yogabysinda · 4 years
Krounchasana with me! See if you can hold the pose on each side as long as I do. (Heron pose) keeps one leg bent back and to the side of the hip much like virasana (hero pose). Try to retain as straight of a spin as you can, then drawing the leg to you let your head fall back but your gave travel to the tip of your nose! You can sit on a block or bolster if it is too much pressure on the knee and is preventing you from getting both sit bones on the ground! This pose is a forward bend and comes with all the calming sensations to the central nervous system and a feeling of peace as you surrender your hamstrings! Matrix Top: @kiragraceyoga bottoms: @alo #chintowardsshin #yoga #stressrelease #yogamom #forwardbends #relaxintothepose #warmup #surrender #calmCNS #nutrition #yogadailypose #iinhealthcoach #privateyogasessions #personaltrainer #nasmcpt #people4yoga #loveyoureverchangingbody #forwardbends @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @people4yoga @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Tarrytown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Wrgv9A4mB/?igshid=1nm5d0j4xp46k
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yogabysinda · 4 years
Coming into plant pose. Definitely feels like much more of a Spring type of pose but Ove been asked on multiple times where to begin with this pose. The answer is to squat with your feet together but your hands directly in front of you with palms face dow and fingers spread aware from the center. The heals of your pals up through your elbows remain touching. Place had in the floor as that and your hands are what you will be balancing on! Lean forward on the head and straighten the legs into pike position. Bend the knees together and cross your legs at the calves. Rest the knees on the triceps as close to the arm pits as posible. If you try it, be sure to set up your camera so you can share a picture and see if we can get a garden going on over here! xo Matrix Top: @kiragraceyoga bottoms: @alo #inversionjunkie #headstandvariation #Iturnedmyownworldupsidedown #yoga #headstand #relaxintothepose #betheplant #plantpose #calmCNS #nutrition #yogadailypose #iinhealthcoach #privateyogasessions #personaltrainer #nasmcpt #people4yoga #loveyoureverchangingbody #iinversions @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @people4yoga @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Tarrytown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gRaDmA1fR/?igshid=1kx1fhhp341zs
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yogabysinda · 4 years
Mariachiasana A with bind on both sides. Forward bends along with hip openers are essentially the antidepressants of yoga. When I’ve folded as deep as I know I can go, my entire body extends a sigh of relief and I melt without effort as my body accepts the poses or movement Im offering it. In that melt is sometimes a feeling of sore when I’m tight; but more often it is a feeling of letting go. In that moment I am completely present. Is there something in your life that offers you those feelings? Matrix Top: @kiragraceyoga bottoms: @alo #hips #happy #stressrelease #yoga #hipopeners #relaxintothepose #warmup #surrender #calmCNS #nutrition #yogadailypose #iinhealthcoach #privateyogasessions #personaltrainer #nasmcpt #people4yoga #loveyoureverchangingbody #forwardbends @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @people4yoga @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Tarrytown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5enGnsAflg/?igshid=1ik4p8ththu4
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yogabysinda · 5 years
They say babies carry their stress in their legs and adults carry stress in their hips...so it’s no surprise so many people who come to yoga come with tight hips and muscles they didn’t realize existed! What I love about hipopeners are that they are virtually the antidepressants of yoga. So it is no wonder this pose groups is one that we hate to love? Small hip opening flow here. See if you can relax and melt as long as I do in this video. For those who can’t see all 3 minutes the you tube address is: https://youtu.be/haZXezrkp_8 bottoms: Onyx leggings @kiragraceyoga to: @athleta #hips #happy #stressrelease #yoga #hipopeners #relaxintothepose #letgo #surrender #calmCNS #groinstretch #hipflexorstretch @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @westchestercountymomsblog @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Sleepy Hollow Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37Nk16pIdR/?igshid=186z4o4j4h8e9
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yogabysinda · 4 years
Small warm up flow here. Uttanasana- Full Malasana- Bass Konasana B See if you can relax with me and melt into these poses with me stretching hamstrings; gastrocnemius, hips; balance & spine! Youtube address is: https://youtu.be/UuWxwKLCd9k Matrix Top: @kiragraceyoga bottoms: @alo #hips #happy #stressrelease #yoga #hipopeners #relaxintothepose #warmup #surrender #calmCNS #nutrition #yogadailypose #iinhealthcoach #privateyogasessions #personaltrainer #nasmcpt #people4yoga #loveyoureverchangingbody #forwardbends @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @people4yoga @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Tarrytown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5U9d1DAfI6/?igshid=17kl7rskyidvx
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yogabysinda · 5 years
Moving through modified closing sequence of the class! Watch, join. Volume is a bit low but this was me being video’d while teaching. Peaceful...enjoy! What’s your favorite pose towards the end of a class? bottoms: Onyx leggings @kiragraceyoga to: @athleta #closing #happy #stressrelease #yoga #fish #hipopeners #relaxintothepose #letgo #surrender #calmCNS #groinstretch #twists @yogiinthelight @yogavideo @bestyogadaily @best.yoga.people @yogavid @yogaweekly @best.yoga.photography @yogainspiration @yoga_for_life_c @yoga_for_our_life @yogadailypose @best.yoga.video @yogadaily.tv @westchestercountymomsblog @bestyogapost @bestyogagirls (at Sleepy Hollow Country Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B39zZ8ZAYPo/?igshid=4utaq2455qnv
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