#such a hilarious perfect read that just leaves you smiling like a big goofy ball of fluff the entire day
bubbyleh · 4 years
I See La Vie en Rose - Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Twisting Feeling
"What do you think, Sunkist?" Tommy holds up a yellow sweater. "This? Or the pineapple shirt?"
Sunkist doesn’t answer, and it isn’t because she can’t speak. She rolls over in her bed, offering a soft yet firm woof as she does so.
“Sunkist, I- I’m sorry you can’t come today!” Tommy explains, putting the sweater to the side. “Darnold would really like to see you, but the restaurant doesn’t allow dogs!”
Tommy offers Sunkist a few ear scratches as consolation. She leans into Tommy’s hand, practically pinning it below her, but she still does not move from her bed. Well, Tommy didn’t want to tell her this now, but if she’s gonna act so mopey…
“Y-you know, Sunkist,” Tommy lets a little excitement seep into his voice. “Gordon’s heading down for the… to take care of the cult today. And Benrey’s gonna- gonna be really busy.” In her usual adorable way, Sunkist is already wagging her tail. “I thought you could help them with Joshua?”
There’s always been something about Joshua that makes Sunkist love him. Maybe it’s the fact that he was the first baby she ever met, but when Gordon showed Josh to her for the first time, not even ten minutes old, that was it. In that moment, Sunkist recognized a puppy, and as the most perfect dog, she had to protect it.
Sunkist barks as she stands, high-pitched and quick. Her eagerness is both endearing and hilarious to Tommy, who struggles to hold back his laugh.
“Alright, c-calm down!” Tommy chuckles. “You gotta- you gotta help me pick my shirt first, okay?”
To say that Tommy is nervous would be a complete and total understatement. He keeps catching himself tugging at the sleeves of his sweater, or biting his cheek way too hard, or taking his propeller hat off to run a hand through his hair. And hey! Benrey teasing him for his “fancy” look on the way out? Did not help!
Because, look. Darnold is clearly interested in him. Tommy would have to be a fool to miss the fact that, more often than not, when Darnold invites him over, they usually end up talking long after they’re finished running whatever soda experiment was planned. Or that whenever they text, Tommy immediately gets a reply. Or that whenever they meet with each other, Darnold’s smile is so big it reaches his eyes. When they brush hands accidentally and Darnold gets all flustered. When he notices Tommy admiring him and gets all embarrassed.
Which is to say, Tommy is aware that his feelings for Darnold are likely reciprocated. The fact that a relationship with Darnold (the idea almost makes Tommy faint) now actually seems possible, like he shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be worried about his mortality every second…
It’s like a weight’s been lifted. It’s like a chain’s been broken. Something like that.
Tommy is excited! He’s nervous! He’s absolutely terrified!
But he can do this. Tommy balls his fists and hypes himself up. He can do this! He repeats this in his mind as he approaches the restaurant they agreed to meet up at. He can do this! He can do this! He can do this!
Until Tommy actually catches sight of Darnold, who’s waiting for him outside. He’s wearing a sweater vest and a bowtie, and it’s so fucking cute Tommy can feel cardiac arrest.
“Oh, Tommy!” Darnold calls out when he sees him, waving.
"Darnold! Hi!" Tommy greets him. "Why are you- Is the restaurant crowded?"
Darnold shrugs. "I don't know, I haven't been inside." A small smile appears on his face. "I was waiting for you."
Tommy’s heart flutters. Damn it! This confession business is gonna be REAL hard if Darnold keeps saying shit like that!
The inside of the restaurant is nice. Darnold had suggested it when they were making plans the other day. Apparently he heard really good things about their desert menu! It’s a wonderful little place, with wide street view windows and a casual atmosphere. They manage to get a booth next to one, and the sun warms their cheeks during their meal.
A throughout it all, Tommy tries. He tries oh so desperately to tell Darnold how he feels, and every missed opportunity feels like a knife being twisted around inside him. He’ll be about to say something, his mouth opened and his chest full of confidence, and then…
And then he makes eye contact with Darnold, and the soft warmth he radiates immediately destroys him.
How’s he supposed to do this? How is Tommy supposed to confess his feelings to the man he loves if everytime he looks at him, he feels like he’s going to fall apart?
“You know,” Darnold says, looking out the window. “My whole life, I’ve never really been… I guess the word is lucky? I’ve never been that lucky.”
Uh oh! Tommy got distracted thinking about how much he loves Darnold, and whatever he’s doing is completely throwing him for a loop! Why isn’t he looking at him? Did he do something wrong!?
“Love, especially,” Darnold continues. “I, uh. I’ve thought about praying, but I’ve heard the minor domains don’t get as much attention…”
Yeah, can’t disagree with him there. While Coomer and Bubby are attentive (Coomer especially adores the love domain), it isn’t either of their main domains, so it tends to get shoved to the side.
But Tommy has a suspicion that Darnold isn’t starting a theological discussion.
Darnold takes a deep breath, and he looks him right in the eyes. “I- Tommy, I feel extremely lucky to have met you. And I value our friendship and the time we’ve spent together! What I’m trying to say is…” He’s fidgeting with his fingers. “You’re so confident, and smart, and amazing. And I… kind of fell in love with you.”
At once, Tommy’s face is both flushed and lit up. He can’t put away the goofy smile spread across his face, and the butterflies in his stomach seem to have relocated to his chest. Darnold confessed! He… oh! That’s why he chose such a nice restaurant! He was planning this! Dang, he was so much more prepared than Tommy was.
Tommy clasps his hands in front of himself. “I…” he tries, but whatever he could say next escapes him. Oh damn it, are his eyes welling up with tears? Tommy resorts to just nodding very enthusiastically and hopes the message gets across.
“O-oh! I didn’t mean to-” Darnold reaches out, but he’s cut off by Tommy taking his hand instead.
“I- I fell in love with you, too,” Tommy finally manages.
The way Darnold’s eyes widen, the surprise clear as day, Tommy is sure he’ll always remember it.
“So, was- was that a date?” Tommy asks as they’re on their way out.
Darnold puts a finger on his chin and mimes thinking. “I dunno. Do you want it to be?”
There’s a bit of a chill today, Tommy notices as they step outside, but the sky is mostly clear and the sun is still so warm. He loves days like this.
A thought occurs to him. “Can I- can I kiss you? Is that okay?”
Now it’s Darnold’s turn to be all flustered. “Yeah!” he nods eagerly. “It’s very okay!”
Tommy’s read romantic novels before. He’s watched practically every soap opera there is. He is not unfamiliar with the phrase “sparks flying”. But he feels like he never truly understood what that meant until he kisses Darnold. Because everything feels electric, and terrifying, and beautiful.
It’s right. It’s so right.
“Guys!” Tommy exclaims in a giddy tone upon his return. “You- you won’t-”
He stops himself.
Gordon’s back. He must have returned right before Tommy, because he’s standing at the edge of the pool, leaning against Coomer. Tommy can clearly see a few bruises, and even some cuts and scrapes. Benrey looks afraid to touch him, while Bubby is delivering a lecture.
“Mr. Freem- Gordon!” Tommy shouts, and in an instant he’s right beside him. “Wh-what happened!? Are you okay?!”
“I told you to be careful down there,” Bubby continues. “Who knows what those bastards would have done to you if they had knocked you out!”
“Bubby, dear,” Coomer warns.
Bubby snaps. “They’re dangerous, Harold! I’m allowed to tell Gordon off!”
Tommy looks to Gordon, because he knows what he’ll say next. The same conversation they had last night. He can practically hear it now, ‘If they’re so dangerous, then why don’t you tell us anything!’ And Tommy will agree with him, because this is getting too far. Gordon’s been hurt! The man Tommy has basically guided through godhood has been royally fucked up by those bone-worshipping dunderheads!
But there’s nothing. Gordon’s eyes are blank. There’s no righteous anger, he barely seems to register the pain he’s in. He just stares down at the floor.
“G-Gordon?” Tommy barely manages to whisper.
Their gazes meet, and he looks so… empty. “I’m tired.” Gordon says. “I just need to sleep right now.”
Coomer takes this as a sign to guide Gordon back to his home, Bubby tailing behind him, still giving his speech on how badly things could have gone. They leave Tommy and Benrey behind, the latter of whom appears both dazed and concerned.
“I’ll… I’ll take Joshua, t-tonight,” Tommy offers.
Benrey blinks, snaps out of whatever thoughts he’s having. “Yeah, that’s… probably a good idea.”
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parttimespellbinder · 5 years
SoTW Chapter 1: Best Birthday Ever
So, this was the first year that I attempted to do NaNoWriMo and for all the effort I put in all I was able to do was...a single chapter! YAAAAAAY! Either way, I haven’t posted any of my own writing here in a while and I really wanted to share this. This story, Struggles of a Teenage Wizard was originally heavily based on Sabrina the Teenage Witch but I like to think that I’ve come a long way since I originally started it way back when. So, as I continue to knock out chapters of it, I’ll probably post them here for whateves. To any who read it, I hope you enjoy it.
Tj stood against the wall, tapping his feet and glancing at his watch every few minutes, waiting for the party to end. I told them I didn’t want to make a big deal out of this. He looked around again at the banners, the balloons, the mountain of presents on several tables and shook his head. “It’s not a sweet sixteen or anything,” he said, pushing up his glasses.
With a sigh he directed his gaze towards the center of the room where he could see his father surrounded by family members Tj never knew he had. His father, Thomas, was the better, more perfect version of Tj himself. Both Tj and his father had the exact same dark chocolate skin tone, the same hazel eyes and the same afro comprised of naught but the tightest curls known to mankind. But that was where the similarities ended. Thomas’s good looks, his broad shouldered, athletic body and height were nowhere to be found on his son. Tj’s face was covered with acne, he was a little smaller than most of the boys in his class and he was quite skinny. He often felt that he wasn’t even swimming in the same gene pool when he looked at himself in the mirror.
Maybe one day I’ll look like that, he thought. Or maybe one day lemon custard will rain down from the sky.
He turned to face his cousin, walking up to him from out of the crowd. Khail smiled at his cousin, revealing a set of blinding, pearly whites often used to mask his deceit and trickery. His eyes were a perfect mirror of Tj’s own with an added mischievous gleam to them while his hair had long ago been straightened and dyed all seven colors of the rainbow. His skin tone was the same as Tj’s with a lithe body obtained from hours of working out. “What’s wrong? Why the wallflower routine?”
Tj turned away from Khail. “I told Aunt Vivi and Uncle Eddie that I didn’t want a big and stupid party for my birthday and, well look at all this!”
Khail surveyed the room. “I mean, first of all, my parents aren’t the ones who threw this party. That was Uncle Thomas’s idea. And second of all, why are you bitching about a party!? In your honor? When my next birthday comes, I want a much bigger spread than this. I’d be the belle of the ball.”
“Well, yeah, you would,” Tj said. “But I’m not really much of a ‘party person’.”
“Well, you’d have to be the type that gets invited to parties to be one of those,” Khail said.
“Ouch,” Tj said, dryly. “You wound me.”
“So it seems,” Khail replied. “But either way, you really need to lighten up, Tj. You only turn sixteen once, and trust me, this is one birthday you’re gonna love.”
He patted Tj on the back and made his way back into the crowd, leaving Tj alone with his thoughts once more. A couple minutes later, his friend Philip made his way towards him, a large goofy smile on his awkward face. Philip practically ran up to Tj, his golden curls bouncing behind him, and his green eyes alight with happiness. Due to his smile, Tj could see the braces that had been in his best friend’s mouth since the start of middle school as well as the results they’d had on the boy’s teeth. His face was similarly covered in blemishes like Tj’s but also spotted with innumerable freckles.
“Dude! This party is mondo awesome!”
“So everybody keeps saying,” Tj said, rolling his eyes.
“God, you’re such a stick in the mud when you don’t get what you want, Teej. This is way better than sitting in old used bookstores! It’s a celebration of you! Who wouldn’t want that?”
“Someone who’s really not big into these kinda things,” Tj said. “Someone like-”
“You, clearly,” Philip finished. “Dude, I haven’t seen this many people in a room for someone since my sisters quince.”
“Which one?”
Philip took a moment to remember, mentally sifting through his many siblings. “Rebecca,” he said finally. “But even she managed to enjoy it. You’re just over here like the loser who can’t get anyone to dance with him.”
“Don’t compare me to you, Phil,” Tj said.
“Dude! Harsh much?”
“I live only to tell the truth,” Tj said. “But don’t let me spoil your fun. I can see you’ve been trying to bed one of my relatives but to no avail.”
“Oh, so you are enjoying this?”
“It’s always fun to watch you strike out,” Tj said, a sinister smile creeping along his face. “That’s how many now? Tiffany, Aphasia and Glinda?”
“Eh, those girls don’t know what they’re missing out on,” Philip said, proudly. “I’m just too much man for them.”
“Maybe it’s just ‘too much’ acne for them,” Tj said, laughing as he poked at several of his friends zits.
“Oh you’re hilarious, Teej,” Philip said. “A real comedian.”
“Sometimes the truth is funny,” Tj said.
“Yeah, it’ll be real funny when you get your ass kicked at your own birthday party.”
“Ha! You couldn’t take me if you wanted to!”
The two boys threw a few harmless punches and kicks at each other before attempting to wrestle the other to the ground.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough, boys.”
The two boys were torn from each other by seemingly invisible hands, sending them both into a state of confusion as Tj’s father walked up to them. “Philip, the birthday boy isn’t allowed to get bashed by his best friend,” Thomas said, smiling at them.
“Even if he deserves it?” Philip asked, still wondering why his arms were no longer wrapped tightly around Tj’s waist.
Thomas laughed. “Especially if he deserves it. How are you enjoying the party? Clearly more than the birthday boy himself?”
“Um...yeah,” Philip said. “I’m having a great time. Thanks a lot for the invite, Mr. Jackson. I mondo appreciate it.”
“I’m glad you do. Where’s Ariel? She showed up with you, didn’t she?”
Tj and Philip both looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then proceeded to look around the room to find their other friend. “There she is,” Tj said, pointing at a red headed girl standing by the punch bowl talking to one of his other cousins. With her blood red hair, bright blue eyes and fair skin, Ariel was easily the most noticeable person in the room aside from Philip and even Khail. This however was the last thing she wanted, as her hair was used to partially cover her eyes and she stood completely withdrawn into herself. There was a nervous smile on her face, as if she were only partially listening to Tj’s cousin out of polite obligation. When she noticed Tj looking over at her though, her face flushed and she seemed to relax, if only a little bit.
“One of you had better go save her,” Thomas said. “Tj, you know how Vairdan gets when he starts about his...hobbies.”
Tj nodded and began to make his way across the crowded room. He watched as Ariel shrank more and more ever so slightly while his cousin Vairdan gesture wildly and talked loudly. His curls were wilder than Tj’s own but much looser, and behind his glasses his hazel eyes were wide and excited. He stood much taller than both Ariel and Tj, dwarfing them both at a height well over six feet and a muscular body that seemed to almost tear through his clothing. He barely noticed Tj as he walked up and joined the conversation, continuing to talk mostly at Ariel.
“...and then in volume seven of the Gavandian chronicles, Bross gains a sword of light which he’s supposed to use to overthrow Vangar, the evil emperor from the other book series, but he uses its divine powers to restore the blighted kingdom of Zathrel! It was such a twist, I never even saw it coming! If you wanna borrow it, just have Tj ask me for it.”
“Dan, I’m sure that Ariel has better things to read than the second rate spin off to Fractured Kingdoms,” Tj said.
Vairdan jumped, finally taking real notice of Tj. He pushed his glasses up, smirked and then pulled Tj into a crushing bear hug. “Oh really? Second rate, huh?”
“Dan! Let go of me!”
“No way,” Vairdan laughed. “Blightmares is in no way second rate!”
“The author only wrote it cause he needed to develop Bross after he came the hell out of nowhere and wrapped everything up with no effort! It had to be written!”
“Bullshit! Bross was foreshadowed way back in the first volume of Fractured Kingdoms!”
“You call a throwaway line foreshadowing?”
“Damn straight!”
Tj struggled to escape the vice like grip of his cousin’s arms, but Vairdan never wavered. The two boys continued their argument, as Vairdan swung Tj around like a ragdoll. “Admit it! Bross was the hero we needed!”
“The hero the series needed to have some shade of consistency,” Tj shouted at the top of his lungs. “And who the hell names a comic Blightmares?”
Vairdan let out a gasp. “Take it back!”
“Okay,” Thomas said. “C’mon boys! I just broke up one mock fight. Let’s not have another, please.”
“He’s the one the started it, Dad!”
“And the one who’s gonna end it,” Vairdan said, a cocky smile on his face.
“Vairdanthrel,” Thomas said with a slight edge in his voice. “Please put Tejarun down.”
Both boys shuddered at the sound of their full names being used, but Vairdan obeyed and released his hold on his younger cousin. “Sorry, Uncle Thomas,” he said.
“No harm no foul,” Thomas said, the edge vanishing from his voice. “You boys know I hate playing disciplinarian. That’s more for your dad, Vairdan, and your mom, Tj.”
Tj rolled his eyes. Absent for four years and now he wants to play hard parent? Guess I can’t blame him. I’d probably do the same thing.
“You’re okay, right, Tj?” Ariel asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Huh? Yeah,” he said. “Dan’s always swinging me around like that. You kidna just get used to it.”
“If he were as smart as he is large, you wouldn’t have to be ‘used to it’,” Khail said.
“Don’t you have another part of the room to be in?” Vairdan asked.
“Oh heavens no,” Khail said. “I saw everyone over here and felt excluded from the fun. And it’s always fun to bother you, dearest brother.”
Vairdan and Khail locked eyes with each other, Vairdan’s glowing with irritation while Khail’s were alight with smug satisfaction.
“Come on boys,” Thomas said. “I’d prefer to not have to break up another pointless argument. Especially now that we’re about to start the main event.”
They both looked from each other to Thomas and then at Tj. Khail then shrugged his shoulders and flipped his hair. “Very well,” he said. “This episode of sibling rivalry can wait until after Tj’s big moment.”
Vairdan still looked annoyed but sighed and turned away. “Fine, for Tj’s sake, I guess we can wait to settle things till we get home.”
“Good boys,” Thomas said. “Now, Tj, come with me. Let’s take a little walk.”
Tj looked momentarily at his friends and cousins before turning from them and walking side by side with his father. They didn’t seem to have much of a destination, as Thomas simply lead him all around the room. “So, tomorrow’s the big day,” Thomas said.
“Technically tomorrow is in...a few minutes,” Tj said, checking his watch. “Is that when the party ends?”
“Mmm, some things will end,” Thomas said. “You’ll be starting a new chapter of your life. Sixteen is a very important year in our family, Tj. I’m...I’m very glad that I get to share this birthday with you, at the very least.”
Tj smiled to himself as his father put his arm around him, hugging him close to his side. “Sometimes, Tj, I feel as though I’ve let you down.”
“Why would you think that?”
Thomas laughed. “Let’s be honest with ourselves, son. You can’t deny that I’m barely a parent to you. Random inconsistent phone calls and yearly gifts can’t make up for years of just not being there. You know it, I know it, it’s a thing.”
“Well, you can’t help it that your job, whatever it is, has you globetrotting all over the world,” Tj said. “Yeah, I get that you and mom are busy but, I’ve never hated you guys for it. It’s just…”
Thomas smiled sadly at Tj. “I know. And I can’t promise that things are going to change in that regard, at least not right now. But, things are about to change for you. And for your friends, but mostly you.”
“Well, yeah, turning sixteen means I can start driving and staying out later, right?” Tj asked. “I could get an after school job, if I wanted to, couldn’t I?”
“Yes, yes, all that is true,” Thomas said. “But it also means being more responsible. You’re growing up. And because of that, I get to share something very special with you.”
Thomas clapped his hands loudly, drawing everyone’s eyes to himself and Tj. “Good evening friends and family members,” Thomas said. “First of all, I’d like to thank all of you for coming out to the party tonight. I realize that it’s quite a journey for most of you to get here and back to your own homes, but I’m still incredibly thankful that you were able to make it out here for my son’s sixteenth birthday party. Let’s have a round of applause for the birthday boy, Tejarun Jackson!”
Tj’s face flushed and his legs began to shake as he stood in the center of the room, surrounded by an army of family members clapping and cheering for him. This is in no way awkward, he thought.
Thomas held up his hands and the crowd fell silent. “Now before the big announcement that you’ve all been waiting for, I’d like to first invite Tj’s mother, Carla to join me here as well as my son’s two best friends, Ariel and Philip.”
Both Philip and Ariel managed to squeeze their way through the many relatives, each of them coming to stand on either side of Tj. After a few moments of silence though, a cough came from the back of the room and the crowd parted to make a narrow path for Tj’s mother, Carla. She was of average height and in comparison to some of the other females far less attractive. This however did not stop Thomas from getting lost in her dark brown eyes. Her black hair had been put up in an elegant bun and she smiled sweetly at her former husband. As she made her way down the narrow path, she completely ignored the snide comments and dirty looks that were thrown her way by the rest of the guests. She just calmly and confidently continued walking until she stood next to Thomas and beamed at her son.
“Happy birthday, Tj,” she said, giving Tj the tightest hug she’d given him in years.
Tj couldn’t help but blush as she kissed his forehead. “Mom…”
“Hey, I’m your mother,” she said, playfully. “It’s my job to embarrass you in front of lots of people. Nice to see you, Ariel and Philp.”
“Nice to see you too, Ms. Jackson,” Ariel and Philip said in unison.
“Hello Thomas,” she said, gazing at Tj’s father.
“H-hi,Carla,” he said. “Y-you look...incredible.”
“Thank you,” she said. The two of them gazed warmly into each other’s eyes. It seemed as though they didn’t even need words to express what they were feeling for each other, as everyone could see it. Both of their faces were awash with dream like expressions, as if they were meeting each other for the first time all over again. Tj was very familiar with this look as it came upon his parents every time they were in the same room. But the longing looks eventually would devolve into curses and shouts. It always happened and Tj had no reason to expect that it wouldn’t happen again. Even if it is supposed to be my birthday.
“So…,” Thomas said, finally tearing his eyes away from Carla and returning to his original thoughts. “So, Tj! Your mother and I...well, I have something very important that I’d like to discuss with you.”
“Oh God, Dad! I don’t need you to have the….sex talk with me, here in front of all these people!”
“Oh, he’s got something far more important to tell you than use protection,” Carla said. She watched as a wide smile spread across Thomas’s face. He began to tremble with excitement and looked as though he might explode if he didn’t say what he’d been waiting years to tell their only son. “C’mon now, Thomas. He’s sixteen now! You can tell him.”
As if a bomb had exploded within Thomas he let out a howl of excitement as he grabbed Tj and shouted at the top of his lungs.
“Tejarun Jackson, I’m so finally happy to announce that you’re a wizard!”
Amidst the thunderous applause and cheering for him, Tj couldn’t help but look questioningly at his father. Thomas, eyes watering with tears, rushed forward and gripped Tj in what might’ve been the tightest hug he’d ever given him. Tj raised his eyebrows and looked back at his two friends, his eyes asking the question he didn’t need to voice; what happened?
They both shrugged their shoulders, equally as confused as he was. Philip in particular mouthed, rather obviously, “Your Dad’s mondo crazy!”
“I'm not insane, Philip,” Thomas said, releasing his son and causing Philip to blush furiously.
“Really, Dad?” Tj asked. “Cause...um...you sound kinda batshit right now.”
“Hey! Language,” Thomas said warningly. “And as ‘batshit’ as I may sound, I’m being completely honest and I’m quite sane.”
“But if I’m a wizard-”
“Well, technically, you’re half-wizard,” Thomas said scratching his head with minor embarrassment looking back at Carla. “Not that I regret it for a second, mind you. I certainly don’t love you any less for it.”
“You’d better not be,” Carla said. “Last I checked, you were the one who initially asked to marry me. And you were the one who wanted kids.”
Thomas laughed nervously. “Yeah, t-that’s very true.”
Tj rolled his eyes and just looked at his parents with minor frustration. “Okay, so, let me get this straight. I’m ‘half-wizard’ and judging from how excited he was, Dad’s the wizard in the family, right?”
Thomas nodded vigorously. “Yes! That’s right, son!”
He waved his hand towards the table containing all of Tj’s birthday presents. The table sprang to life, standing momentarily on it’s back legs before galloping towards the guests like a horse. Tj’s jaw dropped as he continued to watch the table run in their direction, jump over the group of guests and then land in the center where he stood with his friends and parents. His eyes felt like they were going to jump out of their sockets as if he were in a cartoon. He made several attempts to speak, each more feeble than the last.
“The fucking table just...horsed!” Philip cried, pointing at the animated table and looking scared out of his mind. “Holy shit! Everyone just saw that, right? Right?”
The various relatives just laughed at Philip’s reaction. One even said, “Watching the morts react is always good for a laugh.”
“Um…,” Tj began, still not entirely knowing what he wanted to say in response this whole affair. Okay...okay so let’s get this straight. Magic is real. God, just thinking about it sounds so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. But, it also sounds...kinda nice, doesn’t it? Magic? Magic. Magic! Fucking magic! He started rocking back and forth, rubbing his hands together with anticipation. Holy shit! If I’m able to use magic then-waitaminute! That explains...I mean, you know what? Let me just take this one step at a time. Even as he thought it, Tj knew himself at this point well enough to know that taking it slowly was not at all in his nature. Taking a few deep breaths, he did his best to regain his composure.
“Okay, okay so-”
“So? Soooo?!”
Philip ran up to Tj, placing one arm around his best friend. “TEEJ! I need you to set me straight here! I’m kinda...freaking out here. Did we just learn that your father is a wizard, presumably from some other dimension or hidden world or something like that and that as yoooou’re also a wizard you’ve inherited a bunch of special powers that’re about to make our mundane lives fantastical and wondrous?”
“Y-yes,” Tj said nodding his head. “I do believe that that’s what just transpired.”
“Okay,” Philip said. “I just wanted to make sure that’s what was going down right now.”
“Wait a minute, Dad, is it okay for Philip and Ariel to know about this?” Tj asked. “Isn’t this usually the part of the story where you tell me that my magical powers have to be kept secret from anyone outside of our family or something like that?”
“Usually, yes,” Thomas said. “But the High Magus Council has decided to make an incredibly rare exception in your case.”
“Your father’s pretty famous in his world,” Carla said. “He’s done quite a lot and still does, so when we were discussing telling you the truth we felt that you should be able to have someone outside of the family to share this with. You’ve all been friends for years now so it felt like the right choice.”
“But that also means that the two of you will be held to just as much secrecy about this as Tj will be,” Thomas said. “I’m quite good with curses you see and-”
Carla rolled her eyes and huffed in disappointment. “Why do you always feel the need to do that? It’s not enough to just trust the kids? You have to threaten to curse them too?”
“What?” Thomas asked. “It wouldn’t be anything lethal or anything! I wouldn’t even hurt or harm them! You don’t even know what I was going to do, Carla!”
“After knowing you for twenty years, I should think that I do! You will not be cursing or hexing or casing any sort of spell or incantation on these kids!”
“Um...I-I have a question.”
All eyes turned to Ariel who began to shake terribly under everyone’s gaze. Tj knew that she was only moments away from possibly crying so he put a comforting arm around her. The effect was immediate. Her body stopped shaking, she stood a little taller and when she spoke, it was clear and without any form of stutter or stammer.
“Why did you wait so long to tell Tj that he was a wizard?”
“It’s an ancient law,” Thomas said. “Half breeds are usually raised by their...other parent.”
“Is that supposed to be you, Mom?” Tj asked.
“Well it certainly isn’t him.”
“If I may continue,” Thomas said. “Since I couldn’t raise Thomas in my world, he was raised here as a…”
“As a normal human boy, Thomas,” Carla said. “If humanity was such a problem for you I can’t imagine how you put up with me for as long as you did.”
Thomas spun rapidly to face Carla, his eyes glowing with anger. Carla looked on at him, completely unfazed. “Now you listen here! Do you really think that I’m the one who has a problem with humans? If I did, I’d have never married the most remarkable woman in any universe, now would I?”
A faint smile formed on Carla’s face. “‘Most remarkable woman’ huh?”
“Without a doubt,” Thomas said.
“More remarkable than the Queen of Antheria?”
“Of course.”
“Or that princess you rescued a couple years ago? The one who threw the heaven’s into disarray due to being more beautiful than…”
“She was rumored to be more beautiful the local Goddess, Pherynos,” Thomas said. “And yes, a thousand times more remarkable. Carla you’re-”
“Hey!” Tj said, snapping his fingers at his parents to get their attention. “As much as love watching you guys and your never ending soap opera, can we get back to the topic at hand? I’m also pretty interested in knowing why this information was kept from me for so long.”
“Oh, right,” Thomas said. “See, you’re distracting me,” he added looking back at Carla.
“If I’m so distracting, Thomas-”
“Uh-uh,” Tj said. “Nope! Your interpersonal issues later, my magical backstory now please.”
“Sorry, Tj,” Carla said. “Go on, Thomas.”
“Since you were raised human, Tj, I only had two opportunities to tell you. Your thirteenth and sixteenth birthdays.”
“Those seem like pretty random numbers, dude,” Philip said.
“Not really,” Ariel said. She was rather surprised that she said it at all as again, all eyes were on her the moment the words left her mouth. She began nervously twirling her hair around her fingers, silently hoping that she would somehow become invisible.
Thomas smiled at her though. “Why’s that, Ariel?”
“Yeah! If you know so much why don’t you tell us,” Philip said.
“Philip…” Tj said warningly, glaring at the other boy. “If Ariel doesn’t want to talk, let’s not force her. This isn’t her story to tell anyways,” he added turning his gaze towards his parents.
“T-thanks Tj,” Ariel said, trying to raise her voice a little bit. “B-but i-i-it’s okay. It’s...I mean, I’ve only read about it in books...but isn’t thirteen the age where witches and wizards finish their magical training?”
“That’s right, Ariel,” Thomas said. “In our world, most mages leave the nest at thirteen. They’re taught all their basics and then go out to refine what they’ve been taught and learn independently. But that’s really only for those who were homeschooled by their parents or families.”
“That sounds like there are options in magical education,” Tj said. “We talking...like, Hogwarts?”
Thomas rolled his eyes at the thought of it and through clenched teeth managed a very stern and bitter, “Yes.”
“Ooookay,” Tj said, filing that under ‘discussions to be had at a later time’. “What about sixteen?”
“Well, most mages come of age at thirteen,” Thomas said. “And that’s why the whole going out in the world/independent study thing is...well a thing. But in a lot of human cultures, children come of age at sixteen. Sweet sixteens and what not, you understand. I was planning on telling you when you turned thirteen but...I got...involved in some...circumstances. And that brings us to where we are now.”
Okay, Tj thought. Okay, that...that makes sense. So, here I am, sixteen years old and now I know that I’m magical. “So, what comes next?” he asked.
“Next? What do you mean next? You’re a wizard now, Tj,” Thomas said.
“Yes, we’ve had that part of the conversation, but I’m talking about where does my life go at this point?” TJ asked. “Like, you’ve told me that I’m...what, half-wizard, that’s great. Perfect! Fantastic! But what do I do with this? When do my powers kick in? Who’s going to be teaching me? Clearly, you’re not pulling me out of school to live with you in this...whatever other dimension that’s been talked about. Otherwise there’d be no need to let Ariel and Philip in on the secret, right?
Is this really it? No big flash of light? No waking up floating above the bed? No groundskeeper of a special school coming to take me away from my aunt and uncle? Just ‘Hey! You’re magical now!’ and that’s it? You’d think an announcement like this would have a bit more...I don’t know, fanfare to it.”
Thomas laughed. “Well, now that you know, your body should start letting your mana-”
“We’re really using that?”
“-flow properly. And yes, it’s actually called mana. It’s a little late for you to be starting any spell casting tonight, but we can start in the morning.”
“It is morning,” Tj said. “Very early morning, but morning nonetheless. C’mon Dad! You can’t be out of my life for years and then just pop in for something like this! I want to start now!”
“Ignoring that...rather hurtful comment,” Thomas said, looking a bit crestfallen at his absence being brought up. “Tj, I’m going to be the one teaching you magic.”
“Come again?” Tj asked, hardly believing what he had heard. “You’re gonna teach me?”
“For a while, yes, I will,” Thomas said. “I can’t stick around as long as I’d like, but I’ll be around to get you up to speed on your basics and need-to-knows.”
“Wait, you’re serious? Y-you’re really gonna be living with us at Uncle Eddie’s?”
“We both will,” Carla said. “I’ve always wanted to be there when you started learning your magic. I need to make sure your father isn’t grooming you to be the Wicked Wizard out of a fairy tale.”
Tj felt like jumping for joy. Most teenagers would relish in the thought of their parents being largely absent but all Tj had ever really wanted was for the two of them to be there. A large smile formed on his face as much as he wanted to, he fought back tears of happiness.
“So, what do you think, son?” Thomas asked. “Was this the best birthday ever, or what?”
Tj shrugged his shoulders. “I think that it’s off to a great start.”
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