#plus I'm super stressed cause some of them are coming to a small party at my place (for once that I'm alone without my brother there)
sschmendrick · 18 days
Gotta write a production report for two songs we recorded and I'm gonna have to do at least a third of it for a group of 6 after having done about half of the recording and editing work for one of these two projects...all that cause I still haven't found an internship so I can't just say : do it without me.
It's a little exhausting. I know they will work if I really push them but they'll do it super late and I'll have to revise it when I get back home from the small concert I've allowed myself to go instead of my portuguese lesson (brazilian artist so it's all good my teacher said, I still feel bad) and I'll have to run around tomorrow morning to print it and I'll assume the cost again.
It's...yeah it's exhausting. And my thesis is so far behind, and I still have no internship. I wanna keep strong but man that diploma is slipping away from me. I'm not even sure I have good enough grades at my exams now !
#yeah ok the anxiety is back#I have meds that are over the counter so like not great stuff but I'll just chug that down and hope it does something#plus I'm super stressed cause some of them are coming to a small party at my place (for once that I'm alone without my brother there)#and I was talkign with one of them (the closer one) about maybe coming out to them and he said yeah if you want :)#but now one of them is bringing his girlfriend and I am noooot doing that but also my place is a very intimate space for me#I so rarely invite people over because of that#I should stop drinking coffee it might be helping#my head is killing me#I'm so close to giving up on my studies all together and reimburse my mom#but I don't want to !! the people that inspire me the people i look up to the people i want to be like fought for it and never gave up#I'm not even sure I'm made for these studies. I have no ambition I just want to make people happy with music but the kind I love doesn't#really require me ? cause it's mostly small concerts with acoustics instruments#maybe I should have gone into idk social work but I'm pretty sure I would be way too anxious for it same reason i can't be a therapist#and the situation at home isn't much better rn#I really need to breath rn or I'm gonna be out of commission for so long that it will be even more stressful to do the reports at midnight#I'm gonna chicken out tonight as well and just stand there and listen and not talk to the artist afterwards and try to use the portuguese#I've learned nooo I'm just gonna default to english or french
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daisukissed · 4 years
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❧ pairings: karasunoxreader, nekomaxreader, fukurodanixreader, shiratorizawaxreader, seijohxreader
❧ synopsis: ever wondered what it feels like to be the national volleyball team's manager?
❧ genre: headcanons, fluff, fluff, fluff and??? ? crack??
❧ warnings: cursing, bokuto mentioned your underwear like once
❧ pt.2 here!
Karasuno High
- should really buy earplugs before applying to become their club's manager
- literally bickering EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE
- hinata and kageyama arguing,, , noya and tanaka fanboying,,, daichi scolding all those four,, ,, suga just laughing at the background,,, , it's a never ending list really,,
- daichi probably often asks you for help in calming them down cause they somehow always listen when it comes to you???
- like you would just clap your hand and ask them to tone it down in the calmest way possible and they magically do??
- when you first joined the club, noya, hinata and tanaka were ECSTATIC
- another cute new manager besides kiyoko and yachi????? what a Life™
- your arms would hurt like a bitch after joining the club, they'll often ask you to serve or toss for them. especially kags and hinata so be prepared.
- the third years helped you a lot when you were just starting!! giving advices on what to do, teaching you the rules of volleyball and even helping you clean up sometimes!
- yachi and kiyoko ADORES you, y'all besties and nobody's gonna tell me otherwise
- you werent really close to tsukishima and yamaguchi at first but as time past by, you guys just vibed y'know
- teasing kagehina is now a daily thing amongst you three now
- all in all, Karasuno's volleyball team is a HUGE pain in the ass but you love them nonetheless
Nekoma High
- wholesome as fuck
- yamamoto would stutter his whole sentence whenever you talk to him when you first joined. this goes on for like 2 weeks.
- lev probably stepped on you at some point because "you're too small to be seen"
- n e ways,, , you guys often go home together after practice and share foods from the convenience store
- yaku would most likely steal half of your food though
- but dont worry a good pull on his hair is enough to stop him :)
- gaming talks with kenma!!! and study dates with kuroo!!! you’re a frequent visitor of kenma’s favourite pc cafe and the coffee shop nearby your school now
- they BOAST the fuck out of you the next time they meet Karasuno
- cues yamamoto arguing with noya and tanaka about who's better, you or kiyoko
- being their first manager, they're very protective of you
- you were being hit on by a guy once from another school during the nationals and they just,,, , stood behind your back and glared until he left
- yaku at the back really think he did sum when it was kuroo, lev and yamamoto who intimidated the guy
Aobajohsai High
- literal squad goals
- team pics/selfies everyday and all day
- you guys have a joint tiktok account but it really just consists of you and oikawa doing popular tiktok dances. sometimes matsukawa and hanamaki joins in too
- poor iwa-chan always gets pranked on by the four of you but it's his fault that he always falls for it smh
- anyways, the guys were skeptical of you when you first joined!!!!
- since a lot of girls have joined just for the sake of being near oikawa
- so they were beyond shocked when you only talked to kunimi and paid no attention to the rest of the team for the first few days
- you later explained that it was because you and kunimi were already acquaintances by being in the same year. plus, you were really busy when you first started so you didnt have the time to converse w/ the other members
- that's when they know u the real og
- when seijoh lost to shiratorizawa during the finals, you guys bawled together for like an hour when you got back to the school's gym
- this resulted to a sleepover at your house the next day to de-stress and just get over it tgt <3
Shiratorizawa High
- you see, things started off rough with you and shiratorizawa
- you were as stiff as a statue when you first stepped into the club
- i mean, how could you not when you were surrounded by 6 ft volleyball monsters?
- so when tendou first approached you, his height looming over you,, , you sort of flinched and squealed,,, ,,
- which led to the members keeping their distance away from you cause they thought you were uncomfortable with them or smt
- and you're like wait no i'm not uncomfortable i'm just super nervous since it's the first day and all
- but you didnt say that cause you're a dumb bitch
- instead you tried talking to them again but it always ends up with the other party answering nervously and quickly avoiding you
- cues you being big sad :(
- anyways this went on for like days until you decided to crack a unfunny joke during break time
- "hey guys, how do you make holy water?"
- ......
- "you boil the HELL out of it!!! ha haaa ha haa... Ha..."
- no kidding the room went dead silent and you want to bury yourself down the sea
- until you heard someone snort???? ? and you're looking around and found out that???? it was ushijima????
- now you got the whole club rioting on how you made ushijima laugh
- and you really wonder to yourself how you were once intimidated by these crackheads
- but n e ways that horrible joke rlly helped you out and you guys are as close as peas in a pod now hihi
Fukurodani High
- manager of fukurodani? more like manager of bokuto kotaro
- like the other members, you would throw out any compliments to bring out his full potential for the match
- the different thing about you is that you do this 24/7, even outside the match or practice
- bokuto’s ego now feeds off you
- you’re not even purposely doing it?? it just became a habit during your days as a manager
- v v v v caring towards you
- you forgot your umbrella once so you came to morning practice DRENCHED
- konoha lended you his extra gym shirt while akaashi lended his blazer
- bokuto asked if your underwear was wet and if you wanted to borrow his spandex but we don't talk about that
- have i mentioned that whenever you forget your lunch they would share pieces of theirs??
- and that if you were to get sick one of them would immediately back-carry you to the nurse's office?
- you're basically the team's little sister, sorry i don't make the rules here
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spycethra · 7 years
I wanna prompt but I'm all blank..... um ummm... how about fluff but Jack having an awful day of him being an out of character klutz and its got him all stressed
I’M BACK! And early too but this weekend I gotta super work so… Yeah. But onto this prompt though~!
Sooo, I took some liberties on this one. X3 Forgive me. Plus I placed it in the Wanted AU. 
I hope you like it anyway, @frog-batter! Thank you for your prompt~! I definitely had fun with it!
It was a crisp winter morning at the Lawrence abode, and since it was the weekend, Rhys felt compelled just to start the day out with a book. Especially since it was the closest to normalcy he’d ever get now that he was forever a captive to the Lawrence twins.
Closing his eyes with a slow breath, Rhys tried not to think about it. Instead he tried to focus on the sun’s bolstered rays on the side of his face, the sound of innocent chirping robins near the window, and the way his quilted blanket felt against his bare legs. In a few minutes, he didn’t feel like a prisoner anymore… until a terrible clatter from the kitchen sent his heart racing.  
Whipping his head around in the direction of where the sound had come, Rhys craned his neck to try and peek past the hall inside. He couldn’t see anything beyond the mahogany cabinets and sink of stainless steel which set his stomach into a web of knots.
He really didn’t want to go investigate but the slur of angry curses that suddenly pierced what could have been a peaceful morning quickly incited him to get up anyway.
Rhys tiptoed around the corner, cautious as ever for what he might encounter, before peering around it just as another clamor ensued. This time it was in the form of pots and pans being yanked out of a high shelf, straight to the floor in front of Jack’s socked feet.
“Uh… Good morning, Jack,” Rhys greeted just before Jack could launch out another stream of vulgar language that could make a sailor twinge with shame.
Jack lifted his head from where was leaning rather oddly against the counter. Rhys couldn’t decipher if the man was drunk or-
Rhys felt the wind royally knocked out of him the moment his back collided onto the floorboards. The last thing he expected was for Jack - even in his odd stupor - to charge him like that. And in case that wasn’t enough, the universe applied Jack Lawrence’s full weight on top of him for good measure. His rib cage felt like it was being slowly flattened to its impending demise while Jack seemed too far gone in whatever high he was in to even notice.
“J-Jack… You’re-”
“I’m handsome. Though, awesome works too. Aw, but thanks, pumpkiiiiin,” Jack crooned while pawing at Rhys’ shirt like a cat, “God, I’ve missed you! It’s been like… like… forever!”
It was no use. Rhys tried wriggling but Jack just wasn’t getting the message. Eventually his body seemed to equalize out, but it still didn’t stop him from feeling uncomfortable.
“Where have you been?” he forced out with deep breaths.
Jack lifted his head, resting it on Rhys’ sternum with a wild grin. It was then Rhys noticed his eyes from his being so close. Jack’s pupils were insanely small, and he recognized that constriction from before…
Rhys’ brows knitted together in concern while his lips formed a thin line of disapproval.
“Jack, you pulled a double all nighter again.”
“So many bad guys, so little time.”
Rhys had seen a glimpse of a ridiculously sleep deprived Jack, but Timothy had been around to quickly sedate him into a forced slumber. Rhys flicked his eyes to the stairs in question for the younger twin, causing Jack to chuckle lowly.
“Nope. No TimTams to save you from me todaaaay.”
Rhys turned his focus back to Jack. His fear was gradually rising. Was Jack dangerous like this? Timothy had been so quick to keep him away the last time that Rhys was sure that no good was about to come from today.
But then something stranger happened as Jack suddenly hauled the both of them up, pulling out a chair to tuck Rhys before tearing through the cupboards again with childish abandon. Never had Jack just openly let Rhys out of his sight before with such confidence. Normally there were handcuffs or rope involved… but not this time.
“We’re gonna have a party, Rhys!”
The image of blood being splashed against the white walls quickly invaded Rhys’ mind, making him tense uncomfortably through Jack’s enthusiastic humming. Jack continued to scour through every cupboard and drawer until finally he found what he wanted.
“Ah ha! Here we are!”
Rhys was sure he would brandish fresh knives but instead he pulled out a pair of perfectly domestic mugs. Rhys couldn’t help but tilt his head at his as Jack placed it eagerly in front of him.
“…Um.. What… sort of party are we having?”
Please don’t be a cannibal. Please don’t be a cannibal.
Rhys decided that he’d had enough surprises.
“It’s a secret,” teased the older twin while doing something with the coffee maker that seemed harmless enough.
After moments of enduring Jack’s incessantly nuzzling, nipping, and multitude of huggy embraces, Rhys found himself in the most peculiar position with the psychopath.
Now back on the couch with his book, Rhys was now lying on it with his back pressed into Jack’s chest and the quilted blanket over both of them - which was surprisingly comfortable. He couldn’t help but peek back at Jack as well as their forgotten mugs of partially drunken hot chocolate. (Rhys was more than relieved that it wasn’t blood.)
The man must’ve noticed his shifting as he hugged Rhys closer to him, now resting his head atop Rhys’ shoulder. It was a shame Jack was wearing pants while Rhys remained in just his shorts. The skin contact might’ve sparked something… and he kind of felt a bit of thirst for this more vulnerable, sweet version of Jack.
Rhys bit the side of his tongue to keep his mind from going too far into the gutter, but he certainly made sure to keep a mental note for the future.
“Rhyyys, why’d ya stop readin’?” accused Jack with a whine into Rhys’ neck.
Rhys shivered yet controlled himself, laughing softly at the bitter irony of it all.
“Sorry, Jack, I just thought you fell asleep.”
“Doesn’t matter, kiddo… Keep reading.”
“Aren’t you falling asleep from boredom though?” Rhys teased back but was surprised with a playful bite to his shoulder.
“No. I’m falling asleep because your voice soothes me.”
Jack’s voice hit a lower timbre usually reserved for the his more sensual advances that had Rhys’ breath hitch within his throat.
“Rhys… This voice belongs to me.”
Jack’s fingers leisurely traced along from the bottom of Rhys’ chin, over the bob in his throat, before stopping only to retrace itself back up again. Rhys couldn’t see his face, but could already imagine the dangerous expression Jack was wearing just then.
“Don’t let anyone have it.”
“I-I won’t.”
“Good. Now keep readin’, princess! I ain’t got all friggin day!”
And just like that, Jack was almost back to himself - not that Rhys was about to forget what had transpired…
“All right, Jack… So where was I… Um. Oh, ‘It was as though committing murders had purged him of lesser rudeness.’ Are you sure you want me to read this?”
“Mmhmm. Quit your stallin’, cupcake.”
Rolling his eyes with a bit of disbelief at the utter irony, Rhys carried on reading the beloved Thomas Harris title.
Kudos if you guys know what book Rhys is reading. XD    
I actually just finished it myself so I’m pretty stoked. 
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