#roommates vs sex pollen
thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
WIP Tournament
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Week 2 - Roommates vs Sex Pollen
Roommates [Gabriel x reader]: You start a new chapter of your life far from home where you don’t know anyone, including the person you’re sharing an apartment with.  It isn’t long before you start to notice strange things lurking in the shadows and about him.  Is your roommate really as great as he seems?  Or is there something he’s hiding?  
Sex Pollen [Debriel x OFC]: Not your average sex pollen fic.   
Below the cut are 300-500 ~800-1200 words from the beginning of each WIP and tags that currently apply to the story as a whole.  Choose which one you want to see continued by:
Sending an Ask (anon’s allowed)
Leaving a comment on this post or in the body/tags of reblogs
Voting is open until 6/14.  Thanks in advance to everyone who does!
Section warning: a swear, maybe?
General story tags:  long fic, canon divergent, normal reader, nurse!reader, dark fic, stalking, more tags to come as story develops
You wake up to what can only be described as sheer deliciousness; a smorgasbord of smells that remind you of the big breakfasts your mom used to make on Sundays when you were younger.  It fills you with an aching warmth that’s bittersweet. You’re so far away from your family, from everything you’ve ever known, and as much as you miss them and everything familiar, a reminder of it all fills you with comfort.  
You have a feeling that’s exactly why your place smells like a brunch buffet.  
Everyone was against you moving away, let alone moving in with a stranger.  A man no less, and every piece of advice you received had nothing to do with starting a new life, but protecting yourself in your own apartment, like he was guaranteed to be some monster.  
Yet, Gabriel has been nothing but a godsend.  
He’s the one you call when you get held over at work (which is far more nights than it isn’t), when there’s no way you’ll make it home without falling asleep at the wheel.  
He’s the one who handled everything so you could just get some sleep when the hospital messed up your parking sticker, your car got towed, and you walked out to find it gone after a twenty-four hour shift.  
He’s even walked you home from the bar at two in the morning when you were worried about someone following, you even though he had to be to work in four hours.
He’s kind.  Funny.  He listens, better than some of your friends you’ve known for years.  He runs a little hot and cold sometimes, but it’s easy to tell when he’s in a mood, and he usually keeps to himself when he’s that way.  Mostly though, he’s thoughtful, so much so you almost don’t know what to do with him.
It doesn’t surprise you he’s noticed that Sundays are the hardest for you, or that he wants to do do something about it.  What does, is you have no recollection of ever telling him why.  
You give yourself a once over in the mirror and make a face.  He’s certainly seen you worse, but it’s not lost on how you handsome he is, and how self-conscious you feel when you look washed out with some of yesterday’s makeup still shadowing your eyes.  
You’re thankful you each have your own bathroom attached to your rooms so he has no idea what you really look like when you first wake up.  You do a quick wash of your face and what you can with your hair, which usually means throwing it up and hoping it looks more fashionably messy than hobo chic.  
What you find when you’re finally ready to emerge throws you for a loop.  
If he were your boyfriend, you would be walking into a scene straight out of the movies.  He’s got your red checkered apron on, (the one with the rooster on the front your brother gave you for being such a dick about how to cook a pie, because his always turn out doughy in the center and you refuse to eat them until he learns how to actually make one), and to top it all off, your roommate is humming happily to himself as he samples something from the stove.  
The spread already laid out on the kitchen table is out of this world.  There’s a little bit of everything from pancakes to fresh fruit, bacon, sausage, eggs, waffles, and what you suspect is a bowl of fresh, homemade whip cream.  
You let out a low whistle of appreciation.  “Somebody’s been busy.”  
He turns, giving you a dazzling smile.  “Morning, Sleeping Beauty. I didn’t expect you up for at least another hour.”
It is a little early for you considering you’re coming off back to back fifteen hour shifts, but if this were a fairy tale, you could honestly say true love’s kiss had nothing on a breakfast like this.  There’s hashbrowns on the stove you didn’t even see, and what looks like a raspberry sauce simmering away.  
The smell fully hits you now that you’re right there, and you’re pretty sure it’s amazing enough to wake the dead.
“Pull up a chair.  Let me get you some coffee,” he offers, gesturing to your normal spot at the table.  
“I can get it my–”
He cuts you off, wooden spoon leveled at you in warning.  “Sit.  You’ve been on your feet all weekend.”
You hesitate.  You normally fight him on these things, but there’s a persistent ache that has yet to leave after an unruly old woman with dementia accused you of being the harlot who stole her husband right before trying to use her cane to take you out at the knees.  Literally.
He moves toward the coffee pot, gesturing at your chair once again.  “I mean it.  You spend most Fridays and Saturdays helping people, while the rest of the world is out partying.  Let someone return the favor.”  
You’re not certain you deserve that much credit for being an ER nurse, but it’s nice to acknowledged.
You smile, shyness driving your silence as you finally take a seat.  
You don’t have to remind him how you take your coffee.  He knows, just as he’s absorbed what seems like a hundred other little things about you.  
You can’t help but feel guilty.  You don’t know much about him beyond he’s a janitor at a local college, his room looks like several decades vomited all over it at the same time, and he must roll out of bed looking perfect because never once have you caught him looking less than amazing.
It’s not that you haven’t tried.  He just manages to maintain that air if mystery by talking his way out of everything.
“What are we going to do with all this food?”  You wonder.  You rarely see him eat unless you’re both sitting down to a meal together, and there’s more than enough there to last you for over a week.  
“Figured I’d just take whatever we didn’t want to the homeless camp across town,” he says, setting a full mug down in front you.
Everyone told you that you’d get murdered in your sleep, and yet here you were, having breakfast with a freaking saint.  
He must catch the way you shake your head, his brow quirking up.  “What.”
Incredulity overtakes your features as you begin to fill the plate in front of you.  "You’re unreal, you know that?“
His eyes crinkle in the corner with a mixture of confusion and amusement.  “What are you on about?”  
As if he doesn’t know.  
His hands land on his hips as he waits for your answer.
Someone like him has to know, right?
“You’re like, I dunno, an actual angel?”
A bark of laughter escapes his lips.  “Oh, honey, angels are boring.  Who wants to be one of those?”  
His hand lands on the back of your chair as he leans over your shoulder, stealing a piece of fruit off your plate as if to prove a point.  Something warm and sweet with a hint of spice undercuts the aroma of the food surrounding you.  It’s him, and the rest of your senses begin to prickle with awareness with how close he is.
Just as suddenly as he’s there, he straightens up, popping his bounty in his mouth. “Besides, if you really knew me, that is the last thing you’d call me.”
Sex Pollen 
Section warning: threats of violence
General story tags: multi-chapter fic / potential series, canon divergent, dark fic, non con, dub con, smut, all the sex (oral, anal, vaginal), more to come as story develops 
  She presses her face against cold concrete, leaning closer to inspect the brightly glowing spellwork in front of her.  The color shifts the closer she is to it, morphing into a warm golden glow that casts shadows across her face and brightens the abandoned warehouse.   
Every field has their experts, and even though there’s technically no career path for this, she is the one hunters and scholars alike will call when they encounter anything unusual or ancient.  It’s a point of pride, knowing all her hard work speaks for itself.
What she’s looking at, however, rivals anything she’s seen, save Enochian.  There’s an immense power here, layers upon layers of it, woven together so finely she can’t tease it apart on sight alone.  It makes Rowena’s spells look like child’s play, and has to predate most civilizations she’s aware of, which likely means two things.
One, whoever laid this trap knew what they were doing.
Two, they likely know a hell of a lot more than she does.  
She stares, entranced as the light flickers, shifting hues once more.  She absorbs every detail about it, wracking her brain to recognize the ancient language that fades in and out of sight.
“The craftsmanship on this is exquisite,” she marvels, the intricacy of it nearly breathtaking.  
“I’ve got something exquisite for you right here.”
The remark pulls her out of her reverie, her head tilting up as a familiar set of boots moves into the side of her vision.  
“Why don’t you come a little closer and I’ll show you…”
She knows she should move, but she doesn’t, opting to inch her hand closer to the edge instead.  The raw energy prickles across her skin sharply, and she almost snatches it back.  It feels angry, like there’s a thousand tiny hornets trying to sting her, but can’t quite get close enough to fully do it.
She can tell Sam doesn’t like her being that close, and she doesn’t blame him.  She knows she has a tendency to push it, but she’s also well aware of how seconds can mean everything in situations like this.   
She inhales, bolstering her resolve, fingers stretching out a little further, knowing if she could just get past the edge of it she might –
There’s a sudden movement in front of her a split second before Sam grabs beneath her arms, hauling her away from the circle and his brother who’s now crouched inches from where she lay.
The spell work cuts back to a deep red, and the smile Dean wears looks that much more menacing.
“What’s the matter, Sammy?  Afraid she’ll have fun for once?”  There’s a burst of sanguine in the darks of his eyes that matches the rhythm of the light flickering at his feet.  "Or are you just trying to keep her to yourself?“
It’s a strange remark to make.  She and Sam are friendly, perhaps even friends, but anyone with eyes and half a brain could see her relationship with that Winchester is the epitome of platonic.  
Dean clucks his tongue.  “It’s not nice to hold out on me, Sammy.  We’re family.”
Sam helps her to her feet, and they angle their body away from Dean, trying to ignore him.  
“I just needed a few more seconds,” she mutters.  She tries not to sound irritable, but she can’t shake the feeling if she had the chance to touch it, she’d have that much more information to work with.  
The look on his face suggests he is highly unimpressed by that statement.   “It’s always a few more seconds with you.”  
He has her there, but he’s usually not the huffy one when it comes to her lack of self-preservation.  She imagines someone has to be, though, considering the usual suspects aren’t themselves enough to care about these things… possibly anything.   
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to get that close again.”
She recognizes what he’s saying is sound advice.  She also proceeds to stuff it into the part of her brain that also knows her life would be so much easier if she just did stuff like keep a running grocery list as things ran out or found a nice, normal man to settle down with.  
“Yeah, yeah,” she mutters, eyes drifting back to the circle as Dean smoothly stands up.  The movement is graceful as it is intimidating, the sheer confidence pouring off him sending a shiver down her spine.  
“I mean it.”  Sam rarely snaps, and the severity beneath his words has her refocusing on him.   
Ness can see it in his face that he’s nervous, really nervous, and she doesn’t blame him.  Not only is this Dean intense, but whatever they’re dealing with is strong enough to also overpower an archangel.
“C'mon, Sammikins, we’ll take real good care of her,” Gabriel slinks out from behind Dean, drifting back into view, and his stare rakes over her in ways she can feel before devouring Sam.  "Or you, if you prefer.“
“He’s all yours,” Dean passes, eyes never straying from her.  
“Hear that?  You’re all mine, big boy.”
Gabriel winks.  
Sam makes a face.  
She simply wonders what kind of hunger it is that’s overtaken their consciousness.   
By the way Dean licks his lips, continuing to stare like Ness might be the last tasty morsel in existence, she might have an idea.
Which leads to a completely different one.
"Walk up to the circle ”
Sam stares at her.  Hard.  Likely trying to decide if she really said what he thinks she did, or if there’s possibly something crazy in his ear.  "Excuse me?“
“What’sa matter, Sammy?  Scared?” Dean taunts.  “You should be.  I may not have a hammer this time, but who’s to say I need a weapon to bash your head in.”  
Well that answers that question.
Sam comes to the same conclusion a moment later.   “That’s… not just a lust spell, is it.”  
“That’s a hard no,” she drawls
Roommates or Sex Pollen?  Send an ask and let me know!
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mego42 · 4 years
For the WIP meme! Your monster looks like mine! Rio + Annie broTP! Annnnnd a number! #3!
ty ty welcome to the circus or whatever, hahaha. i’m still in sleep debt idk what i’m saying. 
OKAY! so, rollerskating on, your monster looks like mine is the sex pollen fic I keep banging on about. I decided if I was going to do a widely panned trope I was going to go big vs going home (see also: dean pov, overdoing it in the face of perceived adversary is kind of my thing) and am trying to give it a theme and an arc and a truly unreasonable amount of angst. 
it takes place not that long after s3 and the two of them are like, you know, fairly well marinated in their animosity for each other and get thrown into this situation where they have limited control over how they physically feel about their proximity (heyo sex pollen!) and by god if they’re forced to be even a little bit vulnerable with each other they’re going to make it count and like, forcibly rip each other’s secrets out of each other (the hitman! lucy! 213! 209!). the whole idea behind the theme (and title) is a kind of hazy like calls to like, they’re both monstrous in overlapping ways and how they recognize/react to it is at the root of how they act towards each other. also, it’s alternating POV. 
idk, I have ambitious plans, a sprawling notes document, and probably like a third of it drafted but it’s super rough and I was in a weird place when I wrote it so it’s probs going to get reshaped a lot once I have the full draft out and see what I’m working with, but I have dug out a snippet under the cut!
He shows up a good twenty minutes after he told her to meet him, not bothering to park, just pulling up next to the van where she’s still fuming in the driver’s seat and telling her to get in. She gapes at him through the window, mouth opening and closing while she cycles through her options, deciding how she wants to play it. Curiosity must get the better of her though, because she hops in the passenger seat without a word—a fuckin’ miracle in and of itself. 
She holds it in for all of five minutes which, credit where credit’s due, is about four and a half longer than he was expecting.
“Where are we going?” 
She’s got that pissy little holier than thou tone going on, the one that always makes him itch to knock her down a peg or two.
“Bet you find out when we get there.”
The silence that falls between them’s thick enough it’s nearly tangible. Somethin’ ‘bout havin’ her in the car, even as big as it is, makes her feel closer than sittin’ next to her at a picnic table.
Rio takes shallow breaths, trying not to notice the hint of her perfume coating every inhale—something floral but not sweet, makes him think of night blooms and creamy, lush petals, makes him remember how much richer it smells right up against her skin.
He takes the next turn harder than he needs to, throwing them both around.
Elizabeth huffs and readjusts, making the leather creak. The tension radiating off her loosens his shoulders, and he relaxes back in his seat. He can see her drumming her fingers on her knee out of the corner of his eye, then smoothing her palms along her thighs like she’s trying to wipe something off. 
“Why bring me? Why not Mick or—or...any of your other guys?”
He scoffs, playin’ it up more than he needs to so she knows it’s a stupid question. “I roll in with back up, it looks like I think I need it. I roll in with you…”
He lets the sentence hang there, lazily turns his head to look at her and watch her bristle like a cat as she fills in the blanks. The funny part is of everyone he’s dealin’ with tonight she came the closest to finishin’ him off but he’s not about to tell her that. 
“‘Sides,” he continues, just to rub salt in the wound. “I need someone to take notes.”
“I’m not your secretary,” she snaps, that fake as hell yes sir, no sir mask she’s been painting on lately slipping and the tips of her claws coming out. Rio’ pulse jumps in answer.
“Yeah? You ain’t a sharpshooter either but you gave that your best go.”
That shuts her up for the rest of the ride. He’s almost disappointed. 
rio + annie brotp 
this one is just a concept as of now. the idea is rio and annie are roommates who maybe occasionally hook up when they’re bored, but mostly kind of just bump along sniping at each other and openly judging each other’s lives and choices but in a functionally dysfunctional sort of way, and their equilibrium is thrown off when annie’s older sister needs a place to stay for a while bc her life is falling apart. idk if/when I’ll ever get around to writing it because there is uh, lol, obvs some major yikes potential depending on what choices I make with different dynamics and I know rio and annie is v much not most people’s cup of tea for obvious reasons. I def want to write something with them being friends at some point though bc there’s a lot of comedic potential there that v much appeals to me.
this is a dialogue prompt I wrote an opening for and then apparently abandoned it entirely with no notes to myself so thanks past!meg! you dick!
Beth knows that Annie and Ruby thought she was trying to be funny when she said Rio had a habit of popping up like a genie, and she was, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. 
She’s as used to it as it’s possible to get used to being caught continually off-guard. There’s a part of her that’s constantly on high alert every time she goes out, no matter where, scanning her surroundings, convinced that she’ll see him in the strangest of places. She never does though, and if she feels anything about that at all, it’s only relief and a continual low-level annoyance that he’s got her in a state of perpetual vigilance. 
It’s easier to convince herself of that when she doesn’t take into account those three months he was gone. How she couldn’t stop herself from looking, her attention snagging on all the different pieces of him she’d see in other people out of the corner of her eye: short dark hair, a slender build, a certain way of walking more liquid than anything else. Her breath would catch, her pulse would trip, but then she’d blink and the picture would become clear. It was never him, he’d never sneak up on her again because he was—
But he’s not, he’s here, in her kitchen, in the middle of the night Beth discovers as she screams, dropping the water glass she was coming in to refill in a move eerily similar to the first time she met him but with less groceries and more potential to cut her feet to ribbons.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, pushing past him to grab the broom and dustpan from the mudroom. He grunts as he shifts to the side, trying to get out of her way but she doesn’t think anything of it. “It’s three in the morning.”
why is Rio there? who knows! not me!
my wip folder is a mess and a mystery to me as much as you but ask me about any that strike your fancy anyway
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luv-surveys · 4 years
Do you wear a ring on your finger? no. Do you expect to be married in the next two years? no way. What is your favorite type of cookie? chocolate chip. Are you allergic to pollen? yes, my allergies have gotten worse over the past couple years unfortunately :( Do you have more upper or lower body strength? more lower. Do you like hot tubs? yes they’re fun! Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? not to my knowledge. Have you ever donated money to a charity? yes. What was the last movie you’ve seen in theaters? i believe it was the live action aladdin. Do you prefer Apple or Android? apple. Do you like the color lime green? yes, but not neon lime green. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? i’ve never seen them. What movie scared you the most out of any other movies? probably “house on haunted hill” or something like that. Tell me something you’ve been made fun of for in the past. i’ve been made fun of for my height. Do you support war? it depends. Have you ever wanted to be on American Idol? When was this? no. Do you like kissing lightly better than just making out? nah, i prefer making out. You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? it’d probably be my friend kylie. Do you attend school, college, or university? i attend college/university. Name 5 things you don’t believe in. 1) love at first sight, 2) soulmates, 3) polytheism, 4) reincarnation, 5) the existence of bigfoot. If you could have any friend that you’ve lost back, who would you pick? probably my friend eva. When was the last time you did something for the first time? i listened to a song for the first time about 30 minutes ago. Do you have blinds in your bedroom? not my bedroom at home, no. When was the last time you had an interview? How did it go? march, for a job. it went well, but covid happened and everything got messed up. What was the most damaging relationship (romantic or not) that you’ve ever been a part of? probably my friendship with a girl that bullied me in high school. Who was the last person you cut out of your life? Do you regret it? i cut my ex out, and i don’t regret it because he treats me poorly. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? personally, i think a girl i know from high school is the prettiest person i know. Do you remember the first time you truly enjoyed sex? Or have you always? i’ve never had sex LOL. Have you ever done anything sexual in a car? yes if making out counts. What do you wish you had been better prepared for? my college auditions. Do you know anyone with a semicolon tattoo? nope. Who knows you best, excluding romantic partners? my parents. The last news you got that shocked you, what was it, and was it good news or bad news? probably that somebody was in a relationship with somebody, which is good news ig. If you have pets, who normally puts food and water in their dish? my mom does unless she’s away; then i do. Do you organize the pictures on your computer into different folders or are they all just under “My Pictures”? they’re all unorganized. Do you think if someone is in a relationship, that it is acceptable to have sleepovers with other people of their preferred sex? yes, but as long as there are no feelings whatsoever. Would you shoot a gun if given the chance? If you’ve shot a gun before, how many different types of guns have you shot? i would NOT shoot a gun lol. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing things like artwork or poetry you’ve written? Is it because you don’t think it’s good enough to show off or because it’s too personal? yes, i don’t like showing it off because it’s probably not good enough. For those who have anxiety, has anyone ever told you that you just need to calm down and actually face your fears? Were you insulted or frustrated by this comment? yes and it was both insulting and frustrating. Do you have any siblings you absolutely despise? Why do you despise them? no, i love my siblings! Do knives scare you? Is it from watching scary movies? they make me unsettled, but not from scary movies, just anxiety. Say lyrics from the song currently playing? “no time to regret this, what we’ve done” If you HAD to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get? i’d probably get a nose piercing. How many closets does your house have?
 there’s seven closets, i think. What has been your most epic cooking failure?
 i made cookies and they didn’t work and melted all over the pan and oven lol. What was the last single item you spent over $100 on?
 i don’t think i’ve ever spent over $100 on a single item. Have you ever climbed a chain-link fence? no. What is your LEAST favorite Disney animated movie? i don’t like the older ones, like pinocchio. Who was the last person’s house you went to besides your own? the guy i’m seeing’s house. Do you enjoy the birds’ singing in the morning? yes it’s lovely! List these apple types from greatest to least greatest: red, yellow, green. I’d say red, green, yellow. On YouTube, who are two people you find hilarious? i love jennxpenn’s videos, as well as pewdiepie. If you had to live in a palace, what would be the color scheme? probably red and gold. Favorite dinosaur? i love pterodactyls! What is the best part of fall? the tastes and smells. Favorite style of hat? probably just baseball caps. How do you eat Oreos? i used to split them and eat them separately but now i eat them whole. Name the first vine that you can think of. i coulda dropped my croissant! Beyonce vs Rihanna? i prefer rihanna. What’s fake about you? Like extensions, fake nails, botox etc. nothing, tbh! Have you ever gotten into a Facebook fight? never. What are your favorite smells? i love smells like lemon and grapefruit. Do you shave your pits? yes. Do you know anyone who has been on life support, and survived? no. What light in your house was the last to have a bulb burn out? i’m not sure since i’m not home rn. Have you ever been in an abandoned house? no. What is your favorite phase of the moon? full! What season do you want to get married in? probably spring. Besides the USA, what is your favorite country? i’ve always liked japan! Would you rather go to Europe or Asia? europe. Would you rather go to Africa or Australia? africa. Would you rather go to Mexico or Canada? canada. Are there such things as stupid questions? yes. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? yes, but my parents didn’t hear, only my sister. What’s the highest you can count in a different language? like 100 in french. Where would you like to be buried? just a local cemetery near where i grew up :) Have you ever had yourself drawn in caricature? nope. Have you ever seen a ghost orb picture? yes! Do you think abortion should be illegal? no. How many keys are on your key-ring? two. What are some piercings you want? more ear piercings, but that’s it. Dogs or cats? Why? dogs, because they’re more loving and fun. Do any of your pets have strange habits? Explain? my dog likes to eat napkins. Have you ever told an extremely inappropriate joke? dark humor, yes. What is your favorite non-traditional fruit? i like passionfruit! What’s your favorite older film? i don’t watch a lot of older films!  Aliens or unicorns? unicorns. Where did you meet your current or last significant other? instagram. Would you ever get a face tattoo? no way. If you asked your mom to describe you, what do you think she’d say? she’d probably say i’m smart, caring, and hardworking. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? more love and understanding! What are you most grateful for? how good of a childhood i had. Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met? i’ve met some people with great stories from their lives. When do you love yourself most? when i do something well haha. What would you most readily die for? my parents. What single word do you hate most? probably slurs like the n word. Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? whomever i’m dating at the time. What would you most like to be remembered for after you die? my friendship. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had in bed? in bed? or in bed? if we’re just talking about in bed, waking up with my retainer under the sheets at the foot of my bed when it had been in my mouth when i fell asleep. What is the most sacred thing in your life? my religion. Who have you most feared in your life? probably my bullies. What was the quickest friendship you ever made? i’d say my roommate. What single word would you use to most accurately describe your parents? wise. What is the worst word anyone ever used to describe you? probably immature LMAO.
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cat-sophia · 6 years
Happy 45th Captain Swan Day!
Hello Friends!
@wingedlioness is brilliant and talented writer with great sense of humor. So many of her stories made me smile and laugh. She always has incredible ideas and she surprised me many times with her stories.
My friend, thank you for every smile and laugh, for our conversations, thank you that you are always there for me! <3
Her fics that I read and rec:
Multi Chapter
Waiting to be Stolen - Canon Divergence/AU where soulmates can read one another’s thoughts, but only by making direct eye contact. This can result in awkward, fluffy, steamy, or angsty situations.  Prologue Chapter 1 (can’t wait to read more!)
Canon/Canon Divergence
Pregnancy sucks - future CS
drabble - missing 3B scene
Con Artist -  Killian getting flinchy around David after the AU
Paint Swatches Hope I’m right here - CS Drabbles written between s4 and s5
Ororo Munore - Canon - Why Killian likes Storm from X-Men so much?
Confectioneries - What Emma packed for her boys for their sailing trip?
A Hero’s Journey, by Henry Mills Or, How Emma Swan Ruined the Ice Cream -  Emma finds out what story Henry has been secretly writing
Thug Happens - David is forced to take a police call on his night off after Hook cancels their plans and Emma is unreachable. Set in the six weeks before the QoD arrive.
Teach me to fight - Captain Cobra
Tartan Parade - drabble
The Bed of UST - Emma’s bed in the loft POV
This is all your fault! I can’t believe I listened to you! - Captain Cobra Swan
Before you decide to murder me, let me explain… - Captain Cobra Swan
Captain Charming gift exchange - written during s5
A Nap - post Jones Brothers drabble
Happily Ever After - perfect series finale
A grand erection - drabble
Priorities - Captain Cobra Swan
Calendar Boys - on the ridiculous proportion of Hotness in Storybrooke (future CS)
About bloody time - after reunion in 5x20
Ambrosia, or True Loves Bang - a Firebird fix it fic
Poor Henry - Henry dealing with one mom (finally) living with her True Love while the other one has an infant at home ficlet
Disney Inluenza - Emma’s cold has amazing side effect 
S1 Emma - Killian learns about S1 Emma
French toast - drabble
Foreplay - Emma has to try to not go crazy as Killian pushes her buttons
smut drabble - Emma takes advantage of a freshly showered Killian
Knocking, the importance of - Alternatively, Calling Ahead, it's a Thing
Momzilla - Snow has gone a bit wedding-crazed
Snow's wardrobe - Snow has reservations about Emma borrowing her clothes
The Saviour vs Sex Pollen - Neverland
A Disney Princess - Snow arrives at Emma and Killian's house with a surprise.
Skating Rinks and Gentlemen - Emma accidentally runs into a handsome stranger during a quiet skate, literally.
You look really tired - Captain Swan and Charming drabble
I'm not a witch - In which Emma's Princess Bride costume choice to sidestep her roommate's attempts to set her up comes back to bite her in the butt.
Ok, But First Coffee - The wedding party for Mary Margaret and David's upcoming nuptials take a weekend in Vegas for the bachelor and bachelorette parties. After a fantastic night out, the girls have settled in when a rather inebriated Best Man knocks with an unexpected request for the Maid of Honour... Part2 (perfection!)
That Tongue Should Be Outlawed
Doctor Who Xmas 
Only One Way This Could Go - CSJJ’18 Emma and Killian are soul mates and everyone knows (because their soul mate identifying symbols are like super visual), but they act like rivals and say they “don’t want to be forced together”, but are actually secretly dating after a drunk hook up.
The Dangers of Airport Crowds and Blue Hats -  gave a running hug to the wrong person at the airport and knocked you to the ground Part2
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ardynoctweek-blog · 7 years
Hi! I was just wondering if you could put up a full list of all the prompts that were submitted? There were a few that weren't chosen that I remember considering and I might do them for the free day now, but I can't remember what they were...
Here you go! :-D
Master List of Submitted Prompts
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Simple Prompts
Destiny vs Choice
Forevermore vs Nevermore
Light vs Darkness 
Sun and Moon
Bathing together
Bed Sharing
Clothing Swap
Fake Relationship
Genderbent because of [in-story reasons]
Huddling for warmth
Love Potion/Spell/Curse
Red String of Fate
Sexual Tension (unresolved or otherwise)
Trapped in a cave
Being held
Car sex
Clothed sex
Collar that says “Property of…”
Crossdressing (ie, Noct in maid outfit, Noct in a wedding dress, Ardyn or Noct in kimono, etc)
Fighting leads to fucking
Gentle caresses
Hair pulling
Handcuffed/stuck together
Hate sex
Kissing (Kiss on the neck, Forehead kiss, Making out, etc)
Multiples (Noct + Multiple Ardyns, or Ardyn + Multiple Nocts, etc)
Non-Consensual Touching
Pool sex
Sensory Deprivation
Sex Pollen
Tail fucking
Tentacle sex
Virginity/Loss of virginity
Warp!Sex/Sex involving their phasing abilities
Alternate first meeting
A never ending night
Animal transformation
Ardyn fucks (with) Noct after he stops time on the train.
Ardyn hasn’t had anyone wish him a “Happy Birthday” in years.
Ardyn helps Noctis to relieve his headache.
Ardyn hypnotizes Noct
Ardyn infects Noct with Starscourge
Ardyn is Noct’s father
Ardyn’s love of moogles
Ardyn walks in on Noct while he’s in the middle of changing clothes
Breaking a spell with a kiss of true love
Curse or spell that makes someone tell the truth
De-aged!Noctis & de-aged!Ardyn 
Deepest Fears 
Exchanging Gifts 
Falling in Love 
First Time 
Growing old together 
Masquerade Ball 
Moogle Chocobo Carnival 
Moonlight Dance 
Noct and Ardyn get thrown into a completely different dimension 
Noctis and/or Ardyn somehow get amnesia 
Noctis growing up in Niflheim 
Noctis has a secret admirer 
Noctis joins forces with Ardyn against the Astrals 
Noctis teaches Ardyn how to ride a chocobo 
Nursery rhymes 
One rescues the other from danger 
Pranks/practical jokes 
Prisoner of War 
Raising kids together 
Regis finds out Ardyn and Noctis are dating 
Reluctant arrangement/truce 
Road trip 
Satanic Rituals (Infernianic Rituals?) 
Secret romance 
Stockholm and/or Lima Syndrome 
Wearing suits 
Angels & Demons AU 
Babysitter!Noctis AU 
Ballet Studio AU 
Blindness AU 
Bookshop AU 
Cat!Noctis or Cat!Ardyn 
Coffee Shop AU 
College Roommates AU 
Crossover AU (example: Pokemon AU, His Dark Materials AU, Harry Potter AU etc) 
Cult AU 
Daemon!Ardyn or Daemon!Noct 
Daycare AU 
Epistolary AU 
Fantasy AU 
Flower Shop AU 
Gender Swap (aka, Always-a-Cis-Woman) 
Highschool AU 
Incubus!Ardyn or Incubus!Noct 
Mirror Verse (aka: evil!Noct and good!Ardyn) 
Police Partners AU 
Reincarnation AU 
Roll switch (aka, Prince Ardyn Lucis Caelum & Chancellor Noctis Izunia) 
Serial Killer AU 
Sex-Worker AU 
Soulmates/Soulmark AU 
Spys/Spying AU 
Student/Teacher AU 
Sugar Daddy AU 
Vampires AU 
“Helpless and hapless…” 
“How long were you in the dark?“ 
“It’s so lonely at the top." 
“Leave me alone!” 
“More than you bargained for.” 
“Point of no return.” 
"This is my ascension." 
“When next we meet…” 
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
So my little man has had a double ear infection since this weekend and I’m falling behind on tumblr things.  I know I have the roommates vs sex pollen final votes to count, the tags list stuff to start wading through, and tags in general to catch up on.  I might end up having to push back the next set of WIP previews, but we’ll see.  
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
WIP Tournament Round 2
I got a little steam rolled by life again this week, so I’m behind on the WIP Tournament posts and getting the Writing Challenge for Part 2 out of this whole shindig.  But here are the fics that I will begin writing:
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How does round two work?
Two WIPs will square off every two weeks with a minimum of 300 words shared from the first part of each of them.  
You will get one week from when they are posted to vote for the one you want to see continued. 
First WIP set will post this Friday, 5/31 at 9pm EST.  
Below the cut will be tentative post dates / full descriptions of WIPs (as they stand) and other info for how the voting and Second Chance round will work.  
Thanks again for everyone who participated in round 1!
Dates / Descriptions
The dates below are tentative and subject to change (as are any of the trajectories of the WIPs). 
Quick description notes:
The four bingos being written for are Spn Dark Bingo, Gabriel Bingo, Heaven & Hell Bingo (H&H), and Spn Kink Bingo.
👌 = this idea has behaved itself and stayed a oneshot
☢️ = this idea has no idea what it’s going to do, but could explode at any moment
😱 = this idea exceeds a 10k word count and may become multiple parts
⚰️ = this idea became a motherf’n series, and there’s no going back now
5/31 - Soulmates vs Somniphobia
Soulmates (dark) / Mistaken Identity (Gabriel) / Amnesia (H&H) [Gabriel x reader]: Every world Chuck’s created may be different, but there are some threads that remain universal.   ⚰️
Somniphobia (dark) [Dean x reader, Gabriel x reader]: You’ve had night terrors since you were a child, but the more you experience these, the less you’re certain that’s what they are.  👌
6/14 - Roommates vs Sex Pollen
Roommates (H&H) / Stalking (dark) [Gabriel x reader]: You’re nervous about moving to a new place where you don’t know anyone, including the person you’re sharing an apartment with.  You hope he’s as decent as he seems, because when you start seeing strange figures lurking in the shadows and feel like you’re constantly being watched, he might be the only person you can trust.  ☢️
Sex Pollen (kink) / Debriel (Gabriel) / Dark fic (H&H) [Debriel x reader / potential OC]: Not your average sex pollen fic. 😱  
6/21 - Threesome vs Fuck or Die
Threesome (H&H) / Loki and Gabriel (Gabriel) / Double Penetration (kink) [Loki x reader x Gabriel]: Gabriel and Loki play a high stakes game of poker with you as the prize.  👌
Fuck or Die (kink) [dark!Chuck x reader, Dark!Gabriel x reader]: Chuck has big plans for you (The Last of Us Part 2) 👌
6/28-6/30 2nd chance round
Was there a WIP idea from round 1 that really interested you but didn’t make the cut?  Was there a fic from round 2 that you really really wanted to see where it was headed but it’s been taken off the table?  Now’s your chance to bring it back!
For three days, a survey will be open listing all the WIPS from Round 1 or 2 that have been eliminated in which you vote for your top three picks, and the WIP with the most votes gets thrown back into the running.  
Round 2 Voting Info:
Voting will be open for the week following when WIP sets are posted (Friday to Friday)
Votes will be accepted via: 
Asks (anonymous votes are 100% ok) 
Comments on reblogs within the body or tags
Results will be posted on Sunday afternoon or whenever my tiny overlords dictate I can.
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