#one supremely fucked up knee. regular back pain. one messed up shoulder. one messed up hip. stiff ass ankles. bad eyes and asthma
dickpuncher420 · 27 days
do you ever think abt all the things that are already wrong w ur body in ur twenties and just think wow. i am going to be one very fucked up old person
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Feeling her nails sink into the back of my neck I used up the last bit of energy I had to fuck her brains out.
“Agh, don’t stop!” Gina cried out.
I slapped my hand on the wet tile and kept my head bowed to watch the action.
Today has been ridiculously hectic. Gina’s apartment was broken into by some niggas who were looking for me. I didn’t know who they were but they knew of me very well and they targeted my girl to send me a message. Consider their message received. Geneva was at her apartment sleeping, so she claims and all of sudden she heard glass shattering and her front door was kicked down. Gina called me, crying hysterically trying to explain what went down but I could hardly understand her over the phone. I was worried that something had happened to her so naturally I was freaking the fuck out. I left home to check on her before we got off the phone. When I got there I was shocked to see how much they ran through. Her refrigerator was torn apart and her dishes and cutlery were thrown all throughout the kitchen. That was just the beginning of the damage.
Mind you before today, I hadn’t seen G since she spent the night with me which was two weeks ago. So for her to call me out of the blue about her apartment being broken into, was scary. After I checked the place out I found Gina in her closet, hugging her knees in just a pair of panties and a little ass shirt. Me being irrational for a few short seconds, I’m thinking somebody attacked or raped her. Then I came to realize this is how Gina usually dresses when she goes to bed.
I didn’t ask questions. Instead I had G put on some clothes, packs a few bags and come home with me. During the drive over I called my boys to have them hunt down whoever broke into my baby girl’s apartment. As incentive I gave them a free pass to do what the fuck they wanted to the niggas responsible for it all.
Once we made it back here G wouldn’t eat, talk, sleep or move all day even with my encouragement. She remained curled up on my side of the bed staring at the mute tv. I kept myself busy by cleaning up around the house since she wanted to be left alone. Out of nowhere she pushed up on me and the rest was history. I asked her if she was okay and that’s when she slapped me. She made me promise not to ask about the break in until she’s ready to talk about it.
So as an obedient man at the time, I gave her what she wanted. We’ve been going at it for like two hours now and G hasn’t lost an ounce of energy. I on the other hand am running thin on stamina and strength. While Gina’s been away I’ve been drinking and smoking all day, everyday. With me living this way for two weeks straight my body has been moving slower than normal.
“Fuck G..” the constant contracting and relaxing of her walls are putting crazy pressure on my shit. Being high isn’t helping my situation either. I aim to please her but I don’t know how much more of this pressure I can endure.
She moaned and plead for me go faster and deeper. If I do so I know for sure I’ll cause her all sorts of problems. When Geneva initiates sex, she likes it rough and that’s only due to her emotions being out of whack. The Gina not in her right frame of mind is a whole other woman that no one will ever come to know. She’s a genuinely sweet soul on a regular basis but when she's in one of her moods, she needs a nigga that’s gonna take good care of her. Now I don’t know what type of dudes she was with in the past. But I can guarantee none of them combined can please Geneva the way I can. Gina whispering nasty shit in my ear motivated me to up my stroke game as if wasn’t already supreme.
“What’s my name baby?” I mumbled not losing concentration.
Picking up her left leg I stretched it out and put it against my shoulder. G is fucking up my back and shoulders with her nails but the pleasure outweighs the pain from her actions.
“Oh my god..” She panted, palming the back of my head and bit the side of my ear.
“Say my name G. Scream it.” I demanded, pounding her shit with all that I had. This girl is beyond wet. I forgot how intense shower sex can be and what it does to her sex drive. “What I say Geneva?” Grabbing her by the neck I shook her a bit forcing her to look at me.
“A-K!” She moaned at the top of her lungs.
That’s right. That’s my name.
Drying my hair off with a clean rag I walked out of the bathroom to hear Gina moving around in my closet.
“You still haven’t found anything to wear yet girl?” I joked, sitting in front of my bed. Laying the washcloth next to me I leaned forward resting my arms on my legs.
“Shut up Reggie.” G said with attitude.
Laughing at her switch up in moods I turned on the TV and was faced with the news.
“Tonight, authorities are once again looking for the notorious A-K and anyone associated with him. A young woman asking to be left unknown says she saw a group of men attacking three other men in an alley earlier today. There were gunshots heard and blood on the streets when police arrived on scene. We have no evidence as to whether A-K was involved but there is speculation due to the horrific scene behind me. A-K is famous for leaving crime scenes appearing like something out of Halloween. If anyone has any tips that could help, please do not hesitate to call your local authorities. I’m Elise Brown with Fox News.”
What’s funny to me about this news report is that my boys had nothing to do with it. Someone else must be out there trying to stamp my name on some bloody crime but my hands are clean for now. Gina walked out of my closet covered in a robe that was fully open. She was carrying some of her clothes still on their hangers. She laid the clothes across the bed and came to stand next to me.
“I see they’re on the hunt for you again. Did you have anything to do with that?” Gina asked, massaging my scalp.
Smirking at her words I relaxed under her touch and lowered the sound of the TV.
“No but they won’t believe that. You ready to get out of here?” I asked, looking up at her.
G nodded and leaned down to kiss me with her hands cupping my face.
“Almost..” She whispered, slipping her tongue into my mouth.
“Go put some clothes on, I’m ready to go.” I mumbled, leaning back to get more comfortable.
“Don’t boss me around.” She laughed softly, caressing my chin. Breaking the moment I looked at my watch to see if we had a small window of free time available. And we sure as hell do. Without any words I turned her body away from me so she was looking at the tv. “Reggie..what are you doing?” She quizzed frantically.
“Shut up and touch your toes.” I ordered. Gina was a good girl and did just what I asked. Sitting on the edge of the chair I made the part of her I’m craving available. “Don’t you move.” I warned. I copped a feel any place I could without breaking my disrupting my mid day snack.
“Agh, baby..” she muttered following my demands and keeping perfectly still.
Telling her to be quiet once more I pushed my face deeper to smother myself in her love. Gina couldn’t fight the moans and obscenities flowing from her mouth in agonizing desperation for me to do some real damage. It’s been a very long time since Gina has let me taste her so I know my current actions are most likely overwhelming her. Raising my hand I sent a hard slap across her ass and heard her curse at me. Bringing my other hand into play I turned my palm right side up and slid right into home. I viciously pumped my fingers in and out of her noticing Gina struggling to stay put. After setting her straight, I sat up to watch myself work and to bask in the sight of her dripping all over my hand and her thighs.
“Dance for me baby.“ I make a lot demands when I’m pleasing G. Me being the type of man with a naturally dominant personality comes in all aspects of life. Especially in the bedroom. Gina was apprehensive in the beginning when it came to accepting one of my biggest flaws but over time she got used to it. She obeys and we both get off to it.
I grinned devilishly, in complete love with her ass shaking while I continued to please her with just one hand. I went back in for one round to show Gina the A1 pleasure she deserves.
Minutes later and I had her creaming all over my lips, chin, and hand. I cleaned her up with my mouth and the towel next to me before helping her stand straight. Cleaning off my lips I sent a soft slap to her ass and waited for her to go finish getting ready before doing so myself.
"Why you don’t wear lipstick more often?” I asked, sipping the Cognac in my glass. I needed an escape so I whisked G away to anywhere she wanted to go. So here we are out at dinner in this palace in Monaco. We’ve been here for a few hours now and my goodness have we done a lot since we landed. My boys are back home due to me wanting some alone time with Gina. Of course those fools suggested they should accompany us but I had to ward them off.
This vacation time is much needed. It’ll take some heat off me and the boys, firstly. And maybe this will help spark a fuse in my relationship with G, secondly.
“I don’t know. You never take me out so I have no reason to get dressed up. Do you like it?” Her cheeks flushed and her lashes fluttered slowly.
“I love it. That the only color you have?” I pressed, leaning into the table with my hands clasped together.
“No Reggie, I have a tons of colors from all the shopping sprees you’ve taken me on. I just never get to wear them anymore. How’s the business going?” She mumbled in a hushed voice.
Bowing my head I licked over lips and ran a hand over my mouth. Giving her attention again, I gazed deep into her eyes and told her the truth. “It’s because of you that I want to start over. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m tired baby.” Slumping shoulders I messed with my fork and knife and empty plate.
Gina reached over the table and set her hands on top of mine. “I’ll support you with whatever you choose. Just promise me you’ll think of your health and future before making any drastic changes Reg.” She advised with a twinkle in her eye.
“Yeah I'ma do that but I feel like there’s someone or something that’s gonna hold me back. I don’t even want to go back to Cleveland, Gina. I want to stay over here and start my life over. You’re the only real family I have left. I love my boys to death but they can’t give me the kind of love that you can. Please don’t let me fuck around and die.” I begged holding her hands firmly. I don’t want to sound weak but this mission is really starting to bring me down. I’ve never been more exhausted and all I want to do is quit.
Gina and I had an intense, emotional conversation about everything that’s happened since my family’s death up until yesterday. I enjoy these talks as much as I enjoy making love to her. She completes me. I need her in my life. More and more people were leaving the palace so it was just us and a few others.
“Let me take this picture of you right quick before we head out.” Pulling my phone out, I turned it back on in an instant.
“Why?” She quizzed defensively. I looked up to see G blushing up a storm. She was as red as a rose even with her skin being so olive toned. Chuckling at her bashfulness I opened up the camera and held my phone up.
“Just one picture. Please.” I gave her an award winning smile and got one in return.
“Ok, fine. Just one.” She pointed strongly. I sat back and let baby girl prepare herself. She even went as far as applying another coat of lipstick. When I felt she was set to go, I snapped the picture of the most wonderful person in my life.
Pulling my shorts up I tucked the strings on my sweatshirt inside and went out to the balcony. G was standing in front of the railing in this purple pullover and a pair of my boxers. Even with her thighs and ass fitting perfectly into the legs the fabric is still falling from her waist. Gina has somehow managed to keep the same figure throughout the course of our relationship. I don’t give a damn about my baby’s weight just as long as she is happy with the way she looks in the mirror. If she’s not feeling good about herself I like to be on board with any idea she has on how to get her groove back. And I also have my own personal way of making her feel good about her body.
Her hair is all transformed into various types of waves and curls and other weird shapes. And the way she has her eyebrows on a day to day basis is no doubt dramatic but only because that’s their natural shape. They fit her face due to the way she gets them done. Her eyes are what get me every time I look into them. They’re a hybrid of green and light brown, one of the most beautiful sights and scary. The makeup she wears every single day darkens her eye color by at least two shades but when her face is bare, she looks like a another person.
“You not cold?” I spoke with my hand in my shorts.
Gina laughed at my concern and crossed her right leg over the left. She then leaned forward to rest her elbows on the railing.
“Are you cold?” She shot back with sass. Chuckling at her witty comeback I licked my lips and answered with a yes. She and I stood side by side with the night sky taking over. I caught a whiff of her perfume and smiled to myself.
“I’ve been thinking about us a lot over these last couple of weeks. Now that I’m done with school and have my degree, I feel like I finally have it all together.” G expressed, peaking my interest.
“Oh yeah?” I mumbled, scratching my cheek.
Gina stood up straight and took a deep breath in, moving closer to me.
“What do you wanna do?” I asked looking down at her.
“I want to stay. I want to stay with you.” G spoke, slowly shifting her hand over to mine. Her pinky finger found itself on top of mine, interlocking the two together.
“Are you sure? You can leave at any time. I’m gonna try not to be selfish with you anymore but baby..please don’t go. You’re my everything Geneva and I’m sorry if that puts a lot of pressure on you but it’s how I feel. I really do enjoy having you around to motivate me on a day to day basis. But on the other hand, I can’t make you stay with me if you’re unhappy so if that’s the case then just let me know. We’ll figure out where to go from from here.” I said feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Gina close the gap between us and stood in front of me. She grabbed my arms and enclosed herself in them. “I’m not going anywhere. Us against them right?” She muttered, resting her head on my chest.
I’m glad she’s not leaving me because if she did, I’d die all over again like I did that day.
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iii | ‘Too many...’ | The Sky Is Not The Limit
Kylo Ren x Original Female Character [part i] | [part ii] | [part iv] | [masterlist]
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I mumbled to myself as I hid behind a smaller dune right next to their ships where nobody would be able to see me, but it was true, there were way too many. They outnumbered the small number of inhabitants this tiny village had. Stormtroopers were still running out of their squadrons, there had to be at least 100 of them, shooting at everything and everyone. I could hear the mechanically distorted radio commands, but I couldn't understand anything. What was I supposed to do? How could I save Enoka before they got to her and the children?
Red lasers lit up the blue night sky, sparks ignited their little huts, houses and tents, crates and other things started to explode and Troopers with flamethrowers were setting everything else on fire to encourage the residents to leave the burning remains of their homes. I panicked and looked for Enoka and the kids, but I couldn't find her, I couldn't find anything but white shiny armour and red lasers in the darkness, nothing but pain and death. But there was something else. There was a man in the middle of all of this. He seemed old, short white hair covered the top of his head and face and his dark brown, long coat fluttered behind him while he walked through this mess. The scenario seemed so surreal, he just aimlessly wandered through them and for a short amount of time it almost seemed like they didn't even see him. I was distracted when suddenly blue lasers began shooting back at them from the darkness and some stormtroopers started to fall. Someone was attacking them back! There was hope for me, this was a good distraction to be able to run over to Enoka's hut and save them, nobody would see me. I grabbed the gun from my left leg and reloaded. When I was just about to run, I heard something else. Something loud from above. A wind got up and from the grey fog that surrounded the village and the sky emerged a huge black impressive ship. ‘Holy fucking shit.# I mumbled. This was a black Upsilon-class command shuttle, I remembered these things too from back in the day. The wind got up even more when the shuttle began folding its wings upward to achieve the form of a huge TIE-fighter and landed with a loud crash.
The ramp started opening and I took the chance to run and hide right underneath of the half-see-through metal right before four stormtroopers lined the sides of it to guard whoever was going get off of this ship. There were some more loud hissing sounds and then suddenly I could feel that someone was walking right above me, making their way down the ramp. I couldn't see much more than a black cloak, but when I looked past them I could see that the remaining villagers were being captured and placed next to each other right next to their squadrons to my left, but I still couldn't see Enoka anywhere. Had she been able to hide from them? The black figure marched down and walked towards the old man that had now been captured by two troopers. They roughly brought him towards the black figure, forcing him to stand right in front of him when he stopped. Should I do something? Should I intervene? How? I couldn't possibly win against this mass of enemies, it would be suicide to try and help the man, who was after all still a stranger to me.
The troopers that were holding the man let go of him and stepped back, leaving the man facing the black figure alone. ‘Look how old you've become.’  The black figure's voice was deep and metallic, he was probably wearing a helmet that was distorting his voice. ‘Something far worse has happened to you.’ The old man didn't seem scared, his voice was strong and low. ‘You know what I've come for.’ What was this all about? I let my eyes wander over the crowd, the village and the surrounding dunes again. Where was Enoka? ‘I know where you come from. Before you called yourself 'Kylo Ren'.’ Kylo Ren?! My eyes snapped back to the cloaked man. Not only had I seen this man before, he wasn't just any regular captain or anything. Kylo Ren was the commander of the First Order! I remembered him from a speech that he had held a long time ago before we invaded some planet, I couldn't fully remember. Where he came from before he called himself Kylo Ren, what was this guy talking about?
‘The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it.’ Ren started circling the old man and now I recognised his signature silver and black mask, the dark uniform and coat. ‘And now you're going to give it to the First Order.’ The old man still didn't seem intimidated. ‘The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not.’ WHAT? I was even more confused than before, this didn't make sense at all! Ren served Supreme Leader Snoke as we all did. He, General Hux and my old Captain, Captain Phasma were the general leaders of the First Order, and as far as I'd known, Ren had always been on this side. ‘I'll show you the Dark Side.’ Ren circling the old man and now stood right in front of him. ‘You may try. But you cannot deny the truth that is your family.’ Ren hesitated and leaned in a bit closer, still talking loud enough so that everyone could hear him. ‘You're so right.’ From one moment to the other he had drawn and ignited his huge red crossguard-lightsaber, dramatically held it up high above his head and then quickly swung it down to decapitate the man.
I was in shock as I saw the blood of the supposedly innocent man splatter on the yellow sand, but it didn't last long when suddenly another blue laser emerged from the darkness behind Ren and the troopers aimed directly at Ren himself, but he turned around and stopped the beam in mid-air and the Stormtroopers caught the guy that had tried to shoot him. The force. I'd never seen someone use it myself, I'd only heard or read about it. As I gazed in amazement I, all of a sudden, felt someone else walk down the ramp I was hidden under. I instinctively ducked down to hide from whoever was exiting the ship, but I was once again struck with flashbacks as I recognised the shiny silver armour and the long legs. Captain Phasma walked down the ramp and approached Ren. I hadn't seen her in so long, there used to be times in which we knew each other, we fought together and I had almost made it to the same level that she was. Some would've even considered us to be some sort of 'friends' since I'd been one of the few people that had seen her without her mask on. She probably thought of me as a traitor too if she even remembered me nowadays.
I shook my head in embarrassment and turned it to the left, where I saw Oswald sticking his head out from behind a smaller dune that was located just behind the captured villagers. I immediately snuck out behind the troopers' backs and ran towards it. A look over my shoulder showed me, that the young gunman had been brought up to Ren, kicked to his knees and Ren had crouched down and was saying something to him. He was probably going to kill this guy too. I continued running and looked back once more just before I arrived at the dune. The guy had been dragged to his feet again and Ren was towering over him.
‘Sir, the villagers.’ Phasma came up right behind Ren. ’Kill them all.’ I reached the dune and ducked behind it, immediately seeing Oswald, but I couldn't see Enoka or Lily anywhere. ‘On my command: 5...’ ‘Zara, oh my god you're alive!’ Oswald ran towards me to hug me and I turned my head back towards the crowd. ‘Oz, where are your mom and your sister?’  ‘4..3..’ My eyes scanned the crowd again and all of a sudden I recognised Lily's red hair and saw Enoka standing behind her. ‘The-they're there!’ ‘Listen. I'm going to go get them, you run back to my ship, you know how to get it started, I'll be there in no time, we're going to get out of here!’ I didn't wait for his response, my mind blacked out completely and I started running towards the back of the crowd hidden behind the troopers and the people so the attackers couldn't see me. ‘STOP!’ I suddenly heard the loud scream of the young girl in the crowd. I reached the left side of the crowd and saw that Lily had stepped forward and was now standing only metres away from Ren, Phasma and the other man, out in the open. ‘DON'T KILL US, PLEASE!’ she desperately screamed. Phasma stopped counting down and everybody looked at the little girl. ‘PLEASE DON'T!’ I saw Phasma hesitate for a second and then lifting her gun, pointing it at Lily. I was just about 2 metres away from them when I heard her gun fire.
‘NOOOO!’ I screamed as loud as I could, reaching out to Lily as I heard the laser shoot through the air. Then, abruptly, everything froze. The dark red laser stopped in mid-air, and I heard nothing but my own scream. What? Lily struggled when I shoved her behind me and I quickly glanced at the crowd of people behind me that were all staring at me in disbelief before I turned back around. Phasma, Ren and all the Troopers, everyone was staring at me. My tears were blurring my vision and my green hair was falling into my eyes, but as I looked at Ren and Phasma I noticed that my right hand was still up in the air, holding the laser in place. I was doing this. There was no more time to react, I quickly turned my hand and shot the laser straight back in the direction it had come from, turned around and pushed the troopers behind us back to let them soar through the air and land several metres away from us in the sand.
We used the stirred up sand and the confusion to grab Lily and Enoka and quickly maneuver us through the fleeing crowd, running back towards the house and my ship. I had done that. Me. We heard several shots behind us that were meant to hit us, and then a lot more that weren't. The villagers, we could hear their screams of pain. ‘I'm sorry that we couldn't save all of them, guys, there was no way...’ I stated as we reached the house while tears were streaming down my face. ‘I'm so sorry.’ They didn't react, they were probably both in shock, and I simply shoved them behind the house and into Aurora where his Oswald was busy starting the engine. I saw some troopers running up behind us, slammed the door shut behind me and took over the starting process while the reunited family hugged and kissed. Flipping several switches and pressing buttons I managed to finally get the engine to start and was just about to head off when something hit the back of my ship that sent sparks flying through the entire room. ‘They're shooting at us!’ I shouted and shoved Enoka towards the steering wheel. ‘You steer and I'll fix it, I trust you!’ She took over immediately and I ran back to inspect the damage the Troopers had made on the back of my ship. As Aurora rose and sped up forwards I saw the small hole in the back wall of my ship and dropped to my knees to fix it. Looking through, I could see two troopers behind the ship, gun in hand, and then, without warning, one of the troopers shot at us again. Suddenly, it was like everything was happening in slow motion. I pushed the kids out of the way towards their mother and tried to dodge the laser myself but it was too late. The last thing I remember was an excruciating pain in my left shoulder and then everything went black.
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