aspenhearrt · 9 months
the vision pt. 2
Sleep takes her and she is familiar with the way that it feels like her nest melts away and she wakes again somewhere unfamiliar-- but it isn't unfamiliar at all, it just isn't where she fell asleep.
She is standing at the place where the mangroves start, looking out into their massive roots, surrounded by weeds and vines that are normally gone from this part of the territory. She cannot hear the ocean, which confirms her suspicion.
"I thought you'd stopped speaking to me!" she calls, brimming with arrogance.
"This isn't a conversation," a cold voice says, and she turns to see a silver-gray point cat with mis-matched eyes and stars in their pelt perched low in the branches. They look down at her like she is lower than crowfood-- and as well as she plays at being unbothered, it is still unsettling to see such contempt coming from a healer of StarClan. "It's a warning."
They leapt down from their perch and began to pace around her, tense with their loathing but managing to not flick their tail. "You've tried to reject our chosen successor."
Anger rose sudden and hot like venom in her throat. "You can't just force me to take an apprentice!"
Ashroot's form warped, suddenly large and nearly monstrous, like the ash tree they were named for. "You serve StarClan," they warned, voice booming like thunder. "We do not serve you."
Larkspurleaf didn't shrink back, but it was a near thing. Ashroot narrowed their eyes and their shape flickered back to how it had been. "You have tried to reject our chosen successor, so I am doing you the favor of warning you. Crowkit will become ShadowClan's herbalist. You will train him, and you will do well. If you fail, or if you refuse..."
They leaned in, putting their muzzle close to her ear. "I will be paying a visit to Yarrowstar."
A shiver ran through her and when Ashroot's pelt brushed against hers, she felt the whole-body ache that they'd lived with in their last moons. She turned her head to watch them go and instead of seeing their starry pelt, she saw a crow.
Rage pulsed through her and she leapt after it, but it took to the air and started a lazy flight across the territory. Sure-footed and confident, Larkspurleaf gave chase, taking long strides to track it. It was leading her back to ShadowClan's camp, and she swore she could hear it laughing at her.
Her pursuit led her paws across the threshold of the camp, and she found it empty and just this side of unfamiliar-- it looked like it had moons and moons ago, when she'd been young. The crow turned and perched atop the healer's den, and for a moment she hesitated...
Then, she looked at the High Tree. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to stand atop it-- she never had, even as a kit, and in a dream like this one, there'd be no consequences. Suddenly indulgent, Larkspurleaf bounded the last few strides across camp and climbed it smoothly, turning to look out over the camp.
Her heart dropped into her stomach when she saw Crowkit standing there, looking at her curiously. Then, the crow atop the healer's den called, and she saw Quailstem standing outside it, younger than he'd been when last she'd seen him.
He looked at Crowkit and he said, like he had said to her moons ago, "I believe that StarClan has chosen you."
Dread soaked through her pelt like frigid water, and she woke alone in her nest with ash leaves in her claws.
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aspenhearrt · 9 months
the vision pt. 1
Sleep takes him and his eyes open to the marsh beyond the safety of the camp's walls. Unease rises in his chest-- Yarrowstar has told him that if he makes any more mischief his apprentice ceremony will be delayed, and sneaking out of camp certainly counts. He doesn't want to be stuck in the nursery with Cricketkit any longer than he absolutely has to be.
A shadow passes overhead and his pulse jumps like a frightened rabbit-- a seagull wouldn't blink before carrying off a kitten, and he's all alone out here. He flattens himself to the ground and tries to search the skies for the shadow, but a larger one comes from his side. The dark silhouette of a cat passes by him, smelling strongly of ShadowClan. He jumps to his paws and trots after them, struggling to keep up.
"Hey!" he calls, having to take three steps for one to keep up with the warrior's long, deliberate strides. "Wait for me! I didn't sneak off, I promise-- I don't remember how I got here!"
The warrior ignores him, but he struggles to keep up regardless. A seagull might think twice about messing with an adult cat, especially one that can defend itself-- but then he realizes that the warrior is following that shadow overhead. It's ahead of them now, and they trail after it together until he is led stumbling into ShadowClan's camp.
The shadow bird stops and perches on top of the healer's den. The warrior looks at it briefly and then bounds across the empty camp to the High Tree, digging claws into the trunk and scaling gracefully up to its branches. The warrior turns to look out over the camp, crouching predatorily on top of the tree, standing where the leader might-- and the bird calls out.
He turns his head to the unmistakeable sound of a crow. The strange shadow is too odd to make it out, but his eye is not drawn to the bird-- it is drawn to an old brown tabby cat with mis-matched eyes and stars in his pelt who stands in the entrance to the healer's den.
He doesn't know this cat, but he smells like a healer-- catmint and funeral herbs. He looks down at the kit and says, "I believe that StarClan has chosen you."
He wakes up suddenly. He breathes hard in the stillness of the nursery, earning a grumble from his still-sleeping brother, whose head rests on his flank. Crowkit's ears pin back, and he realizes that he is not sure of anything anymore.
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aspenhearrt · 10 months
Is it Ashroot time? I think it's Ashroot time.
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Ashroot is a healer of ShadowClan's past. They were always quite cold (low empathy) but their clanmates never doubted their sympathy. Ashroot was fiercely protective of their clan and took their responsibilities as a healer gravely seriously. If any of you have ever played Warriors: Road to Immortality and remember Blackheart's speech about being a healer, that's Ashroot's vibe. They had extremely high standards... but when they were about 30-35 moons old, StarClan told them that they were sick with something that couldn't be cured. A poison was growing inside them and they needed to select an apprentice sooner rather than later. Soon, three litters were born in three moons, which I've already mentioned in [this] post. Ashroot had a few finalists, but when the kits's adult eye colors came in, one of those finalists had odd-colored eyes, just like Ashroot. They took this as an omen and selected Quailkit to be their apprentice.
Ashroot was a tough mentor. They pushed Quailpaw hard to see if he might break, but they were proud to find that he didn't. Ashroot was proud to call him Quailstem and welcome him into ShadowClan as a full healer, but the trouble wasn't over. Dandelioncall had begun whispering in other cats' ears, and ShadowClan was beginning to quietly doubt Ashroot's choice. Around 15-20 moons later, it came to a head. Dandelioncall's heresy became to loud to ignore and she was exiled only to rename herself Sunfall and take her cult with her.
It was difficult for Ashroot to contain their temper in those days. Their illness had begun to progress enough that they were feeling it, and "righteous anger" plus "terminal disease" doesn't make for a very happy healer. Ultimately though, it was only about five moons later when ShadowClan had a final battle and Sunfall's cult was snuffed out. Ashroot waited a few more moons to make sure things would stay calm and stable, and then died quietly on their own terms, confident that Quailstem could handle any challenges that arose going forward.
Except, when Quailstem chose his apprentice, Ashroot did not approve. They saw the manipulations of Larkspurpaw, but they hoped that they could trust Quailstem to fix it. She was still young when he died (and not interested in changing anyway), and Ashroot saw the writing on the wall-- and the prophecy that came with it. A cleansing fire would sweep through ShadowClan, and Ashroot was the one who delivered it. Moons passed and Larkspurleaf's machinations continued. It became increasingly clear that there was nothing any mortal cat could do to stop her. She had begun to ignore StarClan and make her own omens, and Ashroot told her that she was poisoning her clan. Larkspurleaf continued nonetheless.
Quailstem had made this mistake, and so Quailstem had to fix it. Ashroot isn't all that confident in his choice, but they do genuinely hope that the apprentice Quailstem chose will be able to overcome Larkspurleaf's manipulative nature...
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aspenhearrt · 10 months
Clan History - ShadowClan (Rough)
I'm working on family trees and creating some interesting lore!
Many moons ago, Ashroot, the healer of ShadowClan, received word from StarClan that they should choose an apprentice soon. Three litters were born very soon thereafter and grew up in the nursery together, which are the cats I'm currently going to be speaking about!
The kits who were considered for the position of Ashroot's apprentice were:
Dandelionkit and Rosekit, both she-cats, from the oldest litter. Dandelionkit was too brash and rude, Rosekit was far too timid.
Eelkit, Pheasantkit, Quailkit, Starlingkit, and Frogkit from the second litter. Eelkit was more interested in playing with the herbs than learning how to use them, Pheasantkit just seemed to like the thought of the attention, Quailkit wore his heart on his sleeve, Starlingkit was well-rounded but not exceptional, and Frogkit was intelligent but overly concerned with being "right." (Quailkit, Starlingkit, and Frogkit were finalists, so to speak.)
Acornkit, Kestrelkit, Pebblekit, Ratkit, Squirrelkit, and Rainkit from the third litter. Acornkit and Kestrelkit were warlike (as described by Ashroot) and constantly fighting with each other, desperate to be "in charge." Pebblekit was too mischievous, Ratkit didn't think the rules applied to her, Squirrelkit wanted to be a nursery queen (despite being a tom), and Rainkit was polite and ready to learn but very easily distracted (Rainkit was a finalist).
Quailkit was ultimately chosen, which will be elaborated on in Ashroot and Quailstem's bios. All of the kits grew up together almost as one massive litter, and groups emerged among them.
Dandelioncall had always been a bold and brash cat. As a kit she was bossy and always quick to hold the fact that she was the oldest over everyone else; as she got older, she became increasingly concerned with power and the way things "should" be. As an adult, she began to claim that she should have been chosen as Ashroot's apprentice and that she was receiving visions from StarClan. While Ashroot and their apprentice Quailstem had most of the clan's support, Dandelioncall's heresy was convincing and she easily began to whip her clanmates up into a frenzy. She was exiled for causing a disruption, but named herself Sunfall on the spot and prophesied in the camp that the sun was going to fall from the sky (hence the name). She declared that only those who were loyal to her and her doctrine would be saved from the wrath of StarClan, and a sizeable chunk of ShadowClan went with her, including her much more timid sister, Rosefur. Pheasantfang (attention-seeking) and Ratnose (rebel) also went, but the rest of the mega-litter remained loyal.
Acornfeather and Kestrelcry were instrumental to the conquering of the cult, turned tragically against their siblings as they were. Acornfeather and his sister had remained in competition, but had become more affectionate about it. Acornfeather was the more responsible and reasonable of the two, whereas Kestrelcry was the more dangerous. Acornfeather was able to convince many of Sunfall's cult, including Rosefur, that she was misleading them-- and Kestrelcry's claws kept anyone who'd try to stop him at bay. Ultimately, Sunfall's plans crumbled when Ratnose betrayed her, smugly declaring that she'd always been playing the double agent. She exposed Sunfall's plan to invade ShadowClan's camp and kill the leader, and ShadowClan was prepared for the final battle on the day of Sunfall's so-called apocalypse.
Sunfall and Pheasantfang were both killed in the fighting; as were Pebblestorm, Frogwhisker, and Rainspider. It was a bloody battle and even the Clan's deputy was killed. Throughout the assault, Squirrelfern steadfastly defended the nursery and the elders, fighting with the ferocity of a tiger to protect them. He was renamed Squirrelswan in the aftermath in honor of his refusal to back down-- any cat would've defended the nursery, but perhaps no cat would have done it quite so fiercely.
While many cats from Sunfall's cult were welcomed back into the clan (including Rosefur), Ratnose was ultimately exiled-- she had proven that she was untrustworthy no matter whose side she claimed to be on, and she bitterly left ShadowClan's territory, stuck with the name "Rat." To this day, calling someone a "rat" means that they are untrustworthy or a snitch, just like in the real world!
Acornfeather was named ShadowClan's deputy in the aftermath, and made a damn good one at that. ShadowClan had seemingly moved into a time of stability. When the leader died and Acornfeather became Acornstar, Kestrelcry was appointed deputy, as had perhaps always been destined. Some moons later, Kestrelcry secretly murdered her brother in order to become leader herself, unwilling to wait. She would choose Yarrowheart as her deputy and carried ShadowClan into a warlike direction, which cut her reign as leader quite short indeed. Yarrowheart took power as Yarrowstar, where she has remained ever since.
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