nohrianlance · 5 years
// Since it's almost an obligation to send meta questions to each of your muses: HCs about Silas' culture shock (or lack thereof) when he follows Corrin to Hoshido? Any embarrassing stories?
ree!!!!! i hope you love outlines
Silas was caught off guard by how ridiculously hot and bright the sun is. While he’s spent enough time in Southern Nohr (where the sun shines more regularly) to not be completely blown away by the sun, he’s still ridiculously pale enough to suffer from sunburns. Silas also had difficulty adjusting to the bright sunlight after months of living in Krackenburg in Northern Nohr. He became known for only really being seen outside from dusk till dawn and hiding away during the day, shielding his eyes from the afternoon sun.
Also: Silas experiencing Hoshidan summers for the first time and dying in the humidity. I think he’d come to appreciate the long days and being able to enjoy the sun for hours, long after the heat has subsided.
Battlefield conduct. I feel like a lot can fall under this: the differences between Nohrian and Hoshidan battle tactics and formations, how Hoshidans handle the drums of war (not well, Silas thinks. The roars of men and screams of wyverns carry farther and have a fire and fury that Hoshidan war cries lack). 
But the most striking difference is the apparent disdain for picking over the dead for supplies. It’s a practice that became especially important for Silas to find replacement weapons and armor for him and his horse, since he couldn’t go to a blacksmith and commission another set. He’s incredibly meticulous about maintaining his weapons and armor. He wants it to last for as long as it possibly can.
Wasting resources is a cultural taboo in Nohr, and that goes doubly so when it comes to food. Hoshidans not using every part of the animal when butchering it horrified Silas. The first time Silas saw someone just tossing some perfectly good offal onto the ground, he tugged at Kaze’s scarf and just pointed at the scene like “????? What the hell are they doing are they insane.” 
I also hc that Nohrian military horses and wyverns that fall in battle or die of natural causes are also butchered for their meat instead of simply being left behind or buried. Silas could understand why the Hoshidans don’t do it, since he abhorred the practice when he was younger, but it still physically pained him to see all of that food just. Rotting away in the sun.
Related: Silas got a lot of attention for how thorough he was when he ate. No grain of rice left behind, every bone picked clean. Even after learning how to eat with chopsticks, he always returned to eating with his fingers to make sure no bit of food was left behind. Definitely got called a messy eater for eating with his fingers (Silas insisted he wasn’t, as he was always careful to never leave crumbs). Definitely got chewed out by multiple people for licking his chopsticks. At least now he’s embarrassed for doing that last one.
Idea for an embarrassing, hilarious story: Kaze seeing Silas like a tenth of a second away from putting the chopsticks in his mouth and knocking them out of Silas’ hand. The chopsticks bounce off the table and hit a Hoshidan soldier in the face. The soldier tries to challenge a 6′6 Nohrian cavalier to a fight. Unable to fight back due to being surrounded by Hoshidans and already distrusted, Silas decides to just pick up the soldier to show how pointless it is to fight him. The Hoshidan just gets angrier.
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dumaschosen-blog · 5 years
"So the inexperienced king finally decides to show himself. A rustic's sense of punctuality will earn you no respect here." [ // Welcome to FERP! ]
“Sorry I’ve been so occupied with…. trying to be a king? Cut me some slack here. But… it’s nice to see you again, Berkut.” 
[ thank you! ]
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nobaettadr · 5 years
                                                                       eikonic asks [ x ]
leviathan : is your muse vindictive? are they the type to seek revenge? if so, how would they go about obtaining revenge? would they be willing to resort to murder, or do they tend to stick with milder methods such as social humiliation and backstabbing?
in line with the answer to the last question, yes and yes. as mentioned, i think vengeance is integral to jugdrali culture, and he would be more or less beholden to seek vengeance, lest he be considered cowardly.
pre-king leif is not at all methodical or hesitant about it. as we can see with the travant issue, he knew he had to kill travant in order to avenge his parents, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. no one tried to talk him out of it, but i don’t think they could have even if they tried. he was very pig-headed ( still is, mostly ) and would probably have gotten angry at the implication that he shouldn’t right so horrible a wrong to his family and his life.
post-king leif is much more sedate. he’s still a hot-headed, reckless boy, but he’s mellowed out considerably since the days of the war. he’s learned a lot, and he’s learned to see situations outside of his own little slice of the sky. the travant issue in particular opened his eyes when he realized the whole story behind him and what his death meant for a lot of south thracians, etc. he doesn’t think he was wrong to kill him, still, but he realizes that there’s more to it than just vengeance. he’d probably think more about it, now; i think he’d definitely still take revenge when he’s placed in his hands, but he’d be less horse-blinders about it now.
and of course he’s willing to resort to murder.
though i don’t think he would be underhanded about it. he has a pretty strict code of honor despite not being a knight. he was raised by one, so. if he’s going to kill someone, he’s going to do it in honorable combat, both of them armed and ready. otherwise, all that time spent incubating and nursing that grudge would have been for nothing and he’d be unsatisfied.
so, in that vein, revenge wouldn’t be taken in the above-mentioned ‘milder’ methods. the issue of vengeance is, to him, a very straightforward one, and the compensation is always direct and face-to-face, whether it be paying a sum of money to settle grievances, combat, murder, etc.
this is leif as brought up in the socially-accepted version of vengeance, of course. on a personal level, i think he’s very much capable of more nefarious methods of getting back at someone, especially since he’s already predisposed to being driven by feelings of hatred, rage, and envy. it’s good that he’s a pretty upstanding kid with an inclination for compassion, because otherwise i think he’d be capable of some really nasty stuff if pushed far enough. he has a strong moral compass that keeps him from that.
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anticipation || rinea & berkut
It felt years had passed since Rinea had received the letter inviting her to visit the Rigelian castle. Her relationship with the crown prince had grown since they’d first met at a ball, months ago, but they’d only seen each other at events their houses both attended. Rarely did they find moments alone to speak, and rarer still was it anyone saw them together. They typically slipped away to laugh and dance during down moments, finding short respites in quiet times. For Lord Berkut to invite her to visit him, it must have meant their snapshots of time meant something real. Two weeks after the letter came, she and her father were finally exiting their carriage.
She hardy paid the servants any attention as they took their horses away to the stables, took her bags and told her where to find her quarters. Her eyes were focused on taking in the grand beauty of the palace. The architecture was breathtaking alone, but she could see the beginnings of a garden, full with colorful blooms. Perhaps Lord Berkut would take her there.
It wasn’t until a maid servant gently tapped her arm that her attention was caught. She was to be Rinea’s attendant during her visit, it seemed, and she was here to take her to meet the Lord Berkut.
She turned to her father, offering a smile before eagerly following.
And there he was, standing outside the iron gates, looking so collected despite heavy breezes. Rinea grinned as she saw him, unable to contain her excitement. The castle’s sprawling beauty, Lord Berkut waiting for her, her father seeming content with the trip.
Perhaps this was something real. Maybe Rinea wasn’t just a small dalliance, someone to dance with when he had no one else. And though typically she would have been anxious to allow such thoughts, she began to let herself believe Lord Berkut truly cared for her.
She used a hand to smooth her dress in the wind. The other waved happily.
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pheraescourage · 5 years
From Random Headcanon Meme.
Eliwood’s favorite color is blue. Not because of the boundless sky, ever expansive sea, or the color of his house…but because of a certain Ostian he knows. 
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fuonno · 5 years
eye for doll’s eye | tharja&berkut
     The roads between Plegia and Ylisse are contentious for a variety of reasons, with which Tharja felt far too familiar.
     This is just one of many treks from Plegia to Ylisse she has made in her time, and she knows the routes like the back of her hand. How to avoid bandit camps, where to find shaded oases to stop and rest, ways to plow through sudden sandstorms--all second nature. She adjusts the scarf tied around her nose and mouth, scanning the horizon for her next stop.
     Somewhere in the distance, the familiar sounds of conflict ring out, a cacophony of blades clashing and spells whirling. A figure stands out at the center of four or five assailants whaling away at once, clearly non-Plegian from his attire and fighting stance. Nor did he appear distinctly Ylissean, Tharja discerns as she hones in, impressed by how well he seemed to be holding his own. Still, her tome is already drawn and aimed before she even positions herself in range.
     Taking out the first is simple: a beam of orange light that hits an axe user in the throat, knocking the attacker back and leaving a wriggling body on the ground where an assailant once stood. The rest of them whirl about in search of their new foe; Tharja only tightens her scarf in anticipation. A thrum in the air warns of incoming dark magic, prompting her to react in the same split second, drawing up a wall to block the impending curse.
     "Life drain curse," she hisses, drawing closer to the strange man's side to extend the range of her protective barrier to him. "Handle their sorcerer while my hex is in place lest your life flash before your eyes."
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@rigelsprince | continued from here
He looked smug as he offered his hand. Mitama sucked her teeth impatiently, but took his hand and followed his lead onto the dance floor nevertheless. She would not simply stand by and allow him to lord himself above others so easily, not while he still he believed in his self-painted untruths.
She had enjoyed the idea of the invitation at first. She was certain there was its own kind of beauty in the magnitutde and splendor of such an event. When she heard she was invited with the intention of her being some minor focus, she had wanted to abandon the idea entirely.
But then someone brought her the dress and while Nohrian style was not preferred, she had found it difficult to turn down such earnest sentiments.
“Lessons were instigated once my invitation made itself aware.” She replied. He did’t need to know the magnitude of such an endeavor. “There was no need to bring myself unneeded attention.”
She followed him along silently a few paces, enjoying the music far more than anything. Dancing involved so much contact. “You certainly seem to be enjoying the attention.” She mused, voice lowered so they were not to be overhead. There was a tease to her grin as they twirled. “So close to Lady Azura. And you seemed so blown away by the presence of the Queen of Jehanna.”
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just-here-to-fight · 6 years
Trick, from the trick or treat meme [ // If you're still accepting ]
Send my muse TRICK for the muses to share a randomly generated Halloween surprise
There was something exciting but unnervingabout having new people come over for a visit. He knew that it was good to gainnew allies that may be there to help him if he ever needed it, but he just hatedhow proper everything had to be. He would have much preferred just to spar withsomeone and afterwards ask them if they wanted to be allies with one another.He sighed to himself as he looked down at the present in his hands. He hadn’tmet Lord Berkut in person yet, but he knew it was customary to give someone agift whenever they were coming over to visit.
He hoped that Berkut liked Ostia wellenough and truly hoped that he didn’t mess this up. He had made sure that hisinformants did research and found a gift that Berkut would like. However, hecouldn’t help but think about the other gift that he had. It was a box full ofbones from all the poultry that the chefs had used, and he was going to givethat to Eliwood the next time that he came over as a prank. However, he didn’t realizethat he had grabbed the wrong gift and the one he had for Berkut was actually apile of bones.
He watched as Berkut made his way to theentrance and opened the door for him. “Welcome to castle Ostia. I hope that youdidn’t have any trouble getting here. This is for you. A thank you for comingall the way here.” He said with a light smile as he handed the gift over tohim.
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ostianshadow · 6 years
💡- A memory that comes with an object or keepsake they have
[ memories meme ]
Some days, it sat tucked away in the far back of a drawer, out of sight but not so much out of mind as he might have liked. Other days, it burned a hole in his pocket, its weight small and yet tangible.
For a long time, the ring was a shackle, a burden to bear. The object had been intended for fond memories and not the painful yearning it had saddled him with instead. For a long time, it was a reminder he had been too slow to act, that he hadn’t saved her when perhaps - logic be damned - he could have.
As he sits, rolling the ring between his thumb and index finger, the cool feel of its metal memorized by now, he smiles. It’s been years, and at long last it’s begun to symbolize a chance at happiness once more. It remains a reminder to seize the moment, but instead of mourning what could have been, he cherishes what he had.
It’s what Leila would have wanted.
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jehannasands-blog · 6 years
@rigelsprince ; continued from
"The pleasure is mine.”
Ismaire pulled Berkut from the crowd like a flower plucked gently from the wall’s oppressive shadow. With confidence in every stride, she carried him closer to the sun’s warm embrace -- center floor -- and curtsied with all the grace such a fine partner deserved. If he would meet her sight then, he would find the light in his eyes reflected in the embers of her fiery gaze as she placed her hand in his once again. She was looking forward to this dance.
For what a thrilling thing it was to waltz at twice the pace with just the right partner -- one that was strong enough to guide them boldly forward yet adaptable enough to be able to follow her subtle glances and dives for direction. It should have come at no surprise then when the Queen Mother of Jehanna chose such a liberating dance for the two of them that required such an unspoken respect, after all, and a fair amount of skill.
But she had all the faith in the world that the little wallflower she had picked up wouldn’t disappoint her. She wouldn’t let him.
Ismaire allowed him to pull her in as close as he wished, unabashed by the proximity the dance demanded. The orchestra’s tune was just about to lead them in as the rest of the crowd began to settle down around them.
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excalibursage · 6 years
5. Warm blankets and warm drinks
“Delthe-“ Luthier blinks at the darkened figure in front of him. “You aren’t Delthea…?”
Soft, wool blankets were draped over his arm and gently steaming mugs of warm cider were in his hands. “Pardon my intrusion, but I’m looking for my sister. She said that she’d be outside, but I’m afraid that I’ve been tricked again.”
He shrugs apologetically, still unaware to who he was talking to. “I suppose I’ll be going back inside, then.”
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nohrianlance · 5 years
rigelsprince replied to your post: // Since it's almost an obligation to send meta...
// now you’ve instilled the image of Silas digging through garbage for food scraps
asjshsddhghjgd he wouldn’t dig through the garbage for food scraps I promise. he still came from nobility, so even with his “don’t waste food” mentality he’d concede that the food is lost if it hasn’t been preserved correctly or is definitely unsafe to eat.
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dreamsofknighthood · 6 years
The Dark: Did your muse sleep with a nightlight as a child?
Don’t you mean knight light?
…But I kid. Forsyth may havehad an overactive imagination, but he didn’t sleep with a nightlight – he alwaystold himself that he was a brave warrior and didn’t need to be afraid of monsters.
(Sometimes though, if he hada really scary nightmare, he would go and find his mother or father for acuddle).
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half-draconic-bard · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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dracolancem-blog · 6 years
More Than Power [ Altena & Berkut ]
[ Starter for @rigelsprince ]
“Rigel...” she whispers, the word rolling off her tongue almost naturally.
The country of Rigel, on the continent of Valentia, was known for its harsh climates and powerful military forces. Led by a range of formidable generals, she can’t help but be reminded of her homeland - at least, the homeland she had been raised in.
She runs a hand through her hair, sighing. Now was not the time to be thinking of such things. With a heavy heart, she fastens the harness of her saddle and prepares to fly away on her stead.
The Gáe Bolg flashes suddenly, and she starts before turning. This man... was he not the prince of Rigel? Why was he approaching her?
“Prince Berkut,” she says in greeting, bowing deeply. Rumor has it that the prince is not a very welcoming person - she only hopes that they will prove wrong.
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pheraescourage · 6 years
☯ What's your idea of the most relaxing place? Describe the view, the sounds, how the idea of being there makes you feel.
From A New Munday Meme.
☯ What’s your idea of the most relaxing place? Describe the view, the sounds, how the idea of being there makes you feel.
The most relaxing place for me is definitely somewhere near flowing water, under a tree in the shade. I love the sounds of cicadas in the distance, the feel of the cool grass underneath me, and the rustle of the leaves that overpower that sound of my own content sighs. The water flowing, clear and fast along the rocks grounds me, allowing me to feel at peace without the nagging of my deepest anxieties. In moments like that, I really feel apart of the Earth, rather than being locked inside myself.
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