#so I'm back with more silly goofy thoughts 🤪
c0zyrainfall · 8 months
Not him hyping himself up to talk to the girl he likes LMAO
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
I'm not to sure if you covered this topic yet. How serious your boys take sex? Like an y/n made a joke mid sex, like
Y/n sees a bulge from their stomach from being stretched.
Y/n: *huff* Look at that, *huff *I've been impaled. *Giggles*
I'm gonna take my shot at these guesses. By no means I expect to be right.
Morell: Depends on the joke and how far in heat he is. I think he could handle silly sex when isn't in a heat but if try to be silly during his heat , he would probably gag you or slam you so hard that you can't be silly. 🙃
Gallon: how did you get his tendril out of your mouth?🤨 Probably chuckles and puts his tendril back in your mouth. He can probably handle a little bit of a silly vibe but would probably want to go back serious sex.
Santi: I imagine he would roll with it. Especially If it makes you more horny and happy, he probably make jokes as well. Silly sex is definitely on the table with him.🥰 He will also fuck on a table and make terrible puns. When your sex professional like him you got know how to make people get on all fours.
Vinnel: Depends on the jokes and how your being silly. 🤔Since if you make a insulting joke him in any way he'll be upset. But if its just general puns and jokes and wholesome vibe to it he probably love it. In fact I think he'll try to make you laugh so he can punish you.
Nebul: Nope just no. Silly sex is a no go. Your supposed to be well behaved an, being silly and cracking jokes is not being a good quiet pet🤐. Naughty pet, hes gonna have to punish you.
Grimbly:something tells me no. 😅Let me explain, he would like the build up and during sex to be serious and you domming him and kinda ruff with him but not to ruff. He wants to be insult him in a loving way. Like he's just your pretty little sex toy and no one else can have him. You probably get away with tickling before sex but not after or during. After sex he wants to pampered, not be tickled.
Sebastian: I don't know him well enough. Hmm. Keep it enthusiastic and keep fun with him. I imagine sex with mimics is inherently silly in a sense. Sorry can't quite get read on him yet.🙇‍♀️
Patches: MAKE JOKES INSULT THE PUMPKIN PUSSY DEGRADE HIS ASS, MAKE HIM YOUR USELESS PATHTIC GOOD FOR NOTHING SEX TOY. but only during sex and the build up to sex.😊 Try to keep degrading vibe to sexy times. You probably get away with wholesome silliness afterwards.
Ludwig: He probably really chill during sex, so I guess a silly vibe could happen. 😐 but then again I could be wrong. Maybe he's only so lazy and chill because your both taking the sex seriously. Silly sex could possibly lead to his anger and competive nature flaring up.
Fank-e: Sweet robo boi. Yes of course silly sex is possible. Infact I imagine that how sex with him is. Silly, playful and maybe even a little degrading for you. But all the silly fun for him 🤪
Krulu: *Looks at Krulu and then looks at you and then back at Krulu. * KRULU A LITERAL GOD WITH GOD SIZE TRAUMA ISSUES AND YOU WANNA HAVE SILLY SEX WITH HIM. HELLO!!! 😵 I imagine that's asking for a punishment. Sex with him is all about praising and admiring. Keep your mouth shut and just keep thinking praising thoughts. Try not think about how his dick looks like a lava lamp and giggling.
[He's a pervy old god with low self esteem don't give him more self image problems.😔] He'll probably torture me,the moment he finds me. 😭
Breg: I could see silly sex possible. I mean get pounded into ground while get licked probably by a goofy yet also sexy looking lizard monster. Will probably lead to giggling. Just explain to him why and try to keep a wholesome and fun vibe. 🥰 DON'T TRY THAT DURING HIS HEAT. 😠
Fasma: The old noodle daddy😍, Silly sex is bound to happen. Come on he knows he a silly looking demon. Laugh with him tho not at him.
Honestly you can say that with good amount of them. The pumpkin 🎃 pussy being excpection. Wow, Patches ,Gallon , Santi , Sebastian are the boys with least amount of body image issues . If I read into them right.
You got it generally right! 👏👏
Your best bets for silly sex are Santi, Fank-e, Vinnel, Sybastian and Breg.
Not only does Santi know how to roll with jokes and puns, he actually craves that dumb stuff. Because it's wholesome, he doesn't have to be putting on a role for the entire duration, he can turn the sexy charm down a little and fuck around. Make jokes about how you're gonna cough a lung out everytime you thrust, call him a bull, oh how the turn tables! He loves that.
Fank-e is naturally into silly sex, everything is silly with him. Too much, even. He's incapable of serious sex, unless angered or in a fit of jealousy- Even then, there's a bit of room for horsing around.
Vinnel's thing is tears. And while his go-to method of achieving them is through pain, which feeds his sadism- If he loves you enough, he'll try to tickle you into sobbing, or generally try to make you laugh so hard you cry. He's definitely the type of dude to grab your breasts/bulge and make honk sounds. You can do the same.
Sybastian is a playful sort, sex always starts in a funny way- Usually because he fools you. Or because he takes on odd new shapes and challenges you to fuck him like that.
Breg just likes to make you laugh. Sure, it's an awful idea to do this during his heat or laugh at him in a really mean way, but he doesn't mind getting giggles out of you.
Patches is an honorary mention, purely because if you catch him getting horny during a fit, he's gonna jab at you constantly. He doesn't need to speak to make stuff funny.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 years
Sometimes even i have a hard time remembering that my ADHD is more than just a silly goofy little thing about me and is an actual disability
So here's a thread of cute little jokes/excuses i make about ADHD and their dark side 🙃
(disclaimer: i am In Therapy!! And if you relate to this and you're not, i definitely recommend therapy!)
Lol sorry i'm acting sooooo crazy I'm just bouncing off the walls ✌️🤪
i am aware i am interrupting you. I am aware i am annoying you. I am aware I'm acting like a child. I wish i could stop and I'm worried about our relationship but i can't stop, and I'm excruciatingly embarrassed about it
Hang on can you repeat that? I am having the hardest time focusing. Bees in my brain haha 🐝
I am trying as hard as i possibly can to listen to you but no information can stick to my brain right now. The wheels are spinning but there's no traction. I want to pay attention but I'm not getting any of this and I'm embarrassed about it
Omg I'm so sorry i totally forgot to text you back!
I didn't forget. I thought about it multiple times every day that i didn't do it. I was overwhelmed by the prospect of making decisions. It's just a text and i feel so silly for fearing and procrastinating it. It's just easier to tell you i forgot than to explain how much i wanted to be a good friend and respond in a timely way, but couldn't. It's embarrassing.
Oh man that book sounds so interesting! Wish i was capable of reading books lol, too bad I'm an illiterate ADHD adult 😂
I don't have the attention span to do literally anything, even things i actually want to do. It's beyond frustrating and embarrassing. I used to read like crazy and now i can't even get through a long article online. Feels like my brain is atrophying and i hate it with a burning passion.
Oh gosh i totally forgot that thing was coming up
This time i did forget. I forget a lot of things. You wouldn't believe the late fees, the cancellation fees, the buying fresh produce over and over that never gets eaten, the rushing and running late and the stress of constantly forgetting things. As an adult you have to manage your own schedule and I'm next to incapable of doing that. I feel like a child and it's insanely embarrassing
Sorry I'm late!
Flip a coin. I'm either late because i forgot it was happening until the last second, or because i couldn't stop thinking about it for two hours and couldn't do anything else in that time so i started getting ready super early and figured "i have a ton of time, no need to rush" and didn't realize that time was passing until i realized i was late. Time blindness is ridiculous.
Why is it so unreasonably hard to keep a house clean? Seriously it's like it's got itself dirty the minute i finish cleaning 😒 you'd think it would have some manners amirite?
My understanding of cause and effect, and my ability to do repetitive tasks without the payoff of having "finished" them, are both extremely limited. I know when my house is messy, when i run out of clean laundry, when the garbage starts to stink, when i run out of clean dishes. It's not good for my mental state. But "staying on top of the house chores" is basically a pipe dream for me. Every time i open the cupboard to find it empty with no dishes in it, it fills me with shame and stress and paralysis.
ADHD is the most embarrassing thing you can possibly have. I get on Google like "help I'm scared of emails" and Google is like "oh you have 'brain of a literal six year old' disease. Have you tried using a planner" lmaooo
Like, all of this, but actually embarrassing. Thoroughly, endlessly embarrassing and shame-inducing.
Why am I so tired? Lol i literally don't even do anything.
Seriously why am I so tired? Why does my exhaustion keep me from doing things i like? Or from trying something new, even something as simple as a new movie or hanging out with a new friend? Why is life so much more exhausting and difficult for me to deal with than it seems to be for other people? How do people live like this? I'm barely staying afloat.
I'm so glad for my diagnosis so that i know that these things are products of my disability and not just moral failings.
I'm so glad I'm in therapy to help me reframe some of this and not be so shame-filled all the time.
I love joking about ADHD (how else are we supposed to cope?) but i think it's also important to highlight how it is actually a disability, even though it's embarrassing. As far as i know there aren't many standard accommodations for people with ADHD out there; you kinda have to self-advocate. But if it were more widely talked about and understood, maybe there would be standard accommodations so things could be easier for us. Medication is an amazing accommodation but it's by far not the only thing we need.
Anyway i hope this was validating to some of you. If every day is just swimming in a swamp of shame and burnout for you, you're not alone. Let's all get therapy, learn about our needs and get accommodations babes 💛
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gloomymuffin · 2 years
Carlos Madrigal X Injured! Reader
A/N: Am I really doing this? Yes. Thought I gave up on my X reader career? Apparently not! "Who is Carlos Madrigal?" The old concept for Camilo Madrigal Pronouns: They/Them
Warning/s: Injury but nothing too graphic
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→Are you Alright?
You met the Madrigals when Mirabel introduced you to them and ever since then they treated you like a family member
And you would help them when you can! Like, help Luisa gather donkeys, Julieta cook, etc...
Today was another day of helping the townspeople, Everyone was busy including Mirabel who was introducing her family to the children.
The weather outside was hot enough to make you melt on the ground but that didn't stop you from preparing and going out.
"Morning!" You greeted your friend as they were carrying a lot of cloth and a sowing kit , "Morning Y/N! Say where are you headed to?" they asked "I'm going to help Julieta cook and since I woke up pretty late I might as well help her clean up the kitchen!" you replied, "Okay just becareful!" "You too!"
Today was a big day, Antonio turned 5 years old yesterday and tonight he will have a gift ceremony!
|• • •
Finally, You arrived at Casita and saw Julieta already finished with cooking, "I'm sorry I was late, I woke up late" Julieta understands and doesn't really minds this.
A few moments later after helping Julieta clean up the kitchen you walked upstairs to be greeted my Carlos.
"Hola Y/N" he takes your hand and kissed your knuckles, it would get you all the time. You laughed and lightly punched his shoulder, "Hola Carlos"
Honestly this man looks so mean but when he's with you he looks like he's genuinely happy-
While you two were making fun of talking about Isabella you tripped on a decoration, yikes.
"I'm Sorry Y/N I forgot I placed the extra decorations here" Jose helps you stand up "It's alright, You were busy" you smiled
Carlos was just there laughing, "Augh, You're the worst" he chuckled, "Whatever"
You tried walking but your ankle hurts. Carlos quickly helped you, "Are you alright?" You shook your head a no. "I think I sprained my ankle or something"
Mans smile drop the second he heard that. He was now worried.
He carried you to his room, woah. His room is filled with mirrors! A crazy amount of them. Some made your reflection wobbly, some would make you look taller. He placed you on his bed and told you to stay there.
You waited patiently, he comes back with empanadas. He brought 4 of them because he knows you skipped breakfast (It was Dolores who told him to bring you some more food, she could hear your stomach grumble)
You waited patiently, he comes back with empanadas. He brought 4 of them because he knows you skipped breakfast (It was Dolores who told him to bring you some more food, she could hear your stomach grumble)
He places the plate next to you and you started eating, "Mm, Your tia is a really good cook!" , "Don't eat with your mouth full" he reminds you while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
This man loves you. Whether it was just friends or romantic, he adores you <3
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Taglist: @usernameunavailable @justanothercamilofan @camilolovesroxiie @itsmesmileyface @joleneswriting @natsueyama @kiwis-land (adding you two because HAH! I'm in a silly goofy mood 🤪✨)
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