#starting off with two aesthetics bc the vibes on their Pinterest boards are so sweet <3
derelictheretic · 1 year
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gift 1/2 to @sstewyhosseini of her Sydney Williams x Jack Krauser ship!
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jadevndermeer · 5 years
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( dua lipa. 24. cisfemale. she/her. ) ❛ jade vandermeer, an aries from seattle, washington, moved into holloway three years ago. they are a musician that lives in apartment 5d here and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be volatile and impulsive but others say they’re bold and magnetic. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear tongue tied by grouplove, it’s jadey-v blasting it.
hey! it’s ya girl jess & i’m here with my girl, jade. a little about me, in case you didn’t see my lil ooc intro in the discord – i’m 22 and in the bst timezone. i’m ur local bisexual aries disaster who is indie band trash & resides in rainy england. i played johnny before the revamp ( the nico mirallegro fc! ) and was also an admin for a lil bit. without further ado, here’s my babe!
my d*iscord is @ soft aries#7087 & i prefer to plot there over IMs!
jade’s pinterest board can be found here!
jade is the daughter of two business-people. the pair of them strict & straight as a line for her whole childhood. she was born in seattle, but since her father is dutch (hence her last name) and her mother is albanian, the family spent a lot of time travelling to their respective homelands, which was just about the most fun she had as a child. when at home in baltimore, she was kept under close supervision as her parents were the typical snobby, superficial semi-wealthy types and way too overprotective.
leaving the states for long periods at a time made it somewhat hard for jade to keep a friendship group, so she found fun in things that she could do alone like songwriting, singing and learning to play bass guitar. these were just hobbies at first until she entered her mid-teen years and began to take it more seriously, knowing she had the talent to do so. 
music forced her to come out of her shell massively. it gave her the confidence to. kids at school would want to hear her play all the time, and she was happy to show off her talents to others, which helped her to make friends
of course, around this time is when she developed a taste for fun. she wanted to hang out and go to parties and stuff like a normal teenager but again, her parents were still being way too strict & sheltering her
so she had to make do with sneaking out when she could, and when she couldn’t go have fun she continued to refine her passion as a musician, starting to post covers & original songs to youtube and bandcamp & even managing to get quite a substantial fanbase
however, her parents weren’t happy with this. they thought that music wasn’t a real job and that she needed to follow in the family footsteps and work towards being employed by their business. so, they made sure to only extend the offer of financial support through college if she promised to study business, marketing or something similar. and so, she had no choice but to agree to their ultimatum
she began studying at a university in new york, with a degree in business management. of course — she hated it. her studies didn’t align with her passion and so, to the dismay of her parents, she dropped out only a year and a half in. 
it was around this time that jade’s parents figured out that she was going to pursue the music thing no matter what and she wouldn’t be working for the family business. their ultimatum had technically failed, and jade was worried about potential problems between herself and her parents if she were to go back to seattle. and so, the search for a roommate in new york started. she moved into holloway as a matter of urgency
she could finally focus on being herself and taking up music as her full-time focus. there was an issue though, she needed a band. though, that issue was solved when she got together with some fellow holloway residents to form the indie rock band solar eclipse. with jade on bass, of course !!
jade worked as a barista and spent any free time she had working on music with solar eclipse. over the past few years, they’ve managed to take off quite a bit — they’ve signed to a record label, so jade quit her barista job and the band started to work on an album! everything seems to be falling into place.
fiery aries lady. aka charismatic and magnetic but do not cross her bad side sksksk
comes across kind of self-centred / vain but really she’s just super proud of herself and has a lot of self-confidence?
very all or nothing. doesn’t like to half-ass things. v determined and inspired at all times
can be a lil intense but is high-key lovely, v sweet and loyal, cares about her friends so much
she has a very strong personality and can be a bit of a liability. does a lot of things she regrets. doesn’t always think before she speaks
impulsive and unpredictable, she’s one of those extroverts that can become draining to be around after a while. she’s so talkative and excitable, a little too much. your muse may find her annoying or endearing depending on what they’re like
a bicon ( shocker.... not )
hopeless romantic, idealist / optimist, quixotic type.
aesthetics: yellow, converse high tops, vinyl pressings of all great indie records, denim mini skirts, mischievous grins, gold glitter
i’m gonna stop here bc i reallllly wanna jump into some plotting !
best friend(s) — it’s probably a given that this is taken up by her bandmates but i’m open for her to have more too! only requirement for this is that they vibe well with her personality!
past college friend(s) — friends she met at college before she dropped out. maybe they drifted after she left & now they’ve graduated and their friendship will rekindle in holloway?
bad influence — jade is a mischievous little binch. loves to party, go on wild spontaneous adventures, still has a rebellious streak thanks to growing up with strict parents. this person is a bit of a partner in crime for jade, always convincing her to join them in doing dumb shit
good influence — maybe another musician who mentors her as well, but this isn’t required? basically just anyone who can keep her grounded when her [ jenna marbles vc: ARIES ] energy causes her to wild out 
exes (on good or bad terms) — i love angst k thanks. if they’re on good terms, maybe they stayed friends & they’re still in love w jade but she doesn’t know ? if it’s bad terms maybe the relationship ended rly messily or they cheated on her and now they can’t stand each other, idc just gimme angst
a slow burn love interest — i’m not a fan of ship plots that happen right away like??? i like a cute plot that can build and develop for a while !! gimme a lil somethin somethin. our characters have to really work together for this tho so ig i’ll be picky when it comes to this plot
anything honestly!! hmu and if none of these appeal to you we can brainstorm!
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ofcrickets · 6 years
red lips, soft smile. like something cinematic
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is that MARILYN LIMA i see sitting in the quad? no, it’s just CLAIRE COLDWELL, the SEVENTEEN year old FEMALE. they’re a SENIOR, and i usually see them doing VOLLEYBALL, FASHION (MEMBER). everyone around here calls them the THE NEW GIRL which makes sense because they’re so CURIOUS and COMPASSIONATE but also RESERVED and WISHFUL. guess we’ll have to see if mpexposed digs up any dirt about them.
                                    stats page . wanted connections . pinterest
being the new girl! what fun! especially transferring in your senior year like wow claire you crazy cat
but it’s fine, we’re fine, she’s loving the mysterious vibe she’s got going on, she’s thriving
little is known about her life before transferring and she’s not giving up any details. public knowledge is: born and raised in boston and went to a fancy boarding school there, has a few siblings but they’ve either graduated or are at her old school and she’s on the volleyball team
wow 10/10 on the personal details
her family is in politics and her father is making quite a name for himself and claire is quite proud. she’s very close to her father despite hardly seeing him and i hate to say it but he spoils her a lot
her dad is the reason for her nickname ‘cricket’. it came about when she was younger; she was the little goody two shoes of her siblings, the moral compass of the four. the conscience of them all, the jiminy cricket
i mean she could go follow the family legacy of being a politician; she has the brains, the smile, the want to help the world, the ability to lie convincingly
but nah, claire received more of her mother’s creative genes and her passion in life is photography
there used to be a time where cricket never went anywhere without her camera. her siblings joked that it would have to be surgically removed
....... her beloved camera is not around much these days but don’t be sad, it’s still her most prized possession and she can be seen on some days with it, snapping pictures of everyone and everything that tickles her fancy
growing up in a large family really fostered her interest in photography
despite being adored by her parents, they were both busy with their careers and it was easy to fall through the cracks, especially when you have three other people that are vying for that attention too
it became very easy to claire to go unnoticed and this allowed her to get fantastic shots of people
but yeah don’t be surprised if i call claire ‘cricket’ it’s just a nickname that she hopes will never see the light of day at montpelier 
we’ll see how that works out babe
a bit about claire at the academy: she just started this year so she may have met janie like three times?? if even that. she doesn’t understand why this entity is targeting her,,, like dude she’s new. back off. she has absolutely no secrets whatsoever. nope, nothing to see here
she was quite lucky on her first day, becoming friends with one of the popular girls and becoming one of them pretty quickly (a wanted connection js)
she thought about joining the yearbook but it seemed a little weird. yes, these were her peers for the next year and maybe through to college but she wants to make the most of this year, not capturing other people’s memories. for once she wants to be the photographed, not the photographer
she did join volleyball though and is excited to be on a team
plus those shorts are cute 
personality wise,,, cricket is a bean. she’s always tries to have a smile on her face and be very accommodating and friendly. she’s not in the market to be cruel or rude like firstly why would she have the right?? and like she doesn’t want to alienate herself here
she’s a very determined girl too and once she’s set her mind on a goal, there’s nothing stopping her from doing it. she’s also quite the dreamer and with those rose coloured glasses, she believes anything is possible. a combination, that’s for sure.
she tries her best honestly. like she’s not the ‘sweet as pie’ girl but she tries,, she really does. she’s not going to go out of her way to be vicious but she won’t hold back on opinions or the like
wants to help the environment 11/10
that’s all i can think of at the moment but if you have any questions, let me know!
her wanted connections are at the top! as is her unfinished stats page because wow i’m great
her main inspirations were: hanna marin (pll), quinn fabray (glee.... i know. i lowkey hate myself too bc ew glee), lara jean covey (tatbilb), blair waldorf (the aesthetic not the personality lmao), summer roberts (the oc but the later seasons) and a few others
a little bit about me: my name is katelyn, i’m an angst extraordinaire and i love harry potter and scooby doo. also loves a good meme. i’m currently on term break and i’d love to plot!!
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carrowe · 6 years
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AMYCUS CARROW is A DEATH EATER in the war, even though HIS official job is as A CURSE BREAKER & HIT MAN the TWENTY SIX year old PUREBLOOD is known to be PATIENT and RESERVED but also VIOLENT and TWO FACED. some might label them as THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE. fc: ryan gosling 
feel it still - portugal the man // devil like me - rainbow kitten surprise // dead man’s arms - bishop briggs // fever pitch - rainbow kitten surprise // devil eyes - hippie sabotage // dark side - bishop briggs.
pinterest board (x)
Amycus Abigor Carrow came crashing into the world screaming for his sister. Born the eldest to the Carrow dynasty, he was expected to eventually mount the role as the heir to the family legacy, but Amycus quickly proved himself to be Quite the Disappointment. 
As a young child, Amycus was soft spoken, easily intimidated and quiet ( main inspiration for baby Amycus: Radu from And I Darken tbh ). Mostly clung to the family’s staff, always crying, always craving closeness. For a while, he was just as angelic as he looked. 
Never saw much of his parents while growing up. His father was a successful businessman who only had kids because he was supposed to ( to carry on the blood line ), and wanted nothing to do with him. Instead, Amycus was left in the care of his grandfather.
His grandfather was FUCKED. An absolutely terrible man. A Death Eater before his time. An actual demon. Can’t say enough bad things about him, ya feel.
Either way, his grandfather was absolutely disgusted by Amycus, who could never fit into the mold that had been created for him. Thought his grandson was a poor excuse for a Carrow and thought he could change that through pain and violence. So, lessons were drilled in using corporal punishment, and the emotional and physical abuse he suffered eventually turned him into something colder and darker. What had once been soft, turned harsh, rough around the edges. A shell of a boy was left behind, not a trace of that sweetness left behind once they were done with him ( but were they ever? ).
Amycus basically became filled with resentment against everyone in his family, with the exception of Alecto. She has always been there, from the day they were born. She was the one to dry his tears, the one to hold his hand, the one to tell him where to hide. The one constant, his safe haven. They come as a matching set, and Amycus would kill ( and definitively has, too lbr ) for her.
Gained a definite rebellious streak pretty early on, which only became more aggressive as he got older. Once he reached his teenage years, he’d do ANYTHING and everything to fuck with his father & grandfather. Kinda stopped caring about the punishment, so used to pain that he stopped fearing it. Almost stopped feeling it.
Definitively grew up in his sister’s shadow, and was always the lesser Carrow.
When he turned fifteen, he moved out and never looked back. Decided to make his own future, and just never spoke to his family (Alecto is always the exception we all know this) again. Because fuck y’all, basically.
SO. His family’s plans had been for him to finish his education at Hogwarts, and then follow in his father’s foot steps and take over the company and the family name. Amycus had different plans though, obviously. 
His family were... so angry with him. But they definitively pretend ( because can’t have Amycus ruining their good reputation, am I right ) that they were the ones to encourage Amycus to find his own path in life and become a curse breaker.
Though, Amycus was never denounced as a Carrow ( because they didn’t wanna air their dirty laundry to the world, ya know ). Most pureblood families have noticed though that Amycus isn’t exactly... close with his family. I mean, at pureblood parties, he literally pretends that he can’t see them. 
old gramophones, blood stained mirrors, broken glasses, bleeding fists, standing in silence for hours, chipped teeth, unwavering loyalty, unhealed scars, getting home at the crack of dawn, red wine, eyes too blue to be trusted, long showers, god complexes, the color of dusk, messy hair, blood soaked suits, always cheating death, a rebel just for kicks, dried crimson on dull blades, half smiles, just beating and beating until the world stops, no conscience, half empty wine bottles, impersonal offices, a face that doesn’t quite match his demeanor.
Was a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. 
patience/loyalty/dedication vs self preservation/resourcefulness/dedication mostly.
At Hogwarts, Amycus felt in power for the first time. Ended up becoming the aggressor, finding solace in pain and violence. Found that he was good at inflicting pain, and liked being good at SOMETHING. Had never really felt that before. :/
Eventually got a taste for blood, and started getting into fights with other students, each run in more violent than the next.
STILL, did not end up in detention, because for a while, the teachers couldn’t believe that someone like Amycus ( who was mostly known for being very quiet and looking sweet ) would hurt another student. It would take for him to eventually get caught in the act, until that perception shattered.
Was that kid who used bugs and insects to practice unforgivable curses on. Eventually progressed to torturing students as well.
Excelled in charms, and can do wonders with a wand when he puts his mind to it. Most other grades were pretty shit though. 
Once he graduated from Hogwarts, he was meant to take his place in the Carrow dynasty ( grandfather somehow STILL believing that he would come to his senses ), but fuck that. So he basically left the country as fast as possible, and became a cursebreaker.
Which just made sense, because he has always been good at inflicting curses, and breaking them isn’t that different. He is very good at what he does.
First few years were spent working in ancient tombs abroad, mostly. That kind of work fit him really well, because he could wear whatever he wanted, didn’t have to talk to people too much, could do his own thing. Was also always someone around to beat up.
After a while, he started missing his sister, and returned home, where he found work at the ministry of magic. Today, he works for the removal of curses, jinxes and hexes office, which is a subdivision for the improper use of magic office. 
Really likes his job? BUT. Also has a #second job.
On the side, he’s sort of a gun ( wand ) for hire, and will kill anyone who needs to be killed, for a price. Gives zero shit about the money though ( but the client needs to be rich, ya feel ).
Most of his clients are members of the sacred 28, who somehow always seem to want SOMEONE dead.
Honestly, I haven’t 100% figured out how he conducts this business because obviously he wants to remain anonymous. He probably has some sort of dramatic way of getting people to give him names that need to die idk. #to be determined
Joined the Death Eaters mostly because of his sister? But their agenda also really fits him, because violence? Bigotry? Death? Sign him tf up.
He isn’t the most invested in the whole pureblood supremacy thing ( but would he ever admit that? that’s a no ), but overall likes Voldemort and what he stands for.
Though he’s also lowkey intimidated by / afraid of Voldemort and is quite pleased with the fact that he doesn’t have to report directly to him.
For the Death Eaters, Amycus mostly works as an information gatherer, which is basically just a euphemism for him being one of their main torturers, who will torture people until they tell him whatever it is the Death Eaters want to know. He usually works together with his sister and they are disturbingly good at what they do.
Cares very little for most people and is so so so selfish.
Lacks most of the finesse of his sister, tbh.
100% neutral evil. Kind of has a moral compass, it just points in the wrong direction at all times? Mostly just does whatever is best for him and Alecto though, and has zero interest in any righteous bullshit.
Does he think that he’s doing the right thing? Nope. He’s well aware that he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A bad dude.  Does he care? Also no.
Might just be the most private person you’ll ever meet? He seldom reveals anything about himself, and when he does, it’s usually not true.
Will also lie about the dumbest and smallest of details.
SO self disciplined. Always in complete control, and it’s very hard to get a genuine reaction / rise out of him. Also so so so patient, and is happy to wait for whatever his current end game is.
Drinks and smokes heavily, but doesn’t personally think that he has a problem.
Mostly just a dumb asshole.
Thrives off violence and is a total brute tbh.
Never fucking does what anyone tells him to do. 
Someone: pls do this Amycus: *does the exact opposite*
Bisexual !
Pretty good at hiding his death eater ties since he’s… paranoid as FUCK. And also keeps to himself. Always wears a mask. But some people probably suspect… stuff anyways, if they’ve like. Spent longer than two hours with him. Listen if Amycus wasn’t such a fucking asshole he probably could get away with it (/scooby doo villain voice). But then again, others will probably think he’s just cold af.
Looks a lot nicer than he is, which works to his advantage most of the time? Like he just looks like a nerdy, good dude. Is a total demon, but looks like an angel. 
Wears glasses (x), but somehow manages to fucking break them ALL THE TIME. The only thing keeping them together is magic.
Wears mostly wizard suits for work ( bc he has to :/ ), but will wear those long black robes in his free time. Think a vampire cape, flying in the wind. Ultimate drama. He really is THAT guy.
Will also wear stupid wizard band t-shirts a lot when working.
Keeps his hair short.
Like 70% of his wealth is probably spent on buying new clothes, because he keeps fucking ruining them by getting blood on them? Or just having them ripped to shreds in a fight, that works too.
Looks like he’s wearing the same exact shoes every day but actually has like... 200 different pairs. They all look the same.
Eyes appear either blue or grey, depending on the lighting.
Has some tattoos, and a half sleeve on his right arm, going from his shoulder to his elbow.
caleb haas ( quantico )- the snark. the assholery. the background. the black sheep.
clay haas ( quantico ) - just the right amount of polished. the style. the general aesthetic. the hair.
angelus ( btvs ) - the disregard for human life. the darkness. the occasional brooding. the quips. 
holden ford ( mindhunter ) - the scheming. the hidden ambition. the slyness. the resolution.
lucifer morningstar ( lucifer ) - the smile, the general vibe, the quips, the mannerisms, the darkness.
eric northman ( southern vampire mysteries ) - the confidence. the general dumbness. the stubbornness.
demon dean winchester ( supernatural ) - the occasional charm. the being an actual demon-ness. the blood lust. the bad jokes. the weakness for a pretty face.
wolverine ( x men ) - the violence. the moodiness. the hatred. the occasional gruff demeanor.
takeshi kovac ( altered carbon ) - the violence. the fucked up moral compass. the buried anger. the instinct to fight.
elian ( to kill a kingdom ) - the rebel prince. the angry heir. the sarcasm. the dialogue.
radu ( and i darken ) - amycus as a child. the softness. the sweet face. the loyalty to his sister.
hannibal lecter ( silence of the lambs ) - the calm. the politeness. seems so civilized, so nice. isn’t though.
DISSONANT SERENITY - someone smiling gently in the middle of death and carnage, seeming almost enlightened as they slit throats left and right.
THE BERSERKER - throws himself into battle with such reckless abandon, that it seems like he wants to die. never, ever retreats.
FACE OF AN ANGEL, MIND OF A DEMON - looks nice, is a demon.
DEVIL IN PLAIN SIGHT - obviously up to no good, but few people seem to take notice.
EVEN EVIL HAS LOVED ONES - loves his sister.
BLACK SHEEP - the family screw up, someone who rejects their role in the family.
DARK AND TROUBLED PAST™ - something terrible happened in the past. tragic backstory. yada yada.
EVEN EVIL HAS STANDARDS - or at least his own moral compass.
MAN OF WEALTH AND TASTE - turns out evil has quite a lot of money and excellent fashion taste. most of the time.
PRAGMATIC VILLAINY - only does evil things when it serves him or his purposes tbh.
OPPORTUNISTIC BASTARD - doesn’t really have a plan, totally winging it.
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