#masking nd being the person he thinks is ‘correct’ while also repressing his sexuality what Then
zer0point5ive · 7 months
“how did i get here? i had everything in order. my whole life was in perfect order” really was crazy considering that was .. simply not true but. if i said that ‘in perfect order’ means something very specific to lawrence
if i said that, for lawrence, order is being able to maintain the facade of being the perfect family man, the doctor with certificates on his office wall and a wedding band on his finger, the guy who also attempts to pursue an affair with another woman because he’s desperately trying to convince himself of .. something
creating this narrative around himself and making sure everything he thinks he is or wants to be is maintained in little boxes, meticulously organised to the point that it’s falling apart in front of his eyes and it’s still ‘in perfect order’, it’s still preferable to the alternative .. having to face himself. and then ! well then he wakes up locked in a room with his choices that led to this point laid bare
chained up with no way out as he’s suddenly forced to confront it all, a front row seat as the careful persona he’s built crumbles before his eyes when the man opposite him pulls out a bunch of photos. lawrence, who’s so careful to only be perceived in a very specific way, who presents himself as this guy he’s created, is suddenly faced with someone he can’t hide from, someone who’s seen at least partly beneath the exterior and developed it in black and white. lawrence, who claims that he’s never in photos, suddenly being faced with this reality of himself being captured in the flash of adam’s camera
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rouge4truth · 7 years
TFP is Mind Palace – Sherlock’s coming out
What if… Sherlock imagines his coming out in TFP? Just my reading of it, but full of hope – please let me walk you through it in my different posts to proof it. Expecting your comments.
What if TFP is exclusively is in Sherlock’s mind palace where he comes to his terms about his emotions by road-testing his feelings and what exactly ‘coming out of the closet’ would mean and feel like for him and the people important to him (John, Mycroft, Molly, his family)?
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But for Sherlock who trained himself his entire life to repress his emotions, it would need a strong trigger, to break his old pattern of hiding feelings behind rude behavior. If John would be fatally injured and Sherlock is not aware if he will pull through, this would be the strongest trigger I can imagine.
We don’t know if John is really been shot yet, but the last scene of TLD is red (start of the new storyline ‘Rouge’, which we will explore later – hopefully 8th of March we get a teaser when the expected 4th episode will air that will reveal the truth?) and we did not get a proper answer, as the next episode TFP is all in Sherlock’s head (mind palace), like TEB.
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Because I felt so miserable after TFP first, I watched it several times and started to go through this episode scene by scene in different posts (Mycroft’s residence scene, 221B Baker Street (3/3)) to point out why it is mind palace, and did much research in the details like Oscar Wild and Lady Bracknell the pictures at the wall – all that subtext is about gay people and how society deals with it (feel free to check it out. I am still on it to post the next scenes, but the subtext is so rich and full of information, it takes ages to do the research – and as I’m no native speaker, I will miss a lot hope you guys can help me with this.)
John getting shot and survives is cannon in ‘The adventure of the three Garridebs’ Sherlock is panicking and takes care of him ‘It was worth a wound, it was worth many wounds, to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask." This is what John writes in ‘The Strand’ after that event. I don’t think that the writers will miss the opportunity to show us Sherlock suffering about John’s life!!!
To find a solution how to save John Watson (TLD – Mary’s message) he is using his mind palace to find out how he can provide his feelings to him, before John maybe dies without knowing. We know that Sherlock works the best when he is under (emotional) pressure.
Remember Sherlock saying in A Study in pink: “Bitterness is a paralytic – love is a much more vicious motivator”.
Before he met John, he was bitter and alone. With John in his live, everything changed, John humanized him, changed him to the better! If he loses John, he has no reason to change anymore, he (maybe) would become the same bitter person like he has been before John.
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This time, Sherlock wants to make it right, he is asking for help at the end of T6T, but not Mycroft, as he is aware that he can’t teach him anything about feelings. So he asked the only person, who really knows John, which is Ella, John’s former therapist, what he can do about John. Ella tells him, that therapy can only work, if Sherlock is opening up. Sherlock replays, that this is not his style – and we get no more information, if he did it or not.
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Coming out is not about one moment, just one kiss and everting is fine. It is a process that starts in the head (mind). You first need to find out, who you are, and that can be a really painful thing. The next steps are to accept yourself the way you are. Then you are out with yourself, you learn to live with it. After that you need to decide, if you go further and maybe tell it to your love interest, or to your parents, to free yourself. At this point, many gay people are in therapy, because their parents, relatives, friends or people at work do not understand the pain you are going though, just to be yourself without hiding a part of yourself. If you find enough acceptance here, your next step could be to publicly come out if it is silently while holding hands or kissing your friend in public and watch the reaction of the people surrounding you or by making it public as a statement on a party or something similar. I think most of the LGBT people do not get to this point to make it officially public, because they are too afraid of it. And this is why we are surrounded by LGBT people every day that we do not recognize. But if we start to watch silently, hear and read the subtext of their behavior, or short comments, we will get a glimpse of how many there are amongst us. But why do they hide? – Because you need a strong self-believe and self-confidence to be strong enough to resist being hurt every time that people show you that they do not understand or accept you. Also it depends on the country you live in, still today, there are countries that will arrest you for being gay or even kill you. So some LGBT people need to hide their entire life. Also the society does not accept you the same way that straight people are accepted and maybe you do not get the job you like, because people know, that you are gay. Or you live in a religious community, where there is no room for diversity.
Coming out is a unique experience for each person, who needs to go through this kind of process.
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Bearing that in mind, think about that Sherlock is probably 40 now, like Ben is, and it is the first time in his life, that he allows himself to research his feelings so deeply. He was always aware that he is gay. But what does this mean for him before and now? He grew up in the Thatcher era and during the HIV/AIDS crisis. It felt different in that days to be gay. Stars like Freddy Mercury never had an official coming out, it has just been the rumors in the press until he died. Also we get reliably informed, that Sherlock never had sex or a relationship before, in his live. So imagine how difficult it might feel to start at this age to learn about yourself.
It is painful for Sherlock to go back in his life to find out, why he is emotional contained and what he is afraid of, as he ‘deleted’ those things from his hard drive, buried it deep inside to have more space for other ‘useful’ information. Sherlock’s childhood that changed him from an emotional kid to an almost always rude thinking machine. We learn, that it has something to do with REDBEARD and that it is an alternate story that Sherlock told himself to be able to cope with the truth (which truth?). He needs to find out what it was to find inner peace with himself first. I guess we have not seen the correct Victor Trevor story yet, I assume, he was Sherlock’s first ever love interest and there will be a different story told in a later episode.
To find out more about his life today, he needs to go back there. Therefore Sherlock creates different rolls and characters for a play in his mind palace:
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The little girl on the plane represents his subconscious, and his emotions that are still disconnected from his today reality, so he is still incapable to show feelings to others properly (timing). He needs to find access to this resource.
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Moriarty he is only a voice in his head, but he is the devil, the virus in his data. He is always pushing him to make decisions, he does not want to make, decisions that separates him from John.
The little girl and Moriarty are like the angel and the devil on his shoulders, like yin and yang.
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EURUS is a fictive character for his (evil) logic, emotionless side. He needs EURUS to confront himself with several topics, to put himself to tests, to find out about how the both most important people in his life will react in different situations. Those two people are
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Mycroft, his brother that is protecting him since childhood by teaching him that caring is not an advantage and that he should join not getting involved in any friendship or romantic entanglement, because this could hurt him. But Mycroft has also selfish interests, because if Sherlock would be officially out, this could (maybe) ruin his career in the British Government – so I had always the feeling, that he wanted to see his brother happy with John, but might have an interest to keep it as a secret. Mycroft is aware that Sherlock is gay.
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John, who Sherlock is in love with, since he met him. He knows about Johns feelings for him at least since the Battersea scene in A Scandal in Belgravia, but as John is always dating women (and marries a woman) to cope with his unrequited love for him (Sherlock seems always to be unavailable for John) Sherlock fears to tell John the truth. He is not sure if John is straight and only his best friend or if he is Bi. Therefore he researched Major James Shoto, because he needs to know, if John is romantically interested in men, too.
He needs to find out about how John could possibly react, when he confesses his love, while he is unsure, he expects John to make the first move as he is much more experienced in romantic entanglement than he is.
We can see that in TFP in the most painful and emotional scene, when Sherlock askes Molly (she is always a stand in for John) to say ‘I love you’. As Molly turns the way around and asked him to tell it first ‘say it, like you mean it’ he comes to the conclusion, that John will never ever say a word, because it is true and he is insecure, too. We see John in tears, when Sherlock finally says ‘I love you’ – he is waiting instantly to hear it from Sherlock. So Sherlock cannot expect John to say anything, as he is too afraid about himself, hiding his bisexuality. 
As Sherlock kept everyone in the dark about his sexual orientation, even John, he needs to be the one who is telling John, how he feels first.
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Also in this scene, he comes to the conclusion that he must tell Molly that he is gay, to save her from the pain he is causing her while she is still in love with him unable to move on.
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It is not a Game anymore – If it is true, we can stop to play around the subject and tell everyone :-)
Mark Gatiss knows about the pain that LGBT people feel - so I don’t think that he wanted to hurt any feelings by not getting it right.
– Please think about it. If you read TFP as Sherlock’s coming out, than we can expect to see all what we desired later.
To see Sherlock and John as a happy couple, experiencing a proper romantic relationship, there are some steps missing, which we can expect for S5 (hopefully).
But first Sherlock needs to:
heal his inner child  (plane landed safely, TFP)
stabilize his emotions to complete himself (reconnecting with Eurus, which we can see during the violin play in TFP finishing scene)
He needs to tell John
He needs to tell his family (shown in the TFP final scene)
He needs to tell Molly
John has to come out, too (will be difficult for John)
They need to tell their friends
Coming out in public?
 Of course, they are ‘coming out’ ;-))))
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Please reblog if you agree with me and think I got it right. 
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