#seeing that robin was really cool tho I want to go for more early morning walks
alicedyerappreciator · 2 months
waking up early:
pros: awake and functional by reasonable times, I got really close to a robin, you see the sun rise, you have time to do the things you want
cons: my partner(who i love dearly)(and want to share my life with) does not wake up early.
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bijvoorbeeldja · 4 years
The full enemies-to-lovers, “You’ve Got Mail” Sobbe AU, sprinkled with a few little surprises ***
I was NOT playin around when I said I was going to write ALL the fics during this quarantine y’all ain’t ready
Hope you enjoy! <3 I’d love to know what you think (even if you hate it)
Robbe’s phone buzzed on his nightstand.
earthlingoddity: good morning
He smiled into the screen, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
sterkerdanijzer: already awake?
earthlingoddity: yep
earthlingoddity: had some early morning inspiration
sterkerdanijzer: r u gonna let me see what you drew this time?
earthlingoddity: nope
earthlingoddity: against the rules
Robbe sighed, shaking his head.
Rolling out of bed, he contemplated what to type in response. This back-and-forth had been going on for months now, always coming back to this: the rules.
Clearly, they could text all they wanted. But that was it: just text. No voices, no photos showing their faces, locations, or anything else personal. Like drawings, for example. Nothing personal.
But really, everything they had been doing, all they had been talking about, felt personal to Robbe.
Screw the rules, Robbe thought. Even just through texts, he’d gotten closer to this person than anyone else in his life. Their conversations often started at dawn and spread throughout the day, lingering into the night until one of them fell asleep.
Of course, he’d agreed to the rules at the beginning. Hell, he’d made them. It was just talking, nothing else. But the more they talked, the more he wanted.
In a weird turn of events, Robbe had met Earthling in the comments of an Antwerp street art Tumblr, where teenagers flocked to share and comment on their latest masterpieces. Masked by alias handles, no one involved in the group knew the identities of the others. When they met up to tag at a location, everyone wore masks, hoodies, and dark clothes. Then they rehashed their work online, sharing photos and comments before planning their next meetup.
Robbe, using his disguised handle, had commented on a photo, when a stranger named earthlingoddity had commented back. Robbe had laughed and responded. The two passed banter back and forth before finally moving to DMs.
earthlingoddity: so you’re an artist, then the stranger had written him.
sterkerdanijzer: no, definitely not
sterkerdanijzer: I’m just in it for the vandalism
earthlingoddity: Hahahaha fair enough
earthlingoddity: u live in antwerp tho right?
sterkerdanijzer: pretty sure we’re not supposed to share details, STRANGER
earthlingoddity: ;-)
earthlingoddity: youre right. but i mean, we are talking now. and we’ve probably already seen each other
sterkerdanijzer: yeah maybe
earthlingoddity: I probably would have recognized a vandal tho…
sterkerdanijzer: not a chance. you’re probably one of those uppity art hoes who makes his masterpiece and doesn’t even acknowledge the little people
earthlingoddity: so you’re short then
sterkerdanijzer: enough! no personal details
Earthlingoddity: ok, so no names, no locations, no personal details. Any other rules?
sterkerdanijzer: uhm
sterkerdanijzer: no phone calls. And NO pics of your artwork. I might recognize it 
Earthlingoddity: so definitely no dick pics, then
Robbe had nearly choked at this. Even though their chatting had started as nearly nothing, it had rapidly become...something.  At least for Robbe. The past few weeks, their conversations had grown from occasional back-and-forths to constant communication, nearly-endless banter, and then...not-so-subtle flirting. Whatever was going on with this stranger, Robbe couldn’t bear to lose it. 
Once he was finally ready for school that day, Robbe grabbed his skateboard and headed out to the street. Before mounting his board on the sidewalk, he opened his last chat with Earthling, trying to muster the courage to send him the message he’d been wanting to for days.
sterkerdanijzer: what if we said screw the rules….and met up? Like IRL?
Robbe’s fingers hovered over the keys, trying to gather the courage to hit send. It was stupid, he knew, but he was so terrified of scaring this stranger away. For reasons he didn’t fully understand yet, he needed him. Assuming it was, in fact, a him. I guess it was bold of him to assume Earthling was a boy. And gay. He took a breath and kicked off, starting to roll down the street. 
Then, out of nowhere, he was crashing, thrust back off his board and onto the ground as he collided with something. Or better, someone. 
Ugh, he groaned. Slowly rising up, he grabbed his phone and bag, which had been expelled violently from the impact. 
“What the hell, Robin?” the boy said, picking himself back up off the sidewalk where he’d fallen. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?! Do you even know how to ride that thing?”
Brushing the dirt off his hands, he looked up, already feeling stiff aches form in his joints from the fall. Looking up, he groaned again.
Of course, it was Sander Driesen. He should have known immediately. No one else had the nerve to call him Robin.
Robbe rolled his eyes. “Maybe you shouldn’t be meandering in the middle of the sidewalk,” he threw back. “Pick a side and stay out of the way of people who actually need to get somewhere.”
Sander scoffed, dusting himself off and grabbing his bag, rearranging the now-disorderly contents inside. “Right, I forgot. You’ll be late for class,” he said, the words dripping with disdain. “Ahh, to be young and only concerned with high school drama.” 
Oh, how Robbe hated Sander Driesen. 
Clad head-to-toe in black, with a noisy leather jacket, combat boots and a shock of (badly) bleached-blonde hair, he was a walking cliche. 
The two had grown up together, coexisting side by side in school and social circles. But the two could not be more different. Because of this, their relationship didn’t amount to much more than swapped insults in passing, tense confrontations, and merciless teasing. Now that Sander had graduated high school, their interactions were fewer. But for Robbe, that was still too often. 
“So tell me, O Wise One,” Robbe  shot back. “If you’re so above all of us children, why are you still dating Britt? She’s not too ‘high school drama’ for you?”
Sander grimaced. “I’m not with Britt,” he said, almost clenching his teeth.
“Right, whatever,” Robbe said, ready for this encounter to be way past over. “I don’t give a damn about your personal life. In fact, I don’t give a damn about anything involving you. I have to go.”
He turned to leave, realizing he skateboard was still on the ground, rolled out of his reach, an end tucked under the heel of Sander’s boot. He smirked at Robbe. 
“Oh, right. Your toy.” Sander rolled it back to Robbe, staring him down with an obnoxious smile. “See you around...Robin.”
Robbe grabbed his board and walked off in a huff, flipping Sander off as he passed. “Screw you, Sander.”
Rounding the corner, he stopped to steady his breathing. Why must his day be tainted with the influence of that fake blonde, edgy wannabe pyscho? Inhaling deep and taking advantage of his high tide of emotions, he pulled out his phone again, returning to his chat with Earthling. Do it, he told himself. Do it before you lose your nerve. Typing fast, he wrote:
Sterkerdanijzer: what if we said screw the rules….and met up? Like IRL?
He hit Send, waiting breathlessly.
Within seconds, three dots appeared. Earthling was typing.
The music was blaring, thumping against Robbe’s heartbeat. The crowd at the party was so thick that he was pressed up against Jens and Aaron, their combined heat making him slightly nauseous. 
But all he could focus on was the neon glow of the screen in front of him, and in his mind running over and over the words Earthling had texted him hours earlier: Earthlingoddity: probably not a good idea.
Robbe had stared at it again and again, feeling that same nosedive in his stomach as he had when he first got it that morning on the street. He didn’t want to meet Robbe. So all of it had been...nothing after all. Deep down he’d known that. It was just talking. But it still felt like rejection. How could he so intensely have misread their connection? Even virtually, Robbe had felt the magnitude of it. Or so he’d thought. 
All of this considered, he hadn’t been a very good wingman for his friends tonight. They’d dragged him to this party at Noor’s, scanning the room intently, looking for girls to pursue. Robbe just stood by, slumped and sipping lukewarm beer that just made his stomach turn.
Earthlingoddity: probably not a good idea he read again. Ugh. He was going to be torturing himself all night.
“Dude,” Jens elbowed him suddenly, or maybe just shifted, their proximity making it impossible to tell. “Dude, ten o’clock. That guy is totally checking you out.”
Robbe scoffed, not even bothering to look up. Gay guys at this party? He doubted it. 
“Seriously, Robbe,” Jens pushed again. “He’s definitely staring. And he’s actually pretty hot.” 
“Yep, totally,” Aaron agreed, nodding as he took a swig of his beer. “Definitely your type.”
“I don’t have a type,” Robbe sighed, finally tucking his phone back in his pocket and looking up. Shifting his gaze to his left, he looked in the direction the boys had indicated, trying to find a pair of eyes seeking his.
Whoa. Okay, so he was pretty hot.
Tall with messy brown hair, a boy with blue eyes was meeting his gaze. When the corners of the boy’s lips lifted in a smile, Robbe blushed, looking down. Now he looked desperate. Super.
“Go get another beer,” Jens said, shoving him forward. “See if he follows you. And act cool!”
“What? I—” Robbe protested, but the two were now pushing him together, forcing a parting of the crowd in front of them. 
Robbe swallowed, palms starting to sweat. He wove slowly through groups and couples dancing, making his way to the kitchen. Inside he sought out more drinks among the counter full of bottles and cups. It only took a few moments before he heard it.
“Hey,” the voice behind him said, deep and raspy. 
Robbe turned slowly, trying to swallow the dryness from his throat. The tall boy stood behind him, his beer dangling from two fingers. He leaned down to Robbe, putting his mouth close to his ear. 
“I’m Nathan,” he leaned back again to look Robbe in the eyes. 
“Uhm,” Robbe stammered. “I’m Rob-Robbe.”
“Hi, Robbe,” Nathan said, smiling. “Do you dance?” He took a step forward, dangerously close.
“Not if I can help it,” Robbe laughed nervously. The boy laughed too, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth and dimples. Robbe wiped a hand across his mouth, worried he was drooling now.
“Maybe another drink, then?” the boy asked. Robbe just nodded.
Nathan smiled and reached around to the counter, searching through the bottles. When he finally found an unopened one, he popped off the top easily, making Robbe’s stomach flip. So hot.  
Nathan handed it to Robbe, smiling. As Robbe took it, their fingertips brushed together. Robbe looked down, blushing. Then, again, the boy’s face was leaning down. They were cheek to cheek. 
“Want to get out of here?” he whispered, sending a wave of goosebumps down Robbe’s arm and spine. With a small nod, Nathan grabbed Robbe’s hand, leading him through the crowd.
Outside, the air was much cooler, and Robbe felt like he could breathe again. The music blared from the door of the apartment building onto the street, but now it was just a dull throb instead of a deafening pulse.
Deep inhales of the outside air made his head feel lighter, his thoughts clearer...that is, until Nathan would brush his arm. Then he felt fuzzy again. With one arm leaning against the brick of the building, the other was casually touching Robbe’s every few minutes and Robbe could feel his knees going weak.
They had been talking for almost forty-five minutes and Robbe forgot how nice it was to talk intimately with someone he could actually be face to face with. Why had he even been bothering with Earthling? Clearly, that was going nowhere. Nathan, on the other hand, had potential. He was interesting, asking Robbe about his life and sharing details about his own. They talked easily, their touches getting progressively more frequent. Then, Nathan went silent, his gaze flicking down to Robbe’s lips. Robbe’s stomach was fluttering, licking his lips in anticipation. Nathan was leaning in, the hand against the brick sliding down to Robbe’s waist….
“Well, well well,” a loud voice behind him announced, breaking violently through their moment, causing the two to pull apart quickly. “If it isn’t my pal, Robin!” 
Sander Driesen, in dark jeans and a white t-shirt, appeared next to Robbe, followed by Britt in tow. He looked from Robbe to Nathan, smiling widely. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” Robbe muttered under his breath. Nathan looked confused, glancing from Robbe to the bleached-blonde boy.
“Robin?” he asked, biting his lip in bewilderment.
“Ignore him,” Robbe said, grabbing his shoulder. “C’mon.” 
“Aren’t you going to introduce me, Robin?” Sander replied, cocking his head and raising his eyebrows at Robbe. 
Robbe groaned. “Seriously, Sander,” he said, “Not now.”
“Oh, c’mon, buddy,” he gave Robbe’s shoulder a soft punch. “Introduce me to your friend,” the last work thick with implication.
Robbe rolled his eyes as Sander stuck a hand out to Nathan, who took it with a polite smile.
“I’m Sander,” the boy said. “Robbe and I….well, let’s just say we have a looooong history.”
Robbe glared at Sander. “We’re going now.”
As he was leading Nathan back down the street, Sander called out again, louder.
“We didn’t mean to interrupt the moment, love birds,” he said, smirking. “Carry on!” With a chuckle, Sander threw an arm around Britt’s waist and walked into the apartment.
A few feet down the sidewalk Nathan turned to Robbe. “Who was that?
“Nobody,” Robbe answered quickly, trying to turn the conversation anywhere but on Sander. 
“It didn’t seem like nobody,” Nathan said quietly, rubbing a hand through his hair.  “Is he...an old boyfriend, or something?”
“What?!” Robbe near-shouted, stopping to look right at Nathan. “No. No. Not even close. He drives me crazy.”
Nathan bit his lip. “Look, Robbe. I should probably get going.”
“What?” Robbe said, his face dropping. “Because of him? You can’t be serious—”
“I was probably moving too quickly,” Nathan said slowly. “I’m sorry.” He gave Robbe a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away, turning the corner out of view. 
Robbe didn’t care who was spilling drinks or getting their feet stepped on. Plowing through the crowd with his elbows, he found his way into the party and back to Jens and Aaron, who were in the middle of telling a story to two girls bearing plastic cups and bored expressions.
“Uhm, hey guys?” Robbe said, tapping Jens on the shoulder. “I’m going to take off.” Jens turned, quickly motioning a be right back to the girls, who nodded vaguely. 
“Wait, what happened with the guy?’ Jens asked eagerly. “Are you going to his place?”
Robbe frowned. “No. It didn’t exactly...work out.”
“Sorry, man,” Aaron said, slapping Robbe’s shoulder. “Want us to come with?”
Robbe shook his head. “Nah, you guys stay. I’m going to call it a night anyway.”
Finishing his goodbyes, Robbe ditched his bottle and stepped back out in the night air, now considerably cooler. Finding his bike, he started unlocking the lock when a voice behind him again shook him out of his thoughts.
“Headed home already?” Sander. Again.
Robbe whipped around on him, finding him alone this time. 
“Seriously, Sander? Can you please just leave me alone?” Robbe said, almost whining now. “You already managed to ruin this night for me once.”
This sobered Sander a little, who swallowed and took a step forward.
“Robbe, I—”
“No, I mean it, Sander. Go back to Britt, who’s apparently not your ‘girlfriend,’” Robbe did air quotes, making Sander clench his teeth again, “and leave me the hell alone.”
There was silence for a moment before Sander spoke.
“I’m sorry, Robbe.”  
Robbe shook his head and turned back to his bike lock.
“I was doing you a favor, okay?” Sander spoke, his voice insistent. “That guy seemed like a real douche.” Robbe scoffed. Seriously? 
“I mean, did you see his hair?” Sander continued. “Total poser.”
Robbe laughed to himself. “Yeah, like you’re one to talk,” he mumbled back at Sander.
Sander smiled at this. “Touche.” 
Robbe had his bike unlocked now and he started to wheel it down the street. 
“See you around, Robbe.” Sander called out.
“Yeah, don’t count on it,” Robbe replied.
As he mounted his bike, his phone vibrated. A message.
Earthlingoddity: You know what, forget what I said. Screw the rules. Let’s meet. When? Where?
Robbe didn’t respond to Earthling’s message for several days. When he did, he wanted to come off cool, casual. He drafted and redrafted the same message in a hundred different ways. Finally, he sent back:
Sterkerdanijzer: Yeah, okay. I guess we can. I can do Friday at 18h. Drinks at Jardim Antwerpen?
He got a reply almost immediately.
Earthlingoddity: Absolutely. I’ll be there. Without a mask ;-) 
So there he was, sitting at a table watching the sun go down, turning a near-empty glass in his hands over and over again in his hands. Even with the condensation from the glass, Robbe’s palms were clammy. He was so nervous he had to occasionally reach down to calm his shaking legs. 
Milan had helped him pick out an outfit, a white linen button up and jeans. Zoe had mussed his hair until she insisted it was “perfect.” But he just felt ridiculous. Why was he even doing this? If he’d learned anything from the past few weeks, it was that he knew nothing. And he was probably going to be single forever. And for all he knew, Earthling would turn out to be a serial killer. 
At 18h15, Robbe started to get antsy. He messaged the boy:
Sterkerdanijzer: I’m here. White shirt, brown hair. U close?
But he got no response. He bit his lip anxiously, checking his phone constantly. At 18h45, after he had downed one more drink than he should have, he got up. Leaving a tip on the table, he shoved his phone in his pocket and headed to leave. This was a ridiculous idea, he scolded himself. So stupid. Of course he wouldn’t show.
As he neared the exit, he saw a flash of white in his peripheral. Turning, he saw a boy sitting at a table alone, phone in his hand. Sander.
As if he’d spoken his name out loud, Sander looked up, green eyes glowing. He smirked. “Small world,” he called out to Robbe. “What are you doing here?”
Robbe glared at him. “None of your business. What are you doing here?”
Sander just looked at him for a minute. “I’m, uh...waiting for Britt. She’s supposed to be here soon. Were you waiting for a date?” His knowing smile made Robbe’s insides twist. 
“Right,” Robbe said, nodding. “Well, I’m going to…” he turned again to leave.
“Uhm, actually, Robbe?” he called out. Robbe turned back slightly. What was he going to say now?
“Do you think I could borrow your phone to text Britt? Mine is dead.”
Robbe hesitated. Gone from Sander’s tone was any hint of teasing. He sounded genuine. He sounded desperate, almost. 
“Yeah, fine,” Robbe seceded, walking over to Sander’s table and handing over his phone. 
“Thanks,” Sander said, giving Robbe a small smile as he met his gaze. 
Robbe stood there as Sander typed, concentrating hard on the screen. Waiting, he glanced around again. No sign of anybody new. No sign of anybody looking for him. He was so stupid. 
“So, were you supposed to meet Nathan here?” Sander asked, not looking up as he continued to type.
“Why do you care?” Robbe asked.
Sander looked up. “I’m just making conversation. I hope it wasn’t him, though. You could do better.”
Robbe scoffed. “Okay, thanks for the tip, Sander.” He turned away again. ‘Cause Sander cared SO much about him. Right.
Then Sander stood, downing the rest of his drink. “Look like she’s not coming.” But as he handed Robbe back his phone, he didn’t look sad. He was smiling. Walking toward the exit, he turned back toward Robbe. 
“You coming?” Sander asked.
“What, me?” Robbe asked incredulously.
“Uh, yeah you, Robin,” Sander laughed. “Let’s go.” Walking away again, Robbe stood there, mouth open. 
“Come!” Sander’s voice reached Robbe again. He was probably too drunk to think straight because next thing he knew, he was following Sander’s silhouette into the sunset. 
“Sander, you cannot be serious,” Robbe stood obstinately away from the door, shaking his head at the boy, who was jiggling with the lock on a door, labeled boldly with a “No Trespassing” sign. “I assumed your plans were more drinks, not jail.”
Sander kept his hands on the door handle, but turned to face Robbe, a teasing grin on his face.
“Would you chill? We’re not getting arrested. I’ve done this a hundred times.”
“Yeah, ‘cause that makes me feel better,” Robbe retorted. 
Sander just laughed and continued jiggling until click. The door squeaked open. He turned and raised his eyebrows at Robbe. “Come.”
Robbe shook his head again. He could not believe this. Not only was Sander trying to ruin his social life, he was trying to get him arrested. But Sander had disappeared behind the door, and finally, reluctantly, Robbe followed behind him.
Illuminating the stairs inside with the light on his phone, Sander led Robbe to the top, where he held his hands out in a ta-da! motion, so clearly pleased with this reveal. 
Reaching the top and taking in the scene, Robbe’s jaw dropped. A large, open-air pool laid out before him, neon blue water rippling with the cold wind.
“No,” Robbe started, his voice escalating. “Sander, no. We are not—”
But Sander was starting to shrug out of his jacket, then reaching down to undo the laces of his boots. 
“C’mon,” he whisper-yelled. “We’re doing this!”
“You’re insane!” Robbe yelled. “There’s no way I’m getting in that pool. We will die!”
Sander laughed as he lifted his shirt over his head. “We will not die, Robbe. Just come!”  
Robbe just stood there in disbelief as Sander kept shedding clothes, not stopping at his briefs. In a blink of an eye, he was completely naked and running towards the pool, jumping in with a yelp.
Robbe’s jaw dropped. Sander was actually insane. And was his skin always that golden? And did he have abs?
Emerging from the water with a screech, Sander called out again. 
“Robbe, come! It’s amazing in here!”
“No,” Robbe said defiantly. “No way.”
“You’re missing out, Robin,” he called out to him in a sing-song voice.
Robbe shook his head. “It’s freezing cold!”
“Yeah, it’s freezing cold,” Sander said. “But you have to do it. Get in! Now!”
Treading water, the light from the pool making his blonde hair glow neon, Sander waited for him, smiling.
Before he could think, Robbe started unbuttoning his shirt, dropping it on the concrete. Stepping out of his jeans, he watched Sander’s eyes roam across his bare chest. He swallowed hard.
Down to his underwear, Robbe started toward the pool, berating himself for giving into the demands of a pretentious — but weirdly captivating — boy. 
Okay, that was clearly the alcohol talking, he thought, shaking the idea from his head. 
“Hey, hey!” Sander yelled, stopping Robbe in his tracks. “All the way or no way.”
Robbe balked at him. Was he serious? He exhaled, biting his lip. Reaching down, he stripped off his underwear, now completely bare in front of Sander Driesen. He was going to regret this. But for now, he jumped into the pool.
He had been right. It was freezing. Easily the coldest water he’d ever felt. When his head exited the water, he yelped. 
“Oh. My. God.” he squealed, teeth chattering. “I am going to kill you, Sander!” He splashed around violently, trying to keep his limbs from going numb. 
“Dude, can you even swim?” Sander yelled, laughing.
Robbe splashed water Sander’s way. “Are you kidding? I can swim better than you any day!”
“Was that a challenge?” Sander quipped, circling around Robbe. 
“Well, yeah, I think it was!” Robbe answered. “You scared Driesen?” 
Sander smiled at him. “You’re on, Robin! First one to that opposite side of the pool wins! On three!”
“One….” Robbe started.
“Two….” Sander echoed.
“Three!” They yelled in unison, taking off for the pool’s edge. 
Robbe stroked, gasping deeply as he tried to find his stride. He was not going to let Sander beat him, no matter how drunk he was.
But when he reached the ledge, cheering in victory, he couldn’t see Sander. He wiped the water from his eyes, and looked beneath the water for Sander. He couldn’t see him anywhere.
“Sander?” He called out. “I totally kicked your ass!”
Still, nothing. Now, Robbe was starting to panic.
“Sander?!” His yelled, desperation creeping into his voice. He was about to call out again when Sander popped out of the water directly in front of him, so close, stealing Robbe’s breath and pinning him against the ledge.
“Sander, what the hell? What are you—” Robbe started, but before he could finish, Sander grasped the ledge behind Robbe, covering his body with his. Robbe felt Sander’s chest rise and fall against his as he tried to catch his breath.
“You won, Robin,” Sander spoke deeply. 
Then, he was kissing Robbe, keeping one hand on the ledge, the other sliding down to Robbe’s waist, holding him in place. Sander’s hand was firm, making Robbe melt beneath him. Robbe reached back a hand to hold himself to the ledge and the other found the nape of Sander’s neck. Using his fingers, he pulled Sander towards him, then let those fingers tangle themselves in Sander’s hair. Feeling his pull, Sander kissed Robbe deeper, grasping at any part of Robbe’s mouth he could find, sliding down to his jaw and his neck, sucking the skin there. Whining, Robbe’s eyes rolled back. Sander found lips again, tugging on them gently. Robbe licked the soft skin of Sander’s lips and heard a gentle moan escape the boy’s throat. It was happening so fast. Their limbs and breath were tangling, mixing together in explosive energy that made them both weak. 
He was kissing Sander Driesen. He was kissing Sander Driesen. When these words came together and made sense in his mind, he startled, shoving Sander off of him. 
“What are we doing?” Robbe spoke, trying to catch his breath. “What are we doing?! This isn’t….we’re, we’re drunk!” His voice was rising, filling with disbelief and exasperation.
“Robbe, I—” Sander said, water dripping off his golden skin, tempting Robbe more than he wanted to admit. He approached Robbe again slowly. 
“No, no,” Robbe said, reaching for the ledge and hefting himself out of the water. “This was a huge mistake. I’m drunk. We’re drunk. We shouldn’t have—”
“Robbe, wait!” Sander called, swimming towards the ledge and following Robbe out.
Robbe ran and gathered his clothes. “I have to go, Sander. Let me go.” 
Sander stopped, a look of confusion and hurt painting his face. “Robbe, don’t….”
Robbe spun on him, his voice rising. “Don’t follow me, Sander. And don’t you dare tell anyone about this. Swear it.”  
Sander just looked at him, lifting up his hands in submission. “I’m sorry, I swear I won’t—”     
Then Robbe ran down the stairs, struggling to pull his clothes on over his soaking-wet body as he left Sander behind him.
Robbe had hoped that when he woke up, the whole night would have been a dream. A ridiculous dream that would have made him blush...and probably need to take a cold shower. But still, a dream. A dream he could forget about. But the pile of wet clothes on the floor and phone full of messages from Sander proved otherwise. He groaned, aching from the memory and the hangover. 
His phone vibrated again and exasperated, he turned to silence it when he saw it — a message not from Sander, but from Earthling. 
Earthlingoddity: Hey….I know that there is probably nothing I can say to you right now that will make up for what I did last night. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I promise. Something just...came up and I couldn’t make it. I promise it wasn’t you, okay. Please, please forgive me? 
Robbe just stared at the message. As he did, another message from Sander came. 
Sander: Robbe, please answer me. I’m sorry about last night. Can we please talk, face-to-face?
Robbe rubbed his face. What was he going to say to either of these people? Why was everything such a mess?
Kissing Sander last night...that had been the biggest shock to his system. Sander hated him. He hated Sander. That was their relationship. But in an ice-cold pool they’d entered some alternate universe and crossed a line. They were drunk. That was it. Right?
Robbe went back to the message from Earthling. Typing slowly, he sent:
Sterkerdanijzer: you were right. We should have never agreed to meet.
He got a response back almost immediately.
Earthlingoddity: No! No, it wasn’t a mistake. We should meet. I promise, something just came up that I couldn’t say no to. I want to meet you so bad. Please, can you give me another chance? I’ll do anything.
Robbe closed the message. Not now.
Taking another deep breath, he opened Sander’s message. 
Robbe: Fine, we can talk. Come to my house in an hour.
Sander: I’ll be there. 
After Robbe had showered and straightened up his room, he took a deep breath. He had no idea how he was going to survive this interaction with Sander, after all that had happened between them. They’d kissed. ALOT. They’d been naked, for heaven’s sake. Robbe groaned, flopping back down on his bed. What was happening to him? The world was turning upside down.
With that, there was a knock on the door. He could hear Jens shuffling to get it, but he raced to the door, sliding past Jens. 
“I got it, I got it.” 
Jens just looked at him, yawning. “What the hell?”
“It’s...it’s uhm...for me. I’ll get it.”
Jens stared blankly. “You’re being weird.” But he just went off towards the kitchen, yawning again.
Taking a breath, Robbe opened the door. 
Sander stood there, his hair also wet, clearly brushed into submission. He had on a cream-colored sweater, which shocked Robbe. He looked good. 
“Robbe. Hey.” He smiled, taking a deep breath.
Robbe just stood there, unsure of what to say.
Sander smiled again. “Soooo….can I come in or….?”
“Oh, right. Yeah, come in.” Robbe opened the door wider so Sander could enter. 
Glancing towards the kitchen, where Jens was making coffee, glasses clinking, he motioned to the hallway. 
“Let’s go to my room and talk,” Robbe spoke quietly.
“Sure, yeah,” Sander nodded. “Lead the way.”
Robbe walked hesitantly toward his room, opening the door for Sander. He entered, looking around. 
“Nice place,” he commented, looking at Robbe with a wink. “Thanks for inviting me.”
Robbe smiled, feeling flushed all of the sudden.
Sander went and sat on the edge of the bed. Robbe followed.
Sander cleared his throat. “So, I know what happened last night surprised you. I know it surprised me.” He smiled to himself. “I just wanted to say that….I’m not sorry.”
“What?” Robbe looked up at him, confused.
Sander was firm, sure. “I said, I’m not sorry. For what happened. For kissing you.”
“You’re….not sorry….” Robbe repeated slowly, trying to understand.
“I wanted to kiss you and I did. And I don’t regret it. I know we were drunk, but I think you wanted to kiss me, too.”
Robbe felt heat rise to his cheeks. He spoke quietly. “Sander…it doesn’t make sense. We don’t make sense. At all. We are at each other’s throats constantly.”
“So what?” Sander asked, laughing. “Maybe what we thought was hate was just passion.”
“Passion?” Robbe choked. “Passion? We can’t stand each other! We drive each other completely crazy!”
“Well,” Sander began, biting his lip. “That, I guess, is true. You do drive me crazy. But not for the reasons you think.”
“Sander, what are you—” but Robbe stopped as Sander turned towards him, sliding a hand to cup his jaw. 
“You do drive me completely insane, Robbe,” he said gently. “But in a way I want to feel all the time. That kiss was….” he put his hands together over his head, imitating a mind-blown gesture, “pppppffffffeeeewww.”
Robbe’s lips were curling up in a smile he couldn’t hide. He felt warm. But something nagged at him.
“Sander, I can’t do this,” he admitted quickly, before he could stop himself. “I know this sounds silly and stupid, but….there’s someone else.”
Sander sat back. “Who, Nathan?”
Robbe shook his head. “No, not Nathan. You ruined that one, remember?” He slugged Sander’s arm.
“No, it’s….” Robbe put his head down, embarrassed. “It’s someone I don’t even actually know.” He covered his face in his hands. “I know, it’s so stupid. But I think I really care about this person.”
To Robbe’s surprise, Sander didn’t laugh. Or come up with some stupid insult. Or even seem surprised by his revelation at all. 
“Okay,” he began. “So, who is he? Where did you meet him?” 
“Well,” Robbe said, blushing again. “We met online. On a stupid street art blog. We talk through DMs all day, everyday. Yesterday, when we ran into each other, I was waiting for him. We were supposed to meet each other for the first time in person. But….he stood me up.”
“Hmmm,” Sander sounded. “Sounds like a real asshole.”
Robbe laughed. “He’s not, though! Sure, I was devastated that he ditched me...and then, we kissed...and, everything is just a mess.” He fell back on the bed again, hands over his face.
Sander was silent for a minute. “So did he apologize? For last night?”
Robbe sat up slightly. “Well, yeah. He messaged me again saying he was sorry, and that it wasn’t me.”
“So?” Sander asked, probing for more. 
“So what?” Robbe asked.
“So, what are you going to say? Are you going to forgive him?” Sander asked.
“Well...I don’t know,” Robbe admitted. “I want to. You’re going to insult me mercilessly for the rest of time for saying this, but...I think Earthling is my soulmate.”
Sander grinned. “I’m sorry, who?”
Robbe laughed, embarrassed again. 
“Earthlingoddity, it’s his handle. I just call him Earthling.”
Sander looked down at his lap, biting his lip to hide a grin.
“I knew you would make fun of me!” Robbe shoved Sander. “I knew it!”
“No!” Sander held his hands up innocently. “I’m not making fun of you! I think it’s cute. I mean, it’s a Bowie reference, he’s obviously got good taste.”
Robbe smiled. “Yeah, he does,” he said.
“So,” Sander continued. “If you think this guy is your soulmate, I think you should talk to him. Give him another chance.”
“What should I say?” Robbe asked. “Do I ask him to meet up again?”
Sander thought for a minute. “I think you need to give him an ultimatum. His last chance.”
“An ultimatum?” Robbe asked.
“Yep.” Sander said, scooting to sit cross-legged on the bed. “Take out your phone.”
“What, now?” Robbe asked incredulously. 
“Yes, now!” Sander said firmly. “C’mon. Get your phone.”
Robbe shook his head. Of course, his rival, the guy he’d made out with last night, was now helping him attempt to snag a man. He officially understood nothing.
Taking out his phone, he pulled up Earthling’s message. 
“So what do I say?” He looked at Sander.
“Just say….” Sander began, looking off in thought. “You hurt me yesterday. This is your one chance to make it up to me. Meet me tonight or we’re done with this. No more talking, no more messages. This is it. Your last chance” Damn. Looking at Sander once more, he typed it out. Taking a deep breath, he hit Send.
“Oh no, oh no, I sent it. What now. What if he doesn’t answer? What if he thinks I’m desperate?” Robbe rattled off, starting to hyperventilate.
Then, Sander’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out. 
“Sorry, hold on a sec,” he said. “I gotta respond to this.”
“Sander!” Robbe whined. “Focus! I need you! If he responds, you have to help me!”
“Don’t worry. Robin,” Sander said with a smirk. “He will. And I will.”
Sander typed quickly, then put his phone back down on the bed. He was hiding another smirk.
Robbe glared at him. “Sander! Are you texting Britt right now? Should I remind you that we’re focusing on me right now? Or should I remind you that you kissed me last night? What is wrong with you?!”
Sander shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t texting Britt, Robbe, calm down.” 
But Robbe ignored this as his phone buzzed again.
“Oh my god, okay, it’s him,” he cleared his throat. “This is what he said.” 
Now, Sander was laughing. Loudly. 
“Sander!” Robbe whined again.
Sander tried to stifle a laugh with his palm. “Okay,” he tried to turn the laugh into a cough. “Right, I’m focused. Well, what did he say?”
Robbe swiped and opened the message.
“He said...I choose you, Robin. Always, one hundred percent, forever.”
Robbe’s phone fell in his lap as he looked up at Sander. 
“Sander…..what kind of joke are you—”
Sander just shook his head and grinned. “Don’t call me, Sander. From now on, you have to call me Earthling.”   
Then, Sander was crawling over to Robbe, pushing him back down on the bed.
Hovering over him, he spoke gently. 
“When I saw you with Nathan at the party last week, I got jealous. You looked so hot and I knew I was starting to want you. It scared me. I knew you hated me. But I did. I wanted you. Trust me, Britt and I aren’t together. I just wanted to make you jealous. And that obviously backfired,” he said, laughing.
He continued to Robbe’s breathless stare. “Then I found out it was you I had been messaging when I borrowed your phone at the bar yesterday,” he said. “I saw the messages I’d sent you as Earthling. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe Robin was the boy I’d been talking to. The boy I’d been falling in love with, online and in real life. I was going to tell you right there, but you were so mad at me and so cute and I couldn’t resist trying to see if I could get you to fall in love with me, too. As Sander. And after that kiss, I knew what we had was real. Whether over text or in a freezing cold pool, it was real.”
Robbe blinked in disbelief. Was he really hearing this? It wasn’t some colossal joke Sander was playing on him? 
“Sander….” he said carefully. “Is that true? Is that really—” but before he could finish, Sander was kissing him again, winding a hand into his hair, immersing him completely, deeply into him.
It was true. 
So, telling their friends about their relationship had been interesting. 
First, Jen had walked in on them, sloshing coffee all over himself when he saw Sander pulling off Robbe’s shirt. That had been a hard one to explain.
But the weirdest part was that no one had really seemed surprised. Sure, Jens was taken back initially, but as they sat in the kitchen sharing coffee (after Robbe had reclaimed his shirt and gotten dressed), Robbe sitting on Sander’s lap, Jens had smiled at them like a proud dad. 
You’re like yin and yang, he’d said. Somehow you two just fit.
And they did. In so many ways. Their minds, their souls, their bodies...
They just fit. 
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the-nr-amalgam · 7 years
[I was tagged by @ask-chibi-law​ for an 11 questions meme, so I’m doing in on my rp one, because long texts ahoy. I was also tagged by askredyellowpink but like.. I couldn’t choose here so I went with this one!
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer questions by the person that tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
1) Who would you like to have a conversation with?
I try to avoid having to speak with people as much as possible honestly, hahh. I don’t trust myself to talk because I stutter too much, or I can’t get my thoughts across half the time... 
Other than that, no one really comes to mind
2) Do you have any regrets? (You don’t need to explain if you don’t want to.)
I regret getting involved (like having interactions) with a lot of people so far in life... 
3) Who would you most likely form an alliance with?
I uh.. have no idea? Hah. Maybe Mark Fischbach, he’s a p fun guy
4) What is your most treasured memory?
Actually getting to remember this old cartoon I watched so much when I was small all because my mother sent me a game to it. Without that I doubt I would have gone onto the internet to try to find stuff on it, or the internet itself!
5) What is your favorite time of the day?
The morning, when I can still feel as though the day is still there
6) Who is your role model?
I think I can say a lot of artists out there are my role models, tbh. The main one more at the moment is Michelle Czajkowski, artist and writer of Ava’s Demon. Her art is so good, and the comic is good so far (i say that because Im sure we’re still in the early stages of the story, heh)
7) Why do you like your favorite character?
Ummmmmmm I’ve got a lot of those? Lol, but for one piece.. hm. Let’s go with Ace. I like him because his whole design is really fun (and hes good looking ahahhhh). Wish he had more screen time though... 
Robin’s my other hand fav, because her whole story hurts to the core and I like characters with that type of ‘air’ (and design). To degrees, you could almost relate to them.
8) Do you have any nicknames?
I don’t at all but I prefer to go by ‘Jerena’ online, and already there’s jeres, J, and I know or maybe not another one but that’s cool. It’s weird when people call me T tho lmao, I’m p different from my OC.
9) Are you romantically interested in anyone?
Lol nah
10) What is your greatest fear?
Ending up a huge failure... and the people I care about abandoning me I guess
11) How well can you tolerate someone?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that uh, really depends. I try to be open which is already a miracle as is but once they start like.... ugh how do i even explain it? Like dissing me I guess? Or even if they’re kind of an A-hole I won’t put up with it.
I also really hate nagging. Or people who feel they know it all. I won’t tolerate it.
Aight bois I have no questions to give as you can see, I suck at these things hahh]
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