#spider-man fan with a spider phobia? bet
bledf1rst · 1 year
i wanna make a spidersona so bad but i feel like to get any insp i'd have to look up spiders and their names and the very idea of having that in my history or attempting to put any of it in my search bar makes me wanna keel over and f-cking die
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tawneybel · 2 years
Thoughts on The Dark Judges (Judge Dredd series)? Also, how about Mystique from the X-Men movies?
Here’s a Mystique imagine! So far it’s the only one on this blog. Sometime I need to sit down and watch the original trilogy. And more shapeshifter imagines is always good. 
The only Judge Dredd media I’ve consumed is Dredd 2012. Which I liked! But there are so many comics and I already have too many things on the to do list. The cover at the end of this ask, which I’m missing the context for, is kind of sexy. 
Judge Death: His smile’s too toothy. He needs lips to cover them. *smooches*
Judge Fear: THE original edgelord.
Judge Fire: We’re all getting hosed tonight.
Judge Mortis: Not technically a furry. (Also, I bet he and Judge Death originally competed for the latter’s name, then Mortis was all like, “FINE, you can have it. I’LL be Judge Mortis.” Then Death was jelly Mortis got the cooler title.)
Nausea: “Nausea is a haglike, decayed humanoid with an assortment of gory tentacles and claws and eyeballs on her right shoulder and elbows.” Oh, so it’s cool when men literally look like death, but when a woman does she’s labeled a crone when she’s clearly just your run-of-the-mill goth GMILF.
Phobia: “…looks much like her sister, but has an extended proboscis and live heads as earrings. Her right shoulder is covered by a large scorpion, and her elbows and knees by spiders. Snakes wrap around her arms. Her left shoulder is a mass of worms, and her badge is a spider.” Presenting Nausea and her similarly GMILFy goth but tryhard sister.
Judge Kraken: No tentacles? Wack(en.)
Pustula: She would have so many fans if she went on Dr. Pimple Popper.
Ephemera: Is already naked.
Dementia: So goth she wears dead (?) bats over her sensitive bits.
Judge Reaper: Head game ridiculous.
Sister Despair: It’s nice to see scary monster women lusted after in canon. 
Judge Joker: This pic is actually kind of cool. Combines a wholesome clown activity (juggling) with edgelordship.
Half-Life: Half-man, half-bug, all fuck. 
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(If only it was the Acme Juice Extractor instead. 😔)
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Interview with a Dream Catcher
Pandora recently hosted an interview with her bound Dream Catcher. Here it is!
P: So everyone, this is Jayy, my Dream Catcher friend. Can you say hi to everyone and tell them a little about how we know each other?
J: Hey there. I met Pandora quite a few years ago. She was exploring dream realms and met a couple astral bands. I’m a singer of one of them, and took an interest in getting to know her.
P: So you’ve seen how these interviews work, right?
J: Pretty simple.
P: All right, in that case we’ll just hop right in with the first question. Jayy, this person would like to know what makes you good companions for humans. (I’m assuming your race as a whole)
J: Well, I’m a bit selfish. I personally like finding humans to feed on their dreams. But as companions we are actually pretty beneficial. We’re guardians over your sleep, we can help rejuvenate you at night even. As guardians we make sure that no potential nasties are trying to get into your dreams to mess you up or sap your energy.
P: So your race desires human companionship mostly for the dream energy?
J: At our very cores, that’s what we yearn for, yeah. Many of us find an interest in being friends over time, or even lovers if the humans are into it.
P: I’m going to slip in another question here, since it’s along similar lines. What are your views on human day to day activities? What about other DC points of view on human activities?
J: My personal views? Humans differ. Some are fine, others not so much. I’m not a fan of the humans who don’t sleep deeply. As far as other DCs, you’ll get a mixed basket with them. Their behavior is a little random. I mean take my family for instance. I have eight current living brothers and only four of us are friendly to humans. Most DCs, though, have a pretty typical view of humans. Your dream energy is food. Your homes are our homes. If we like your energy, we stay with you to feed on it. Pretty simple.
P: Thank you for that. Moving onto a slightly different subject, some people seem to be curious about the origin of DCs, as in how you all came to be. And maybe a little background on yourself as well.
J: That’s not exactly an easy question. How did humans come to be? It’s debated a bit, just like it is with humans. Some say we have a goddess of our kind that is our primal birth mother. Others say we evolved from other, smaller, similar beings. “Dream Catcher” was a coined name quite some time ago, and isn’t our actual species name. I’m afraid our actual word for what we are is not easily translated into any human tongue. As far as I go, I was born into a family of sixteen children. That includes me. My mother devoured quite a few of my siblings, and I learned at a very young age to go survive on my own with minimal support from my elder brothers and sisters. I spent a very long time alone simply studying, eventually teaching myself how to make a human mask and pass as something a little more approachable.
P: Were you the first DC to work with a human mask?
J: No, an elder brother of mine learned long before I did. And I’m sure there were others that picked up on how to do it. Others I’m not familiar with. It’s a difficult talent, but it isn’t too uncommon.
P: But you were the one that sort of popularized it, right?
J: Yeah, that would be due to my status as a musician. I’m around a lot of astrals pretty often.
P: Do DCs mate for life? And what is your ideal mate like?
J: Mmm…. DCs mate… and then the females usually eat the males if they get a chance. If not, there’s an immediate breakup. My own ideal mate… I debate it a lot. I don’t really have any preferences on gender, but maybe personality. I like someone who’s as casual as I am. We do get jealous a bit, though. Some of us.
P: What do you mean by jealous? As in possessive? And if DC relationships don’t ever work out, does this jealousy pop up mostly in cross-species romance?
J: Yeah, it does. I can’t speak for the females, but as a guy, I’m not too fond of my lover suddenly trying to eat me while I’m sleeping. So… we don’t stick around females very often if we can help it. We get possessive if we’re in same-sex relationships or cross-species ones. Females won’t eat females, and males won’t eat males. Just our nature.
P: Makes sense. Oh here’s an interesting question. This person is wondering if you have subspecies within the DC community. Like, do black widows stick with black widows, or tarantulas with tarantulas, and so on.
J: Oh, I see what you’re asking. Some regions of us do. We don’t really call ourselves the same names as many spiders you might know, but we’re pretty similar. My own family is a mixed one, but there are some DCs that keep to their subspecies. Especially when you get into the royals and stuff.
P: What’s day to day life like for you?
J: For me it can get a little hectic. I’m sort of out of the spectrum because I live life as a popular musician. My home is in the astral, and I usually hang out in a trailer. During the day, I have rehearsals with my band mates, or I’m out doing live signings or photo shoots with fans. Sometimes I get some “me” time during the early evening to sit and have a drink or go out with friends. At night I’m usually actively seeking out vivid dreams in humans, but I do crash like a human does every once in a while. I only shed my mask at night when I’m looking to feed, but I do like to tease and gross Pandora out with it on occasion. *winks*
P: *rolls eyes* For those who are wondering, he chases me around the house with his mile-long tongue sticking out and threatens to stick it in my ear while I’m conscious.
J: It’s fun.
P: And then I threaten him with a newspaper or a giant boot and he stops.
J: *laughs*
P: Oh, I skipped over this one, but let’s go back to it now. Do you get annoyed/angry when humans kill spiders in their homes?
J: I do, actually. How would they like it if they were just minding their own business looking for a place to build a home, and suddenly they were severely injured or killed because someone thought they were ugly or creepy? Kind of unfair, if you ask me.
P: So how do you deal with humans who have spider phobias?
J: We want to educate humans about the benefits of having spider friends. A lot of us. I use my human mask to get better acquainted with them, and only show my true self once I have their trust, but I’ve heard from some bound buddies that their keepers have been recovering from their phobias due to having a big eight-legged companion. I won’t interact with any human who has aggressive tendencies toward spiders in general, though. I feel there’d be too much animosity between us.
P: How big do your kind usually get?
J: We can be anywhere from about 4 feet to 8 feet tall. That’s not including the length of our bodies, though. It often depends on our physical build, like bulkiness, and the length of our legs--whether they hold us up off the ground or if we scuttle across floors practically on our underbellies. I’ll bet you appreciate that image.
P: Considering how many DCs we have come through the home, I’m sort of used to it now. Do DCs lay eggs?
J: Yes, they do.
P: What’s an average guess at how many eggs there are per laying?
J: It’s usually dependent on the subtype of DC, but on average somewhere in the forties range. My family was an exception because of our mixed genetics. My mother didn’t lay too many.
P: But all DCs are descended in some way from their king, right?
J: That’s the popular belief, though it’s debated. It’s what I believe.
P: But then you have the deviants like the nobles who consistently fight with the king and try to form their own groups, right?
J: *sigh* Yeah, we do. It causes a lot of fights that the majority of us just try to stay out of.
P: Okay, so moving on from politics...this querent wants to know what sort of magic you practice. Or do you, even? Is absorbing dream energy just a part of the DC...what’s the word I’m looking for...physiology?
J: I personally haven’t met a DC who can’t absorb dream energy, so I’d assume so. As far as magic, I see that as a practice that’s relative. I don’t consider what I do to be magic. It’s just a part of my nature--my needs. But I had a sister several years back who had a few extra “magickal” talents. Like energy manipulation outside of dreams. She was able to read the subconscious really well, and she could pull in energies from humans and other creatures who were conscious.
P: So an energy vampire of some sort?
J: Yes. “Psychic Vampire” paints the wrong kind of image for me, but she essentially had the same abilities.
P: Moving away from full race focus to just you, this person wants to know what your favorite food is and what your favorite genre of music is. (Though I could answer that one)
J: Oh man… where do I start here? Okay, well I have a lot of “human” vices. I drink a lot. That’s not really food, but it’s a consumable that I just completely love. I love junk foods, like chips. And I really like pizza with a lot of different kinds of meat on it. No pineapple though, please. For music, I’m a metalhead. It’s what I sing, and I love it.
P: Could you tell us some about your band? And what other bands there are?
J: There’re quite a few out there. Ever wake up with a strange tune in your head that doesn’t match any songs you know? Mighta been something you heard from an astral band in your sleep. My band is called Volt 55. We have six members. Sometimes some guest singers and artists. There are pop bands, pop rock artists… And lately there’s been a big increase in artists doing electronic stuff.
P: Can you tell us who your band members are?
J: Sure. There’s me of course. I’m the singer. I’ve also taken over guitar recently because we had our bassist leave. Kai, who was the original guitarist, took to playing the bass instead. We’re all different races. Sometimes it causes fights, but it’s usually pretty cool. Kai is an Incubus. Then there’s Bo who’s our drummer. He’s a werebear. Felix and Curio are violinists, and they’re both fallen angels. And then last and totally least is Spike, our demonic keyboard player. *sticks tongue out*
P: You’re such a butt to him. What are some of your hobbies outside the band?
J: I still love him though. I like going to movies especially. It’s fun with a big group of friends, because then you can chat about them afterwards. If not that, then eating out is enjoyable, too. I prefer to be in the company of friends, but if I’m alone with some downtime and am not writing songs, I’ll go out for long drives or runs.
P: Okay, we’re on our final question here. Is there anything interesting about your race that we haven’t already covered that you want to share?
J: We don’t get along well with a lot of rogue Dream Travelers. For those who don’t know, DTs are beings that like to hop from dream to dream. They can often appear as noteworthy figures in dreams, but ones you don’t recognize. They can leave you waking up feeling like you’re still dreaming or feeling like you haven’t come back to reality yet. Anyway, our dream-feeding tends to bother them as they’re traveling, because it makes it a lot harder for them to get from place to place. It can cause fights. If we fight, there’s a risk of causing nightmares in whatever humans we’re feeding from at the time.
P: Anything else?
J: Eh, not really. Unless you want me to talk about how we feed on dreams. *winks*
P: *small laugh* We already covered that in our interesting facts, so I think we’re good there. Thank you for your time, Jayy.
J: No problem. Thanks for letting me answer some questions.
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