#sere stfu
staarry-skies · 11 months
how DARE the rezero fandom only ever talk about/make content surrounding the literal main characters of the series cant they see that my silly little blorbos with four (4) total episodes of screentime need more attention
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pinkwright · 1 year
i be dying of embarassment everytime my brain tries to project my ***** **** into my writing
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
anon Even if I don't know half of your muses, I like following you and think you are neat and cool. Hope we can interact someday. anon
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ummahistoria · 3 years
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Disclaimer : Isi berupa umpatan dan hasutan kejahatan.
Dampak media sosial emang bener-bener deh, dahsyat. Apalagi semenjak aplikasi chatting kayak WhatsApp dan Line upgrade fitur story. Belum lagi IG.
Semua penggunanya bisa membagikan momen, termasuk update tentang 'pencapaiannya'.
Kalau dilihat-lihat, banyak orang update tentang pencapaian dan kesuksesan mereka. Ya gak masalah kok. Bebas. Urusan niat pamer atau sekadar buat nyimpen momen kan urusan hati-hati masing-masing.
Tapi, emang kadang atau mungkin sering(?) orang lain ke-trigger kalau lihat pencapaian orang lain. Ada yang insekyur, ada yang juga jadi berlomba-lomba pengin menampilkan juga pencapaiannya. Beberapa ada yang butuh validasi, semacam pengakuan bahwa "Oh.. si A udah sukses. Hebat yaa, keren!".
Ya namanya manusia, manusiawi kok. Aku juga pernah gitu wkwk
Tapi makin kesini, makin mikir dan sadar. Bahwa nggak penting adanya pengakuan dan pembuktian kesuksesan dari/ke orang lain. Selain, buat apa sih? Penting juga nggak. Alasannya adalah (pengalaman diri sendiri) :
1. Saat kita update, dibandingkan dengan yang bahagia atas pencapaian kita, justru sebaliknya. Banyak yang iri dan nggak suka.
Pernah update tentang ucapan wisuda buat teman dan bangga karena ayah sambungku lulus sidang disertasinya. Tetiba ada yang gak suka, malah ngata-ngatain "Buat apa gelar tinggi-tinggi, kalo gak bisa ngaji. Di akhirat gak bakal ditanya gelar!"
Lah? Iya juga sih. Tapi orang yang dikatai begitu, saya tau, ngajinya lebih pinter dan jago dari orang yang ngatai barusan. Aduh. Gelar mereka juga InsyaAllah bermanfaat, karena bisa dipakai buat membantu orang banyak.
2. Semakin kamu update kesuksesan, semakin banyak orang yang tetiba ngaku-ngaku sodara kamu. Semakin banyak orang yang tetiba dateng seenaknya minta ini-itu.
Ini tuh jadi keinget, pas belum lama setelah wisuda. Ada (katanya sih) sodara, tapi saya tau wajahnya aja nggak dan nggak pernah bertukar kabar, tetiba nelpon Mamah. "Mbak, anakmu udah wisuda kan? Laptopnya kalo nggak kepake buat saya aja ya, anakku kuliah malu katanya gak punya laptop!"
Karena gak dikasih, tetiba minjem duit tapi malak maksa sebanyak 30 juta. Lah? STFU! Rasa ingin ngegeplak palamu jadi bakwan, budhe! Kau kira prosesi wisuda tuh aku dikasih doorprize dari rektor apa begimanaaa? [[Momon Nanang Ismail alias MONANGIS ajalah aku dengernya]] 😭
Golongan manusia kedua tuh, lebih baik di-hide aja demi ketentraman hidup. Bahkan karena saya orangnya emang kejam, saya blokir aja sekalian wkwk
Sedangkan golongan pertama, gak usah di-hide. Tunjukin aja terus, biar makin panas kepala sama hatinya HA HA HAHAHA (ini saya ketawa jahat ya. Karena udah saking geregetan banget).
Rasanya... Serba salah banget dah hidup, cuma pengin nyantai ngeringin keringat hasil capek ikhtiar belajar dan kerja doang padahal.
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flavourpoison · 7 years
abaikan aja dulunya yang agak alay. mau mencoba kreatif tapi gagal sih.
gue mau nulis tapi gak tau mau nulis apa. mau cerita tentang unek-unek selama 3 hari terakhir tapi unek-uneknya udah abis jadi gak semangat buat cerita tentang itu. 
soooo gue mau bikin playlist lagu yang gue suka dan yang lagi sering gue dengerin akhir-akhir ini. gue bikin versi indo-west sama kpop.
1. Red Velvet - Hear The Sea
2. Red Velvet - Automatic
3. Taeyeon - Night
4. Taeyeon - Farewell
5. Jonghyun - Love Belt
6. BTS - Boy Meets Evil
7. BTS - Rain
8. BTS - House of Cards
9. Junggigo - 247
10. Seventeen - Lean On Me
1. Blackbear - Idfc
2. Kehlani - Down For You
3. Blackbear - Valley Girls
4. Masionz - STFU
6. Payung Teduh - Menuju Senja
7. Maliq & D’Essentials - Heaven
8. Revo Marty - Kurindukan
9. Ecoutez - Simpan Saja
10. Ten2Five - You
part 2 nya nyusul gak tau kapan ehehe
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darmansyahaida · 7 years
"Udah cepet mandi, keluar sana." "Masih bisa berdiri kan?" "Jangan lebay ah" "Dipaksa dikit dong, itu mah karena kebanyakan tidur" "Males olahraga sih" "Cuma penyakit males aja itu" "Udah sering harusnya udah terbiasa dong, pegel dikit doang" Stfu. If you can't symphatize, at least stop judging, or at least stop relaying it in words. Someone break down because of your judgment. Someone hate themself because of your judgment. There's no condition for judgment, it's inherently wrong. Even for a condition you've been through, it's not the same for everyone.
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Just For Info ....
kalo kamu sering buka forum biasanya juga ketemu ini IMO = in my opinion = menurut opini/pendapatku FTW = for the win = sebagai pemenangnya CMIIW = correct me if i'm wrong = tolong koreksi jika saya salah ASAP = as soon as possible = secepat mungkin AFK = away from keyboard = sedang tidak di depan keyboard (sedang pergi dari keyboard) BRB = Be right back = segera kembali WTF = (agak kasar siy) What the fu**!   STFU = Shut the Fu** up! = Tutup mulutmu GTFO =Get the fu** out = cepat keluar!!
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staarry-skies · 6 months
ppl discussing airport scene on my dash and you guys do all know the ring was an engagement ring right??? its very important to me that you know that
i mean if the manga didnt make it obvious enough with the whole “when i get back—” and then her. yk. wearing the ring during the bed scene + wedding, lmf outright spells it out for you (“i didnt get to ask back then”). So.
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staarry-skies · 1 month
— usagis jealousy during bmc, and if it really is just that? a meta
(read more bc i anticipate this getting very long)
before we talk about bmc lets set the stage a bit: usagi has just defeated the dark kingdom no more than a week ago (its unclear how much time passes btwn the two arcs but i can’t imagine its longer than a week, or even a couple days, as we see usamamo exchange their keepsakes at the end of act 14, something they promised they’d do the next time they saw each other during act 8, which means that this must be the first time theyve seen each other since defeating the dark kingdom, which again, i cant imagine took longer than a couple days) which means she has just experienced: watching her boyfriend die in front of her, being overloaded with a host of tragic memories from her past life (one of them including watching her boyfriend die and killing herself), her boyfriend getting brainwashed, having to kill her boyfriend because there was no getting through to him, killing herself due to the aforementioned trauma, and finally finding out her friends died— sacrificing themselves for her to bring her back. so thats all Crazy we can agree that is crazy for a 14 year old girl to go through? right? okay? good.
now that we’ve agreed on that can you imagine a little girl falling out of a large portal in the sky then threatening you with a GUN (fake sure but she didnt know that originally) and demanding you hand over the overpowered magical artifact you JUST endured all that trauma trying to protect? and then that same girl brainwashes your family? obviously usagi isnt going to trust chibiusa right away. i mean look at what she’s working with, and then when she tries to bring up these concerns no one believes her. i mean sure WE as the audience know chibiusa isnt a threat, and the others think she isnt because they cant see a little girl as particularly threatening but when you look at things from usagis perspective, then OBVIOUSLY she’d be suspicious— i mean she repeatedly refuses to answer any sort of questions (obviously this is not chibiusas fault, shes a scared child and the questioning terrifies her further, but again, think about this from usagis perspective). and again id like to reiterate that all of this is directly after the dark kingdom, usagi hasn’t had any time to heal from those fresh fresh emotional scars Of Course she’s a bit irrational.
now, to the topic at hand, was usagis jealousy really just that? regular jealousy at seeing mamoru spending time with someone who isnt her (even if the person in question was a small child that logically posed no threat to her relationship)?
obviously i dont think so, but let me prove to you its not just simple irrational jealousy but also usagis ptsd and specifically her abandonment issues that are what cause her to react in the way she does.
again, id like to remind the jury of the shit usagi has just gone through and how that all has caused usagi to develop some very serious abandonment issues. we see usagis worst fear(s) represented in nightmare sequences a handful of times throughout the series. exactly twice actually, once in infinity and once in dream and each have the shared theme of her loved ones leaving her in some way. in infinity they turn against her and berate her before ultimately dying, and in dream they’re simply dead. again both times it is very clear that the root of what she fears is abandonment.
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these abandonment issues however, first begin to present themselves in arc 2. we even get a nightmare sequence in arc 2 similar to those of arcs 3&4. most interpret this as usagi just being jealous usagi. however really look at it, its not that she’s just afraid of mamoru being taken away by chibiusa, she’s afraid of them both abandoning her. look at what she says “wait! where are you going? dont leave me behind!” (or “wait! where are you going? dont leave me here!” in the eternal edition, i prefer the crystal translation simply because it makes it more explicit her issue is them leaving her alone) if it truly truly was an issue of jealousy why would she be afraid of them both leaving her behind? why say something like that? wouldnt it make more sense to say something like…. i dunno “chibiusa? dont take him from me!” instead?
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once again, everything she goes through in arc 1 is a big contributor in this, however recall arc 2 begins with the senshi being picked off one-by-one (all except minako), and usagi can do nothing but watch and it eats her up inside. she quite literally begins to lose everyone dear to her all over again even while the last time is still so fresh in her mind.
and during most of this what does chibiusa do? she stays secretive, doesnt give usagi any information even when usagi tells her she cant trust her if she doesnt. (again i wanna reiterate that this is no fault of chibiusas however its not usagis fault either) so of course usagi begins to register chibiusa as a threat, and again with the information she has + her inarguable connection to the black moon clan this isnt a logical leap in the slightest.
thus when mamoru begins to spend more time with chibiusa instead of her it causes two things to happen. a) usagi is left without the emotional support she desperately needs in all of this (through no fault of mamoru, he completely misreads what usagi needs in this particular situation, he thinks that by helping with chibiusa it’ll ease her stress to have one less thing off her plate, however of course we know this does the opposite) and b) she begins to register chibiusa as a genuine threat to mamorus safety. usagis terrified of losing him all over again when she just got him back. look at this scene, i mean really truly look at it. look at what usagis saying, this doesnt sound like the ramblings of a jealous girlfriend it sounds like someone who’s terrified of losing their most important person all over again. “stay here with me. never go away. ill do everything i can to protect you…” (or “…i wanna be with you. dont go away. ill protect you with everything i have” in crystal, here i prefer the eternal edition again bc i think it more explicitly defines usagis problem) these lines just don’t make sense under the simple jealousy interpretation, what does protecting him have anything to do with envy at the time hes spending with chibiusa and not with her? nothing. shes not upset at that, she puts emphasis on protecting him because thats the true root of the problem, shes afraid of losing him again to yet another supernatural threat after the crystal.
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and to close out id like to show everyone the viz dub version of this scene because i think it sums up my points incredibly well, as well as making it abundantly clear what the root of usagis problems Really are, specifically through the inclusion of the line “i wont lose you again”
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staarry-skies · 5 months
thinking about how when i was watching the frozen bond ova for the first time nd saw flashback!geuse i tried to find every excuse in the book to explain why this very sane very pretty witch cultist looks EXACTLY like that one villain from s1…….. i think i pretty much got attached then and there nd didnt want to admit he was petelgeuse…….. imagine my shock when i watched s2 p2
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staarry-skies · 11 months
to be honest i kinda dont want to hear ur opinion on mamoru if youve never read the manga or watched crystal
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staarry-skies · 1 year
its so fucking funny how in the kaguya myu when minakos like "diana existing and you two (luna and artemis) being married in the 30th century doesnt mean you can just sit back and relax, the future can always change!!" usamamo take it as a personal attack and have a visceral reaction to the mere IDEA that they possibly won't be married or have chibiusa
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staarry-skies · 10 months
Don't want to sound rude, just curious, but how is Haruka trans? Because of some bad translation of the manga ( the line "Uranus has both the qualities and strengh of male and female") or does it come from somewhere else?
its not a “bad translation” in Every Single Translation of that scene haruka is described as being “both a man and a woman”, haruka avoids answering questions about his gender, actively goes by both she/her and he/him pronouns, presents as both masculine and feminine, and is still To This Day described as being of both genders
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staarry-skies · 1 year
went over this in the tags of my last post but i wanna say this in its own proper post: i hate miracle romance as usamamos rwby-esque ship name, idk it just sounds stupid and corny. it shoulda been smth like lunar eclipse (which okay. is also corny but i like it a lot better plus it has that planetary symbolism i really love about them yk?)
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staarry-skies · 1 year
part of me wants to either write or draw an usamamo anastasia au but i cant figure out who's who
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staarry-skies · 1 year
i think its really interesting how sailor cosmos n pgsm!serenity (who for the rest of this ill be referring to as just serenity for simplicities sake) are actually very similar, like think about it, they're both usagi from "bad ending" kind of situations in which she doesnt have a support group
starting with serenity, shes an usagi from a timeline where she never had friends, was treated as a monster, and was kept locked away from the rest of the world all because she wielded the silver crystal. she wasn't even treated as a human being by her own mother. this is an usagi without a support group, and she is a perfect example of how badly usagi needs people who care about her and people to care about in her life or she will literally break. so when this serenity meets endymion and he treats her as just a regular girl despite the fact she is serenity, despite the fact she wields the silver crystal, she immediately becomes dependent on him, and when he inevitably dies she sees no point in a world without him. this isnt because she "loves him" or at least, not really, its because hes the only one who gives a shit about her. she cant cope with going back to a world that doesnt care about her, that shuns her, treats her like a monster, so she destroys it all, maybe unintentionally the first time, maybe not. serenity shows us what usagi could become if she had no one.
meanwhile cosmos is the reverse of serenity, cosmos at one point or another had her senshi had her mamoru had people that loved and cherished and cared about her that she loved and cherished and cared about in turn. but for whatever reason theyre all gone, likely permanently. shes an usagi who had but loses her support group, and at first she continues to fight chaos but she doesnt find a point in fighting, with everyone gone cosmos has no purpose. the reason usagi fights, which she says herself in the stars arc is for her friends and family that with "nobody left whats there worth fighting for" and in le mouvement final the musical literally based off of the manga she has a slightly modified version of this line, instead saying "for me it was never about peace and justice, it was for my loved ones". and this is just usagi from OUR timeline, who immediately loses the will to fight as soon as everyone dies, cosmos has been without her friends for seemingly much longer, trying to fight chaos every waking minute of every day, for, in her eyes, no reason. but she cant just stop trying. shes sailor moon shes not allowed that freedom, she wants so badly to give in, just let chaos win, but she cant. so instead she tries to nip the bud at the source, to end it all before chaos can even ruin her life, and she rationalizes literally bringing the universe to an end by saying its the only way, that she tried her best. even when she of all people should know theres always a way. all this not because shes sick of fighting, but because shes lost her reason to fight at all, her friends. so really, despite the differences in how they got to that point, the outcome is practically the same
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