#november has always been a nostalgia-inducing month for me
veiledmerchant · 8 months
definitely not salty about not being able to watch the new digimon 02 movie at my local cinema and missed out the official merch being sold there together, and it's already hard to find merch of that generation here TuT (this is a lie, i am a bit salty /lh)
i'm wondering if they wanted to re-canonized the og 02 ending based of what they shown in the trailer though, because i remember reading about how the recent movies focusing on the adventure-02 generation doesn't follow that path anymore, but then again i haven't been keeping updates with the series for quite a while so might've missed some other changes
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lunarheslwt · 2 years
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Hi! I wanted to put together all the fics I've read and loved over November for this month's 28th appreciation, so here they are! Click on the links for full tags and summaries. If you read any of these make sure to show the authors some love by leaving kudos and comments!
🔸I know you rider (gonna miss me when I'm gone) by @cyantific
(9.4k | T | single-rider line au)
The one where Louis hates hippies and roller coasters and Harry tries to fix that with lots of fun facts, terrible puns and perhaps one very life-changing moment in a dark tunnel.
"Nostalgia inducing, simply delightful, summer 90's vibes"
🔸Adélfes psychés by pleasinglouis
(19k | E | Greek mythology au)
Harry has been hopelessly in love with a certain woodland nymph for as long as he can remember and no amount of wooing seems to be working
(summary cut so the post isn't too long!)
"poetic, a little ethereal, incredibly sweet."
🔸Everyone's entitled to one good scare by @levelofcharm
(10k | E | Halloween themed CNC vampire au)
“We can play hide and seek. Go on, try to hide bunny,” he coos as he taps the cool knife to Louis’ heated cheek teasingly, his voice switching with ease to something stern and serious, “but hope I don’t find you.”
Louis has suspected his husband isn't what he says and is determined to be right this Halloween
(read tags please!)
"thrilling, dizzyingly hot, perfect Halloween gift"
🔸Where sirens fear to tread by @aliensingucci
(28k | M | siren forbidden love au)
in the royal line, there are only a select few sirens with the ability to transform into humans once a month. harry is one of those sirens. he mostly sticks to the rules. when he's on land, he reads his books. he buys copious amounts of ice cream. he keeps to himself. that is until he meets a lifeguard named louis working at one of the luxury resorts on St Barts. and unfortunately, harry doesn't know the rules about falling in love at all.
"endearing, gripping, characters you root for"
🔸Compete against the stars by @daggerandrose
(30k | M | arranged marriage a/b/o)
“We should probably keep our distance,” Harry says, now backing up until he’s leaning against the wall opposite of Louis. It already feels too far away. “I don’t know if I can handle not being able to touch you in some small way.”
Louis nods and looks down. “The solstice will be here soon,” he murmurs.
“And with it, our mates,” Harry finishes, his voice cracking at the last word.
An ABO au where Louis finds out he's claimed to another Alpha. Angst ensues.
("ridiculously soft, smidge of tension, fuzzy vibes")
🔸When love is enough by @larrysballetslippers
(5k | E | poly relationship)
“Please, daddy,” Harry begged, he wanted Louis so much. Louis shuffled to his side and kissed his lips. Harry felt like he was in heaven, Louis’ kisses were always soul-healing but also so devilish.
Louis pulled back, eliciting a whine from Harry, and stroked his cheeks “I’m going to make you cry today, edge you so hard you don’t know how-”
Louis stopped talking when they heard the bell ring in the distance. Louis’ eyes grew large when it rang for the second time. “Harry, who are you expecting?”
Or, Harry gets an unpleasant surprise visit in the middle of a scene.
"part of a must read series, heart warming, sweet"
🔸You go undercover (you cross your fingers) by @forthetherapyy
(25k | E | kid fic)
When they reach the top of the steps, Harry puts the buggy down gently.
“Thank you,” Louis says. “My hero.”
Harry laughs.
“You don’t need rescuing,” he says.
louis didn’t think that motherhood would be easy, but he certainly wasn’t prepared for just how challenging it would be. he also wasn't prepared for a certain alpha called harry appearing each time he needs help until accepting is no longer a difficult thing to do.
"incredibly sweet, warm, and a comfort read"
🔸Every witch way by @falsegoodnight
(36k | E | a witchy au)
The last thing Harry wants to be doing this summer is running his aunt's occult shop while she's away, but that's where he finds himself, bitter and bored. That is, until a boy and his cat stumble into Harry's life and turn it upside down.
"incredibly gripping, stunning world building, flawless"
🔸A Springtime's Wilt, an Autumn's Bloom by snowcaplou
(20k | E | chauffeur au)
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
"perfect for a quick read, sweet, wonderful characters"
🔸Dip you in honey by @eeveelou
(28k | E | omega x omega royalty au)
Princess Harry, the pearl of England, is set to be married to the youngest prince of France in just six months. Anxious about his performance on his wedding night, he enlists the help of his loyal handmaiden Louis to help him practice everything he needs to know
"delicate, pure, and delightfully scandalous all at once"
🔸what a wicked thing to do (to make me dream of you) by @maroonmoonlouis
(44k | E | enemies to lovers dark academia heirs au)
Heirs Louis and Harry have been promised as mates to each other their whole lives. It's expected that they will be the perfect pair to bring honor to their families. Louis cannot let that happen.
"captivating, electrifying, and perfect"
🔸Even on my worst days by @homosociallyyours
(21k | E | sick fic, chronic illness)
When they meet at a party, Louis is instantly drawn to Harry like a moth to a flame. They hit it off, and Louis is eager to get to know Harry better-- maybe even take him out on a date --but Harry is hesitant. Cautious.
Since developing chronic fatigue a few years earlier, a lot of things have changed for Harry, his once active lifestyle reduced to the occasional outing like the one he met Louis at, visits to the doctor, and doing his best to take care of himself on hard days. He can't imagine that anyone-- especially not someone like Louis --would ever really want to be with him.
It takes time to convince him otherwise, but Louis can see he's worth it. He just has to get Harry to see it too.
"beautiful, touching, characters you will adore"
🔸Wanna play you like a game, boy (what's the thrill of the same toy?) by @thebreadvansstuff
(10k | E | humiliation kink)
Louis is Harry's boss, and Harry has a humiliation kink. (for full summary click fic link 😩)
"stupidly hot, hot and hot."
🔸You Can Lay Your Hands On Me by @momrryrights
(37k | E | bdsm au)
a non-famous, established relationship BDSM AU where Harry would really like his very sweet and caring boyfriend to dom him. Said boyfriend is more than happy to do so.
"delightfully detailed, super hot, incredible"
🔸wanna wake up with you and say baby let's do it all over again by @alwaysxlarrie
(16k | M | service kink fic)
“Harry, it’s okay. This is a safe space.”
“No, it’s not. You throw cheese puffs at me any time I walk around naked.”
“Okay.” Niall tilted his head in acknowledgement, then corrected himself. “It’s a safe space for things I deem acceptable.”
“Of course.” Harry rolled his eyes. “So, what’s the thing?”
“Your service,” Niall flailed his hands in the air for a few seconds, “thing.”
“My service,” Harry paused to mimic Niall’s hand movements, “thing?”
"the dream duo dynamic, equally hot and cute, a gem"
Thank you wonderful writers who keep giving us the most amazing works<3
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chaosbisexual · 6 years
list of discoveries over 2017
hi so,, 2017 has been,,, quite a fucking year. and over the course of the past few months, i’ve been making a list of things that i’ve learnt over this year. some of it is trivial and some of it is important as hell, but it’s all helped shaped 2017. here’s what i discovered. 
if u dont wanna read or see what i’ve learned, it’s cool, it’s under the cut if u so choose :)
exercise actually does release endorphins and makes you feel good. walking and gentle exercise is still good and it doesnt have to be at the gym or intense
travelling is good for your soul.
anxiety isnt forever, it comes and goes. and there are ways to feel better
it’s not all your fault 
people doing the things they love and seeing that smile when they’re happy is the best thing in the world.
platonic handholding is important 
music is also good for the soul (this isnt news to anyone but its nice)
don’t give up what makes you happy 
you don’t have to be afraid to put your content out there. it’s yours and people will like it. and you dont have to do it for anyone anyway
you’re restless so stay at home days are only good in small amounts
baths are nice,,, rlly you should have them more often
dont drink caffeinated drinks when you’re anxious. stick to water and decaffeinated tea.
working. in a job is tiring and anxiety inducing but you will be rewarded ($$$)
you’re really not a bad person 
achievements can outweigh mistakes if you let them  
lillian ( @thelouvvre ) and hannah ( @acestephendene ) have the most adorable voices and skype makes you love them more (SKYPE THEM MORE OFTEN THEYRE CUTE AS FUCK)
you make big mistakes. and thats okay. you fuck up and you will keep doing that and its human.
if you hurt someone, apologise and deal with it as sincerely as possibly. it is as human to hurt as it is to breathe, whether you are hurt or doing the hurting. 
november = good music 
you’re gonna stop being hurt by the things that are hurting you. the person who you thought would always stay in your head, the person you thought you would never get over,,, you’re gonna get over it. it’s gonna take a whole lot of time and a hella confusing 6 months, but december has you looking back and realising huh. i don’t feel that way about them anymore. 
your family = lighting fires, ride or die (this is not a metaphor my cousins rlly like fire) 
reaching for goals is great, looking forward is amazing, but always take a moment to appreciate what is around you. the way your friends laugh, the music you like now, how tall your step brother is right this second, how the leaves look this time of year. later you’re gonna look back and wish you were paying more attention. 
friends ! platonic relationships ! so important !
you’re a fucking emotional mess, disaster, catastrophe. but you know what else you are? fucking sixteen years old. you’re allowed to be a mess and you’re allowed to be dealing with shit. 
writing in the backyard at midnight = good content 
haps. just,,, haps. happy naps 
u make at least 3 bad decisions in a day ok it’s just expected at this point. BUT ur gonna get better at it and ur gonna start lookin after urself,,, eventually
boys are fucking confusing. just,,, trust me they’re so confusing i don’t know why i only discovered that this year but BOYS SUCK 
sometimes,,, life is a fucking soap opera. but its all okay.
memories fuckingn hurt. okay remembering that thing that you did with that person and how it felt and how stupid/happy you were stings. but better days are ahead.  and one day, nostalgia is gonna come and rear its head again, but even then, there’ll still be more amazing things coming for you.
what ifs also fucking hurt. because so many things could have gone differently and they didnt and it’s not great and you’re probably always gonna wish that things went better and that you kissed them or that they said or didnt say that thing or didnt end up w that person but you’re both gonna move on and be just fine. 
you’re gonna be okay and do just fine. you are gonna have an amazing life. 
A HUGE THANK U TO; @gaygaea @umcharlie @w-byers @acestephendene @thelouvvre @jediparkers @lucypcvensie @georgiehenley @childoftimeandmagic @annalightwood @freyasgayshakespeareplace @mayasderen @theflerpyfail @hpwritersnet. thank you so so much for every kind thing you have all done for me. this year has had a lot of downs, but seein each of u on my feed and in my life has made it that much better. so thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 
and the year2020 squad; u guys probs wont see this but if u do; ur all assholes, but i love u guys more than tea and breaking things. 
i hope everyone has an amazing 2018. 
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brancowitz · 7 years
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Under The Radar Magazine -
Phoenix on “Ti Amo”
Since the release of their 2013 album Bankrupt! Phoenix have toured the world multiple times, headlined Coachella, performed across nearly every show on the late-night TV circuit, won a Grammy, and even appeared in Bill Murray's screwball Netflix holiday special, A Very Murray Christmas (directed by frontman Thomas Mars' wife, Sofia Coppola). So in the words of every Super Bowl announcer ever, "What are you going to do now?" If you're Mars, Deck d'Arcy, Laurent Brancowitz, and Christian Mazzalai, you skip Disney World and make the admirable decision to head back into the studio the day after getting off tour.
"I think it's more pathetic, that's how I would describe it!" Brancowitz laughs, calling from his home in Paris. "But we really like to work. We like to be in the studio. Especially when we finish touring. But we don't really work during the tour. We are impatient to be back with the same instruments and working again on new songs."
Five albums deep into their career, Phoenix have achieved a sonic shorthand, their shined-up pop easily identifiable by its punchy synth lines, bouncy guitar solos, and strangely sentimental, inscrutably poetic lyrics. As Mars explains, even though the vibe is always being teased out in different directions, their widescreen indie identity is still intact across their newest effort, Ti Amo.
"I think that people who have been living for a long time, they tend to tell the same story," he muses from his home in New York. "For me, it doesn't really matter if you're telling the story again, as long as you tell it in a different way it's satisfying enough to me....  You don't have to reinvent the wheel each time you do something. You don't necessarily have to change everything. It's just everything you go through and with time you evolve. That's enough to tell the same story with a different angle each time. That's why we take time between records. Because we need that time to be able to reflect and feel and try to achieve that."
Over the band's multi-year work sessions in Paris (which Mars flew in to attend 10 days at a time, taking work back home with him), the city underwent a serious upheaval. Continued conflicts in Syria meant the city saw a significant influx of refugees. The headquarters of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were attacked. And in November 2015 an Eagles of Death Metal show at The Bataclan was targeted, with terrorists killing 130. It was the kind of unspeakable horror that made it difficult to think of anything else. Did the world even need another pop album right now? For the members of Phoenix, their joy came from doing whatever they could to confront the darkness. They continued working, watching the security around their Les Halles neighborhood opera house-turned studio grow on a near daily basis.
"In the beginning, we felt a bit guilty," Mars recalls of the time when they chose to carry on working. "After a few months thinking about it, we realized often when the situation is a bit dark or confused, humans produce something joyful. It happened a lot of times in the past. We realized it was pretty common. So we surrendered and the guilt disappeared."
"It was the case for every Parisian," Brancowitz adds. "There was a feeling of being part of a community. It was a very common feeling we were all feeling. Everyone found their own way of dealing with it. Our way was to create very happy music."
Ti Amo, (Italian for "I Love You") is, as the name would suggest, a buoyant pop love-letter to life, leaning heavily on the band's memories of teenage summer vacation, Italian disco, and—even though the production is often buffed to a sheen—the nostalgia-inducing quality of listening to music in analogue formats. (Advice delivered from their producer Philippe Zdar during the process: "Don't touch anything, don't ruin it. It feels like I'm listening to some very cheap demos on an old cassette and you should keep that feeling.") Meditative spoken word passages ("Who's that guy you hang out with?" Mars wonders on "Telefono." "Is he a lead or just an extra?") are twisted together with reverb-heavy French lyrics, and thanks to a case of feng shui gone awry, less guitars and more synths than ever before. "Where instruments are in the studio, it has a huge impact on the final result," Brancowitz recalls with a verbal shrug. "My guitar, I realize it was maybe a few feet too far away for me and that's why I never used it on this record. I only play keyboards. That's the truth!"
"I think we were surprised about the hedonistic, light, joyful character of the music because of what's going on," says Mars. "Just the global atmosphere. But it didn't feel that disconnected. It felt like it was creating possibilities. It was creating another world. It didn't feel like escapism to us. It felt like a fantasy the same way you might write breakup songs when you're in love or happy songs when you're going through heartbreak."
Even though all of Ti Amo's musical tableaus seem to take place away from the confines of metropolitan Paris, the members of Phoenix all endorse the sincerity of their message. It's rooted in concrete feelings. Just because it's packaged in well-polished pop doesn't mean it should be called escapism, a word that makes both Mars and Brancowitz recoil when mentioned.
"I reject it the same way I reject irony in music," Mars says of the loaded term. "I just can't connect with it. I think it just doesn't exist to me. It's in contradiction to what art is to me, escapism. It should be this very wide landscape of possibility of all these alternate worlds and fantasies. To me, escapism would be entertainment, movies and cinema for instance."
Fair point. Making music has been the members of Phoenix's lives since, as Mars describes, they were kids in the Paris suburb of Versailles, smashing their chances of taking any other career path. Their writing process still starts with improvisation and a dash of serendipity, and ends with the desire to continue creating. As both Brancowitz and Mars explain, the only thing that has changed is their relationships. Love—the force that gives Ti Amo its cross-cultural name—has taken on different, more important meanings as they've matured.
"You need to live the concept," Brancowitz muses. "When you grow a little older you have the humility to use those big words that when you're younger you feel that they're too much."
These days, it seems, no one in Phoenix is holding back when it comes to letting those around them know just how much they mean to them.
"When you grow a little bit older, suddenly you find the courage to say things that are very obvious," Brancowitz continues. "[The words] are cliché, but because they're very profound. I don't know if our vision of love has changed, but I know that now we are humble enough to use those words like 'ti amo' without feeling ashamed."
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