#she's going to act like I'm so evil and oMg PeOpLe ArE gOiNg To EnTeR oUr HoUsE aNd CoMe RoB oR mUrDeR uS but i don't care
rainey-staerie-daize · 9 months
Mom getting lazy? Telling me to lock the door behind her? When she often just leaves it unlocked without saying anything? And sometimes hanging open??
No. You get ONE lock. The one I can easily lock. The gate can fuck off.
Though it's all locked up now because Skye came home and locked it up.
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operafantomet · 5 months
(no pun intended, even if Oslo has had temperatures as low as minus 23 degrees celsius last week...)
Having seen the non-replica production of Frozen in Oslo twice this winter, I was asked to share some thoughts on it. It will not be a proper review, rather some random observations and highly subjective opinions.
The snow. THE. SNOW. ALL THE SNOW. Made of a paper-like substance which looks amazingly real. It is present from the start of the show, ever increasing and culminates in "Let It Go" where it is literally hurled out over the audience, and the children scream of glee and the world is a snowstorm, and then the first act is over with a bang. And of course, all this snow can just stay on stage for the second act. Yes. Theatre magic done well.
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The cast, OMG the cast. Such a strong cast. It goes for the leads, the alternates and the ensemble. A tiny complaint is that it's a fairly small cast, so it's really noticeable when people appear in double and triple roles, and I would have liked two or three more in the ensemble in general. But what they deliver is really, really good. I can't put my finger on what or why, it's just a joy seeing and hearing them.
Extra shout-out to Mimmi Tamba as Elsa. She is next level. In the acting, in the singing. She has a grand voice, but also the tenderness and distressed moments. She embodies every nuance of Elsa, and shows such a growth and transformation. Grrrrl.
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Another shout-out to the deliciously bad men of the show. Mathias Luppichini as Hans goes from clumsy-Hugh-Grant-charming in the first act to deliciously evil Hugh-Grant-as-Buchanan-in-Paddington in the second act.
As a contrast Petter Winther (whose last name means winter, heh) as Weselton is amazingly sleazy and awful from the moment is glorious boots enters the stage. And he dances as sleazy as he acts, and you just gotta love that.
And probably no surprise but still worth mentioning - Olaf. He looks like Olaf, acts like Olaf, and at times I have to remind myself the lumpy figure is not alive, it is the actor (Mathias Ambjør) bringing him to life. And when little Olaf dances with a sea of big, lumpy Olafs on stage I just wanna cry. Of joy and laughter. SWEETNESS OVERLOAD.
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Last, but not least: little Elsa and little Anna. I have seen the same little Anna twice and if someone ever stole the show it is 100% her. She is so energetic, so cute, so bouncy, so playful, and sings wonderfully. But both little Elsas has also been wonderful - just for the record. I guess it's sometimes just easier being the smallest on stage...
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The focus on Elsa and Anna's relationship. It is what makes Frozen unique and touching, and it is well kept in this production. It is what makes you believe the whole story. True love indeed. It was very present both in the performance with Mimmi Tamba and Ina Svenningdal, and with Mimmi Tamba and Tiril Heide-Steen. Thus I assume it's the directing. And that makes me happy.
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Other things I loved: The glittery stones on Elsa's white wig, the cast interacting quite a bit with the kids, a dash diversity on stage, overall well translated lyrics, them bringing out all stage and backstage workers before the curtain call of the cast, the live orchestra, the very good theatre brochure, the snowmen suddenly bouncing out a lot of large inflatable balls over the audience (bouncing them back and forth).
The costume design. There are many good things going on, but the overall look is a bit generic. How I would have loved some repeated pattern to become the signature detail, or an acknowledge of Disney having that... look, that style. I think I miss more details or structure, because a lot of it - as seen from the auditorium - looks like plain, shiny silk and plain wool. I'm not saying it IS, as sitting on the first row showed me a lot more textures and details. But it doesn't really translate beyond row 1, and even if many nice colours is used they all feel a bit muted still. Like a dusty filter added.
I DO slightly appreciate that it's not a Nordic folk costume bonanza, as in the movie and on Broadway. I think it would look a bit too much in a local setting. But a richer look would have been appreciated.
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Exception being Elsa's EXPLODING ICE costume during "monster". it is a bit WTF but also mighty cool. It is a visual reminder that icy Arendelle is not only the misfortune of the people, but also very much her own tragedy. Fascinating.
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Making the hidden folk and Grand Pabbie into veiled elves. Again, I just miss the hint of a magic fairytale world. "Oh so veiled elves is not fairytale enough for you?", you might ask. Well, not these elves. They feel like Kate Bush's backup dancers. Hidden folk folklore in at least Norway usually feature more nature-like creatures, both alluring and dangerous. I missed the danger or the utter beauty - or both.
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Sven and Kristoffer is a nice duo. The sami aspect of Kristoffer has been downplayed in this version, and Sven is mostly walking on two legs, with some weird sticks which I first thought was crotches but then understood substituted for front legs. But in these two I do miss a bigger comic relief as a PAIR. They have many momens as individuals, with Sven flirting with the audience and Kristoffer poking fun at Anna. But I would have enjoyed a directing focusing even more on them as a duo. A small complaint, but still.
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Anna's huge monster of a ballgown. I KNOW she is supposed to be and look awkward as she has not enjoyed anyone's company - and especially not a formal ball - since childhood. But did they really have to make it so... unshapeable and acid? Huge skirt, huge sleeves, and a huge bow in the back making her look hunchbacked. Yes, she is recognizable and stands out from the crowd. But in a Madame Thénardier way. I'm sorry, Anna. You deserve better at your first ball.
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The set design. They don't feel particularly magical, fairytale like or innovative. It relies on lots of light, single "cartoon" pieces like clouds, sun/moon and trees, and a fairly bare stage.
OK, some exceptions. Anna and Elsas bedroom(s) offers a hint of that fairytale look, and it goes from one room in the opening to two separate rooms later on in a very clever way.
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As mentioned earlier the WILD AMOUNTS OF SNOW is also a highlight. I just wanna roll myself in that snow.
My biggest beef is the "star", the ice set. I sit there, I see giant heavy icy mountains, and mostly I feel they could have sunk the Titanic. Yes, they can be moved around, yes the cast can slide down them. But they kill the stage with their heaviness, they don't give me fairytale vibes, they don't feel like a frosty icicle frenzy I somehow crave to step into and experience - like on Broadway, or the movie, or the Hyperion live show. Looking at photos it looks funkier, with the ice tips more believable. But on stage it is a heavy lump of a machinery.
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The Arendelle castle ballrom is A JOKE. A giant golden foil fringe wall towards a yellow sunset? Razzle dazzle them? I think not. I am offended, TBH. Again, ANNA IT IS YOUR FIRST BALL. YOU DESERVE BETTER.
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So yeah... All in all, I enjoy a lot of aspects of this production. But had it not been for the outstanding cast I am not sure I would have seen it more than once. I miss the magic and the Disney flair, or at least more playful visuals. This especially goes for the sets, but to some degree also the costumes. But I like the directing and the overall wibe. I would go again to see a third combo in the leads.
Director: Gísli Örn Garðarsson
Set design: Börkur Jónsson
Costume design: Christina Lovery
To be performed in: Det Norske Teatret in Oslo Norway, The National Theatre in Reykjavik Iceland, Stckholm Stadsteater in Sweden and Helsingfors Stadsteater in Finland.
Photos from: Det Norske Teatret
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feuqueerfire · 10 months
Enigma Live Blogging
I've literally only heard good things and hopes for a season 2, so I'm hoping to love it, esp since I've been excited since the mock trailer.
Ep 1 (Aug 7)
Prim so pretty
stabbing a teacher with a pencil
Win's tattoos are nice, Sung Hanbin should get something similar, it'd go well with his celestial chest tattoos
Oh the way he acts with Fa vs so nervous with the teacher
ah, magic healing?
pls he really is going hard on bumbling fool teacher Ajin
that twisty crack thing + cracked glass
oh the girl drowned herself? did she succeed?
girl wtf is this "misbehaving children must be disciplined" voice D:
and is Ajin staying late to investigate what goes on?
girl not the security person
oh, Ajin undid things and healed her and security and brought her back to her room? or something? because that can't have been a dream
waitttt, Ajin and Fa don't end up in a relationship, right? I feel like I would've been aware of it. I kinda did want them to get together from the concept trailer though since it seemed dark and twisted anyway + that one Win and Prim clip with the oranges and them beside a pool gave me intense brain worms, so I am Very Open to them together in this show or a different one
but anyway, they're cute talking after the water spill thing even though I'm assuming Ajin orchestrated just for this purpose of showing how different he is than his powerful magician self
oh Ajin, how did you know about the dream?
oh she confronted Ajin by herself, that's kinda scary
damn, what is that thing she found and has been carrying?
omg... what's happening. does the evil thing that's hurt Wan and Matt have its grips on Fa and he's trying to expel it?
the villain eats glass
Who is the person who records Fa in the past roof clips? Who is the villain - I know Bright appears at the end
I'm reading the r/gmmtv ep 1 discussion and lol I didn't notice a "blurry figure" behind Fa even though apparently she appeared twice rip. Also, Piploy is supposed to be in this as well
Ep 2 (Aug 7)
Fa's an adult? isn't she a high schooler? Did they carefully drop that piece of info so that they can get together <- my hopes
pls okay and he's not even her teacher and they're literally doing forced cohabitation with "this side of the room is mine, don't cross it" stuff like? okay, love interests
plsss "my plans never fail, they're perfect" -> getting a photo taken by the girls at school
damn, how'd Ajin get the uncle thing to work?
Namsine played by Piploy is significant somehow
ewww throwing up blood after taking out a glass shard from her mouth?
bro, was that a dream for real?
girl, not the Music Room by yourself
oh, Prikhing was the one behind the window when Fa, Namsine, and Ajin were all in the music room
ah, more of Prikhing
plsssss Yiwha thinking Ajin is a perverted spirit
Yiwha is cute and endearing but also... is she innocent? completely off the list of suspects? hmmm like maybe she's just doing this so cast the doubt off of herself? and get info from Fa herself?
anyway, Yiwha and Fa are cute though, girls of the world! I'd ship them harder if I wasn't already invested in Fa and Ajin
omg everybody already infected and vomiting blood and stuff? and who is the person with the red cloak?
oh, this is from the concept trailer when she went into a different room and entered some other dimension or something through the door
oh, blinded by a spell in the same place, I see
who is the red-cloaked girl? is that Namsine?
I knew people mentioned Piploy quite a bit and the thing with having a GMMTV roster of actresses is that you immediately know they'll be significant enough somehow or other, so Namsine being the red-cloak girl makes sense. though I do see mentions of her being a puppet in the gmmtv subreddit ep 2 discussion
Ep 3 (Aug 8)
Ah, Namsine puppet as they mentioned
Not the wound tending
ahh and he still let her patch him up despite him healing soo quickly
they're so cuteeeee what the heck, they've gotta be hinting at romance right?
Him sharing magic with her in a way he's never shared with anybody
ah, Fa and Namsine fun, intense friendship, girls who only understand each other
omg the way the mother found the videos of them spending time with each other and being so attached, ah it's so gay girls <3 as if the videos would have them kissing or something
scary ass mother, reminds me of button eyed Coraline other parents kinda
oh I hate Namsine's mother so bad
White Arts, Black Arts, Enigma
he won't let anyone else die... is he seeking revenge for somebody who already died?
i lost the stuff here rip
Ep 4 (Aug 8)
oh self-mutilation
Fa and Namsine soooo lesbian intense girl relationship
anyway i'm scared that Namsine is gonna stab Fa still with the blade
bro a shattering sky glass
hey what?
The bees around Ajin are reminding me of the moths in Midnight Museum of Bright's episodes
so Ajin's being haunted/posessed and is gonna now have a spell over him to see something else too?
woahh Fa performing an exorcism in the pool, she's so cool - you've learnt well and have a good brain
omg lesbianssss Namsine stopping Fa from drowning
Hm, that's it? What even happened with the glass sky shattering and possessing Ajin and stuff?
Girl, we're gonna get something new starting up in the last part of ep 4 cuz things weren't properly fully fleshed and closed out by part 3 anyway and they'll introduce something for me to hope for season 2 ah D:
Fa-Ajin get together plsssssss they're so ~~~<33~~~
I don't like how he holds her mouth like that though, it was okay the first time when he was angry but not when he's stopping her from talking about spending all the time with him
oh kiss okay, even though we can't even see it
oh not a kiss, rip :(
ah it hits midnight
and he makes her forget everything? D: so sad
oh okay, he didn't make her forget, that's good. he just made her sleep as usual and took her home and disappeared
We get Ajin and Namtaan kisses but no Ajin and Fa fr D:
bro, Priking?
What is the significance of Ajin's ring?
agh, so sad that the ending/wrap-up was just okay but the tease for next season is so intriguing. The setup for this season was good too, well-paced since it's such a short show.
I wish the wrap-up/ending was done better/explained a bit more,, like what was that Ajin possession thing? No Ajin past? Why did we redeem mother so easily?
I wish the horror aspect continued on cuz I think it was strongest in the first episode but not much after that.
It's such a short series with a large focus on magic and evil but they still had me hetshipping and lesbian shipping (Fa/Namsine were literally soooo) and that's a good mark that it made me care about the relationships/characters.
Good after credits scene to pique interest for a larger story, hope we get it for gmmtv 2024 and that it remains about 4-6 episodes with the same quality and possibly better writing when tying things up
good acting from everybody, especially the girls.
It was good but I'm not super attached to anything or anybody but if there's a second season, I'd watch it.
Rating: 6.5/10
Original Mock: Watched it in the early morning during GMMTV 2023 and it was one of the only non-queer GMMTV series that was interesting. Was looking forward to it.
Official Trailer: Still cool, though I don't like the very fast cuts they had.
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themountainsays · 4 years
Ok I'm gonna ask because I saw your tags mentioning another story, and when you posted CoTA you mentioned you had another, bigger, and more political AU. So... Can we know what it's about??? 👀👀👀👀
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Omg omg thank you and also, yes! i have this thing! Oh god i don't know where to start because I'm very excited about it! Oh boy haha
It's this very complicated AU uuuuh here's the basis of it:
The Mist never fell and Runeard didn't die. He was severely wounded during the battle and during his recovery, baby Agnarr acted as Prince Regent. By the time he recovered, Agnarr and his weird girlfriend had figured out a way to manipulate him into abdicating and leaving the throne to him, making Agnarr king and leaving Runeard bitterly planning a game of thrones to take the throne back. Agnarr, as a young and inexperienced prince, took the easy route and delegated a lot of power go the church and the bourgeois, reducing the power of the State so he could deal with things more easily. Both the church and the bourgeois had been waiting for this for decades, as Runeard hoarded all the power to himself and gave other political actors almost no room to do anything. This granted Agnarr some very powerful allies and consolidated the legitimacy of his power very easily, ESPECIALY after Runeard got better and the bourgeois turned against him. Also, the people liked him a lot more. Having Runeard again after living under Agnarr's rule for a year or two would have caused an uprising.
The Northuldra are driven out of the forest around a year or two after this due to flooding and the damage of the land caused by the dam. This was part of Runeard's plan, because his military was so small and they had so little budget that they literally couldn't afford to conquer other land, so if he wanted to control the Northuldra, he would have to lure them into Arendelle.
The Northuldra now live within the borders of Arendelle, traveling around as they're a nomadic people, and herding their reindeer like it's nobody's business. they're severely opressed. The whole point of the plan is to force them to assimilate into Arendellian culture, in hopes of better controlling them and to take away their magic (magic = non-institutional violence. Any organized State would try to either eliminate it or institutionalize it). Iduna has been brainwashed by evolutionist antropology or some bullshit like that and she doesn't even dare to be in contact with her people until The Incident happens, when Anna is hurt by Elsa. She's desperate and she takes Anna with her to seek help, leaving Agnarr and Elsa behind. But guess what as soon as she's back with her people she realizes she never should have left, and because of a whole bunch of spoilery reasons she decides to stay with them and raise Anna with her people instead of going back and bringing Elsa along
Uh oh Anna has amnesia! Elsa thinks Anna is dead! ANGST
Anyways Agnarr dies at sea and Iduna "disappears under mysterious circumstances" around the same time. Runeard rises to power as Prince Regent until Elsa comes of age at 21 (as if that's ever gonna happen *evil laughter*).
Oh shit why is it snowing in summer
Elsa is depressed but if i start listing the reasons we're gonna be here forever.
Meanwhile england the Southern Isles is doing a napoleon and trying to conquer all Northern Kingdoms (Arendelle, Corona, Weselton and a few other OC kingdoms I made up). I know this has been done a million times but bear with me! The war already supposes a big punch in the gut for the economy, but add that to so much of the royal budget going to trying to colonize the Northuldra AND the fact that most industries have been interrupted with 1) the sudden death of crops and livestock 2) the lack of raw material entering the productive process 3) the interruption of trade 4) the nearly non-existent industry in Arendelle making it dependant on commerce and 5) the constant strikes among the proletariat factory workers and the miner's guild for a better salary and the reduction of prices (supply and demand baby!) AND the fact that both the industrial and the rural bourgeois HATE Runeard, the economic crisis ends up being a more dangerous enemy than the Southern Isles. The only industry that's doing well right now is the Northuldra reindeer herding industry (and just barely, as the sudden change in the weather didn't give the animals time to get all fat and ready for winter). It would be a big pitty if the Crown decided to expropriate the reindeer huh.
Add that to the constant attacks coming from the Southern Border, the Northuldra armed groups intercepting caravans delivering firearms from the port to the southern border and the formation of independant militias in the south of the country to fill in the void left by the military, and the levels of non-institutionalized violence is driving the State (and the budget) crazy.
Elsa sings this @ the Northuldra
Also, being all alone, Elsa has to hide her magic from her grandfather.
Anna and Elsa find each other again in this shitty context, but they don't recognize each other. It starts with Elsa needing help to translate some documents in northuldra which she thinks may help her stop the winter, but it soon turns into a dramatic story about propperly reconnecting one's lost heritage, navigating a court of people who want you dead, hiding your identity in enemy territory, mastering the four elements, fixing colonialism (ha), winning a war and also an i*cest love story, because I couldn't help myself.
Oh and also! The spirits have followed the Northuldra south and now live within the borders of Arendelle, but things are so out of balance, they're violent and dangerous to everyone. God knows the giants are a problem. You think you hate the giants from Skyrim? Wait until you meet these guys. Only Gale seems to be chill with humans, and that's only because she's fond on Iduna and her daughter. If only there was a fifth spirit to bring balance to the world 🤔🤔🤔 someone who already knows how to deal with spirits. Maybe someone who is already friends with one. It would be super conveniente if that person also sort of had a claim to the throne.
Bruni and Anna become bros.
You have no idea how happy it makes me that you asked 😭😭😭 i have more stuff and i already have 4 chapters (out of 30) written down but if i tell you everything i have in mind i will never stop. It's heavy and it's A LOT and i really really really hope i can finish it and post it some day. Just writing this makes me want to go work on it right now haha. Thank you 💙💙💙
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Hey I know your not doing asks but if you or someone you know could do me one on Barba finding out his s/o has the same blood clotting in brain issue I do, it's dvst if interested, and him helping them deal with all the test, pain, and meds that go with that.. I'm having a really hard time and it would be nice to have a story to replay in my head to help me relax.. Sorry if it's not doable..
Omg I’m so sorry!! I know you had reached out to me before and I hope you’re doing better! I’m in the middle of studying still, but I managed to whip this up now so I hope you enjoy
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GIF Credit (sorry, Tumblr is being dumb). 
Rafael Barba was never sure what to think of higher powers. Sure, he had been raised a devout Catholic by his parents, but considering the fact his father would come home from church each day and beat his mother, while she cried out for him to hide or run, he wasn’t sure how much faith he could put in the man upstairs. There were times he doubted his own faith, truly testing it against his against his own pessimism and pragmatisms. But after what he saw day in and day out, people’s lives ripped apart from one act of violence or another, he knew one thing for sure: true evil existed. And if one exists, the other did as well. Or so he’d like to believe. 
That supposed truth became a little truer when he met you. A beam of sunshine in his perpetual drudgery and squalor, swimming in the depths of the debased and the depraved. A chance encounter in a coffee shop, when you paid for his drink as a way to pay it forward, only you left more than your money behind, but your scarf. So he waited for you the next day, your usual order in hand that he had asked the barista for, who had giving him a knowing wink, much to his bewilderment. And when you entered, you spotted him almost immediately, periwinkle scarf in hand and your order in the other. So instead of working on your screenplay as you had planned for that day, Rafael occupied your time instead with the most stimulating conversation you both had in weeks. And you would continue it, for weeks, over text, the phone, and even in person.  Suddenly, facing the evils of the world didn’t seem as damning, when he had you to come home to each night. 
But what hadn’t occurred to him, was what happened when the evil permeated his very home? 
You complained only of headaches at first. He had thought it was from using your laptop too much. With a tendency to turn your brightness all the way up for hours at a time, he had written off as merely that. So, he installed a program to adjust the lighting on your screen accordingly, brushing the problem aside. But it only seemed to worsen. Soon, the headaches were accompanied by nausea, and the nausea brought vision problems along with it. But the worst had yet to come. Rafael had been unaware of the extent of the problem, until he came into your shared apartment one night, calling out your name, only to hear a thud in response. Everything he held fell with a clatter, as he ran to the bathroom, to find you sobbing next to the toilet. 
His heart sunk to his feet, as his eyes scanned for any sort of injury, but it seemed you had collapsed to the floor, your eyes fluttering open and shut. “Mi amor, darling, what’s wrong?” He pushed your hair back, tucking the locks behind you ears, before taking your face in his hands. This seemed to stir you from semi-conscious, as your eyes finally opened, meeting his own. “We need to get you to a hospital,” He tried to lift you to your feet, but you only shook your head, pulling Rafael back down. 
Your head was still shaking “no.” “I just came from one,” The words were barelt a whisper, but it felt like a punch to the stomach. “It’s been getting worse, Rafael,” 
For the first time in a long time, Rafael was afraid. Afraid to know, to ask, for the words to be said beyond the tip of his tongue, but his desire to know won out his fear. “What’s wrong?” 
You sighed, as you moved up slowly, propping your back against the cool tile, so you could tell him properly, and you only smiled, “You look more terrified than I am, Raf.” You pressed a warm palm to his cheek. “It’s nothing, believe me. Nothing that will keep me down for long,” 
“Y/N…please,” He pleaded with you, the words were too hard to ask a second time. He couldn’t. He couldn’t ask again. 
“I have Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis, or DVST,” You explained the condition, that it was a blood clotting issue in the brain. You were likely to survive and recover with treatment, but there were no cures or easy fixes. This was something the both of you would have to live with. “I know it won’t be easy,” And a tear slipped down your cheeks, and that, to Rafael, was more heartbreaking than your sobs, “and I won’t blame you if you want to leave me-“ 
Rafael rubbed his thumb against your cheek, breaking off your words, as he slowly pulled you into a kiss. And he tried to convey all of his emotions with it: sadness and anger; hope and fear; and most importantly, love. “We’ll get through this,” His warm words whispered against your lips were a promise to keep, a promise he would keep, God as his witness. The two of you would get through this, because surely as there is evil in this world, there was good. And you were his good, all of his good, and he wouldn’t let you go. 
Not ever.
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