#miss ya dreadfully glad we never got more
cosmicpines · 14 days
There are a lot of things I'm thinking after watching the Alex Hirsch interview but a lot of it really is how much I appreciate how much I have learned about storytelling and emotion and how much of that was through GF. I'm sure most of the people who were around back in the day aren't here anymore, but there was a theory called Grunk4Gramp that arose in the hiatus after NWHS and before ATOTS. It was essentially that, since we knew Stan had stolen Ford, (god, he was still Stanley at the time)'s identity, that Grunkle Stan was the twins' grandfather. And I don't remember my exact opinion at the time but then when the "Shermie's grandkids" line and the fandom exploded again. I don't remember exactly when I realized that, yeah, that is a bit of a sloppy solution, but emotionally, yeah. It can't be Stan or Ford because that would retroactively make one or both of them really, really bad. It would be heavy and super complicated to cover in half a season. And then hearing Alex literally say that, practically word for word, just makes me really happy.
It makes me think more about just the prevailing attitude of "oh they're geniuses they must have had a plan for everything!" level of deep scrutiny. Which like, honestly? Fair. Most of us were in high school or younger. GF was a show like no other. It encouraged this kind of behavior. In retrospect, the moment that started falling apart for me was when a lot of people were so deeply insistent on the slit pupil maybe-still-possessed-Bipper thing after NWHS that I just... It's like Grunk4Gramp. What kind of storytelling would it be if Dipper wasn't making any of his own decisions? What would we even gain from the story then?
Being a creator is very difficult. Even as creators, we often forget that people who make things are still human and make mistakes. We sometimes forget that things can't be perfect and shiny and are just going to be good enough. We fight for those emotional beats and sometimes it'll make something inconsistent. Or sometimes something will fall a little flat. Or sometimes something will fall really flat. And that it happens to everyone, even creators we really love and respect. The best we can do as people is fight for the story we want to tell, not filling every plot hole and demanding an answer for every little thing. It's fun to be the second -- god, don't I know it. It is SO MUCH FUN overanalyzing things, ask literally any of my friends -- but knowing that something being complicated and intricate doesn't mean its good and vice versa.
Anyway I just really respect the GF crew and how much they put into this show, even now, 12 fucking years later. I really respect and love the fandom and all the wild shit that came out of it. My main creative project right now wouldn't exist if it wasn't for an offshoot fandom of the GF fandom, which is really a weird thing to say out of context. I just miss it.
oh also I found this on my blog while trying to find grunk4gramp things and lmao
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8 years ago...
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nervousgaylaughter · 5 years
how'd we end up on a road we never took (chapter 2)
read on ao3
this turning out to be a slowburn sorry gays but i had to do it
Kate grabs her phone and looks at the text she just received.
Unknown Number: Hey, this is Eva. My friend Patricia told me her plan.
Of course she has a name like Patricia, is all Kate thinks
Kate: yeah, it’s kinda crazy isn’t it
Eva: Kinda is being nice about it.
Eva: But it could work for both of us.
Kate: that’s true
Eva: Do you want to meet up tomorrow in person to talk about it? I feel a bit weird discussing all this over text.
Kate: sure, when and where
Eva: How about right after school at Boston’s Coffee Shop? I think our schools get out at the same time.
Kate: they do
Eva: Oh cool, how do you know?
Kate: my captain is obsessed with you
She realizes this sounds stalkerish to the stranger, and sends another text.
Kate: i meant to say your team my bad
Eva: Oh haha gotcha. See you tomorrow!
Kate: see ya
And she doesn’t know exactly how, but Kate falls asleep a lot more peacefully than she had anticipated with all the anxiety of today’s events.
For some reason, school started on a Wednesday and Riley decided it would be a good idea to have a preliminary practice on Thursday. Kate had complained asking why have practice when they haven’t even conducted tryouts yet, but Riley simply said ‘check your vibes Kate’ so the girl relented.
Today is Friday, the third day of school and the jamboree football game. It’s not a real game so the team isn’t expected to be prepared yet, they are required to go, but they’re allowed to sit in the stands and watch to get a feel for the crowd this year. Riley wants the team to eat lunch together so they can bond before the game, which is the last thing Kate wants to do.
The day goes by dreadfully long. She mopes through her first period math with Chess and Annleigh as Annleigh somehow answers every question. She hides under the bleachers during gym as she sees Cairo looking a little too hard at Riley in her gym uniform. Then she actually attempts to pay attention in English until lunch, when she goes to her usual spot and waits for Chess. The girl comes running up to Kate and grabs her arm.
“C’mon Kate.”
“Where are we going Chess?” Kate asks not at all amused with being taken from her spot.
“We’re eating lunch with the team today.” Chess doesn’t look Kate in the eyes.
“Why the fuck would we ever do that?”
“It’ll be good to do some team bonding,” Chess says, but Kate is unconvinced.
“You know you have nothing to prove to them right? I know you’re ok, you know you’re ok and that’s all that should matter.” Chess doesn’t answer as she just pulls Kate towards the table where the rest of the girls are waiting.
Kate wishes Chess wouldn’t care so much about what the team thinks of her. Chess made a few mistakes last year, but she’s clean now. Kate has spent many late nights on the phone with Chess, just talking about nothing, trying to make sure her best friend would fall asleep on the phone rather than by self-medication. But none of that is the team’s business. All they need to know is that Chess is better now.
“Welcome everyone, I’m glad you all showed up for our weekly Cheer Lunch,” Riley says as Kate and Chess sit down.
“Weekly?” Kate mouths to Chess to which Chess hits Kate on the leg.
“You look so pleased that your little girlfriend dragged you here Kate,” Cairo says, but Kate doesn’t fail to notice that Cairo places her hand mere centimeters away from Riley’s on the table.
“You know I’m actually taller than Kate-” Chess begins to say.
“Really that’s the part you’re focused on?” Kate asks her friend.
“Aww look at the lovers’ quarrel,” Cairo says sarcastically.
“Shut up Cai, and I’ll have you know that I actually do have a girlfriend. And no it’s not Chess.”
“Who is it?” Reese says as she approaches the table and sits down before anyone could tell her not to.
“She goes to West High. Her name is Eva Sanchez.”
“EVA SANCHEZ THE HIGHEST RANKED FLYER IN THE STATE?” Riley asks extremely excitedly as the rest of the girls flinch at the sudden exclamation. Cairo stares at the redhead as she shifts her jaw uncomfortably. Kate makes a mental note of Cairo’s obvious jealousy.
“The one and the same,” Chess responds for her as Kate’s mind begins to rush.
Oh my God I haven’t even spoken to Eva yet and I just committed us to this relationship.
Just as Riley is about to ask a million questions about Eva, Farrah asks, “So how was everyone’s summer?” Kate notices the girl isn’t drunk, which is good considering it’s the middle of the school day. The thought just makes Kate sad about the fact that she thought it in the first place. She’s not Farrah’s biggest fan after everything she has said to Chess, but she wishes the girl wasn’t already so messed up at fifteen.
Luckily Annleigh takes up most of lunch talking about church camp despite Farrah’s protests that she was asking everyone else but Annleigh since she had heard enough about it at home. Instead of listening to anecdotes about ‘Noah’s Art’ and ‘Capture the Bible’ (man these Christians really love their religious puns), Kate is entering a thought spiral about her situation.
Oh my god I’ve already crossed a line we haven’t even made yet, Kate thinks, and she’s completely panicking. Chess notices her friend in distress, and gives her a comforting squeeze on her knee. Luckily, the lunch bell rings and gives Kate her much needed escape to art class.
Thankfully, she has art with just Chess and none of the other girls, and the girls have a hushed conversation as the teacher is rambling on about shading.
“So you talked to Eva?” Chess asks.
“Uh… not yet.”
“So you just lied.”
“Technically it’s going to be lying whether Eva is on board or not.” Chess rolls her eyes as Kate continues, “But I’m meeting with Eva right after school before the game today.”
The teacher notices their conversation and says, “Girls. Do we have to do this every year?” Kate and Chess have had art together every year. Originally Chess took it her sophomore year to fulfill her art credit, but Kate convinced her to keep taking it with her, so Chess made the sacrifice of being in art class to be with her best friend.
“Sorry Miss,” Chess says. Chess was always far too kind about these things, but that’s why they had each other. Kate was there when a bit of anger was involved and Chess was there when politeness was needed. They balanced each other out.
The rest of the class Kate spends actually taking notes on various artistic styles until she goes to her next class. US History is a bore, especially considering she has both Annleigh and Clark in that class, so she practically fled from the classroom to get to Earth and Space Science. Kate didn’t necessarily enjoy science, but it was better than being with Christians R Us for an hour. She sat next to Farrah in this class, which neither girl was particularly happy about, but they sat in an agreed science, so Kate actually had some peace of mind.
Her last period was the most stressful. Not because of the class itself, AP Art History was bound to be incredibly hard, but she was so excited for it. Especially because the class takes a trip to France in the spring to see the art they study. She has this class with Reese who for once doesn’t try and engage Kate in conversation after she receives a very angry stare.
When the final bell rings, Kate realizes she has no way to get to the coffee shop. Shit I didn’t think this one through.
She shoots a text to Chess asking for a ride, and already starts making her way towards the girl’s car, but gets a very unexpected response.
chess ♟️: I have a meeting but Cairo says she can give you a ride.
Kate: Cairo???
But before Kate can get clarification she sees Cairo waiting in her car. Kate approaches the passenger window and knocks, startling Cairo who unlocks the door. Cairo is putting her mascara as Kate sits awkwardly in silence.
“I’m only giving your ass a ride because Boston’s is on my way to the movie theater,” Cairo says pulling out of the student parking lot.
“Gotcha. Thanks,” Kate says hoping it would be the end of the conversation. Unfortunately, about five minutes later Cairo begins to talk again.
“So Chess says you’re meeting Eva?”
“Yup.” Kate’s really trying to end this, but for some reason Cairo is unrelenting.
“I’m happy that you finally got over Chess and can move on-”
“I never had a crush on Chess, you do know that right?”
“Whatever you say,” Cairo says with a raise of her eyebrows. Kate has had enough of Cairo’s projection and decides she might as well confront the girl.
“Just cause I wasn’t in love with my best friend doesn’t mean anything about your situation though.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Kate?” Cairo says with a quiver in her voice.
“I’m not oblivious Cairo.” They arrive at Boston’s but before Kate closes the door she says, “You’re clearly in love with Riley. Do us all a favor and tell her before it’s too late,” and she slams the door shut and makes her way into the coffee shop, not looking back at Cairo.
As Kate walks into Boston’s, she sees groups of teenagers studying or just hanging out, since Boston’s was halfway between Giles Corey High and West High it was considered neutral grounds for the rival schools. She looks around trying to find Eva when someone taps her shoulder.
“Uh hey are you Kate?”
“Yeah. You must be Eva.”
“The one and only. Wow Patricia's description of you was really accurate,” Eva says as they step in line together.
Kate is worried about what the girl said and asks, “What would that be?”
“Short. Dark hair. Choker. Slightly angry demeanor.” Why is my height a common theme today?
“That’s actually kind of fair,” Kate decides not to be a complete asshole to this girl she is supposed to pretend to be dating.
They get to the front of the line and order their drinks, a peach tea for Eva and a Pumpkin Spice Latte for Kate.
Kate brings out her credit card to pay for them as Eva says, “I can venmo you my half later-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Kate interrupts.
"It's fine, you'll soon discover I'm quite chivalrous actually," Kate says which isn't a total lie. When Kate really cares about someone, she would go to the ends of the Earth for them.
“I didn’t know they sell Pumpkin Spice Lattes in August,” Eva says as they sit down.
“Oh they don’t. I forced it on the menu,” Kate responds.
“I said what I said. PSL season should be every season.”
“But how did you make them do it?” Eva asks concerned for the poor minimum wage baristas.
“That’s a story for another time I think,” Kate says not wanting Eva to judge her too harshly quite yet. Eva chuckles at the girl’s mysterious answer and says, “So this whole pretend relationship thing.”
“Yeah. Having a girlfriend would kinda fix a few things in my life, but I cant get a real one because everyone at Giles sucks.” Eva nods along.
“Same situation here. My ex Amy keeps trying to get me back and is threatening any girl in school who tries to approach me.”
“Oh wow should I be worried?”
“I don’t think so, you seem like you can hold your own.” Kate almost thinks the girl is flirting but puts those thoughts aside. Nope nope nope too much right now it's pretend just chill Kate.
“So I guess we’re on the same page?” Kate asks.
“Yeah. And we only really have to date until Homecoming. After that everyone should be off our backs.” Homecoming is in October, Kate thinks, I can do that it’s only two months.
“We should probably set up some ground rules though,” Eva offers.
“True. Where should we begin?”
“Well first off are you ok with holding hands in public?” Kate thinks the innocence and genuine nature of Eva’s question is adorable.
“Yeah that’s cool with me. I think it’s safe to say no kissing though. That’d be kinda awkward.” And it’s not like Kate is going to tell this to Eva, but she really doesn’t want her first kiss to be fake. Somewhere deep down, Kate is a cheesy romantic, but no one has unlocked that side of her yet.
“Yeah that’d be weird,” Eva laughs it off, “So we draw the PDA line at holding hands. What’s our backstory how did we meet?”
“Backstory?” Kate asks amused, “We’re not fictional characters.”
“You know what I mean. People are gonna ask how we got together.”
“Well what if we met while you were delivering pizza.”
“Really?” Eva asks.
“It’s the most plausible explanation. Don’t you wear that jacket when you’re working too?” Kate asks pointing to the familiar jean jacket.
“Yeah, and?”
“So what if I saw your rainbow button and asked you out?” Kate says as if she would have ever acted on her ideas about the cute delivery girl.
“That’s actually pretty smart. What was our first date? The movies?”
“That’s basic as fuck Eva.”
“Well what do you propose?”
“We go rollerskating,” Kate says matter of factually.
“I don’t know how to rollerskate though.”
“Even better. I teach you and we hold hands and it’s cute as shit,” Kate says, thinking about her long-time first date idea with a smile.
“Fair enough. We also should probably know some basic stuff about each other.”
So the girls lose track of time as they get to know each other.
They go over their favorite colors (Kate’s is green and Eva’s is yellow), their allergies (Eva’s is peanuts and Kate’s is cats), and they share anecdotes about their lives. Kate learns that Eva started cheerleading by accident when she walked into cheer auditions thinking it was volleyball tryouts and was too embarrassed to leave. Eva learns Kate broke her arm in three different places when she was six and thought she could fly so she jumped off her roof. The two talk about life as if they’ve known each other for years.
It’s 5:45 when Kate looks at her phone and realizes she has to be at school in 15 minutes and once again doesn’t have a ride. I really need to start either thinking these things through or get my license.
“Eva I am so sorry but I have to be at school for our jamboree game at 6:00.”
“Oh no worries I didn’t realize we’ve been here so long.” Kate doesn’t want to ask her new friend slash fake girlfriend for a ride so she figures inviting her to the game would be easiest.
“Would you want to come? We’re not cheering just watching,” Kate says standing up.
“Oh sure, I’m always down to see the Tigers lose,” Eva teases, nudging Kate’s shoulder.
"Rude," Kate responds even though she knows it's true.
They continue chatting as they get into Eva’s car when Kate realizes she never changed into her cheer shirt.
“I forgot I have to put this on I hope you don’t mind,” Kate says unbuckling her seatbelt.
“At least wait until we get to a stoplight!” Eva begs. Kate concedes and changes at the light while Eva is clutching the steering wheel looking straight ahead. Once Kate is done, she feels her cheeks flush as she says, “Sorry about that.”
“It’s all good,” Eva says still not looking Kate in the eyes. They continue with a somewhat more awkward than before conversation until they finally arrive at Giles Corey High. As they get closer and closer to the cheerleader’s designated spot on the bleachers, Eva grabs Kate’s hand.
“Gotta sell the act,” she says with a wink, making Kate flustered.
As they get approach their seats, all the girls take notice of Eva. Kate whispers to her, “Oh just a heads up my captain is your biggest fangirl.”
“Is that what you meant over text-” Eva begins to ask when Riley yells, “EVA SANCHEZ IT REALLY IS YOU!” Kate looks over to Riley who is sitting next to Cairo. Cairo and Kate make eye contact, but Cairo quickly looks away from Kate’s implicative gaze.
Kate sits down next to Chess who leans in towards her friend, “So you guys agreed to this mess?”
“Yeah but just until October. Then we’re gonna stage a breakup or whatever.”
“If you say so. Just be careful ok?”
“It’s gonna be fine Chess,” Kate says and that’s when Farrah and Annleigh show up.
“Hey squad!” Annleigh says excitedly. Farrah says nothing and plops down next to her step-sister. Kate notices Riley incessantly interrogating Eva and realizes it’s going to be a long, long night.
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heyoricohannah · 5 years
Post Bar Mitzvah Part 14:
“TJ, you said we were going to the aquarium!”
“No, dude, I said the vape-orium!” TJ exclaims to Jonah, standing with him in front of the main counter at the same place, where he waits for his vape purchase to be completed.
“Here you go.” The male cashier hands it over in a white paper bag.
Jonah cringes.
“Sweet!” TJ smiles. “Let’s go.” He pulls Jonah out of there and onto the sidewalk out front.
“You think I’m just gonna stand there while I watch you smoke that thing?” Jonah frowns.
“I didn’t get it for me. I got it for you!” TJ takes it out and hands it over. “C’mon! Try it. It’s already charged, and the vapor is blueberry scented.”
“I think I’ll pass...” Jonah refuses, abruptly receiving a text on his phone from Cyrus in their group chat about how Marty just said ‘the funniest thing.’
“Gimme that thing.”
The moment Jonah inhales it, he coughs up all the vapor he just barely sucked in, cringing repeatedly as he continues to cough up a storm.
“You okay..?” TJ awkwardly pats his back.
“I’m fine.” Jonah quickly clears his throat.
“But it smells nice, right?” TJ asks, making Jonah punch his shoulder, which has them laugh amongst each other.
‘He’s funny, isn’t he?’ Buffy responds to Cyrus, followed by a bunch of heart emojis.
“Ugh.” Jonah rolls his eyes at the message.
“What, you like Buffy, now?” TJ asks.
“Then why are getting annoyed at her compliment? She’s his literal girlfriend.”
“I know, it’s just, he’s not that great. That’s all.”
Marty chortles at Jonah’s claim. “Oh my God you’re so jealous of him.”
“I am not..!” Jonah’s face heats up.
“Yes you are!” TJ laughs. “Do you want Buffy to beat you?”
“She’s not going to, ‘cause she’s never going to know I said that.” Jonah says.
‘What’re u guys up to rn?’ Buffy texts the chat.
‘Cyrus and I are hanging, u want us to send u stuff?’ Marty asks her.
‘No, Gus is already on that. I’m so glad you guys are hanging out!!’
Jonah cringes and silences the chat.
“He thinks he’s so cool with his—running...” He cringes at his words.
“So Cyrus has a new friend. So what? Does that mean you were jealous of me when I hung out with him?” TJ wants to know.
“I dunno. When I picked up on it, maybe a little.” Jonah admits.
“Well don’t be. Besides, we would never leave you out anyway.”
“Thanks TJ.” Jonah truly appreciates.
“You’ll be fine. Before you know it, Cyrus is gonna be spending tons of time with us.”
When TJ said that, he apparently spoke too soon, because after the next morning, when Cyrus said he would hang out with him and Jonah, he ended up blowing them off an hour later because he was ‘hanging out again with Marty.’
“Alright.” Now TJ is starting to feel as equally left out. “Now it’s personal.” He looks to Jonah, standing across from him on the other side of his room.
“This sucks.” Jonah’s suffering from a serious case of monotone, as well as jealousy, dreadfully staring forward at the wall.
“No, it doesn’t. ‘Cause you know why? We don’t need him!” TJ claims. “We can have a good time on our own.”
“Yeah...” Maybe If Jonah agrees enough, he’ll start to believe it. “Yeah, we will.”
“Exactly!” TJ grins. “Now let’s go.”
“We’re not going to the vape-orium, dude.” Jonah says.
“Fine, then we’re not going to the aquarium either.” TJ responds.
“Fine! Then where are we gonna go.”
Fifteen minutes later, the two of silently sit on the swings behind their very middle school, swinging lightly and awkwardly looking around, leaving the middle swing empty, just in case Cyrus magically decides to show up
“It’s fine. This is fine.” TJ claims, not sounding very believable. “I don’t even care that Cyrus ditched us. It’s not like he was my first real friend or anything. What, me, no, I’m not bitter hahahahahaha.” He scowls forward, angrily kicking a portion of the wood chips below them.
“So you really felt one?” Jonah asks.
“What.” TJ looks at him.
“A spark. With Cyrus. When you guys were here together.” Jonah feels weird just saying it.
“Oh.” TJ scoffs. “Maybe for like, half a second, but sure.”
Jonah grins at his fabrication . “So like, what happened.”
“We were debating over who hard more issues,” TJ starts.
“Yeah, that sounds a lot like something you guys would do.”
They snicker.
“He didn’t want to swing high, so, I started pushing him.”
TJ scoffs at his obvious dissatisfaction. “Relax.” He gets off his swing. “It was literally only this,” he goes behind Jonah and starts pushing him head on.
“Ha!” Jonah laughs.
“See?” TJ asks. “You’re acting like I did this.” He takes him by the shoulders and brings him in front of him, leaning over and laughing into his ear before he can think of what to whisper.
“Owe.” Jonah smiles and shoved him off. “I can swing myself, by the way.” He starts to swing as high as he can go, TJ playfully jumping out in front of him and cackling along when he’s almost kicked to the ground.
“Oh!” Jonah laughs when he unexpectedly kicks him in the stomach. “Are you okay?!” He hastily slows down, getting off and stepping over to him.
“You did that on purpose, I bet.” TJ smiles, clutching his stomach for a few moments to ease the pain.
“No, I swear.” Jonah grins.
“Prove it!” TJ lightly shoves him. “I’m gonna kill you.” He jokes.
“Gonna have to catch me first.” Jonah takes off, laughing excessively as he’s chased by TJ multiple times around the swing set.
He laughs at TJ’s shriek, facing him directly and smirking proudly, before being pinned down to the ground and giggling right below his face.
When the laugher dies down, and the acknowledgement of what’s actually happening speeds right to the surface, things between them begin to feel...Almost, poetic.
They blame the playground.
Clearing his throat, TJ quickly stands up after letting go of him, trying to look anywhere but Jonah’s eyes after he stands up himself.
“Um.” He smiles. “You have, wood chips, in your hair.”
Jonah blushes madly, the both of them awkwardly giggling when TJ uses his finger to flick them out.
“Um...” Now that he’s looking into Jonah’s eyes it’s kind of hard to stop. “We should go somewhere else.”
“I totally agree. Yeah.”
They can’t get off that playground fast enough.
For Cyrus, hanging out with Marty in his room was going pretty well up until about fifteen minutes ago, which was when Marty and Buffy started video chatting, causing Marty to lose focus on Cyrus almost entirely.
TJ was right. Right now, is their long distance honeymoon phase.
“So how’s the new place.” Marty’s asking Buffy, sitting at his desk with her face on the screen of his phone as Cyrus awkwardly sits on his bed from across the room, eyes glued to the ceiling and his body angrily stiff.
“It’s good!” Buffy beams. “We really gotta start unpacking, but, I had to see your face.”
Cyrus rolls his eyes to the sound of their giggles.
“Um,” he’s surprised to get ahold of Marty’s attention. “I gotta go.” He gets off his bed. “Jonah and TJ, they, they need me somewhere.”
“Oh.” Both Marty and Buffy look his way. “Okay. See ya man.”
“Bye Cyrus. I miss you!” Buffy grins, Cyrus never feeling more guilty about his current envy. He can’t blame her for this. She’s young and love, and maybe, someday in the near future, he will be too.
“Bye...” His smile is just barely genuine.
Once he steps out of the room, he can hear Marty and Buffy pick right where they left off in their conversation, as if he was never even there at all.
Back at TJ’s, up in his room, he and Jonah are desperately trying to justify ‘what happened.’
“It was the playground. That place has some sort of love spell cast on it. I know it.” TJ boldly states.
“Yeah! I mean, that has to be why. I mean, first you and Cyrus and now you and—Me.” He quickly glances away.
“Yeah..! I mean, the last time we were all there together, Andi and Buffy were like, totally all over each other.” TJ exaggerates.
“Exactly..!” Jonah scratches the back of his sweaty neck. “There. It’s the playground. End of the story. I mean, you and me?” He snickers, bringing on their nervous laughter.
“I know, right. That’s so stupid. I think we should kiss.” TJ blurts.
“What?!” Jonah wouldn’t be surprised if his whole body was a deep shade of red. “Are you crazy?!”
“Just to ease the tension! Like Sam and Freddie in iCarly.”
Jonah frowns. “I dunno, dude...” He can’t bring himself to process it.
“C’mon, I don’t even know if anyone’s gonna ever wanna kiss me at all, I’d at least like to have just one.” Now TJ’s desperate.
“You will have your first one. Just not me.” Sweating more than ever as he wrings together his fingers, Jonah repeatedly looks down to the floor and back at him.
The longer their excruciating pause goes on, the harder it is to act like TJ isn’t there.
“Alright, alright fine. Just...” He slowly steps closer to him, furrowing his brow and trying to look anywhere but his lips. “Fine. Just go for it.”
“Me?” TJ’s appalled.
“Yes, you! It was your idea!”
“Ugh.” TJ groans. “Fine.” He breathes onto his palm and gives it a quick sniff.
“You can’t smell your own breath, TJ, it’s not possible.” Jonah just needs this to be over.
“Quit it before I change my mind.” TJ threatens.
“Maybe you should change your mind..!” Jonah anxiously suggests.
“It’ll be over in like, two seconds. I won’t use my tongue. I promise.”
Cringing in agitation, Jonah steps closer, locking together their eyes until he looks down to his lips, then up to his nose. “Alright, uh...” Maybe if his heart beats any faster he’ll pass out and they won’t have to do this.
After a bit of contemplating, their noses finally touch, and once their lips are about to, TJ’s door flies open, causing them to break apart and silently get ahold of themselves as they see TJ’s Dad standing in the entryway.
“Yeah...” TJ can still feel his heart in his throat.
“Cyrus, a boy from your school, is here.”
Jonah looks to TJ in an instant. “Ummm...Where is Cyrus, if you don’t mind?” He asks TJ’s Dad.
“Got it.” He looks back to TJ. “I was never here.”
“Wait, Jonah!”
Racing himself down the stairs, Jonah looks around in an utter haste, eyes landing on the back door, where he automatically runs over to and exits out of.
Turns out when TJ’s Dad said that Cyrus was outside, he meant the backyard.
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antics-pedantic · 4 years
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          Rib-Eye Renzo was valuable. That’s why Don Malvoli holed him up in a hotel whose owner was on their take. Cozy little spot, though hardly luxurious. So he tried to sneak out as often as he could to go shopping for things to help stave off the frustration of being stuck here until the job was done. Malvoli’s thugs were his security, but Renzo knew ways to convince them into relaxing their guard.
          “Mister Renzo! Whatcha getting’ us today?”
          The neighborhood kids were set to heckle him again. But Renzo didn’t mind: For a little pocket change he’d buy them some candy or a small toy. He couldn’t spend too much all at once, but it felt nice to at least do something until this business working for Don Malvoli was squared away. The nearest grocer or butcher shop would provide him with ribeye steaks, the fresher the better. And then he could resume his divining for the gang.
          Just as he was carrying his paper bags of personal things like toilet paper and deodorant—and a lone plastic bag, tied to secure the ribeye steaks within, he bumped into someone who had stopped by to purchase the latest newspaper from a corner stand run by a teenager.
          “Oh! Dreadfully sorry, my man. Allow me to help you.” said the fellow Renzo bumped into.
          “Aw! I’m sorry, I shoulda been payin’ attention. Real lousy and lout-like I was—what.”
          Renzo perked up when he recognized the famous occult detective, Solomon Callahan! Did that mean that Callahan was onto him? And that Rally Co. bunch that had come back—he’d heard of them! And how they fought ferociously against fiends, despite being new to the adventuring scene.
          “Something the matter, my friend?” said Solomon. The older man couldn’t place what it was, but he tried to maintain a calm appearance. Solomon had no intention of frightening Renzo. In fact, the occult detective wasn’t even looking for him.
          “Here, you dropped your ribeye steaks! Fresh looking cuts, you’re a lucky—”
          But mid-speech, Renzo had just stood up and started jogging away, terrified. Solomon took up the groceries and hurried after, confused but determined to ask what was bothering the poor man.
          “Ya told me you wasn’t followed!” exclaimed a woman in a fancy vest, and shirt with folded up sleeves. One of Don Malvoli’s captains: Menace Melanie, as she was called.
          “Get off my back, Mel!” sputtered another gangster, who had tied a bandanna around his mouth. “It was a whole blasted chase! And look!”
          The lowly gangster gestured to his car: Three other enforcers, all knocked out.
          “If I hadn’t taken the wheel and covered my mouth… You shoulda caught a whiff of that juice! They had these fancy pellet-capsule things filled with the crap. Each shot enough to lay out my boys. I ways swayin’ through traffic just catching the secondhand… gas!”
          “Well whaddya waiting for?!” bellowed Melanie, before waving to a few other goons to grab their weapons. “They’re gonna crash this joint real soon! So we gotta nix ‘em before all our product and operations in this neighborhood get busted!”
          “No, I mean—there it is now!”
          Melanie turned to see some of the pellet-capsule things colliding with the wall: She’d just lost a couple more guys to these things, as Felix and Tycho came charging in.
          “Prepare ta be blasted!” bellowed Tycho, letting loose with a barrage of impellets. The remaining gangsters let loose with their own weapons, as impellets and bullets flew every which way.
          “I’ll do the blasting, pintsworth!”
          Ez wasn’t far off, flicking the cap off of a test tube and lobbing it forward to create a small explosion.
          “They missed us! We’ve got ‘em!” cried a gangster.
          “You idiot!” screeched Melanie. “It’s a smoke bomb!”
          Melanie stumbled through the smoke, trying to get away when she caught a glimpse of Felix trailing after her. Ez snuck up on a gangster from behind and poured a handful of impellets into their back, forcing them forward and falling into an open crate. Tycho found a ladder propped up against a stack of crates, and began to climb it, before dropping onto a gangster with a body slam.
          “Your number’s up, Mel!” exclaimed Felix, between coughs as the criminal captain struggled to open a backdoor that would have led into the alleyways.
          “I ain’t done yet, you goody two-shoes!”
          Menace Melanie drew a switchblade and thrusted it forward at Felix, who took up her jutte with her free hand and used it to redirect the blade in a circular motion. The lightning fast motion twisted Melanie’s arm and forced her to let go.
          “We want to know about the rising star.” said Felix sternly. “Don Malvoli. Last I heard, the old bosses weren’t stirring up such trouble.”
          “You’re right about that—guy’s a pain in the ass. He had a lot of grief with all the other syndicates. Our old lead, Gramps Toretti took him in on account of the fact Malvoli wouldn’t have made it on the streets on his own as a youngster. But too much pity went around for that little bastard. He had free rein to live comfy. Took some of our… less disciplined people and they all put together a plan. Took out Toretti together.”
          “And now you’re just following him? Isn’t anyone going to stand up?”
          “You don’t get it: He made friends with all the meanest legbreakers, and the saps who run the numbers, balance our business books. All the guys we used to keep in check before he talked Toretti into letting ‘em roll with him. An idiot like Malvoli needs people stronger and smarter than him to buy into his schemes. And if nothing else, Malvoli could sell a sob story. Made all of the slimeballs—even among mobsters, see themselves in him.”
          Felix scowled at the thought. Malvoli might have had a rough life, but that was no excuse for his actions now. The only one he aimed to help now that he had the power to do so, was himself! All others would be his pawns. Loyal to him, but never the reverse.
          “I’ll tell you where he is, if you think you’re tough enough to stick it to him.” said Melanie. “But be warned: He’s turned to some mumbo jumbo and monsters. Another reason why we couldn’t jump him ourselves. But I hear you Rally Co. people got some tricks of your own in the weirdo department.”
          “Quite a way to phrase it, but yes.”
          Felix dragged Melanie back over with her fellows, and the lot of them were bound to a pole with chains found by Tycho. Once Felix had the information she wanted, she nudged the shorter adventurer.
          “I’m going to call Solomon to inform him of our findings. I thought I’d let you know there’d be a cryptid involved.”
          “Any idea what kind?” said Tycho.
          “Hopefully nothing large. I could do without a big monster for a while… That and I doubt its size because I’d have caught wind about the gangs carrying something like that, or using it against enemies.”
          Meanwhile, from a nearby van parked on the curb, a couple of jumpsuit-clad working men were staking out the scene: And In the back, one more of their number keeping a caged beast at bay.
          “They’re boutta go.” said a gangster, adjusting their jumpsuit and cap repairman disguise. “Let that thing out already before they get away.”
          “Youse got it.”
          The third gangster opened the rear doors, and turned the cage to open it: As Felix had suspected, it wasn’t a terribly large cage. But it was spacious enough the nimble cryptid within could move around. Agility was the ally of this one.
          “Hey, is it out yet?!”
          “Don’t scream at it, Agata—”
          But it was too late. The nimble little cryptid reached out a limb and latched onto Agata’s face, becoming a flurry of pain for the two gangsters up front. At least, until one of them could roll down the window in time to allow the cryptid to escape. But by the time they did, their faces looked as if they’d been belted one too many times by a handful of stones and a nightstick.
          “If I was one of them gangsters, Felix,” started Tycho, as the two headed back for the car. “I’d get one of the biggest, meanest jerks I could. And tough luck if they’re too chicken to get a real beasty! In fact, I’ll bet they just up and got an oversized chicken to come after us.”
          But before Felix could respond, the two perked up at a sound: Something hopping along the roofs of the parked cars. Felix would reach into her jacket for a weapon, but by the time she’d fired off a couple of impellets, the approaching aggressor had seemingly vanished. When she turned, she spotted Tycho wresting with something, as the two fell into the shadows of an alleyway.
          Tycho was swinging his fists, trying to find his opponent, but something caused him to bash his fists into the nearby brick wall. He would have cried out, but the cryptid had its tail around his mouth. It had meant to ensnare his throat, but the stout cryptozoologist was not easily taken.
          “I can’t get a clear shot!” exclaimed Felix. She tried to move in to pry the thing off of Tycho, but he gestured for her to stay back. As Tycho teetered back into the light, she could see just what it was: Some sort of monkey, but the tail seemed to have a stony layer, rendering it a deadly weapon.
          “Mmmph!” Tycho sounded off. Just as Felix watched, Katrina and Ez had wheeled up in the car. Katrina of course, was quick to try and use her telekinesis to tr and remove the cryptid. But as its legs were forced off, it simply latched on with its arms, while its stony tail whacked Tycho over the head repeatedly.
          “Eep!” cried Katrina. She pulled at the arms now. It latched on again with the legs, that club-like tail battering Tycho some more until finally, Katrina got the idea to levitate it by its tail.
          “Tycho! Oh, I am so sorry dear.” said Katrina. “Are you well?”
          But the Irishman was dizzy from the assault. And all he could blurt out was:
          “I’m almost glad for Malvoli’s rotten luck…” sighed Ez. “Felix being able to intercept Dr. Leistung’s creation, and now Katrina capturing this little nuisance? Otherwise Don Malvoli might have actually had a hypercompetent fighting force.”
          “Issa Granite-tailed Howler.” puffed Tycho, holding his head in his hands as he recovered. “They’re not as bad in the wild if ye leave ‘em alone. But this one was steamin’ mad.”
          “Ah, that’s always how it is with distant relatives, you foolhardy orangutan!” said Ez, getting some things from her bag. “Come here, Tycho. Let me see how badly that thing hurt you.”
          The next morning, Don Malvoli was at a golf course upstate, outside of the city of Arcadia. But despite his best efforts, he never could seem to get a hole in one… or anything resembling getting his golf ball into the hole. And his instructor had long since been threatened into near silence. Rib-Eye Renzo was driving a golf cart over to Malvoli’s spot, with the third gangster from the night prior—who had disguised themselves as a repairman or some such.
          “Renzo! What gives?! I thought I told youse to stay put!”
          “That’s just it, boss!” cried Renzo. “I ran into Solomon Callahan on the way to getting more divining steaks. And this goomba here says they not only busted Menace Melanie, they caught your cryptid!”
          “What?! But I ordered a big monster!” spat Malvoli, moving for the repairman-gangster with an impotent thirst for blood in his eyes. But Renzo had stepped in.
          “Wouldn’t you eh… rather have me peer into the future? I only got one steak left and it’s been goin’ bad fast!”
          “What? Oh, aw right, Renzo. Keep me updated… They mighta found youse, but I guess you technically ain’t failed me yet.”
           Renzo nodded meekly and took out a plastic bag he’d filled with ice. There was a ribeye steak starting to lose its crimson shade. But he held it up to his eye, as it peered through the round bone, and into the future.
          “Well?” said Malvoli.
          “I see… I see…!” chanted Renzo. Malvoli just stared for a while, before Renzo slapped the steak a bit before putting it back up to his eye. Malvoli himself proceeded to slap Renzo about the face.
          “Whaddya see, wiseguy?!”
          “Gah! Alright, alright! I see lotsa guns firing. Rally Co., and a spectacular ambush!”
          “Is it ours or theirs?!”
          “I can’t see so good no more. This steak’s bit the dust.”
          Malvoli’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at Renzo’s inability to clarify. But then he just started laughing.
          “That’s good, that’s good! I’m gonna set up an ambush of my own… That way, Rally Co. ain’t gonna get the jump on us! Cause see, we’ll get the jump on them!”
          “Wow. Real swell plan, boss.”
          “Damn right. Now get outta my sight. Get yourself some new steaks!”
          Renzo nodded and scurried back to the cart. But before the gangster-repairman could join him, Malvoli beckoned for him to turn around. And then with a swing, Malvoli walloped the nine-iron against the repairman-gangster’s rump, an anguished cry ensuing as Malvoli forked over some extra money for his golf instructor to help him beat the underling up.
          Renzo had caught a ride back to the city. Took a walk for a while to clear his head, but that did little good for the stress. So it was back to his safehouse to try and relax. He’d go in thirty minutes to get a fresh steak. Working for Don Malvoli was such pressing work—in the past he’d just been counted upon to help win at gambling. Horse races and blackjack at the underground casinos and backroom card games. Still criminal, but Gramps Toretti kept him away from any drugs or death-dealing actions. Easy enough since Toretti put the organized in organized crime. Settled things with conferences between the local syndicate leads before coming to blows. Now, it was like Don Malvoli used him for every little thing. Regardless whether there was blood to be had or not.
And under Malvoli, they went from fencing goods, gambling and embezzlement to plans for heavier drug trafficking, protection and loan sharks, arms dealing, and controlling prostitution with an iron grip. And with that the rival syndicates would step up to try and match Malvoli’s high stakes operations. Renzo felt a little guilty at first—Toretti’s jobs weren’t exactly noble. But now they were taking more money from the neighborhoods and less from the banks or the suits uptown.
          There was a knock at Renzo’s door. One of the thugs guarding Renzo had drawn a pistol, and gone to check: It was some of the kids from down the block. The ones he’d bought candy for whenever he was out.
          “Mister Renzo, you can’t do this!”
          “What?! What’d I do?!” cried Renzo. One of the kids had lunged at Renzo, battering him with their fists to a little over minimal effect.
          “Papa’s store! Your bums wrecked Papa’s store! He never snitched on your gang, and this is how you pay him back?!”
          Renzo shouldn’t have been shocked. But Leonardi’s shop was around as long as Renzo could remember. Renzo himself used to go in there to bring the best ingredients home to cook. And now here was Leonardi’s kid, blind in his desire for bloody vengeance.
          “That’s enough, peanut.” said the guard, ushering the children away. “Get lost before you get hurt.”
          Renzo sat there a while. This had to end. He was privy on Don Malvoli’s schemes. Heck, even out of his good graces he could combine his knowledge of the mob with his divining power. Put an end to this all! But how could he? The police would never trust him. And Rally Co. was crashing as many operations in town as they could, weren’t they?
          “Hey, yer steaks are here. I didn’t know they delivered.”
          “Yeah! All classy-like with that suit. At least ya don’t have to worry about going out in public no more for a while.”
          Renzo looked up to see Solomon Callahan as the door closed. He held in his hands a small crystal, of which Renzo caught a glow. It was the sort of arcane stone that alerted one to other mystical powers in the area, the glow stronger the closer the source was. And once the door shut and Renzo had a chance to test one of the steaks, Solomon was certain he’d found the place: The crystal grew even more brilliantly.
          “Mr. Callahan?”
          It was Felix. She had helped Solomon stake the street, and follow Renzo around the area unseen.
          “That fellow you said you needed help shadowing. Is he?...”
          “Not so loud, my young friend. But yes, you were right.”
          Solomon gestured for Felix to follow him outside. They could not linger here, but they also did not depart from this street right away. The more experienced occult detective between the pair of investigators pressed his index and middle fingers to the temple of his skull, and he glanced back up.
          “Do not make a sound. Your bodyguard needn’t know of this commune.”
          “It really was you!” thought Renzo, responding to Solomon’s telepathy. “I’ll come quietly. I’ll confess to everything, but you’ve got to get your Rally Co. bunch to lay off! I want to help bring in Don Malvoli!”
          “Perhaps. But for the time being we need you to stay in his good graces. Can we count on you, Renzo?”
          “Yeah! Youse ain’t gonna regret this none, Callahan. But I should warn ya: After some fortune telling, Malvoli’s settin’ up an ambush of his own.”
          “Dunno yet. He’s been private with that info. You’ll have to be careful wherever youse guys track him!”
          Solomon looked over to Felix.
          “Felix. Inform the others: Rib-Eye Renzo is with us. But Don Malvoli has prepared an ambush at an unknown time and location.”
          Felix’s eyes widened with astonishment at Renzo’s change of heart. But nodded.
          “I’ll do you one better, sir: I’ll snoop around and find out just what… then we’ll mount our own counter-attack!”
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wordsofphandom · 7 years
What I Wouldn’t Do - A Phanfiction Part III
At a book signing, Phil, a succesful author of children’s books, meets the five-year-old Dylan and his gorgeous single father Dan. Though they are instantly drawn to each other, certain issues, let alone a lively five-year-old complicate things for Dan and Phil, and they have to find out just what they would - or wouldn’t do, to be together.
parent!phan / fluff/ angst/ singlefather!Dan / children’s author!Phil / Dil Howlter (kind of)
Wordcount: 4.1k Warnings: none
Part III Phil loved Christmas time in London. There were lights everywhere, making the cold and wet streets look cosy and magical. Pleasant smells were coming from the shops, the cafés and the booths that had popped up at every corner and in every park. And not to mention the music and the cookies and the heartfelt ads. Yet, there was one event, coming up this weekend, that Phil did not look forward to at all; the Christmas Party at his publishing company. In the last few years, this festivity had been quite fun. Phil had met lectors, designers and other authors (and had even made out with an up-and-coming YA author in an unoccupied office last year), had drank some sparkling wine and had had a great time all together. This year would be different; everybody would be asking him about the movie deal, and when they heard that he hadn’t decided yet, would try and persuade him to sign the rights away – or keep them, depending on who he would talk to. This pending decision was bugging Phil. The trip to L.A., two weeks ago, had been fun and exciting, but it hadn’t really helped him make up his mind. Hazel was all for it – she thought it was a great opportunity for him and his brand. His mum was against it, as she feared it would commodify his characters too much. And while she loved spending holidays in Florida, she also had a healthy mistrust of most things American. But they weren’t on the forefront of Phil’s mind. He kept thinking about Dan. After their last meeting had ended in a disaster, he had seen neither Dan nor his son, and he was missing the two of them a lot. It was crazy, considering he didn’t truly know the two and had only met them a couple of months ago. Regardless, Phil knew that they were the main reason he was still sceptical about the deal. If he were to sign it, he would be spending much more time on the other side of the planet – far too far away from the little family he wanted to be part of. Not that him becoming a part of the Howell family seemed like a probable option at the moment. He had messed up so epically he would be thankful to catch a sight of either Dan or Dylan from across the street. On the day of the party, it was the Saturday of the second advent weekend, Phil spent most of his time in his office. The Kitten and Tomcat characters that he was working on were starting to get a story. Repeatedly, Phil drew them in a shelter. Maximillian was fiercely protective of Felix, and the two of them lived in constant fear of separation. Although Phil was not sure whether he really wanted them to take their story in that direction, it was a fun idea to play around with. Outside, it was raining dreadfully, so Phil truly was not tempted to leave the comfort of his flat. But he did have to face the weather eventually, when he walked from his front door to the cab. Just those few steps got his coat soaked. As usual, the party was an informal event and it took place at the office building where Phil’s publishing company was based. The entrance hall as well as the big conference room on the ground floor and several smaller meeting rooms were refunctioned to host the employees and the guests. A large Christmas tree had been set up in the hall, and there even were presents underneath. Phil was going to give his editor Eloise a present, but he hadn’t brought it. After all, Christmas was over two weeks away. “Mr Lester” someone called him. He turned his head and spotted fellow author Catherine Liu, waving at him, so he walked over to her. She was standing in a group with several other people Phil didn’t know. “This is Phil Lester. You all know him. He’s Daddy’s favourite child” Liu said, a cheeky, but slightly sardonic grin on her face. “Says the enfant terrible” Phil countered, earning some laughter from the others, including Liu. The novels she wrote were infamous and controversial, and in fiction, they were the antithesis to Phil’ books. “Tell me, Lester, what are you working on at the moment?” Liu asked. “A new book. It’s a story about a kitten and his father. That’s all I got right now” Phil was glad to tell the others, who seemed pleased with his answer. “My daughter loves your books” said one of the men. “She’ll be so excited when I tell her I met you”. Flattered, Phil smiled at him. “What’s her name?” “Marissa”. “Tell me, Mr. Lester, do you have kids?” Liu chimed in, smiling sweetly at him. “Uh, no” Phil said, somewhat sceptical. “How about you?”. “Certainly not! I’m not the mothering type… But do you have a wife? A girlfriend?” “No, I’m single” unfortunately, he added in his thoughts. “Why? Are you interested?” Liu laughed dryly. “I’m not asking for myself” she said cryptically and would not say anything more. Eventually, Phil just accepted it. They chatted amongst the group for a while, then Phil moved on to the buffet which looked wonderful. He loaded as much food as he could possibly balance onto a plate, grabbed a glass of sparkling wine and sat down at a table. He was not left alone with his food for long, though, as Richard George took the seat next to his almost immediately. Mr George was CEO and editor-in-chief at the publishing house and keenly interested in the movie deal. If it was only his decision, he’d have sold the rights straight away. “Philip!” he exclaimed, grabbing Phil’s hand and shaking it vigorously. “It’s great you’re here. What a party! Are you enjoying yourself?”. “Yes, Sir” Phil answered dutifully. “Excellent! Listen, son, I don’t want to bother you for long, I know there’s plenty of people who want to chat with you tonight, but I was wondering about L.A…. How was it? Have you arrived at a decision yet?” “L.A. was great, Sir. But…” Mr George’s face fell. “You don’t want to sell the rights”. “No, I just don’t know yet”. “As is to be expected. I know it is a big step for you, either way”. He put his hand on his arm. “May I give you a piece of advice? I saw you talked to Miss Liu earlier. As you know, she’s had three of her books adapted into beautiful films. She’ll be delighted to answer you all the questions you may have”. Phil had not known about her films. “Thanks, I’ll be sure to talk to her”. “Excellent!” Mr George kept staring at him. “Oh, you mean right now?” “No, not at all. Please do take your time” he was quick to assure Phil, but the wavering of his smile gave him away. “Okay then… Sir” Phil said. In one go, he emptied his champagne, stuffed the last little canapé into his mouth and left the editor-in-chief at the table to make his way over to Catherine Liu again. On the way there, he grabbed two more glasses of champagne, one of which he handed her when he arrived at the table she was standing at. “Hey” he said, somewhat awkwardly. “Lester! Back again so soon? And here I thought I’d chased you off with all my questions” she laughed. “Yeah, actually, you did a bit” She laughed again. “Sorry about that. There’s a bet amongst the authors…” Phil raised his eyebrows. “A bet? About me?” “About your sexuality” she clarified, sipping from her glass. “Oh, that… What did you bet on?” he wanted to know. “Nothing. I thought it was undignified and wanted to end it”. That, Phil hadn’t expected. “Thank you!” he said wholeheartedly. “No worries” she smiled. “I definitely wouldn’t like it if people bet on my sexuality”. “They don’t. As far as I know, at least” Phil said. “Great!” she exclaimed. “I’m bi, if anyone’s asking”. “Me too” Phil admitted. She clinked her glass to his. “Good to know we’ll have each other’s backs”. Phil smiled at her, warmly. Catherine Liu had always been a little scary to him, but this conversation was going great. “There’s actually something you could help me with…” “Okay, shoot!” “I’ve heard that –“ But at that point, his mobile phone started ringing.
When Dylan was about one year old, Dan and Jess had sat down with Jess’s parents and had discussed who would take care of Dylan. For the first six months, they had lived together – Mummy, Daddy, Baby – in a small flat in Wood Green. After that, Dan had had enough and he had moved out, leaving Dylan behind. He had gotten his own flat and a promotion, and he had asked Jess if he could take Dylan. Jess had happily agreed. If it’d been entirely up to her, she’d have handed over her son and never seen him again. When her parents had heard, they’d gotten involved. So, that day, on one of the hottest days of the summer, they’d met at Dan’s new flat and they had laid down the rules: Dan and Jess would continue to share custody, but Dan would be the primary care giver. Dylan would mainly live with Dan, but Jess would have him every second week from Thursday evening to Monday morning. Back then, it had seemed like a good idea. An idea, that Dan had been happy with. He wasn’t anymore. Every “Mummy-weekend”, he spent anxious and restless, waiting for Monday afternoon to arrive, when he could take his son home again. It would not be different this weekend. On Thursday morning, Dan packed a bag for him, while Dylan ate porridge in the lounge. “Are you excited to see Mummy today?” Dan asked, when he was finished with the bag. “Yes” Dylan said. “But when will I see Phil?” Guilt tugged at Dan’s heart. “I told you, Dylcakes. It’ll be a while until we meet Phil again”. “But why?” Dylan asked. “You know that Phil is very busy”. Sulking, Dylan hopped off his chair and went into the hall, to put on his school coat, while Dan put the bowls into the dishwasher. Before he went to meet his son in the hall, he took his lunch from the fridge and looked at the calendar that was stuck to it with magnets. Nothing planned for tonight – no one to distract him from worrying about Dylan. “I meet Phil all the time” Dylan informed him, putting on his shoes. “Why can I see him not?”. Dan smiled. “It’s ‘can’t I see him’” he corrected Dylan. “And Phil really is busy these days. I think he’s working on a new book”. It was his best attempt to distract Dylan, but the little boy suddenly had tears in his eyes. “You’re lying! Phil doesn’t like me anymore” he said. Seeing his son like this made Dan want to cry, too, so he scooped him up in his arms and hugged him tightly to his chest. “No, that’s not true, Dylan. Phil likes you very much. I promise”. “Are you sure?” Dylan snuffled.  “Yes, I’m absolutely sure” Dan said.  “But why can’t I meet him?” Dan grabbed Dylan’s reading bag, his overnight bag and his woolly hat with his free hand, then managed to open the door and step outside. “It’s because Phil is very cross with Daddy” he explained, prompting Dylan to look up to him with huge eyes. “Why?” “I was very mean to him”. Dan started walking down the road, taking the route to Dylan’s school. Usually, he did not carry him on their walk, but today, it seemed appropriate. After all, Dan did have to confess to something. “Why? Do you like Phil not?”. Despite himself, Dan chuckled. “It’s ‘don’t you like him’, love. And yes, I like him very much. But adults sometimes do mean things to people they like”. “Then you have to apologize” Dylan said, quite sternly. “I want to play with him again”.  “You’re right, I should apologize”. If only it was that easy, Dan thought.
When they arrived at school, Dan kissed Dylan Good Bye, an odd feeling of premonition in his stomach. He wished Dylan didn’t have to go to Jess’s this weekend. Occasionally, when Jess had been exceptionally neglectful, Dan revoked her privilege to see Dylan. But she’d been on her best behaviour two weeks ago, so there was nothing he could do. He watched Dylan disappear in the classroom, then he went to work, which was rather uneventful. He spent his lunchbreak with two colleagues and in the afternoon, he went shopping. Very rarely, he took Dylan on a shopping trip. Even on his own, being surrounded by too many people stressed him out, but having to keep his eyes on his son at all times gave him a headache. That meant he was in desperate need of a new pair of jeans. Except for the one he was wearing that day, all the other jeans he owned had a gaping hole somewhere. The city was crowded; Christmas was two weeks away and people wanted to shop for presents, marvel at the lights or drink mulled wine. Despite feeling uncomfortable, Dan managed to buy some presents for his parents and his brother, and he even bought a woolly blanked for Jess. Maybe he was trying to bribe her, to take good care of his son. He bought a pizza on his way home and arrived quite late. The flat was cold and quiet, and while Dan ate his dinner in front of the TV, he felt a bit lonely. Without meaning to, he thought of Phil, and he already had his mobile out, his thumb hovering over the phone button, when he decided he wouldn’t call him. Almost two weeks had passed since that dreadful morning, and still, Dan wasn’t sure exactly who to blame. Himself, probably… But he was still angry with Phil, too. Maybe it was the best after all to never get in contact with him again. Dylan would be sad, of course, but he’d forget soon enough. It should have been a comforting thought but Dan only felt sadder and lonelier.
Friday was exhausting; Dan spent the entire day waiting for a disaster, that never happened. On Saturday, he slept in. When he woke up, a thick and heavy rain was drumming onto the windows. He slipped on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen to get some coffee and some breakfast. The world outside was soaked and grey. Dan liked this sort of days. It was the perfect excuse to go right back to bed – which he did. With a mug and a steaming bowl of porridge in his lap, he watched a few episodes of his favourite anime and afterwards had a very long, very hot shower. It was almost 3pm when he was dressed and ready to go out. In the afternoon, he met up with a friend. Originally, they had planned to see an art installation at Kensington Garden, but since it was still raining, they went to the V&A instead and visited their exhibition about bridal gowns. Afterwards, in the lobby, they were discussing what to do for dinner. Dan was leaning towards Indian food, his friend wanted Chinese. Suddenly, Dan’s phone started vibrating in his pocket. Jess was calling.
“Hi Jess” Dan answered, already exasperated. “Don’t freak out, but we’re at the hospital”. It felt like a punch in the stomach. “What?!” “Dylan fell on his head and had to get stitches”. “What?” “He had to get stitches. He’s alright though”. “He had to get stitches! He fucking isn’t alright!” Dan said quietly, trying to supress his anger and fear. There was a pause. When Jess finally answered, she sounded annoyed. “I’m just calling you out of courtesy. I don’t have to tell you anything”. “Yes, you fucking do! He’s my son! Where is he?” “We’re at the University College Hospital” Jess answered, reluctantly. “They want to monitor him for another two or three hours, but you don’t have to come”. “Of course I’m coming!” Dan said, “Dylan needs me”.
Everything was over and dealt with when Dan arrived at the hospital. Dylan had gotten three stitches at the back of his head, but the wound was mostly invisible underneath his thick, curly hair. He’d been examined by an expert for traumatic brain injury and been put into a bed on some light pain killers. He’d slept for about an hour, but now he was awake and happy. “Daddy!” he shouted excitedly, when Dan entered the room. Jess was sitting next to him on the bed, so Dan sat down at his other side and pulled him into a careful hug. “Hello my love. How are you feeling?” “Good. I got a lolly” Dylan said. “See” Jess said impatiently. “He’s fine”. “Is that what the doctor said?” Dan asked anxiously Jess frowned. “She’s going to be back in 30 minutes to tell us”. To pass the time, they watched some TV together. The hospital room was meant for two children, but for now, Dylan had it to himself. Snug between his parents, watching his favourite show, he seemed very contend. When the doctor arrived, she took one look at Dylan and immediately declared he didn’t need to spend the night. Just to be sure, she asked him and Jess some more questions, tested his reflexes and shone a small torch into his eyes. “Your son was lucky” she explained to Dan and Jess. “He isn’t concussed and the wound is superficial and should heal nicely and quickly. You can take him home now. Just make sure he gets a good night’s rest. A day like this can be very exhausting for such a small body”.
Outside, they hailed a taxi. “Where to?” the cab driver asked. Dan gave him his address. “Absolutely not!” Jess exclaimed. “I’m taking him home, Jess” Dan said. “He should sleep in his own bed tonight”. “He’s got a bed at my place, too. And it’s my weekend! He’s coming with me!” Dylan, sat in the middle between them, looked from one to the other, lost. “You got him into hospital! Don’t you think you’ve done enough this weekend?” “You can’t do this! It’s against the rules. It’s my weekend!” Jess shouted. “Shut up!” Dylan screamed, interrupting his parents. Stunned, they looked at him. “Are you done?” the cab driver asked, audibly annoyed. “Where to?” Dan said his address again, and this time, Jess didn’t complain.
They spend the cab ride in icy silence. In each hand, Dylan held one of his parents’, but even he didn’t say anything. Obviously, the events of the day had worn him out. Dan couldn’t blame him. Bleeding from a head wound and having to ride in an ambulance must have been terrifying. He could blame Jess though. He was so angry at her. When they arrived, Dan payed the driver while Jess and Dylan got out. Jess had picked up Dylan and was holding him to her chest. Seeing that, Dan got even more angry, though he could not explain why. “Let’s go” he said and headed down the stairs to open the front door. Fortunately, Jess did follow him und she and Dylan got inside. “Will you please let Dylan down?” Reluctantly, Jess put their son on his feet. They all took off their coats and shoes, and Dan send Dylan to go brush his teeth. “It’s way past your bedtime, my love”. “That’s not fair!” Jess said, as soon as Dylan was in the bathroom. “It’s my weekend!” “Yeah, well, I don’t care about fairness” Dan threw his phone and his keys onto the couch. “All I want is for Dylan to be safe. He needs to rest”. “He can rest at my place!” “Can he, though?” Dan said bitingly. Jess crossed her arms in front of her chest. “It’s my weekend! You have him all the time!” “God, Jess! He’s not a toy!” They were getting louder. Usually, there was a rule in Dan’s mind that he would never shout at Jess when Dylan was around, but she so deserved to be shouted at. “I know that! He’s my son, my son! You cannot take him from me!” “Take him? You basically abandoned him at my door step!” “That was years ago!!” “Like you’ve gotten any better! You weren’t fit to care for a child, and you aren’t now”. There were tears in Jess’s eyes now, her cheeks and her neck were burning red. “I try so hard!” “Trying and failing, obviously”. “Dylan, what are you doing?”. In his pyjamas, Dylan was standing in the hallway, Dan’s phone to his ear.
Phil got his phone out of his pocket and gazed at the screen. “Dan Howell” it said. He looked at Liu apologetically. “I’d better take this” he said calmly, not giving away the excitement he felt. Finally, a sign of life from Dan. He took a few steps away from Liu and answered. “Hello?” “Phil?” That was a child’s voice. “Yes, it’s Phil. Dylan, is that you?” “Hello”. Phil had to take that as a yes, he supposed. “Hey, buddy, how are you?”. “Mummy and Daddy are fighting” Dylan informed him. Suddenly, there were some muffled noises and Phil could hear Dan’s voice saying something along the lines of “not allowed to use my phone” and “who did you call”. Then: “Phil, are you there?” “Hey, Dan” Phil answered, a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Uh… hey” Dan said, sounding quite awkward. “Sorry, sorry about that… I was distracted and Dylan got my phone”. “It’s fine… he said you and Jess were fighting? Is there anything I can do?” “Um, no… uh… that is, if you don’t mind… You don’t have to…” “What is it?” Phil demanded. “Well, if you’re free right now, maybe you could come by and look after Dylan? I’d – not now Jess! – I want to talk to Jess without him listening in. Is that at all possible?” Phil looked around. His editor Eloise wasn’t here yet, the prospect of talking to Mr George again was frightening and Catherine Liu was also intimidating. He’d much rather spent his time with the Howells.
“Sure, I’ll be right there”. “Thanks, Phil. You’re a lifesaver!” They hung up and Phil went back to Liu. “Hey, sorry, something’s come up and I’ve got to go. Can we get back to this later?” Catherine raised an eyebrow. “Sure, no problem”. They exchanged phone numbers, then Phil hurried outside and hailed a cab.
When he arrived at Dan’s flat, he rang the doorbell. A few moments later, the door opened and Dylan fell forwards and hugged Phil’s legs. Phil swallowed. “Hey, Dylan”. “I missed you” Dylan’s voice sounded muffled against Phil’s jeans. Smiling, Phil bent down and plucked the little boy from the ground. Dylan wrapped his arms around his neck and put his head against his shoulder. Embraced like this, Phil went inside and met Dan and Jess, who were sitting silently at the kitchen counter. Jess gave him a once-over and wrinkled her nose. “Oh, it’s him” she said. “Yeah, I told you” Dan said. “You’re not sleeping with him, are you?” she asked, making Phil flush. “Not in front of Dylan, please” Dan scolded her, but Jess only shrugged. “Phil has never slept here” Dylan informed them. “Can we have a sleep over?” That made Dan and Phil both smile. “We’ll see” Dan promised. “For now, he’s going to stay here with you, while Mummy and Daddy go out to discuss some grown-up things” He turned to Phil. “Will you be okay here?” “Sure!” Both Jess and Dan kissed Dylan Good Bye, then Phil carried him into his room and sat down on his bed with him. Looking already much sleepier than he had minutes earlier, Dylan climbed off him and under his blanket. “May you please stay here until I sleep?” he asked, looking up at Phil drowsily. “Of course!” Dylan patted the bed beside him. “Lie down” he commanded. So, Phil kicked of his shoes and lay down next to him. Contend, it only took Dylan a few minutes to fall asleep, but Phil stayed with him longer. It was very peaceful to lie there with the sleeping child and to listen to his steady breathing. After a while, when he was certain Dylan would not from the movement, Phil got up and tiptoed into the lounge, where he sat down on the couch. He watched a bit of TV, but mostly, he wanted Dan to come back. He wanted to talk to him, about what had happened, to apologize. Maybe, he wanted to hold him. But two hours passed, and then a third and Dan still wasn’t home. Eventually, Phil turned off the TV stretched out on the couch, and slowly, he fell asleep.
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bringmetolife-pwff · 4 years
Part One: Chapter Seven - Closer
"You know, I never realised how down-to-earth Prince William was," Sam told Evelyn the next day at work.
"I know.  He's not all stuffy which is nice.  He's quiet but nice."
"It's refreshing seeing that the Royal family is actually normal," her assistant commented.
The get-together the night before was real nice.  All of her friends were able to meet the prince and they all got on well which was a relief for Evelyn.  She figured they would but now she had confirmation.
"It is," Evelyn agreed.  "Now we must really be talking about work and enough about the prince."
Sam giggled in response to her boss as they all focused on the sales and the social media aspect of the brand.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come by my place tonight?" William asked her over the phone.
"Yeah, I can do that," she nodded her head.  "When you say your place do you mean -"
"Clarence House, yes," he nodded in confirmation as she sucked in a breath.  "You'll have to drive to the gates and tell the guards you're here to see me.  They'll call me for confirmation and then let you in."
He was in London for a couple of weeks having to do some royal engagements as well having a little break from the military to carry on with his royal duties making sure the two didn't coincide with the other.
"O-okay," she stuttered silently cursing at herself for not sounding more confident.  "What time?"
"Are you available at eight?"
"Yes, eight sounds good.  See you then."
They ended the call.  She had an hour to get ready and she was no where near ready yet.  Since she didn't have to go into work today she had the day off and literally wore only cosy clothes, hair up in a bun, almost little to none makeup as she wore her glasses.  She spent the day doing things that were non-work related enjoying her time cleaning the apartment and reading her recent book that she was trying to finish.
She first decided to do her makeup as she applied foundation, blusher to her cheeks, a wing cat eye liner and mascara to finish it off.  Deciding to keep her hair to minimal work effort she wanted to put down in loose waves.  Now was the tricky part -- what she would wear.  Evelyn stood in front of the clothes in her closet as she pondered on what her outfit should be.  She knew she should dress fancier then she was right now, that was a given.  Ultimately, she decided on wearing some nice jeans, wedges and a nice jumper as it was a bit cold out.
Evelyn felt as though it would be best to write a note to her sister
Went to William's for dinner tonight, don't worry.  Love you!
- Evelyn
Evelyn made it to Clarence House in her car as she pulled up to the gates, a guard walked up to her.
"Can I help you, miss?"
"Hi, yes, my name is Evelyn Bennett.  I'm here to see William."
"I'm sorry, ma'am but unfortunately the tours are not going on right now.  If you come back in August they will."
"Oh no, I'm not here for a tour.  I'm meeting with William for dinner."
"Just one second," the guard said making Evelyn nod her head.
She saw him go back to inside his booth as it seemed he was on the mobile, possibly chatting with William.
"All right, ma'am, you're free to go.  Sorry for any confusion."
"No worries, thank you."
The gates opened, allowing Evelyn to drive further into the residence as her car hit the gravel she marveled at the building.  Of course, living in London she grew up glancing at these buildings.  She really took it all in tonight.  The home was a large four-story, white stuccoed building.  Parking her car, she turned off the engine and locked the doors.  William had told her not to knock on the door, just walk in, so she did just that.
"You seem a bit lost, ma'am," she seemed to be a servant.  "Would you like some direction?"
"Oh yes please," Evelyn nodded her head.  "If it's no trouble."
"No trouble at all," the servant answered her with a kind smile to which she reciprocated.
She seemed kind, shorter than Evelyn as she also had black hair that was put up in a low bun.  Her outfit was a black skirt, tights, white shirt and flats for shoes.
"Follow me," the woman told Evelyn.  "Who are you here for?"
The servant knew that not just anyone would open the home late at night without permission.  She had never seen her before but she knew who she was based on the tabloid articles she had read.
"I'm here for William."
"Have you ever been on a tour of Clarence House, ma'am?"
"No," Evelyn shook her head.  "I've never been inside but it's beautiful."
"It is," the servant nodded her head.  "So full of history it is.  Did you know that it was built in 1825..."
She was being told a brief history lesson on the home as she looked around, her fingers trailing the walls as her hand glided against them.  Marveling at all of the ornate details of the inside.  How all the walls had intricate designs of their own and were beautiful in their own way.
"Can I just say?  I'm dreadfully sorry for your engagement ending," the servant told Evelyn.
"Oh," Evelyn replied shocked that she recognised her but felt as though it was a caring comment nonetheless.  "Thank you.  What was your name?"
Poppy knocked on the young prince's door not wanting to disturb him by walking in his room knowing he was in there.
"My name is Poppy.  I know that you're Evelyn Bennett.  I read all the tabloid articles about you and I love your clothing line."
Evelyn let out a laugh of relief.
"Thank you, Poppy.  That's very kind of you.  It was nice meeting you and thank you for the short tour and leading me to William's place."
William opened the door smiling at Evelyn as he had a rag over his shoulder showing he had been cooking.
"No problem at all, ma'am."
Poppy curtsied to William as they both let out a chuckle as she left in a hurry.
"Hello, you look great," William complimented Evelyn as he kissed her cheeks.
"Thank you," she blushed slightly.  "You should have seen me earlier I looked absolutely ridiculous.  You look great as well."
Evelyn looked around his rather large apartment as she walked in that was almost as if it were a house within a very large house.  It was rather normal.  With antique furniture, pictures on the wall and tables of him with his mum, Harry or his Pa, some family portraits.  William graduating university with a proud smile on his face as he stood next to his Granny.
"Are you okay with roast chicken and steak?" William asked.
"Yeah," Eve replied with a smile.  "I'd love some chicken."
"Perfect," he smiled back to her.  "Can I get you something to drink?  A glass of wine, water, tea?"
"A glass of wine would be fantastic, thanks."
"Sure, I'll get the glasses of wine and food if you want to sit down in the dining room?"
"Okay," she agreed and made her way over to the dining room table and sat down in the chair. William brought over everything and sat it down in front of her.  William ate his medium rare steak as she ate her chicken.
"This is so good," she moaned at the delicious chicken making him smile in satisfaction.
"Good, I'm glad you like it."
They ate dinner in silence as they sneaked glances at each other ever so often.
"D'you always know you were different?" asked Evelyn as she sipped on her glass of red wine.
"Not always, no," he shook his head as he leaned forward elbows resting on his legs.  "That was where my mum was different.  She along with my Pa wanted Harry and I to have as much of a normal upbringing as any normal person.  It wasn't until I started school that one of my classmates asked me 'do you know the Queen?' and I lamely answered 'don't you mean Granny?'  There was another time when I told my mum I wanted to be a policeman and look after her--my younger brother replied back with, 'you can't, you have to be king.'  Did you always know that your Pa was famous?"
"Not always," she shook her head.  "When I was younger, I knew he was gone a lot for work but it wasn't until I was thirteen that I understood to what extent.  It was then that my parents sat us down and told us the work he did.  I missed him whenever he was gone as his headquarters for his business wasn't always here in London and he had business meetings in other countries as well.  Even though he was gone a lot, we all remained close.  I'm chuffed to bits that we are still close.  Ya know?"
"Mhm," William agreed nodding his head.
"Whose your favourite actress or actor?  Or I guess favourite celebrity you've met." William asked her curious.
"My favourite actress would have to be between Audrey Hepburn or Julie Andrews.  God, I wish I could have met Audrey Hepburn.  She always seemed so classy.  As for actor, I just love Tom Hanks.  I met him when I was at a premiere and I was completely starstruck.  Whose yours?"
"I really like Joaquin Phoenix but I'm also really good friends with Samuel L Jackson.  So I dunno," he shrugged his shoulders.  "Is it bad?  To be a fan of your good friends work?"
She laughed at this finding it funny for some reason.
"I don't think so, no.  I think it's fantastic to be fans of your friends work, means they must be doing something right.  What's your favourite music to listen to?  Please do not say classical."
"What's wrong with classical?  Not a fan, hm?"
"God, no!  Don't get me wrong.  It's beautiful but it can be daftly boring!"
"Well then, you should consider yourself lucky seeing as I don't like classical music, no.  Mines varied.  I like rock, Linkin Park, Kanye West, Coldplay, and Eminem."
"Oh, I love Kanye West!  I also love pop and folk rock like Ellie Goulding and a new band called Mumford and Sons and Lana Del Rey.  I also just absolutely die for the classics like Frank Sinatra and Doris Day.  I have a bit of an old soul in me," she laughed lightly as she said this.
"Really?" His voice had a hint of surprise in it as his eyebrows rose.
"You sound so surprised.  Why?"
"I don't know," he shook his head as he leaned closer an arm resting around her on his couch.  "I never really thought of you as a rock girl is all," he laughed.
"Folk rock," she corrected the young prince.
"Ohhh," he joked back holding his hands up in surrender.  "My mistake."
She laughed shaking her head leaning in towards the couch more.  The closer they sat together the more she could feel her heart pick up faster and she wondered for a split second if he could hear it.  If he could hear how nervous she was the closer the were getting.  It was then that she knew she was in trouble.
"Right now I'm actually planning a concert for my mum with Harry to be held in July.  His girlfriend, Chelsy, will be there as well.  I was wondering if you maybe... wanted to come?  You could bring your friends and family if you'd like."
"I'd like that."
She didn't know what her schedule would be like in July but whatever it was that day she would make sure to clear it off so that she would be able to do the concert.  Just as they had come to that agreement William heard his front door open as a red head man appeared.
"Oh, you're not alone," Harry spoke so casually as he eyed the blonde hair blue eyed woman who was sitting dangerously close to his older brother.
"No, I'm not," William spoke as he looked at his brother both of them not expecting the interruption.  "Eve, this is my brother Harry, Harry this Evelyn.  She is the sister of Eric who is in the same unit in the military as me."
"Nice to meet you," Harry told her with a smile on his face as he looked at the blonde.
"You as well, Your Royal Highness," she spoke as she was about to stand up and curtsy.
"Please, don't and it's just Harry.  Besides there's no one here who would correct you.  Am I interrupting something?"
"N-no," she shook head furiously as her eyes grew slightly wide.
"We were just having dinner," William intervened which Evelyn was grateful for.  "Was there something I could help with?"
Just?  Maybe she had read into this whole situation entirely wrong.  Just when she was finally getting over Liam and having feelings for another man, it's just dinner for him.  She felt a bit hurt but she tried to not let it show.  She could have sworn that he was feeling something too and now she feels as though she were strongly mistaken.  Had she read everything wrong?
Were they getting closer?
Or drifting further apart?
"Well, I wanted to let you know that we weren't able to get Calvin Harris.  They said they had their plans solid booked," Harry shook his head.
"Blimey, are you only joking?"
"No, unfortunately am not.  Wish I was."
"Well, that's a shame.  Since you're here Harry, I invited Evelyn along to the concert and she was okay with it."
"Your coming?" Harry sounded shocked as he raised his eyebrows looking towards the girl.
"Yeah," there was no backing out now, Evelyn thought.  "Of course."
"Well the more the merrier, that's what I always like to say!  Glad to have ya on board.  Sorry to interrupt, I'll be on my way."
"Actually," Evelyn spoke up.  "I was just wondering..."
"Yes?" Harry asked as he turned around to face her again.
"Well, is your list set yet for the singers?"
Harry looked at Will for confirmation as the two brothers were having a silent conversation within themselves.  Evelyn recognised it as she often had those with her sister.
"No, I don't believe it is," Harry told the blonde sitting down now.  "What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I just thought, and please tell me if I'm overstepping.  There's a new band called Mumford and Sons.  Just started this year, actually.  Was wondering if you thought about calling them?"
The two princes were silent as they thought it over as Evelyn rambled again.
"If you think about it--it would be a win for everyone.  It would give more exposure to the band and it would fill the place of Calvin Harris."
"D'you have one of their songs we could listen to right now?" Will asked speaking up.
"Of course."
Evelyn opened up her mobile and searched for her favourite song by them which was Timshel.  It could be known to one as depressing but whenever she was in the mood it gave her all the feels.  The acoustics of the instruments started to play as she grew anxious for the prince's to hear it.
Cold is the water It freezes your already cold mind Already cold, cold mind And death is at your doorstep And it will steal your innocence But it will not steal your substance
But you are not alone in this And you are not alone in this As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand Hold your hand
"Can you pause it?" Harry asked making Evelyn do as told.
"That's perfect," William and Harry said at the same time.  "Harry, can you look up the bands management and give them a ring?"
"I'm right on it.  Thanks Evelyn.  Pleasure meeting you," he shook her hand.
"You as well."
"Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you.  See you at the concert," Harry winked at her and then he was off.
"Sorry 'bout that," William said to her as he shook his head.
"No, it's okay," Evelyn said as she looked at the mobile looking for an excuse to get out there.  "I actually should be off myself anyway."
It was ten o'clock at night and she had a busy week at work anyway.  Not tomorrow but William didn't need to know that.
"Oh of course, of course.  Is everything okay?" He asked noticing a change of tone in her voice.
"Yeah," she put a smile on her face.  "Thank you for dinner tonight.  It was really nice."
"Let me walk you out," he spoke up as he got up with her.
"Um, sure..."
They walked the corridors in silence as his hands were in his pockets, occasionally looking at Eve as she stared straight ahead.  Walking up to the door that led her out he turned to her stopping her by putting his hand on her elbow allowing her to turn to him and look up into his blue eyes.
"You sure you're all right?" He asked again.
"Yeah," she put out a strained smile.  "Thanks again."
He nodded his head not wanting to push her further.  He was struggling with himself trying to decide if he should or not but ultimately his confident side won and he bent down placing a kiss on her temple.
"Have a good night," he told her.
"You too."
And then she was off both of them having the inner turmoil struggles within themselves of what could have possibly happened that night.
And you are the mother The mother of your baby child The one to whom you gave life And you have your choices And these are what make man great His ladder to the stars
But you are not alone in this And you are not alone in this As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand Hold your hand
But I will tell the night And whisper, "Lose your sight" But I can't move the mountains for you
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