#no it is essentially KSJDKSKS
poisonousquinzel · 9 months
Batman: The Animated Series: Death In The Family arc & Harley Quinn's involvement.
Hiiiiiii, I've been working on remaking a post and I wanted to briefly discuss this arc itself beforehand because of a panel that's being used in the other post. <3
So Ig to begin, in case you weren't unaware, the btas universe isn't technically over.
While the animated show has long since wrapped, Paul Dini has participated heavily in a continuation comic series that take place somewhere in the New Batman Adventures seasons.
(Side note: Batman: The Animated Series / The New Batman Adventures are the essentially the same show.
Wiki: Three years after the second season of Batman: The Animated Series ended production, the show was moved from Fox to The WB network, which was airing and producing Superman: The Animated Series. These shows were merged as part of an hour-long segment called The New Batman/Superman Adventures. The WB wanted more episodes of Batman, so 24 new episodes were produced, which featured a different format and more focus on Batman's supporting cast.
In addition to the network's demands, the producers decided to make the show match the graphic style of Superman, so all the characters and objects were redesigned with fewer lines, usually referred to by the fans and creative staff as the "revamp" (or alternately, the "new look"). A similar graphic style was used in the rest of the DCAU later on.
The entire series was released on DVD as Batman: The Animated Series Volume Four (From The New Batman Adventures), most likely to establish the connection with the original series.
Ex: Catwoman is shown in the first arc of these comics and she's based off TNBA's redesign.
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So, the Death in The Family storyline. It starts off right from the bat in Season 1 of the comic.
This story is being told multiple years after it happened, all from what Alfred knows of the event. He's telling the current Robin what happened after it's been discovered that Jason Todd is alive.
The first appearance Harley has in this series is this moment.
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"Well, well! Looks like the bat-brood is in serious need of family therapy."
"I happen ta know a good shrink..."
He explains that Jason ran away and quickly remade his public image, from Boy Wonder to Boy Barbarian.
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This change was noted by the Gotham Rogues.
Batman gets Intel that Jason's next target is rumored to be The Joker. Cut back to Harley & that creep.
Now, even though they'd commented on him needing a shrink, that's not what they were doing that night.
Knowing Harley, this was a very special night for her. Their anniversary.
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They were out for a romantic night on the town, or so Harley had hoped...
"Ya call this romance?! I get more affection dewormin' th' hyenas!"
"Oh, don't be such a party pooper, Pooh. Look! Something for you to snuggle when I'm out with the bat-boys."
Of course, The Joker being the stupid little bitch he is, the night doesn't scream romance or anything close and she's frustrated. She tells him off and storms off, Joker giving a loving "Yeah, you'll come crawling back. You always do!". what a charmer 🔪💀
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"An' now I'm out! Sayonara, smiley! We're done!"
"Yeah, you'll come crawling back. You always do! Now where's that pesky whack-a-mole..."
"Who's crawling now, Puddin'?!"
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"Give my regards to th' laffin' fish!"
That was just the start of their very public breakup. Ms. Quinn appeared intent on destroying every place they had gone as a couple.
Let's make it clear that Harley did not have some elaborate "Let's pretend to fight and break up and I'll go pretend to be mad and destroy shit until the Boy Barbarian shows up." Plan with Joker.
She was destroying stuff that reminded her of him and their time together because she was mad and hurt. That's it. This wasn't a ploy to get Jason out of hiding.
He just happened to show up.
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"I'm single an' celebratin'! Whoopee cushions fer all!"
Of course, these shenanigans would bring her out into the open. As they did that evening when she decided to close down their favorite restaurant.
"Red hots! Get 'em while they're hot! Umphh!"
"And here I thought you only dated weiners."
"Back off, boy scout!!"
"Boy scout? You haven't been watchin' the news."
"I'm a bad boy now. More your type. In fact, we got something else totally in common."
And The Joker just happened to feel like stopping him.
Though it's Very Very doubtful he did this out of a "oh no, my love, Harley, is getting hurt." It was an opportunity and he took it.
That's it.
It had nothing to do with Harley being in danger.
It also likely had to do with the fact that he heard Jason ask her about his location and he didn't want to risk losing whatever hideout they'd acquired this time.
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So he shocks him, asking Harley if she's playing the field already.
"We both want to get rid of The Joker. Tell me where he is and you'll only wind up in the emergency room."
"How could a girl say no ta that?"
[Jason gets shocked by Joker.]
"Playing the field already, punkin-pie?"
"Oh, Mista J., You really do care!"
"Smucks, Harley-Mae, I cain't stay mad at you. I even brung ya some flowers from ma's garden. Ah-hyuck!"
"It was a...trick....uuhh..."
"On second thought, they're more fittin' on this here young fella. Now don't that look purdy?"
While Jason passes out believing it was a trick, it wasn't.
It was just bad timing.
Harley wanted a romantic night on the town, and when that didn't happen, she wanted to instead destroy all the places she'd been with Joker that reminded her of that relationship. That's the Only thing she wanted.
Maybe Joker had a plan, but it wasn't one she was privy to.
This isn't what's stated by Alfred, but frankly, that's understandable. He does have bias in this situation.
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But what we're shown does not align with "So Harley lured Jason in and Joker sprang the trap."
I said it once and I'll say it again, as great as Alfred and Bruce are, sometimes, they aren't reliable narrators. It was the same thing in the Mad Love episode and, especially, comic. As the comic is the only one that's got their conversation about Harleen. In the episode itself, it cuts straight from the Dentist's office to Harley trying to be seductive.
I've talked about that comic and the themes here and here.
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"I wanted a cheerful environment for our playdate. You've been a busy bird lately. And an unhappy one too, it seems."
"I'll feel better when my hands are around your neck!"
"There! You see? All that pent up hostility! The boy is obviously in need of help."
"Oh, if only there was a trusted professional we could call!"
"A-hem. The doctor is in!
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In...sane, that is! And ca-raaazy t' help ya!"
"You're dead, Quinn."
"Oh my! Such violent psychotic tendencies."
"What do you make of him, doctor?"
"The patient has a history of acting out destructive power fantasies. No doubt the effect of a very toxic home environment."
"Knowing the father, I concur."
"It's clear that Batman's obsession with building a vigilante dynasty has driven him to make anyone a so-called Robin. Even an unhinged maniac like this."
"Yes, yes! I'm in complete agreement with your diagnosis. With an emphasis on the "Die"!
What we're faced with is a case of self-preservation.
Penguin nearly splattered into street pizza, Clock King almost losing his second hand...and poor Crocky! He'd be a matching set of luggage now if our rabid Robin's aim had been better.
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Junior here has become a real plague on our kind.
[Hits Jason with the crowbar.]
Fortunately, I've got the cure!"
"Yowzie! That's gonna hurt in the morning!"
I think something else to note is that if Harley was in on this elaborate plan, she would have been aware of what The Joker planned to do. She wouldn't have clearly thought this was a typical "let's rough up the punk cause he's being a pain in the ass for all of us rogues."
She's here to mockingly diagnosis him and watch him get roughed up a bit for all the trouble he's caused to the criminals in Gotham.
That's it.
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"Indeed it would! If he weren't going to that big birdbath in the sky tonight!"
"Laugh it up, bird boy! These are the jokes! Ha, Ha, Ha!"
"How selfish of me! Have a whack at him, Pooh."
"Roughin' th' punk up is one thing, but killing him?!"
Because that Is what she thought it was. She makes that apparent in her reaction.
Joker doesn't appreciate her hesitation, or interruptions while he's beating him. So he has her thrown out by his henchmen.
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"Did you think we were just going to give him a love tap and let him go?!"
Harley cowers as he physically leaned towards her, the crowbar still gripped in his hand.
"He won't stop until he's killed every one of us! You've seen what he's done! He begged for this!"
"Get her out of here!"
"Don't touch me! Slimy creeps! I'll knock yer heads off!"
Harley's restrained and lifted out of the warehouse by two goons.
Batman is perched outside, presumably already searching for Jason.
"Batman later admitted that Quinn volunteered to help him stop Joker, though he wisely left her cuffed outside."
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Batman: The Adventures Continue Chapters 10, 11 & 12
Written By: Paul Dini, Alan Burnett
Artist: Ty Templeton
Colorist: Monica Kubina | Letterer: Josh Reed
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missei · 4 years
umm going off what anon said like two asks ago but if ur aro and ace does that just mean you feel platonically? i’m not trying to come off as rude or anything, i’m a little confused and want to make sure i don’t get mixed up in the future. could you explain it or is that too personal?
there's lots of information you can find about aroace lesbians. it differs from person to person so i can't speak for other people who identity but me personally...i basically can't mentally cope with sex but i still strongly feel sexually attracted to people. and i would definitely bang girls and am solely (in real life) attracted to girls - if it wouldn't send me into a depressive spiral and everything LMAO. the only reason i identify as asexual is simply because i can't safely enjoy sex. so i can't do it. beyond that, in general, i don't have a high sex drive at all irl anyway so it works out in the end anyhow.
thats about the best i can explain it.
essentially; attraction isn't just a straightforward thing. it's pretty dynamic. i can be sexually attracted to someone without actually needing to go through and fuck them.
there's also a lot of different subtypes of attraction in the general asexual umbrella as well. asexuality is a pretty broad spectrum in general - it's not just "you never feel sexual attraction or anything. u r a eunuch." KSJDKSKS
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