#sorry p3 17 but you see. i played p4 first……..
ordinaryberry · 11 months
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bonds of people are the true power.
happy (slightly belated) 15th anniversary to persona 4! this game got me into the series, and it still means a lot to me! also, this is a redraw of what i did for the 10th anniversary!
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rorywritesjunk · 1 month
There's no race, no ending in sight
r rating. title comes from "two of us on the run" by lucius
(two maybe three more parts? it's time for some fun okay, sunny deserves it. she's so burnt out now she doesn't care. there's gotta be some fluff and i think this got long i'm so sorry. matchmaker alvida and mihawk. it had to happen.)
Taglist: @hey-august @thoraeth
pt 1 + pt 2 + p3 + p4 + pt 5 + p6 + pt 7 +Pt 8 + Pt 9 + Pt 10 + Pt 11 + Pt 12 + Pt 13 + Pt 14 + Pt 15 + pt 16 + Pt 17 (End)
Pt 12
"You have a date?" Sunny repeated as she walked along with Alvida to Buggy's tent. "Here?"
"I do, she's from a nearby island." Alvida told her, arms linked with Sunny as she patted her on the arm. "I thought you'd like a distraction so I need your help picking an outfit."
"Oh, well, I'm not really good at that, I think that's more Buggy's thing." Sunny said as she followed along. "But um, I'm happy to help."
"Honey, you'll do fine." Alvida assured her as she led her to her room. "I'd like to practice my makeup on you, if that's alright. It makes it easier to see what I need to do."
"Um, sure?" Sunny just went along with it, not really understanding what Alvida wanted to do. She didn't like wearing makeup, her husband preferred it and often brought someone in to get Sunny ready when they had parties and he wanted to show her off. She appreciated Alvida asking for her help, however, as it was nice to do something different.
Alvida had her sit down on her bed before she went to pull out a few outfit choices. Admittedly, Sunny felt she didn't know Alvida that well, but when she saw the outfit choices coming out of the closet, floral dresses of different styles and patterns, she wondered what this girl was like if Alvida was wanting to change her style.
"Can you try this on for me?" Alvida asked as she held one up. "I'm not sure if it would look good on me."
Sunny took the dress and held it up with a frown. "It's not really your size, Alvida. It would be too big on you, but if you'd like, if you put it on I can see where the adjustments need to be made."
"No, no, I want to see if on you first." She insisted, directing Sunny to the privacy screen nearby to change. The blonde frowned at the captain but did as she was requested, wondering why Alvida preferred to see it on her than on herself. Sunny took a few minutes to remove her own clothes, her favorite overalls always on with a fitted crop top underneath. She had been working out in the garden again and found the overalls had the right amount of pockets.
When she was finally done, she stepped out, looking a little sheepish as she finished buttoning up the front of it. "I think it looks okay, but really, it would be better to see it on you."
Alvida looked her over, gesturing for her to spin around a few times before nodding in approval. "That one is perfect."
"Yea? Okay, I'll take it off-"
"No, no, keep it on." She insisted as she pulled Sunny over to her makeup vanity and making her sit down. "I need to figure out the makup first."
"We look completely different, I don't think it's going to look good on me, Alvida." Sunny said as she watched her pull out various shades of lipstick, blush, and eye shadow. "I don't know..."
"Come on, just a little?" Alvida asked as she picked out the lipstick first. "Pucker up, sweetheart."
Sunny sighed softly and let her play around with her face, trying out different colors and shades of makeup before deciding on a look. Alvida gave her a thumbs up before holding a small mirror out for her to look at herself. Sunny took it, frowning when she saw her reflection.
"Maybe? I still think it would be better on you." Sunny said as she reached for a tissue to start wiping it off, but Alvida stopped her.
"Let me play with your hair next."
"My hair?" Sunny frowned. "What's going on, Alvida? Why aren't you doing this to yourself?"
"I like having a model and Cabaji wasn't available." Alvida told her as Sunny took her pigtails out. Alvida grabbed her hairbrush, running it over her hair carefully to smooth it out. Sunny sighed and let her, making a face the entire time. At least Alvida was gentle, previous people weren't as kind, often pulling Sunny's hair to put it up just the right way or applying the makeup so heavily it irritated her skin. She barely noticed the makeup on her face and she couldn't help but pick up the small mirror again to look at herself.
"I just need to take this off before heading home." Sunny said. "I don't mind it, though. You did a good job. I can't wait to see it on yourself."
"Mmm, of course." The pirate captain agreed as she gave Sunny a look for. "Now, for hair styles..."
"Maybe a crown braid?" Sunny suggested, looking up at her. "I think it would look beautiful in your hair, and if you're going to go with this floral dress we could even stick some flowers in it."
"Flowers? That's perfect!"
"Yes! I'll have Mohji get some when we're done in here." Alvida made quick work of Sunny's hair, gently twisting it into a braid around her head before securing it. She gently tugged a few wisps at her forehead, not wanting the style to look too formal. It needed to be comfortable and casual. "So, what do you think?"
"I think it looks wonderful." Sunny chuckled as she turned her head to look. "Are you able to do this on yourself or do you need help?"
"I'll be fine." Alvida said as she pulled Sunny to her feet. "Now I need you to come see the set up and make sure it's romantic."
"Oh, I'm sure it's fine-"
"No, no, I need another woman's opinion." She insisted as she led Sunny along to the main area of the tent. "If I asked the boys they'd either say it was fine or that I needed more. They're not helpful in the slightest."
"If you're certain..." Sunny frowned and followed along. She wondered how much Alvida liked this woman to need Sunny's help like this. It wasn't really her kind of thing. Whenever there had been parties, it fell to her husband to figure out everything as he wanted it to be perfect. She was just there as decoration. It was nice of Alvida to want her help but it was a little much. "I don't know much about this."
"Nonsense." She said as she stopped in the center ring. There was a little table with two chairs in the middle. Poles were erected around with a string of lights strung across them, providing a soft, gentle light for whoever sat there. A striped table cloth adorned the table while a candle in a bottle sat on top of it, wax dripping down the neck, collecting along it.
Alvida led Sunny over and pulled a chair out for her, beckoning her to sit. It was... weird, were they going to pretend they were on a date? As long as it wasn't Buggy, maybe Crocodile wouldn't be mad if he found out.
"Stay put." The pirate told Sunny before she headed off. "Let me get you a snack."
Sunny didn't know what to say, left alone and hoping Alvida's date didn't show up and get the wrong idea. It was a nice setup, reminding Sunny of a little cafe on the island she had apprenticed at, one she never got to go to before she was married.
Someone cleared their throat and she jumped out of her seat, heart in her throat when she saw Mihawk. She didn't know how to really explain this, but since Buggy wasn't there, it would be okay, right?
"You have twenty minutes." The swordsman told her as he stepped aside to show Buggy standing there. He was wearing the same outfit from the party when they danced. What was going on?
"I'm sorry, there's... a misunderstanding." Sunny said as she moved away from the table. "Alvida asked for my help with her date, and... and I'm sorry, I'll leave."
"No, Alvida tricked you to come here so the two of you can talk." Mihawk explained as Buggy approached her. "This isn't a date, just a small get together, understand?"
"R-Right..." Sunny wasn't sure about this. Buggy looked nervous, glancing back at the swordsman as he left, heading back to the entrance of the tent. She clasped her hands together, unsure what to do, before turning to Buggy. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? For what?" He asked, scratching his cheek as he looked away. "The damn swordsman tricked me. Asked me to show him some fun tricks for training. Should have known it was a lie."
"Dressed like this?" Sunny gestured to his outfit. Buggy crossed his arms and huffed.
"He said to dress up or he wouldn't take me seriously!" Buggy shot back, frowning at her. "What about you? You... you look nice." He paused for a moment, still frowning as he looked her up and down. "Actually, you, uh, look beautiful."
"Oh, um, Alvida asked me to help her get ready for a date... which... I'm realizing now was her way of tricking me to dress like this." Sunny laughed nervously. "I feel ridiculous for falling for it."
"You're not ridiculous." Buggy told her. "You're... very sweet, okay? And I think you look more beautiful in this than Alvida would have anyway!"
"Oh, no, she would look lovely in it." Sunny smiled. "I guess... she planned this since she had several dresses ready."
Buggy took a step forward, looking her over again, before reaching up to fix the top button that had come undone. Sunny let him, breath caught in her throat, casting a nervous look behind him to make sure her husband wouldn't show up.
"Relax, he's busy." He assured her. "Mihawk said some birds got into office and disrupted all the papers in there. Croc's going to be busy taking care of that."
"Oh, well, I should go back and help-"
"But do you want to?"
Sunny hesitated and shook her head. Buggy grinned and clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! We can have our get together then!"
"That's what we're going to call this then?" She asked, smiling a bit. "Because it's not a date, it can't be."
"As Mihawk said, it's a get together." Buggy grinned. "No dating. We have twenty minutes." He wanted to say more, to help Sunny feel more comfortable, when the sound of an accordian caught their attention. One of his men entered the ring, looking nervously at Alvida who stood beside him with her arms crossed as she watched Buggy and Sunny.
"What's going on, Buggy?" Sunny asked.
"Beats me." He shrugged before turning his attention back to her. "Look, do you want to dance? I think that's the best idea right now, y'know, because we missed out on several songs back at that party."
Sunny hesitated but Buggy was already taking her by the hand, placing one on his shoulder, putting his hand on her hip, and taking her hand in his before he started to spin her around. She was caught off guard, stumbling into him before he steadied her. She turned red, letting him take the lead as he spun her around to the music, dipping her, pulling her back up, causing her to laugh.
She was started to relax, smiling at him as the music changed to something faster, more beats, and Buggy kept up with it, holding Sunny closer, squeezing her hand gently.
And she allowed it, even as the music slowed down, looking up at him. It was hard right to not kiss him, he seemed to think the same, because she saw him started to lean down only to stop himself after a moment. He sighed and pulled back but Sunny just gave his hand a squeeze again.
"Thank you."
Buggy shrugged, pulling his hand from her waist but holding onto her hand. "So, uh, you in love with me yet?"
"What?" Sunny asked. He ran his thumb over her knuckles gently, glanced over at her.
"You told me the other day that if we had one more dance you might have fallen in love with me." Buggy said as he started to grin. "Well, we just had several more dances, so I need to know."
"Oh." Sunny felt her face grow hot and she glanced over at Alvida. The pirate just gave her an encouraging thumbs up so Sunny looked back at Buggy. "I... maybe. Slowly, I suppose, but I need you to be patient."
"Patient? Really?" He huffed. Sunny smiled and reached up to put her hand on his face, running her fingers over his stubble. He caught her hand and held it against her face. "Is this okay?"
"It's not kissing." She chuckled. "I think it's okay."
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pierregasly · 3 years
Would love to hear your full take on Pierre,,,
Sorry this took me a few days to get to, I meant to answer it immediately but never found the motivation :( Anyways, onto Pierre. 
I believe you are commenting on a post of mine where I stated my fear that the Middle Generation of drivers (Charles, Carlos, Pierre and Max specifically) have/are going to miss out on opportunities and will never reach their full potential in F1. This is similar to what happened to the “Lost Generation” which is comprised of drivers such as Daniel, Kevin, Nico and Checo. To reiterate something that another asker was confused about: it has nothing to do with talent. The generations are not lumped together based on talent but based on their similar ages/entrance into F1 and I am speaking on the wasted potential that this group never got to achieve. (For example, Nico’s full potential was podiums--he never got here. And Daniel’s full potential was a championship--which he’ll never get.) 
I am not going to waste your time and state what I said briefly about Charles, Carlos and Max but I will go into depth more so about what I hardly touched upon with Pierre. As I said, Pierre is a phenomenal talent. As much as his podium and race win may have proven it to the world, many still call him a “luck driver” who is not good enough for a higher team. This is, obviously, because of  his time at Red Bull dramatically overshadowed his career. 
I started following Pierre around 2017 when I first got interested in F1 because of the history. In 2017 he wasn’t racing in Europe but in Super Formula so I took the time to catch up on his career thus far (I will go into depth on this in a moment). I didn’t start watching F1 until 2018 and the only driver (non-historical) I really was attached to was Pierre (others would comes later). Obviously, if you remember, Pierre ended up taking P5 in qualifying and P4 in a Toro Rosso in front of the whole world in only a few races at Bahrain. It was absolutely incredible and for the rest of the season until his Red Bull announcement, Pierre was dishing points place after points place after points place in only his first full season in F1. Therefore, while it was only his FIRST FULL SEASON, the jump to Red Bull ultimately felt justified. 
Of course, this did not end up being the case. Our joy over Pierre getting to be in a higher team made us completely and utterly forget the track record Red Bull has left with its second drivers. For those of you who are new to F1 (either coming in 2019, mid-2019 or 2020) you missed out on Pierre’s debut season which was fantastic for the car he was given. Furthermore, if you came in during mid-2019 or 2020 and you think that the treatment RB gave to Alex is horrible--you are hardly touching the surface. The treatment that RB is giving Alex versus Pierre is like taking your sons on summer vacation and then having one of them sleep on the comfy twin bed with two blankets and the other kid on the floor without so much as PJs. We haven’t even touched upon Daniil. Daniil would be like the parents leaving the kid outside to sleep. 
Let’s move on. It is very easy to look at Pierre’s season and tout only negative things. It was not his best moment and, yes, he certainly could’ve done better. However, with what he was given? Are we even sure about that? For example, Pierre become open with the media following his demotion. Not only did RB leave it to the very last moment but they also would:
1) Use Pierre’s car and car parts to test Max. 
2) When Pierre requested a more experienced engineer, he was denied. However, when Alex requested the same thing, he was given it. 
3) RB consistently spoke horribly of him in front of the media. They constantly spoke that he needed to do better and never tried to build him up. 
4) Emotionally pressured Pierre to his breaking limit.
Now the difference between RB and many other teams is that when the going gets tough for their drivers, many teams choose to build their drivers up to set them up for success. RB’s method is to tear their drivers down and hope that they can pick up their own pieces once they become annoyed with humiliation. The demotion was far, far too quick. Think of Alex--he has been getting worse and worse and worse with a year and half of time at Red Bull. Pierre managed half a season before they gave him the boot. The boot was also without warning even despite Pierre getting better and better each race. 
This is all information you probably already know, I said earlier I would touch upon his younger career and how this has been overshadowed and forgotten due to his time at RB. Here are some facts/statistics that will be important for my point later:
Finished 3rd in the French F4 championship with four wins, two poles and seven podiums over the course of only fourteen races despite having three retirements (the 2nd placer had 0 and the 1st placer only had 1). 
In his first season at Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 he finished 10th of 51 different racers and every person but one who finished before him in the championship was older than him. Pierre was only 16 when Stoffel V was 20, Daniil K was 18, Oliver R was 20, Norman N was 20, Nyck V was 17, Paul L was 21, Oscar T was 16, Melville M was 18 and Alex R was 18. 
In his second season of Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 he finished first in front of the likes of Esteban Ocon, Oliver Rowland, Jake Dennis, Nyck de Vries, Luca Ghitto and Alexander Albon.
Finished 6th in the 2013 Formula Renault 2.0 Alps Series despite missing half of the season and there being 42 competitors total (everyone ahead of him completed the full season). 
Finished 2nd of 28 competitors in the 2014 Formula Renault 3.5 Series and lost to none other than Carlos Sainz Jr. 
Finished 1st in his second full season of GP2 (now formally classified as F2).
The GP2 race he won in Silverstone happened right after a huge roadcar accident in which his mother ended up in the hospital. Pierre himself fractured his vertebrae and still went on to win the race while his mother was in the hospital and he had a broken bone. 
Was called in to replace a Renault edams driver in Formula E. He was jet lagged, tired and got only a few hours in the sims. He still managed to secure P4 in qualifying and then was set for a P3 finish but he crashed into the wall on the last corner of the last lap and came home in P4. THIS WAS HIS FIRST TIME EVER IN AN FE RACE OR AN FE CAR.
Finished second in Super Formula in 2017 but lost by only half a point. One of the races in the season was abandoned when he was set to win because of flooding and storm. Had it not been abandoned he would’ve finished first at the end of the season. 
All this pretty much brings you up to speed to when he entered into F1 (which all his amazing stuff you should be familiar with). Moving more onto my “take” regarding Pierre. I have shown evidence for why he is an incredible driver, however, now we’re moving onto the not so great bit. I suppose I must answer one question before I move on. 
Do I think Pierre is good enough, against all the rest of the talent in F1, to get consistent podiums if given the proper car? Absolutely. Do I think Pierre is good enough, against all the rest of the talent in F1, to get consistent wins if given the proper car? Absolutely. Do I think Pierre is good enough, against all the rest of the talent in F1, to fight/win a championship one day if given the proper car? This I firmly believe is possible (other thing I’ll get into if someone wants).
The reason I worry and am distressed about Pierre is because I don’t believe he’ll ever get a go at a higher team again. RB really put a shadow over his career, a shadow that is going to worry other teams from placing him into their cars. He has ultimately proven himself with podiums and, of course, the race win. However, seeing as there is so much young talent coming into F1, I don't see there being a place for him. 
Mercedes is set to most likely be Max and George when Lewis retires. Red Bull would never dare to put him in that seat again. Ferrari has their “golden generation” of Charles and Mick to look after. And those are the seemingly “top teams” (if you can even all Ferrari that). Let’s look at the others. Racing Point is going to be Lance and Seb until Seb retires. I don’t see Pierre ever going to Alpha Romeo. And McLaren is set up for the next few years with Lando and Daniel. Haas--I don’t think so. This is ultimately dangerous for Pierre’s career because RB likes to keep fresh meat in their B team car (or if you trust Horner it’s their “sister team” lol). Pierre’s best chance is the escape the RB family. AND I UNDERSTAND that the regulations could make things VERY different in F1 for the future. These are just my hypothesis and guesses--all is subjective and up to interpretation so @ anybody reading this--relax, buddy. So where does Pierre fit in in the future? These are some scenarios I have conjured up. 
1) Mercedes. Let’s say that, possibly. Max never ends up moving into that second Merc seat and instead remains at RB wasting away until they can get him a better car for the rest of his career (ooo burn sorry it’s for the scenario don’t hate me). This would open up a place at Merc for Pierre to truly shine his potential. Most likely, he would play second fiddle to George but hey--it’s still a seat where can utilize that potential. 
2) Red Bull. This would be if they get desperate. I don’t think if given a second chance, Pierre would say no. If Max were still in the team, he would be second fiddle. I can see Pierre going to RB if Max leaves for Merc in the next few years and they want him to lead Yuki or if Yuki doesn’t shine in AT and they end up dropping him they are going to be slim Pickens... I don’t know if being at RB will give him a place where he can utilize his potential but it’s a possibility. 
3) Ferrari. This would be only a chance if Mick doesn’t do great in Alpha Romeo and they need someone to fill the seat of their obvious place holder Carlos. He would be alongside Charles. Other than that.... Ferrari seems pretty set and there isn’t any space. 
4) McLaren. This I don’t see as very possible? I would love to see him in orange but they seem pretty set with Daniel and Lando. I think Daniel is probably going to ride out the end of his career there. Lando seems very integrated into the team and I can’t see him leaving unless he got a better offer like Merc. If Max didn’t end up taking the second Merc seat in the future and remains at RB then Lando might be given an offer which would open up a place that Pierre could possibly take. Do I count this as realistic? Not really, but it could happen. At McLaren I could see Pierre utilizing his potential. 
5) Renault. This is one of the options that seems most realistic to me. They're set with Fernando for the next few years. If they decided, after 2021, to give the boot to Esteban, that would open up a place for Pierre in a French team that would love a French driver (they already have one but Pierre is a FRENCH WINNER). You know that teams loves their nationalism.... Anyways. Or, possibly, Fernando retires after two years (again lol) which would open up a seat for Pierre to take along Esteban. However, I don’t really see Esteban staying long term because Renault probably needs to put one of their Renault babies like Guanyu or Christian in there. 
6) Williams. Lol. No. 
7) Haas. I don’t see it happening really??? I have my reasons but my gut just says... Au revoir.
8) Racing Point. THIS. This I see as 100% 100% a possibility. Let’s say that Seb retires after two years--this would open up a seat. Pierre is a strong, consistent and stable driver who doesn’t make mistakes. Here he could really use his potential!! #PierreInGreen!!
9) Alpha Romeo. As I said... I really don’t see it. They seem pretty busy with all their young guys. 
So to conclude, the future for Pierre lies at either Renault or Racing Point (less chance but possible includes Merc to McLaren). To not take up any more of  your time, this is what I mean by Pierre being an incredible talent who may or may not get a chance at a higher team. He deserves to have more and to have a second chance. He has really proven himself and is pulling the absolutely maximum out of himself. I really want to see him with more, like he deserves. 
Even Charles wanted him as his teammate at Ferrari back in April... that’s saying even more. Everyone on the grid except Esteban rate him highly as a person and as a driver. His potential deserves smth better. He has proven himself time and time again against everyone who told him he wasn't good enough and who still say it was all just luck. There exists luck. But firmer than luck, there exists skill. 
Pierre Gasly is a race winner in an Alpha Tauri. Do not forget that. 
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