#some realistic gameplay!! wooo
nihilismtrcit · 11 months
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did nora clean or unpack anything today? no. did she write? also no. she did have beer for breakfast, though
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thenamesamil-blog · 6 years
My Review of Wolfenstein: The New Order.
You should be playing this game on the second to the highest difficulty. "I AM DEATH INCARNATE!" Anything below this is just too easy. You're not playing the game properly.  
Gameplay: PROS
- I feel like ID rebooted games should put gameplay on top of everything when creating this sort of game. This game is no exception. The gameplay and gunplay in this game are just fantastic. It honestly feels like Doom 2016 when you're just running around and fucking up enemies with dual wielding shotguns and machine guns. Like, fuck me its done GREATTT.  
- Enemies. There are the normal nazis that have barely any health. These guys can put out some big boi damage if you got no shields. They normally take two shotgun bullets to the chest or one to the head.
Shielded Nazis. I've had the most trouble with these. The best way to get rid of these guys is to either use laser weapons or shotgun from behind. The best option is to get a laser and blast them. As laser tends to do much more damage than normal bullets. The second option. Which to get behind. The level design sometimes does not allow for you to get behind and hit them without taking large chunks of damage. It's too risky.
Other enemies such as the large robots can be taken out quite easily if you have rockets and laser weapons on you. That is their weakness. Just make sure to save your ammo for those enemies.  Dogs are just too easy to take down.
When you got the weakness of each enemy locked down. You'll be switching weapons constantly in the battle to better suit your environment. This is where the game is at its peak.
- I feel like you should be playing the new order in an aggressive manner. it's the typical ID style. Old School shooter. Stealth is optional, and can sometimes be useful to get rid of the commanders first before they ring the alarm. But I think the best moments in this game come from the aggressive playstyle. So, this is where my cons come into place...
- There's a serious pacing issue in this game. First of all. Why do I press E to pick up every single item in this game? It's fine if it's a new weapon or upgrade/enigma codes etc. Anything else is just slowing down the gameplay and does not make it realistic or immersive. it just pisses me off when you've got an aggressive gameplay style that should be the standard when playing Wolfenstein.
- Playing anything that is stealth or passive is just not fun. Peaking your head around and staying in one place is just boring. Just play COD if you're going to do that. You're not getting the full experience of an ID game.
The game can also force you to change playstyles at times. The mission on the Gibraltar bridge forced passive gameplay. Enemies were mostly on the high ground. It forced the player to sit behind broken structures and peak your head out. This is not fun. It felt like I was playing a Call of Duty game when I was doing this. Thankfully. Most of the game isn't like that.
Pressing E when running about shooting big boi shielded nazis is just annoying. But I got used to it. I learned to multitask and to look around for medkits while in fast-paced combat. It's just a tad slow when your fighting multiple groups of enemies at the same time. It results in pathetic deaths at times.
- The main issue is just the way you charge plasma/laser guns. Why is this a thing? Old School Shooters with fast-paced gameplay should not have a slow 10-second charging station when your fighting about 5 robot Nazis and 20 normal nazi fellas chasing you around. It doesn't help that I have to recharge each laser weapon as well.
The way to fix this is to increase the speed of the charging station by a great amount. About 2 or 3 seconds! The problem is the slow charging that it made the boss in London after the moon mission feels so slow n egh. It did not feel like a huge boss battle at all because I had to keep recharging my weapon after shooting it 5 times.
Graphics: 7/10 There were clearly some pop-ins here and there. V-sync is a huge issue on newer cards as I had so many screen tears even with V-Sync enabled! ID Tech 5 is just a bit unoptimized and a tad crap really.
Textures are a bit blurry up close on 1080p. You should get the 6K Texture config if your computer can handle it!
The screen effects when shooting is just so fucking good. The bullets ricocheting off the wall. just look so good. There was so much detail in the SFX section of this game.
The gore. WOOO it feels so fucking good to smash and blow up a nazis brain or to stab a robotic dog in the neck. DAMNN
The camera is great. No issues to even complain about.
The animation is fab. It really feels so great when you run about and jump enemies during gunplay.
Sound: 9/10. The weapons sound beefy and impactful. I also love the nod to 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' with the alarm sound ;)
Story: It's a 9/10. Great characters. The cutscenes are fantastic. The story made the game immersive af. There are moments when your like "that's fucked up" or "oh fuck me that was fucking awesome".
The game overall is a 7.5 out of 10. The gameplay is good. But it's much much better during larger gunfights when your playing aggressively, the gunplay can is so satisfying during these fast-paced moments.
The game has a pacing issue. The level design can force the player into different playstyles, the constant pressing E to pick up items is also quite annoying, recharging takes about 10 seconds. (Per weapon. Including your dual wielding semi-auto)
It needs to be more like Doom 2016 in terms of gameplay. The story is just fab, needs no changing.
There's just some lost potential in the gunplay.... and I heard the sequel doesn't improve upon it. Stop focusing on the story over the gameplay. Look at your gameplay as well! You're rebooting a game that's the grandfather of old-school shooters! Make it more fast paced!
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