#n then i can make it that post a sort of hub also with main tags i use n stuff. like in a reblog addition of smth
starheirxero · 8 months
thinkin’ about making one of those lil “meet the artist” things and putting it in a pinned post…. or smth. i need 2 get a buncha stuff up in working order on this blog so that i don’t feel like this is always a wip blog LOL
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alnaperera · 1 year
Myself and my WIPs
So, first of all, I'm completely new here, so please excuse any stupid mistakes I might make (and please tell me!).
I'm Nipuni. I write and paint a lot in my free time. So first, about my writing:
I have two active WIPs at the moment:
New WIP (has a working title but it's in a conlang so I'm still a little afraid to post it) is a sort of episodic fantasy adventure, maybe. There are a few longer arcs in there which advance the plot significantly (so do the episodic stuff but more slowly).
It follows the story of Lastak, a 15 year old who just moved into the biggest trading hub in the area in search of a job as a mage. She is taken in by a completely whacky group who don't mind the fact that she's a foreigner or incredibly suspicious looking (with her colourless skin and slit-pupiled eyes, and exhausted, hungry look). Hijinks ensue, meanwhile everyone's pasts and the main plot starts moving.
Tumblr media
This is the main cast. From left to right:
Res: He's a genuinely kind, nice person, but he can't stop arguing with Fen for some reason.
Fen: Solves problems by setting them on fire.
Entei: the parrot. Knows pretty much everything. Sarcastic. Might have learned it from:
Wesa: mature, is the oldest in the group. Sort of looks out for everyone. Is also a really capable mage.
Lastak: MC.
In addition to that, there are a lot of other fun characters, such as Seinai (the leader of the group), a forty-something lady who looks like a librarian but is probably one of the strongest mages in the country, Lonli the lightning mage who will not admit she has feelings, Kopen the space-time mage who tries to be nice but reaches his limit often, Lukan who basically invented a way to be as annoying as possible, and many more.
I will start publishing this chapter by chapter somewhere soon.
My other active WIP is Ravens flight. This is a fantasy spy thriller, which follows Estri, Lar, and Dwerezt (15-16) as they get involved in an incident at school which subsequently drags them to a very complex situation, where the first thing they have to do ends up being preventing a war. So, pretty high stakes, I guess? This one is a little difficult to describe without spoilers.
Also there are a lot of fun characters. And fighter jets that don't quite work right.
I've done a lot of worldbuilding for this one, for over a decade now, but the first book is 140k words, so all thoughts of publishing this is sort of on hold for now.
So, those are my main WIPs. in addition to that, I have a few on pause such as the sequel to the phantom in the canopy (which is done but I don't feel like editing it), and a few other mystery-type stories.
You can read the phantom in the canopy:
I will run a free promotion on this soon.
I also draw a lot. I post those on Shutterstock:
And I also created a fiverr if you want floral patterns or something:
Other than these stuff, I'm a PhD student, working on robotics (I sort of teach it too, was working as a lecturer until a month ago).
That's it about me, I guess?
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bluesmuses · 3 years
    I’ve been asked what my general advice for a new rper would be and it got long for IMs so here’s a post instead hfkjshdf I would prefer this Wasn’t Reblogged because I’m sure it’s imperfect and I don’t want my activity notes to explode ;v; Hope it is helpful though.
    For me, personally, I consider mutual respect to be the most important thing. Most rpers have their own preferences and standards, some are rly picky, some not picky at all, some are very organized with extensive tagging systems, some blogs are not. Usually these sorts of things are listed in someone's rules/guideline page. My own rule page has gone through several revisions, and that's okay, if you have a bad experience or run into something you haven't before, grow and learn, your comfort is important! You are not obligated to anyone! Take care of yourself and if someone doesn’t treat you how you would treat them, there is no reason for you to continue to interact with that person!
    A few general rping basics that Most ppl acknowledge would be...
Godmodding: determining what another person's character does without consent. There's not rly a point to rping with someone else if person A is trying to personally direct what person B does, also it's just pretty rude hfskjhdfs but I've seen it, multiple times, not fun. Don’t do that. Respect other ppls muses and how they want to write them, not how you think they should write them for you.
In Character/Out of Character issues: Sometimes people take personal offense to what someone's character does to their character, which can lead to all kinds of problems. Even if someone is writing a 'comfort character,' they are still fictional characters, and expecting an asshole muse to not be an asshole is rly unreasonable. I've seen a lot of villain muse writers especially struggle with this, but I’ve even had this problem in writing ‘good hearted character with a difficult personality’ not catering to another character the way they apparently wanted them to, without even telling me. Also, sometimes people let the knowledge they have ooc, such as from reading a muse's about or answered asks or interactions with other characters, be known to their character. Sometimes it can be logical, but sometimes there are private things that shouldn't be common knowledge just because the mun has read it. Again, this can be mun dependent, some don't care at all about this, but some can get very agitated hkfjshdf it's a good idea to ask the mun regardless if it's questionable for your muse to know about something.
Communication: despite shyness and anxiety, if someone is worried about anything, even if it seems small, it's always a good idea to just Check with your partner. Asking or Discussing is much better than having a build up of issues down the road from not talking and assuming too much of someone else.
Blog Format: this can get messy real fast. As far as I know, there are four main types. (1) Personals who rp. Essentially, normal tumblr blogs who also dabble in rping. Not particularly popular among a lot of more serious rpers because many of us are here to avoid reality and just have fun with fictional characters, so we’re probably not going to follow-back a blog that posts a lot of pictures/politics/content unrelated to whoever they are writing. But some are fine with this, so again, that’s a personal preference thing. (2) Single-muse Blog. A whole blog made and dedicated to writing a muse, which was the most prevalent for a long time, and also what I used to do. These blogs can send ic asks and etc directly from your rp blog without any confusion. But you also have to log in and out of each one individually. Great for ppl who focus on One or just a few muses for long periods though. (3) Multi-muse Blog. A whole blog dedicated to however many muses a person wants to write. Can be a few or  m a n y. If someone doesn’t have a good tagging set up, these can be very difficult to navigate. But it can also be one of the most laid back to run, just adding and removing muses through a page or tags. (4) Roleplay Hub. Hello, it’s me. A hub is a blog dedicated being a source for sideblogs dedicated to specific muses, so you don’t have to log into multiple locations but still have individual blogs per character. I’m pretty sure I helped start this trend to be honest hfskjdhf
    There are also ask blogs dedicated to just answering asks, oftentimes with art, but I don’t see those very often anymore, and I haven’t really seen those types of blogs actually making rp threads, doing heavy plotting, etc BUT I COULD BE WRONG don’t hold me to that;;;;
    AND ADDITIONALLY I went diving and found this which seems like an in depth list of things to keep in mind / if you want additional info/advice
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Main Verse
This is the “main verse”. It’s probably not canon but who knows. There’s multiple canons in the SCP lore, such as the time when they received the distress signals from a cave and upon further inspection, turned out that distress signal was from a cave that led through a wormhole of sorts that landed in a post-apocalyptic timeline where the Foundation was no more due to some X-Class event that was not revealed but theorized to be the end result of SCP-001 or something like that. Note: This wasn’t confirmed canon for the “main” storyline but it is confirmed to be a found anomaly by our universe’s Site-81, hypothetically speaking. And our Site-81 theorizes that the events of that universe’s X-Class event may happen as well to ours. Hope that makes sense. This means there can be multiple instances of what’s “canon” these days.
Tags: #Secure. Contain. Protect.
The SCP Foundation Wiki also has a place where they’ve collected stories written by other community members into one place, on what they call a “canon hub”. Link
A/N: I cannot confirm nor deny the Foundation’s existence in our reality. The world’s so full of unexplained phenomena that at this point if there really is a Foundation out here, then good for them. 
Site-wide Containment Breach
This is just the non-canon plot of what happens in Containment Breach. Undertow Games reassured that the game’s events are not canon and never did happen. Sorry folks.
A/N: I’ll still be happy to oblige to any requests of one of y’all wanting to RP a site-wide containment breach.
And now to explore some fandoms using SCP-049 or Dr. Hughes Johnson as my muse. Because why not? Also, it’s easier to keep track of these kinds of AUs instead of the way I had been doing before.
In Regards To Those Comparing The SCP Foundation To That Of Creepypasta... (AKA “The Parallels Between Creepypasta and SCP Foundation Lore”)
Alright pal, look. The SCP Foundation was originally going to just be SCP-173 and not a community that it’s grown to be nowadays. Amazing, right? SCP-173 was going to be just a Creepypasta originally, but they wanted to expand more on the containment procedures and the company responsible for containing it! So... It’s hand-in-hand with Creepypasta! Hah! Also there’s a Slenderman SCP out there.
And here is Zalgo, or otherwise called “The Scarlet King” by the Foundation staff.
The SCP Wiki itself showcases other users’ Creepypasta stories on their website, here.
This has to do with either 049/Dr. Hughes Johnson falling into the Underground and having a brief look around because they’re both confused either way. Why’s there an entire world full of monsters beneath the ground? So neat. SCP-049 is not missing, stop lying O-5s.
Tags: #Determination Should Be Added To The Anomalies
Gravity Falls, Oregon
Just like all other anomalies out there, I’m very well aware that the Foundation may also be aware of Gravity Falls, Oregon and it’s... Strange occurrences there. In fact, I won’t even make this an AU unless if I feel like making the thread that this occurs on it’s own AU.
Tags: #They Told Us To “Trust No One” , #Reversed Is Just Another Means To Contain (when they’re involved in Reverse Falls)
One Of Them
The one verse in which instead of being deported out to Site 19 to work as an Anomaly Researcher and he accepts a deal with Bill to become one of the demon king’s Henchmen inside the massive pyramid castle, Hughes is a villain in this verse. it’s currently unknown if this Hughes is in a relationship with the demon king Bill, probably not though to keep things simple.
Tags: #One Of Them, #Evil Life Is Just The Way I Like It, #just a lackey to the demon king
The One That Got Away
This is the verse that Lucien is involved most in here. He’s the one instance of SCP-049 that escaped successfully and is now hiding out in a pretty isolated dimensional plane that moves far too frequently for the Foundation to track.
Tags: #verse: The One That Got Away, #Lucien
A verse in which Hughes accidentally uses his magic to defend himself against 049 getting a little too close to him in self defense and then the Foundation contains him as one of their Keter anomalies due to how sudden it occurred.
Tags: #verse: Prisoner, Hughes Johnson
Sexism Is Present In The Workplace
A verse from a long, long time ago where, uhm. I forgot. A lot of things happened in it though. I miss that user...
Tags: #verse: Sexism Is Present In The Workplace
This is a new verse I’m adding because I have no idea where else to put it... It’s where Hughes has this phobia of giving eye contact and/or is generally afraid of being watched. He most likely got this phobia in one of the alternate universes after an incident with SCP-035 (or “Dyo”).
Tags: #verse: The Orbs Are Always Watching...
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