#might be a mew record tbh lmao
insomniphic · 3 months
Makin something. Here take these losers.
They don’t like each other :3
(Black by @blackkatdraws2)
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forcebookish · 8 months
I'm sorry but the crazy hate for top doesn't even make sense at this point. like even in comparison to some other characters he isn't as bad yet they all get treated like innocent meow meows and he gets villanized. repeatedly drunk driving and putting innocent lives in danger? my poor baby :( manipulating a whole scheme to get back at a guy you hate with no concern for how it will destroy others? king behavior! (And tbh no hate to sand I respect what he did lol but there's no need to lie about what it was). recording people having sex and commiting numerous other crimes? he's just in love :/ and I don't even need to get into how Boston can do all the sick shit he does and still be called a "bad bitch." Is top a flawed character with MANY issues he needs to work on? yes absolutely but if you're gonna call him the scum of the universe you sure better do it for all the other characters too is all I'm saying.
anon, you're absolutely right!
although, i don't respect what sand did - i just love him for it lol that man is insane 🤣 he finally did something interesting to me🫢 and the fact that he did it, knowing how much it would hurt ray in the process? just the rotten cherry on top of the shit sundae he served that friend group. now that is messy. and at least he seems to actually understand the gravity of how fucked up what he did was once he saw the consequences, unlike boston😒 who really had the gall to say that he "let" topmew have their happily ever after, after he had tried to sleep with top again and continued to lie to him about mew and ray - only leaving top alone because top finally stood up for himself, pushed him away, and shamed him about it.
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the point is that all these characters are flawed; they'd be boring otherwise. that's the case in literally all storytelling. does BL fandom think that all their faves in other series are perfect? no one is perfect.
however, top's flaws are what make him perfect to me. he's a well-crafted character who is fun to watch. plus, if you make a list of all his "sins" and "faults," he doesn't compare even slightly to these other characters. besides mew (uh, at least before ep6 lol), he's literally the least messy of them all - he's just a mean girl, who slept with someone else because the objectively worst of them tricked him through some of the nastiest, most underhanded means i have ever seen. all his other negatives aren't even unique to him - in fact, he seems to be the only one of the boys (besides mew) who doesn't do anything nasty unprovoked. we've seen in literally every episode what he said here is true:
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and even when ray "messed with" top by telling him he wanted to give whoever punched him in the face a trophy (because *checks notes* top was irritated that ray raised his voice about mew not wanting to leave the party. and that he's dating mew... that's it lmao ray was rude just from top hitting on mew. he didn't even know him yet! what kind of "if i can't have him no one can" kinda bullshit is that? wtf ray, grow up! ), top just stared at him sadly - and that was when he still thought that ray was sleeping with mew.
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every (idk, i might be missing a couple) other "flaw" of top's could be used to describe other characters in the group:
"smug" because he's hot and rich (ray)
"smug" because he's "good at sex" (boston)
promiscuous (boston)
drug user (ray)
lying/not telling mew about sleeping with boston (boston and nick)
"betrayed" mew by sleeping with someone else (boston)
not mentioning that someone kissed him without consent (mew)
punches someone in the face (sand, ray, boston, and mew lol)
he "stole" (tbh i'm not convinced) someone's lover (boston)
and guess what? he's stopped doing all of those things. (i'll concede this: he might get in another fight later. i hope not, i'm a little over all the punching soz mew can have his attempted drowning of boston tho, i won't complain about that.) (and he's definitely going to relapse and take mew's pills, probably in the next episode. but at least he's stopped before then - i haven't seen any evidence that ray has ever tried to get sober.) can't say the same for the other characters.
meanwhile, negative things he hasn't done that others have:
violated consent (boston and ray)
instigated a physical fight (sand and ray)
insisted that the person he was seeing was "just a friend" (ray and boston)
recorded someone without their consent (nick and boston)
made fun of mew for being a virgin (boston)
smashed his own phone into pieces so he could steal a sex tape (sand omg i really cannot get over how truly insane that was)
hit the person he's sleeping with (boston and ray)
drove while drunk/high (ray)
got high and sent his best friend a sex tape of his boyfriend with their other friend ON HIS BIRTHDAY, AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY WHERE BOTH OF THEM WERE (ray lol also can't get over that one. and everyone saying he did it with "good intentions" like nah just because he knew that mew wouldn't fall in love with him over it, doesn't mean that he didn't do it out of revenge against boston and top - even if he thought he was avenging mew. ON HIS BIRTHDAY, BITCH. maybe he convinced himself he was doing the right thing, but he did it because he was angry and high.)
exposed his friend's darkest secrets about their love lives to their partners, only to hurt them because he's miserable (boston and ray)
and i don't think top would. (maybe the driving while drunk/high but based on the kind of drugs he likes, i don't think he'd be able to, like, stand let alone get in a car lol but we'll see.)
and by compiling this list, i don't mean to say that all these characters are evil, except boston, and by his own admission lol,
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or that they're bad characters, just that the hate top gets is ridiculous and disproportionate. i'm not even saying that you have to like him, just don't exaggerate his faults or blame him for all the shit boston did to him. oh, you hate him based on "vibes?" don't act like it's not because he's played by force and you don't care about forcebook. it's not subtle😒 we can see your clown shoes😒
and this isn't really directed at you, anon, i know you mean well, but i am really tired of the fact that top fans seem to be the only ones who feel the need to say stuff like "he's flawed" and "he has issues," when every single fucking character is and does. why do we have to be defensive? we don't. he's a good character, and not even a bad person lol
i fucking love him, no caveats. i love everything about him.
AND ANOTHER THING lol i should just shut up but this is really bothering me: i am SO annoyed by these "huh i guess top does love mew" and "huh i wonder if top has some sexual trauma" posts LIKE REALLY??? REALLY???????? NOW YOU THINK SO?? FUCK OFF. like on one hand, yeah thanks for fucking FINALLY coming around but he's only acted like and said he liked mew LITERALLY EVERY EPISODE and only slept with boston because he was CORNERED and BECAUSE HE LIKED MEW AND FELT BETRAYED BY HIM LIKe JFOWJIWHGIOWJSFKL RAAAAAAAAH ok i'm done
so glad you dropped by, anon, clearly i needed to get some stuff off my chest 😅
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