asha-mage · 7 months
Another random thought: since the Forsaken where sealed separately from The Dark One in the show and as part of a targeted strike (likely in preparation for the attack on The Bore) that means they are the Forsaken LTT thought where the most dangerous and that he needed to knock off the board before proceeding to his boss fight.
That means that any Forsaken the show cuts is one Lews Therin didn't think was worth bothering with.
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kevin-sedai · 7 months
The breaking point that made them turn to the Shadow
Elan (Ishy): Was eating ice cream cone on a hot day. The ice cream melted so much that it fell off the cone and on the ground. He spent the next several hours screaming, "There is no point to life". He was 2.
Mierin (Lanfear): Lews Therin left her for Ilyena. The real reason neither will mention is that Lews said no to a strap-on.
Lillen (Moghedien): Was having the worst morning, and really didn't appreciate the "I hope this email finds you well" message she got from Sharon in the marketing department.
Joarr (Asmodean): His new single, Age of Legends version of What Does the Fox Say, didn't get platinum. Lews Therin was quoted saying, "What the fuck does anyone care about what foxes say".
Karamile (Graendal): A client (Mierin) told her that Eat Pray Love wouldn't fix anything if they watched it. Neither would drinking nothing but green tea. Lew Therin was quoted saying, "That's a shitty movie, and I never cared for green tea". In response, she is quoted saying, "Well, maybe if Mierin had at least had some bread and calmed down, she wouldn't have released the devil."
Tel (Sammael): He was told that he couldn't ride the roller coaster in Ilian. As he was turned away, Lews Therin was walking off of it, saying how fun it was.
Saine (Messaana): The Collam Daan wouldn't let her do her thesis. Her thesis was titled: "Did the top keep spinning or did it fall at the end of Inception". Lews Therin, self-proclaimed best friend of the movie's director, said that the top wobbles and doesn't need a 100 page essay about it.
Duram (Bel'al): Was about to become fencing champion until Lews Therin tickled him with the sword in the finals, leaving him open for the deciding blow. Lews Therin won the trophy, Duram was given a participation ribbon.
Barid (Demandred): Asked Ilyena to AoL prom, but Ilyena told him that she was going stag and wanted to just focus on herself. He went with Mierin instead, only to see Lews and Ilyena walk in together. They won prom king and queen, Barid was mistaken (by Mierin) for a chaperone and given duty at the punch bowl.
Eval (Balthamel): Was at AoL version of Vegas and was caught counting cards. Lews, who told him he counts too, won the jackpot.
Ishar (Aginor): Managed to fuse a hamster and a frog. He was so proud of it until he read in the newspaper the quote, "No one asked for that," by Lews Therin.
Ared (Rahvin): He was denied a third name because it was revealed that he used Compulsion for most of his accomplishments. The main tipping point though is that his hair started to gray at a young age, whereas Lews Therin's hair remained a shining brown.
Nemene (Semhirage): Nemene... that's not a cadaver. And he's awake. You... you can't dissect him. Everyone said this to her.
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wot-tidbits · 11 months
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The Forsaken by Anass Boumarag
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anira-naeg · 2 months
I've been blocked!
This was extremely unexpected, but I can’t publish posts in several communities on the wheel of time on reddit and I still don’t know why, because I was just sharing my art. My only guess is that this is said with the art of Morgase and Rhavin, which at one time caused some noise (like I fetishize abuse and rape, and ship these two..... although I just drew what was in the book. like wtf?)
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In short, it’s an unpleasant situation, and now I don’t even want to draw anything on the wheel of time.
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markantonys · 1 year
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theravennest · 7 months
Which Forsaken do we think they're gonna keep?
My guess about the rest:
Rahvin or Mesaana
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wheelofmeta · 1 year
I'm contemplating again which Forsaken will likely appear in the show and here is both my list and reasoning:
(I think I've done this before but I'm musing on it again)
Ishamael/Moridin: Well he's already appeared, so like, this is a 'no shit Sherlock' one
Graendal/Semirhage: I think these two will get merged, though no clue which of the names they'll use. They're both the doctor Forsaken, and you can easily smush their falls to the Shadow as she was the greatest healer of the age and an ascetic, have the fact she's a torturer revealed, and then have her indulge in *all* her vices once gone Forsaken.
Moghedien/Mesaana: Merge them since tbh they're both the two most involved in causing problems for the Aes Sedai, and you can even make it that whichever name gets used, you make it so the cowardice aspect of Moghedien is why she hunkers down in the White Tower, where she's less likely to be noticed/able to do a wider array of manipulations.
Sammael/Bel'al: Okay seriously we all know exactly why these two idiots need to just get merged, and I would assume that it's most likely Sammael's name would get used since he appears longer in-series/has more of an effect. You can still have him based in Tear/Illian, just have it be he runs from Tear, barely avoiding Moiraine's attack and faking his death and go to Illian. You can even still have him use the same appearances between countries since due to how long he'd be a lord in either country it's not like the other would necessarily know.
Demandred: His storyline as a Forsaken is one of the better for point blank mystery of where the fuck he is, and honestly I think they'd want to keep the fact that there were multiple people who turned to the Shadow who did it for resentment towards LTT, plus he's the most competent general. By far. It also helps keep up the mystery of if Taim is a Darkfriend/Demandred or not (since Taim has to appear to be the opposite of Logain). I just truly don't think they'd merge Sammael, Bel'al and Demandred into one character.
Lanfear: Seriously they can't cut her. They literally cannot with the role she plays.
Asmodean: Since the mentor plotline/Rand accidentally acquires a pet Forsaken. Also so we get a sense of just how *petty* a reason people could have turned to the Shadow.
Ones you can cut from the show proper:
Aginor: They can just have references to dead Forsaken and have it be that he already long since died (assassinated by the Light in hopes of preventing creation of new Shadowspawn?). Honestly half his role really came across as 'I am in the present' for pretty much the entire series.
Rahvin: Graendal is known for mind control/Compulsion, just have that aspect of Morgases plotline be on her.
Which ever Forsaken name/literal Forsaken isn't used for the merged ones
Ones I'm on the fence about:
Balthemal: I was originally going to put him on the cut list, but then there's the issue of the Aran'gar stuff. Then again there, there's the issue of how he (nor Aginor) didn't appear during the Eye of the World stuff, and thus it's sorta a question mark over how he'd die in the show/timeline then of things.
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Let's (re)Read The Dargon Reborn! Chapter 4: Shadows Sleeping
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I'm on the very extreme end of the Kinsey scale and I'd still be down with a threesome with these two, which says a lot about my survival instinct. But this post isn't about the sexiest way to die, it's about The Wheel of Time, all fifteen books plus a variety of side content and dammit I try to spoil it all as much as possible. If that's going to be a problem, don't keep reading.
This chapter has a wolf icon because Perrin's diving straight into the wolf dream.
So you will give it up, then. It is the best thing for you. Come. Sit, and we will talk.”
Ishamael has noticed that the boys never do what he says, so he figures it's time to tell them to do the things that would be best for them so that they won't do them.
No, just kidding, that would be competent of him and he's still in crazy pants mode until he respawns. He's actually trying to cause Perrin to take up the Way of the Leaf in the hopes that in about fifteen minutes, when the Fades arrive, our boy will be too stupid to immediately reevaluate his philosophy and let the Shadow kill him.
Perrin had not realized the axe was there, had not felt the weight of it pulling at his belt. He ran a hand over the half-moon blade and the thick spike that balanced it. The steel felt—solid. More solid than anything else there. Maybe even more solid than he was himself.
All of this is a dire warning sign since we're in T'A'R, but since Perrin doesn't know that yet, we can hardly blame him for not appreciating that symbolism.
“At least have a drink with me. To years past and years to come. Here, you will see things more clearly after.” The cup the man pushed across the table had not been there a moment before. It shone bright silver, and dark, blood-red wine filled it to the brim.
While most of the Fair Folk stuff in WoT is of course covered by the Finn, I think that the stuff about eating and drinking may well be ancient memories of what dreamers can do in T'A'R.
A gilded helmet, worked like a lion’s head, sat on his head as if it belonged there. Gold leaf covered his ornately hammered breastplate, and gold-work embellished the plate and mail on his arms and legs. Only the axe at his side was plain. A voice—his own—whispered in his mind that he would take it over any other weapon, had carried it a thousand times, in a hundred battles. No! He wanted to take it off, throw it away. I can’t!
Perrin's mistake is in thinking his situation is such that it's only a dream. I'm pretty sure it's Lanfear he's hearing, not himself, and that Lanfear has no more knowledge of Perrin's other lives than anyone else.
“Yes,” he whispered. Inside him, startlement fought with acceptance. He had no use for glory. But when she said it, he wanted nothing else.
Let the record show: When Perrin laments that Rand is better at girls than he is, the fact that Rand doesn't immediately turn into a glory hound at Lanfear's demand proves Perrin right. The jury is still out on where Mat fits into the rankings.
“You don’t know the half of what you are. Of what you can be. Come, share a cup with me, to destiny and glory.” There was a shining silver cup in her hand, filled with blood-red wine. “Drink.”
Pretty rare to see Ishamael and Lanfear on the same page. I'm not sure if she's only accidentally mimicking him or if they're working together for the same general purpose of pulling Perrin away from Rand (Mat, being further away and tainted besides, needs no special attention). Obviously even if they're working together Lanfear wants to screw over Ishamael as soon as possible, it's her nature.
Everywhere he looked, left and right, up or down, were more bridges, more spires, and railless ramps. There seemed no end to them, no pattern. Worse, some of those ramps climbed to spire tops that had to be directly above the ones they had left.
Some suggest that this is either the Ways in T'A'R or a memory thereof, but I think it's just convergent evolution and that Lanfear's gone to a dream shard the Forsaken made, unaware that Perrin's got the skills to follow her through.
On a bridge slightly below him, and much closer than the ramp where the woman had been, a man suddenly appeared, tall and dark and slender, the silver in his black hair giving him a distinguished look, his dark green coat thickly embroidered with golden leaves.
This is Rahvin, for the record.
Another man started across the bridge from the other side, his appearance as sudden as the first man’s. Black stripes ran down the puffy sleeves of his red coat, and pale lace hung thick at his collar and cuffs.
And Be'lal.
The first two men stood side by side, now, made uncomfortable allies by the presence of the newcomer. He shouted at them and shook his fist, while they shifted uneasily, refusing to meet his glares. If the two hated each other, they feared him more.
Considering Rahvin's raw strength and Be'lal's skills at subterfuge, their abject terror of Ishamael is pretty interesting. Are they only afraid of the modern him, stark raving mad from centuries of isolation, or was this how they would have responded to him in the Age of Legends as well?
A prickling in the hair on the back of his neck made him look up. On a ramp above him and to the right, a shaggy gray wolf stood looking at him.
Naturally this freaks Perrin the fuck out even though it's likely that the only reason he didn't die in the fireball Ishamael made was that the wolves "just a weave"-d it.
(Also: Hi Hopper! Who's a good boy?)
A sword, hanging hilt down in the air, apparently without support, seemingly where anyone could reach out and take it. It revolved slowly, as if some breath of air caught it. Yet it was not really a sword.
I beg you to remember that Callandor, no matter how many times Rand misuses it along the way, is not a weapon. It's not really a sword. It's a trap.
Callandor. Who wields me wields destiny. Take me, and begin the final journey.
Is Callandor just calling to anyone who can find it in T'A'R? Is it programmed to respond to ta'veren who find it there enough times because no one foresaw Mat and Perrin's existence? Of course not. Perrin is now pushing his way into a dream meant for Rand, same way he pushed his way into that private conversation. No wonder our other boy is so impatient, putting up with months of manipulation by the shadow.
The thought was clear in his head, but the thought was not his own. The Twisted Ones come, brother.
And of course, the Shadow descends to cause chaos while it's trying to keep Rand busy, to maximize his despair, and immediately after trying to get Perrin to become a pacifist, to minimize his response against them.
Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately), they have no idea how to talk to Third Agers so none of their schemes fully work out.
Next time: The Twisted Ones!
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iliiuan · 1 year
My pick:
Ernie Hudson as Rahvin.
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xillionart · 2 years
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Collam Daan Revisited
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moghedien · 7 months
I'm still betting on this being the Forsaken line up:
Ishamael (obviously)
Lanfear (obviously)
Moghedien (mentioned)
Graendal (mentioned)
Asmodean (basically confirmed)
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kevin-sedai · 7 months
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Lews Therin didn't wanna necessarily be the very best, but catching the Forsaken was his quest, and to seal them away forever was his cause.
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wot-tidbits · 1 year
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Wheel of Time: Lanfear by Ammotu
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Wheel of Time: Sammael by Ammotu
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Wheel of Time: Moghedien by Ammotu
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Wheel of Time: Rahvin by Ammotu
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Wheel of Time: Graendal by Ammotu
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Wheel of Time: Asmodean by Ammotu
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anira-naeg · 4 months
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markantonys · 6 months
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amemoryofwot · 8 months
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