#nnt prequel
spacehostilityy · 11 months
While I love Tristan, lancelot, gawain, and isolde, I would honestly rather have gotten prequels rather than a sequel from nnt
Like I'm watching season 5 episode 16 (possibly my fave episode) and ban says the 7th rule of the sins is "whether you like it or not, sometimes we have to work together" and that got me thinking about 10 years before the start, during the early years of the sins. Clearly they weren't always so fond of each other lol. Like I want to see them begin to learn to lean on each other, see the vampires of Edinburgh arc, see Zaratras (bc he's just so babygirl).
Even more so, I DESPERATELY want to see the Holy War as like a full sequence of events, see more of demon and goddess politics, as well as the demon and goddess realms, plus Meliodas and Elizabeth's original love story bc like I want to know how they went from Blood stained Ellie and Meliodas of Love to working with Stigma. I want to see the glory days of the 10 commandments, I want to know about Belialuin and the warlocks, the creation of the celestial race. PLUS I want to know more about the Supreme deity !! And meliodas and zeldris's mom, and Elizabeth's father, and watch gelda and zeldris fall in love.
There's just so much incredible world building that I feel like we're missing out by not getting to see these stories😭😭
Ps if anyone has any good prequel fic recs I would very much like them👀👀👀
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multeasers · 2 months
The rules are simple ! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back . Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ) . Please repost, don’t reblog !
CURRENT MUSE / S : on this blog MDZS : a-qing, wen ruohan JJK : fushiguro toji BLEACH ( req only ) : coyote starrk FIRE FORCE : sagamiya konro DRAGON KNIGHTS : thatz DRAGON QUEST ( XI ) : erik NNT / SEVEN DEADLY SINS : hendrickson OC ( fandomless + various fandoms ) : antares
on other blogs @tenth-god : hermes ( record of ragnarök ) @missingkingss : derkila ( welcome to demon school! iruma-kun ) @faultedloyalty : sebastian ( black butler )
WANT TO WRITE : ngl been kinda tempted for awhile to add sinbad ( magi prequel only ), shinmon benimaru ( fire force ), and nick burkhardt ( grimm ) is still kinda high on the list too . basilisk ( my one piece oc ), or even his elder brother caiman, is someone i'd still like to one day include here in theory . there's a few others, from various fandoms, flying in the air
HAVE WRITTEN : the first character i ever rped was gisila, an old hetalia oc, from like ages 11 to 14 . never doing that again . the others i've rped were only ever oc's for media like fairy tail, bleach, one piece, the riordanverse ( mainly pjo back in the day ), and more i can't think of off the top of my head . since starting this blog, this is really the first time i've ever rped canonical characters :p
WOULD WRITE AGAIN : there's a few ocs who've been revamped and / or recreated, so if i ever feel like they could be on here, it'd be them !
tagged by stolen from : i forgot bc i drafted the outline a bit ago </3
tagging : anyone who'd like to do it :v
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pendragon-of-chaos · 2 years
Am I the only one who thinks Nakaba is using all of the characters really good in 4kota? It really shows that the story he wanted to do was 4kota but needed a prequel (NNT) for context!
I love how he showed us in the last chapters how is life going for secondary characters as Hendrickson, Dreyfus, etc... And also didn't forget such small characters like Pelliot and Guila's brother Zeal!
Also, As Tristan is the NNT main characters' son, I feared he wouldn't have a distinct personality or similar but Nakaba is doing great with him! You can see Tristan mostly acts like Eli, but still has that Meliodas loudliness from time to time, making him a perfect mix but with his own (and very likeable!) personality
And with today's chapter, I'm super glad Nakaba is answering our questions like, we knew Merlin had Melascula trapped in her snake form, people asked what had happened with her, we didn't know how Galand really looked like (I still think his actual form is just a Chaos doing but still), and boom! Here they are
We will also see Derieri in the future most probably
We still need to know what exactly happened with Nanashi
Also we already had some references to NNT such as the Original Demon being a drink, or Gawain's sword being part of Escanor's axe
And we all agree that having Arthur (and technically Merlin) as the villains after everything that happened in NNT is just perfect
Yes, we all now Nakaba had his bad writer moments (specially with all the Demon King arcs, some character developments, etc) but we can't deny he is a genius in other situations, and keep in mind: NNT wasn't the story he wanted to tell, it was 4kota!!!
I firmly believe he has a lot of surprises for us in the future and I can't wait for him to show them!
What do you think?
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gothban · 3 years
Now that we know that the sequel (Mokushiroku no Yon-Kishi) drops on January 27th, what are some of the expectations you have for it ?
Personally, I really really want it to be "different" than nnt, not in the story, but in the characters, like I don't want Tristan, Lancelot and the others to be copy paste of their parents (which for now is going great!)
also I'd love if we have an openly lgbt couple but ik that might be too much to ask
and finally, I'm hoping that we might still see characters from the prequel once in a while!
(oh and that the story follows the Arthurian Cycle !)
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ashes-ofariandel · 5 years
I bought two nnt manags at the bookstore the other day and realized they were the prequels that talked about when Ban and Elaine first met. Theyre only two to the prequel and let me tell you, ive watched the manga twice and the end still makes me sob no matter what. The manga was so cute and I learned so many new little things about Ban wtf i love him even more 😭😭
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nerroart · 5 years
Would you mind answering 🗣🙌💎? Thank you!
Sure thing!
🗣️ What is your most popular work to date?
- redraw of Model Hawks from latest BNHA volume :D still have no idea how did it get so much https://nerroart.tumblr.com/post/177844366550/my-redraw-of-model-hawks-from-the-last-volume
🙌 What do you like best about NnT?
- hmmm...tough one...i dont even know when it started, but i watched the anime and it was so much fun, i loved the characters, i loved the story and i couldnt live without knowing what will happen next, so i started reading manga.
it might actually be the depth and complexity of the story. I love the same thing about bnha, even tho its in a bit different way. The story is just getting better, there is so much sadness and pain, but love and happiness at the same time. Plus the characters?? it would take me some time to find character form nnt i dislike :D
also backstories, explaining and exposing past, and prequels are my drugs, so nnt is heaven :D
💎 What is your piece about/like? How did you come up with your concept?
the first one i did was for Howzer, and since i love action poses he was perfect for me. he’s such a cute dork, but at the same time serious and powerful character, and i think (hope) it’s what i’ve shown in the picture. 
the second is Monspiet (gosh i’m so happy i could do this) its pure angst for me...i really liked him a lot. Again - i just love dramatic pictures, i love to draw characters that can be shown in such situations and positions of some epic action like battles, using magic, etc...
idk how to describe it tbh...it’s very...sensual? for me, I’d say...i think best way to explain it would be “I draw what i feel”...music helps me with this a lot, but basically its just a feeling, that my hand can express :D
i never really think about what i want to/will draw, i just do what my heart tells me :) and i hope that the emotion is visible in my works as well :)
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baconwaffle2016 · 5 years
Are you going to continue your Melizabeth domestic au ?
yes! i’m actually working on a one/two-shot to have as a prequel (it will be included in the main fic ofc)
it will take some time because i still have to work on my piece for the nnt zine but it’s happening! just very slowly lol
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