elvendara · 7 months
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
10 October 2023—GRAVESTONE Jumin Week—Physical Touch
“That’s morbid.” Jumin said as he watched his wife step away from the headstone she’d just set on their front yard. It read ‘Jumin Han, beloved husband and father’ with a death date of the current year, beneath that it read ‘Lillie Han, beloved wife and mother’, with the same death date. “At least we died together apparently.”
“We did, in a car accident, quite tragic really.” Lillie quipped.
“And, how many children did we leave behind?”
“Five? Goodness, we’ve been busy.” He laughed. Lillie hugged him close, placing her hand between his shoulder blades. She could feel him shiver beneath her touch. The man was jelly in her hands.
“We have!”
“Who’s going to take care of them now?” he asked, the feel of her against his body sending a thrill through him as always.
“Hmm, maybe Yoosung?” she said.
“Yoosung? He can’t even take care of himself. He’d let them run all over him. I think not.” He laughed.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Yoosung would love them unconditionally, besides, he has Saeran to help.”
Jumin arched an eyebrow. “Well, I suppose our friends would step up wouldn’t they?”
“Yes, now, want to help me with Elizabeth 3rd’s gravestone too?”
“What?” he said, “She’s gone too?”
“Yes, she was in the car with us, we were taking her to the vet because she was sick. Thankfully driver Kim wasn’t driving, now that would be tragic.” She laughed.
“Ha ha, come back here. I think I need some intimacy after all of this tragedy.” He pulled her towards him cupping her face gently and kissed her. “I just need to feel you close my love.”
“I love you.” She said, gazing into his eyes. “Why don’t we go inside and maybe we can get started on those five kids.” She teased.
Jumin smirked as he scooped her up in his arms and headed into the house. “Let’s!”
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elvendara · 7 months
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
8 October 2023—BOO! Jumin Week—Acts of Service
Jumin held the phone between his shoulder and cheek, trying not to let it slip.
“Just…I don’t…ahh…” the phone fell to the carpeted floor. He picked it up in frustration, letting go of the fake spiderweb he had been trying to stretch across the bookcase. “This is ridiculous, why did I even think I could do this?”
“Settle down Jumin, you can. Also, what was that muffled sound? What are you doing exactly?” Saeyoung asked through the phone speaker.
“Trying to pull apart this stupid web while still listening to you. I only have two hands you know.” He said.
“Uh, you know you can put the phone on speaker right?” Saeyoung joked.
“Oh, right.” He felt like an idiot. Hitting the speaker button on the phone he set it down on a side table. “OK well, what do I do after I finish with the web?” he asked.
“Change out the bulbs in some of the lamps, you got the purple bulbs right?”
“Yes, I bought everything on the list you sent me.”
“Really? Wow, you really are going all out aren’t you?”
“It’s Lillie’s favorite holiday, so I want to make it special, and I don’t want her to lift a finger this year, I just want her to enjoy it for the entire month.”
“You could have just paid someone to do it, you’re filthy rich after all.” Saeyoung laughed.
“That wouldn’t be the same. I want to do the work and see the look on her face.” He was aware that it likely would look much better if he hired someone to decorate, but, he knew Lillie well enough to know that she would love it all the more because of his effort. Though he hadn’t thought he would be fighting with fake spiderwebs.
“I think I can handle placing the items in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement, however, I might need help again in setting up the fog machine for the cauldron.”
“Sure, I’m here all day! Sounds like you have things well in hand.”
“Indeed, if I require more hands, I’ll simply ask my security team. Thank you again Saeyoung for the support and suggestions.”
“Any time! Make sure you take pic…uh, that Lillie takes pictures!” he laughed.
Jumin grunted as he hit end call on the phone. He’d gotten better at taking pictures, it wasn’t his fault that the stabilization on his phone was finicky.
He was meticulous in his arrangement of the décor, not a single surface was without a Halloween item. With Saeyoung’s help, he’d even been able to create an actual bubbling cauldron that wouldn’t create and environmental hazard in the apartment.
Hours, he had been working for hours and the setting sun outside reminded him that Lillie was due to arrive home soon. He checked his watch and saw that he had only minutes. He turned off any lights whose bulbs hadn’t been changed, turned on the cauldron, and lit the candles. Fairy lights were strung throughout the decorations giving the areas a ethereal quality. The scent of pumpkin spice and apple cider wafted through the room as well. Satisfied, all that was left to do was wait.
It didn’t take long before he heard the rattle of the front door, hiding behind it as it opened inwards he held his breath for his love’s reaction.
He heard Lillie inhale as the scenery caught her attention. She took a few steps inside, her head scanning the entirety of his labor. Quickly he slammed the door closed and jumped at her with a loud “BOO!”
Lillie screamed and turned, her hand already balled into a fist before noticing that it was her beloved.
“Jumin! You scared me!” heart racing she doubled over in relieved laughter.
“I’m sorry my love, I couldn’t help myself.” He enveloped her into his arms and held her close as her heart regained equilibrium. “Do you like it?” he asked as he released her.
“Like it? I love it! How much did it cost to do this? You know I would have decorated myself.” She said, but her smile never left her face.
“Oh, well, the cost was only in supplies, I decorated.” Jumin said, running a hand through his thick black hair, a grin on his face. “Took several hours, but it was well worth it to see your reaction.”
“You…you did this? All by yourself?” she asked, turning to her husband, golden brown eyes wide.
“Saeyoung helped with some of the more intricate items, but I set it all up on my own. I just wanted to surprise you. I know how much you love this holiday and how hard you worked last year. I wanted you to just be able to enjoy the season this year and concentrate only on your costume for the party.”
“Absolutely, I think having a Halloween party here would be quite entertaining, don’t you?”
“Oh yes! That sounds wonderful!” Lillie threw herself on her husband and held him close, tears of joy filled her eyes and a wide smile plastered her face. “I can’t imagine being any happier than I am right now! Just…I…the thought and effort you put into all of this has me in tears. I love you so much Jumin.”
“I love you too. And I would do anything to see that radiant smile on your face for the rest of our lives.”
They kissed.
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elvendara · 7 months
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
6 October 2023—ENCHANTED FOREST Jumin Week—Receiving Gifts
“So this is what a 100 year old man looks like.” Lillie grinned as her husband woke.
He groggily looked at her and mirrored her grin. “Not too shabby huh?”
“Though perhaps the forest has more to do with it than good genes.” She laughed.
“Hey now! Don’t ruin the day before it begins.” He reached out and pulled her close, kissing her lushes lips as soon as they were within reach.
“Mm, happy birthday my love.” She said once he let her come up for air. “May the day bring you as much good fortune as you deserve.”
“Strong words, and powerful, you should be wary of throwing them around. What you believe I deserve and what the forest believes might be completely different.” She snuggled her head into his chest and sighed contentedly.
“Never. You have been nothing but kind and benevolent to any and all who reside withing the borders of the forest, non can deny that.”
“Perhaps, still…much better to be wary than not, lest an errant spell be cast without forethought.”
“Of course you’re right. I shall temper my words on this day of days.” Her fingers swirled along his naked side, stirring his groin. “We should rise don’t you think? There will be many visitors today I should think.”
“The sun has barely risen, but you are right, best we be ready to receive company.”
“You don’t sound very enthusiastic my love.”
“I know it is all meant in kindness and love, but it will be grueling, nonetheless. After all, I am nothing truly special.”
“How untrue that is!” Lillie rose on her elbow and glared at her husband, honey brown eyes as electrifying as the noonday sun, auburn hair splayed out across his pale chest. “I won’t hear that kind of talk today of all days.”
“I give!” Jumin laughed and held his hands up in surrender. “I will do as you say darling.” Grey eyes crinkled as his smile reached each ear.
“And you will enjoy the celebration tonight! No matter what! I command it! After all, it isn’t every day that one turns 100.” She straddled him and pulled him up to sitting, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.
“I will do as ordered.” He said, bringing their lips together once more before she deftly lept off him and the bed. With a sigh he reluctantly followed to get ready for the day.
Not even an hour later there was the first knock on the door. The cottage they shared was small, equal to their needs. The door was never locked, in fact, it didn’t even have one, anyone could just walk in, of course none ever did, that was simply impolite.
Jumin opened the door, a mushroom family stood in front of him, eager to gift him with the wreath of fresh flowers they had crafted. He smiled and knelt before them.
“How wonderful! Thank you!” they ducked their heads in reverence, a thing Jumin had tried to stop in the beginning, but had had no effect, so now he accepted it and bowed his own head in respect to them. Taking the wreath he hung it on the door. As he turned back to his front yard, he wasn’t surprised by the line forming, nor was he surprised by the gifts that had already been dropped off. Lillie stepped next to him, eyes aglow as they set upon the procession.
“Ready?” she asked, eyes scanning the myriad of forest creatures from dryads to treants, fairies to trolls, witches and warlocks, and everything in between.
“I suppose I have no choice.” He said, but his heart was light at the love put into the incoming gifts. He often felt unworthy of such things, but he never asked to rule the enchanted forest, the damned thing had chosen him and here they were. He knew the inhabitants cared for him as much as he cared for them. He was determined to make this a great day, not for himself, but for those who stood before him, and for his lovely wife as well.
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elvendara · 7 months
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
7 October 2023—VAMPIRE Jumin Week—Quality Time
Centuries passed in the blink of an eye. He lifted his hand to watch the reflection off the ruby on his ring. How long ago had he acquired this item? Too long ago for sure. With a sigh he stood and made his way to the window. Hiding in the shadows was easy, second nature. Pulling the curtain aside he narrowed his eyes at the intrusive light of the sun. It wouldn’t kill him, not now, but it wasn’t pleasant either. Even after all this time, he still remembered the warmth of the sun on his skin.
Turning away in a huff he marched towards the bedroom. This damned house felt like a prison, a self-imposed one, but still. Perhaps he should simply sleep and be done with it. But oh there was so much life out there! He grit his teeth, clenching his jaw. As a vampire he had lived many lifetimes, loved many, become richer than the gods, but now, now…he was exhausted.
He had sired no children when alive so there was no lineage he could care for. Those he’d loved had all grown old and died, some had abhorred him, calling him evil and cursing him, some had embraced him, begging to join him in undeath. All had torn his heart, what was left of it, in pieces. He wondered why he still had some shred of humanity when most of his kind had sloughed it off almost immediately. They laughed at him, at his continued need to act human.
He had left them long ago, to live fully among humans, but now, now that his latest love lay in the ground, rotting, for nearly a decade…he couldn’t muster the strength to care. The self-imposed isolation had come about from a desire to reset. He had begun to be lethargic, burdened by the constant loss. Sleep, it’s what a vampire did when becoming overwhelmed. He did not want to, but he knew enough to know that he needed to step back. To leave humanity and be on his own. To reevaluate what he wanted out of this continued existence.
And what did he want? An eternity of drinking wine and blood, of loving and losing? They all ended up in the grave as he watched them wither away. Tears sprang from his eyes as the faces of those he’d loved filled his head. All of them vibrant and vital, becoming slower and slower with age. Age that came all to quickly, in the blink of an eye. Why did he do that to himself? Why not turn one of them and have a companion forever?
He knew why, this existence was not one he would willingly foist on another, no matter how much he desired it. The one who had made him had done so for selfish reasons, and when even his presence no longer was enough, he’d left. Left Jumin alone to navigate his new existence. Those years, those decades had been devastating. He’d been no more than a hungry animal, running on instinct alone, surviving against his own will.
Once he’d mastered himself, he vowed to never take another life. And he’d held to that promise. Sustaining himself with animals might not be the most satisfying, but it was what he needed to do for himself.
Sitting once more he poured more wine into his cup and sipped it. Solitude is what he needed now. To think. To contemplate eternity and his place in it. A small smile played around his lips, time, he had plenty of that didn’t he?
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