aspenhearrt · 10 months
Is it Ashroot time? I think it's Ashroot time.
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Ashroot is a healer of ShadowClan's past. They were always quite cold (low empathy) but their clanmates never doubted their sympathy. Ashroot was fiercely protective of their clan and took their responsibilities as a healer gravely seriously. If any of you have ever played Warriors: Road to Immortality and remember Blackheart's speech about being a healer, that's Ashroot's vibe. They had extremely high standards... but when they were about 30-35 moons old, StarClan told them that they were sick with something that couldn't be cured. A poison was growing inside them and they needed to select an apprentice sooner rather than later. Soon, three litters were born in three moons, which I've already mentioned in [this] post. Ashroot had a few finalists, but when the kits's adult eye colors came in, one of those finalists had odd-colored eyes, just like Ashroot. They took this as an omen and selected Quailkit to be their apprentice.
Ashroot was a tough mentor. They pushed Quailpaw hard to see if he might break, but they were proud to find that he didn't. Ashroot was proud to call him Quailstem and welcome him into ShadowClan as a full healer, but the trouble wasn't over. Dandelioncall had begun whispering in other cats' ears, and ShadowClan was beginning to quietly doubt Ashroot's choice. Around 15-20 moons later, it came to a head. Dandelioncall's heresy became to loud to ignore and she was exiled only to rename herself Sunfall and take her cult with her.
It was difficult for Ashroot to contain their temper in those days. Their illness had begun to progress enough that they were feeling it, and "righteous anger" plus "terminal disease" doesn't make for a very happy healer. Ultimately though, it was only about five moons later when ShadowClan had a final battle and Sunfall's cult was snuffed out. Ashroot waited a few more moons to make sure things would stay calm and stable, and then died quietly on their own terms, confident that Quailstem could handle any challenges that arose going forward.
Except, when Quailstem chose his apprentice, Ashroot did not approve. They saw the manipulations of Larkspurpaw, but they hoped that they could trust Quailstem to fix it. She was still young when he died (and not interested in changing anyway), and Ashroot saw the writing on the wall-- and the prophecy that came with it. A cleansing fire would sweep through ShadowClan, and Ashroot was the one who delivered it. Moons passed and Larkspurleaf's machinations continued. It became increasingly clear that there was nothing any mortal cat could do to stop her. She had begun to ignore StarClan and make her own omens, and Ashroot told her that she was poisoning her clan. Larkspurleaf continued nonetheless.
Quailstem had made this mistake, and so Quailstem had to fix it. Ashroot isn't all that confident in his choice, but they do genuinely hope that the apprentice Quailstem chose will be able to overcome Larkspurleaf's manipulative nature...
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frek · 9 months
Tell me more about your DND bard Elly
Omg okay.
Elly’s full name is Elly Emerelle Ellybean Wondernoodle Lilith Ashroot Earl Oakpal Corvidae. She’s a forest gnome with blond hair and golden brown skin who had a bard friend/mentor that visited her home as a child and inspired her to become a traveling bard when she grew up.
She left home after coming of age to travel around the land and learn new stories and share them with everyone who wanted to listen. She’s super bubbly and upbeat and inquisitive. She makes fast friends and even when she gets into trouble bc she has no real filter, people are quick to forgive her.
She met her friends one day while out traveling and they went on a quest together and found that they made a good team. Her closest friend in the group is a female tiefling named Ankaria, whom Elly dubbed Anki (Anki didn’t like the name at first but it grew on her and now she often introduces herself as Anki). She looks up to Anki (not just literally) and admires her deeply and wants nothing more than to spend her life with her.
Elly has another friend, Tordek, who began his life as a mountain dwarf, but through some strange spells and divine intervention is now a more dwarf shaped Tabaxi. He’s a cleric of Bahamut. His deep belief inspired Elly and she became a college of creation bard, in service of Bahamut.
The group came to a coastal town and helped them so much that they became a part of this community. So they became an official house there, House Corvidae. They got a home, which Anki is in charge of, and Elly and Tordek helped to found the first Temple of Bahamut in town.
There’s a lot more I know I’m missing. It’s been a few years since we’ve played this set of characters. But Elly is so important to me. I love her.
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This is a little figure image I made for when we played on roll 20.
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azrielsbxtch · 2 years
Gwyn woke up to her new roommate Blair blasting some pop rock song and singing along to it. She groaned and pushed her hair away from her face rubbing her eyes. It had been like this for two weeks and she didn’t know how long she could take it.
Ever since her other roommate Daffodil had his heart broken by a spirited water Nymph,he’d started sleeping around. The girls never lasted more than two days but somehow Blair had lasted three whole weeks. Gwyn didn’t know if it was the ashroots they always smoked or if the sex was just that good,but Blair had managed to stick around.
And to make matters worse,Daffodil had officially made Blair their roommate and she had taken over the last room in the loft. This had all happened without Gwyn’s approval and when she confronted him,he said it was too late anyway and the landlord didn’t mind. Of course the landlord didn’t mind,he was Daffodil’s second cousin or something. And so for the last three weeks,Gwyn’s apartment had turned into her own personal hell.
Groaning,she got out of bed and headed into her bathroom. She took a quick shower and dressed in some jeans and a baggy Tshirt. It was too late to do anything with her hair so she left the red locks hanging down. She was looking for her keys when her phone rang and her best friend’s face appeared on it.
“Hey Nes” she answered while packing up the last of the things she needed for today into a tote bag.
“Okay I changed my mind again. I think I want the party at Rita’s”
Gwyn groaned and said “Nesta you’ve changed the location five times already. The party’s tonight I don’t think you can just change the location”
“Sure I can. I’ll just tell the decorators to go there instead”
Gwyn walked out of her apartment narrowly dodging Blair who was dancing round the living room clearly high. It was seven in the morning for fucks sake.
“I know you can but too many things could go wrong. I don’t know why you’re overthinking this. It’s a birthday party not a fricking mating ceremony”
“You’re pissed at something and it’s not me Gwyneth. What is it?”
Gwyn sighed and waved hello to one of her neighbors before leaving the building.
“Blair and Daffodil”
“Of course”. Nesta muttered.
“She woke me up with her awful music and last night she actually came into my room and unplugged my phone to charge hers! It ended up dying because it’s a piece of crap and now I’m late because my alarm didn’t go off”
“I keep telling you. Just move in with me.”
“I’d love to but I cannot be a third wheel. You and Cassian are deliriously in love,it’s disgustingly beautiful and I love you,but no. And unless I plan on moving to Illyria,Emerie’s not an option either. Have you told her about you changing the venue by the way?”
“No she’ll yell at me. She thinks I’m too indecisive. You’re way more patient about all of this”
“I regret that everyday”
“Are you at work yet?”
“Nope. Merill is going to skin me alive”
“I could call Feyre -“
“No Nes,it’s fine”
Nesta sighed. “Okay. I’ll call you later with updates”
“Are you 100% sure you’re moving the party to Rita’s.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later”
“Love you. Bye”
Gwyn dropped her phone in her bag and walked faster.
Eleven hours later,an exhausted but thankful Gwyn trudged up the stairs to her loft. She left early today because Merrill traveled to the Winter Court museum for a transaction on a rare artifact. She’d be gone for only a day but it counted as a vacation in Gwyn’s book. Her luck seemed to continue as she found an empty apartment. It was trashed and from the faint odor coming from the kitchen,she was sure they’d left a mess but still….it was empty.
She had to get ready for Nesta’s party so she headed straight to her room. She took another shower and even had time to style her hair into a sleek chignon. She wore a strappy silver gown that hugged her lean frame. She added a pair of heels and some jewelry before locking up her room and flagging a cab to Rita’s.
When she arrived,she was let in immediately and gasped when she saw the transformed club. Somehow Nesta had managed to turn the sexy nightclub into an elegant yet fun environment.
She looked around and spotted her friends standing around. Her friends who also happened to be the most powerful people in the Night Court. The High Lord and Lady,Rhys and Feyre stood with Nesta and Cassian. Cassian was his army general and he was mated to Nesta who was Feyre’s sister. The third sister was away traveling the continent with her mate.
Next to Nesta and Cassian stood Amren and Morrigan,all members of Rhysand’s inner circle. Only one of them was missing and being the workaholic he was,she was sure she wouldn’t see him anytime soon.
Nesta spotted Gwyn and rushed over to hug her.
“You look so beautiful!” Gwyn gushed.
“Cassian picked out my dress.”
Gwyn smiled. “Where’s Emerie?”
“She went to the bathroom after scolding me for changing the venue again. Come on let’s go get you a drink”
“I certainly need it after the day I’ve had” Gwyn muttered.
They walked over to the bar and Nesta signaled the bartender who swiftly prepared two drinks and handed them over. Gwyn and Nesta walked back to join the others. Emerie came over to hug Gwyn and they all launched into conversation. More people started to arrive and Nesta got distracted by all the well wishers. Some people took to the dance floor and soon enough it became a full blown party.
Some hours later,Gwyn was swaying slowly to the music and sipping on a cocktail. All the others were occupied in conversations or were taking a spin on the dance floor. Gwyn had rejected about 14 dance requests already and was currently hiding behind a pillar.
“Nice hiding spot” a quiet voice said into her ear.
Gwyn started smiling even before she turned to see Azriel standing behind her in an all black tailored suit,shadows swirling around him.She could bet her entire jewelry collection that he was coming straight from work.
“I don’t know if you noticed Azriel but it’s a party. You could’ve at least dressed the part”
He chuckled before stepping forward and engulfing her in his arms.
“Where have you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever”
“That’s because you hardly leave your tower”
Azriel was Rhysand’s spymaster and shadowsinger.He was also a literal genius with computers. Combine all that with him being one of the most powerful Illyrians ever and a brutal skill set that made even the most dangerous warriors quiver when they heard his name,it made him a very busy male. If he wasn’t hacking into something he shouldn’t,he was putting his famed knife Truth-Teller to good use against their enemies.
He was also her best friend.
“What was it tonight? Evil overlords threatening the fragile peace in Pythian?”
“I guess we could call Beron an evil overlord” he said with a shrug.
Gwyn laughed and one of his shadows darted out to curl around her hair. She took his hand and led them out of the hidden alcove.
“Come on. You haven’t seen the birthday girl yet”
They headed over to where the others were standing and Azriel hugged and kissed Nesta on the cheek wishing her happy birthday. The party went on into the night and everybody was having fun. Eventually though Gwyn had to leave. Merrill was coming back the next day and she had a ton of work to complete. She found Nesta and Emerie and hugged them.
“I’ll bring your present over tomorrow okay.” She said to Nesta. “I kinda forgot to bring it I left in a rush”
Nesta nodded and Gwyn waved goodbye to Feyre,Mor and Amren. The guys were on the other side of the bar in conversation with Eris. It looked serious so Gwyn left without saying goodbye to them. Nesta’s chauffeur pulled up just as Gwyn came out of the club and she smiled to herself knowing Nesta had called him for her. She got in and the faerie pulled off the curb and headed to her house.
Despite all the fun she’d had,Gwyn was more than ready to jump into bed and get some sleep before morning. Only when she opened the door to her house,a full blown party was going down in her apartment.
Her house was filled with random fae ,wraiths,illyrians and all sorts of people she’d never met. She struggled to find Blair and Daffodil over all the noise but couldn’t see them. The worst part was that in the middle of all the pandemonium,some idiot making out with his girlfriend had knocked down her door and they were on her bed having sex.
Gwyn could barely see through the rage engulfing her as she screamed at them to get the fuck out. They broke apart startled and ran out,the male fae’s pants still hanging around his knees. Why the hell was she saddled with such inconsiderate idiotic people! She could feel the pressure of tears threatening to fall and was desperately trying to keep it together.
She went into the bathroom and called Emerie.
“Hey what’s up!” She shouted still at Nesta’s party.
Gwyn’s said in a shaky voice “You mind if I stay with you tonight?”
“Of course! What’s wrong? Wait hold on let me go to a quieter place!”
Gwyn heard some shuffling and then heard Emeries voice clearly.
“What’s wrong?”
“I came back to my apartment and there’s a fucking rager going on here and they broke into my room and I just feel so fucking violated -“
“Holy shit. I am so sorry Gwyn. I’m gonna come get you okay.”
Gwyn didn’t even notice that she’d started crying but she nodded,then realized Emerie couldn’t see her so she said “Okay. I’ll pack some things before you get here”
“I’ll be there in five okay”
Gwyn got out a small bag and started throwing stuff in. She didn’t know how long she’d stay at Emerie’s but she couldn’t stay here for another second. She’d find someone to winnow her back and forth to work. She was throwing in some underwear when her phone rang again. It was Emerie.
“Hey. Um so slight change of plans. Azriel’s coming to get you”
“Wait what? Why?”
“Well I went back in to get Nesta and when I told her she kind of got angry and told everyone that this had been going on for three weeks now. Azriel well….he left to come get you”
Gwyn let out a sigh. “Okay I’ll see you soon”
“We’ll watch reruns of Real Housewives of Illyria okay”
Gwyn smiled. “Okay”
Gwyn had just finished packing her bag when the entire apartment fell silent. She left her bathroom to the living room and saw the door open,Azriel standing there with the landlord who was barely holding it together at the sight of the shadowsinger. They all knew who he was….what he did.
Azriel eyes slid to hers and he walked over to her.
“You done packing?”
She nodded. He frowned when he saw the tear tracks on her face.
“This is the last time you cry over these fuckers” he muttered before brushing past her to pick up her bag.
He came out and led her to the door. No one had moved. It was as if his presence had frozen them in their spots. She was sure even after he left,the party wouldn’t continue. Blair and Daffodil would probably stay awake all night…knowing they were officially on the Shadowsinger’s radar. It brought a small smile to her face. The landlord scrambled out of the way as they walked past. She heard him gulp nervously.
Azriel led her to where his car was parked. She used to wonder why he had so many cars when he had those magnificent wings but Cassian had told her it was an indulgence for him. He had a fascination with cars and loved to collect them,tear them apart and rebuild them. This one was a sleek black number. How would his wings even fit?
She got her answer when they reached the car and she saw Nuala,one of the wraiths under his employ in the drivers seat. He dropped her luggage in the back and said to the wraith,
“To the Penthouse”
Nuala nodded before driving off.
“Wait. Penthouse? I’m going to Emerie’s”
“No you’re not. You’re moving in with me” he said before gathering her in his arms and taking off.
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yikepike · 3 years
6 and 33 for isanora, and 46 and 89 for orion :3c
For Isanora:
6. What would they give their life for?
At this point? (unplayed) probably nothing. however, that might change, very, very  soon
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
Being trapped, being burdened by something. She’s lived her life and she’s always done everything by her own choice. She would tear herself apart trying to escape if she was ever in such a situation.
For Orion:
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
Due to his, ah, current circumstances, he feels too much all the time 😔and he’s not very good to hiding it. He’s prone to emotional outbursts.
89. What is their D&D alignment? 
Probably neutral good??? Deep down he’s a kind soul
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
15. Nymph SternClay alternately, Stern is a Dryad residing in a huge forest where a strange creature, similar to humans but different (aka Bigfoot) wanders alone. Ever curious, Stern seeks to understand why this beautiful creature doesn’t seem to have anyone else, and even tries to hide from the few humans who venture deep enough into the woods. Can they be alone together?
Here you go! It’s SFW
Joseph knows he can’t spend every hour in the Great Oak, reading and researching the movements of humans. He still struggles to justify his fascination with creatures that have little contact with his kind. Some of his peers go so far as to insist humans are a myth, or the result of the odd dryad or naiad seeing a bear from the wrong angle. 
This is false, of course, and humans have been getting bold lately, making paths and taking walks deeper and deeper into the trees. This means that dryads assigned to security roles must spend at least six hours a day in their tree to make sure no one threatens their home. Joseph is in a Copper Beech not far from the GreenBriar river, mentally drawing up his to-do list for the week, when heavy footsteps catch his attention. 
At first he thinks it’s a particularly hairy human tromping through the underbrush, decked out in a ratty flannel shirt and what he’s heard humans refer to as “sweatpants.”  But his feet are bare, his limbs and face covered in dark, copper-flecked fur, and his ears are more pointed than those of a human. He leans against Josephs’ tree, drumming his fingers on it as he surveys the area, massive back-pack slung over his shoulders. There’s a flat patch of grass twenty yards away, and this is where the visitor eventually settles. Within fifteen minutes, a small tent sits on the grass. When the creature crawls inside and lays down, his feet stick out of the flap. 
Once snoring filters into the air, Joseph slips from the tree, conjures a blanket from moss, and sets it across his feet. It gets cold here at night.
His kind gesture does not go as planned.
The instant the fabric hits skin, the figure in the tent jolts upright, growling.  Joseph sits back as his guest's head bursts into the open. Then their positions instantly reverse, the other creature scrambling backwards in alarm.
“What the fuck? Where, where’d you come from, I didn’t hear you, didn’t even smell you sneaking up on me.”
Joseph raises his eyebrows, “Probably because I smell like bark and my footsteps are no different from falling leaves.” He holds out his hand for the creature to shark, “Joseph Stern, dryad.” 
“O-kay, so why is a dryad trying to…” he looks at the blanket for the first time, “tuck me in?”
“You’re new to woodland living, I take it?”
“Not really.”
Joseph sighs, “There are specific rules that govern this forest. One of them is that dryads are responsible for everything within a two mile radius of their base” he points to the Beech, “including any residents, visitors, or refugees. Which means you’re my responsibility.”
“Uh, I’m good, you don’t need to, like, babysit me.”
The dryad produces a notebook from his pocket, flipping to the section for his resident intake form, “I’m not babysitting you, I just need some information for my records. Name?”
Deep brown eyes blink, perplexed, and then his guest shrugs, “Barclay.”
“No fucking idea.” Barclay picks up the moss blanket, folding it and setting it next to the tent. 
“Purpose of stay?”
“To get some peace and quiet.” He turns a pointed glare at Joseph. Even with the glower, he’s the most handsome creature the dryad has ever seen. 
“Um. Right. I’ll just fill in the rest myself. If you need anything, I’m just over there.” He walks briskly away, managing to only look over his shoulder once. Barclay is watching him, looking for all the world like a hare waiting for the fox to pounce. 
It’s only when he’s back in the tree that he realizes having a resident will cut down on his research time. Then again, his guest is far more intriguing than any human could ever be.
Barclay was so ready to stop feeling bad. He feels bad for stealing the tent from a guy he scared off his campsite two towns back. Bad for yanking clothes off the clothing line of rural houses so he could have two sets to rotate instead of a filthy, single shirt and shorts combo. Bad because it’s been months since he ate anything but MREs, granola bars, and day olds salvaged from dumpsters. 
Now he gets to add “feel bad because you’re crashing on some guys front lawn” to that list. He didn’t even know nymphs were a thing; he thought he was the only weird semi-human in the world. Yet here’s Joseph, hair as dark and shiny as the leaves on his home tree, skin the color of bark, and vines occasionally twining up his arms and legs. Unlike Barclay, his inhuman features make him beautiful, not beastly. 
Barclay came here to be alone. 
Barclay hates being alone. He wants a house full of warmth and voices mingling over a kitchen table, wants people to care for and who care about him. So when Joseph appears the next morning near his small fire and it’s boiling pot of foraged tea, he offers the dryad some. 
They sit, awkwardly sipping from their mugs, when he decides to take advantage of his host.
“I, uh, don’t suppose there’s any herbs growing around here? Like mint, or maybe alliaria? I wanna catch fish for dinner, but they taste better if I can season them.”
“I think there’s some growing upstream. Do you want me to show you?”
“Uh, no, that’s fine. I’m used to finding stuff on my own.”
Joseph nods, finishes his tea, and magics the cup clean before handing it back to Barclay.
“What...what’s all this?” Barclay stares, stunned, at the pile of goods sitting by his firepit. He counts a camp stove, teapot, and two boxes of fresh food, including bread and cheese,
Joseph looks up from organizing the supplies, “A few friends of mine, plus the Ashroot Market.” He smiles, Barclay’s stomach flipping like a flapjack when he does, “did you think we live on berries and air?”
“Kinda, yeah.” Barclay rubs his arm, embarrassed, “thanks, Joseph. I, uh, I don’t really have money, so maybe I can pay you back with-” he trails off as the nymph stands and sets a hand on his shoulder. 
“Barclay, you don’t owe me anything. I did this because you keep saying how much you miss cooking from a real pantry and, um, I thought it’d make you happy to have some options.”
“It does.” He freezes as Joseph strokes the fur poking through a hole in shirt, “I can restock your sewing kit the next time, if you want.”
“That’d be great.” He wants so badly to touch him back, to see if he shudders away from his claws or holds his hand. 
Josephs arm drops back to his side, “Ned has a surprising number of camping supplies. I suspect he stole them from humans, which is technically against the rules but” he indicates the stove, “I’ll let it slide for now.” 
A conspiratorial wink and Barclay rumbles out a purr, catching it before Joseph notices.
“Will, uh, will you at least let me make you dinner as a thank you?”
The dryad nods, “That sounds perfect, big guy.”
Barclay doesn’t howl often; it draws unwanted attention and there’s no one like him out there to answer anyway. Tonight he couldn’t help it, the loneliness tearing him to bits on it’s climb up his throat. He’s cross-legged on the ground, face to the stars, when Joseph sits down beside him. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Thought you were out.”
“I was reading.” Joseph scoots closer, rubbing Barclay’s back, “and I can tell you’re lying.”
Barclay delays answering, fixes his gaze on the Beech where Joseph lives. Nymph homes occupy liminal spaces, fitting an entire domiciles within trees. His current hobby is imagining what it looks like on the inside; whether there are books stacked neatly everywhere, whether there’s a nice kitchen, how big the bed is, what the view from the bed is like…
He’s never going to know, Joseph made that clear. 
“It’s not that no other creature is allowed in a nymph home, more that getting them in there takes a dangerous amount of energy.”
“Barclay?” Joseph rests his head on his shoulder, “have you always been alone?”
“No. Or, well, I don’t think so. I get flashes of memory from when I was really little. Like there’s this big house with lots people who look like me, and they’re talking and keep passing me around so the grown-ups can ruffle my fur and make this, this sort of” he breaks off into the low, soft hoots that echo down through the years, “and then...then there’s this gap and the next thing I remember is being dumped on the side of the road somewhere in central California, more or less an adult myself. I spent so long looking for my family, for anyone who looked like or could give me answers and all I got was some scars and a bunch of T.V shows about hunting me.” 
“That sounds awful. I, um, I’m glad you stumbled into my neck of the woods. I know I’m not always the best company and ask more questions about living around humans than you’d probably like but, um, you deserve to have at least one person on your side.”
“Thanks” Barclay tips his head sideways so it’s resting against Josephs’, “Uh if, if you ever want to, we could have a dinner here with Duck and them. I like cooking for people; one of those things I know about myself even if I can’t remember why.”
He must imagine the lips brushing his forehead as Joseph sits up, “I’ll invite everyone first thing tomorrow.”
A danger of sleeping in Joseph’s clearing is that Barclay feels safe. Starts sleeping like he has nothing to fear. 
The voices in the distance, jarring him awake in the dead of night, remind him of the truth.
“Shit” he scrambles out of the tent, piles it and all his other possessions into a hollow log and throws the moss blanket over it just to be safe. Then the worst sound in the world reaches him: barking. Not only are the hunters close, they have dogs. And, his acute hearing informs him, he’s their prey. 
Fuck, his scent and fur are all over this part of the woods, no wonder they’re honing in on him so fast. His best chance is to run and cross the river, but there’s an open stretch on the other side, so unless he’s lucky they’ll still spot him. 
“Hey! I think something is moving over here!” 
He flattens against the Copper Beech, narrowly dodging the beam of a flashlight. 
“Shit, shit” he doesn’t want to fight, doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He doesn’t want to be caught. Inhaling, he readies himself to give the loudest roar of his life. 
Then the world tips and twists and he’s no longer in the woods. He is, however, in a tree, if the view from the window is anything to go by.
Gasping sends his attention to the floor and he drops to his knees, scooping a limp, pale Joseph into his arms. 
“Wel, welcome to my house. Sorry it’s such a, a mess.”
He glances at the polished furniture, the neatly stacked books, and the spotless floor.
“Seriously, babe? That’s the first thing you say after saving my neck?” He giggles, tipping towards hysteria. 
“I couldn’t let them hurt you.”
“You could have died.” Barclay adjusts him so he’s mostly upright and hugs him close, “I coulda lost you why, why did you-”
His question is lost in the clumsy kiss Joseph pulls him into. Barclay’s body gives up on adapting to anymore surprises and he falls onto his back, the nymph weakly petting his cheeks as he tries, clearly exhausted, to continue kissing him. 
“You’re the most incredible being in the forest and, and I’ve been so happy since you came to stay. My entire body feels like a leaf beaten limp by the rain and I’d do the same spell this instant, without hesitation, if that’s what it took to keep you safe. Keep you with me.”
Carefully, Barclay guides him into another kiss, vines curling up them both the more he pours all his affection and thanks into the nymphs mouth. When Joseph finally pulls away, he nestles down on Barclays chest, running his fingers through his fur. 
“You, um, you may be here awhile. I’m not sure if I can get you out safely or if Dani and the others will have to help me.”
“No complaints here.” Barclay strokes his hair, which feels like soft leaves and normal locks all at once. 
Joseph answers a few more logistical questions before falling asleep in his arms, which is plenty of answers for one night. And in the morning, when the nymph rolls over to smile at him, he can confirm; the view from the bed is beautiful.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
ashbranch, ashstep, ash(dare i say)claw, ashfall, ashtooth, ashstorm, ashskip, ashshade, ashleap, ashskip, ashsnap, ashwind & ashroot
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jemhair · 7 years
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#fullhighlights tonight on @aly_k_w making her that perfect #ashblonde with an #ash #rootshadow 💁🏼 Xoxo #jemhair #hotd #ashblonde #winterblonde #blondehairdontcare #blondehair #blonde #blondehighlights #ashroot #instablonde #haircolor #hairenvy #barbiegirl #ochair #claremontvillage #lacounty #nofilterneeded #acceptingnewclients #licensedtocreate #schwarzkopf (at Claremont Village)
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solo-1031-blog · 5 years
Order of the Broken Sword: Ep.1 “Pilot”
(The following is part of a script from a series some friends and I have been working on entitled “Order of the Broken Sword”. The series itself is loosely based on D&D) 
FADE IN: INT. THE WANDERING DEMON TAVERN - NIGHT MINNEAO and AURAKO sit across from one another in a cushioned booth. MINNEAO I appreciate you coming all the way here. AURAKO I owed you a favor. So you wanted me to fetch you something? MINNEAO I'd be glad to go into specifics, just as soon as one more person shows up... AURAKO What? You're bringing in someone else? I don't work with others. I'm perfectly capable of- MINNEAO I never said you weren't capable of anything. I just believe the two of you will work well together on this job. OSYNAR enters the bar and pulls up a chair to the table. MINNEAO Ah! There he is! Aurako, this is Osynar. A forest dweller from the Ashroot Forest... better known as "The Muckstrider" AURAKO (in disbelief) Him? That's the legendary Muckstrider? Skulker of the forest and slayer of trespassers? The same Muckstrider elven parents tell their children about to scare them into behaving? MINNEAO The very same. OSYNAR Flattery is really unbecoming. AURAKO I'll show you unbecoming! OSYNAR Oh, You think you're tough, elf? Well, let's see how tough you really are! Aurako's arms spark with lightning as her greatclub materializes in her hands. Osynar pulls off his belt as it turns into a segmented sword. Aurako swings as Osynar dodges the blow. She blocks a downward swing from and they struggle against one another for a moment. MINNEAO Alright, that's ENOUGH! Minneao slams his giant fist on the table leaving a large crack in the center. MINNEAO I'm sorry to raise my voice, but I didn't hire the both of you two to wreck my bar. OSYNAR Well, what did you hire us for? MINNEAO I'd be glad to tell you if you’re done acting like children. Aurako scowls as Osynar rolls his eyes. MINNEAO Good. Minneao spreads out a map of the world across the table and points to a continent. MINNEAO Right, so currently we're in the continent of Luacia. I need you two to go to the southern part of Bersk. In that continent is a mountain. In that mountain is a temple. And in that temple is a sword. OSYNAR What's so great about the sword? MINNEAO No idea. I was contacted by a museum a while back and they offered a huge reward for its recovery. AURAKO How big is the reward? MINNEAO 2,000 gold pieces... Osynar is completely unfazed as Aurako's eyes widen. MINNEAO Osynar, is that not enough? OSYNAR I've lived in the woods for the past 31 years. I left my home last week. I have absolutely no concept of money whatsoever. AURAKO Are you serious? OSYNAR I honestly don't understand what makes it so valuable in the first place. You're just exchanging shiny pieces of metal for everything. AURAKO So why did you even accept this job? OSYNAR A good ranger can survive anywhere in almost any condition. I've mastered the forests, now I want to master the rest of the wilderness. MINNEAO Well if there aren't any other important questions I've bought a boat. Meet me at the docks tomorrow morning and it'll take you to Bersk in no time. Minneao rolls up the map and presents it to Aurako. She and Osynar turn to leave.
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01142893 · 7 years
Ashroot - 20 Man Heroic Everlush Kill - Crusaders of light
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aspenhearrt · 9 months
the vision pt. 2
Sleep takes her and she is familiar with the way that it feels like her nest melts away and she wakes again somewhere unfamiliar-- but it isn't unfamiliar at all, it just isn't where she fell asleep.
She is standing at the place where the mangroves start, looking out into their massive roots, surrounded by weeds and vines that are normally gone from this part of the territory. She cannot hear the ocean, which confirms her suspicion.
"I thought you'd stopped speaking to me!" she calls, brimming with arrogance.
"This isn't a conversation," a cold voice says, and she turns to see a silver-gray point cat with mis-matched eyes and stars in their pelt perched low in the branches. They look down at her like she is lower than crowfood-- and as well as she plays at being unbothered, it is still unsettling to see such contempt coming from a healer of StarClan. "It's a warning."
They leapt down from their perch and began to pace around her, tense with their loathing but managing to not flick their tail. "You've tried to reject our chosen successor."
Anger rose sudden and hot like venom in her throat. "You can't just force me to take an apprentice!"
Ashroot's form warped, suddenly large and nearly monstrous, like the ash tree they were named for. "You serve StarClan," they warned, voice booming like thunder. "We do not serve you."
Larkspurleaf didn't shrink back, but it was a near thing. Ashroot narrowed their eyes and their shape flickered back to how it had been. "You have tried to reject our chosen successor, so I am doing you the favor of warning you. Crowkit will become ShadowClan's herbalist. You will train him, and you will do well. If you fail, or if you refuse..."
They leaned in, putting their muzzle close to her ear. "I will be paying a visit to Yarrowstar."
A shiver ran through her and when Ashroot's pelt brushed against hers, she felt the whole-body ache that they'd lived with in their last moons. She turned her head to watch them go and instead of seeing their starry pelt, she saw a crow.
Rage pulsed through her and she leapt after it, but it took to the air and started a lazy flight across the territory. Sure-footed and confident, Larkspurleaf gave chase, taking long strides to track it. It was leading her back to ShadowClan's camp, and she swore she could hear it laughing at her.
Her pursuit led her paws across the threshold of the camp, and she found it empty and just this side of unfamiliar-- it looked like it had moons and moons ago, when she'd been young. The crow turned and perched atop the healer's den, and for a moment she hesitated...
Then, she looked at the High Tree. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to stand atop it-- she never had, even as a kit, and in a dream like this one, there'd be no consequences. Suddenly indulgent, Larkspurleaf bounded the last few strides across camp and climbed it smoothly, turning to look out over the camp.
Her heart dropped into her stomach when she saw Crowkit standing there, looking at her curiously. Then, the crow atop the healer's den called, and she saw Quailstem standing outside it, younger than he'd been when last she'd seen him.
He looked at Crowkit and he said, like he had said to her moons ago, "I believe that StarClan has chosen you."
Dread soaked through her pelt like frigid water, and she woke alone in her nest with ash leaves in her claws.
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mistlandprattlers · 7 years
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~ Fogtion ~
There are days when mist is thinning in Mistland. Animals grow cautious and keen, and it gets quite a bit harder for Kiki and Mora to catch a beast in the flimsy fog. Good thing grandma left a large book of spells to her beloved granddaughters. It’s just incredible how many useful potions can be cooked out of deadly nightshade, ashroot, and crow’s beak. And one of those is an extremely dense fog that makes little creatures lose their sight and run into the hands of a hunter themselves.
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aspenhearrt · 10 months
Extended Character Bios Masterlist
this will get long. one day.
Ashroot (former ShadowClan)
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aspenhearrt · 10 months
Clan History - ShadowClan (Rough)
I'm working on family trees and creating some interesting lore!
Many moons ago, Ashroot, the healer of ShadowClan, received word from StarClan that they should choose an apprentice soon. Three litters were born very soon thereafter and grew up in the nursery together, which are the cats I'm currently going to be speaking about!
The kits who were considered for the position of Ashroot's apprentice were:
Dandelionkit and Rosekit, both she-cats, from the oldest litter. Dandelionkit was too brash and rude, Rosekit was far too timid.
Eelkit, Pheasantkit, Quailkit, Starlingkit, and Frogkit from the second litter. Eelkit was more interested in playing with the herbs than learning how to use them, Pheasantkit just seemed to like the thought of the attention, Quailkit wore his heart on his sleeve, Starlingkit was well-rounded but not exceptional, and Frogkit was intelligent but overly concerned with being "right." (Quailkit, Starlingkit, and Frogkit were finalists, so to speak.)
Acornkit, Kestrelkit, Pebblekit, Ratkit, Squirrelkit, and Rainkit from the third litter. Acornkit and Kestrelkit were warlike (as described by Ashroot) and constantly fighting with each other, desperate to be "in charge." Pebblekit was too mischievous, Ratkit didn't think the rules applied to her, Squirrelkit wanted to be a nursery queen (despite being a tom), and Rainkit was polite and ready to learn but very easily distracted (Rainkit was a finalist).
Quailkit was ultimately chosen, which will be elaborated on in Ashroot and Quailstem's bios. All of the kits grew up together almost as one massive litter, and groups emerged among them.
Dandelioncall had always been a bold and brash cat. As a kit she was bossy and always quick to hold the fact that she was the oldest over everyone else; as she got older, she became increasingly concerned with power and the way things "should" be. As an adult, she began to claim that she should have been chosen as Ashroot's apprentice and that she was receiving visions from StarClan. While Ashroot and their apprentice Quailstem had most of the clan's support, Dandelioncall's heresy was convincing and she easily began to whip her clanmates up into a frenzy. She was exiled for causing a disruption, but named herself Sunfall on the spot and prophesied in the camp that the sun was going to fall from the sky (hence the name). She declared that only those who were loyal to her and her doctrine would be saved from the wrath of StarClan, and a sizeable chunk of ShadowClan went with her, including her much more timid sister, Rosefur. Pheasantfang (attention-seeking) and Ratnose (rebel) also went, but the rest of the mega-litter remained loyal.
Acornfeather and Kestrelcry were instrumental to the conquering of the cult, turned tragically against their siblings as they were. Acornfeather and his sister had remained in competition, but had become more affectionate about it. Acornfeather was the more responsible and reasonable of the two, whereas Kestrelcry was the more dangerous. Acornfeather was able to convince many of Sunfall's cult, including Rosefur, that she was misleading them-- and Kestrelcry's claws kept anyone who'd try to stop him at bay. Ultimately, Sunfall's plans crumbled when Ratnose betrayed her, smugly declaring that she'd always been playing the double agent. She exposed Sunfall's plan to invade ShadowClan's camp and kill the leader, and ShadowClan was prepared for the final battle on the day of Sunfall's so-called apocalypse.
Sunfall and Pheasantfang were both killed in the fighting; as were Pebblestorm, Frogwhisker, and Rainspider. It was a bloody battle and even the Clan's deputy was killed. Throughout the assault, Squirrelfern steadfastly defended the nursery and the elders, fighting with the ferocity of a tiger to protect them. He was renamed Squirrelswan in the aftermath in honor of his refusal to back down-- any cat would've defended the nursery, but perhaps no cat would have done it quite so fiercely.
While many cats from Sunfall's cult were welcomed back into the clan (including Rosefur), Ratnose was ultimately exiled-- she had proven that she was untrustworthy no matter whose side she claimed to be on, and she bitterly left ShadowClan's territory, stuck with the name "Rat." To this day, calling someone a "rat" means that they are untrustworthy or a snitch, just like in the real world!
Acornfeather was named ShadowClan's deputy in the aftermath, and made a damn good one at that. ShadowClan had seemingly moved into a time of stability. When the leader died and Acornfeather became Acornstar, Kestrelcry was appointed deputy, as had perhaps always been destined. Some moons later, Kestrelcry secretly murdered her brother in order to become leader herself, unwilling to wait. She would choose Yarrowheart as her deputy and carried ShadowClan into a warlike direction, which cut her reign as leader quite short indeed. Yarrowheart took power as Yarrowstar, where she has remained ever since.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
ashroot? as in he’s stubborn, rooted to the ground.
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vudohair · 7 years
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Good morning!!!! Ash root with a cool blonde balayage! Have a good day bbs! 😘 ✅ book online (link in bio) #VudoHair #JayforVudoHair #blondebalayage #denver #denverbalayage #303 #balayagehighlights #5280 #balayagespecialist #denverhair #balayagehighlights #salon #denversalon #updatedhair #blonde #blond #ashroot #coolbalayage #coolblonde #letmebeyourhairdaddy #hairdaddy #hairart #hairlove #denverhairartist #behindthechair #modernsalon #love #👨🏼‍🎨 #🦄 (at VudoHair)
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01142893 · 7 years
ASHROOT - Everlush Heroic Kill - 14 Man - Crusaders of light
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