#olympia x gale
shadowglens · 7 months
when gale goes down in combat, olympia is nothing but calm and collected. she worries, of course, but her faith in her and shadowheart’s combined healing abilities is stronger than her fear (it has to be). in the moment, she focuses on getting him back on his feet, focuses on sending her healing magic over him, or worst case using her own armoured body as a shield for his if things are truly desperate. it’s not until later that night, when they’re back at camp and settled in their tent, that she lets herself fuss over his bruises and show how anxious she truly is. gale makes sure to reassure her and let her hold him a little tighter that night.
when olympia goes down in combat, gale is a cluster of hardly-contained panic. it’s not only that seeing her bleeding and crumpled on the ground makes his heart feel like it might be tearing from his chest, but olympia so rarely gets brought so low (with her combined martial prowess, armour and healing abilities). the situation is usually fairly dire if she’s on the ground, and gale often struggles to keep his magic in check when all he can see is blood seeping out from beneath her. his spells become sharper, more devastating. in the direct aftermath he can’t stop the shaking of his hands as he grips her wherever he can - her wrist, her shoulder, the small of her back, the curve of her jaw. he never sleeps well afterwards, and often tossed and turns with nightmares until the sun rises.
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I’m genderfluid, and I really like names that are mythical place based or pagan inspired, but I’d also like a name that could have a nickname. I want to keep it sort of gender neutral but if it leans a bit one way or the other that’s fine with me. I’m sorry if this is a complicated request but if you had any suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it!
Not too complicated! I always love a challenge! Since you’re looking for a specific connection / background I’ll include the association with each name that way you know where they come from! 
Name - Nickname - Background / Connection 
Axis - Ax, X, Ace - stems from the “Axis Mundi” which is considered to be the world center or the connection between heaven & earth (for multiple world traditions & religions) 
Atlantis - At, Atla, Atlas - the “lost continent”, originally mentioned by Ancient Greek philospher Plato 
Finias - Fi or Fin - one of four mythical cities in Irish mythology that magical treasures are found in 
Elysian or even Elyan/Elian - El, Ely, Ellis - from Elysian Fields the final resting place of the souls of the heroic & virtuous
Olympus / Olympia - Oly - name of the home of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world
 For Pagan inspired I found some lists that put the following names:
Aiden / Aden - Ad, Ade
Kegan / Keegan - Kay, Keeg, Keegs
Leigh - L, El 
Roane / Rowan - Ro
Ember - Em
Aeron - Aer
Briar - Bri (like brye) or Bri (like Bree)
Dion - D, Di/Dy
Galen - G, Gale, Len
Harden - Har, Hardy
Juniper - J, Jun, Jove
Kiran - K, Kir
Terran - Ter, Tera, Terry
Valen - Val, Vale
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cracowartweek · 3 years
KRAKERS 2018 Zmiana
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KRAKERS 2018 Zmiana - 20 - 22 kwietnia
Hasłem przewodnim tegorocznej edycji CGW KRAKERS jest Zmiana.  Zmiana to jedna z podstawowych modalności czasów współczesnych. Dotyczy to w zasadzie wszystkich obszarów codzienności, począwszy od powierzchniowego rozpoznania zjawisk, aż po głębokie struktury, które zmieniają sposób funkcjonowania człowieka w świecie. Zmiana jako imperatyw często staje się strategią marketingową lub narzędziem w psychologii pozytywnej. Zmiana jako możliwość i manifestacja wolności uobecnia się w naukach humanistycznych, których obszar stał się poligonem ostrzału tradycyjnej normatywności. Rozwój cyfryzacji i technologii umożliwił równorzędne włączenie do codzienności człowieka rzeczywistości wirtualnej, co tym rozmyło pojęcie realności. Przekształceniu uległa również sama sztuka, która wraz z dynamiką czasów współczesnych eksploruje możliwości nowych mediów, jak również problematyzuje zagadnienia, przed którymi staje człowiek wraz z przyjęciem nieustannie przyspieszającego rytmu zmian.
20 kwietnia, piątek
17:30 | Otwarcie Cracow Gallery Weekend KRAKERS 2018 MICET | Narodowy Stary Teatr, ul. Jagiellońska 1
17:15 | Kolektyw Kuratorski – MACIERZ Lectorium Collegium Maius UJ | ul. Jagiellońska 15
18:00 | Erwin Wyjadłowski – Emisja d(b)ubli Galeria Dystans | ul. św Krzyża 14
18:00 | Katarzyna Karpowicz – Teatr codzienności Raven | ul. Brzozowa 7
18:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Chodzi lisek koło drogi, nie ma ręki ani nogi Galeria Fosfor | ul. Kamieńskiego 11, Bonarka City Center
18:00 | Dawid Zdobylak – Melancholia Galeria Sztuki ATTIS | ul. Starowiślna 14
18:30 | Michał Zawada – Bieg linii ZPAF | ul. św. Tomasza 24
18:30 | Krystyna Grzybowska – Optyczne peregrynacje Galeria Dyląg | ul. Św. Tomasza 22
19:00 | Dariusz Milczarek-Trzepla – Poza obrazem Zofia Weiss Gallery | ul. Sławkowska 12
19:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Jarmark, Landszaft, Dynia, NEO Realizm Jan Fejkiel Gallery | ul. Sławkowska 14
19:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Na styku cz. I OPCJA Galeria Wydziału Intermediów | ul. Piłsudskiego 38
19:30 | Olga Ząbroń – Przepływy ARTEMIS | ul. Poselska 15
19:30 | Aga Szuścik – 2081 Krakowskie Forum Kultury | ul. Mikołajska 2
20:00 | Anna Rakoczy, Andi Comani – Eclipse Galeria Onamato | Ul. Bracka 7
20:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Inlet Galeria New Era Art | Rynek Główny 27
20:00 | Sebastian Gögel – wystawa indywidualna Galeria Potencja | ul. Rakowicka 11A
20:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – NIGHT WATCH Atelier Rajska Poczekalnia | ul. Floriańska, Brama Floriańska i ul. Rajska 4
20:30 | Piotr Marek – Glisty liżą watę F.A.I.T | ul. Ujejskiego 2a
21:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – What we do in the shadows Galeria Widna | ul. Grzegórzecka 31
21:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Dotarłeś do celu DUCATO Parking | ul. Grzegórzecka 22, parking
21:00 | Marcin Jedlikowski – Love love love your work! Aristoi | ul. Sołtyka 9/2
21:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – jeśli wiosenną nocą podróżny… Cellar | ul. Wielopole 12
21 kwietnia, sobota
16:30 | Elżbieta Suchecka – Styk Domek na Kasprowicza | ul. Jana Kasprowicza 5/5
16:30 | Katarzyna Bielec – Bliżej BIELEC Dom Fotografii i Malarstwa | pl. Inwalidów 6
17:00 | Anna Karolina Kaczmarczyk – Pożyczone rzeczywistości Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Krakowie | ul. Rajska 1
17:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – PO-między nami Galeria Studencka 43/20 | ul. Podchorążych 2, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN
17:00 | Magdalena Ablewicz – Erozja Galeria Wydziału Sztuki UP | ul. Mazowiecka 43
17:30 | Leszek Górski – Matematyka i fotografia Galeria Trzecie Oko | ul. Bocheńska 5/2
17:30 | Alicja Panasiewicz, Adam Panasiewicz – alter Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej OFF FRAME | ul. Krakowska 41
17:30 | Miłosz Pobiedziński – IKONOSTAS,  Magdalena Siejko – Dialog z Mistrzem CARITAS | ul. Bandurskiego 12
18:00 | Barbara Czapran – In My Room Shefter Gallery | ul. Jabłonowskich 6
18:00 |  Agnieszka Łakoma, Ewelina Małysa i Małgorzata Stachurska – Mind mapping Dom Norymberski | ul. Skałeczna 2
18:30 | Elżbieta Kwasek-Stefańska – Inna miara Galeria 2 Okna | ul. Józefa 40
18:30 | Ryszard Grzyb – EUFORIA MALARSTWA Otwarta Pracownia | ul. Dietla 11
19:00 | Krzysztof Świętek – Zespół napięcia PRE HBLTCJ Galeria Zalubowski | ul. Kącik 9
19:00 | Stanisław Koba – Zabić kolor Skład Solny | ul. Na Zjeździe 8
19:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – VITA MORBUS EST / zmiany w rozumieniu nadwrażliwości Galeria Olympia | ul. Limanowskiego 24/4b
20:00 | Andrzej Karoń – Muzeum Afrykanistyczne im. Andrzeja Karonia Pamoja Goods | ul. Józefińska 9
20:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Fluktuacja artysty Józefińska 23 | ul. Józefińska 23/4
20:30 | Wystawa Alek Janicki, performance audiowizualny Formacja HiQ –FlashBlack 2018 ��cz. I Galeria i! | ul. Józefińska 21
20:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Wszystkie dziewczyny, które mógłbym kochać, gdyby same tego chciały D83 | ul. Dietla 83/25
21:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Co to będzie? Prekariat | ul. Tarłowska 10/2a
21.30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Dom w ogóle / Bartolomeo Koczenasz – Dom w szczególe Kraków Art House | ul. Szwedzka 8
22:00 | Performance audiowizualny Formacja HiQ, Big Da(t)da Collective– FlashBlack 2018  – Galeria i! cz. II Hevre | ul. Meiselsa 18
22 kwietnia, niedziela
17:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – KOBALT Zofia Weiss Studio | ul. Czysta 17/4 17:30 | Krzemionki – Galeria Opcja cz. II OPCJA Galeria Wydziału Intermediów | ul. Krzemionki 30, budynek Twardowska 18:00 | Aaliyah Navras – TETRIS FRESZ Gallery | ul. Karmelicka 18 18:30 | Zbigniew Cebula – Wieloryby i Wulkany Galeria Pryzmat | ul. Łobzowska 3 18:30 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Jaskinia Pamięci Bałuckiego 15 | ul. Michała Bałuckiego 15 19:00 | Mikołaj Małek – Nocna zmiana Elementarz dla mieszkańców miast | ul. Asnyka 7 19:30 | Martyna Borowiecka – Laboratorium nieuchwytnych struktur stretchu Open Studio | ul. Cieszyńska 9 20:00 | Wystawa zbiorowa – Przemiany Art Agenda Nova | ul. Batorego 2
20 kwietnia, piątek
16:00 | Oprowadzanie po Bibliotece Mieczysława Porębskiego Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie MOCAK | ul. Lipowa 4
20:00 | Aleksandra Korzelska, Łukasz Podgórni – otwarcie wystawy Benzyna + LPG parking przy Kinie Kijów | al. Zygmunta Krasińskiego 34
22:00 | huczne otwarcie after party CGW KRAKERS 2018 Kawiarnia Teatralna | Plac Św. Ducha 1
21 kwietnia, sobota
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Podgórze Start: Plac Bohaterów Getta
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Dębniki Start: Bulwar Wiślany – róg ulicy Tynieckiej i ul.Szwedzkiej
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Grzegórzki, Wesoła, Olsza Start: Planty Dietlowskie przy wejściu do Szkoły Podstawowej nr 16
11:00 | Oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie KORONKA – TRADYCJA – REAK-TYWACJA MHK, Kamienica Hipolitów | plac Mariacki 3
12:00 | Spotkanie z autorkami wystawy Mind Mapping Dom Norymberski | ul. Skałeczna 2
12:00 | Alternatywne oprowadzanie po wystawie Sytuacja się zmieniła Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny | al. 3 Maja 1
13:30–15:00 | ARTISTTALK: Łukasz Surowiec – Sztuka jako doświadczenie zmiany MCK, Sala Panoramiczna | Rynek Główny 25
14:00 | Oprowadzanie po wystawie Kolekcji MOCAK-u Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie MOCAK | ul. Lipowa 4
15:30–17:00 | Panel dyskusyjny – Czy sztuka kobiet jest delikatniejsza, bardziej dekoracyjna? MCK, Sala Panoramiczna | Rynek Główny 25
15:00–19:00 | Akcja artystyczna – Róbmy Miłość Galeria Fosfor | Bonarka, Kamieńskiego 11, lokal I 1
16:00 | Oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie Chodzi lisek koło drogi / nie ma ręki ani nogi Galeria Fosfor | Bonarka, Kamieńskiego 11, lokal I 1
21:00–22:00 | PRZYTUL MNIE – Instalacja z miękkich obrazów z udziałem żywych ciał Teatr Nowy Proxima | ul. Krakowska 41
22:00 | KRAKERS after party x Trips for The Lonely Hearted #22: Acid Trip Kawiarnia Teatralna | Plac Św. Ducha 1
22 kwietnia, niedziela
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Nowy Świat, Piaski Południe Start: Powiśle 11, Informacja turystyczna
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Piaski Północ, Piaski Południe, Krowodrza Start: pl. Szczepański, biuro festiwalowe KRAKERSA w MICECIE
11:00 | Oprowadzanie szlakiem krakowskich galerii: Stare Miasto Start: pl. Marii Magdaleny
12:00 | Klasyczne oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie Sytuacja się zmieniła Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny | al. 3 Maja 1
12:00 | Międzypokoleniowa Akademia Muzyczna – spotkanie z wykonawcami Willa Decjusza | ul. 28 lipca 1943 17a
13:00 | Międzypokoleniowa Akademia Muzyczna – koncert Willa Decjusza | ul. 28 lipca 1943 17a
16:00–18:00 | Girls Zone – warsztat teatralny Muzeum Interaktywne Centrum Edukacji Teatralnej MICET | Narodowy Stary Teatr, ul. Jagiellońska 1
18:00 | experimantal ritual sound performance & narodziny Zina Cyber Pussy CyberPussy | Kapucyńska 7/2
15:00–22:00 | after party CGW KRAKERS 2018 Scena przy Pompie | Plac Św. Ducha 4
Wydarzenia poprzedzające CGW:
19:00 | Ryszard Grzyb – EUFORIA MALARSTWA 13 kwietnia | Otwarta Pracownia | ul. Dietla 11
17:00 | ArtCollecting: Werner Jerke 14 kwietnia | Hotel Pod Różą | ul. Floriańska 14
INGMAR BERGMAN 100: retrospektywa – program filmowy 15-19 kwietnia
18:00 | Sytuacja się zmieniła – otwarcie wystawy 19 kwietnia | Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny | al. 3 Maja 1
Wydarzenia trwające przez dwa dni CGW
Dialog z Miejscem  – wystawa malarstwa Beaty Zuba 20, 22 kwietnia | Willa Decjusza | ul. 28 lipca 1943 17 a
12:00 | Spacer śladami Tadeusza Kantora 21, 22 kwietnia | Cricoteka | ul. Sienna 7/5
11:00 | Warsztaty dla dzieci – Zmień świat o 180 stopni 21, 22 kwietnia | Sala Edukacyjna, MHK, Kamienica Hipolitów ( II piętro) | plac Mariacki 3
12:00–18:00 | Wystawa Mind Mapping 21, 22 kwietnia | Dom Norymberski | ul. Skałeczna 2
Wydarzenia trwające przez trzy dni CGW
9:00–19:00 | Wystawa Kafka – przełamywanie granic, Zbigniew Bajek NCK, Galeria Centrum MNCK Biała Czarna Złota i Szara | Aleja Jana Pawła II 232
11:00–19:00 | Wystawa Jak zmienia się teatr Muzeum Interaktywne Centrum Edukacji Teatralnej MICET | Narodowy Stary Teatr, ul. Jagiellońska 1
11:00–19:00 | Wystawa Zwierzęta domowe Bunkier Sztuki, piętro | pl. Szczepański 3
11:00–19:00 | Wystawa Niewyczerpalność Bunkier Sztuki, Galeria Dolna | pl. Szczepański 3a
17:00–20:00 | Pokaz wideo Chien-Ying Wu – Mes potes Instytut Francuski | ul. Stolarska 15
Still Life Nightmares – Zuzanna Andrysewicz Galeria AG | ul. Józefa 18
Hipnagogie – wystawa prac Agaty Śliwy Galeria Lipowa 3 | ul. Lipowa 3
Wystawa dzieł Zbigniewa Beksińskiego NCK. Galeria Zdzisława Beksińskiego z kolekcji Piotra i Anny Dmochowskich | Aleja Jana Pawła II 232
Prezentacja twórczości młodych artystów związanych z Fundacją 4 Style Fundacja 4 Style | Plac Wszystkich Świętych 8
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itsjaybullme · 7 years
Dexter's Secrets
Dexter Jackson's greatness is a given, even as time marches on and younger competitors rise and fall. His beard is gray, his face is lined, but his physique refuses to age. In an effort to discover his secrets, we examine what makes the Blade so phenomenal, from A to Z. 
No competitor is more associated with a contest than the Blade is with the Arnold. He holds every significant record: most wins (5), most entries (15), most top-five finishes (14). In addition, he’s won the Arnold Classic Australia and Arnold Classic Europe. With all due respect to the contest’s namesake, Jackson owns the A.C. (all stats are as of July 2016). 
He has two of the highest-caliber guns ever flexed on a stage, but if you’re looking for the key to bulbous biceps here, the secret is there is no secret. He does the same things most every other bodybuilder does for moderate volume and moderate reps. A typical routine consists of EZ-bar preacher curls, seated alternate dumbbell curls, and one-arm machine curls, all for four sets of 8-10 reps. “There are a lot of different ways to do a curl with free weights and machines,” he says. 
Around the time he turned 41 at the end of 2010, when it seemed his physique might actually be fading, Jackson enlisted trainer Charles Glass, even though it meant “commuting” from Florida to California. Glass, a master of hitting all the angles with modified exercises, has been Jackson’s trainer ever since, proving you can teach an old dog new tricks. 
At first glance, his shoulder routine seems elementary: an overhead press, a front raise, a lateral raise, and a rear lateral, four sets of each, 10-15 reps per set. What makes it unique is Glass and his bag of tricks. The master trainer is liable to come up with things like a one-arm Smith machine overhead press (sitting perpendicular to the bar) and an underhand EZ-bar front raise. The parameters stay the same, but even Jackson is surprised by the particulars of each workout. 
This is the part he doesn’t like—all those monotonous meals. “I’m not naturally a big eater,” he states. “When I retire, I’ll eat like a normal person and weigh less than 200 pounds.” For now, though, eating is a big part of his job. He makes the most of it by spicing up his off-season meals with things like mashed potatoes, turkey bacon, buttered lobster, and steak smothered in sauce. However, when the Blade brings out the cuts during his contest prep, he turns to the diet staples—tilapia, chicken breasts, and sauce-free steak. 
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After reaching the big 4-0, Ronnie Coleman won two Olympias (at 40 and 41) and was second in another (42), Chris Dickerson was runner-up twice (41, 42) before winning (43) and he won nine other pro shows, and Albert Beckles was second in the O (47) and won eight pro shows, the final one at 51. The Blade certainly has stiff competition, but with a second at the Olympia (45); two Arnold Classic titles (43, 45); and 10 other pro victories, his sustained excellence gives him the edge over Dickerson as the best over-40 bodybuilder of all time. And, as his New York Pro win in May (46) proves, he’s still on point. 
This former figure competitor is Dexter’s longtime girlfriend. 
He’s been around so long it’s difficult to remember what he looked like more than a decade ago. Even his 2008 Mr. Olympia shape was not him in his peeled prime. He simply got too big to go ultra-HD. But from 1999-2006, he was consistently the crispest conditioned bodybuilder in pro contests. His waist was nearly invisible, and he sported deep detailing in even his lower back. In 1999, contest promoter Ed Pariso bestowed on him one of bodybuilding’s most iconic nicknames, “the Blade,” because he always delivered the cuts. 
The Blade’s remarkable longevity has only been possible because he’s avoided trauma. “I don’t do all those crazy, heavy, compound movements that I did when I was younger,” he says. “As I got older I changed my training. Guys like Ronnie [Coleman] and Dorian [Yates] kind of fell apart at the end because they didn’t change their training. I do more isolation and machine exercises now. It works for me, as long as I train hard with good form.” 
Appropriately, Jackson was born in this Florida city and still calls it home. Former IFBB Pro League bodybuilders Lee Labrada, Don Long, and Lee Banks also live here.” 
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The fact that the Blade, at 41 and with a Sandow on his mantel, turned his workouts over to Charles Glass speaks volumes on his willingness to learn. Even in his 18th pro year, he is continually accumulating knowledge on workout techniques, nutrition, and how his body responds to exercises and foods. 
In his amateur days, Jackson’s legs lagged. He brought his quads up enough to rack up Arnold wins and a Sandow, but they were withering when he started working with Glass. With middle-age knees and hips, it becomes increasingly difficult to hoist enough heavy metal to maintain leg mass. But, through hard work and precise training, the Blade has made additions. Forget free-weight squats. He focuses on one-leg presses, superslow hack squats, and supersetting Smith machine front squats and leg extensions. 
At a generous 235, Jackson is the lightest winner of the Mr. Olympia over the past 32 years, but unlike most giant killers he didn’t slay Goliaths by playing “small ball” and wowing with aesthetics. His best pose is the one most associated with mass monsters: the crab-style most muscular. Because of the incredible density in his arms, delts, traps, and pecs, he’s able to hold his own in comparisons with giants. 
After a light-heavy sixth at the 1996 Nationals, Jackson put his all into one final attempt to turn pro—the 1998 North Americans. With an outrageous V-taper and much-improved legs, the 28-year-old won the light-heavy and overall titles. “I had my family sleeping on the floor, and my girlfriend at the time was working two and three jobs so I could stay home, watch the kids, and train,” he remembers. “Had I not turned pro, I was done.” 
It takes most winners only two or three tries. Jay Cutler won on his sixth try, but he’d been second four times. This was Jackson’s ninth Olympia, and he’d never previously been runner-up. Even he didn’t envision himself as the world’s best bodybuilder. But at 38, he bested Cutler to win the 2008 Mr. Olympia. “Mr. Olympia. Come on, that’s crazy,” he said afterward. 
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Jackson has long maintained one of the best chests in bodybuilding. He built it with the barbell and dumbbell standards, including plenty of bench pressing. Today, a typical routine consists of Smith machine incline presses, a seated machine press, incline flyes, and pec-deck flyes. 
His workouts might include a few forced reps and perhaps some super-sets, but mostly he performs straight sets. The one constant is quality reps. He doesn’t cheat, and he knows exactly how to maximize the tension on the targeted muscles from stretch to contraction, rep after rep. 
R IS FOR RECORDS (as of 7/2016)
*He’s also narrow- ing in on most pro contests (he’s five behind Albert Beckles’ 81) and most pro wins (he’s one behind Ronnie Coleman’s 26). 
Maybe it’s because there’s nothing squat about his stature, or maybe it’s because his remarkable size always has him battling giants and never the 212 guys, but we tend to for- get that he’s only 5'6"—the same height as Shawn Ray and merely an inch taller than Flex Lewis and Franco Columbu. Dexter Jackson is the best bodybuilder under 5'9" of all time. 
The five-time Arnold Classic champ has traps so high they seem at risk of impairing his hearing. To keep them from overshadowing his delts, he hasn’t shrugged for years. However, if you’re not sporting Olympia-worthy traps, he advises you to shrug away and also do some upright rowing. “Lots of guys have turned weak traps into a decent body part,” he states. “They usually grow pretty easily if you put the work in.” 
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Since making his pro debut at the Arnold Classic on March 6, 1999, Jack- son has been in seemingly every major contest, covering a span so long it’s encompassing a fifth presidential election. In this, his record 18th pro year, he’ll flex in his record 17th Olympia. He is bodybuilding’s all-time ironman. 
“It’s the most famous gym in the world,” he says of Gold’s Gym Venice. “There’s so much history here you just can’t help but get up for each workout in the Mecca.” The flagship Gold’s Gym in Venice, CA, has been his workplace for the past six years. 
After this year’s New York Pro, Jackson’s 25 pro wins puts him only one behind Coleman’s record 26. The Blade’s tally includes two masters pro shows, but, even if we limit it to open contests, the all-time mark is within reach. 
Most bodybuilders who are both short and hefty are built like boxes. Think Branch Warren. Because of a wispy waist beneath broad shoulders and above full quads, the Blade carries his superheavy mass like a light-heavyweight. His silhouette forms a distinctive X. 
We rightfully celebrate his success as an elder statesman, but he was once a bodybuilding prodigy. After pursuing football, martial arts, and track and field in high school, Jackson, at age 20, entered his first bodybuilding contest, the 1990 Jacksonville Physique. Though he was a 137-pound bantamweight rookie, he took the overall title. Growing into classes, he progressed through the ranks. In 1995, at 25, he won the USA light-heavy class. 
In a career with so many titles and records, it’s difficult to pinpoint a highlight. The 2008 Mr. Olympia is hard to top. But there are also the record five Arnold Classic victories. His ultimate achievement may be yet to come—the record for most IFBB pro wins. That could be Jackson’s this year or maybe next year. Or perhaps he’ll still be adding to his tally several years from now, as the Blade continues, against all odds, to confound his greatest rival—Father Time. 
  from Bodybuilding Feed http://www.flexonline.com/training/dexters-secrets via http://www.rssmix.com/
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shadowglens · 8 months
sorry i'm still thinking about olympia and gale post-game, but imagining them with a little half elf kiddo or two makes me 🥺
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shadowglens · 8 months
thinking about the bg3 couples and lifespans 🙃
greta and halsin get a couple of centuries together, and given he’s already 350+, they probably grow old together. she goes first still though, and he follows soon after.
isadora and astarion …. avoid the topic for too long until it starts to slap them in the faces. if they manage to find a way for him to walk in the sun, then i think he’d be open to turning her (and for her to be his equal, not a spawn). isa is both thrilled and mortified by the prospect.
olympia is of course sad about the prospect of gale dying many centuries before her, but she prefers to live in the moment. being a powerful wizard, he can probably extend his lifespan a century or two, and the fact that he wants to live so badly is almost as wondrous as being able to stay with her, if only for a little while.
cress and shadowheart would have similar lifespans, ignoring the fact that cress was made not born. they go through enough in the game / early post game that i am giving them this one piece of happiness lol.
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shadowglens · 7 months
many thoughts and feelings about gale meeting olympia’s dad
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shadowglens · 8 months
being a high elf, olympia doesn’t actually sleep and only needs a few hours of meditation every night. she makes it a habit to still go to bed with gale and stay there all night though, even if she ends up sitting and reading with him tucked against her, because they both like the intimacy of sharing a bed.
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shadowglens · 8 months
olympia taking gale to the feywild 🥺
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shadowglens · 9 months
something something olympia wielding a mace infused with blood that an avatar of lathander spilled in a battle with a chosen of mystra, and the glow and power of said mace protecting olympia and gale
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shadowglens · 9 months
olympia, having a crisis of identity as she grapples with who she is beyond her god, and gale, having a crisis of power as he strives to become a god. the two of them choosing to be mortal and happy together instead
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shadowglens · 8 months
i like to imagine while gale is babbling a little after his proposal, olympia just gently places a hand over his heart, smiling, and says "yes, i will marry you gale dekarios", and the two of them just stand there smiling stupidly at each other for a moment before gale grabs her face between his hands and kisses her, and they fall back onto their bed together laughing and smiling
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shadowglens · 8 months
the iron throne mission has me thinking of so many little moments and scenes in my head
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shadowglens · 8 months
there’s something about olympia, cleric of light and warmth and hope, being the one to help convince gale not to sacrifice his life away for the gods
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shadowglens · 9 months
i keep thinking about gale and olympia and the deep conversation they probably have at some point around faith and gods
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