#sesshoumaru flexing his emotional inadecuacy to the whole wide world
dr-sciencemachine · 2 years
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dr-sciencemachine · 3 years
“You let this idiotic runt travel? With you?” Asked Inuyasha, flabbergasted.
Sesshoumaru let out a deep breath, the closest thing he had to a sigh of regret. “I still wonder why.”
Danny, fighting at least ten flying serpent monsters at the same time, couldn’t take the insults much longer. “Can you guys stop calling me runt? I’m fifteen.”
“It has come to my attention that this Sesshoumaru finds Daniel’s and Rin’s eyes enormous,” Spoke his brother suddenly.
The fuck?
“The fuck?” Okay, Inuyasha was officially weirded out.
“It is distressing,” Continued his brother, his expression the same as always. In short, not distressed. What the hell was wrong with his brother this time?
“Eh, Sesshoumaru, I don’t have anything to work with here, and why should I be helping you?” His confusion made the statement much more agresive than he intended.
His brother, however, was not deterred. “They behave like pups.”
Oh. So that was what all this was about.
It was funny as shit, better to give the bastard a clue. “Feel the same for Shippo, the big-ass eyes, the bratty thing, and all that.”
He looked up and, unsurprisingly, Sesshoumaru was already gone. Hopefully he will figure it out. Not like the bastard had the greatest of experiences in the emotional department of things.
“At least I'm not into drugs,” Inuyasha shouted.
The fight ceased so everybody could stare open mouthed at him.
“Did I miss something?” Asked Danny.
“No” “YES!” Snarled both brothers at once.
“I hate the smell of human blood on my claws,” Inuyasha concluded what was one of the most screwed up tales they had ever had the displeasure of hearing. Like, Danny-will-not-make-unlock-tragic-backstories-puns-for-a-month, dark.
A few seconds passed by in awkward silence.
But this was Team Phantom, and with them weird things, including reactions to trauma, were the norm.
“You poor and troubled teen, fear not! For I, Jazz Fenton, will be your big sister from now on!”
Jazz looked like all her psychology-related dreams had come true.
“...did she just pet me?”
“How would you describe your brother?” Questioned Jazz.
“Emotionally challenged,” Deadpanned the half-demon.
Danny, Jaken, Rin and Ellie nodded their assent.
I cannot wait for Inuyasha to show up xdxd.
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