#naiyera ashraf
moonlayl · 2 years
Angry Rant:
Nothing bad can ever happen in America without it immediately drowning every other problem and so many Americans feeling entitled over the rest of the world.
And it’s frustrating as fuck.
Two women, both 21 years old, Naiyera Ashraf and Iman Rashid were brutally murdered at their respective universities in Egypt and Jordan, only 3 days apart on June 20th and June 23rd.
These two murders have triggered a widespread fury across the Middle East and North Africa and rightfully so, because this is NOT uncommon. People, especially Arab women, are calling for greater protection against gender violence and femicide in those regions.
AND YET, outside of Arabic news, any post or article talking about this on ANY social media, about this real issue that Arab women have been facing, about this reality in our countries, about the fact that women are brutally killed and assaulted, has mostly gotten English comments like “yeah this world is so misogynistic. Just look at what happened in the USA today”
Except we’re not talking about the fucking States, so jot that down.
What happened in the states is disgusting and terrible and awful and Americans have every right to be upset and disgusted, but for the love of GOD, recognize that it’s not the only bad thing that has happened to women recently and that the world doesn’t revolve around the US.
If your first thought when hearing about how a 21 year old women was SHOT to death because she refused to marry an asshole and rejected his ass is “sucks, just like how women can’t get abortions in the USA anymore” screw you.
And I’m not saying “Non American women have it worse”. That’s not what I’m saying. It’s not a competition.
All I’m saying is, when we’re talking about misogyny, and abuse, and assault that women face in other countries, the conversation is not about the USA, and that goes for everything else. Also, you can talk about both at the same time, without so clearly making it seem like one doesn’t matter as much.
And I’m sick of there being this expectation that you have to always talk about any terrible thing that happens in the USA because “it affects everyone else” or “it makes you a shitty person if you don’t” WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY, Americans are the first to preach about how difficult it is to stay up to date on all the terrible things that happen to the rest of the world. “It affects our mental health. We can’t keep talking about these things. We need a break.”
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