#math and prepositions lmao
thickenmyblood · 11 months
Hi! I'm loving HIUH but I just have one question - what is the timeline for Laurent's life, particularly his life with his uncle? In your previous post you said something about how Laurent only lived in poverty for around a year when he took the uncle to court, so he was around 20/21, also when he first met Damen? Did he continue to live with the uncle, minus when he was forcibly locked away? With that being said, does that mean he only intervened and stood up to his uncle through legal means when he met Nicaise, but not for any other previous boy? Was he *at the mercy* of the uncle when Auguste was away at college, or did Auguste die before then, because I think one of the flashbacks mentioned Laurent vaguely telling his brother about Damen, which would mean Auguste was alive when Laurent was in squalor, but I could be misremembering that. This is more than one question haha but the central theme is just the timeline of Laurent's life before Damen I guess lol. I also tried really hard to keep saying 'his/the uncle' instead of the long list of other names he'd deserve to be called. Again, I love HIUH and your characterisation, storyline and angst are amazing - thank you :)
hello, friend. i'm sorry for the long wait. as a disclaimer: a year and a half ago someone asked me a similar question and i admitted without (too much) shame that math is not my thing. therefore, in my head, it made sense that lamen dated for four years. . . but then nicaise's age wasn't adding up to many readers, and that's when i realized they should have been dating for closer to SIX years instead of four. having said this, PLEASE ignore that mistake lmao. this is a rough timeline of laurent's life, where i FIXED the age issue (it is NOT fixed in the story bc i. . . have a life and haven't had time yet): - 12 years old: Aleron and Hennike die. - 12 years old-13 years old: Laurent and Auguste live together. See: Laurent's comment about his year with Auguste -> "It was just me and Auguste for a whole year. It was the best year." - 13 years old: Auguste dies. Uncle becomes Laurent's guardian. - 13 years old-15.5 years old: Uncle. - 16 years old: Laurent is institutionalized. Laurent comes back. Nicaise is living with them now. See: Laurent's explanations to Damen in a flashback -> Laurent crossed his legs. “I spent some time away. At sixteen.” He’s looking down at his plate, his hair a blonde curtain. “When I came back home, Nicaise was there. It wasn’t the best time for… I wasn’t the best.” - 16 years old-18 years old: Laurent gains Nicaise's trust, tries through many different routes and strategies to get Nicaise taken away/his uncle punished but, ultimately, they all fail. - 18 years old: Laurent moves out slash runs away with a plan to finally put his uncle in jail. He gets cut off monetarily. - 18 years old-20 years old*: Legal battle + Laurent meets Damen. - 20 years old-26 years old: Lamen date. - 26 years old: Laurent breaks up with Damen.
*i said, in a different ask, that the legal battle lasted roughly close to a year. in the og draft it was like a year and a half, but honestly, it's anywhere between 1.5 to 2 years. sue me. i dont' know how to do numbers, okay?
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
Do you only use the duolingo app? The desktop version has a page with notes, with actual info on grammar rules and things like that
For spanish, yes, only because I already have a very basic understanding and just need to sort out the grammar. I mostly use it on desktop so I can see the tips, but either they are are... I should probably say strangely distributed across the lessons (like some tips pop up way too late in comparison to when you start using those things) or they're very............ timid. Just wrap it all up with "when talking about people, always use 'a'" but then like, what if I'm talking about a piano? A city? And then some verbs who require prepositions don't in specific cases, and you get frustrated because you're following an apparent rule but then that rule breaks. It's mostly on the forums that you find explanations by native speakers
idk maybe i'm really demanding bc I see languages like math and I need to know the logic behind the syntax and morphology to speak it but it's annoying the shit out of me lmao
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pochapal · 6 years
whilst we're on the topic of exams n shit - what subjects did you take for GCSE and A level and what did you get give me the expanded pochapal lore
“the pochapal lore” dskjldjfklj 
anyway guess it’s time to talk about myself and it’s not even about my tragic backstory!!
ok first up’s gcse. i took the following subjects (this list includes both optional and mandatory subjects):
english language. i got a whole-ass A* because both the exam and coursework literally just consisted of creative writing tasks.
english literature. i really don’t want to be the bitch that brags but i literally got perfect marks on both coursework essays and my final exam. end result was an A*, obviously.
maths. i ended up with a B since like i was good at it but not a freak nerd. i remember i made my teacher mad since she really wanted me to take maths at a-level and i flat out told her no lmao.
i think it was additional science? i mean it was still the main three sciences but it all averaged out to one grade and that grade was a B. i guess i’ll breakdown the individual sciences too.
biology. i got an A literally only because of the coursework technically contributing to my biology score. it was also the only science i was actually properly taught.
chemistry. i got a C there since my school had the shittiest science teachers. i think i passed only because all the long-form writing questions related to sociological and ethical issues surrounding shit like energy production and nuclear waste storage. my brain was not built to remember equations and formulae.
physics. a bitch got a D and honestly i’m surprised i did even that well. my school didn’t have time to teach us the last 3 modules so i had to go over it over two lessons with textbooks we weren’t allowed to bring home. i still sometimes think about the 8-marker asking to elaborate on the combustion physics of a handgun late at night in a cold sweat.
religious studies. i got an A* because i’m socially conscious and have big opinions. also my exam completely centred around the relationship between christianity and homosexuality. jesus didn’t come out of that essay alive is all i’m saying.
ICT. it was a core subject in my school for some reason. anyway i got an A* even though i never turned in a single piece of coursework because my teacher was a dumbass scumbag who liked to be fraudulent and then lost his job because he pressured a sixth form girl that he’d taught since age 11 into having sex with him and was only not arrested because he didn’t prey on her until after her 18th birthday.
the last core subject i did was a lifeskills/working life type exam. there are only three grades you can get on that paper - F, Level 1 (under 50%), and Level 2 (over 50%). I got a U somehow lmao. eventually it was corrected to a 100% but it was so funny at the time.
the first optional subject I did was french. i got an A* and i remember it was such a surprise to everyone including my teacher. maybe i snapped in my speaking and writing tasks.
the second optional subject was german. somehow i walked away from that shitshow with an A. don’t even know how since you needed competent case usage to get past a B and german conjugations and prepositions were so nasty, and only three people in my class were actually not on the foundation-tier paper so my teacher only delivered a C-grade education. i just want to say some exam marker somewhere took pity on me.
third optional subject was geography. i got an A* there and i can safely say that was all my own work. my class was so shitty that my teacher had to take a whole term off with stress (it was so bad because we were the first yeargroup to really have the huge ebac push and as a rule the students that cared took history as their humanity subject whereas nobody who took gcse geography wanted to be there). my favourite thing is the fact that my fieldwork investigation coursework got an A* even though i made up all the data and instead spent the trip buying ice cream and reading (sidenote: i just fucking realised that we did a case study on the city i’m currently going to uni in and wow that’s a mental trip right there).
my fourth and final optional subject was photography of all things. i got a D but never expected to pass anyway since the class was a mess to say the least (most iconic was a kid who’d just start playing kesha full blast all the time and call anyone who confronted him homophobic, and the kid who smashed a window and also ditched the group and ended up missing the bus back during a gallery visit so they could go smoke weed in the middle of the city.). we also had a weird-ass teacher who’d tell people he could read their auras then get mad at me because we had a portraiture unit and i never turned in “one damn selfie” (his words) since like fuck was i ever taking a picture of myself and also i never stayed after school to attend the evening workshops. so anyway when i first played life is strange i Big Related solely because i was also a struggling photography student in the year 2013. when max had that photography crisis I Felt That.
and here’s a-level:
my first subject was english literature. i got an A* because i was like good at it. i remember having a whole ass mental breakdown because we were two days from the AS coursework deadline and i thought i only had it in me to turn in a B-standard essay. like, i legit cried in front of one of my teachers and everything. but then anyway i still ended up with an A* and was the highest-scoring student in the whole sixth form my mind is too powerful sometimes.
my second subject was english language. my first year was a mess because my mental health left me with a functioning level of zero. i scraped by year 12 with a B then after the resits and also being marginally more functional in year 13 finished off with an overall A. the course was wild i ended up simultaneously applying feminist theory to linguistic evolution and also knowing in odd detail precisely how to teach english to primary school kids. we love a subject that gives a wild-ass skill set.
my third subject was good old francais. year 12 was a fucking trainwreck because i slammed into the learning curve face-first and had panic attacks over the overbearing amount of homework. i only got a C in year 12 but after getting my shit together in year 13 i got a whole-ass A. it was great because my in my speaking exam i legit said “neo-nazis deserve no rights and their existence doesn’t matter” and got high grades for it (i also wrote about deconstructing the messianic archetype in my french literature essay god my a-levels went to weird places). overall 8/10 i’d rank higher but odd disjointed french words and phrases linger in my mind like a spectre years after the fact.
my fourth and final subject was psychology. i’m just gonna come out and say the whole thing was a shitshow. the teachers demanded so much work from me but also hated me because i always turned up late and whenever they tried to use me as a scapegoat for whatever psychological theory they wanted to explain it never worked. i particularly remember they replicated that experiment where someone’s put in a room with a bunch of actors who all give the wrong answer to a blatantly wrong question despite there being obvious consequences to failing, but the actors in this case were the students who weren’t late - turns out my fear of consequences outweighs any desire to conform, and my teachers hated that. anyway i barely got a C even though i thought i was doing ok, dropped the subject immediately after, and never looked back.
anyway here’s my entire academic history lmao. i swear that even though these results look good i’m still a genuine dumb bitch don’t let this post convince you otherwise.
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Today’s post comes to you in three parts. They are each a stream of conscious I had while at rehearsal today. So, my brain kinda functions like this. Yeepieeeeeeeee
 good luck
“That’s all you can do. Work better every day. Aim to be a better person every day. Improve”
I love when people act weird. I love when people pretend to know what they are doing. I love flexing. Being the best by acting like the best. I love how I can have so many interests. I can do something things. I have so much time, so I need to take advantage of that time. I was conducted last Christmas…
Zamn, joe’s costume. I love it. I love his makeup. He gets into character with such excellence. It is admirable. Of all the roles ive seen joe play, this is my favorite. But everytime I see him in a new role, I love him more and more. His dedication. Good ass shit. This is the first role ive seen when joe’s voice is perfect. He did well as the beast and psedoulous. But fester. Feels like he was born to play that role. What a guy. Lmao I have three papers due this week. What maybe four… yes, it’s actually four. I can write though, so im not intimidated. How could I be? I love putting words to my thoughts. Thoughts are emotion. Thoughts are not words. Thoughts are everything, and this is just one////// JOE IS DANCING WITH THE MOONhis character movement is next level. I love how he holds himself. I love how he walks in his character. I love when HOLY SHIT THAT WAS HILARIOUS. Joe cupped his special place during the moon scene. I have written about the moon just because of joe. He has inspired me. There are people in this theatre who I don’t know. I need to change that. I need to know everyone’s name. I’m working on it. Trial and error. Fuck. I fear getting names wrong. Scared scare scared. Scaring. Scarring. Cutting. Bleeding. Thumping. Pounding. That one edgar allan poe story when the heart is throbbing under the floor board. Shit. I love that story. I did not discover I was an audio learner until this year. Could be to my love of music. I love listen. Could be why I loved when my parents read to me. I listen to podcasts every night before I go to sleep. Im thinking about getting a subscription to audible, so then I could listen to any book I wanted. I could listen to harry potter. I could listen to the name of the wind. I could fall asleep to those stories. I fall asleep to nightvale right now. I wish there were a random episode button. Then I wouldn’t have to choose an episode every night. I would like a random button that would cycle each ep once. I would have to listen to every ep before they would repeat. Music is like math. Doing rhythm is just practicing math sorta. It’s like counting. I need to go now.
 Blog blog blog. What the fuck? Ive been doing shit all day and I don’t know what to write about. ENDING THE SENTENCE IN A PREPOSITION. So, I need to come up with a topic and incorporate the word of the day. That’s the theme. The word of the day does not have to be the theme, but it can inspire. PLACES WAS JUST CALLED. Fuck that means I need to go again… well, not really because I am not in the first scene. Well, I am, but I’m not. I don’t know if we are running an entire performance now. Drama drama drama. This is showbiz. Shit happens. It’s fast. Organized and unorganized. There is a balance of power. The distribution is different each time. The drama is different each time. I don’t really get involved in the drama. I simply don’t care. I’m here to perform. Not whine about it. To me, it’s like a soccer game. You have a team. Some members are loud. Some are quite. Some are passionate. Some are detached. But everyone is working toward a common goal. We are all connected through one mission: win the game. But, I guess we aren’t really trying to win. I am. I sit by myself and listen to music. I have a warmup routine, and no one is going to change that. I have a mission, and that is to be the best I can be for my team. I give everything. I set myself up for success, which in turn, sets up others.
 AHH, we are in act 2, and it’s getting crazy. Crazier than you. So, my writing right now feels very bad. Not my best. Im stressed and unfocused. I am thinkning about a show. I am not going to edit this. I guess I’ll just post it. Proof that I was writing while I was homework. Yeah, that’s my #1 homework. Appartnently the thing is to write 500 words a day. That’s where it started, but I have increased since then. I think I have writer’s block, but then I find something to write about. I stayed up an extra two hours last night. I was just editing. OKAY< WE HAVE A PROBLEM. I put Instagram on my computer and it is sending me notifications. I hate receiving notifications from social media websites. Attention sucking. I don’t have time for Instagram likes, twitter retweets, or facebook posts on a group that you really like, but all the good content gets buried by pictures of people. You know when you start a conversation, and you have a general idea of what you want to say? You have a goal, and you think about how the conversation will go. But then, the other person acts like who they are rather than your projection of them. Basically, you start talking and then you don’t convey the message you wanted to convey. Writing is like that too. I want to get to the stage of writing where I can say exactly what I mean. FUCK. That’s so hard. I’m just happy that I have ideas to write. They are protean in nature. I thought about writing a resume yesterday. It’s 10:00pm. Will we get out before 12? Who knows? That’s why I needed to write at rehearsal. Techweek. Crunch week. Whatever week you want to call it. It is stressful and wonderful. I love doing it. I love its protean whimsicality. I love being on stage. I love dancing and performing. I love whispers. I love drama. I love investing. Committing. JOE COMPTON YOU ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS. LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAA. This role was made for joe. Zamn. Joe is fester. I love it.
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