sumcringeboi · 11 months
Now that I’ve half figured out procreate I can make things that look half good, this comic took a fraction of the time of my last wizard and looks twice as nice.. I think? o3o I’ll get there I suppose. Take ur short rests warlocks, we love casting spells🤟
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
Me and the lovely @goofy-ahh-goober made more lil terrariums :3 this time we’re giving them to a very special someone ovo ( @indecisive-loser ) expect for the purple mushroom one, we got it at comicon and decided to put moss in it while we were at it :>
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And an update on my son :3 the big one hasn’t changed much but the lil one it’s GOING
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sumcringeboi · 11 months
First time trying out procreate, and drawing on iPad cuz portable ig, no stylus tho :( got the hang of it enough to make this… test… and I can’t justify spending more time on it, more (and definitely better) to come
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
This is the first in a series of short stories taking place in the near future of ~2080, after a great calamity befalls earth, 1 thousand ‘Seedships’ (semi-inspired by an underrated text based mobile game called Seedship, it’s free go get it) are sent in all directions, each housing 1 million colonists frozen in stasis as well as the ingredients to build a new civilisation, the technology aboard the ships is sophisticated but fallible, rushed, prone to error- leading to some successes, but very much more failure. All compounded by a cartoonish about of human suffering told from varying points of view.
So without further a-due;
Lightyears alone -prologue: rouge deconstructors
The date was January 4th, it was seemingly an unremarkable day like any other, it was not this of course but the only people in any sense of panic were astronomers, but it all happened too fast to inform the public, by the time anyone knew what was going on the sky was already blanketed with the leering, ominous view of jet black voidships hanging over our planet.
The mothership was stomach churningly enormous, nearly as big as earth itself, and swarming around it were tens of thousands of support ships, from armoured battleships to tiny ripper drones, all had shown up to the feast.
From the second space unfolded to give way to the invasion fleet, the sky began blaring a message down to us, encoded in binary, translated it read something adjacent to;
“The Cerbrex Collective has claimed this world.
This world will be dismantled and rendered.
All organics on this world will undergo grid amalgamation.
Primitives and pre-sapients hold no right to worlds within pre-established boarders.”
The message repeated on the hour, every hour as drones swarmed the surface, pulling it apart in chunks where it would be hauled up by curriers to the awaiting maw of the mothership.
As desperate, and utterly futile defences took place, the scientists and engineers behind the scenes toiled to answer questions and build the first of the Seedships. It was discovered that the mothership would respond to certain questions beamed back to it in binary;
“Who are the Cerbrex Collective?”
“Fleet designation for automated planetary deconstruction and prospecting fleet #771258332”
“Why have you come here?”
“This planet has been marked for deconstruction- scans indicate: plentiful organics, sodium water oceans, combustible aged organics, radioactive materials, pre-refined minerals, liquid peridotite mantle.”
“What is grid amalgamation?”
“The process of chemically reducing organics in order to harvest electrical charge through cellular breakdown”
“Who are your creators?”
And perhaps the most enlightening of all- “where is your homeworld?”
This prompted a string of coordinates that, when zoomed in on, revealed the dead home of these ancient mining drones. A large planet hangs around a blue star, dimmed by a surrounding Dyson swarm, the planet itself only reveals itself as pale grey blotches briefly visible past the surrounding swarm of ancient technology and asteroid fields of perfectly rectangular chunks of refined planet. ancient automations unknowingly harvesting a random world for a civilisation, long dead. unceremoniously dumping the spoils of there crusade upon a world, long broken.
Beyond weakening morale, the knowledge of our invaders nature did little to effect the war, any hope of diplomacy was dashed by the AIs unfeeling, uncaring, unsympathising logic, we are primitives of course, unable to overcome the perils of space travel, at least according to the date of the machines starmaps, and of course, we hold no right to the planet we evolved on, it being within the ancient borders of buried bones, trapped at the mercy of laws that no mortal being had spoken for perhaps thousands of years, with no chance of appeal.
Every day our planet lost mass our armies lost people, for every thousand men dead a lucky few would perhaps manage to bring down one of the colossal harvesting units, the corpses of these titans would have to be hauled off quick to avoid being recycled by the fleet, but if successful the scientific benefits of such godlike technologies were untold, the AI cores especially, through analysis, it was discovered that these enigmatic creators stopped pinging updates to the automated swarm around 3400 years ago, weaker received radio signals continued for some 700 years after the assumed extension of the creators, suggesting one or more other galactic civilisations perhaps being in play at the time.
The dismantling of the drones and unlocking of the secrets of the AI cores lead to the completion of the seedships and the invention of the PC, the personality construct, it’s purpose was to sit at the helm, making decisions for the frozen colonists mid flight as well as to be a calm voice of reason and understanding to gently guide the colonists in reconstructing civilisation in the best possible way, or at least something resembling that…
And at last the seedships were finalised and 1 billion of us, a good fraction of what was left, we’re corralled like cattle into 1 thousand colossal, city sized ships, 1 million frozen body’s each, scientists, engineers, leaders, fighters, farmers and the every day folk all sealed away in dreamless sleep.
The space on the ships that did not accommodate our icy selves was instead filled with scanners and sensors, a cultural and scientific database containing all of humanity’s knowledge, armour and weapons, deciphered from the drones of course as well as scores of small specialised service drones knows as ‘limpets’, prospector, medic, attack, construction, ect.
And in the bowels of the ship the power centre is housed, far away biological tissue, it’s known as the ‘Blue heart’ due to its blinding glow, and with the salvaged magic of entropy inhibitors, they can make for a near infinite power source for the ship and early colonies, with regular maintenance from the limpets of course.
On the day known as ‘The Rapture’ as our world lay dismantled beneath, 1 billion frozen souls left earth surface for the last time, stretching out into the cosmos like dandelions in the wind, preying to happen upon some fertile soil, on another world in another time.
With the ruins of our once great world behind us and all systems nominal our 1 thousand seedships spread out into random directions and enter transition, the lights wind down as the ship lowers its power usage, by the time it wakes up, the ruins of earth will be long gone and proceed, presumably dumped upon the heaping rectangular asteroid swarm, with all the other innocent worlds that happened upon the fleets warpath.
The fleet of spores, now long in slumber, wait upon there first destination to scan, slowly drifting as time and the universe passes them by
And these are some of there more interesting tales:
(Refer to any of the soon to come short stories)
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
Been working on a little sci-fi short story collection thing, (working title is Lightyears Alone) I’ve got the prologue pretty much done that explains the world and why things are the way they are and from there it branches out into a bunch of short story’s that all follow a similar vein.
Basically in the prologue earth is destroyed and we send out 1000 “seedships” into space to hope to happen upon fertile ground to start a new colony and stop humanity from going extinct.
The collection of short story’s themselves follow, sometimes successes of the ships, but mostly a lot of horrifying, brutal and cosmically terrifying failure and suffering.
Whadayall think of that general idea? Is it half decent or should I quit, turn to drugs, go to rehab, relapse, loose custody of my kids and then hang myself from a ceiling fan? Decisions decisions
I was planning on posting the prologue when I’ve got one of the actual ships stories to go along with it but if y’all r curious enough about the world I suppose I can post it :3
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sumcringeboi · 11 months
My ass better see NO xenos and NO heresy (anime cosplay) at this years Oz Comic-Con (+some progress down the bottom) stay blessed hive workers, emperor guide thee🙏
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sumcringeboi · 11 months
A new world is born, my second one, monument mountain, named after the buried monoliths beneath the tropical overgrowth, I made it with stuff I found by the river :3
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And @goofy-ahh-goober made another one out of a soy sauce bottle with a bit of a regal oriental look :>
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(Just a sneak peek, she’ll post more pics on her account soon) and here’s the ones from a few days ago growing more:
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I’ve been having fun o3o
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
Lil update on some old and newer terrariums cuz I haven’t posted in a while and they’ve been given a while to settle in, they used to look a lot fuller but a few things started dying.. hopefully with some of them a balance will emerge. And holy shit someone needs to teach me how to take photos inside jars why is it such a pain in the ass (like always go follow @goofy-ahh-goober she made half of them :3)
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Our first born sons have seen better days but hopefully they can adjust
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Here’s some ducks in a cookie jar and a nice flat marshy looking landscape by goober :3
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Also a clay worm posing as a snail with a marble on his back and a snail with a city on its shell, I made both for goobers birthday a few years ago along with a collection of other whimsey snails and we made some terrariums for them UwU (plus another ducky, this one has a lil wicker cozy that covers the dirt)
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Last but currant not least, goobers lil whimsical wizard forest! She made the clay bits and I’m surprised at how good that weird cottony plant is doing :3
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Also just a few mini moss one that should be pretty resilient, might give them to some pals like the other mini ones UwU if I can get any update pic of the ones at friends houses I might post em too
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Hope that does something for ya UwU I’ve been a lil lazy/distracted playing rimworld but the second (or first of u don’t count the prologue) instalment of lightyears alone is more than half way done so hopefully more art dropping some :3 and if any of the terrariums in particular interest you lemme know and I’ll try getting some better pics ^v^
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
And here’s the follow up post about my dear ol olive jar.. I noticed it about 2 days ago when the greenery inside began to turn pale, the main tree in the middle had been looking unhealthy for a few days before though, i suspect due to overwatering, and then I noticed a plant at the back had turned black and started to rot, I suspect this also soured the earth because when I opened it up to try and save it, it reeked of death, I tried to remove the bad stuff, eventually having to remove the grass and tree too because it was clear they weren’t getting better, I’ve opened it up to try and dry it out as well as giving it a sprinkling of my newly acquired charcoal to try to purify it and a bit of sphagnum moss, so hopefully it at least kinda works, god speed lil buddy, here’s some before and after pics of the desperate surgery
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
Me and @goofy-ahh-goober made even more terrariums, this time we had proper materials, not just dirt from the backyard, here are mine:
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And here are goobers since she refuses to post them herself and yet her art must be seen
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And a quick update on my firstborn son, they grow up so fast
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A slightly sadder post about my second born, the olive jar, to come :(
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
I thought I’d start posting some short story’s cuz this seems to be my art dump place and I wanted to try writing more stuff at some point, so here’s this, I used a random word generator as inspiration, the 3 words it spat out were:
Decay, smile, grey.
My eyes peel open, once again, as they had countless times before, I awake from awful, disjointed dreams, the feeling of the mind consuming itself, a part of me is glad to put an end to it, another knows that sleep would be preferable.
The morning commute is as it always is, peering through car windows at the faces of others, stuck in gridlock, everyone rushing to be other places, just go back again, like they always do, like i always do. I struggle to see them as people in a sense, I know that they are, a primordial part of me knows that, on the other hand, I perhaps have a habit of taking my work home with me, a very nasty habit. I see them as objects, I suppose I have to in order to keep my sanity.
I arrive, just in time to swallow the delusions of people being unimportant and internalise it, the cold steel doors shriek to the side to let me pass, I walk the unlit corridor, as I had countless times before, as I will countless times again, the light from the crack of the door fades as I continue the trek through the dingy, unwashed corridor, daunting enough to scare off most curious onlookers, those who push on through the rusted steel however would be met with a fingerprint locked elevator, how I wish I was so lucky to be afforded the luxury of turning back, but no, the door opens, my weight shifts upward as I descend, down,
And down,
And down.
When I reach the bottom i am forced to strap on my work face, to force a neutral appearance past the dishevelled depression. The repugnant clack of my docket as I clock in, all too familiar, I check my assignments;
“Task #1: visual inspection of subject 1284”
1284- I breath a sigh… “1284”
Subject 1284, Caucasian male, 36, brown hair, green eyes, no friends, no remaining family, name: unimportant…
Subject 1284 is an unwilling participant of live genetic modification. Modifying a human embryo is a fairly straightforward affair, relatively speaking- that is, encode a strand of DNA or RNA into a CRISPR protein that need to be added or subtracted, introduce the protein to the embryo and wait a couple of hours, couldn’t be simpler. Live modifications however are a different beast entirely, I won’t mortify you with the whole process, mostly for my own sake, my mind is a labyrinth of doors to thoughts and memory’s that must me opened and closed to fit my situation, some doors I prefer to open only if I truely must, this metaphor also describes the door to subject 1284s containment chamber, only opened for scheduled feeding or stimuli testing and only when it is safe.
I thank my lucky stars that I don’t need to go anywhere near that dreaded door, all I need to do is a visual check through a reinforced acrylic bulkhead. Tenuously I make my way to the chamber and gaze through the window. I see a white steel cell caked in smears of thick black, and at the opposite end of the cell, with its back towards the window is a gaunt, humanoid creature, is skin is a faded grey with what I can only assume are shreds of remaining bone visible through the rice paper skin that lays tight around its haunting form. I made no noise and yet, it knew I was there, with shaking legs it rose from its hunched crouch, with that same black viscous fluid stringing from it like honey. The steel echos a piercing slam, within the blink of an eye the creature has bounded towards me faster than human eyes can register and slammed itself against the glass, I stare, unblinking into the piercing eyes of a living monster, perhaps the only part of its skin that is not pulled tight against its anatomy is its face, it’s jaw hangs open nearly to its pectorals, it’s eyes like deflated, melting rubber that gently wobble within loose sockets, though they point on random directions I somehow know it sees me, like it’s staring at me.
The creatures distended maw pulls up to allow the cheeks to widen, I get a clear shot of the back of its throat, all of its insides are different shades of black, no teeth, I see the muscles through the skin on its bloated stomach heave as a strange puckered fleshy shape climbs from its throat like a pelican yawning, after a few strong dry reaches it vomits a splatter of that same black fluid to completely cover the window, it’s shacking hand wipes vertical streak down the centre of the glass revealing that it’s once bloated stomach now sags down, a hollow and empty bag of skin. I watch as it’s sickening face coils into a vile facsimile of a smile as I watch the life drain from its eyes, as if dying was the first positive feeling its had in a long time, perhaps ever. It stumbles and falls backwards, vital signs of the rooms interior registers no ongoing cellular processes.
“Bio experiment 1284: failure”
“Task #2: feeding of subject 1285”
-so yea a little generic and scp inspired but it was my first time opening ia writer in a good while so hopefully with the practice, the idea I got brewing comes out good :3
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sumcringeboi · 11 months
Made my first closed ecosystem recently because if I’m gonna have a god complex, I might as well nurture life rather than being benevolent, this is after about 3 days and they’ve gotten slightly bigger but noticeably so :3 prolly cuz there so teeny to begin with, now that I’ve practiced and proven I can sustain life, I plan to upscale it for the next one :D
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Here’s a bonus peek at the one my lovely girlfriend @goofy-ahh-goober made UwU❤️ (the owner of the maidenless wall of fnaf in the background)
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And side by side :>
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sumcringeboi · 11 months
A lil art dump of pretty old stuff, mostly from a dnd campaign- so proof I’m not a bot o3o more up to date (good) shit coming soon uvu
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^ Anvil the warforged! And his best pal Alen the facling pictured here V “fixing” him, I got more scrappy alen doodles if u like him (he’s got a crush on his robot)
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And “the queen” as well as a story told in The Constant to tech kids about the dangers of darkness- mayhaps they’re somehow related who knows o3o
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And an alchemist fella
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sumcringeboi · 10 months
And how could I forget- well I didn’t, I thought they deserved there own post:
Animal life!
Inside my terrarium :D I suppose u could call it cheating since tiny water things are like the easiest species to keep alive, literally the basis for all life but it’s a first for me :D I’ve never even seen springtails in my terrestrial terrariums… witch leads me to believe that there aren’t any :( idk where to get them
Here’s what they look like now, we scooped them up from the local lake and let them settle to see what we would get, the little one was taken from a little brine pool area but the big one was taken from the edge of the big lake itself
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Heres some proof of the lil guys swimming around :3 it was taken back when the water was a bit murky and the plants were still upright but there still here :3 just haven’t gotten any better vids
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My lil guy UwU he’s on it own in there so technically not a species but…
FEAST YOUR EYES ON THESE GUYS there’s so many of them :D and hopefully the environment in there is good enough for them to be self sustaining I’ll let y’all know any cool things that happen with them, and lemme know if anyone knows what these fellas are :D
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