#rais suleiman
sangthael · 1 month
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on the dying light grind i fear. when the light is dying
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dott-fox · 5 months
I've made the rest of them into rats.
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Plus Aiden for my buddie
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(Only time I'll draw something with Aiden in it)
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Rais Suleiman: I think we're going to have to kill this guy, Charlotte.
Charlotte Deshayes: Bon sang.
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dissectress · 2 years
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they need to kiss and make up
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boredwrites · 1 year
Kadir "Rais" Suleiman sfw alphabet
Warning: These are my own hcs please do not take these seriously or come at me for not agreeing. Also some of this is in Turkish. No I do not know Turkish I used Google translate so sorry if any of it's wrong. Please correct me if it's wrong. Not proofread lol
Not my gif, credit goes to the lovely @tafferling
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)
Rais likes someone who has a bit of spunk to them. He likes it when his partner is independent and can take care of themself. But he also does like a dependent partner to an extent. He likes the feeling of being looked up to and feeling needed and important by a lover and not just his men. If his partner takes no shit from anyone, including him, he thinks that's hot.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Rais doesn't really have a say in this. He's never thought about it. He'd like to wait until he's out of the city before thinking about having a family.
C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)
Though he is tough and is a big bad boss, Rais secretly loves cuddles. They help him wind down from the day. Rais is actually a softie behind closed doors. He likes being held, but he'd be more than happy to hold his partner during cuddles.
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
He pictures him and his partner out of the city and somewhere safe in the future. He pictures him joining the military again.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
"Benim dünyamsın," Rais says. In translation, "you are my world."
F = Feelings (When did they know they’re in love?)
It was actually one of his men who spoke a bit too much about him and their future partner. He mentioned that he saw how his boss looked at them. Rais being Rais shot the guy out of annoyance but gave his words some thought.
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
Well, Rais doesn't think much of this. He's just happy his partner is safe with him.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
Yes. He hides the more cruel parts of him, in fear he'd scare his partner away. At the beginning of their relationship, he hides the fact that he had a brother, Hassan.
I = Injury (How would they react if you got hurt?)
He would first be angry if their partner got hurt by something outside. Why did they go outside? Why couldn't they just stay inside with him where it's safe?
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they deal with it)
Oh, definitely. And he doesn't hide it. If he sees his partner getting a bit too close with someone, he'd have a little "chat" with them. If it was one of his men, he wouldn't even hesitate to kill him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss you? How do they like to be kissed?)
Rais has two kiss modes. One where it's soft, loving kisses behind closed doors. And then there are his possessive, deep kisses.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He was the first one to say it, actually. It was when his partner got back from a mission outside and they're covered in bruises and cuts and wounds. And a bite. So Rais immediately has them take a shot of Antizin. He was so worried but so relieved his partner made it back that he just had to say it.
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
It's when he first met his partner. They needed Antizin, but Rais being himself, he wanted something in return. His future partner got mad and told him that they'd get some themself and walked away. He knew they'd be back because Antizin was pretty hard to come by.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes, he loves spoiling his partner. With his power, he can get just about anything. They like that clothing they saw at the store? He'll send one of his men to get it. They want a specific meal? Rais is surprisingly a good cook so he will make it for them.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they’re in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
In public, Rais maintains his usual bossy self, but still shows his partner his love. Behind closed doors, he's somewhat of a softie. He's one to cup his partner's cheeks and kiss them so passionately it'll leave them breathless.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Aşkım - My love Canım - Darling tatlı kız/çocuk - Sweet girl/boy
Q = Questions (What are the questions they’re always asking?)
Rais is always asking if his partner is alright. He may not seem like it, but he worries for them 24/7.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rais does not care about the rain. He will go about his usual day, rain or shine.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/S/O up?)
Rais isn't the best at cheering up anyone. He's Rais. He doesn't even know how to cheer himself up at times. But he does always feel better when he's around his partner. He just hasn't connected the dots on that one yet.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
There's not one specific thing he likes to talk about. Rais is the kind to talk about anything, everything and nothing at the same time.
U = Understanding (How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Ohhh Rais knows almost every bit about his partner. He may not be understanding of feelings and their own trauma but he tries.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
This relationship actually means everything to Rais. You know how at the end of the game he was going to be picked up by the GRE? Yeah well they said only one person can go and Rais told him that both he and his partner go, or no one's going. He's willing to sacrifice himself and the damn city for his partner.
W = Wedding (When, where, and how do they propose?)
Rais doesn't know how he feels about marriage. He hasn't given it any thought.
X = XOXO (How affectionate are they? In public/in private)
It really depends on his mood. When he's in a bad mood, he's all over his partner, public or not. When he's in a good mood, he still likes to be affectionate but he's a bit softer.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
Ohhh whenever he and his partner are separated, he tries to not let it get to him, but he can't help but overthink about what would happen to his partner. He's always very anxious when they're away.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
Like I said before, Rais values this relationship so much. He will do near anything to keep it going.
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Hakon wearing sarong (or izaar as that how Arab people call it) and singlet based on this
I have been wanting to draw him wearing sarong, styled especially like neighborhood dads around me who many of them are stranger to technology except Hakon knows what technology is
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Inspired from this man below, he is famous i just don't follow him but i think this is hilarious😂
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ozozoz404 · 1 month
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hello tumblr i bring food
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dicktat · 2 years
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Waltz’ the worst.
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tafferling · 6 months
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playitagainmyjohnny · 2 years
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“ do you live by your own rules, crane ?
or are you merely someone else’s puppet ? “  
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Rais: No more fun facts. I want to hear a scary, unsettling fact about you.
Crane: What?
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natalia-lafourcade · 5 months
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I was tagged by @gael-garcia to post my top 9 first watches of 2023. Thank you so much hehe <333
Charulata dir. Satyajit Ray
When the Tenth Month Comes dir. Dang Nhat Minh
Apur Sansar dir. Satyajit Ray
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives dir. Apichatpong Weerasethakul
The Wedding Banquet dir. Ang Lee
A City of Sadness dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien
Clear Cut dir. Ryszard Bugajski
Time that Remains dir. Elia Suleiman
Manila In the Claws of Light dir. Lino Brocka
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tittadiet · 2 years
Dying light trainer online
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Night Hunter - Player-controlled enemy type that spawns and defends its hives from approaching survivors.They mainly use claws and mandible-type jaws to attack their victims. Volatile are broad-shouldered infected with exposed muscle and bones. Volatile - An infected enemy type that only comes out during the night.When they scream, they can disorient the player and attract other infected. Screamer - An infected child that hides inside buildings, typically places they lived.Bomber- An uncommon infected that can jog at survivors and triggers itself to explode at survivors, harming them.Demolisher- An uncommon and heavy enemy type it has the strength to toss debris and cars at fair distances and crush concrete walls.Toad - An infected enemy type that spits toxic phlegm at survivors, blinding them and harming them.Goon - A heavy enemy type that wields a large heavy rebar which can use against survivors by slamming it into the ground and causing a power quake.They maintain parts of their intelligence but will sprint and attack survivors on sight. Virals- Quick-witted infected populace that only begun to show the aggressive symptoms of the virus.At night, they transform into fast-running night walkers. Biters - The common of infected and arguably the weakest during the day.Over the course of Dying Light, the player will encounter a variety of Infected enemy types: Rahim Aldemir - Jade's younger brother and fellow runner.Jade Aldemir - A runner and resident of Harran city who saves Crane from inevitable death upon his arrival in Harran.Harris Brecken - The leader of a faction consisted of parkour-performing runners who reside at the Tower.He leads a faction of bandits under his will. Kadir "Rais" Suleiman - A political figure in Harran gone rogue when the GRE fail to save his brother, and the main antagonist of the game.Kyle Crane - An undercover operative sent to infiltrate the quarantined city of Harran, and the protagonist of the game.Taking the role of Kyle Crane, an undercover operative sent into the quarantined city of Harran to recover an important file from a rogue political figure, he must decide on continuing his assigned mission or to help out the remaining survivors against the infected population. You will need to make use of all your skills and any available means to survive till dawn. At night, the hunter becomes the prey as the infected grow in strength and aggression - but even more lethal are the nocturnal, inhuman predators that leave their nests to feed. During the day, you roam an urban environment devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help you defeat the hordes of mindless, flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created. The game is set in a vast and dangerous open world. "Dying Light is an action survival game presented in first-person perspective.
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dissectress · 2 years
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my rais fan art from idk, 2017???? my big scary
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boredwrites · 1 year
Games Masterlist
Dying Light
•Kadir “Rais” Suleiman
SFW Alphabet
•Vincent Waltz
Waltz With Me, Darling
Red Dead Redemption Two
•Arthur Morgan
Big Plans
Dead By Daylight
•The Huntress
NSFW Alphabet (18+)
Familial Headcanons
•The Twins
Nice Survivor
New World Stowaway
Resident Evil
•Albert Wesker
Earn it (18+)
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