#syndicate rebecca and shaun are peak rebecca and shaun
nerdacious · 2 years
As you can probably tell I finished AC Syndicate last night lol
Really enjoyed it (except for all the carriage-centric missions and the TRAFFIC why did you program so much TRAFFIC into your game why not add stand in line at the DMV as well???)! Loved how much cleaner it was than Unity. Unity was overwhelming with all the stuff to do. There was a lot in Syndicate as well but the map was so uncluttered and those missions felt more optional to me.
Looooved the characters. They had a romance where no one died!! Henry is the sweetest and cutest. Evie was so cool and smart and I love her to bits. Every quest where they worked together was a joy to play.
At first Jacob kind of annoyed me just a little until I was like ooooh he is not straight and then it all made sense and I loved him. Peak chaos Bi.
Loved seeing Shaun and Rebecca again and meeting Galina! Shaun talking about Desmond broke my heart (and sent my shipping sensors off lol). They need to bring Desmond back somehow! That would be really cool after so long! I was cracking up (and wailing) at the notes about the Corgi named Desmond and how that sent Shaun off to cry in his room with the whisky lol
Don’t love how they made Winston Churchill out to be a good guy in the WWI quests though.
Anyways, probably one of my top 5 of the AC games I’ve played. Mostly because of the zip lines lol
Not sure if I’m going to jump right into Origins or play something else for a change of pace. I’ve been thinking about playing Divinity Original Sin 2 or knocking out a bunch of quick Indie games. I have so many! /sob
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
i totally get the AC thing like i was soooo skeptical abt origins bc it felt so wonky?? like i love odyssey but it doesn't really feel like assassin's creed, yanno? it feels like it's own entire like... game. like sure there's abstergo and the assassin-templar shit going on but like. it doesn't really have that AC vibe.
ngl i feel like 1-3 with Desmond was like. Peak AC. a nice blend of historical fiction, modern-time stuff (that actually makes you feel connected with the world) and like, sort of actual reasons for things to be happening? and then Desmond got merk'd. like 4 i think was silly but i enjoyed playing as a silly little intern fucking up abstergo's plans and stuff. and syndicate ! that was fun even though i think the modern-day player character took a backseat in that one (if there even really was a modern-day pc? i don't remember anymore).
but yeah. ac feels so... different. as if it's a whole secondary franchise just living in the desiccated carcass of the AC name for extra revenue.
SO real. 1-3 were peak, i think the Ezio trilogy is overrated, but it's beloved for good reason (except for Revelations, what the fuck was that about). They're clunky in their own ways (tho the gameplay haul in 3, I think, was really good, I actually love the gameplay in 3 and Unity-Syndicate the most), but the Desmond saga also had a really good modern-historical story balance, the lore wasn't as overwhelming (/neg) with the fantastical elements, but it still had something to draw you in with the "more than what meets the eye". The historical story in Black Flag was absolutely beautiful, I can write essays about it, I enjoyed it immensely, but the modern day story was more fun and full of easter eggs than carrying much importance (even tho the 4 modern story is when things really started going crazy, I think that's when the whole. Juno's husband's reincarnations with heterophobia in his eyes started going, and from then just the whole thing went wild, I couldn't really follow it).
Unity didn't even have a modern story to my knowledge. But i'll forever be salty ab the way they blueballed me. They put us. In REVOLUTIONARY FRANCE. and did NOTHING with that setting. You escape Bastille and that's It. Co-op missions had more lore on that, but like. Let me tell you. Nobody's fucking playing Unity co-op missions and they're impossible to solo.
Syndicate also had nothing. I love Syndicate, would probs love it more if Ubi didn't pussy out of putting real people as targets bc "living descendants might get offended wah wah" like. Okay. The modern segments, tho. I remember nothing ??? Shaun and Rebecca were there.
But wah, right. Assassin's Creed as the name used to market, but it feels distinctly different. Like if you play Assassin's Creed 2 and then Odyssey straight after, or just read the scripts, it's two entirely different universes. One is fantasy with historical elements, the other is historical with hints of fantasy (that could tbh be mistaken for sci-fi, i actually think originally the precursors... were more sci-fi than anything else)
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rebelrhee · 3 years
Shaun calling Rebecca "love" has got me feeling all kinds of soft
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felassanis · 5 years
Everything I love about Assassin’s Creed
1. Ezio da la la la
2. If you idle for long enough in Odyssey Ikaros comes and lands on Alexios’s/Kassandra’s arm and then alexios/Kassandra will greet him.
3. Edward’s outfit is by far my favourite Assassin robe. It looks so fooking cool.
4. Alkibiades
5. The first mission in Assassin’s Creed III. Finding the temple and it coming alive with all the lights and the humming was so fucking cool and the theatre with Haytham was such a good way to start the game, I loved the environment that went with the theatre and the parkour was really good too, everything was good even though I had no idea why we were there in the first place lol.
7. Edward’s tattoos being the only reason why I go whaling in AC:Black flag
8. The dynamic between Jacob and Evie, I’ve always wanted a twin duo in a game and Jacob and Evie Frye were awesome and y’all keep sleeping on them.
9. The different colour schemes in Assassin’s Creed 2 for the different cities gave the locations their own feel and vibe and it differentiated them from each other while also ensuring that the landscapes were utterly gorgeous. For example, Venice had cooler colours, very blue and silver while Florence was warmer, with more orange and brown thrown into the mix. It really gave those maps their own identity and it was great.
10. All of Lineage. all of it, it was flipping fantastic and I know it’s not a game but it was brilliant and the other Assassin’s Creed movie will never top it despite Michael Fasbender being in it.
11. That cutscene in Black Flag where Blackbeard lights his beard on fire, I love that historical accuracy because it was very likely true and it’s so SO bad-fucking-ass
12. Alkibiades
13. How quickly I fell in love with Frederico Auditore despite the fella only having about 5 lines.
14. Also just how quickly I came to love the Auditore family, that was how well written they were, that I fell in love after 30 minutes with them. 
16. Desmond Miles’s snark.
17. ‘Hey whatta matta with you altair,’
19. How buffy Kassandra is
20. The hookblade was actually amazing in Revelations and I’m in full support that it shouldbe brought back. The noise it made was also oddly satisfying too?
21. The Glyphs in AC2 were spooky and ominous and I refused to do the last mission until I had found all of them and uncovered the Truth. Because that entire side quest was full of anticipation and the creepy vibe the Glyphs gave off and how the footage of Adam and Eve was cut up and glitchy was just really interesting and it peaked with a climax.
23. The golden beads in Alexios’s hair.
24. And Alexios just being an overall gorgeous human being who’s face was chiselled by the gods.
25. The flying machine mission in AC2 while really aggravating if you didn’t do it the first time was also really fun and getting to see Leonardo all giddy and happy made it worth it.
26. I don’t know if it’s just me? but Connor’s hair? like I know for a fact that I like men with long hair but something about his hair and the feather intertwined into it was just really appealing? and while I know why Connor shaved his hair I couldn’t help but screech when he did lmao but that’s because it’s obviously not my tradition and it’s abnormal to me. pfft
27. Revelations is one of the best AC games and I’ll fight anyone on this. It was phenomenal given how it finally concluded Ezio’s story (and remember Ezio was the face of the franchise for years and he was fan favourite and still is so there were some pressure and expectations) and how it also concluded Altair’s story.
28. Altair wasn’t that interesting in the original game but Revelations added depth and layers to his characters and made him way more intriguing. The game also gave this character important significance to the lore and I think that’s the perfect way to honour the guy who started it all. As much as we love Ezio, Altair came before and without him, Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t quite be the way it was today. (although it’s up to you if that’s a bad thing or not lmao)
29. And seeing Ezio old and matured, becoming this wise legend of a man was really cool and getting to play as him in his final journey was both heartbreaking but satisfactory.
30. I have to give a massive applause to Ubisoft for making Leonardo gay as well in Brotherhood prominently. I don’t think it was ever proven historically if he was? but it was rumoured? and yet Ubisoft went and made it canon giving that representation while also having Ezio outright say he’s okay with Leonardo dating men?! Like, in that time period if you were gay you could go to prison and the general view of homosexuality was that of disgust and yet Ezio is just here supporting his best friend? hell yes.
32. I have certain feelings with Unity, but I won’t lie that the parkour was spot on in that game.
33. Gideon Emery....just Gideon Emery as Reginald Birch. The character’s a massive prick but god...that voice.
34. Connor mentioning his grandfather Edward as he’s sailing the Aquila.
35. Getting to see the wreck of the Jackdaw in Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry was gut-wrenching.
36. Finally getting to pet animals in ACIII.
37. Finally getting to feed pigs in a video game ^^
39. OKay, I like Shaun because the guy is really entertaining and he’s British like me and I need to see this fucker in future games again...because after Syndicate he just vanishes and we got...Fucking Layla ugh.
40. The Naval combat in Black Flag is unmatched, fighting other ships never felt like a chore and it was fun and thrilling and the rewards felt deserving. And the feeling of taking down your first Man’o War is RIVETING.
41. Rebecca calling the Animus ‘Baby’
42. She’s another character I want to see come back. And she and Shaun better come back and be alive.
43. Lucy being a Templar was a plot twist I never saw coming but I was all for that angst especially when it seemed like they were setting up what I thought was the inevitable Desmond x Lucy romance. But I guessed wrong.
44. Yusuf Tazim being the joy and light of Revelations. fuck you Ubisoft
45. Ezio’s family theme song is the most iconic video game songs ever.
46. The introduction of Alkibiades in Odyssey, what a great way to introduce a character. like seriously, I fell in love with that fucker the moment he started speaking and felt up Kassandra’s arms while being half naked and wasted.
47. Bayek being a breath of fresh air in wonderfully written complex characters whose story was powerful and tragic. He needs a sequel.
48. Assassins Creed Brotherhood’s trailer being iconic.
49. When returning to Florence to retrieve the apple and you bring Ezio back to his old home only to see the ghosts of his entire family waiting for him. I was gobsmacked when that happened and it’s such a beautiful detail.
50. Mary Read/James Kidd being one of the best characters in Black Flag and leader in the ‘did not deserve it’ club. Every minute of her was flipping terrific and her significance in Edward’s story as one of the driving points that turned him into a better man was great.
51. I cried at the end of Black Flag.
52. The little text about Shaun sobbing when you look at the database on Desmond the dog in Syndicate.
53. The lip scar being shared between Desmond, Ezio and Altair was a cool detail.
54. The interchangeable cloaks in ACII.
55. Henry Green was so soft, kind and lovely and I honestly adore him.
56. Cane swords in Syndicate WERE AWESOME
57. NO fall damage in Odyssey. Keep this feature I don’t care how impossible it is for me to survive a jump off of a giant statue of a naked god it’s cool and I want it for every other game about to be released.
58. If you walk through grass in Origins Bayek sticks his hand out like that scene in Gladiator.
59. The scene in ACII Where Ezio uncovers his father’s robes from the chest and holds it up, It’s an incredible scene and the music fits so well with it and if you’ve watched Lineage it’s all the more amazing.
60. Rosa being pretty and terrifying in ACII.
61. The Bleeding effect being that other thing in lore that is SO BLOODY INTRIGUING and I wish it was explored a bit more. Can you actually imagine having the bleeding effect? where you can’t tell the past and the present apart? where you see ghosts from the past and hear voices no one else hears? jesus,..
62. getting answers about Clay/Subject 16. Ever since he left that writing in the wall with his own blood I was hooked on his story and thank god we got answers and a face to the legendary name. I wouldn’t mind more of him though.
63. I’ve always been fascinated with Native Americans and finally getting to explore them a bit more in ACIII proved to be interesting and I hope it was satisfactory representation for Native Americans.
64. finally getting to play in the present day in assassin’s creed brotherhood and 3, like actually getting to run around and explore as Desmond.
(I did a post like this on my old blog and I’ve rewrote them on here but I also got some new things, I just like having a post like this on my blog and I like seeing people who also agree with these brilliant features in this franchise, you can pretty much tell which two games are my favourite lol, Black Flag and 2 will always have a special place in my heart,)
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