried sister. As someone that had witness people being killed by demons alive it was a valid worry.
Afterwards Loqi decided to continue to run diagnostics on the MAX Cuirass.
“Mind if I join ya?” Prompto asked as he heads towards the Armour.
“Be my guest.” He answered as he climbed up.
“Hey, Loqi?” Prompto asked as he settled in the cockpit. There were wires everywhere with a few free monitor panels.
Loqi had settled at the side of the Armour like before. “Yes?” He answered back with a raised eyebrow. The programmes were booting up.
“You remembered the promise?” He asked again, almost hopeful.
Loqi gave a small smile at that. “I do.” He answered. “To be honest, I didn’t remember about this until I saw it.” He confessed. “Those days in the refugee slums aren’t the best but…” Loqi trailed. “There were things worth remembering.”
Prompto sniffled before he coughed. “Yeah. Man, I feel old.” He added, voice had a slight crack in it.
Loqi chuckled at that as he gave Prompto a reassuring pat. “To think that Cor is now a Marshall.” He said with a shake of his head. “Can’t believe we tried to fight him when he came for patrol.”
“He was scary as heck!” Prompto said in defense. “Plus he looked like a gangster.”
“Now, now.” Loqi placated as the codes on the screen started to form into a line.”If it wasn’t for him, we would still be in the slums. And Cid would have never known us.”
Prompto whimpered. “You won’t be saying that if you went training under him.” He whined as he tapped the screen.
He laughed at that. “He is Cor the Immortal, after all.” He said. “Let’s just focus on the Armour, alright. This one is a bit tricky compared to the smaller ones. We need to disarm the weapons.”
“Yeah, ok.” Prompto said as he tapped the screen to input a few codes.
When midnight came, the two brothers gave up and went to sleep.
The next day, Noctis had a new machinery, the Bioblaster. Apparently, it was near the entrance to the trenches.
“That was an oversight.” Ignis commented.
“The fact that it was over the arch of the entrance, I would certainly say the same as well.” Loqi quipped.
“Well, guys.” The Prince began as he kept the weapon into the Armiger. “We gotta get to the next Tomb.” He said. “Thanks for the weapon.”
“Sure. If ya find something good, let me go tinker on it.” Cid said.
“Sure do.” He answered back as they all clambered into the Regalia.
Prompto waved at the the trio there as they left Hammerhead.
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chiiwifruit · 4 years
TCM Day 25: Non-CLAMP Crossovers
This world was a strange one. As far as Kurogane could tell, it was a world at war. He would know - his own world had been waging war against demons for longer than he’d been alive. And yet, as he and his companions marched along the highway in search of a settlement, a number of cars passed them with apparent unconcern.
At one point a car pulled over to check on them. The woman driving hadn’t been able to give them a ride, as she had two young kids in the backseat. The kids tapped the window to get Kurogane’s attention while the mage spoke to their mother. The kids giggled and ducked down whenever Kurogane looked at them, flopped across the backseat.
“Well, Old Lestallum is down that way,” the woman told Fai, pointing in the direction they’d been walking when she stopped them. “It’ll take about two hours, I’d think, to walk there. But don’t dally. You’ll need to get there before nightfall.”
“What happens if we don’t?” the kid, his kid, asked.
The woman was surprised that they didn’t already know about the demons. “They come out after dark,” she explained. “But you’ll be safe in town. Demons hate the light.”
The group thanked her and moved on as she drove away. Apparently there were also places called “havens”, or campgrounds, that were warded against demons in order to shelter travellers overnight. But the woman hadn’t been able to tell them where one might be. She recommended speaking to people at the Crow’s Nest Diner once they reached Old Lestallum. The man who ran it would know.
Not more than twenty minutes later there was a loud roaring from overhead. Kurogane heard it first, but soon enough the others had stopped around him and were straining to listen. The rumbling grew louder. Now it was above them.
Kurogane’s hand went to the hilt of his sword, and the kid pressed his palms together in anticipation of the necessity of summoning his own weapon.
An airship like an ugly enormous flying box flew over their heads and came to a stop over the highway.
“Imperials above us!” A warning cry came from off the road. That was all the confirmation of danger that Kurogane needed to draw his sword.
Syaoran’s swords appeared in a flash between his hands, and the air around Fai began to crackle and shimmer with blue sparks. A hatch opened on the back of the airship and lumpy shapes fell out in groups of two and three.
At first Kurogane thought they were people. But no, their movements were clunky and alien, which couldn’t be contributed to their heavy armour. There was no question that they were hostile. They were armed to the teeth with swords and guns.
As the group prepared for attack, four men rode onto the road mounted on enormous yellow birds. They dismounted quickly and weapons appeared in their hands among flashes of blue light.
Since the newcomers seemed to also be against those mechanical things, Kurogane paid them no mind as he charged into battle. The enemy opened fire. Kurogane’s shoulder pulled as his artificial arm took a hit. But it was still functioning, and he sliced the opponent's head off.
Rather than blood, there was a spray of sparks as the head thunked to the ground and rolled across the pavement. The body collapsed slowly, folding at the knees and then dropping the rest of the way down. As Kurogane thought, these weren’t human at all.
There was a burst of blue light, and the slim black-haired young man slammed out of nowhere and hacked into the enemy next to Kurogane. Their air rang with the sounds of battle as the others joined the fray.
Guns fired. Metal screeched across metal. The air stank with smoke and oil and sweat. The four strangers were used to fighting together, and supported each other with practiced ease.
When the last enemy fell and the airship disappeared among the clouds, the two parties eyed each other. “Thanks,” the black haired young man said after a moment.
“I got some good pictures!” the freckled blond announced, grinning and holding up a camera.
One of the men rivalled Kurogane in stature, and he looked impatient with the blond. “Now’s not the time, Prompto.” He was wearing a short sleeved jacket open over his bare chest, and the edges of a tattoo poked out from under the sleeves.
Syaoran was used to Kurogane, so some gruffness from Mr. Bare Chest wasn’t about to faze him. He smiled and held out a hand. “We should be the ones saying thank you. I’m Syaoran. What were those things?”
The black haired man clasped Syaoran’s hand briefly before dropping it. “Noctis.”
The others introduced themselves as well. Even Mokona, who had taken refuge in the mage’s collar during the fight. She got startled blinks from the strangers but no astonishment or alarm, which was telling. So this was a world of magic.
Noctis seemed to be the leader of the other group. It was subtle, but Kurogane noticed the others glancing at him for direction more than once.
The blond was Prompto, who was sheepish but not cowed by being scolded. He brightened right up when Syaoran asked about his photography, and might have shown him all the pictures then and there if Mr. Bare Chest hadn’t pulled him back by the shoulder.
Mr. Bare Chest was named Gladio, and the serious man with the glasses and gelled up hair was Ignis.
Ignis waited for the introductions to finish, and then spoke up. “We’d best get a move on, Noct, or else we won’t make it to town before dark.”
“Yeah.” Noct glanced at Ignis, then scanned their group to determine who the leader was. He settled on Syaoran. “Where’re you headed?”
“We were told that Old Lestallum was the closest town,” Syaoran replied.
“You on foot?”
“We’ll accompany you. It’ll be dark soon. It would be bad to leave you here by yourselves.”
Ignis didn’t like that. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Highness.” He eyed the strangers with disapproval. Kurogane in particular seemed to draw his suspicion. Well, the mage was always saying he looked shady.
“You don’t have to, though it’s very generous of you to offer,” Fai said with his easy smile. It was polite but fake, but most people didn’t seem to notice. “We can handle ourselves.”
Noctis, who Ignis had just casually revealed to be a prince, did not look convinced. “We’ll go with you. You’re not from around here.”
It wasn’t a question. They were wearing their clothes from Clow Country, which were unlike what everyone else they’d seen in this country was wearing. That would have given them away.
“Thanks,” said Syaoran, smiling at Noctis. He got a tiny smile in return.
Noctis’ group gathered their bird-mounts from where they’d scattered during the fighting. Prompto was happy to explain that they were called chocobos, and that they’d rented them from a stand in Old Lestallum. It was a cheap mode of transportation that he highly recommended. “Plus, they’re like, super cute!”
The group of chocobo riders walked alongside them down the highway with very little regard for traffic. At least there wasn’t much, and the few cars there were disappeared entirely as the sun set.
Prompto explained that the things they had fought were magitek soldiers sent by Niflheim, who was at war with their country of Lucis. There were a lot of them in this area because Niflheim had set up a base. From the looks the others sent Prompto and the way he suddenly went quiet, Kurogane guessed that they had nefarious plans for this base.
He wondered if they’d let him help. He liked a good fight.
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