#plot and charactertization.
ohcrapmyfishwhy · 7 months
I feel old bc I didn't like the amazing digital circus.
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sleepyowlwrites · 5 months
hello, since you oferred advice to the other anon can I get some words of wisdom too? you don't have to, I understand it can be a lot to ask. or maybe just a ear to listen? idk I'mhaving mixed emotions right now because somet things made me realize that even though I like writing, it's only gonna be ever for myself. which isn't a bad thing but I wanted to one day publish something but I find out now that writing is really hard and I don't have the discipline or even much interest it studying how to do it "right" like all the technicalities and stuff. so really I just like the finished product and how it "looks" in my brain more. I do like trying to figure out how to make a story make sense and all the behind the scenes stuff, but I'm rarely able to get to that stage due to being tired and unable to focus/ discipine myself to work.
I was wondering if there was something I could do about it? I mean I guess I need to accept that now when I write it's just gonna be as a hobby and for myself. though, similar to the other anon, I would like to share my writing, I mean I think we all want to share something we make at some point. but I probably have to give up wanting to make any kind of career or even part time thing from writing. I'm just not built for it I guess.
it's hard to accept. I tried developing templates for myself to follow to make it easier but I failed. I've tried many tips and suggestions and advice to write better but I just can't seem to grasp the craft. even reading doesn't help me.
I've thought about writing poetry instead, like you. but even though I like reading it I don't really like writing it much. I prefer to have characterts and drama, typical story stuff. but I struggle when it comes to putting everything together and actually crafting/building the story rather than just tell it.
sorry this got too long, I'm not really sure what I was trying to say, just need to go on a rant. I'm sorry if this was rude of me. thanks for reading if you do and I always like your responses so that's why I reached out, but let me know if I shouldn't do it like this
Had to wait until I got home from work.
So it looks like you understand your situation pretty well, actually, which is great to see.
Writing doesn't have to be a full time thing for you to go the published route. We have several published authors on here who have other jobs! You don't need to devote your whole career to it. It's fine for it to be a hobby and for it to be a hobby that you'd like to pursue a final result in.
If writing is something you enjoy, keep doing it, and if you'd like to progress, you can do it. (You can probably do it. Not everything is achievable for everyone. I will never be able to do advanced math, no matter how hard I try. My brain can't process it. But from what you're saying, your braincan process writing.)
You already know stuff you like or dislike, right? You know the story, just not how to tell it? Here are a few things that have worked for me and my discombobulated brain.
1. Bullet point lists. Just listing off major plot beats in bullet points. It's not an outline, it's not a plan, it's just a list of stuff that happens.
2. Rubber ducking. I pick somebody from something I've watched recently - for a whole there it was Keanu Reeves - and I explain my story to them multiple times so I understand myself how it works. Or not.
3. Draw a map. Not just a land map, but a map of where the characters go and notes on where they're from and what they're doing in each place.
4. Ask games. I make up so much stuff for ask games and some of it even stays canon!
5. Don't try to fit yourself into one mold of one type of writer. Just write whatever. Write one wip or 17. Write short fiction. Write fanfiction. Write one paragraph stories. Write comics with stick figures or rambling prose that goes nowhere.
5. When you read, rewrite it in your head. Edit those books! Pull out a trope you notice and stick it in a story. (A trope is anything as general as "enemies to lovers" and as specific as "traumatized tall girl with a big sword.")
6. Actually rewrite scenes, from any media you like. Choose a new pov. Focus on a particular sense, like touch, or write it in future tense, or change the setting.
7. Write descriptive prose that's not a story. Write something that's only dialogue. Write journal entries. Switch it up.
And sweetheart, if you are unable to focus or enjoy this hobby that is usually a good time for you, I think think the hobby is the issue. There's something else going on in your brain and taking up the space and you don't have room to create.
For instance, I work retail, full-time, and it’s the holiday season, and I'm fatigued and stressed and not currently writing anything. But I was also not writing when it wasn't the holiday season. And I was too fatigued to create then, too. And it's probably because my depression is acting up.
This might not be the case for you. I can't know. But everybody learns differently, and if you're willing to try new ways of learning, you might find the one that works for you! I hope so. I hope that you sit down with your brain and parse through it, taking the time to figure out the style that suits you best.
But mostly I hope you understand that regardless of how your brain functions or doesn't, that you are amazing and trying, because you like this thing, and you don't want to give up on it. So good job. As long as it is a thing that you like, I hope you keep trying. Somewhere there is a method that speaks to you, some way that helps you find the dawn after the dark. I believe you can find it.
Keep going, love.
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riathedreamer · 3 years
no ur right, 0 killed any character growth tucker had, completely changed the relationship between wash and lina, dont get me started on wash's charactertization... it was so clear that they just chose the most popular characters from the og serries to sell the "its still rvb" thingy. like, i watched it too and it wastn bad! i could even grow to like a lot of the characters BUT its not rvb! if they had made it a different show, or at the least made it like the PSAs, then i wouldnt care. but i just cant stand it when they call it rvb, its not! IT ISNT EVEN MADE IN HALO! i hat the stupid walk aniimations and how they never stand and talk and how tucker lost the most iconic thing of the series to fucking plot armor and how none of the plot makes sense! you have every right to be dissapointed and mad at 0
Sorry for such a slow reply - my half-asleep brain opened the ask at 3am, decided to answer it in the morning, but by then I had forgotten all about it.
Yep! I talk about it more in depth in my review, but Wash, Carolina and Tucker just feels like they've been added in to be "proof" of it being RvB - and it's basically the only connection Zero has to the title. But they are used as props at the cost of the character development. It was... ugly to watch, honestly.
I am absolutely *awe* of how someone made the decision to have the opening lines of Zero be the retconning of Wash's brain injury - the thing that has been a main plot focus of the last two seasons.
The iconic "do you ever wonder why we're here?" is nothing against Zero's:
"Hey, what's he doing here?"
"Who? Zander? Oh, I can't stand him. He's one of those guys that says irregardless. So don't get me started."
"No. Major Washington. I thought he was forced to retire because of his, you know, brain."
"One: rude. And two: I heard they fixed that a long time ago using cutting edge robotics and old kitchen appliances. He's got superpowers now."
Those are the opening lines. They opened this season with retconning. This is the grace and respect they treated the original RvB seasons with. This is how they decided to OPEN THE NEW SEASON. This is the first thing we meet.
This is my main issue. Not just the retconning here, but what it comes with it. People are allowed to like Zero and maybe they like the new characters, I don't know, I don't care, but how can this be defended?
The very first lines illustrate that they did not care about the RvB in its title. They had a story - totally disconnected to the rest of RvB - with new super powered characters and they were gonna tell it, no matter what. It doesn't matter if it fit the world building, the timeline, the writing style, the character development, the animation style of RvB - because that's over, baby, this is all new, and better, and oh why don't you like it, why are you haters?
Sorry, I got mean there. But those opening lines... It makes me mad and it makes me sad, and it makes me throw up my hands in frustration. As someone with a master's in literary and media analysis, as a published author, but most importantly, as a fan of RvB.
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avatarfandompolice · 2 years
It's not just the presence of magic. Avatar also had the White Lotus taking Ba Sing Se back from the Fire Nation during the finale, one of the elder masters being 112. To be honest I just think that's a matter of the writers knowing the original characterts would steal the spotlight if the plot allowed them to do so.
Bumi is also an exception, not the rule. The rest of them are 50-70. Bumi was just mega old for comedic effect and so Aang would know someone.
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thecorteztwins · 6 years
Do you know what I think the most important part of RP is? It's not fancy not graphics, not reply time, not writing style or skill, not even communication---it's understanding that RP is a two way street. It's understanding your muse is NOT the main character. In books and movies, there is a main character. The person everything happens to and centers around, the person that all other characters are ultimately accessories to. That is NOT how it is in RP. In RP, every muse is the main character---which means sharing the spotlight and working with your partner to build stories and plots that involve your characters as equally important parties. If your muse is always the center of the plots you suggest to your partner—the prize the villain is after, the middle of a love triangle, the injured person everyone has to fuss over, the sole chosen one they're all to be impressed by, the only one who can stop the bad guy while everyone else just watches in awe---reconsider the next time you suggest something like that. Ask yourself, what role is the other person expected to take? Am I expecting them to do all the work in what happens, such as winning my character as a prize in a competition or convincing my character they're a good person when they think they're not, etc.? Alternatively, am I not giving them anything to do at all, such as just being the tagalong sidekick whilst my character saves the day? These are opposite extremes---your character having an utterly passive role that others are supposed to react to, vs your character having the only active role there is---but they serve the same purpose, which is making your character the sole center of attention. And that's annoying for other muns, who love their muses just as much as you love yours, and (rightfully) would like for their characters to be something more than props for yours. I think this is the root of all the traits commonly associated with bad/cliche characters---fantastic good looks, color changing eyes, a tragic past, over the top powers and skills. It's not these things in themselves that make a character bad---many beloved canons have these, and are great characters!---it's how the writer handles them and what they use them for. And in RP, many people use them to keep the spotlight on their muse at all times, as if that muse is the main charactert. We've all known that muse who always came into the chat dramatically injured, who finds any excuse to demonstrate their superior skills or drop cryptic hints about their tragic past, or who can't so much as breath without their T&A busting 'accidentally' out of their clothes, whoopsie! It's not bad when that happens on occasion, or if the character is supposed to be an attention seeker doing it on purpose, but when they're not and it's happening ALL THE TIME, it's just transparently the mun wanting everyone to look at their muse at all times. And that's not fun for other muns. This is not to say you can never suggest a plot that focuses on your muse. Your muse deserves their time in the spotlight too! Just that if it's ALWAYS “hey my muse needs to be comforted/got kidnapped/etc.” and those aren't plots your partners are asking you for (in which case, hey, if that's what they like, go nuts!) you should maybe take a step back and consider if that really seems like fun for your followers. Ask them about what THEY would like to be doing, and listen sincerely to their suggestions. As with anything involving two or more people, good RP involves some compromise and meeting folks halfway sometimes to find something you both enjoy.
Also, if you're really truly not happy unless all plots center around your muse...maybe just write fanfic.
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tomahawk-swing · 7 years
((1, 11, and 15 for the Mun questions please?))
Get inside the Mun’s head: Uncertainty Edition 
1. A headcanon you’re not sure of yet. 
[[I always struggle with how much of a carefree, happy child Tomahawkman should be, at least when Dingo isn’t around. It’s one of the few liberties I’ve taken towards his anime charactertization, where he’s seen as more of a bratty, sarcastic kid than a gentle child. I know that I’m doing it wrong when I make him too happy-go-lucky, but it just feels like how he should be around certain people ;w;]]
11. One bad part of writing alone? 
[[The lack of surprises. Even if I usually prefer to plot things beforehand, so I generally know where each thread is heading, there’s always this part of unexpected that comes from writing with someone else, and that’s the perk of RPing. I missed that a lot back when I wrote my 50k novel in November. All the ideas were mine, and it quickly started to feel dull and stupid.
RPing is teamwork, it’s the combination of two persons’ writing skills blended together in one story, whereas writing alone feels a lot more aimless. Each time I wrote one of those countless backstory fics and plot drabbles, I tried to make them sound interested for other people, but I very rarely get the feeling that I’ve succeed. It’s really frustrating orz]]
15. One thing that draws you to a character to want to roleplay with them?
[[The potential there is of conflict between ours muses ! As much as my boys need good friends, I have to admit that I tend to be more interested in characters with strong personalities, that might clash with my muses’. That’s especially true for Dingo - he made most of his friends by challenging them in a fight when they first met :’) 
I’ve said it before, but my favorite type of relationship between characters is a sibling-like bond, and when you’re someone’s sibling, you’re bond to argue with them. That’s a fundamental part of such relationships, and I really love writing interactions where two characters clash, but then learn to understand the other person’s point of view, and in the end, their friendship is only strengthened :’) ]]
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fluffybunnybadass · 6 years
That's what bad about love live! oh god. really. Literally an all-girl-school anime omg i am screaming. For sure, the Love Live All Stars plot settings will be an all-girl school also lmao. But their advantage is their lots of character developments haha plus lots of character songs (what can you expect for nine girls only soloing a 24 episode series) ;)
I don’t mind the “all girls school” part because that’s like, a thing that i guess is a more popular/relatable trope in japan? (Idk it’s something you rarely see in stateside media, afaik), but i mind the part where like…. even the crowds and honoka’s frickin’ DAD was no faced. let dudes and nonbinary friends exist omg.
but it’s all about selling the image of a pure, boyfriendless idol untouched by any man. which results in a lot of talk about idols being gay because there are no genders other than girls being presented. or if you’re like my friends and I, headcanoning them all aroace so sorry but there’s episodes that literally confirm it because they try to write a love song but realize they don’t know anything about romantic love because they haven’t experienced it. 
slightly unrelated but i was playing through the side stories in utapri and noticed that while some of the questions asked like, “what are you like when you’re in love with someone”, the guys [of the cards’ stories that I have] all responded to it in a “what if” situation/scenario. As in, they haven’t been in love yet, so they have to imagine how they might feel/react. which means this probably doesn’t follow anime canon considering anime canon is reverse harem but w/e i need more charactertization bc the game was getting boring without more story. to which i am mostly just like “!!!! aros??? arOOOS?????”  but i know the reality of it is the same for all idols, real or fake— purity clause, forbidden to have any romantic/sexual partners, because they’re selling the image of a datemate that you can obtain :T
how about i just buy an image of a QPP hOW BOUT THAT
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