#once i get a table to put this sewing machine on its over for y'all >:)
filmflam-and-nonsense · 10 months
I cant cosplay, what i CAN do, is utilize this sewing machine to make outfits themed to things I enjoy. except I have nowhere to put this sewing machine so i'm confined to poorly embroidering my shirts.
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parkersharthook · 6 years
Prompt 205. Harry/Evie?
Lonely Together
#205 “What? I though you two were a thing.”
3k+ words
Warnings: pure fluff and cheesyness
“Hey ben!” Evie called down the hallway causing the young king to turn around with a smile, “me and harry were wondering why we were placed together for that weird couple costume thing y'all are doing.” Mal fought a smile as ben widened his eyes.
“What? I thought you two were a thing.”
“I’m sorry… what?!” Evie nearly screeched while Harry just snickered beside her. She glared at him before pointing a threatening finger at Ben, “Why on earth would you think that?”
“Because you guys act like a couple all the time.”
“We do not!” Her tone was getting higher and higher.
“weel yoo’ve got tae admit princess–”
“Shut it Harry.” Evie snapped, “We do not act like a couple and we are not dating.”
Mal rolled her eyes with a smirk, “shall we take a look?” She waved her hand dramatically.
“Fuck it is freezing out here.” Evie rubbed her hands over her arms violently, the alarm still blaring in the background.
“Who set off the fire alarm?” Mal snapped angrily as she pulled Ben’s hoodie tighter around her body. She was bouncing her legs trying to get the blood to heat them up.
“I’m going to fucking kill whoever did this at…” Evie quickly checked her phone and huffed, “3:36 in the morning.” She breathed some hot air into her hands and once again tried to create friction over her arms.
“Haur ye go princess.” A warm and soft voice said lowly as two strong hands laid a thick jacket over her shoulders. Evie immediately nuzzled into the jacket further before turning around to face whoever gave it to her. Harry Hook. He stood there in low hanging flannel pants and loose tshirt that was both backwards and inside out. Clearly he grabbed it on the run.
Evie blushed slightly and nodded her head in gratitude, “thanks Harry.”
“Nae problem lass.” He slung an arm over her shoulders as she turned so her back was to him. He pulled her closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Evie was comfortable here, safe and warm. No one gave them a second glance as this was pretty common for the two of them.
Fairy Godmother stepped out a moment later, “false alarm everybody! Go back to bed!” All of the sleepy and cold children grumbled and dragged their feet back to their dorm rooms. As they entered the warm building before the two of them could walk in opposite directions, Evie held out his jacket from her fingers.
He shook his head with a small smile, “keep it.” He turned and walked with the crowd of guys before she could reply. She just smiled and held the piece of clothing closer to her body, stumbling back to bed.
“I was cold!”
Loud giggling came through the door causing Mal’s eyebrow to quirk up. She knocked lightly before letting herself into her dorm room. Evie popped up from behind the couch with a wide smile. She raised a hand in greeting before a pillow slammed into the back of her head.
“Harry!” He laughed heartily and fell back onto the blankets on the floor. Evie smoothed down her hair and faced her friend, “I thought you were hanging with Ben tonight.” The casual tone of Evie’s voice took Mal by surprise. As if the pirate who was currently getting comfortable on their floor and playing with the ends of her blue hair was common. But then again… maybe it was.
Mal stammered, “Uh yeah I was but um some… something came up. Do you want me to leave?” She jutted her thumb towards the door in question.
Evie shrugged, “I don’t care. We ordered a pizza and are gonna watch some movies but Harry over here just had to have a fort to watch the movies in. You can join if you want.” Mal glanced to the pizza box and half suspected it to be shaped as a heart.
Mal offered a sly smile and shook her head, “nah it’s okay. I’m just gonna annoy the boys tonight.”
Evie smiled and wave, quickly settling down next to harry. “Have fun then! Let me know if you need anything.” Mal nodded and headed back towards the door, watching as Harry put an arm over her shoulders and pull her into his chest. And Evie let it happen. Mal shook her head and walked out, she’ll never understand those two.
“We were watching movies!”
Evie’s phone dinged once more making Mal groan loudly. “Are you gonna get that?”
Evie looked up from the dress she was sewing, “uh yeah. Can you pass it to me? My hands are little full.” Mal sighed but nodded and rolled off of the loveseat to grab the blue haired girl’s phone. It lit up as she picked it up and while Mal was no snoop she couldn’t help but notice her friend’s lock screen. She glanced up at her friend who was still concentrating on the dress and quickly swiped the notifications, from Harry no less, to the side so she could see the picture more clearly. It was one that Carlos had taken, of Harry and Evie. She was standing with her back to his chest, his arms wrapped around her body. She was holding onto his forearms for support and looking up at him with a large smile. But the kicker was that Harry was looking down at her with more love in his eyes than Mal had ever seen. It was taken at Evie’s surprise birthday party that funny enough Harry had suggested to Mal and helped plan.
Mal smiled at the memory and handed Evie’s phone to her. She watched as the girl opened her messages and a small smile formed and giggle ran through her lips as she quickly typed back a response. But then she was unaffected, turning back to her work and sewing like nothing had happened. Mal began to notice.
The next time she was with Harry which was only a few hours later as him and Evie were meeting up for something or another, Mal asked if she could borrow his phone, claiming hers was dead. He handed it over with nothing but a small shrug. Mal saw how his attention was captured by Evie and quickly opened the phone to check his lock screen. She didn’t want her girl getting hurt after all, unrequited love was a bitch. She smiled at the photo of harry and Evie, a selfie that Evie had taken. She was laughing as harry was behind her, sticking his tongue out at her. Her blue hair was blowing magnificently and her smile was wide and proud. It was adorable, sickeningly so. She was about to hand him back his phone when she noticed something. His hand, the one that used to be used for sword fights and rope climbing, was delicately placed on her waist. Hovering ever so softly as not to hurt her. Mal knew her friend was in good hands.
She handed back the phone with a lame excuse as to why she had to leave before quickly departing, leaving Harry and Evie alone once again to fall even more in love.
“So what? We liked the photos we took together! That doesn’t prove anything.”
“Oh Harry you are gonna regret that you ever challenged me.” Evie peeked her head above the overturned couch and ducked quickly again as a bullet came sailing through the air towards her.
Harry laughed, “whit waur ye sayin’?”
“I am the daughter of the evil queen!” Evie called back with a smile, “you shall fear me!”
“A pirate fears only th’ brine as she is a force ay nature!” Harry called back with ease, peering over the table he was crouched behind. Suddenly the door swung open and Mal came through, looking down at a sheet of paper.
“hey Evie I need your help–” She didn’t get to finish her sentence as two foam bullets shot through the air almost simultaneously and hit her forehead. Harry’s hand shot over his mouth to hide the laughs that threaten to boil over. Evie fought her laughter and stood up to face Mal.
Mal pulled off the suction bullets from her forehead with a pop and glared daggers at Evie. “Really E?”
Evie let a small laugh pass before shutting up, raising her hands in surrender. “We were kicked out of Harry’s room because Carlos was tutoring Gil and we needed to finish our game. I’m really sorry, M.” Evie couldn’t help it, letting another laugh spill over before bursting into a fit of giggles. Harry quickly joined in and before long mal was rolling her eyes playfully.
However she quickly stole the gun from Evie and shot them both. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a causal shrug, “I win.” Mal left the room quickly and Evie turned to face harry.
She gasped as a bullet hit her square in the chest. She narrowed her eyes at the glowing boy squatting behind a table. “Harry…”
His tongue poked his cheek as he bit his lip, “aye princess?”
She stopped down to pick up the foam piece, twirling it between her manicured nails. She took a few menacing steps towards the boy. He stayed in his position and waited until she was standing in front of him. He peered up with a broad grin. “You are gonna pay for that.”
She lunged at him, knocking him over onto the ground. Harry was happy he kept his body low, as the impact of his back connecting with the floor stung slightly. But the pain melted away as his arm found its way around her waist and her legs straddled his body. She had her hands pinning down his shoulders and her hair cascaded around them, creating a blue curtain.
“weel ye got me princess. whit ur ye gonnae dae noo?” His voice was low and deep, sending shivers down her spine. Mal didn’t want to hear anymore. She crept away from the other side of the door.
“Were you spying on us?!”
“What is he doing here?” Mal asked as she sat her bag and homework on her bed.
Evie shrugged as she reset her sewing machine, “keeping me company. He’s good for bouncing ideas off of. Do you mind?”
Mal shook her head, “no… just curious. Is it okay if I stay here and do homework?”
Evie let out a small laugh and a roll of her eyes, “no matter how much time you spend at Ben’s, this is still your dorm.” Mal just smiled and settled on her bed, pulling out her laptop to do some homework. It was mostly silent in the room except for the soft whir of Evie’s sewing machine. It was after a while that Mal heard some light giggling and hushed voices. She peeked up to see Evie sitting on a low stool by the side of her bed, leaning against it slightly. harry was propped up on his side, one arm pointing to something on the notepad she was showing him and the other languidly trailing up and down her back. He said something to her, whispered it into her ear that caused her to laugh and smack his chest lightly. They sat there for a few moments, Evie erasing and drawing things over and over again as Harry continue to point to the paper. Mal didn’t really know what they were doing but she assumed it helped Evie as she had yet to push the boy away.
Mal wanted to leave the room, give them their privacy. But she also wanted to wait… she wanted to see what would happen between them. So she stayed, and observed.
They all went back to a silence once more fairly quickly until it was broken again by shuffling and quiet tones. Mal peaked through her lashes to see Harry sitting on the edge of the bed with Evie between his legs, holding his hands tightly in hers. Mal doesn’t know what she said but it caused him to roll his eyes and slowly stand up with a smile. Evie did a little happy dance. He stood still in front of her, not moving an inch, as she measure parts of his body and held swatches of cloth up to his face.
Mal’s curiosity got the best of her, “What’s that for?” Evie jumped at her voice, obviously started. To be honest both Evie and Harry kind of forgot she was there.
Evie blushed as she rolled away from the boy and began to lay out fabric beneath the machine, “it’s for the Winter Ball. I already have yours done if you want to look at it.” Evie motioned to the full rack pushed into the corner of the room. Mal pushed off the bed and thumbed through the dresses before she found the black bag with her name on it. She unzipped it hastily and brushed her fingers over the fabric.
“It looks beautiful E. Amazing work, as always.” Evie did a small bow at the compliment. Mal glanced over the rack once more as she zipped up the bag. She noticed a little blue tag with a cursive E on it next to a heart. She picked it off of the metal rod and held it up, “is this yours?”
Evie barely glanced over at her friend, “uh yeah. I’ve had it done for a while actually.”
“Do you mind if I take a peak?” Evie shook her head prompting Mal to lay it down on her bed and unzip the long dress bag. She carefully picked the dark red silky dress out and admired the intricate detailing. “Wow.” She ran a finger over the seam and noticed blue thread that formed small patterns.
“Dae ye min’ if ah look, princess?” Harry’s question was low enough for only Evie to hear but Mal still caught it.
“Uhh… yeah sure.” Mal could hear the hesitation in her voice. Harry walked over to the dress and Mal literally heard his breath catch.
“Can ah…?” Harry let the question fall but Evie knew what he was talking about. She nodded again, biting her thumbnail nervously. He lifted the dress out of the bag, placed it on the hanger and hung it on the bed post that held her canopy sheets.
The dress was a deep red that had a low cut neckline and a high slit on her right leg. The blue thread, though thin, was woven in intricate designs along the left seam of the dress. Mal could imagine how the design would stretch out against her hip and ribs once on her body.
Mal glanced up at Harry who looked like he was in a trance. Mal held back the snicker that threatened to escape her mouth, “I like the color Evie.”
“Thanks.” A deep blush rose on her cheeks. “I like it to.”
Harry swallowed thickly and choked out a response, “yeah it looks really good.” Mal’s smirk widened as she delicately placed the dress back in its bag and hung it up. Mal noticed Harry’s star struck expression as she packed up her backpack and left the room.
She heard Evie whisper as she began to close the door. “You really like it?”
“It’s bonnie, an’ it’s gonnae look amazin’ oan ye.”
“That’s pretty incriminating.” Ben pointed out.
Mal crossed her arms and looked at Evie, “the only reason why I know that the two of you aren’t dating is because you would’ve told me, E. but yeah… everyone else thinks you’re a couple.”
Ben smiled and patted Evie’s shoulder friendly, “Well let me know if you want me to change the arrangement, but I do need to run to a meeting so just call me later.”
Evie just nodded as her best friend and her boyfriend strolled down the hallways. Harry placed a hand on her back, causing her to jump.
She blushed and scoffed, trying to hide the fact that she was flustered by the boy. She didn’t meet his face, “crazy right? That they think we’re a couple?”
Harry shrugged, “ah dinnae ken lass. ah mean… we dae make a bonnie guid team.”
Evie’s breath hitched as she looked up through her lashes, “Harry?” Harry stepped closer and snaked an arm around her waist. Evie let out a breathy sigh as her fingers trailed up and down his biceps. “Harry?”
“whit dae ye say, princess? Ye want tae go it a date wi’ me?
Evie smiled and walked her hands up until they were wrapped around his neck loosely, "I don’t know. I’ve been kind of crushing after this boy. A real bad boy on the outside, but a real softie once you get to know him.”
“Och yeah?” Harry quirked up his eyebrow with a smirk, “an’ fa is thes loon?”
“Oh you know just a low life pirate who turned his life around.” Evie pushed up onto her toes forcing them to breathe the same air.
“Is he handsome?”
“Is he guid tae ye?”
“The best.”
“weel ‘en…” Harry suddenly let her go and stepped back much to Evie’s dismay, “ah pure shooldnae stain in th’ way atween ye an’ yer true loove.” He took once step in the opposite direction before Evie snatched his leather sleeve and pulled him back to her. She connected their lips immediately, trailing her fingers through his dark locks. His hands squeezed her waist before trailing lower until they hovered just above her butt. It was in this moment that Evie was very thankful that the final bell had rung and almost everyone was off campus.
Evie broke the kiss, her chest heaving for air. She smiled slightly as she laid her forehead against Harry’s. “True love huh?”
“whit can ah say? aam a sucker fur a guid fairy tale.” She squealed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun them around happily. “So 'at was a aye tae th’ date?”
Evie laid her hands on his shoulders and cupped the base of his jaw, “that was a hell yes.”
masterlists / prompts
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treebananas · 7 years
Tale As Old As Time
Whoo y'all this fic took a lot out of me, but it is definitely one of my favorites that I've ever written.
Disclaimer: I do not own Maggie Steifvaters characters nor do I own any of the beauty and the beast plot. I've used lyrics from the songs, lines from the script, and a description for the beast, but they are not mine, they are the beauty and the beast production teams.
Summary: beauty and the beast au where Adam is belle, Ronan is the beast, blue is Maurice, and tad is gaston. Pynch week day 2: musical au Adam/Belle POV
Word count: 5507
Adam Parrish and Blue Sargent lived together in a small village in the town of Henrietta, Virginia. The two are the closest thing to family that they have. Blue had family, but left to pursue her own life. They worked together perfectly because they had a mutual interest in making things. Blue made clothes while Adam made inventions. The provincial village disliked the two of them and called them funny. Adam guessed they were. The village people and Adam and Blue had different views on living in general. They didn't like how Blue spoke her mind and wasn't as clean cut as the rest of the women. Blue wasn't a slave to her husband and she loved being single. Adam on the other hand needed to be more demanding in the people's eye. He has to be with Blue in a romantic relationship because living together without any relationship was sinful. Adam and Blue liked their situation because it suited them. Adam would never complain about the hateful town. It was heaven compared to his old life. The village people couldn't see that. They were uptight and rigid and their opinions couldn't be swayed, but the rent was cheap.
Adam started another long day by going into the crowded marketplace for the morning chores, but Adam had an early morning and Blue was working on a design for a fashion fair. The marketplace wasn't as bad this morning as it usually was. He could deal with the whispers and gossip that floods the streets as long as he could get his hands on his favorite book, Alice in Wonderland. Something about the book gives him the sense of childhood he had ruined for him.
Adam returned back to the cottage in about two hours with clean clothes, food for two days, and his favorite book.
He called out, “Blue, I'm home!”
He heard a returning, “I'm in the workshop. I need your help.” and ran to the room.
The workshop was the biggest and most important room in the house besides the room that Blue and Adam share for a bedroom. It's as colorful on Blues side as it is gray and monochrome on Adams side. It's full of the most useful invention and stylish clothing; it's also filled with impractical shit and hideous choices of colors. Blue and Adam worked side by side in this space creating the most marvelous goods. They would trade comments, test products, and listen to music through one of Adam's inventions as they worked.
Adam moved over to Blue’s colorful work table to see what she was working on. Blue was using one of Adams most effective inventions. It was a machine that did the sewing for Blue, so all she had to do was put fabric in and she could manipulate it to her desire.
“This ducking machine stopped working.” She barked.
Adam sorted and put the white thread in the right place and turned the wheel slightly. The foot moved briskly up and down placing the stitches in the right place.
She mumbled, “thank you,” and got back to work.
The clothing piece was turning out stunning; the colors were meshing together perfectly and made the piece tell a story.
Adam was brought out of his reverie by a knock on the front door. He jumped back and went to see who would interacts with ‘the crazies.’ At the door was Tad Carruthers, the town's most handsome bachelor, who had his eyes on Adam since Adam came into this village. Adam rolled his eyes secretly, but he let Tad in. Adam stood in the doorway, so Tad couldn't walk into the cottage.
He mustered the biggest, most fake smile and said, “Tad, what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Isn't it though.” Tad boasted. “Such a pleasure.”
Adam held back the scowl making its way onto his face and instead insisted, “It's always nice to have some conversation, but if it's not important, I have to get back to my inventions-”
“What are your thoughts on marriage?” Tad blurted.
Adam knew where this was going, but his eyes still bulged, “Marriage?”
“Yes, a handsome guy like yourself must have had thoughts about it. You are always thinking.”
“I can't say I've thought too much. All I have to say about it is that it will be at the right time and with the right person.”
“You're young, I'm young. What's a more perfect time?”
“Is this your way of asking me to marry you?”
So you are as dense as the village people say you are. Yes, Adam, I'm asking you to marry me.”
“Tad, I..I just don't deserve you.”
“The only other person that deserves me is me. You're a close second.”
“I'm sorry, I just can't.” Adam said, pushing Tad out the door.
When Adam told Blue this, she cried laughing.
“Could you imagine? He asked me to marry him. Me! The husband of that boorish, brainless…”
“Mister Carruthers!” Adam picked up a piece of some fabric laying around and draped it over his head. “Can't you just see it?!”
“Mister Carruthers!” He picked up a piece of scrap metal and pretend-shot it like a bow, “His other half!”
“No, Blue! Not me ! I guarantee it! I want much more than this bigoted life!”
He sighed, “I just want a different life than the village people, including Tad have planned.”
Blue exhaled and nodded, “Once I go to this fair, I'll be picked up by a fashion company and we can finally move to a better place with no snobs or fucking Tads. We can just..be.”
@    @   @
Blue left the next morning with her designs and a cart made of entirely Adams creation. It had everything Blue needed.
“It's just a few days,” Blue said as they hugged. “I'll be back before you know it.”
That was five days ago. Needless to say, Adam was worried. Sometimes Blue would stay a couple extra days if she liked the town or city, but they had an agreement to not stay five or more days. Adam decided to get out of the house and distract his mind from his anxious thoughts.
In the distance, he heard a horse whinnying. His eyes caught Gwenllian, Blue and Adams horse. Blue took Gwen to her fair and had Gwen pull the cart. Gwen wasn't connected to the cart or the harness appeared to be broken. She was waking up the entire village with how loud she was.
“Woah, girl calm down.” Adam tried to comfort, “Is Blue alright?”
At the sound of Blues name, Gwen cried out. Fear crept upon Adam.
Quickly, he said, “Alright, take me to her.”
He mounted Gwen and she took off galloping. She brought him last the village walls and into the deep forests that surround the town. She ran Blue normal path out of the woods until she turned a smaller, unknown path which took them deeper into the woods. Adam swore he could hear wolves howling in the distance. Through the woods, was a clearing. A huge, gray building was peering through the leaves. As they approached the building, Adam saw the turrets and grand steps. Not a regular building. Around the clearing all the trees and shrubbery was brittle and dry. Any architect would gape at the angles and smooth edges; Adam could draw it everyday and still find some new part of the exterior. Adams has dropped as Gwen continued to the castle.
“Wait here.” Adam told Gwen as he walked up to the unnerving castle steps.
He walked through the large door and called out, “Blue!”
He heard whispering around the main floor. Then, he heard coughing coming from a wing of the castle.
“Blue!” He screamed as he grabbed a neat candelabra and raced to the noise.
When he finally saw Blue, he saw the jail cell and threw himself down to meet her face.
She looked at him with a confused look on her face, “Adam?”
“Blue, I'm here. I'll get you out.”
“No, Adam. You have to get out of here and go home; forget about me. Quick, before he sees you!”
“Who sees me?”
A gruff voice called out, “What are you doing here?!”
A growl came from Adam's front left where he suspected the thing was lurking.”
“Let my friend go!” Adam demanded.
“Then who would pay her crimes?” The creature growled, “unless you would want to take her place.”
Silence came as Adam thought. “Come into the light.” He instructed.
Thee thing scoffed, but did as it was told. When the creature was illuminated, Adam saw the most hideous mix of a lion, buffalo, gorilla, boar, wolf, and beat. Adam flinched back, closing his eyes and reopening.
Adam mustered up his courage and clearly said. “Yes.”
Beside him, Blue cried, “Adam, no!”
“It is done.” The beast told, as he threw Adam in the cell and grabbed Blue.
“Don't hurt her!” He exclaimed, but it was no use.
He looked around at the cell walls and bars. This is where he would live forever. In his mind, Adam knew he should be rethinking his decisions, but he couldn't find one regret. Adam just hoped that there was a least a tiny bit of humanity in the talking creature that he would give Adam food. Unfortunately, it was fruitless to hope. These four walls were Adams future.
@   @   @
Adam woke up to sounds of creaky doors. This wasn't a dream. Adam thought to himself. He followed the sounds he heard and saw an open door, but no human to open it.
“Down here!”
Adam looked down to see the candelabra he picked up last night and a clock. He jumped back and screamed. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
“What the fuck?” He muttered.
“Name’s Henry, this is Noah. We're here to show you to your room.”
“Ronan's not gonna like this.”
“How is this possible?”
“A heartbroken warlock.”
“We can't tell you more.”
“My room?”
“Did you really think we weren't going to give you a room?”
“Ronan might not like it, but we’ll just sick Gansey on him.”
Henry and Noah showed him to the east wing of the castle. They told him it was Adam’s bedroom. His bedroom was a beautiful room that could fit five of Blue and Adams workshops. The decor was simple, a desk, wardrobe, and huge bed. It was a room fit for a duke.
“While you're here.” Noah spoke. “Know that some objects are cursed people, the wardrobe including.” And with that they left.
Curious to what Noah was saying, Adam sauntered over to the wardrobe. It was fancy and delicate plastered with the mint green theme of the room. Hesitantly, Adam knocked on its wooden doors. It sprung to life. One half seemed to shine like a sunshine. The other side stayed prim and proper.
A teenage boys voice filtered through one of the doors, “A human? Finally, it's been getting lonely.”
A silky smooth voice like the beasts carried through the other half, “Really? I'm having trouble believing that you're lonely when we share a wardrobe and have for gen years.”
“Shut up, Declan.”
“Matthew where are you're manners?”
“Up my wooden ass.”
“It's so nice to see something that has actual skin.”
Adam cleared his throat, “Well, that Beast is holding me prisoner forever, so you'll see me a lot.”
“I swear to g-d when I'm human again. I'll be the first to punch him.”
“Declan! Get in line.”
Adam cleared his throat again, “I have to ask, why are y'all cursed?”
“We can't tell you. Only Ronan can.”
“I'm Declan, the oldest brother and heir to the throne. My other half is Matthew, the youngest child and literal sun. Ronan, as you call the Beast, is the middle child.”
“Trust me, Ronan is just easily angered. He’all calm down.”
As in cue, loud banging shook Adams room. The beasts loud voice followed, “Get the fuck downstairs for dinner.”
Adam called out a response, “I'm not hungry.”
A moment of silence, then a sign, “will you come down for dinner?”
“I...would...love if you could...come down for dinner...please.”
“No, thank you.”
“Fine, then go hungry for all I care. If he doesn't eat with me, he doesn't eat at all.”
@   @  @
Moments later silent tears still ran down Adams face. Part of him wished to run after the beast and beg for forgiveness and maybe that way, the beast might take mercy and let her go. He knew he couldn't think about life back home with Blue, but his mind wandered. How was Blue? Was she thinking of him? Did she miss him as much as he miss her? He also thought to what Blue would do in his situation. The answer was quite clear. He had to find something good in this tragic place even if his home, his heart was too far away. He would also have to build walls around himself. He could do this for Blue as long as she was home and free.
A knock at his door startled him. In strolled a teapot and teacup on a cart.
The teapot spoke with a politicians voice, “Would you like a cup of tea?”
Adam smiled, “That would be lovely.”
The teapot poured itself into the teacup. Adam lifted the teacup to his face and took a sip. The tea warmed all the way to his heart and chest. On its way down, Adam heard an inhumane noise erupt out of the teacup. He looked closely and saw a face adorned on the teacup.
“That was such a brace thing you did for your friend.” The teapot admitted. “We all think so.”
“I like you! I'm Opal!” The teacup screeched.
The teapot and Adam laughed. “I'm Gansey.”
“And I'm Adam.”
“Say Adam how would you like some dinner?”
“But what about ‘if he doesn't eat with me, she doesn't eat at all.’”
Ganseys look said it all. The three headed downstairs awaiting the dinner.
@.  @.  @.
Adam walked down the grand stairs with Gansey and Opal by his side. They led him into a ginormous dining room where the chair pulled out and tucked Adam in by itself. On the table was Henry and Noah.
Henry spoke, “Ah Adam! What an honor it is for you to join us this evening. Now watch as the dining room proudly presents your dinner! Please dig in. Be our guest!”
Dinner was a long affair. Music filtered out of the piano in the corner and Henry and Noah did a dance routine that was wonderfully choreographed. Every so often, Noah would remind them to quiet down, so Rona didn't hear. The occupants made an amazing meal with a mysterious gray stuff that melted in Adams mouth. The food made Adam sleepy and full. Adam mentioned to Gansey that he wanted a tour of the castle before bed. Noah called off dinner immediately and went to join the group for the tour. Henry put on his best tour guide voice and showed Adam the library and lower parts of the castle.
When the reached a certain room, Gansey took over and asked, “Say Adam, what do you know about Welsh Kings?”
@.  @.  @.
At some point during the tour, the objects made intense eye contact, but did not mention the huge staircase leading up to the wing. Adam asked about the bathrooms and when he saw the objects turn, he ran.
The wing was dark gloomy. It was covered in cobwebs, ripped clothing, and claw marks. There were pictures along the walls, but only one Adam could make out what the picture depicted. It was a man and women with three children all in royal outfits and huge smiles. The man and two oldest children had black slicked back hair and features that could cut glass. The women and youngest child had unruly, but flowing blonde curls and soft faces. The whole family shared striking, clear blue eyes that matched the beasts eyes. Over the middle childs face were long, deep, slash marks.
Adam moved to the center of the room where the moonlight hit a pedestal that held a mirror and glass case. In the mirror, Adam saw his face clear as day. He saw something move, but nothing was there. In the glass case was a raven with the feathers falling off. At the bottom were several of the black feathers. He saw that the raven did not have many feathers left.
The beast lunged at Adam, then observed the glass case. Adam screamed and ran. He high failed out of the west wing and bolted down the stairs to the door ignoring the screams from Gansey, Henry, and Noah.
He ran out of the haunted castle and rode Gwen into the thick woods. He was surrounded by trees and the pitch blackness of night. He didn't get very far when he stopped and heard the howling of the wolves. Their growls came from every direction and he knew he was screwed. He grabbed a stick as a weapon just as the first wolf attacked. He fought them as best he could, but he was outnumbered. He heard a deeper, more threatening growl and his first thought was shit more of them, but Adam was wrong. It was not more wolves, for it was the Beast coming to Adams rescue. There was the Beast, there was Ronan coming to protect Adam. Adam tried to help, but Ronan's growl at him told him to stay away. He took on several at once, throwing them away as if they were nothing. He finished 15 with ease, but the next wolf got a cheap shot at Ronan. He yelled out before finishing the rest of the wolves. Adam and him stared at each other over the piles of unconscious wolves. Adam was about to say something before Ronan's eyes became half lidded and he collapsed. Adam glanced at Gwen, then back at Ronan. He looked so vulnerable laying there in the cold snow. His wound was bleeding and he would die if Adam left him without help.
He crouched by Ronan's side and whispered, “I need your help. I need you to stand.”
Ronan shakingly obeyed and together they got Ronan on Gwen's back.
Together they would make it back to the castle.
@. @. @.
“Stop fucking moving!”
“You're hurting me!”
“Well, I'm sorry, tough guy, but suck it up. And stop moving!”
Ronan pouts but hands his arm back to Adam. Adam looks at him, but applies water to his cuts anyways.
Ronan hisses and snatches his arm away, “This never would've happened if you hadn't run away.”
“I never would have run away if you hadn't of frightened me.” Adam said back.
“Well, you shouldn't have been in the west wing.”
“Well, you should learn to control your temper.”
Ronan humpfed  and turned over, showing Adam has wounded back. Adam got more water to clean them, but decided against it. He rings out the water and stands.
“I think we should all get some rest. See you tomorrow.”
Adam is almost out the door before he hears Ronan calling him.
“Thank you.”
Adam smiles, nods, and walks back to his room.
@. @. @.
Days turned to months and Adam was still a prisoner at the castle. The days at the castle weren't as bad as to be expected. Ever since the wolf attack, Ronan hadn't been as hostile towards Adam. He could keep a conversation with Adam and they spent most meals together. Ronan was acting slightly more human like everyday. He would sit on chairs like a person and he and Adam made a compromise to sip from the bowl instead of attacking it or eating with a spoon. Adam would sometimes bring books from the library and read them during dinner.
Adam was delighted when he found Alice in Wonderland in the shelves. He brought it to the table and when Gansey came over to talk to Ronan, he pulled it out. He started reading from the beginning.
Ronan saw what Adam was reading and dropped his cup on the ground. Gansey ran to get someone to clean up the spill.
Adam asked, “Have you read this book before?”
“Alice was beginning to get very tired from sitting by the bank with her sister, and having nothing to do: once or twice she peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations on it…” Ronan recited.
Adams mouth gaped open. “You know it by heart?”
Ronan nodded, “It was my father's favorite. I used to go into your room and read it to Matthew and Declan because they couldn't read it anymore.”
And that was it.
One night, Adam came downstairs in some garments Matthew and Declan forced him in to find Ronan waiting at the bottom of the steps talking to Henry, Noah, and Gansey, but stopped at Adams arrival.
Henry whispered something to Ronan which he replied, “it's red?”
Henry and Noah groaned and Henry whispered something else in his ear. Ronan's eyes widened before nodding.
Ronan stepped closer to Adam, “Parrish you look...um...good. Nice red suit.”
Adam laughed, “Thank you, Lynch.”
The two lad shared more personal details together such as last names, but why the castle was cursed, Adam did not know.
Ronan cleared his throat, “Come on, Parrish, there's something I wanted to show you.”
They walked for fifteen minutes down an area of the castle Adam hadn't seen before which was surprising because exploring the castle had been Adam's new found hobby. The hallways looked like the rest of the hallways did, gray and slightly creepy. They turned into a room and Adam let out a gasp. It was an engineering workshop that put Adam and Blue workshop to shame. In the far corner, were engineering books and on the other wall were so many tools that Adam hadn't even heard of some of them.
“My father used to hire inventors to make sure the castle had the latest technology. No one ever uses it anymore, so it's yours.” Ronan broke the silence.
“Mine?” Ronan nodded, “you rarely talk about your parents. Are they some object I've never met before?”
Ronan's face dropped. “No...they died before the curse happened.”
Adam pulled out some of the chairs from the workshops tables, “Im so sorry. I never asked you, how did the curse happen?”
Ronan sat down and his shoulders dropped, “it was my fault. After my parents died, I was depressed. I shaved my hair, obtained some new scars on my wrists, fought with Declan. I was a mess. The only people who could me from not ending my life were Gansey, Matthew, Noah, and Henry, but I started talking to a commoner from another kingdom. His name was Joseph Kavinsky. We would meet up street race, drink, and would sometimes fuck. I thought it was no strings attached, but he didn't. He-he fell in love with me and I told him I didn't love him and that he was just a coping mechanism. I never knew he was a warlock. He told me he would place a curse on my castle and all who lived inside it, so I would be as heartbroken as I made him. If I find who loves me and actually loves me, then the curse would be broken. If I don't find someone who by the time the last feather falls from the raven, then everyone I love turns to antiques and I remain a beast.”
Adam was left breathless, “So that's why you got so mad at me when I was in the west wing. Ronan...I'm so sorry.”
Ronan clicked his tongue. “Nothing for you to be sorry over. It's not your fault.”
“It's not your fault either.”
“I mean unrequited love sucks, but that's no reason to curse an entire castle.”
Ronan smiled a real and genuine smile unlike his usually smirks that Adam had gotten used to. A moment passed between them where they just stared at each other smiling.
“Wanna make use of the ballroom tonight?” Ronan asked.
“Like dancing?” Adam questioned.
“You can say no.”
Adam thought for a moment. “Id like that.”
@. @. @.
The castle was filled with a sweet presence that came with a ballroom dance. Everyone was excited for the twos dance.
Matthew and Declan dressed Adam in the most amazing silk suit. Blue would have appreciated the yellow color. He felt confident in the form-fitting garment.
He felt flutters when he walked down the steps leading to the first floor. His breath stopped as he saw Ronan on the opposite set of stairs. Ronan's outfit fit him snug and he looked lost until his eyes met Adams. They walked down the steps maintaining eye contact. Ronan outstretched his arm and met Adams.
Music led them to the royal bedroom where Gansey, Noah, and Henry were waiting for them.
Ronan drew Adam into his arms as Gansey started singing. His voice was a little shaky from misuse, but accompanied the dance perfectly.
Ronan certainly knew how to dance from his royal days, but was surprised to learn Adam knew how to dance as well. They moved together in perfect rhythm.
There were stepped on feet and apologetic glances, but overall the night went perfect. The two moved to the balcony to get some air as Henry and his lover Jiang took to the floor and danced the night away.
Ronan let out a breath, “I haven't danced like that in years.”
Adam laughed. “Me either. When Blue and I first moved in together, she thought it was outrageous that I never learned to dance, so she taught me.”
“Do you miss her, Blue?” Ronan asked.
“More than anything. She was my first friend before all this happened.”
Ronan was silent for a moment before continuing, “There is a way to see her.”
“There is?”
“Yeah.” Ronan pulled out the plain mirror and handed it to Adam.
“Show me Blue.”
The mirrors glass shimmered away to show Blue being shoved into a black carriage, the villagers surrounding her with fire, Tad at front.
“Oh my g-d!” Adam shrieked. “Blue in trouble.”
Ronan took a deep breath in, “then you should go to her.”
“I should?”
“She needs help.”
“But what about…”
“You're not a prisoner here, Adam. You haven't been in a long time.”
“But nothing. Go.”
Adam reached to give the mirror back. “No. Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me.”
Tears welled up in Adams eyes, “I could never forget you.” He leaned forward and kissed Ronan on the cheek, “I'm coming Blue, don't worry.”
@. @. @.  
Adam heard Tads booming voice as soon as Adam entered the village. He seemed to be ruling the people up with his harsh words and thunderous voice. The people were following him blindly.
“Tad!” Adam screamed.
Tad let out a giddy smile at Adam arrival. It quickly turned mischievous in a split second, “Adam! It's so good to see you. I'm so sorry to hear about Blue.”
Adam furrowed his brows, “what about Blue?”
Tad put on a mask of remorse. “Blue went off the rails. You weren't here, so I took care of it. She'll be staying in a nice room at Monsieur Blacks asylum.”
“Blue isn't crazy; she's one of the most sane person I know.” Adam scoffed.
Tad whimpered in pity for Adam; the crowd followed. “But she is. She kept raving on and on about a beast.”
“But there is a beast.”
Tad sighed, “not you too.”
“And I can prove it.” Adam held up the mirror. “Show me the beast.”
Ronan's image flickered on the glass. When Adam showed Ronan, the village people gasped in fear.
“Is he dangerous?” One village person shrieked.
Adam replied almost immediately, “No he's very sensitive and gentle once you get to know him.”
Tad looked scandalized. “If I didn't know better, I'd say you have feelings for him.”
“You don't know me well enough to say that truthfully.” Adam retorted.
Tad sneered, “I may not, but I know monsters like that.” He turned to the crowd. “He’ll make off with your children, he’ll come after them in the night. I say we kill the beast.”
The crowd screamed approval while Adam screamed no.
Tad raised his hands up. “It's time to follow me.”
The village people grabbed torches and anything they could use as weapons. Some said prayers before they all took off towards the dark castle.
As soon as the last village was out of sight, Adam ran towards Blue who they forgotten about in the chaos. He threw his arms around her.
“Blue, I have to go warn Ronan.”
“Not without me you won't.”
@. @. @.
They arrived in the middle of the battle, objects vs people. Blue told him that she was going to help the castle and that he should go find the beast. He ran to the west wing as fast as he could in his yellow suit, dodging thrown plates, shovels, and miscellaneous objects. Adams heart was vibrating. What if he was too late?
He made it in time to see Tad leaning over Ronan, dagger in hand. Whatever he was saying to Ronan seemed to be the most painful thing Ronan ever heard. He looked like he was surrendering to Tads knife.
“Ronan!” Adam yelled.
Ronan opened his eyes. “Adam?”
Tad smiled murderously. “Adam! Just in time to see your lovely beast die.”
Ronan and Adam reached for each other as Tad plunged his knife into Ronan's chest.
“No!” Adam sobbed.
Tad took a step to the edge of the balcony to shadow over Ronan. Adam ran, knees buckling, and pulled Ronan's head into his lap.
Tad laughed, throwing his head back, “this is your fault Adam. If you had just married me, your precious Ronan would still be alive. Isn't it just a shame when things don't go exactly as planned?”
Tad laughed and laughed. He was laughing so much he didn't realize his feet went over the edge. Tad roared as he fell his death.
The two, finally left in privacy, stared at each other, tears running down Adams face. Ronan moved his paw to brush away the tears.
“You came back.” Ronan breathed.
“I wished I never left you.” Adam confessed.
“Maybe it's better this way.”
“Stop talking. Conserve your energy.”
“At least I got to see you one last time. Adam I…”
“Ronan? Ronan?”
Adam sobbed into Ronan matted fur.
“Ronan! Don't leave me! You're my home! I...I Love you!”
The castle grew eerily silent. Adam didn't see the last feather fall from the raven from his place in Ronan's chest.
He did see when a bright light washed over Ronan's body. It grew so bright that Adam had to look away. When he opened his eyes, he was met with a man dressed in a loose white dress shirt back tattoos and muscles visible. The man stared at his arms and sobbed with relief. He turned around and Adam could see his entire body. Adam lost his breath. He was by far the most gorgeous man Adam had ever seen, but where had he come from and where was Ronan?
He stepped closer to Adam and Adams stomach dropped. “Adam, look into my eyes.”
Adam did and was met with the most clear water blue. They were so bright, the punched a hole right through Adams guy just like…
“Ronan?” Adam gasped.
Ronan nodded and smiled so bright Adam had to smile back. Adam placed his hands on Ronan's snatched cheeks and looked into his eyes in awe. Tears sprang into his eyes for the third time that night, but this time Ronan cried with him.
Ronan moved closer to Adam, “May I?”
Adam laughed, but nodded.
They came at each other fast until their lips touched each other's. The kiss was chaste and gentle as if they were afraid to break one another. Adam could feel Ronan's tears mixing with his own. When they separated, their foreheads stayed glued shut and they nuzzled noses. They laughed again and hugged almost as a promise to never let go.
@. @. @.
They eventually made it downstairs to be greeted by Blue and villagers now remembering their beloved prince. Ronan and Adam were ambushed by human Gansey, Henry, Noah, and Jiang who pulled them into tight hugs. Opal announced her presence by letting out a inhumane noise and keeping into Ronan's arms. She was followed by Matthew who tackled Ronan's middle and Declan who ruffled Ronan's nonexistent hair. Adam pretended not to notice the looks Gansey and Blue were exchanging before going in to kiss his beautiful, human boyfriend.
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