#swtor oc: chwûq and taral
chaoticspacefam · 3 years
ANOTHER AU Idea, As If I Don’t Have Enough Already
So, in addition to the snippet I posted earlier today for the WIP meme, my brain threw this idea at me at 1am last night when I was trying to sleep lmao
As I said I only lit on this idea last night so it’s a very baby AU idea, and only has a very vague plot (it’s also been a while since I’ve looked at anything to do with His Dark Materials so it’s only gonna be like...very loosely a crossover and definitely not follow the “classic” rules so to speak, because I don’t think that’d work with the plot idea my brain has given me.)
I present to you: Daemon AU, but what if, still in the SWTOR-universe and therefore daemons can be SWTOR-based creatures, too ;)
So, sort of kind of the same plot basis, at least in so far as: most inhabitants of the galaxy have daemons/familiars. If your daemon dies, you die, but unlike in HDM, daemons can walk or travel separately from their people it’s just....very ill-advised, if you’re a long long way away from your daemon and someone follows and kills it, for instance...buh bye your life :’) however, in this manner, a daemon might also survive their person’s body being killed and by virtue of being attached to that person, could flee and find them a “new body” so to speak, as a part of that person would still exist attached to their daemon even if they have no body to inhabit (Valkorion, of course, has mastered this, same as the body-hopping in canon ;3).
Ergo, what if the JK kills Vitiate but his daemon gets away and runs to Zakuul etc. and our merry band of heroes have to band together to chase it down through the galaxy and kill it before it finds Valkorion/Vitiate a new body, picking up some familiar faces along the way :’)
I have a couple other daemons picked out, too, for most of the mains, I need to think of some for the others, and still need to pick one for Vitiate/Valkorion if I end up taking this idea any further, we’ll see. :3
and a teeny tiny snippet which is as much as I’ve been able to work on atm. I have no idea where in the story this will fall or what it’ll connect to, I really need to plan this more, but I wanted some content to put out this evening cause I haven’t been posting much (”original” content) this weekend due to being busy, so *throws the bone* here ya go XD 
The pup was gangly, it struggled to keep up with the Darth’s larger tuk’ata daemon, tottering on legs far too disproportionate to its own body; it tripped on its own paws and yelped as it fell, causing the young Sith to whom it was tethered to grimace, touching her fingertips to her chin out of reflex. “Oof.” “Still so clumsy. At least she’s finally settled, though.” Noctis chuckled in amusement as Chwûq, his own daemon, rumbled in mild amusement and swung about to grab Aria’s by the scruff, setting her back on her own paws again. The younger tuk’ata chittered up at her in delight, wagging her tail, until Chwûq snorted at her once again and sent her skittering back to her mistress’ side. “Be careful.” the Darth continued, looking down at both of them severely. “Do not let her wander far. A stray daemon without its person is an easy target...and the quickest way for other Sith to kill you.” 
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
OC Interview Meme - Aria Saal
I was tagged for this by @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ , thank you, this one is super fun! :D I shall tag, if you want to, no pressure as always! : @mercurypilgrim​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ , @pauletta-00​
Aria first this time! Cause I think her answers would be the most amusing :’D though I do have another tag for this that I’ll do later and yes it is absolutely gonna be one of the twins skhsjgdjgd
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-She strolls in rather casually, two Tuk’ata walking either side of her (much to the interviewer’s shock and surprise), and sits down. Both Sith hounds sniff reproachfully at the second being, but at a sharp look from Aria they snort and settle themselves across her feet-
? Name ?  -She notices their nervousness and smiles reassuringly- “Oh, don’t worry about them, honey. They only bite if I tell them to.” -Aria winks, sitting forward slightly in her seat to offer the interviewer her hand for a handshake- “Aria Saal-Shenly, but you can call me Commander Canis if you’d like. That’s how most people know me.”
? Are you single ? -She raises an eyebrow curiously and asks, voice tinged with amusement- “Are you hitting on me? Sorry to all the adoring fans out there but I’m happily married.”
? Are you happy ?  “Right now? Yeah, I guess so. I guess so.”
? Are you angry ? -Her head tilts thoughtfully for a moment, then she shakes it and smirks a little- "Not at this time, but I’m known to get quite angry when the situation calls for it, yes. I’m sure you’ve heard that much of me by now~”
? Are your parents still married ? "Oh, no. No...they uh, they weren’t that fond of each other, in the end. Some relationships are better left in the past.” -When questioned further, she waves the enquiry off and seems reluctant to elaborate other than a simple- “They were both good to me in their own way, but they were definitely not good together together, y’know?”
? Birth Place ? “Onderon. Haven’t been back since I was real little, though. Wonder how much it’s changed.”
? Hair Color ?  "Black,” -Aria lifts a strand of her fringe pointedly as she talks about it- “Though the blonde bit in my fringe is a dye job, wanted something different to uhhh, have a change.” -another evasive answer that she refuses to elaborate on. Any attempts to push one are quickly silenced by a warning growl from the Tuk’ata accompanying her and the topic quickly moves on-
? Eye Color ? -She blinks, then frowns, and whether it’s in annoyance or amusement isn’t immediately clear, but she gestures at herself and asks- “I am here, right? You see me? But I guess if you’re askin’ what colour they were before they went all “Sithy”...” -she makes air quotations around the word “Sithy”- “Then the left one was brown and the right one was grey.”
? Birthday ? "Summer, 3667 BBY.”
? Mood ? "Eh, pretty neutral, I guess?”
? Gender ? "Female, last time I checked.” -She chuckles in amusement-
? Summer or winter ? "Winter’s nice, snow is still kinda novel for me, it’s not something I saw regularly growing up.” -this one takes some thought, but eventually she settles on the answer- 
? Morning or afternoon ? "Eh, I don’t really have a preference. Morning, I guess, if I had to pick one.” -she shrugs-
? Are you in love ? -She smiles wistfully at the admission, chuckling to herself- "If you’d asked me that about 10 years ago I’dve laughed in your face and called you a karkin’ idiot. But yeah, yeah I am.”
? Do you believe in love at first sight ? "Not really...I think it takes time. You have to get to know a person first before you can develop the feelings, and then it takes more time after that to accept, to them and to yourself, that that’s what the feelings are. I don’t think that can happen just from looking at someone.”
? Who ended your last relationship ? "Hold on a second.” -Aria holds up a hand to indicate a pause, drawing herself up to twist around in the chair and yell to someone waiting backstage- “Babe! Did we ever figure out who broke it off for real?!” -a muffled voice familiar to anyone who’s been watching the Alliance broadcasts on the HoloNet calls back “what the hells kind of question is that?!” and Aria answers- “I dunno but they wanna know! It was you, right? Yeah, yeah I know it was my fault but that’s not what the question was!” -she quickly adds as the other person starts to protest, another grumble is heard and eventually Aria turns around to face the interviewer again, nodding almost to herself- “It was her. That’s my wife, by the way.” -she grins at the confused look on the interviewer’s face and adds- “Yeah uhh, I believe you’d call it a “lover’s spat”? But an extended one, and in Va’s defence, I deserved it. I was a real dick to her. But then I did some self-reflecting and cleaned up my act and here we are, so I guess that old adage has some truth after all, love wins~”
? Have you ever broken someone’s heart ? "Yep. You wanna hear more about it you’ll have to ask Va sometime.” -She points over her shoulder backstage with her thumb-
? Are you afraid of commitments ? -This question makes her grin sheepishly, but at least the answer seems to be an honest one- "I used to be, yeah. Maybe I still am, a little. But not to her, not anymore.”
? Have you hugged someone within the last week? -Aria leans forward and props her elbow up on her knee to look the interviewer dead in the eyes as she asks simply- “Do I look like a hugger to you?”
? Have you ever had a secret admirer ? "I probably have, and do? But if I knew about them it wouldn’t be a secret now, would it sweetie?”
? Have you ever broken your own heart? -this question seems to genuinely confuse Aria and her brow furrows deeply as she thinks about it, then takes it a little literally- “How would you do that...? I guess, yeah? There was that time I crashed a TIE fighter and got impaled by the bulkhead and almost died. My heart stopped for a couple minutes there before dad and Vano pulled me outta the wreck and got me into a medbay.”
? Love or lust ? -Aria smiles mysteriously- “I think they both have their merits. Younger me would’ve said lust without hesitation, but now...I think a little of both is healthy.”
? Lemonade or iced tea ? "Lemonade.” -she answers this one without hesitation and you get the sense by “things”, she means alcoholic beverages- “You can mix a lot of things with lemonade, iced tea, not so much.”
? Cats or Dogs ? -at this question, the hounds at her feet lift their heads and fix her with beady-eyed stares, almost as if they are expecting an answer- “Cats.” -she answers much too quickly and to their consternation as both rear their heads further and snap their jaws at her- “I’m KIDDING, I’m kidding, sheesh, settle down ya goofballs!!” -she cackles with laughter, slapping the larger of the two on the flank with one hand affectionately while the other scratches the second behind the ears until they settle down again- “Definitely dogs. These two idiots are great, I love them.”
? A few best friends or many regular friends ? "I would say I have quite a few acquaintances, but not really friends, so...a few best friends. It’s good to have contacts in case you need favours, but unless you know you can trust them it’s best not to let them get too close.”
? Wild night out or romantic night in ? "Come on now, I’m sure you know enough of me by now that you know I like to drink. I’ll take a night out on the cantinas any day, sweetie.” -she grins again-
? Day or night ? -the grin persists into the next answer- "Definitely night time. It’s quiet and peaceful, and the dogs like it. We go for a lot of walks at night when everyone’s asleep. Old habits die hard.”
? Been caught sneaking out ? "I wouldn’t have been very good at it if I got caught, would I~?” -she taps the side of her nose with a smirk- “If you’re asking if I have snuck out, then yes. But got caught? Never.”
? Fallen down/up the stairs ? -Aria snorts with laughter this time, slapping a hand off her knee- “Personally? No. But I could tell you some funny ass stories about other members of the Alliance that have, y’know, if this wasn’t going live on the HoloNet. I ain’t a snitch, sorry honey!” 
? Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? "Yes. It took me time to realise that...that was okay, but I did.”
? Wanted to disappear ? -Aria looks genuinely guilty this time, dropping her gaze to her fingers, intertwined restlessly in her lap in silence for a moment before she finally speaks up again- "Wanted to, actually did it, broke my wife’s heart letting her think I was dead for five years. I fucked up bad on that one, and I’ll admit to that.”
? Smile or eyes ? "Smile. People can lose eyes, but you can’t really lose a good smile.”
? Shorter or Taller ? "I mean...most people I meet are taller than me.” -she smirks and gestures at herself a third time-
? Intelligence or Attraction ? “You sayin’ people can’t have both? You’ve met Vano.”
? Hook-up or Relationship ? "I think it’s subjective, depending on the person. I did a lot of hooking up when I was younger, but now I’m pretty happy in my relationship. But a long-term, committed thing isn’t ideal for everyone, you should do whatever makes you happiest.”
? Do you and your family get along ? -She looks a little sad, maybe wistful- "I don’t really have any living family left, not blood-family, anyways.” -it doesn’t last though, and she quickly perks up again with another smile- “But I’ve got a brother-in-law, and an adopted younger sister of sorts, that I’m very close with. Plus my crew, they’re like my family now and I’d say we get on pretty great, yeah.”
? Would you say you have a “messed up life” ? -the wording of this question seems to amuse her, and she lets out a long, quiet whistle- “I guess so, yeah. It’s been pretty crazy. My parents are dead, which I don’t wanna go into the details of, people keep trying to kill my wife (fuck you, Arcann and Vaylin) and now the Republic and Empire are back on their bullshit and trynna get the Alliance stuck in the middle so yeah, it’s messed up. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
? Have you ever ran away from home ? -the guilty, awkward grimace paints across her features again- “Yeaahhh, I uhh, I did do that once. Probably shouldn’t have, but I found my way back in the end.”
? Have you ever gotten kicked out ? "I guess the Jedi kicked me out when they threw my ass in jail after the whole “helped the invasion on Tython” thing? That counts, right? Not that it bugged me, I was lookin’ for excuses to leave and go home for a while.”
? Do you secretly hate one of your friends ? "Secretly, noooo. I think that dirty laundry got aired a long time ago, most of the ones that mattered came back now. So no, no I don’t.” -she blows out another breath halfway through the question and slumps back in the chair, one of the Tuk’ata sitting up with a concerned rumble and settling its head in her lap once she drops the leg she had crossed back to the floor-
? Do you consider all of your friends good friends ? "Yeah. I would say so, now. They’re a good bunch of people. I’m lucky to have them.”
? Who is your best friend ? "I don’t think I could say I have one single best friend, there’s a handful of ‘em.” -she admits, brightly, with another shrug- “Vano, of course. She’s been my friend since we were kids, even before the rest of the feelings happened, and she’s always been there for me. Qyzen, too, though. He’s stuck by me through a lot of the bad shit. And then Merak and Ziri, who helped me through a pretty rough patch in my life. I probably would’ve gotten myself killed if it weren’t for them.”
? Who knows everything about you ? "Normally I wouldn’t admit to this one.” -Aria quirks an eyebrow, apparently struck by being honest yet again, for once in her life- “But my wife, Vano. When you’re as close as we are, it’s kind of hard to hide things from each other, not that we try to. We don’t.”
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
Local Gremlin has no chill
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Between you and me, I’d rather let the Tuk’ata eat me
I refuse to use the gross in-game models, it’s like the devs deliberately went “oh, creepy things, gotta make em ugly as sin!” Creatures can be creepy and still look kinda badass, so have my rendition of the Tuk’ata, I plan to make a headcanon/lore-dump ish type post where I do some better fullbody (and full-colour, cause they absolutely are not all solid coloured like this, this was just a quick sketch I didn’t wanna spend too much time on! :P) drawings soon!
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Stats Meme!
Another fun tag from @rainofaugustsith​, thank you! :D Note that my dates/ages are likely off, I’m easily confused by the dating system in Star Wars so do feel free to correct me if they’re wrong hkjgdyugd. Note that my fanfic doesn’t stick rigidly to the canon re: Valkorion/Vitiate’s origins and takeover, though the dates are the same, the actual circumstances do differ for the sake of my narrative (cause it’s fanfiction and I can do what I want within reason and I wanted to do something “different” so yeah! don’t like that then my blog ain’t for youuuu sorry, you go do you and I’ll do me! :D) and I cannot elaborate further than that as of yet without giving spoilers. So yes, Saarai is “very old” in comparison (though not for a Pureblood, she’s still quite young for her species!)  and yes, it is on purpose ;) No pressure to do this, but if you want to great! :D I shall tag @swtorpadawan​ , @resol-nare​ , @koltosaber​ , @a-muirehen​
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Name: Aria Saal-Shenly (Ari (to Vano only), Darth Canis, Commander Canis)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Aria has a streak of blonde dyed into her fringe on the left side which isn’t an option with the in-game customisation, and she also stops hiding the Sith tattoos on her face after the formation of the Alliance. You can see what those look like here in this lovely commission done for me by moonlitalien! :D)  Age: 38 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 24 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 5 ‘ 1″ or 1.54m  Species: Sith Human  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3667 BBY, I think. I’m awful at working out the dates and I have no idea how the months work in Star Wars but if it were in our universe her birthday would be July 14th and she’d be a Cancer  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Seraphim. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Sith Warrior, Vano.  Good Drink: Aria is partial to alcoholic drinks of all sorts and isn’t particularly fussy, she’ll drink pretty much anything, though the stronger the better. Has a particular fondness for Corellian Whiskey and Arkanian Sweet Milk (on occasion)  Food/snacks: Meal-wise, Aria likes good, hearty food like stews or curries, whatever meat they would make it with in the Star Wars verse, I assume Uxibeast/Bantha and so on? hahaha), snack-wise, she’s partial to bantha jerky but will eat just about anything as long as it’s quick and isn’t too fiddly, the last thing she wants is to have to stop working to eat said snack ;)  Day or Night: Either, Aria doesn’t have a particular preference  Pet: Two Tuk’ata named Chwûq and Taral and a Varactyl (who I still need to find a fitting name for)  Colour: Gunmetal grey  Flower: Oleander, Peony, Snapdragon  Sexuality: Demiromantic pansexual  Body Type: Short, very stocky and extremely square in shape, not curvy at all.  Eye Colour: Dark side amber, naturally heterochromic (left is dark brown, right is grey)  Hair Colour: Raven black with a dyed blonde streak in her fringe
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Name: Vano Saal-Shenly (Va (to Aria and Merak only), The Emperor’s Empire’s Wrath (formerly), Commander Shenly)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Vano is missing her left eye circa The Quinncident, that’s not an option in the in-game customiser so I did the best I could with the scar on her face :))  Age: 41 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 27 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 6 ‘ 2″ or 1.89m  Species: Mirialan  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3670 BBY, she’d be a Pisces, somewhere around March 7th is jumping out at me for her birthday for some reason. I’ll update these if I ever figure out the month system in SWTOR hahaha  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Razor. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Jedi Consular, Aria. Briefly involved with Xerid Ferral (my Thana Vesh stand-in) in her younger years before being “apprenticed” to Baras  Good Drink: Green tea. Will drink alcohol, but nowhere near as much as Aria, tends to prefer light, fruity wines as opposed to the heavy hitters.  Food/snacks: Meal-wise is not particularly fussy, will eat just about anything as long as she knows it won’t kill her. XD Loves dried fruit (particularly peach and apple or whatever the Star Wars equivalents of those are, I need to look them up properly I admit, it’s been a while hahaha) as a snack  Day or Night: Day  Pet: A Varactyl (in addition to Aria’s, the two Varactyls are also a mated pair) who also also needs a name, technically Chwûq and Taral as well though they are more Aria’s than Vano’s, they do follow and protect Vano as well because they’re almost always together  Colour: Red  Flower: Edelweiss, Tulip, Violet  Sexuality: Bisexual  Body Type: Tall and muscular, but very lithe, about 80% leg and 20% everything else, looks like a sprint-runner.  Eye Colour: Dark brown, nearly black  Hair Colour:  Black
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Name: Saarai Ahaszaai (Rai, Lord Rubrum, Empress Ahaszaai)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though she does have a scar across her nose and another on her lip that I forgot to add because I put her through the character creator at like 4am when I should have been asleep and my brain was almost pudding. I will be getting her to the appearance designer on the fleet once she’s done Korriban to add as close of one in as I can XD  Age: 110 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (which would be the equivalent of a human 25 - 26 year old according to my personal Pureblood lore/age ranges :))  Height: 6 ‘ 3″ or 1.92m  Species: Sith Pureblood  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3739 BBY, if I’m working these out correctly *keyboard smash* She’d be a Scorpio, with her birthday sometime in November  Residence: Odessen, formally Rishii and Dromund Kaas before that  Marital status/Love interest: Canonically married and Force bonded to my friend’s Nautolan Sash, but in the Subterfuge-verse is married to Lana Beniko  Good Drink: Sparkwine  Food/snacks: Bacon (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is...exoboar fillet? XD), anything with meat in it. Like most Purebloods (in my verse), Saarai is a carnivore, though she can manage small amounts of fruits or veg she usually sticks to meat. Fond of native Korribani and Kaasian cuisine as it’s a reminder of Sith Space, where she has not set foot for many, many years  Day or Night: Night, especially if the sky is clear and she can see the stars  Pet: None  Colour: Dark blue  Flower: Anemone, Carnation, Lotus  Sexuality: Bisexual, but female-exclusive due to a bad past experience with her son’s father. She hasn’t been comfortable letting another man touch her since and never will be.  Body Type: Tall, broad-shouldered and muscular. Slight hourglass shape but very chunky and heavy-set. Literally a tank, not someone you want pelting towards you on the battlefield because she could (and will) run you over but good.  Eye Colour: Sulfur yellow  Hair Colour: Maroon
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