#sorry for such a long wait ksjgfas
littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Crowstiel AU where they end up co-parenting Tanya, a nephil baby. This was an idea suggested by @confusedkittensposts ages ago, but finally finished now my tablet's working again!
ID: Two images showing a digital drawing of Cas, Crowley, and baby Tanya sheltering from an explosion. Crowley is seated on the ground, sheltering Tanya against his chest, with one arm covering his head. Cas is crouched behind Crowley, protecting the three of them with his wings. He has six wings, four encircling their group and two flared out behind them. The explosion is sketched roughly in reds and oranges. The first image shows the drawing in full while the second is a close up of Cas and Crowley's faces. End ID.
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