#poor Seb's full name takes like half the graphic and just makes me laugh so much
inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
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Character Cards: In Hope of Tomorrow & A Trial of Errors |  Template by @marissources
WIP Whenever Tag | Tagged by @nightbloodbix @corvosattano @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging, @strangefable @strafethesesinners @unholymilf @florbelles @euryalex @g0dspeeed @aceghosts @voidika @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @onehornedbeast @harmonyowl @shellibisshe @madparadoxum @macs-babies @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @dumbassdep and anyone with something to share <3
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
So it’s summer in game and i’m currently dating Sebastian but we only just started ok-- so I imagine we’re in that stage were we’re figuring out where we can make jokes about shit and so on. But like, through the friendship leading up to that point Sebastian is totally aware Farmer Moe has the habit of doing two things: deadpan joking about literally everything, or being so brutally honest about things that you’re not sure they’re joking. It helps that they also deal with anxiety-- if only because they’re prone to sitting in his room, reading his graphic novels to hide from other townspeople asking them for things, and they generally only ask him about things when he gets pissed off about code and explaining it helps solve the thing. 
This is relevant to the current situation in that.. well, it’s the dead of summer. He’s sweating his ears off his head, but dedicated to his aesthetic as he is, he’s not taking off his sweatshirt. Sebastian spends most of his time in the basement or out at night/in the rain so its really only a problem in the heat. Especially given the dark jeans and socks set up he wears around the house.  So, logically, when Farmer Moe comes more or less stomping down the stairs in leather boots up to their knees, dirt all over their shins, forearms, and face, and with nary a bit of sweat in sight-- they should know how to not bake. Farmers should know how to do that, right? “Hey!” “Yo, Sebs! How’s the localized heatwave?” They know he’s melting. They have told him to wear a tanktop. They have told him to pull his hair back. Shorts exist. He doesn’t need to wear socks. He was ignoring the bemused smirk as they tromped over and flopped onto the stool in front of his second computer. He tried mightily to not look too long at their skirt pulling up their thighs. “Able to ring your socks out yet?” “Ha, ha.” He was not going to tell them he flipped his hair and there were drops flung at his monitor in the last half hour. “..not yet.” They looked at his cheeks, at the slight sheen on the keyboard on his lap and back up. “You’ve been drinking water right? Because--” “Yes.” “I don’t see a glass.”  He reached behind him and pulled up a waterbottle, shook it and put it back on the floor. “What, we start dating and you turn into my mom?” “Nope, she just deputized me to bug you about your health. She’s carving my unofficial parent badge as we speak.” They snorted before getting an air of absolute seriousness. “Nah, I just worry about you sweating to death down here, turning into a puddle. Heat stroke is a real problem, whether you’re inside or out. You don’t move around much and you forget about drinkin’ water, babe. I don’t wanna walk into town to see Harvey and see you in a bed getting an IV.” “I wouldn’t let it get that bad--” He rolled his eyes and waved a hand. “Besides, i’d text you and you’d show up with about 30 bottles of water or whatever miracle you work to not melt in this hell.” Moe tapped their fingers on his desk and continued staring at him. “Seb. Babe. Hun. Sebastian.” Oh no. “..what.” “Seb.” They leaned closer. “Name three things you’ve seen me wearing this summer and two things i have not been.” “...what does this have to do with dehydration and staying cool?” “Leading up to it.” He ran through the various outfits, though to be perfectly honest he didn’t really pay that much attention until the last few months. With the exception of them causing a semi-uproar wearing tube and halter tops and an extreme hatred of sleeves, he didn’t know what they meant. He did recall his mother being amused when they got together, citing there bright and cheerful aesthetic and, well, tan. “Bright colors? Tanktops? Shorts?” They pursed their lips. “Seb, when was the last time you saw me wear pants. Pants stop happening when the temperature rises above 50 degrees.” He was processing this, looking down at their legs again. He was appreciating that he had reason to now process but he was pretty sure this was going to lead to a ‘change clothes’ point and he didn’t like it. “You’re going to tell me to change clothes, huh.” “Bro, my guy, hun.” “You never run out of those.” “Never.” They crossed their legs and he refocused. “I’m not saying this to fuck with your aesthetic. It’s you and you vibe with it and it’s very cool. But don’t fuckin’ die for it my guy. I hate being outside midday, so i do everything early and wear light clothes and toss on a flannel while i’m working closer to noon. I work in this get up early and late. I also go through like, a shitton of water. So much water. I’m just saying if it’s drying you out so bad, wear things that don’t.” Sebastian was still processing the fact that their advice was no pants. Not because it was... yeah, but because it was kinda funny.  He chuckled and they proceeded to screw up their face, making him progress to full blown laughing. “I’m serious!” They were poking at his arm trying to get him to focus, it only egged him on. “I know! I hear you! But your advice boils down to water and no pants!” He was just getting worse. They snorted and kept poking him, he retaliated with pokes. “Hey, I can do that too--” “Oh you can poke and be thirsty, but you can’t take your pants off!” This did nothing for the laughing situation, maneuvering closer to poke at Sebastian’s side. “What a guy!” “Oh my Yoba.” He gasped and stood up so he could grab them for tickle retribution. The poke started it, he was within his rights. Also, was laughing too hard to take anything seriously. “You don’t want me to take off my clothes right now-- I smell like one of Sam’s stink bombs.” This was said, of course, maneuvering to get the edge of his sweatshirt over their head.  “That’s why you shower and drink water. And don’t reveal your weak spots.” And he was doomed. They have farm animals and work on said farm-- BO is nothing. The poor man was trying to be cute, covered their head, and was tickled relentlessly.  Ended up on the floor with no air and his sweatshirt stolen. Granted, he was right about the smell. “Ok, you know what, i think i may need that parent badge if it gets you to not wear this inside. Oh yoba.. Do you have moisture in your body?” They poked him with the toe of their boot and he responded with going after the back of their knee. Foolish, exposing weakness.  “I live. I think the liquid is Joja cola and spite aimed at my latest client, but i’m alive. Also the floor is cooler than expected.” He squinted. “Are you wearing shorts and a skirt?” “No peeking for you.” He rolled his eyes and gave them a faux pout. Another snort and the smirk returned. “Skorts exist, like sporks, to reign over other garments in their superiority. Also, the floor is always the best place to be because cold air sinks.” “Coulda lead with that.” “Yeah, but this lead to you taking your sweatshirt off.” “.........damn.”
[casually fanfics out random thoughts
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