#meech la major
meechlamajor · 3 days
a tear just ran down my thigh KATE MARTIN THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!
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lignes2frappe · 5 years
Avec la série « Ce jour où... » Booska-P revient sur ces anecdotes de plus ou moins grande importance qui ont marqué l'histoire du rap. Aujourd'hui place à ce jour où le Snowman a enrhumé plus d'un parent...
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Qui se souvient de Mike Jones ? Étoile filante du rap, il a néanmoins marqué le game en 2005 avec une technique marketing pour le moins originale pour de faire parler de lui : dans le morceau Back Then il donne carrément son numéro de téléphone, le (281) 330-8004, numéro qu’il duplique ensuite sur des t-shirts à son effigie.
L’histoire ne dit pas s’il a été inspiré par notre Doc gynéco national qui avait inventé la formule une décennie plus tôt sur Viens voir le docteur, mais toujours est-il que le natif de Houston s’assure là un joli coup de buzz et voit son premier album Who is Mike Jones certifié platine deux mois après sa sortie.
La même année, un autre artiste originaire du sud s’apprête à faire ses grands débuts en major dans le game : Young Jeezy avec son solo Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101.
Désireux de s’assurer le même niveau de promotion que Jones, il met au défi son équipe de trouver un artifice du même ordre pour gagner en visibilité à l’échelle nationale.
Pour cela, il va aller chercher du côté de son passé proche de dealeur...
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« I know Big Meech, the real Big Meech »
Contrairement à bon nombre de ses congénères qui rappent une vie qu’ils n’ont pas directement connu, Jeezy lui peut se targuer d’avoir vendu des cailloux de crack depuis la puberté.
Devenu rappeur à succès sur le tard, il bénéficie d’une crédibilité de rue d’autant plus solide qu’il est soutenu par la Black Mafia Family, l’un des gangs les plus puissants à avoir jamais existé dans le pays.
[Pour l’anecdote, quand le jour de la séance photo de la cover de TM101, il découvre à sa grande surprise que les liasses de billets empilées dans les boites en carton sont de la « prop money », des faux billets, il passe immédiatement un coup fil pour se faire livrer près de deux millions de dollars en petites coupures.]
La poudre blanche constituant son fonds de commerce depuis toujours, Jeezy choisit ainsi de se surnommer le Snowman et de faire du bonhomme de neige son logo officiel.
Dessiné à la main sur une feuille de papier par la directrice marketing de Dej Jam Ashaunna Ayars, ce dernier ressemble à un bonhomme de neige tout ce qu’il a de plus lambda à ceci près que ses sourcils pointent en oblique vers le bas et que sa bouche rectiligne n’affiche pas la moindre once de jovialité.
Après avoir s'être fait fondre une chaîne incrustée de diamants à son image (celle-là même qu’il arbore sur la photo ci-dessus), le rappeur décide ensuite de l’imprimer sur quelques centaines de t-shirts conçus par la marque new-yorkaise Miskeen Originals afin de les porter dans ses clips et lors de ses apparitions publiques.
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Le nouveau roi de la trap
Le Snowman est alors aperçu une première fois au mois d’avril dans Icy avec Gucci Mane où histoire de mettre les choses au clair, il balance : « Get it? Jeezy the Snowman / I’m iced out, plus I got that snow, man ».
Viennent ensuite les vidéos And Then What et Make It Work For You de Juelz Santana qui poussent Jeezy à augmenter les cadences de production.
Quand le 26 juillet sort enfin Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101, l’engouement franchit un nouveau cap devant le carton critique et commercial du projet.
Dans une ambiance gothique et triomphante, Jeezy rappe ses exploits de roi de la poudreuse sur les beats à la cadence volontairement ralentie, le tout ponctué de gimmicks ravageurs à la « Aaaayy », « Yeahhhh » et autres ad-libs en « Ha-Ha ».
Classé numéro deux des charts en première semaine, ce Get Rich or Die Tryin’ à la sauce dirty South dépasse le cap du million d’exemplaires écoulés avant même la fin de l’été.
Résultat, dès la rentrée des classes suivante, dans tout le pays des adolescents fans de rap se pointent au bahut habillés de t-shirts trois fois trop grands à l’effigie d’un bonhomme de neige.
Succès oblige, très vite apparaissent sur le marché des contrefaçons où sont ajoutés couleurs, guns et bandanas au dessin originel.
Même son de cloche du côté du rappeur qui avoue que les gens l’appellent de plus en plus Snowman et de moins en moins Jeezy.
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Des codes de rue inconnus des parents
Reste qu’après un temps de latence, certains parents et associations finissent par découvrir que leurs doux chérubins portent un t-shirt soutenant sous leurs yeux le trafic de narcotiques.
Alarmés, plusieurs établissements décident alors de bannir purement et simplement le t-shirt de leurs enceintes.
Dans la foulée, plusieurs articles et reportages apparaissent dans les médias mainstream.
Loin de paniquer face à l’ampleur que prend la polémique, Jeezy tend plutôt à s’en réjouir. Non seulement, il bénéficie d’une publicité gratuite sans précédent, mais selon lui ses détracteurs se méprennent sur le sens à donner à ce t-shirt qui serait en réalité une sorte de passe pour le ghetto.
« Il faut comprendre que ce qu’il représente. Il est le symbole de tous ces jeunes hustlers, c’est un peu l’équivalent du ‘white tee’. En soirée, tu peux porter un Snowman et ça passe. Tout le monde ne peut pas s’offrir du Gucci. »
Et d’ajouter : « Le Snowman est un mec cool. C’est aussi un gangster. Il y a un Snowman dans chaque quartier. Tu te dois d’être celui que l’on admire, celui qui a la voiture et la meuf qui va avec. Peu importe ce que tu fais dans la vie, sois le meilleur, parce que c’est ce que le Snowman va faire. »
Jeezy aborde ensuite le sujet en musique notamment dans les titres Can’t Ban The Snowman (« I bow down to no man / I say all that to say that you can’t ban the Snowman », soit « Je ne me prosterne devant aucun homme / Et si je dis ça c’est pour dire qu’ils ne peuvent pas interdire le Snowman ») et Jeezy The Snowman (où il s’enorgueillit du « million de motherf*ckers qui pense comme [lui] »).
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Si la mode finit par passer et la controverse par se tasser, en 2008 Jeezy a de nouveau fait l’actualité dans la rubrique faits divers lorsqu’il manque de peu d’être inculpé dans le procès de la Black Mafia Family, un témoin ayant affirmé l’avoir vu acheter plusieurs kilos de cocaïne à l’organisation.
Le rappeur n’en a pour autant jamais renié ses débuts. En 2016, il a ainsi intitulé son septième album Trap or Die 3, tandis qu’aujourd’hui encore, il est possible de commander sur sa boutique officielle du merchandising floqué du bonhomme à la tête d’émoji.
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fycanadianpolitics · 7 years
Wednesday marks the 13th anniversary of a coup d’état in Haiti.
On Feb. 29, 2004—it was a leap year—a Canadian-led assault on Haitian democracy forcibly removed the social democrat President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Current Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre—who was the minister to La Francophonie and Prime Minister Paul Martin’s special advisor to Haiti—said on Feb. 20, 2004, “It is clear that we don’t want Aristide’s head; we believe that Aristide should stay,”
Nine days later, Canadian Special Forces landed in Haiti—taking over Port-au-Prince airport, securing it as a beachhead for the deployment of US Marines and other international soldiers. The invasion of Haiti had begun, and Canada played a key role in it.
Aristide said he was kidnapped by US Navy SEALs, on Feb. 29—taken at gunpoint on a flight to Central African Republic and threatened that “a lot of people would die” if he didn’t resign. The US State Department denied these allegations, saying that Aristide resigned on his own accord. The former president then lived in exile in South Africa until his return to Haiti in 2011.
On Feb. 29, 2004, President George W. Bush said, “President Aristide resigned. He has left his country. The constitution of Haiti is working—there is an interim president in place. […] As for the constitution in place, I have ordered the deployment of Marines as the leading element of an interim international force to help bring order and stability to Haiti.”
The occupying forces, including Canada, installed an interim government. Gérard Latortue took over soon after as Prime Minister.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide was first elected president of Haiti in 1991, with a 67.5 per cent majority in the country’s first internationally recognized legitimate election. Eight months later he was taken from power after a CIA backed military coup.
In 1994, after a crippling UN embargo which left the country in ruins, Aristide was reinstated to power with the help of US military forces—but only after agreeing to work with the Clinton administration to “substantially transform the nature of the Haitian state.” Basically, Aristide was being asked to end his social-democratic reforms and accept privatization and austerity measures.
Aristide was certainly no perfect saint, with multiple reports of uninvestigated and possibly politically motivated assassinations. While in charge, however, the human rights situation in the country improved considerably. The literacy rate increased from around 30 per cent to 55 per cent. As well, he doubled the minimum wage, and instituted the rule of law—with courts operating in Creole instead of French. The malnutrition rate dropped from 63 per cent to 51 per cent, and he created a medicine-training program with the help of Cuba. He even disbanded the Haitian army, a repressive institution that had only ever fought its own people.
Denis Paradis, then Canada’s Secretary of State for the Francophonie, Latin America, and Africa held a secret meeting in 2003 called the “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti.” The meeting, held in Lake Meech with representatives from the US, France, El Salvador, the European Union, and the Organization of American States, discussed placing Haiti under the “tutelage” of the UN, possible military intervention, and the removal of Aristide from power. No Haitian representative was present at the meeting.
According to Yves Engler, co-author of the book Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority, the 2000 elections in Haiti were widely contested by opposition parties aligned with the business class and petite bourgeoisie of Port-au-Prince. They alleged that the legislature elections were rigged and that the rules were not respected. Opposition partisans organized a boycott of the presidential elections, giving Aristide a victory with more than 92 per cent of the vote. This was only a scheme to delegitimize the elections by the Haitian upper classes to destabilise the government in place.
Aristide’s social democratic policies threatened the Haitian business class and western multinationals. It seems clear that the coup was motivated not by worry for the poor Haitian population but simply by economic interests.
And the economic interests of Canadian corporations are doing pretty well, since the coup. Gildan is a Montreal based company with annual revenue of about $2 billion. It operates its factories in Haiti. Gildan doesn’t pay their workers minimum wage in Haiti. It systematically steals about half the wages, forcing their employees into debt, to live in slums and to only eat one meal a day. When the workers try to unionize, they get fired. Nine per cent of the company’s shares are owned by the Caisse de Dépôt et de Placement—a Québec government investment fund, our retirement fund.
There’s also gold, copper and bauxite on the island—the gold reserves alone are estimated to value $20 billion. Canadian corporations dominate the mining industry in Haiti, just like elsewhere in the Global South. Two of them—Ste-Genevieve Resources and Eurasian Minerals—resumed their operations shortly after the Latortue government was instated. Ste-Genevieve owns the prospecting rights for 10 per cent of the entire country, according to Yves Engler.
Steve Lachapelle—a board member of Ste-Genevieve—said to The Toronto Star that “with all the problems the country has had, they realize that they have to play the game with investors or things are going to keep getting worse.” With the horrific track record of Canadian mining corporations around the world, Haitians are unlikely to get their fair share when the extraction begins.
Since the UN peacekeeping force began occupying Haiti, they have been held responsible for many atrocities. From the cholera outbreak of 2010 that killed over 9,700 Haitians—which occurred after a Nepalese Blue Helmets camp dumped sewage water in rivers people drank and bathed from—to the multiple instances of massacres in the pro-Aristide slums like Cité-Soleil.
The death toll from the occupation has since well-surpassed 10,000 people. While Aristide’s administration wasn’t free of critique, the human rights situation has greatly deteriorated since western powers—including Canada—took over to protect our economic interests in the country.
In a diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks from 2008, the American embassy can be seen advocating to prolong the military occupation to prevent “resurgent populist and anti-market economy political forces.” In other words, the occupying forces are afraid of Haitian democracy.
There’s a proverb in creole: Konstitusyon se papye, babyonet se fe. A constitution is made of paper, but bayonets are made of steel.
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meechlamajor · 3 hours
literally anything for Kate Martin
Kiss and Makeup — Kate Martin x Fem!Reader
In which you and Kate have a heated argument, and you feel conflicted between your morals and feelings.
Warnings: angst (I made Kate into a little bit of a bitch I’m upset with myself for it negl) and fluff!
Author’s note: kudos to @fallofachilles for the prompt idea! + I hope you guys like the new layout I’m trying, despite the simplicity. Consider this a birthday gift from me to you guys, but for my birthday ♡!
You sit on the floor of the off-campus apartment that you share with Kate, pulling everything that Kate had just put into her suitcase out. She quite literally shoved everything in there and there was just no way that she would fit everything she needed in there. You were unsure about how she did this before meeting you.
“Babe,” you huffed. “I keep telling to you to stop waiting until the last moment to pack! You wouldn’t have to rush if you listened.”
“Okay Mom, sorry,” Kate brushed the fly aways out of her face and sat next to you.
You rolled up each item so that you could get the most out of the space in her suitcase.
“Do you have your extra pair of shoes in another bag or something?” You inquired. You’d gone through everything and they hadn’t turned up.
“No baby, they’re in our room,” Kate replied to you, but never got up.
“Go get them!” You widened your eyes, motioning to the bedroom. “Sheesh.”
Kate came back with them in hand, “I thought you were going to get them.”
You swore when you heard that your eye twitched. “Uh— why would I do that? You’re able.”
“Well… you just usually do. It’s a ‘girlfriend’ thing to do,” Kate explained, shrugging.
You chuckled, warmth spreading up the back of your neck and to your face. “So as your girlfriend I’m supposed to baby you and wait on you hand and foot?”
The room becomes tense and your heart beats in your ears. You remain patient though, trying to hear your girlfriend out.
“Well no, but I didn’t ask for you to do any of this,” Kate motions to her clothes on the floor. “It’s our normal routine. What’s the problem?”
You groan, running your hands down your face. “I do it because I want to and because I love you! I don’t have to do any of it— I could literally let you go to the airport and pay a fifty dollar fee because your luggage is overweight, but I don’t!”
Kate shoved her tongue into her cheek and crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “I don’t understand what I said wrong! Why disrupt our routine?”
“You sound like such a man,” you curse. “The problem is that I’m realizing that you don’t respect me or even value me! I know that you work so hard, so I do these things to take some of the weight off off your shoulders, and you’re not even the tiniest bit grateful!”
Kate drops her bright pink shoes onto the hardwood floors, the sound echoing through the apartment. Her eyes glance at them and then you. A staring contest goes on for thirty seconds and you chuckle bitterly before rising to your feet.
You strut toward the bedroom, grabbing your backpack.
“What are you doing?” Kate questions you, following you into the room. But, you ignore her as you raid the dresser for clothes.
You shove your clothes into the bag, not giving nearly as much care to your items as you give to Kate’s. Your toiletries lay on top. You swing the bag over your right shoulder, saving your left hand for your keychain.
“Where are you going!?” Kate continues. “You cannot be ignoring me right now. You- come on!”
“Clearly, you’ve gotten too comfortable and you seem to think that I’m your maid or something. I’m leaving and you can have fun spending a week without me.”
You found yourself staying with your friend Karissa for a few days. You almost went to Jada’s dorm, but there was no way that you wouldn’t end up seeing Kate there.
While you stayed with Karissa, you had some time to think. Were you babying Kate? You just thought that she might appreciate what you do for her, but she made it obvious that now it had become more of an expectation of you.
You felt conflicted. You always told yourself that you wouldn’t tolerate disrespect from anyone, including your partner. If you forgave Kate, would you basically be telling her it’s okay, I don’t mind that you disrespected me?
But at the same time, you love Kate and it hurts you to be away from her.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Karissa asked as she joined you on her plush white couch.
“Thinking about Kate,” you say.
“But, that’s literally all the time so what difference does it make?” She jokes, channel surfing.
“The difference is that I haven���t spoken to her in three days because my pride won’t let me,” you sigh. “I don’t want to give in too easy.”
“You don’t have to,” Karissa chimes. “Okay, listen. Forget about whatever lesson you’re trying to teach her, and instead just think about what you want.
Maybe it’s not about you wanting her realizing that she needs you, but it could be more about the fact that she hasn’t shown you much appreciation.”
You nod, “but, I know that she’s busy. It’s hard for her to do that stuff all of the time.”
“You’re making excuses for her now. Sure she’s busy, but aren’t you, too? You balance your classes, a job, and extracurriculars, but you still find time to show Kate how much you love her and do things that she would like, including packing her bags for her before an away game.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate it, but you do deserve to be considered. That’s all I’m saying.”
You don’t reply, but your phone vibrates at your side with a text from the girl you were just speaking of.
KATE: Will you come home, please? We should talk.
You read over the message a few times, thinking about how you might reply. Truth be told, you were tired of being apart and you did just want to go home to your girlfriend.
YOU: I’ll be there in about an hour.
You kept your text short and sweet. It definitely wouldn’t take you an hour to get there, but you wanted to give yourself some leeway.
With your key in hand you unlock the door to the apartment you share with Kate, and sit your bag down on the floor.
It’s eerily quiet, to which you raise your eyebrows. You stalk toward your bedroom, and are met with the sight of those faux tea candles, roses, and what seemed to be a few gifts on the bed.
The room had been decorated with balloons and a big banner that read: I LOVE YOU.
You turned to look for Kate and there she stood in the doorway, a small smile on her face, but you couldn’t move past the look of guilt in her eyes.
“What’s all this for?” You inquire, taking a deep breath.
Kate’s gaze flickers around the room in hesitation, almost like she’s doubtful of something.
“I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to butter you up so that you forgive me, but it’s time that I showed my appreciation for you.
You’re right, I did get too comfortable and I stopped thanking you. The way that I spoke to you was wrong. I love you, and what I did and lack thereof was wrong. The three days without you admittedly were hard, I forgot to do a lot of the things that you took on the responsibility of.
I’m just… sorry for not appreciating and recognizing what you do for me sooner, babe. You take so much of the weight off of my shoulders every single day, and I promise to put forth more effort when it comes to valuing you.”
Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest at her words because that’s all that you really wanted. You wanted to know that your efforts didn’t go unnoticed and that they meant something to her.
Without words you bring Kate into a hug, your arms wrapping around her neck and hers around your waist. You speak into her neck, “I won’t say that it’s okay, but I do accept your apology.”
When you both pull away she locks her lips with your own, her hands squeezing at your hips. Her lips taste like mint from the chapstick she wore. The kiss was tender and sweet— it felt different from the last ones you two had shared. There was a promise in it, one that the both of you wouldn’t break.
Your foreheads rest upon one another until Kate backs you into the bed, forcing you to sit down. She joins you at your side.
She glances at the two gift boxes, signaling for you to open them. The wrapping paper was your favorite color. The small details were always so cute to you.
You unwrap box one and open it to find some body care products like body wash and body scrub. Kate always knew how much you enjoyed self-care days. It always made you feel good inside and out.
You opened the body scrub and brought the container to your nose, “oo that’s nice!”
Kate watches as you open the other box with a smile, happy that she could make you smile again.
“Should I run you a bath?” She asks. “We can have ice cream after and watch Love Is Blind.”
“Run us a bath,” you beam. “And don’t be mad, but I watched a few episodes without you.”
Kate got up from the bed, “wouldn’t be the first time, babe.”
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meechlamajor · 20 hours
someone else already pointed it out, but the way people write kk is rlly weird sometimes, like i promise u she is not saying ‘girl boo’ in every sentence just bc it’s become somewhat of her shtick. and the overuse of aave INCORRECTLY is astounding 💀
people exaggerate her personality so much too it’s insane, kk’s goofy, but she’s not jumping off of the walls like spider-man y’all bffr
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meechlamajor · 2 days
the comments BEGGING paige to get brown contacts always get me like guys please 😭😭😭😭 IT’S FUCKING HILARIOUS
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meechlamajor · 6 days
would you write headcannons or lit anything for kk....por favor....i love her and the kk fics are a dessert
You sing to her 🌚
Whether your vocals are horrible or not, I feel like you should match her goofy vibe. So since she’s always dancing, you should match that by singing her the most unserious things. Like if you calls for you, you don’t answer normally, instead you’d say yes in the form of an overly extended run.
You treat her to Chipotle
KK loves some Chipotle, it’s actually insane how many of her TikTok reposts I’ve seen about it 😭😭 I feel like you guys could make it a once a week thing, Fridays maybe.
She’s so gosh darn touchy
She always wants to hold hands, or even just have a limb making contact with you. So she’d probably rest a leg on you just because.
Because KK is a live stream warrior, you’re going to be a guest in a decent amount of them.
You help KK do her hair, or wash it before her hair appointment.
In addition to that, I feel like you guys would search through Pinterest together to find more hairstyles for her. KK would probably be insanely indecisive, though, so it takes you guys forever to find something that she likes.
KK definitely rummages through your things out of boredom.
“Babe, what’s this?” She’s sat on the floor of your dorm, with a random item in her hand, peering up at you.
“Girl— put that back!”
Your room always ends up a mess as a result of her “curiosity.”
“It looked at me first!” KK replied.
Obviously, she gives you her jerseys to wear to games.
Also, as a devoted girlfriend you do have a blanket with cutouts of her face on it. It’s your favorite thing, ever. When KK got it for you, you laughed for like 10 minutes straight, but you use it like every night.
KK: it’s so that if you ever have another girl in here she knows that you sleep with me every night.
You: Why would I have another girl in here? Beside our friends Kamorea…
KK: I don’t know, you tell me *eyebrow raise*
You ask KK about Wisconsin lore.
You two are sat in KK’s car, having gone through the drive through of a restaurant.
“Why does your cheese squeak? What does that even mean?” You ask.
“It’s just— that’s the way it is and it’s good! Eat it!” KK scolds you, passing you some cheese curds.
“But the cheese isn’t stretchy anymore… that’s why it’s squeaky.”
KK rolls up the bag of fast food, “clearly you don’t respect fine dining. Look what happens when I try to be generous!”
KK loves to dress you, and oftentimes you guys match.
KK gives me “let’s have a movie night” vibes, except you guys watch the same movie over and over.
You guys 100% have a collaborative playlist with some of your favorite songs on it. Some songs I like below ⬇️
You Don’t Even Know - The Internet
Fashion Killa - A$AP Rocky
Go Gina - SZA
Get It Sexyy - Sexyy Red (of course)
Way 2 Sexy - Drake (i feel like kk would love this song but i have no evidence sawry 🌚)
KK has left her dorm after curfew just to go to yours and get into bed with you.
It’s going on 2 A.M. when your phone rings, a FaceTime incoming. It’s KK, so of course you answer.
Your voice groggy, you speak. “What’s wrong?” Granted it was random for KK to call you at 2 A.M. after you guys already said goodnight.
“Come open the doorrrrrrr.” She spoke, a blanket draped around her shoulder and her voice somewhat hushed.
“There’s no way you’re in the hallway right now… calling me…” you trail off.
“I am. Now open the door, please!” KK pleads, “my toes are cold!”
“You don’t have any shoes on?” You climb out of your bed, stalking to the door of your dorm, mindful of your roommate.
“No, I was rushing to get here since I missed you.”
soooooo happy that you sent in this request bc i’ve been wanting to write about kk so much! i just love her
i hope that you liked this! thanks so much! 🩷
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meechlamajor · 12 days
i think she’s onto something
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meechlamajor · 1 month
*Paige and Reader are aged up. Think early-30s, mid 30s*
Adoption, IVF, or Surrogacy?
Well, no matter what, P would love your babies whether they were biologically yours or adopted. But, you wanted to experience pregnancy and the both of you decided to go through with IVF. You definitely weren’t a fan of the painful shots that Paige had to administer, but she was always there to make sure you were as comfortable as possible.
Imagine this: while you showered, Paige washed her hands, got the needle ready, and got out your most comfortable clothes. She’d even ran to the store to get your favorite snacks.
She waited for you while you showered, just sitting on the toilet lid and making simple conversation with you. Paige had grabbed you a warm towel (after a cycle in the dryer) and held it out for you when she heard the water stop.
Wrapping the towel around yourself, you stepped out, already dreading what you knew was coming next. You were more quiet than usual, and Paige already knew what was going on in your head.
She stepped closer to you as you approached the marble her’s and her’s sinks in your bathroom. Paige’s hands cradled your face, she huffed at the tears welling in your eyes. But she wiped them away before they could’ve even fall. “It’ll just be a pinch, and then you’re done my love.”
You whined, “yeah, for like four hours!”
You’d have to receive multiple shots a day for approximately 2 weeks. You wouldn’t say that you regretted the process, but it was definitely rough on you.
Paige leaned down to kiss your forehead, a comforting look on your face. “Take a few deep breaths,” Paige instructed you.
You did as she instructed, running your hands up and down your face. When you ready, which you confirmed with a nod, Paige lifted up the side of your towel, exposing your thigh. She moved fast and pushed down on the plunger of the syringe.
You let out a light moan, squeezing Paige’s bicep in response to the pain. “Good, good girl.”
Girl or boy?
You guys actually have 2 girls and one boy, so both! Your two girls seem to gravitate toward Paige, and your little boy (the baby of the bunch) gravitates toward you. He’s actually your shadow lol.
Even though you carried the babies, you still feel like they look like Paige in some ways. Their bone structure is remarkably similar to Paige’s and their lips as well (Paige got on your nerves your entire pregnancy lol, iykyk).
I think that Paige would like names that have a lot of meaning to you guys, and she’s not a fan of typical trending names.
Imagine you two are laying down in your bedroom, you on your back and her head resting slightly on your bump.
You hummed, “Ava?”
“That’s cute, but no. I feel like it’s too popular. And don’t suggest anything like River.”
You rolled your eyes, “I wasn’t even going to suggest that!”
“We gotta keep thinking, babe. I’ll be damned if my daughter has the same name as someone else in her class.” Paige remarks and kisses her teeth.
“I Need a Break!”
As all couples experience after having kids, you and Paige want time to yourselves. So you’ll end up sending them off to each of your parents or one of their many, many aunties for what you call a “field trip.”
“Wait, honey bun,” you call after your second daughter. You and Paige were trying to get the kids ready to go with KK. You’d stuffed some toys, an extra change of clothes, and other things into her cute little Dora backpack.
“When do we get to come back home?” Niamh pouted up at you, hugging your leg.
“Baby, you haven’t even left yet.” Honestly, you were a little tickled. “Come on, let’s go see what Mommy’s doing.”
You let her lead you down the hallway to your little boy’s room where Paige was struggling to get a shoe onto his foot. You know how you try to put a shoe on a baby and they just roll their ankle the whole time? Yeah.
“Kairo, please!” Paige begged. Upon your presence, Paige looked up at you, exasperated.
“Hi,” you smiled. “How’s it going?”
She huffed, blowing the bangs that she’d left out of the space buns she was rocking out of her face. You two decided to twin for the day. “You see how it’s going, babe.”
Niamh had run off to Paige, sitting directly in her lap. “Mommy, I want to be just like you.”
The both of you gushed, your hands reaching for Kairo. “Kai babe, let me see your foot please.”
He held it out easily, allowing you to slip the shoe on and fasten the velcro.
Paige’s jaw dropped.
“I’m just that good, baby,” you shrugged. “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”
You stood up from the carpet, “where’s my first born?”
“Miri’s (short for Mirielle) in her room, doing some puzzles. She’s already good to go.” Paige answered.
Next was her room. You knew that she was good to go, but you wanted to check on her before they left. Ever since her siblings were born you and Paige made sure that Mirielle never felt neglected as the oldest baby.
She sat at her princess play table, finishing a puzzle of Princess Tiana. You peaked around the corner, “ready to go sugar plum?”
Mirielle nodded, “can Auntie KK hurry up? I need a break from you guys.” She took after Paige in the sass department. “All of your forehead kisses get exhausting.”
“Well, I need one more before you go so…”
You guys take quarterly family vacations.
QUARTERLY, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?????? Paige will always put her family first, and loves to treat you guys to fun things if she can!
What is it like on a sick day?
Paige absolutely loses it. Everyone will be on bedrest, and Paige could care less about getting sick too, because she let’s the babies be all over her. They’re having a hard time sleeping. She invites them to sleep with you guys. Paige will spoil them rotten, and she knows it, but she doesn’t care!
Handling bullies.
You guys had tried it all. There were days where Mirielle would be in tears after school because of girls picking on her. You’d gone to the teachers at her school first, administration at her school, and at some point Paige was just ready to pull up on the little girls’ parents.
“Okay babe, what did we say we’re going to do if they pick on you today?” Paige asked as she stood behind Mirielle, brushing her coils into a puff in the middle of her head.
“I’m going to… punch… her? Mommy that doesn’t feel right,” Mirielle frowned.
Paige really didn’t believe that violence was the answer, but those girls just didn’t seem to listen and she didn’t want Miri to grow up thinking that she wasn’t worthy of respect.
“Well no, you don’t have to punch her, but stand your ground and be firm. If she’s mean to you, it’s okay to defend yourself. Understand?”
Mirielle nodded eagerly.
“But I’m just saying… if she hits you first then…” Paige trailed off with her hands in surrender.
this didn’t take as long as i thought it would so hey 😍 but here it is. as you may have noticed, my headcannons don’t have like 15 topics, but that’s because i like to write detailed blurbs, so if you guys want more i can just make another part to this. thanks for reading!
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meechlamajor · 29 days
this shot of paige does things to me
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meechlamajor · 27 days
juju watkins
Your relationship dynamic:
Juju loves to annoy you for fun, in little ways that still make you laugh. Once you both were laying in bed cuddling together. She had her head in your neck when all of a sudden she bit the cartilage of your ear.
The warm feeling of her breath made you squirm but you couldn’t help but laugh at how random that was.
“I don’t know, it was just looking at me and begging for me to bite it.
There’s a whole lot of love between you two, and things like this is just one of the ways that Juju preferred to show it.
You’re both extremely competitive!
You’d both just finished dinner when Juju got up to throw your takeout boxes away.
“Babe,” you chimed. “How much do you want to bet that I can throw this into the trash from right here?” You stood neat the tv and the trash can was a good six feet away.
“$20,” Juju said instantly. “That’s really nothing so this should be easy for you.”
You crumpled the box into somewhat of a ball, regretting it when the stick sauce got on your hands. You released it and it was head straight for the trash can when Juju stepped in front of it and swatted the box-ball to the floor.
You kissed your teeth and placed your hands on your hips. “Judea! That’s not fair!”
“Hey,” she shrugged. “Should’ve covered all of your bases first. I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna step in.”
Juju threw away the rest of the trash, a pout evident on your face. But, Juju hated when you did. Sometimes the referred to you as “The Brat” (in the most endearing way possible).
So, you decided to knuckle up (not literally guys).
You huffed, “go get changed. I wanna play HORSE.”
“Right now?” Juju glanced at the clock, it reading 7:30.
“Babe, this is not the latest time you’ve been in the gym. Hurry up, or I’ll tell everyone I took your ankles and you cried after!”
You love sharing new experiences with one another.
You and Juju are the couple that actually hates being bored. You love to occupy yourselves in some way that’ll stimulate the mind, and what better way to do that than trying new things?
You’ve done pottery, zip lining, sky diving, white water rafting, a poetry class, paint and sip, you guys do those little mining kits for fun together, and Juju’s favorite: ATV riding.
You’re each other’s rock when times get tough.
There have been a number of times when Juju has called on you to make her feel better or just hold her. There’s nothing like knowing that Juju (a.k.a. your person) will come through for you at the drop of a hat. Whenever Juju holds you, she strokes your hair and runs her hand down your back, noticing that it calms you.
You put on a united front and keep your disagreements private.
You both hate the idea of people having an idea of what arguments or disagreements look like between you two primarily because of Juju’s position in the public eye. People gave their opinions on her all the time, and she couldn’t control those, but she could control what she gave people to talk about in terms of your relationship. You’re private, but not a secret.
In fact, Juju loved to show you off. She could take candid photos of you all day, and she would post them on her story because “the world needs to see how beautiful you are, my love.”
You’re the early bird!
Even though Juju often has to get up for early morning practices, you often get up before her to get a start on the day. You’ll make breakfast and be ready to head out for the day by the time her eyes open.
The both of you share clothes.
Juju finds it so sexy when you wear something that belongs to her. Nobody else has to know it’s her clothes, it’s just the fact that you got it from her and 99% of the time she thought the item looked better on you.
juju is literally my wife lolziesssss! content about her is lacking REAL BAD but it’s ok we’ll fix that 🥰
nsfw part two? 👀
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meechlamajor · 5 days
Hi! I’m Meech, or Mimi, I don’t mind either name. I’ve been writing for 6 years give or take, but just for fun. Fanfiction has only been my thing for about three of those years though.
I like music, sports, Jodie Picoult, and Marvel (I love Captain America)! My favorite genre of music would be R&B, and I absolutely adore Alina Baraz!
When it comes down to writing, most of my works are from the perspective of a Black OC, but I also do ‘x Reader’ fics and I try my best to make them as inclusive as possible. I’m a fluff fiend, lol.
I write about women’s basketball players (on here specifically + at the moment), but I don’t mind branching out. I get a lot of Ellie Williams on my timeline LMAOOOO.
I do think that KK Arnold and I would be best friends, sorry. I do wholeheartedly believe that JuJu Watkins is my wife as well!
You x UConn ↓
If you were on UConn’s Women’s Basketball Team
Paige Bueckers ↓
Paige as a Mom Headcanons
Aubrey Griffin ↓
Dealing with a Breakup and Aubrey Comforts You
KK Arnold ↓
KK as Your Girlfriend Headcanons
JuJu Watkins ↓
JuJu as Your Girlfriend Headcanons
JuJu as Your Girlfriend NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons Part Two
Hannah Hidalgo ↓
Hannah as Your Girlfriend Headcanons
Kate Martin ↓
Kate as Your Girlfriend Headcanons
Kiss and Makeup
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Send in requests! I do my best to get back to them!
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meechlamajor · 23 days
most definitelyyyy need that part 2 of the juju hcs
The sex playlist is on ten!
I could imagine there being tons of slow songs. Juju likes to update it regularly because she feels so connected to music that’s played. I could see “Close” by Ella Mai making an appearance 👀.
Dom or sub?
I can see Juju as both honestly— so a switch. I can’t even lie I feel like Juju as a sub would really interesting though, to say the least. As for her dom side, she likes to make you beg for it and can sometimes get a little aggressive. I wouldn’t take her for the marking type, though. If she were going to leave marks they would probably be small hickies on your neck. Like one or two.
How does she approach sex?
Juju just gives me such bold vibes I get butterflies thinking about it 😭. I think she’d be straightforward about it. In my opinion doing means so much more than saying, so it feels like she’d probably make the majority of the first moves.
Imagine this: Juju is filming for her partnership with NerdWallet and you two are in her dressing room waiting someone to get started on her makeup.
You sat on the couch, texting while Juju sat in a chair in front of a mirror. She stole glances at you, dressed in a simple outfit of jeans and her hoodie. You could feel her intense stare. Your eyes finally caught one others, her own drawing you in (no but rlly like why are her eyes so captivating 😅).
“Come here, baby,” she spoke, keeping eye contact with her through the mirror.
You rose from the loveseat, and stood behind Juju’s chair, your arms snaking around her neck. “What’s up, baby?”
She looked up at you, but your eyes were still focused on the mirror. Her shirt had ridden up, exposing her abs that you loved so dearly.
Without words, she placed open-mouthed, wet kisses on your neck.
“I think… we… have time for a quickie,” Juju breathed out in between kisses.
Your own breathing became heavy as the heartbeat between your legs pitter-pattered.
And of course, you wouldn’t decline. “Bend me over the desk.”
Juju likes toys, but she doesn’t like to “overdo” it. To her, there’s nothing better than watching you make a mess on her fingers.
I could see her getting you a pair of vibrating panties (🧍🏾‍♀️) just to watch you squirm (don’t jump me for this one guys i’m sorry!!). She’d ask you to wear them at the worst times ever.
She’d definitely have some interesting stuff up her sleeve.
Slow or fast?
I feel like in most cases Juju would actually like to take her time! Like just to be sure that you feel everything and a lot of times the music (mentioned earlier? often sets the tone and fits the vibe. She definitely thinks that sex is more than just sex, but it’s also a commitment from both parties. It’s a vulnerable act for the both of you and Juju thinks it should be treated as such.
She wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever to make you comfortable or light some candles for you.
Juju would draw up a bath for you to soothe your sore limbs. As an athlete I’m pretty sure she knows tons of remedies. She’d get you your favorite food, set out a fresh change of clothes for you, clean up while you relax, and maybe even give you a little massage.
I might add though that chances are high that y’all will go at it again.
leaving this here 😍 thank you guys for all of the love i’ve been receiving! i really appreciate it guys!
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meechlamajor · 5 days
she must be stopped
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meechlamajor · 5 days
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meechlamajor · 6 days
omg seeing paige being written as a cheating wh*re just hurt me SO bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭like wow so happy this isn’t real
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