#pronoun fuckery is a form of art to me
syntheticpaperd0ll · 1 month
love how you can use he pronouns and not be a guy. love how you can use she pronouns and not be a girl. love how you can use they pronouns and still be binary. love pronouns
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ask-sticks-n-stones · 11 months
Welcome to Sticks n' Stones!
This story is a little bit . . Er.. silly. We've got ships (trust me, not the ones you're expecting), plot, crazy AU bullshit, family problems, social issues, running away, homophobia/transphobia, so so much mental illness, etc etc. Slice of life but a little too life-like. .. er.. art imitates life?
This post will have tags that you can scroll through to find something/know what's coming! (Which will be updated as I find more things I might have to warn for.. which, it'll be updated BEFORE I make the post when that happens, I'm not gonna drop that on you.), and ✨pronouns✨. They're not necessary to use, but like. Just so you know. In universe understanding and all that. And also ships. I'm laying this shit out like AO3 tags lmao
-Red; she/he
-Orange; he/it/they
-Yellow; any/all
-Green; he/him
-Blue; they/them
-Purple; they/them
-Chosen; he/it/they typically, uses any
-Dark; he/it
#first STATAU post! - the start of this au!
#ask STASAU - the general tag on every post in the au.
#stick shipping - gay people moments. Like shippy asks and actions.
#wuh oh - angst tag. Lmao . For when you want a kick in the gut at three am. (Crying, self dep, etc.)
#wuh oh extreme - the darker shit . like the homophobia . the ableism . The mental fuckery. Yay. /Sarc (internalized forms and not, SH/ or a mention of it, etc.)
#ask svau - the old blog posts! These ones are not really tagged the same way this will be; basically it's if Vic had never died (ironic now) and was just trapped in Alan's folder. Also has shipping and old art. And also attempts at angst. I... I don't know what to tell you to expect really. Just don't put the bar too high.
#mod cherry, #not an ask - messages from Me personally. Like this one !!
Whoops yeah there's gonna be shipping.
-Polysticks (RGBYO)
-Purvic (purple x vic)
This is all for now! This message may get updated, but for now.. Enjoy the au 👍
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sunnibits · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 13,077 times in 2022
That's 953 more posts than 2021!
2,318 posts created (18%)
10,759 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 12,542 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#ofmd - 2,671 posts
#art - 2,392 posts
#izzy hands - 1,529 posts
#marvel - 997 posts
#ed teach - 852 posts
#otto octavius - 676 posts
#dw - 616 posts
#doctor who - 613 posts
#stede bonnet - 580 posts
#norman osborn - 403 posts
Longest Tag: 143 characters
#it’s literally the gifset form of that post that’s like ‘omg did you see the part where my blorbo sat down and ate food and breathed?!!? 😍😍😍
My Top Posts in 2022:
I still can’t believe Izzy was really out there with two hot as FUCK big strong daddies literally following at his heels and flanking him like guard dogs but instead he decided to spend all his time pining after Ed like ohhh booo hooooo when will I get fucked by a big strong grizzled pirate daddy 😭 bestie look behind you for like two seconds
5,184 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
There’s something so utterly delightful about coming back to my dads house one week after coming out to him about the name and pronouns thing and whatnot and finding that all of my accounts on every video game console and streaming service he owns have my new name already…
5,260 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Tumblr media
this scene is so fucking funny to me bc look at him. what he so small for.
7,315 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
You know, I think there’s been a growing awareness and acceptance lately of lesbians/wlw with very complicated relationships with gender and unconventional gender identities, and that’s super awesome!! But I also feel like there should be an equal amount of positive energy and attention for gay men/mlm/nblm who also have complicated relationships with gender. So!! Here’s to all gay men/people who use she/her pronouns, who use they/them pronouns, who use neopronouns, who are very feminine, who may want to physically transition to be more feminine, whose identity as gay/mlm is intrinsically tied to their gender, whose gender identity may seem to contradict their sexual identity; to all the drag queens, femmes, and nonbinary men-loving people - your gender-fuckery is just as valid as anyone else’s gender fuckery, you are allowed to label your sexuality however you damn well please, pronouns do not equal gender, and you are valid, incredible and recognized!
8,059 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
god I’m not gonna lie I’m not even trying to be normal about that old man anymore
12,731 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emjee · 4 years
The Glorious Queer Potential of Viola and Orsino in Twelfth Night
for Shakespeare Appreciation Week - Day Three - Lovers Day
This is a long-promised essay/ramble and I’m chucking it under Lover’s Day because it mostly concerns Viola and Orsino. I suppose an alternate title for it could be Orsino: He’s as Queer as the Rest of Them.
Before we begin, brief caveat: queerness exists in many forms and means many things to many people. This is my reading as one (1) singular queer person. Also, as you will have noticed if you read this far, I’m using the word queer. Not only is it an academically accepted term and one of my personal identifiers, it is in many cases the best descriptor for people and relationships in a play written in a time where gender and sexuality were constructed differently than they are today. Am I going to use the word “bisexual” when I talk about Orsino? Probably. But overall, the play’s just queer, in terms of gender, sexual attraction, and social relationships.
Let’s start with Viola (another heads up, I’m going to refer to her mostly as Viola because that’s how she seems to think about herself, and I’m going to use she/her pronouns). I believe @shredsandpatches recently made an argument that Viola can be read as a trans woman, which is an argument I love—she’s clearly uncomfortable with her masculine disguise (“Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, / Wherein the pregnant enemy does much. / How easy is it for the proper-false / In women's waxen hearts to set their forms!”) but she also passes as a man marvelously well. Like, people make a few comments about her higher voice, but nobody actually seems to suspect that she’s a woman until she’s finally in the same place as Sebastian and everyone goes “twins?!” Viola being a trans woman would also make the whole “she and Sebastian are literally identical” thing much more plausible, although one should never let “biological technicalities” get in the way of a good twin plot. I think there are also arguments to be made for playing Viola as a gender nonconforming cis woman who thinks, “It’ll be safer if I just pass as a man”, or with some other relationship to genderqueerness. (And by the way, when I say “arguments to be made”, sometimes that can mean the argument is “I, a queer person, feel like playing Viola this way.” Sometimes you just gotta do it for the queer joy, you know?)
So, Orsino. The two most memorable Orsinos I’ve seen have been Nicholas Bishop in the 2017 RSC production and Oliver Chris in the 2017 National Theatre production (truly we were blessed with Twelfth Nights in 2017). The RSC production chose to look at Orsino and immediately go, “This is not a Straight Man” which was valid of them—from the get-go, you understand why Orsino might go for a person who’s got some excellent gender-fuckery going on. In the NT production, Orsino is much more of a jock and, to my interpretation, definitely Thinks He’s Straight, which is fun because you get to see his heterosexuality crumble before his very eyes. (The moment where Viola reveals herself as a woman and Orsino lets out a long “oh thank God” breath can read a little too close to “no homo” for my liking, but Oliver Chris is good at making even asshole characters weirdly endearing, so I will let it pass.)
With both of these productions, you also have to consider the era they’re set in: the RSC is in the Victorian era, the NT in the 1970s (I think. I’m pretty sure it’s the 70s. Could be the 60s?) In the RSC, one could infer that Orsino’s commitment to getting Olivia to love him stems from the homophobia of the society he’s living in. Would he love to be able to just get with men? Sure. But the odds of him getting away with that for his entire life are low. The show’s design really makes this production Shakespeare-by-way-of-Wilde: the sets, the costumes (especially Antonio, who’s literally wearing a green carnation in his lapel). By evoking Wilde and his persecution, the production reminds the viewer that plenty of the people in this play—Antonio, Olivia, Viola, Orsino—can’t show the outside world their true queer selves, however much they might want to be.
Now, the NT production’s version of Orsino reads to me very much like someone going through a bisexual awakening. Source: I have undergone a bisexual awakening and I took one look at Orsino in this production and went *John Mulaney voice* “Oh, okay.” To me, Oliver Chris’s Orsino is going through the motions of compulsive heterosexuality. By all accounts, he should be in love with Olivia. It makes sense to him. He knows all the motions to go through. He’s talked himself into loving her because that’s what you do when you feel you need to be visibly in love with a woman and she’s the most suitable person around.
But once Orsino meets Viola, he seems to immediately adore her, in his own bro way, for herself. This isn’t what he’s used to attraction being like, he doesn’t immediately recognize it because Cesario is a guy, sometimes guys are just friends with other guys and do a lot of homoerotic boxing practice (still not over it) and it’s just dudes being bros and chilling on a table at your fortieth birthday part five feet apart because you’re not gay (spoiler: you’re actually really gay, and by gay I mean pick your favorite flavor of polysexual queerness).
Orsino continues to refer to Viola as Cesario up until the end of the play, mostly because Viola is still wearing men’s clothes. In early modern England, clothes were a huge part of gender expression. Cross-dressing was against the law (I’m 99% sure, someone please correct me on this if I’m wrong; it’s been several years since I discussed queer early modern stuff in a formal setting). Orsino referring to Viola as Cesario even when he knows she’s a woman is one of those things that has a reasonable historic explanation, but can also be read nowadays as: he likes it. Orsino’s into genderqueerness, and good on him. Genderqueerness is attractive as hell.
I know we sometimes lament the end of Twelfth Night along the lines of “But Will! Tell us what the original super-gay ending was!!” I totally understand why people want to see Olivia and Viola wind up together (Olivia—another raging queer who I didn’t even get to in this ramble—does seem to be truly in love with Viola and it’s hard to leave her disappointed at the end of the play), and I think we’re all heartbroken for Antonio (he just loves Sebastian so MUCH). However, I want to point out that men and women can still have queer romantic relationships with each other.  A love story between Viola as a straight trans woman and Orsino as a bisexual cis man is still a queer love story.
Happy Lovers Day, my loves! Have a fabulously queer day.
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inkbrusher · 6 years
30 Questions!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
tagged by @bebbies
tagging: @zlnkling @grumtaire @funkadacious if yall are so inclined
# following: 250
# of followers: 505... more than my oc blog but far less than my main hah
average hours of sleep: anywhere between 6 and 8 hours
lucky number: 4! i was born on the 14th of the 4th month 4 years before the new millenium :^)
instruments: i used to play clarinet. my shitty school had it so i had to give it up to pursue art. i do miss playing music...
what are you wearing: an old high school class shirt and pj pants
dream job: i would love to be a storyboard artist. or if we’re talking big dreams a director. in my dreams i dont have the extreme social anxiety that prevents me from directing effectively haha
dream trip: hong kong or australia!
birthday: april 14th
height: 5′6″
gender/pronouns: she/her
other blogs: ofc this is my reblog blog; @katribou is my main/fanart blog, @kathleeson is my original art/character blog.
nicknames: kat! some ppl still call me kitkat back from the skype days when my display name was kitkatsatbatmatribou or somethin
star sign: aries
time: 1:47 am
favorite bands: muse, gorillaz, foster the people, animal collective
favorite artist: artist in general??? film is art right, ill say chris nolan counts for this haha. i feel dumb but i love everything he makes and he seems like such a genuine guy that just really loves the form he works in. i admire him very much for it
favorite tumblr artist: oxboxer, jeluto, woonyoung
song stuck in your head: i think its called cyberspace curse? it popped up on my spotify discover weekly and i can’t get the cheesy ‘hmm... i think im gonna go OnLine today !’ out of my head (also sidenote my spotify discover weeklys have been all over the place i dont know what spotify thinks i listen to...)
last movie you watched: rewatched psycho? for a class assignment. still holds up remarkably well imo
last show you watched: in the middle of westworld rn!! wanted to see what jonah nolan’s stuff is like haha! (i think mind fuckery runs in the family...)
why did you make your blog: this blog was made bc i kind of felt guilty reblogging to my main in its early days when i felt like people were following for art! my main was made when a few ppl on deviantart told me to make one back in like 2011
what do you post: bad joak pretty art
last thing you googled: caravaggio... a pal said they liked his art so i wanted to see what was what fkljgf
ao3: i’m not really a fic reader tbh. like i dont go out looking for fics. the few ive read were recs that ppl showed me just so they could talk abt em
do you ever get asks: yeah! i always like asks bc i get to overshare or doodle a response lkfjgf
how did you get the idea for your url: i main the inkbrush in splatoon. i consider myself pretty good at it so i like feeling important with this pretty definitive url
favorite food: i fukin love ice cream
last book you read: im in the middle of the goldfinch rn (i was told it was Gay but literally the chapter i read this morn was so hetty... bye) lfkjdf but the last book i finished was stephen hawking’s a briefer history of time. i know. fuckin nerdy. over break i was thinking abt how i miss learning things for fun so ive been hitting up the nonfiction side of the library
top 3 fictional universes: splatoon... botw... i can’t think of a last fuq
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