rocigor78 · 3 years
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TARJETA DE NAVIDAD- CHRISTMAS CARD Otra semana participando en el #retotarjetasemanal organizado por @nereamarsanz y vamos por la #semana247 💪💪 Seguimos usando el mismo troquel o set de troqueles durante cuatro semanas para hacertarjetas de Navidad. Para esta 2° semanas, ésta es mi propuesta con el troquel Bigz Flor de Pascua irregular de @sizzix diseñado por @tim_holtz que he pegado sobre una base kraft para hacer esta slim card con un sellito de felicitación y decorado con perlitas. #card #tarjeta #carte #slimcard #cardmaking #tarjeteria #carterie #tarjetanavideña #cardmakingfun #cardmakingsuperpower #cardmakers #cardmakersofinstagram #cardmakingideas #cardmakinghobby #tarjetahechaamano #handmadecard #soytarjetera #stamps #cutestamps #stamping #crafts #papercraft #crafting #DIYcrafts #scraptalent https://www.instagram.com/p/CU10U1uoqj2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stempelzone · 4 years
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Beim ablichten war es schon dunkel aber ich möchte euch unbedingt meine #creation zu #tag1 der #14tagekartenbastelnchallenge zeigen. Heute zum Thema #umzug Ihr könnt jederzeit mitmachen. Verwendet einfach den Hashtag #14tagekartenbasteln und verlinkt mich @stempelzone damit ich eure Werke nicht verpasse. Ich freue mich auf eure #karten Alle Produkte die ich verwendet habe könnt ihr über mich bestellen. Liebe Grüsse Katrin von Stempelzone [Werbung] #slimcard #slimlinecard #kartenformat #kartengestaltung #stempelzone #diy #grußkarte #neueszuhause #welcomehome #home #umziehen #umzug (hier: Bochum, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrPtXHpXCA/?igshid=lx4uiey5wbfv
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bestdeals2020-blog · 5 years
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Sony PlayStation 2 PS2 Slim Black Console | Sony Controller | Memory Card | FAST Ends Soon $79.70 https://ebay.to/2M85Xwg
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slimcard · 7 years
Hands of the card expert
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The most important things to a magician and card experts are his hands. Of course, as we get older, we lose some of that dexterity and our hands become dry and less flexible. Now, I don’t have any dexterity issue yet but with our long, cold and harsh Canadian weather, I do have the dry hands problem, especially during winter. I sometimes can’t deal a single second without licking my thumb and I even have a hard time doing some palms. So, I found some solutions talking with other magicians and by looking through some books. I decided to write about some long term solutions and some secrets for specific sleights. After all, it wouldn’t be a good article if it had no secrets!
It’s very important to take care of your hands and you have to do that before they become a problem. For instance, I put hand cream on my hands more than once per day. There, I’ve said it, now you can judge me! But it really helps with some sleights. It also keeps my hands in good condition. You don’t want your hands to look all worn out and dry when doing you are performing. For daily use, I use Lipikar Xerand hand cream repair. This one works for me but I assume any good quality hand cream should do. I know a magician that only uses Neutrogena hand cream and Golden Touch. Recently, I tried O’Keeffe’s Working Hands but I can’t conclude yet (more on that later). I know Jason England uses O’Keeffe’s Working Hands in a tube just before performing with a deck of playing cards.
These tips are not only coming from me, it was a frequent topic of conversation between Dai Vernon, Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon and other cardmen at the Magic Castle. You have to take care of your hands, especially as you get older! For instance, according to Michael Perovich in his excellent book The Vernon Companion, in his later years, Dai Vernon was always looking for the perfect cream to keep his hands in healthy working condition for every sleight of hands he was known for1. People, magicians and friends would come up to him at the Magic Castle and make him try all types of hands lotions. The verdict would often be “No good” and Vernon would walk away to go wash his hands. It was particularly true if it contained lanolin. It was told that even if the hand lotion was good for working with cards, if it contained this dreaded ingredient, Vernon would immediately cast it aside.
Here comes the more secret part of the story… People that hang out with me know that I am fascinated by second dealing and that it is my favorite sleight. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t want to lick my finger just before second dealing a card, it’s an obvious tell to magicians (and fast company) and it lacks finesse. Of course, there are solutions. For example, if you can have a cold glass of water next to you, you just move it and the vapor that forms on the outside of the glass will give you enough moisture to make a perfect second deal. Martin Nash had an excellent idea to aid his second deal. He would put on Sortkwik, the product used for counting dollar bills. This is awesome!! You will never miss a second when using this! You have to be careful not to put too much and dirty your playing cards but it’s not greasy and does not stain the cards. This is now my go to product if I have problems with dealing deuces. Our Canadian winter can be very harsh and will sometime cause my hands to be a little too dry for an effective second deal. The problem is solved with just a little bit of sortkwik on my right thumb. It also works for other sleights like false shuffle and palming. I was told Martin Nash would put it behind his ear and just scratch it a little before doing a false deal. This would put the amount needed on his thumb. There is also Skinner’s edge card crème I use for the same reasons. It looks and is used for the same reasons but it’s superior then Sortkwik for what we magicians use it for. In my opinion, it’s the best product for sleight of hands. As I mentioned earlier, O’Keeffe’s Working Hands will give you similar result but is less effective than Sortkwik and Skinner’s edge card crème, at least as far as I am concerned. So, take care of your hands and maybe you will live a long full life like Dai! (Not clinically proven!)
p.s. I decided to put other lotions without mentioning them as a little secret. You can probably figure it out…Any dicemen reading this?
Footnotes 1The Vernon companion by Michael A. Perovich, p.227-228
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slimcardfr · 10 years
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Pendant des années, j’ai longtemps cherché un endroit pour voir des appareils de triche, des vieux catalogues de fournisseurs de cartes. Je voulais apprendre sur les jeux de cartes truqués utilisés par les tricheurs et magiciens. À chaque fois c’était un plaisir de découvrir de petites bribes d’informations sur le sujet et de les utiliser des dans des présentations de magie.
Je me suis souvent dit que l’idéal serait que je crée un site qui abriterait toutes mes découvertes et mes passions sur le sujet. J’ai donc décidé d’agir! Avec l’aide de plusieurs amis, nous avons publié un musée virtuel sur les jeux de triche (gambling gaff) et la magie. Bien sûr, le musée sera continuellement amélioré avec de nouvelles découvertes et articles sur divers sujets. Nous avons aussi une boutique où nous vendons des jeux de cartes truquées pour les magiciens et interprètes qui sont de grandes qualités et ne se comparent pas à ceux trouvé dans les boutiques de farces et attrapes. Vous pourrez aussi apprendre comment utiliser ces jeux truqués avec des vidéos qui vous montreront comment les utiliser et améliorer votre magie et vos démonstrations de triche.
Ce blog sera l’endroit où je pourrai partager mes idées sur la magie et sur les « gaffs » de triche. Je pense que le plaisir de la recherche de secrets en magie est aussi enrichissant que le secret en tant que tel. Alors, si cela vous intéresse, vous pourrez suivre à mes côtés mes découvertes et mes futurs projets.
Au plaisir,
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rocigor78 · 3 years
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TARJETA DE NAVIDAD- CHRISTMAS CARD Otra semana más siguiendo el #retotarjetasemanal organizado por @nereamarsanz de la #semana244 usando el mismo sello o set de sellos durante cuatro semanas. Esta semana hice una slim card para los gorriones del set de sellos “Winter Sparrows” de @lawnfawn que son una monada 😀 #card #tarjeta #carte #cardmaking #tarjeteria #carterie #slimcard #tarjetanavideña #cardmakingfun #cardmakingsuperpower #cardmakers #cardmakersofinstagram #cardmakingideas #cardmakinghobby #tarjetahechaamano #handmadecard #soytarjetera #stamps #cutestamps #stamping #crafts #papercraft #crafting #DIYcrafts #scraptalent https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxCfYXIQad/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stempelzone · 4 years
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Gestern war ich das erste Mal nach meinem Urlaub wieder auf Facebook live. Kennt ihr meine Facebookseite Stempelzone? Ich habe mit dem Produktpaket Nothings better than eine #slimcard oder #slimlinecard gebastelt Wie findet ihr sie? Seid ihr Team #kaffee oder #tee ? Liebe Grüsse Katrin von Stempelzone [Werbung] #stempelzone #kartengestaltung #kartenbasteln #stempeln #stempel #stempelliebe #grusskarte #karte #kaffeeliebe #basteln #diy #selbstgemacht (hier: Bochum, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnm4xAJdrQ/?igshid=1cv6ju23cm854
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rocigor78 · 3 years
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¡Hola! Ya es 20 de agosto y me temo que Instagram se va a llenar de Friditas como parte del reto mensual #tuversionconnatiller organizado por @natiller2.0. Este mes la propuesta es hacer una slim card teniendo como foco principal un sello de Frida Khalo (he usado un digi de @cloe.ilustración coloreado con rotuladores Ohuhu y Spectrum noir). Para hacer el fondo de la tarjeta, debíamos usar flores estampadas con polvos de embossing y coloreadas con acuarelas metalizadas. Como sentimiento, debíamos usar “Yo te cielo” ;-) Espero que os guste. Besitos 😘😘 #tarjeta #card #carte #cardmaking #tarjeteria #carterie #cardmakingfun #tarjetasbonitas #cardmakingsuperpower #cardmakers #cardmakersofinstagram #cardmakingideas #cardmakinghobby #tarjetahechaamano #handmadecard #soytarjetera #papercraft #crafting #DIYcrafts #slimcard #heatembossing #embossingpowder #ohuhumarkers #spectrumnoir #alcoholmarkers #digis #digistamp #retosscrap #retomensual https://www.instagram.com/p/CSySlfGI3J_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slimcard · 10 years
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As a kid, I was always fascinated by magic and was thrilled to see a David Copperfield special. But I never got into magic. It just wasn’t that special to me. It was only after my twenties that I started at it. By then, I was a poker player and really into the game. It’s funny because it’s a poker player that showed me a card trick, with a trick deck (brainwave deck) that blew my mind. I immediately wanted to know how to do it AND be able to do it for other people!
Just like that, I started seriously studying magic and learning sleight of hands that enabled me to use regular deck of cards. Like every magician, I had a phase were I was a purist and did not want to even touch a trick deck (I am over that now!). But even though I enjoy good magic, it’s the gambling demos that fascinate me the most. After learning my first sleight of hand, I was always thinking about how it could be used in a poker game. Naturally, I constructed gambling demos and they were always my favorite part to do for a paying audience. I usually do my gambling demos at the end of a gig to guys who enjoy a game of poker. So we sit around a card table and I start doing a little stacking, a ace location where I cut to one ace, find another ace when they say stop using a second deal, etc. A lot of Jason England’s tricks go well for these types of presentation.
Now, imagine the power of adding gaffed cards to sleight of hands in a gambling demo. You give an unopened deck of cards from a casino and you ask the spectator to open it, shuffle the cards and even to wash them (mix the cards all over the table). But it is a deck of belly strippers you have resealed. In only one or two quick riffle shuffles, you have found your ace and can do whatever you want with them. You can start your favorite ace location routine, do a stacking routine or cut to the aces like John Scarne would do! The possibilities are endless! In a gambling demo, if you give the impression of a card expert and use sleight of hand, you can pass off using a gaff deck. You already have installed your credibility. So the trick or demo you do now becomes a miracle by adding a little gaff. And, usually, they will credit your expertise you showed earlier instead of suspecting the cards. Try it, you will see what I mean.
Slim slimcardco.com
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slimcard · 9 years
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I love quotes! Every time I am reading a book and stop to ponder on a sentence, I usually end up writing it down in small notebook. For years, I used to do it for poker and ended up with 5 pages of quotes that I would write at the end of emails and such, which was always a pain the ass for my friends.
For gambling sleights and magic, the pleasure of compiling is even greater. Every book I ever read on the subject has at least one quote that I kept for future reference. I like to think they will be useful for the book I am writing or… for a website!
So I gathered every quote I had in that little notebook that concerned directly gaff cards, gambling supply house and cheating devices and put them throughout the SLIM CARD CO site. You will read parts of the lives of the greats like Dai Vernon, John Scarne or the mysterious Erdnase and some information from experts like Steve Forte and Darwin Ortiz. The quotes are all scattered across the site. But if you want to read them all at once, they’re right here for your reading pleasure.
Slim slimcardco.com
"I told old man Webster, I don’t care about other card trimmers, I want the one you’re using." - Richard Canfield
“The gambling supply house catalog is distinctly not the safest place to learn about cheating devices, beware of catalog men.” – John Scarne, Scarne on dice
“Forty years of constant “Old Reliable” service has established our reputation for the best product at the lowest possible price. The artists, mechanics, and craftsmen we employ are all capable people with many years of experience, who are always ready to solve your particular problem. For guaranteed satisfaction, learn to rely on the world famous K.C. Card Co.” – K.C. Card Co
“Prepared cards known as “strippers” are much used by certain players. The trimming is done with machines made for the purpose, and the cutting leaves the edges and corners as smooth as glass.” – S.W. Erdnase, the expert at the card table
“The name of ‘strippers’ is derived from the operation which these cards are principally intended to facilitate, and which consists of drawing off from the pack, or ‘stripping’, certain cards which are required for use in putting up hands.” - John Nevil Maskelyne, Sharps and Flats
“Vernon remembered that the KC Card Co. was at Twelfth and McGee, ran by an Old Man Lee, and when I checked the old city directory in Kansas City, sure enough, it was at Twelfth and McGee. Vernon’s memory seems phenomenal.” - Karl Johnson, The magician and the cardsharp
“I’d like to buy a deck of belly strippers, I said. The ones you advertised in this month’s National Police Gazette under the name Lame Novelty Company.” – John Scarne, The odds against me
“Night and day a picture of the showcase of the Lame Novelty Company and its gambling content would seem to appear before my eyes. Then I realized that I could not rest content and continue practising to become a magician until I knew what those gambling gimmicks in that showcase click.” – John Scarne, The Odds Against Me
“When I arrived home, I opened Ame’s package that he gave me as a thank you for working at the Lame Novelty Company and found it contained a number of catalogues describing crooked gambling equipment, several books exposing various cheating methods involving cards, dice, and carnival games, and several books on magic, but the one that impressed me most at the time was Expert at the card table.” – John Scarne, The Odds Against Me
“Within one hour of relaxing my opponent I would switch in a deck of what we call belly strippers – and that was only one part of my huge arsenal.” - John Farrell, Fast Jack The Last Hustler
“I always had plenty of cards in the trunk of my car – all brands, colors, and belly strippers, wrapped in plastic bags so they didn’t warp or discolor. There was also about 5000$ worth of dice.” - John Farrell, Fast Jack The Last Hustler
“On one summer day in 1974, I took the elevator to the 16th floor, walked down the hall and opened a glass door with its familiar gold lettering, Edward’s Dice Company. Inside, a glass showcase displayed all types of crooked gambling equipment.” - John Farrell, Fast Jack The Last Hustler
“One of the most sophisticated stripper decks I have encountered allowed the cheater to pull aces or kings, at his discretion. Minor variation in the contours, different finger positions and pressures, and months of practice made for a very impressive control. The dual combination helps change the makeup of winning hands.” - Steve Forte, Poker Protection
“This country has a long history of firms specializing exclusively in supplying gambling cheats with the tools of their trade. Every gambler who headed west to the latest gold rush town to fleece the prospectors carried a Will & Fick catalog in his back pocket, secure in the knowledge that he could always wire to have marked cards or any other gaff shipped to the nearest express office.” - Darwin Ortiz, Gambling Scams
“Belly strippers! The use of this device is one of the most highly prized – and highly priced – secrets of fast-money winners.” – John Scarne, Scarne On Cards
Many magicians who acquire this book will first search the pages to find the secret of the bathroom strippers, as it has become somewhat of a legend. – Dai Vernon, Inner Card Trilogy
“I was always on the lookout for crooked card moves so I asked him to introduce me to some of the other fellows who were “in”. Anytime I heard there was gambling going on I used to try and see if I could learn anything that could be applied to magic.” - Dai Vernon, He fooled Houdini, the Vernon Chronicles volume 4
"Belly Strippers: The benefit of these cards can be estimated only in oneway, and that is: How much money has your opponent got?" - E.M. Grandin gambling supply catalogue
“I’m 76 years old and I want to leave a gambling legacy. I don’t want my hustling techniques to die with me.” - Slim, An interview with John Farrell
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