#oc: Kagarsha
windwyrm · 5 months
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windwyrmss · 5 years
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Quick thing for a RP partner and friend whom I don’t appreciate enough.
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sandwyrm · 5 years
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I’m not sure if this is a case of “people actually do like her you dumbass you just have no self esteem” or “you talked about nobody else in 2 years what do you expect”.
But because I’m out here sperging about her, I’m just gonna do this for the sake of everyone else  v
full name: Kruga
gender: female
sexuality: straight
pronouns: she/her
birthplace: Grim Batol
family: She got separated from her family during the whole “Free Willystrasza” thing. Long story (that I absolutely have written out) short, she ended up with the Frostwolves, where Kaz’s mother took her in, not wanting to let a baby die and since she had one of her own it was no biggie to add another. The age difference between them is roughly six months, with Kruga being older, fun fact. They do consider themselves as close and legit a family as there is, if anyone is wondering what my stance is on adopted families vs bio families. Initially, this was all there was to her familial life, but I actually didn’t want to go the everyday route of ‘fantasy OC can’t have parents actually’ with her, so her bio mom, Kagarsha, ended up being alive and eventually they bump into each other and fun mother-daughter awkward bonding ensues as they try to see if they can ever find out what happened to the dad, Korgak. *wiggly fingers as voice changes to movie trailer* and they doooooo. But this is all the time we have in the trailer thank you goodbye roll the Coke commercial.
job: had her days as a city guard but has been a frontline soldier mostly since mid Mists.
phobias: Spiders. Like, big time. jump backwards and cuss yourself under your breath spiders. 
guilty pleasures: flirting with everything that moves, and leading them on slightly. Of course, if feelings get hurt she regrets it.... and proceeds to do it again a few days later. Chads gotta chad.
morality alignment?: Supposedly lawful good, but has fallen from it quite a few times. Or upgraded, if you’re one of the cool kids who thinks that’s lamest alignment.
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice (them italics are what her character arc is about if I ever write her story)
T H I S - O R - T H A T ( ho boy )
introvert/extrovert: loves being loud, obnoxious, physical, and social, but at the end of the day she would rather be alone. No sleepovers. Or something. My metaphor got weird. It wasn’t even a metaphor.
organized/disorganized: she is very anal about her armor and carrying around enough supplies on deployments or trips, but if she had a room, that one would be a mess. 
close minded/open-minded: depends on the issue. She is stubbornly set in certain mindsets, but open-minded towards things that don’t directly affect her. Mostly.
calm/anxious: she tries to look calm but she is extremely nervous and overthinking stuff quite often. Don’t tell her you know that though.
disagreeable/agreeable: can be a cunt at times but tries her best
cautious/reckless: her impulse control and thinking things through skill is about as good as a toddler’s
patient/impatient: she’s terrible with delayed gratification, or waiting for things to run their course. She learns patience eventually. But, the very hard way around.
outspoken/reserved: depends A LOT on her company. She is very loud and obnoxiously outspoken around people she knows and who are her equals, but she’s extremely quiet and subservient to a superior.
leader/follower: She’s stubborn and cocky, so she would lead if she could, but circumstances have her follow and she’s at peace with that and listening to her superiors without being a snotty brat like similar characters would be. 
empathetic/unemphatic: to a fault
optimistic/pessimistic: another one that she keeps bouncing between, landing somewhere in the middle at the current time
traditional/modern: she considers traditions to be very important, and keeps herself old-fashioned by choice on quite a lot of things. But that’s not to say she agrees with everything in ye old orc culture (such as war, and harshness, and fighting for petty reasons).
hard-working/lazy: she tries, bless her soul, but often fails
otp: What do we call it... The ghOsTP? Schrodinger’s Ship? But basically if I ever had an OTP in my life with its actual definition, it’d be this one.
ot3: so does that crack thought with Saurfang and Eitrigg count, or
brotp: Listen. She’s everyone’s adoptive older sisterbro. That much is clear. I love her dynamic with @general-grey‘s Vin and Casp. I love the dynamic with @pixilicious‘ Anje. I love the stuff between her and @goodest-noodle‘s Mai and Aurelian. And @worstmagicianinfillory‘s Ras. And @anjastasia ‘s Stasi the lil bit we had. And there are so many people who don’t have tumblrs who she’s a bro wtih. And so many people with whom I’ve talked about RPing some day and whose characters I love who I’m sure would have great dynamics with her (not naming names but about six of them are on tumblr too so maybe one day guys if you recognize yourselves in this statement). But at the end of the day, her one ultimate brotp is with Kaz, dammit. >:[ Jokes aside I do absolutely love how easy she is to make good dynamics with others, and love all your guy’s characters
notp: because I just had this talk with a buddy bud just now, Kaz. 
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windwyrm · 7 months
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/leaves the sketch layer on your bed, covered in drool and lint/
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windwyrm · 8 months
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windwyrmss · 5 years
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