#or imma whack ya and blöck ya af
messedupessy · 3 years
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AHOY THERE! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ❤
So while on VC the other day, so did @catler00 ask if I could draw Pass in a virgin killer sweater, and how could I not? So here ya go Boss! My Pass boy in the sweater, with a bonus no sweater version as I want to show off his ecto a bit more properly, even tho the underwear I quickly added takes it away a bit pft
Still this was allot of fun to do and he turned out so good! Not sure if I got across fully how chonky and like square I want Pass to be, but it works and it looks good so I’m letting it be haha! Still he turned out really good and I am happy with this yes!
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